Open Access: Health Prospect Journal of Public Health
Open Access: Health Prospect Journal of Public Health
Open Access: Health Prospect Journal of Public Health
Original Research Article
Health Prospect
Open Access
Journal of Public Health
Causes of Violence against Women: A Qualitative Study
at Bardiya District
Khatri RB1, Pandey BK2
Resham Bahadur Khatri, Plan Nepal, Kathmandu
Birendranagar Multiple Campus, Mid Western University, Surkhet, Nepal
Violence is universal act that threatens life, health and happiness of all human beings. This includes threat, coercion
and the arbitrary deprivation of resources. Violence against women is usually performed by a male partner. Violence
against women is a global epidemic and gives physical, psychological, sexual and economical tortures. Every indi-
vidual has basic right to live in their home peacefully, but women’s basic right is isolated due to violence. Violence
against women is the most pervasive of human right violation.
Qualitative research design was used for this study to explore perceptions, suffering, pain, feelings, opinion or views
on violence against women. 20 female victims of the violence against women were selected for the study. Non-proba-
bility purposive sampling technique was used. In-depth interview guideline was used to collect the data. Thematic data
analysis was done to explore to causes of violence against women.
Most of the respondents were under 30 years. Married and illiterate were observed more victims of the violence
against women. Main causes of violence were low status of women, illiteracy, economic dependence, patriarchal so-
ciety. Other causes were inter-caste marriage, husband listening to other family members, sexual dissatisfaction, and
unemployment, and extramarital relation of husband, suspicious attitude, gambling, and dowry system.
Violence against women has evolved as a part of a system of gender relation. Ideas of male supremacy, dominance
over female are often reflected in societies and considered as private matter. Violence is continuing of beliefs that grant
men right to control women’s behavior, violence, which results in injury of the victims.
wife has failed to play her role, for instance, asking for by their husbands or partners in South East Asian Re-
husband expenses or stressing the need of their children gion. (13) Violence related injuries were the fifth most
then violence is his response. Partners’ violence account common cause of maternal death in rural Bangladesh.
for huge number of deaths by murdering women. Even Out of 1842 women aged between 15-39 years from the
in developed countries like US or Australia, 40-70% of district in Uttar Pradesh in North India and Tamil Nadu in
female murder victims were killed by their husbands or South India reported that 42-48% and 36-38% prevalence
boyfriends. (5) of violence respectively. (13) Effects of such violence on
victims range from relatively minor cuts and bruises to
Magnitude of the problems is seen in variety of forms- permanent disabilities and death. Victims of physical ag-
physical abuse, sexual abuse and rape in intimate rela- gression are subjected to multiple acts of violence over
tionship, feticide, sexual abuse of children and adoles- extended period of time. Physical violence in intimate
cents, forced abortions, sex-selective abortion, female relationships is often observed by psychological abuse,
infanticide and differential access to food and medical about half of the cases by sexual violence. Partner vio-
care, traditional and cultural practices affecting the health lence accounts for 40-70% murders, where women are
and lives of women. (5) Women are suffering violence, killed by their husband or boyfriend, often during ongoing
from womb to elderly stages of life in any form; they are abusive relationships. (2)
even prevented from birth. (6, 7)
Violence against women is being openly discussed only
Culturally, there is a norm which accepts fate; to be born since the last 10 years in Nepal. Violence against women
as a woman is the result of your bad deeds in the previ- is not accepted as violence in Nepalese society, due to
ous life. So, it is culturally accepted in the form of women’s strong patriarchal society and limited freedom of expres-
fate. Victims of violence against women are often married sion of such social evils. Violence against women is less
women. Incidence of home based violence against wom- reported in Nepal. It is because of shame and guilt expe-
en is high though it is under reported. Violence is unac- rienced by the families of victims and unsatisfactory re-
ceptable and no women deserves to be beaten, sexually sponse by police. Few women are courageous to take
abused or made to suffer emotionally. Our society has their cases to court, because of the social pressure they
created an environment, where the society is tolerant of used to conceal such incidents. (5)
the abuser and is intolerant of the victim. Violence against
women is a sensitive issue and therefore very little in- Methods
formation is available. This study will try to explore the The study was conducted in the Aawaj organization lo-
causes of violence and fulfill the gap leading to violence cated in Gulariya Municipality-8 of Bardiya district of Ne-
against women. pal. Study duration was December 1-30, 2010. Aawaj is
local organization working for victims of violence against
Violence against women and girls has been in existence women. This organization provides counseling, legal
in Nepali society. A study conducted in Nepal revealed support for victims. Community level advocacy, rehabili-
that 93% were exposed to mental and emotional torture, tations supports are other works of Aawaj in the district.
82% were beaten, 30% raped, 28% forced to prostitution, Total 43 cases were attended in organization for care help
64% had polygamous relationship. (8) Higher suicide rate and supports. Out of 43 victims, 20 victims were inter-
in reproductive age groups is due to violence against viewed because it was the saturation point of intended in-
women. (9) A study in 2004 concluded that maternal formation. Those who refused to interview were excluded
mortality accounts for the highest number of women’s from the study. The qualitative research design was used.
deaths each year. (8) A nationwide survey conducted in Data collection tool was in-depth interview guideline,
2011 showed that one third of females suffered from any which was used to collect perception, experiences, views,
kinds of violence in last 12 months. (10) About 200,000 opinions, their suffering and pains on violence against
Nepalese girls are trafficked to India and average age women. It was ensured that all information provided by
of trafficked girls is 14-16 years. (11) Women and girls respondents would be confidential and used only for re-
working in carpet factory suffer from sexual harassment search purpose. Ethical approval was taken from Institu-
as 44% body touching, 29 % obsceneness remark and tional Review Board of Birendra Nagar Multiple Campus,
27% even teasing. (12) In the Nepali context, no one in- Tribhuvan University, Surket.
tervenes at the time of sexual and gender based disputes
in the home due to our cultural practices, perpetrator of This study used non-probability purposive sampling
violence against women receive legal, judicial and cul- technique. Violence against women is a very sensitive
tural impunity, very few organization have recognized the issue. Pre-tested in-depth interview guideline was used
need for concrete effective means to address violence for data collection. Trained female counselors conducted
against women. Inadequate education, different cultural in-depth interview with victims in Aawaj Office. Informed
practices, gender inequality, particularly disadvantaged consent was taken before interview. Confidentiality was
women, and lack of involvement in decision making and maintained during interview and they were ensured that
discriminatory laws and economic marginalization are information collected would be used only for research
reasons behind violence against women. (5) purpose. Right of the individual dignity was respected.
Low external validity and some information biases are the
Violence by husband is a major health concern in South- limitations of the study that occurred due to sensitive is-
East Asia. Up to 50% women reported physical violence sues as data collection process is passive on violence
lationships but society was tolerating this as usual phe- but is still an under reported problem. Violence against
nomena. Some victims told ‘law’ and ‘policy’ were equal women is violation of women’s rights. The data on vio-
only in words but not implemented properly in practice. lence against women is hard to get. Very few studies
They perceived that the weak implementation of law is have been done in this subject. It has been just a decade
due to poor access in judicial system. There was unani- that we started discussing openly about violence against
mous voice about inefficiency of law enactment for the women. Among different forms of violence, domestic vio-
perpetrator of violence against women. lence is the most common. Most perpetrators of domestic
violence escaped persecution under the Nepali justice
Timing of violence and perpetrators of violence system. Violence against women frequently takes the
Violence against women occurred mostly at night be- form of physical violence, verbal harassment and emo-
cause nobody could recognize it. Poor victims told they tional abuse. Psychological abuse among women is as
were suffered at any time. The perpetrators were hus- common as physical abuse. The patriarchal family struc-
bands followed by in-laws. ture frequently fosters abuse in the family. (14) The South
East Asian region has one of the highest incidences of
“My husband always comes drinking at late night. Some- violence against women in the world. (15)
times, he used to come with other friends. He beat me
and scolded me public places. He blamed me and tor- Violence against women, by its nature may not be seen
tured me that I did not respect him and his friends who in isolation in Nepalese society where the neglect and
came home for drinking.” abuse of females is the routine of the day in almost all
-Response of 28 years old victim families and communities. Recognizing the need of
awareness about it, women rights activist organizations
Economic status and perception on spouse are bringing this issue in the forefront by initiating ad-
In most of the families, the husbands are looked upon vocacy work against violence. (14) Almost five hundred
as earning sons, who played a vital role in the family. cases of suicide were reported to Nepal police. (8) The
He earns bread so rest of the family members respects census recorded half million women living in polygamous
him and he is always given high priority & taken, spe- marriages. (11) Study conducted in 1997 on violence
cial care. It was also found that the husbands have been against women in Nepal revealed that 93% were exposed
treated as neglected sons due to unemployment. Most of to mental and emotional torture, 82% were beaten, 30%
the respondents see their husbands as their life partners were raped, 28% were forced into prostitution, and 64%
and some respondents feel husbands as a friends and reported polygamy. Study conducted in 2005 mentioned
supportive partners. The inability to supplement family that domestic violence has been reported in rural as
income due to loss of productivity or employment as a well as urban setting. (8) A study conducted among 300
result of having sick and having to take the sick leave mothers who delivered in hospitals and 50 mothers who
from the work is an unseen cost which is usually born by delivered in the communities showed domestic violence
the victim. was a frequent phenomenon during pregnancy. Verbal
abuse, neglect and deprivation also resulted in emotional
distress of the pregnant women and some of women re-
Family support and issues of decision making ported forced sexual intercourse during pregnancy.(3)
Most of the respondents have to perform their household
chores themselves. Husband and the in-law members do
This study has similar findings as that of previous re-
not assist them in household chores. They considered it
searches done in different parts of the Nepalese con-
as a feminine work; some of them had to assist them.
text, either form of domestic violence or violence against
Majority of the victims stated that major decisions of the
women and girls. Violence against women issues are the
family have been made by the father in law and husband.
contemporary issues in our context. Comprehensive and
Mother in-law also made some of the decisions. However,
carefully documented research on violence against wom-
unanimously they said male members of the family are
en is needed to know whether women are experiencing
powerful for the decision of family. Majority of respond-
more violence in our setting. Advocacy approach is better
ent’s husband had the habit of drinking alcohol. Some of
to understand obstacles and develop appropriate meth-
them scolded their wives with vulgar words and looked at
ods for combating them.
wife in a suspicious manner. Husbands mad new female
friends and enjoy themselves.
“My daughter is 11 years old and mentally retarded. When Violence against women has evolved as a part of a sys-
she was on the way to home from jungle of Taratal VDC, tem of gender relations which points out that men are
one 45 years old man attacked her and she was raped. superior to women. Root causes of the violence against
She became unconscious; informed to home, then im- women were low status of women in the community and
mediately. She was admitted for medical care in district women were considered as a commodity. Illiteracy and
hospital, and legal supports started. It was found that the economic dependence over male were main factors
prosecutor is their own relative.” of violence. Poor access in decision making power of
-Mother of victim women, early marriage, traditional beliefs, values, norms
which were deeply rooted to violence against women.
Discussion Violence is a continue of beliefs that grant men right to
Violence against women is widespread in Nepali society
control women’s behavior, violence, among other things
that results in injury of the victim and also has to bear the 14. Pardhananga RB, Shrestha P. Domestic violence in Nepal: con-
cepts, history and existing laws. Nepal Law Campus, Kathmandu, Ne-
cost of seeking the medical treatment. Mental torture, ne-
pal; 2006.
glect and physical beating were the most common forms
of violence. Marital rape and sexual harassment was also 15. Hayword RF. Breaking the Earthenware Jar: Lesson from South Asia
found in some cases. The perpetrators were husbands to End Violence against Women and Girls. New York. UNICEF. 2000.
followed by in-laws. Violence against women occurred
mostly at night during dinner. Use of alcohol, supremacy
feeling of men, husbands’ habit of listening to other family
members, gambling , sexual dissatisfaction were the con-
tributors for the violence against women. Unemployment
status of the respondent’s husband, extramarital affairs
and son preference in family were also seen as the con-
tributors to violence against women.
Conflict of interest
We declare no conflict of interest
We are grateful to Kesher Singh Rana, Manhari Dhakal
for their valuable guidance during proposal development,
and preliminary report writing. I also acknowledge the
Shandhya Sharma and Sadhana BC for data collection
process of the entire study. We would like to attribute
the work to Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
Birendranagar Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University,
Surkhet, Nepal.
1. UN. Declaration on the elimination of violence against women: United
Nations General Assembly;1993.
4. Heise LL. Ending violence against women. New Delhi; Medical com-
munications network, Jain Medical center: 38, Volume XXVII, 2000.
10. Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) [Nepal] New ERA, and
ICF International Inc. Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011.
Kathmandu, Nepal: Ministry of Health and Population, New ERA, and
ICF International, Calverton, Maryland., 2012.
11. DFID. Citizens with (out) Rights: Nepal Gender and Social Exclusion