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Server Events and Client Scripts

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Server Events and Client Scripts

You can implement your own business logic by writing your own server events and client scripts. Your code is stored in the project so you can
migrate your project to other templates or future versions easily. This feature reduces the need of template customization and create maximum
possibilities for you to customize and create more advanced features for your projects.

After loading the database, the database objects (tables, views, custom views and reports) will be shown in the left pane (the database pane).
Click on any table to go to the Field Setup Page and then select the Code tab (which contains Server Events, Client Scripts and Custom

Note: For simplicity, we use "table" in the following description to refer to any of database object in the project. A database object can be either
a table, a view, a custom view or a report.

The treeview shows the available server events and client scripts that you can add to your project:

Server Events Server-side PHP procedures

Global The events are applicable to all PHP pages

Table-Specific The set of events are table-specific, the events are applicable to the selected table only

Other The events are applicable to some common pages in the project only

Client Scripts Client-side JavaScript

Global The JavaScript are included in all pages with header and footer

Table-Specific The JavaScript are table-specific, they are included to pages for the selected table only

Other The JavaScript are included in some common pages in the project only

To add your custom scripts to the server events or client scripts, select an item in the treeview, then enter your code in the editor.

The editor supports Find and Replace. Press Ctrl-F to open the Find dialog and press Ctrl-H to open the Replace dialog.

You can click the [Clear] button to discard the existing code and reset template code for the server event or client script.

Code Repository
PHPMaker provides a Code Repository for easy reuse of your code across projects and sharing with other users. Click the [Code Repository]
button to open it, categorized reusable code will be displayed:

You can add the code to the editor by clicking the [Add to Editor] button. The reusable code is stored in XML files which reside in s subfolder
name "code" under the installation folder. The format of the XML files is simple, there are 3 parts:

1. description - description of the reusable code

2. code - code to be inserted to editor
3. globalcode - common code to be inserted to Global Code (see below), this code will only be inserted once into the project. For example ,
if your code is used several times in your project and your code calls a helper function, it is unnecessary to include the helper function
several times. In this case you put your helper function in the globalcode section, then the function will only be included one time.

There are a few example files in the "code" folder, you can copy and modify for your own code and then save them under the "code" folder for

Server Events
In general, server events are fired in the following order: (not all pages are the same)

Global Code (Global)

Language_Load (Language class method)
Database_Connecting/Connected (Global function)
User_CustomValidate (Security class method)
UserLevel_Loaded (Security class method)
User_Validated (Security class method)
TablePermission_Loading/Loaded (Security class method)
TablePermission_Loaded (Security class method)
UserID_Loading/Loaded (Security class method)
Page_Loading (Global function)
Page_Load (Page class method)
Page_Rendering (Global function)
Page_Render (Page class method)
Page_Head (Global)
MenuItem_Adding (Global function)
Menu_Rendering/Rendered (Global function)
Page_DataRendering (Page class method)
Recordset*/Grid*/Row* (Page class method)
Page_DataRendered (Page class method)
Page_Foot (Global)
Page_Unload (Page class method)
Page_Unloaded (Global function)
Page_Redirecting (Page class method)
1. The page classes inherit from the table classes, so you can use $this in the page class methods to access table class members. For
backward compatibility, the table object is kept and it is an alias of the page object, so you can also use $this in the table class
methods to access page class members.
2. The Page_Unload and Page_Unloaded are server side events to be fired every time the page is accessed and before the HTML is
outputted to the browser on the client side. They are NOT events to be fired before you leave the page and reload the page or go to
another page. For example, if you submit a form in the page, usually it submits to the page itself, you are actually reloading the
page, all server events will be fired again. For another example, if you click a hyperlink which links to another page, the page on the
server side is not even accessed again and no server events for the page will be fired.
3. If a server event is a global function, there is NO $this in the function context. If you want to refer to the current page object, you
can use the global function CurrentPage().
4. In the following table, the <fieldname> in code, e.g. in $this-><fieldname>-><property> or x_<fieldname>, represents the field
variable name (see Database, Table and Field Variable Names). However, note that if the field name is quoted, e.g. as a key in
$rs['<fieldname>'], <fieldname> is the actual field name as in the database, not the field variable name.
5. Server events are functions or class methods, if you need to use global variables in the events, note the PHP variable scope, you
must use the global keyword or $GLOBALS.

Available server events are:

Global -> All Pages

Page_Head The code you entered in this event will be placed in the header.php before closing the <head> section. You can
use this event to can add your code in head section. Note: This is a global function.

For example, PHPMaker does NOT support jQuery UI, AdminLTE plugins, or other jQuery plugins, but you can
include them yourself. Then you can use the widgets using Startup Script (see below).

Example 1

Include jQuery UI by PHP (using CDN):

AddStylesheet("//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"); // Add CSS stylesheet

AddClientScript("//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"); // Add JavaScript

Example 2

Alternatively, you can include by HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">

<script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>

Example 3

You can even use both PHP and HTML, but in such case you MUST use <?php ... ?>, e.g.

<?php AddStylesheet("//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"); ?>

<script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>

Page_Foot The code you entered in this event will be placed in the footer.php after the <footer> section. You can use this
event to can add your code for the website. Note: This is a global function.

Example 1 - Add a dropdown menu on the right navbar by JsRender template

<script type="text/html" class="ew-js-template" data-name="myDropdown" data-method="prependTo" data-

target="#ew-navbar-right" data-seq="10">
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">
<i class="fa fa-bell-o"></i>
<span class="badge badge-warning navbar-badge">15</span>
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-lg dropdown-menu-right">
<span class="dropdown-item dropdown-header">15 Notifications</span>
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<a href="#" class="dropdown-item">
<i class="fa fa-envelope mr-2"></i> 4 new messages
<span class="float-right text-muted text-sm">3 mins</span>
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<a href="#" class="dropdown-item dropdown-footer">See All Notifications</a>

Example 2 - Add a control sidebar on the right side of the site.

Note Control sidebar requires default AdminLTE layout and therefore does NOT work properly if the
Reset Layout Height setting is disabled (see Advanced Settings).

<aside class="control-sidebar control-sidebar-light">

<div class="p-3"><!-- Control sidebar content goes here --></div>

<script type="text/html" class="ew-js-template" data-name="myControlSidebar" data-method="prependTo"

data-target="#ew-navbar-right" data-seq="10">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" data-widget="control-sidebar" data-slide="true" href="#"><i class="fa fa-

The generated script can apply JsRender templates automatically if the template is in the format of <script
type="text/html" class="ew-js-template">...</script>. Using these templates you can change virtually
everywhere of the whole layout. Note: The CSS class name "ew-js-template" is mandatory and is case-

The following data-* attributes are supported:

data-name (Optional) Name of the template.

Note If more than one templates have the same name, only the first template will be

data-target (Required) The target (CSS selector) of the template. To be used with data-method (see next).


1. This must be a valid CSS selector, otherwise the target cannot be found and the
template cannot be rendered.
2. Press F12 in browser, inspect the HTML elements, check the id and class attributes
to find the correct CSS selector of your target.

data-method (Optional) The jQuery method name to apply the template. In general, the template will be
rendered by:


The following jQuery methods are supported:

Name Method Description

appendTo .appendTo() Insert HTML to the end of the target

prependTo .prependTo() Insert HTML to the beginning of the target

insertAfter .insertAfter() Insert HTML after the target

insertBefore .insertBefore() Insert HTML before the target

replaceAll .replaceAll() Replace target with the HTML

If method is unspecified, the template will be rendered by:

data-data (Optional) Data to be passed to the template. It must be a property name of the ew.vars
object or the window object. If you want to pass data to the template, make sure you set the
data first.

For example, menu data is set to ew.vars.menu and then data-data="menu" is set for the menu
template. You can override the default menu template by adding your own with same name
(i.e. data-name="menu") in Page_Foot event. Similarly for the multi-language selector (data-
name="languages") and the logged-in user dropdown panel (data-name="login").

data-seq (Optional) The sequence number of the template to be applied. If unspecified, it is 0. The
larger the number, the later the template will be applied. If there are more than one templates
for the same target, you may need to use this attribute to determine which template applies

Note An empty template can be found in Code Repository.

Database_Connecting This event will be called by all PHP pages before connecting to the database. Note: This is a global function.

If general, the argument is an array with the following keys: host, port, user, pass, db. If Access, the key is
connectionstring. You can use this event to change the connection string (e.g. changing connection info with
server, or even connect to other databases).

Example 1

// MySQL/PostgreSQL
function Database_Connecting(&$info) {
// assume the scripts are generated with connection info for local PC
if (CurrentUserIP() <> "") { // not connecting to local PC
// connect to the production database
$info["host"] = "localhost";
$info["user"] = "xxx";
$info["pass"] = "yyy";
$info["db"] = "production_db";

Example 2

It is possible to use single login and common Dynamic User Levels for multiple projects provided that ALL
projects use the same project name and same Advanced Security tables (i.e. User Table, User Level Table and
User Level Permission Table). If all projects uses the same database and same Advanced Security tables, then
the latter condition is auto fulfilled. However, if the projects use different databases, you can use this event to
change the connection info so the user can get the Dynamic User Levels from the common Advanced Security
tables correctly during login, e.g.

// MySQL/PostgreSQL
function Database_Connecting(&$info) {
if (preg_match('/login|userpriv/', CurrentPageID()) { // login.php or userpriv.php
// connect to the common database with the common Advanced Security tables
$info["host"] = "localhost";
$info["user"] = "xxx";
$info["pass"] = "yyy";
$info["db"] = "common_db";
Database_Connected This event will be fired by all PHP pages after connecting to the database. Note: This is a global function.

The argument is the connection object, you can use it to execute your own statements.


Call a stored procedure after connection.

function Database_Connected(&$conn) {
$conn->Execute("CALL MyStoredProcedure");

Language_Load This event will be fired when the language file is loaded. You can use it to change the language phrases if
necessary. Note: This event is a language class member.

Example 1

function Language_Load() {
$this->setPhrase("MyID", "MyValue"); // Refer to language file for the actual phrase id
$this->setPhraseClass("MyID", "fa fa-xxx ew-icon"); // Refer to
https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/ for icon name

Example 2

Change the HTML markup of the language selector.

function Language_Load() {
$this->Type = "DROPDOWN"; // Set the Type, supported types are: LI/DROPDOWN (for used with top
Navbar) or SELECT/RADIO (NOT for used with top Navbar)
//$this->Template = "<My JsRender template>"; // OR use custom JsRender template

Page_Loading This event will be called by all PHP pages at the beginning of the page. If the pages involves database
connection, it will be called after connecting to the database and before the Page_Load event. Note: This is a
global function, NOT page class member.

Page_Rendering This event will be called by all PHP pages before outputting HTML for the page. Note: This is a global
function, NOT page class member.

Page_Unloaded This event will be called by all PHP pages at the end of the page. If the pages involves database connection, it
will be called before closing database connection and after the Page_Unload event. Note: This is a global
function, NOT page class member.
Global Code Code to be included in all PHP pages. This may contain your constants, variables, functions and classes.

Example 1

Use another class for Export to Excel (not PhpSpreadsheet)

class MyExportExcel extends ExportExcel {

// Override ExportTableheader()
function ExportTableHeader() {
$this->Text .= "<div>" . $this->Table->TableCaption() . "</div>"; // Add table caption
parent::ExportTableHeader(); // Call the parent method

$EXPORT['excel'] = 'MyExportExcel'; // Replace the default ExportExcel class by your own class

Example 2

Add AWS SDK for PHP to composer.json (see Using User Code) and register Amazon S3 Stream Wrapper

putenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx"); // Change to your own access key ID

putenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxx"); // Change to your own secret access key
$s3client = new \Aws\S3\S3Client([
"version" => "latest",
"region" => "us-east-2" // Change to your own region
//, "http" => ["verify" => FALSE] // Disable certificate verification (this is insecure!)

User_CustomValidate For use with security. (See Security Settings) This event is fired before default user validation. You can use this
event to validate the user yourself. The arguments are the user name and password the user entered. Return
TRUE if the username and password pass your custom validation. Note: This event is a security class


1. If you use "Windows" or "LDAP" authentication (see Advanced Settings), returning TRUE or FALSE in
this event does not matter. The user will be validated by Windows or LDAP later.
2. If you use "LDAP" authentication (see Advanced Settings), you can use this event to modify the
username and password, if necessary, for subsequent validation with LDAP server.
3. Default validation will continue after this event is fired. If you return TRUE, the user will always pass
the default validation and get the User ID and User Level, if any. If you return FALSE, the default
validation proceeds as normal. If you use Advanced Security, you still need the user table to
store user information such as User ID and User Level, although the password field value can
be empty or any value if you return TRUE.


Remove the domain name to match the user name in user table (for User ID/Level Security, if enabled) after
Windows authentication, if the user table stores the user name without domain name.

function User_CustomValidate(&$usr, &$pwd) {

if (IsAuthenticated()) { // Windows authentication
$ar = explode("\\", $usr);
if (count($ar) > 1)
$usr = $ar[1]; // Return the user name only
Ldap_Validated For use with "LDAP" authentication (see Advanced Settings) only. This event is fired after User_CustomValidate
(see above). When this event is fired, the user bind is already done successfully, but you can use this event to
do further validation or to get some more information of the user from the LDAP server. Return TRUE if the
user your custom validation. Note: This event is a Ldap class member.


Check groups of Active Directory user.

function Ldap_Validated(&$usr, &$pwd) {

// Do something (if any) after binding an user successfully, for example, use the Search() method
which returns entries directly
// The arguments are $base_dn, $filter and $attributes, see ldap_search, actual values depending
on LDAP server.
$entries = $this->Search("OU=Departments,DC=college,DC=school,DC=edu", // Base DN for the
"(sAMAccountName=" . $this->User . ")", // Search filter
["memberof"]); // Attributes
foreach ($entries[0]["memberof"] as $grp) { // Check groups
if (in_array($grp, ["group1", "group2"]))
return TRUE;
return FALSE; // Return TRUE/FALSE to validate the user

User_Validated For use with security. (See Security Settings) This event is fired after validating the user with the user table.
Note: This event is a security class member.

1. This event is not fired for the hard-coded administrator (who is not an user in the user table).
2. If the user is found in the user table, the argument $rs is an array, you can get a field value by
$rs['<fieldname>']. If the user is not found, $rs is NULL. By default most user info is already loaded
into the global user profile object, Profile(), but the info does not include the password field,
BLOB fields, and memo fields, you can use this event to get more info from the user table.
3. You can use this event to override the user name, User ID, Parent user ID and User Level (if User
ID/Level Security is enabled) for the validated user by the LoginUser() method of the security class.
The arguments of the method are:
function LoginUser($userName = NULL, $userID = NULL, $parentUserID = NULL, $userLevel =
If any argument is NULL, the corresponding property will not be affected.

Example 1

Add additional current user info to the global user profile object

function User_Validated(&$rs) {
Profile()->Set("Notes", $rs["Notes"]); // Set additional data to the profile object
Profile()->Save(); // Save to session

You can get it later elsewhere by Profile()->Get("Country").

Example 2

Check if an user password has expired by custom code with Enable password expiry (see Security Settings)

function User_Validated(&$rs) {
if ($rs["PasswordExpired"] == "Y") { // Assume the user table has a field named "PasswordExpired"
storing if the password has expired
Profile()->setPasswordExpired($rs["Username"]); // Assume the user name field is named
return FALSE; // Return FALSE to invalidate the user
UserLevel_Loaded For use with User Level security. (See Security Settings) This event is fired after successful user login and after
the User Level settings are loaded. It is possible to do actions such as changing or adding User Level
permissions. Note: This event is a security class member.

Example 1

Change the permissions of an User Level for a table

// Note: This event is a Security class member, so you can refer to other members of the Security
class directly
function UserLevel_Loaded() {
$this->deleteUserPermission("Sales", "orders", ALLOW_ADD); // The first 2 arguments can also be
$this->addUserPermission("Sales", "orders", ALLOW_EDIT); // The first 2 arguments can also be

Example 2

Grant all permissions to an User Level for a table

// Note: This event is a Security class member, so you can refer to other members of the Security
class directly
function UserLevel_Loaded() {
$this->addUserPermission("Manager", "employees", ALLOW_ALL); // The first 2 arguments can also be

MenuItem_Adding This event is fired for custom menu items before it is added to the menu. The menu item info is passed to the
event as an instance of the cMenuItem object (see below). Return FALSE if you don't want to show the menu
item. If you return TRUE, the menu item will be added to the menu, but it does not mean that it will be always
displayed. A menu item will be displayed only if its Allowed property is TRUE. When the menu item is passed
to this event, the Allowed property is set based on the User Level Security of the project, you can however
change it by setting $Item->Allowed as TRUE or FALSE as needed. Note: This is a global function.

Example 1

Only show a menu item after the user has logged in

function MenuItem_Adding(&$item) {
// Return False if menu item not allowed
if ($item->Text == "Download")
return Security()->IsLoggedIn();
return TRUE;

Example 2

Set the menu item properties

function MenuItem_Adding(&$item) {
if ($item->Text == "Download")
$item->Icon = "fa-download";
if ($item->Text == "Something")
$item->Label = "<small class=\"label float-right bg-green\">new</small>"; // Label shows on
the right hand side of the menu item (for vertical menu only)
return TRUE;

Note If your project is multi-language, the $item->Text will be different for each language, you may
check $item->Name or $item->Url instead. Check the generated ewmenu.php to see the item names or
Menu_Rendering This event is fired before the menu is rendered. You can manipulate the menu items in this event. The
argument is the menu object. (See Menu Object below.) Note: This is a global function.

Example 1

Add an additional menu item to the menu for logged in users only.

function Menu_Rendering($menu) {
if ($menu->Id == "menu") { // Sidebar menu or change from "menu" to "navbar" for top menu
$menu->addMenuItem(10000, "MyName", "MyMenuText", "MyPage.php", -1, "", IsLoggedIn());
$menu->moveItem("Logout", $menu->Count() - 1); // Move to last

Example 2

Remove all the default menu items and use your own menu items.

function Menu_Rendering(&$menu) {
if ($menu->Id == "menu") { // Sidebar menu
$menu->Clear(); // Clear all menu items
$menu->addMenuItem(1, "MyName1", "MyMenuText1", "MyPage1.php");
$menu->addMenuItem(2, "MyName2", "MyMenuText2", "MyPage2.php");

Example 3

Change options of sidebar menu (vertical menu).

function Menu_Rendering(&$menu) {
if ($menu->Id == "menu") { // sidebar menu
$menu->Accordion = FALSE; // Whether to collapse the open menu when expanding another, default

Menu_Rendered This event is fired after the menu is rendered. You may want to clean up in this event if you have created
something in the Menu_Rendering event. The argument is the menu object. (See Menu Object below.) Note:
This is a global function.

TablePermission_Loading For use with User Level security. (See Security Settings) This event is fired before the user permission for the
table of the current page is loaded. It is possible to do actions such as changing or adding more User Level
permissions to the current user. Note: This event is a security class member.

Note This is an event fired for the current table only. If you change the permissions of the other tables
in this event, there will be no effect. Use the UserLevel_Loaded event if you need to change permissions
of other tables.


Grant another User Level to the user and let the user have permissions of more than one User Level for the
current table.

// Note: This event is a Security class member, so you can refer to other members of the Security
class directly
function TablePermission_Loading() {
if (CurrentUserName() == "nancy")
TablePermission_Loaded For use with User Level security. (See Security Settings) This event is fired after the user permission for the table
of the current page is loaded. It is possible to to change the permission by using the setCanXXX methods of
the Security class. Note: This event is a security class member.

Note This is an event fired for the current table only. If you change the permissions of the other tables
in this event, there will be no effect. Use the UserLevel_Loaded event if you need to change permissions
of other tables.


Grant more permissions to the user and let the user have more permissions than his/her User Level allows for
the current table.

// Note: This event is a Security class member, so you can refer to other members of the Security
class directly
function TablePermission_Loaded() {
if (CurrentUserName() == "nancy" && CurrentTable()->TableName == "orders")

UserID_Loading For use with User ID security. (See Security Settings) This event is fired after successful user login and before
loading the User ID and its child User IDs of the current user. These User IDs determine which records the
current user can access. It is possible to do actions such as changing the User ID of the current user so the user
can access records that he/she can access by its original User ID. Note: This event is a security class member.


Change the user's User ID to his parent user's user ID and let the user access more records (accessible by the
parent user).

// Note: This event is a Security class member, so you can refer to other members of the Security
class directly
function UserID_Loading() {
if (CurrentParentUserID() <> "")
$this->CurrentUserID = CurrentParentUserID();

UserID_Loaded For use with User ID security. (See Security Settings) This event is fired after loading the User ID and its child
User IDs of the current user. These User IDs determine which records the current user can access. It is possible
to do actions such as adding or deleting the loaded User IDs for the current user so the user can access more
or less records that he/she can access by its originally loaded User IDs. Note: This event is a security class


Add more User IDs to the user and let the user access more records

// Note: This event is a Security class member, so you can refer to other members of the Security
class directly
function UserID_Loaded() {
if (CurrentUserName() == "nancy")
$this->AddUserName("janet"); // Add User ID by user name

User_PasswordExpired This event will be called if the user password is already expired. User information is passed to the event as
argument, you can get user information by $rs["<fieldname>"] where <fieldname> is a field name of the user
table. Note: This event is a security class member.

AuditTrail_Inserting This event will be called before an audit trail record is written. The audit trail information is passed to the event
as argument, you can get the information by $rsnew["<fieldname>"] where <fieldname> is the audit trail field
name. Return False to cancel the insert. Note: This is a global function.

PersonalData_Downloading This event will be called when Use Personal Data Page is enabled and before the user downloads his personal
data. The personal data is passed to the event as an associative array, you can get the information by $row["
<fieldname>"] where <fieldname> is an user table field name. You can also add additional data to the array so
it will also be downloaded by the user. Note: This is a global function.
PersonalData_Deleted This event will be called when Use Personal Data Page is enabled and before the user deletes his personal data.
The personal data is passed to the event as an associative array, you can get the information by $row["
<fieldname>"] where <fieldname> is an user table field name. Note: This is a global function.

Table-Specific -> Common (Note: These events are members of the page class)

Recordset_Selecting This event will be called before selecting records. The argument of the event is the filter (part of the WHERE
clause of the SQL) for selecting records, you can customize the filter to change the records to be selected.


Add your own filter. Note that the $filter may have value, if you want to add some additional filter, append your
filter to it, not replace it.

function Recordset_Selecting(&$filter) {
AddFilter($filter, "Field1 = 1234"); // Add your own filter expression

Recordset_Selected This event will be called after selecting records. Note: The argument is the recordset object (not array).

Recordset_SearchValidated This event will be called after the Form_CustomValidate event and the search criteria is assigned to the
table/field objects. You can modify the search criteria in this event.

This event is a member of the table class. There is no arguments for this event. To change the Quick Search
criteria, change the BasicSearchKeyword and BasicSearchType property of the table object. To change the
Advanced Search criteria, change the AdvancedSearch property (which is an object of the AdvancedSearch
class) of the field object.


function Recordset_SearchValidated() {
$this->MyField1->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = "your search criteria"; // Search value

Recordset_Searching This event will be called before the search criteria is saved for the session. The argument of the event is the part
of WHERE clause built from the Quick/Extended/Advanced search criteria. You can modify the WHERE clause in
this event.


Search a MySQL DATE field for a selected date or within 3 days after the selected date.

function Recordset_Searching(&$filter) {
//die($filter); // Uncomment to view the filter first
$filter = preg_replace('/`MyDateField` = (\'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\')/', '`MyDateField` >= $1 AND
`MyDateField` < DATE_ADD($1, INTERVAL 3 DAY)', $filter); // Replace part of the filter with your
modified filter

Row_Deleting This event will be called before deleting a record. The argument of the event is the record to be deleted as an

Row_Deleted This event will be called after deleting a record. The argument of the event is the record deleted as an array.


Delete detail records from the detail table after the master record is deleted.

function Row_Deleted(&$rs) {
// Assume ForeignKeyField is of integer type
Execute("DELETE FROM DetailTable WHERE ForeignKeyField=" . $rs["PrimaryKeyField"]);
Row_Inserting This event will be called before inserting a record. The arguments of the event are the arrays of the old (if
copying record) and new record to be inserted. You can change the values in the $rsnew.


Make sure a field value is valid.

function Row_Inserting(&$rsold, &$rsnew) {

if ($rsnew["Percentage"] > 100)
$rsnew["Percentage"] = 100;
// To cancel, set return value to False
return TRUE;

Row_Inserted This event will be called after inserting a record. The arguments of the event are the arrays of the old (if
copying record) and new record just inserted.


Get the ID (autoincrement field) of the just inserted record

function Row_Inserted(&$rsold, &$rsnew) {

$this->setSuccessMessage("Record Inserted. The ID of the new record is " . $rsnew["ID"]);

Row_Rendering This event will be called before rendering (applying the View/Edit Tag settings) a record.
Row_Rendered This event will be called after rendering a record.

This is an extremely useful event for conditional formatting, you can do a lot of things with this event, such as
changing font color, font styles, row background color, cell background color, etc. by changing the table or
field class properties in the event according to field values.

Note The table class has a RowAttrs property which is an associative array of HTML attributes for the
table row. The field class has CellAttrs, ViewAttrs and EditAttrs for the table cell, View Tag and Edit Tag
of the field respectively. The keys of these arrays must be valid HTML attributes for the HTML tag, always
use lowercase for the keys. The attribute values will be outputted as double quoted attributes, so if you
have double quotes in your values, try to use single quotes if possible, or use "&quot;".
To view the properties of the field class for development or debugging, you can use the PHP's var_dump
function in the server event, e.g.



Change CSS styles of row and cells:

function Row_Rendered() {
// Change the row color in List page by Bootstrap classes
if ($this->Trademark->CurrentValue == 1) // List page only
$this->RowAttrs["class"] = "info";
// Change the table cell color
if ($this->PageID == "list" || $this->PageID == "view") { // List/View page only
if ($this->Cyl->CurrentValue == 4) {
$this->Cyl->CellAttrs["style"] = "background-color: #ffcccc";
} elseif ($this->Cyl->CurrentValue == 6) {
$this->Cyl->CellAttrs["style"] = "background-color: #ffcc99";
} elseif ($this->Cyl->CurrentValue == 8) {
$this->Cyl->CellAttrs["style"] = "background-color: #ffccff";

// Change text style by Bootstrap classes

if ($this->Category->CurrentValue == "SPORTS")
$this->Category->ViewAttrs["class"] = "bg-warning text-warning";

Row_Selecting This event will be called before selecting a record. The argument of the event is the filter (part of the WHERE
clause of the SQL) for selecting the record, you can customize the filter to change the record to be selected.

Row_Selected This event will be called after selecting a record. The argument is the record selected as an array. The event is
still fired when inserting a new record, but in such case there is no "selected" row and the argument is an array
with all field values as NULL.


Disable a field in Edit page

function Row_Selected(&$rs) {
if ($this->PageID == "edit") // Edit Page only
$this->MyField->Disabled = ($rs["MyField"] == "xxx"); // Disable a field if the field value
equals some value
Row_UpdateConflict This event will be called if conflicts is found before updating a record (if Check Conflicts is enabled, see Table
Setup). The arguments of the event are the old record (as array) and new record (as array) to be updated.

You can use this event to resolve the conflicts according to your own criteria. If you want to ignore conflicts or
you have resolved the conflicts in the event (by setting new values to the argument rsnew) and want to
continue update, return FALSE. Otherwise, return TRUE. By default the event returns TRUE.

Row_Updating This event will be called before updating a record. The arguments of the event are the arrays of the old and
new record to be updated.


Make sure a field value is not changed

function Row_Updating(&$rsold, &$rsnew) {

if ($rsnew["Qty"] < $rsold["Qty"]) {
// To cancel, set return value to False
$this->CancelMessage = "The new quantity must be larger than the old quantity.";
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Row_Updated This event will be called after updating a record. The arguments of the event are the arrays of the old and new
record updated.


After updating a field in detail table, update a field in the master table.

function Row_Updated($rsold, &$rsnew) {

//var_dump(rsold, rsnew); die(); // Print the old and new record and end the script
$rs = ["FieldInMasterTable" => $rsnew["FieldInDetailTable"]]; // Set field values
(new MasterTable())->Update($rs, "PrimaryKeyFieldInMasterTable = " .
$rsold["ForeignKeyFieldInDetailTable"]); // Note: Table class is named as <TableName>. Assume
PrimaryKeyFieldInMasterTable is integer.
Grid_Inserting For use with Grid-Add for a table and Master/Detail-Add for a detail table, this event will be called before
inserting records. This event has no arguments.

You can use this event to check all records to be inserted. If you want to cancel insert, return FALSE. Otherwise,
return TRUE. By default the event returns TRUE.

Note If you only need to check individual record, there is no need to use this event, simply use
Row_Inserting (see above) which will be called for each row in the grid.


Check all records before inserting. Note that this event is called before Row_Inserting, the field values are not
loaded yet, but you can load them yourself.

function Grid_Inserting() {
$rsnew = $this->GetGridFormValues(); // Get the form values of the new records as an array of
//var_dump($rsnew); die(); // Print the records and end the script
$sum = 0;
foreach ($rsnew as $row) // Loop through the new records
$sum += intval($row["Percentage"]);
if ($sum < 100) {
// To cancel, set return value to False
$this->setFailureMessage("The total of percentages must be 100.");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Note Data returned from GetGridFormValues() is read only, do NOT try to change the values. To change
the values, use Row_Inserting (see above) which will be called for each row in the grid.

Grid_Inserted For use with Grid-Add for a table and Master/Detail-Add for a detail table, this event will be called after
inserting all records. The argument of the event ($rsnew) is array of records inserted (retrieved from database).

For example, you can use this event to update a field in the master table (similar to the example for
Row_Updated above) after Master/Detail-Add.
Grid_Updating For use with Grid-Edit for a table and Master/Detail-Edit for a detail table, this event will be called before
updating records. The argument of the event ($rsold) is array of records to be updated (retrieved from

You can use this event to check all records to be updated. If you want to cancel update, return FALSE.
Otherwise, return TRUE. By default the event returns TRUE.

Note If you only need to check individual record, there is no need to use this event, simply use
Row_Updating (see above) which will be called for each row in the grid.


Check all records before updating. Note that this event is called before Row_Updating, the field values are not
loaded yet, but you can load them yourself.

function Grid_Updating($rsold) {
$rsnew = $this->GetGridFormValues(); // Get the form values of the new records as an array of
//var_dump($rsnew); die(); // Print the records and end the script
$oldtotal = 0;
foreach ($rsold as $row) // Loop through the old records
$oldtotal += intval($row["Subtotal"]);
$newtotal = 0;
foreach ($rsnew as $row) // Loop through the new records
$newtotal += intval($row["Subtotal"]);
if ($newtotal < $oldtotal) {
// To cancel, set return value to False
$this->setFailureMessage("The new total must be larger than the old total.");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Note Data returned from GetGridFormValues() is read only, do NOT try to change the values. To change
the values, use Row_Updating (see above) which will be called for each row in the grid.

Grid_Updated For use with Grid-Edit for a table and Master/Detail-Edit for a detail table, this event will be called after
updating all records. The argument of the event ($rsold and $rsnew) are array of records before and after
update (retrieved from database).

For example, you can use this event to update a field in the master table (similar to the example for
Row_Updated above) after Master/Detail-Edit.
Email_Sending This event is fired before the email notification is sent. You can customize the email content using this event.
Email_Sending event has the following parameters:
$email - the email object instance which contain all the information about the email to be sent. It is an instance
of the Email class (see below).
$args - an array which contains additional information.

If Add, the new record in the format of array can be access by $args["rsnew"].
If Copy, the old record in the format of array can be access by $args["rsold"].
If Edit/Update, the old data of the records in the format of array can be access by $args["rsold"], the new data
of the records in the format of array can be access by $args["rsnew"].
If Register, the new record in the format of array can be access by $args["rs"].

You can get a field value by, e.g.

$rsnew = $args["rsnew"];
$myValue = $rsnew["MyField"];


$myValue = $args["rsnew"]["MyField"];

Return FALSE in the event if you want to cancel the email sending.

If Grid-Add/Edit or Update page, there are more than one records, the arguments are array of array.


Assume there is an email field in the record, and you want to change the recipient to the value of that field.

function Email_Sending($email, &$args) {

//var_dump($email, $args);
if (CurrentPageID() == "add") { // If Add page
$email->Recipient = $args["rsnew"]["MyEmailField"]; // Change recipient to a field value in
the new record
$email->Subject = "My New Subject"; // Change subject
$email->Content .= "\nAdded by " . CurrentUserName(); // Append additional content
return TRUE;
Lookup_Selecting This event is fired before building the SQL for selecting records from the lookup table. You can use this event
to change the filters.

In the event, the field name, Lookup object and filter for the lookup can be viewed by:

var_dump($fld->Name, $fld->Lookup, $filter);

$fld->Lookup is an object. To change the lookup SQL, you can modify the following properties of the Lookup

UserSelect SELECT Statement (SELECT clause and FROM clause only)

UserFilter WHERE clause

UserOrderBy ORDER BY clause

Example 1

Add additional filter to the lookup table filter

function Lookup_Selecting($fld, &$filter) {

//var_dump($fld->Name, $fld->Lookup, $filter); // Uncomment to view the field name, Lookup object
and the filter
if ($fld->Name == "MyLookupField")
$fld->Lookup->UserFilter = "MyField = 'xxx'"; // Assume the field is of string type

Example 2

Change the default filter operator of a filter field

function Lookup_Selecting($fld, &$filter) {

if ($fld->Name == "MyLookupField") {
$fld->Lookup->UseLookupCache = FALSE; // Make sure that lookup cache is disabled
$fld->Lookup->setFilterOperator("FilterField", ">");

Example 3

Modify lookup SQL SELECT / ORDER BY

function Lookup_Selecting($fld, &$filter) {

if ($fld->Name == "MyLookupField") {
$fld->Lookup->UserSelect = "SELECT Field1 AS lf, Field2 AS df, Field3 AS df2, '' AS df3, '' AS
df4 FROM Table1"; // Modify SELECT
$fld->Lookup->UserOrderBy = "Field2 ASC"; // Modify ORDER BY

Example 4

Use static array

function Lookup_Selecting($fld, &$filter) {

if ($fld->Name == "MyLookupField")
["link value 1", "display value 1", "display value 2", "...", ""],
["link value 2", "display value 1", "display value 2", "...", ""]
]); // Use static array

Example 5

Use data from ExecuteRows

function Lookup_Selecting($fld, &$filter) {

if ($fld->Name == "MyLookupField")
$fld->Lookup->setOptions(ExecuteRows("SELECT LinkField, DisplayField1, DisplayField2,
DisplayField3, DisplayField4 FROM LinkTable")); // Use data from ExecuteRows
UserID_Filtering For use with User ID security. (See Security Settings) This event is fired before adding the User ID filter to the
WHERE clause of the table. It is possible to modify, replace or add filter so the user can access more or less
records that he/she can access by its originally loaded User IDs.


Assume you have 2 User ID fields in the current table and in the user table, and you want to filter by both User
ID fields.

function UserID_Filtering(&$filter) {
AddFilter($filter, "MyUserIDField2 = " . CurrentUserInfo("MyUserIDField2InUserTable")); // Assume
the field is of integer type

Table-Specific -> Add/Copy page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. The argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default after inserting a record user is redirected back to the List page. You can change that by using Return
Page (see Table Setup). However, If you want to change by code, you can also use this event.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown.

The first argument $msg is the message to be shown, the second argument $type is the type of the message,
possible values of type are: "" (empty string), "success", "failure", and "warning".


Replace an error message by custom message

function Message_Showing(&$msg, $type) {

if ($type == 'success') {
//$msg = "your success message";
} elseif ($type == 'failure') {
if (strpos($msg, "some standard message") !== FALSE) // The original message contains some
keywords you want to replace
$msg = "My custom message";
} elseif ($type == 'warning') {
//$msg = "your warning message";
} else {
//$msg = "your message";
Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. In
general, the form data can be accessed by $this-><Field>->FormValue (e.g. $this->HP->FormValue).
Alternatively, you can get all the form values in an array first, e.g.

$rs = $this->GetFieldValues("FormValue");

An argument $customError is passed to the event, you can add your error message and return FALSE if the
form values do not pass your validation.


Make sure an integer field value meet a certain requirement

function Form_CustomValidate(&$customError) {
$rs = $this->GetFieldValues("FormValue"); // Get the form values as array
if (intval($rs["Qty"]) % 10 <> 0) {
// Return error message in $customError
$customError = "Order quantity must be multiples of 10.";
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Note If you use this server event, make sure you have enabled server-side validation, see Validation in
PHP Settings.

Table-Specific -> Delete Page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default after deleting record(s) user is redirected back to the List page. You can change that using this event.

Table-Specific -> Edit Page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.
Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default after updating a record user is redirected back to the List page. You can change that by using Return
Page (see Table Setup). However, If you want to change by code, you can use this event.

Table-Specific -> List Page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Note The export links are stored as a ListOptions object (also see ListOptions_Load,
ListOptions_Rendering and ListOptions_Rendered event below), you can manipulate the links in the
same way. The defaut names of the options are:


Note that the names are in lowercase and are case-sensitive.

Example 1

Hide the export to PDF link in List page:

function Page_Load() {
$item = @$this->ExportOptions->Items["pdf"];
if ($item)
$item->Visible = FALSE;

Example 2

Add a custom link at the end of the export links

function Page_Load() {
$item = &$this->ExportOptions->Add("MyName");
$item->Body = "<a href='MyURL'>My Link</a>";

Example 3

Add a custom action to submit selected records by HTTP POST

function Page_Load() {
$this->CustomActions["star"] = "Add Star"; // Where "star" is the id and "Add Star" is the caption
of the custom action

Adding a custom action by its name and caption is a actually a short form of

$this->CustomActions["star"] = new ListAction("star", "Add Star");

and is supported for backward compatibility only. Use the ListAction class so you have more options for the
custom action. The constructor of ListAction class is

function __construct($action, $caption, $allow = TRUE, $method = ACTION_POSTBACK, $select =

ACTION_MULTIPLE, $confirmMsg = "", $icon = "fa fa-star ew-icon", $success = "")

$method is either ACTION_POSTBACK (submit by HTTP POST) or ACTION_AJAX (submit by Ajax).

$select is either ACTION_MULTIPLE (submit the selected records) or ACTION_SINGLE (submit the current record

$success is the name of JavaScript callback function, if any. You can place your callback function in client side
Global Code section (see below).
Note To process the action, you also need to write a handler with Row_CustomAction server event (see

Example 4

Add a custom action to submit selected records by Ajax

function Page_Load() {
$this->CustomActions["star"] = new ListAction("star", "Add Star", IsLoggedIn(), ACTION_AJAX,
ACTION_MULTIPLE, "Add Star to selected records?", "fa fa-star ew-icon");

Note To process the action, you also need to write a handler with Row_CustomAction server event (see

Example 5

When Custom Templates (see Custom Templates) is used, they will be used for export to
Word/Excel/PDF/Email (not including PhpSpreadsheet and PHPWord) by default. You can however disable it.
The corresponding (boolean) page properties are: ExportExcelCustom, ExportWordCustom, ExportPdfCustom and

function Page_Load() {
$this->ExportExcelCustom = FALSE; // Disable using Custom Templates for export to Excel

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content before the
main table.


Hide a field from the main table

function Page_DataRendering() {
$this->MyField->Visible = FALSE; // Hide a field named "MyField"

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content after the main

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation.
See description of Form_CustomValidate for Add/Copy page above.
ListOptions_Load This event will be called before the main table is rendered. Use this event to modify the non data columns of
the main table (i.e. the links and the checkbox for each record). You can modify these columns or add your own
columns using this event. You can get a column by name using $this->ListOptions->Item["name"].

Note The following predefined names are reserved, do not use them for your own columns. These names
are case-sensitive and are in lowercase except for the detail table names.

detail_<DetailTable> - Detail table column
details - the Multiple Master/Detail column
preview - column for preview row of the Detail Preview extension (for registered users) only
sequence - column for sequence number
button - column for button group or button dropdown

Example 1

Add a new column.

function ListOptions_Load() {
$item = &$this->ListOptions->Add("new");
$item->Header = "MyCaption"; // Set the column header (for List page)
$item->OnLeft = TRUE; // Link on left
$item->MoveTo(0); // Move the column to the specified index

Note If you have enabled Use buttons as links and/or Use button dropdown for links (see PHP
Settings), note that the feature will hide the list options and try to move hyperlinks to the button group
or button dropdown. If your Body property (see below) is not hyperlink(s), it cannot be shown in the
button group or button dropdown, you should remove your list option from the button group or button
dropdown by adding, e.g.

$item->ShowInButtonGroup = FALSE;


$item->ShowInDropDown = FALSE;

Example 2

Hide the "view" column.

function ListOptions_Load() {
$this->ListOptions->Items["view"]->Visible = FALSE;

Example 3

Hide a detail table named "MyDetailTable" in Preview Row or Overlay (requires Detail Preview extension which
is for registered users only)

function ListOptions_Load() {
$this->DetailPages->Items["MyDetailTable"]->Visible = FALSE;
ListOptions_Rendering This event will be called before list options are rendered. To access field object of the current row, you can use
$this-><Field>-><Property> (e.g. $this->HP->CurrentValue).

Note Do NOT try to show/hide a column dynamically by setting the Visible property of the list option in
this event. If the column is visible in one row but invisible in another, the table will be malformed.

Example 1

Disable Master/Detail-Add/Edit/View, e.g. if the detail table name is "orderdetails"

function ListOptions_Rendering() {
$GLOBALS["orderdetails_grid"]->DetailAdd = (...condition...); // Set to TRUE or FALSE
$GLOBALS["orderdetails_grid"]->DetailEdit = (...condition...); // Set to TRUE or FALSE
$GLOBALS["orderdetails_grid"]->DetailView = (...condition...); // Set to TRUE or FALSE

Example 2

Append a CSS class to all cells (including header/footer cell) of a field in the List page

function ListOptions_Rendering() {
$this->Category->AddClass("some-class"); // Add CSS class to the field


1. The AddClass() method add class to all cells including those in table header and footer. Do not use
this method if you want to add class for the current row only.
2. Use this example carefully if your List page supports Inline/Grid-Add/Copy/Edit. If a field is only
visible in large screen, it cannot be updated in smaller screens.
ListOptions_Rendered This event will be called after list options are rendered. Use this event to modify content of the non data
columns for the record. To access field object of the current row, you can use $this-><Field>-><Property> (e.g.

Note Do NOT try to show/hide a column dynamically by setting the Visible property of the list option in
this event. If the column is visible in one row but invisible in another, the table will be malformed. If you
want to hide the content dynamically, you can set the Body property as empty string.

Example 1

Set the content of the new column dynamically based on a field value.

function ListOptions_Rendered() {
if ($this->MyField->CurrentValue == "xxx") {
$this->ListOptions->Items["new"]->Body = "yyy";
} else {
$this->ListOptions->Items["new"]->Clear(); // Set Body = ""

Example 2

Add a link to perform a custom action for the row by Ajax.

function ListOptions_Rendered() {
$this->ListOptions->Items["new"]->Body = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return ew.submitAction(event,
{action: 'star', method: 'ajax', msg: 'Add star?', key: " . $this->KeyToJson(TRUE) . "});\">Add

Note To process the action, you also need to write a handler with Row_CustomAction server event (see

Row_CustomAction If you have used Page_Load server event (see above) to add your custom action to the List page, the page will
show the checkbox column for users to select records (similar to Multi-Update and Mulit-Delete). When user
clicks the custom action link or button, the page will post back to itself and this event will be fired (after
Page_Load and before Page_Render) for each selected row to process the custom action.

Return TRUE to proceed to next record or return FALSE to abort custom action.


Update the status of the selected records, assuming the table has a field named "Starred" for storing the status.

function Row_CustomAction($action, $row) {

if ($action == "star") { // Check action name
$rsnew = ["Starred" => "Y", ...]; // Array of field(s) to be updated
$result = $this->update($rsnew); // Note: The Update() method updates the current record only
if (!$result) { // Failure
$this->setFailureMessage("Failed to update record, ID = " . $row["ID"]);
return FALSE; // Abort and rollback
} elseif ($this->SelectedIndex == $this->SelectedCount) { // Last row
$this->setSuccessMessage("All selected records updated.");
return TRUE; // Success

Note If you cancel the action by returning FALSE in the event, you can use the setFailureMessage()
method to set your message. However, note that if the event returns FALSE, subsequent rows will not be
processed and the database changes for previous rows will be rolled back (if your database supports
transaction). So if you just want to cancel action for a row without affecting other rows, the event should
still return TRUE and use setSuccessMessage() method to set your message.
Page_Exporting This event will be called before the page is exported. You can use this event to add your additional code to the
beginning of file to be exported. Return FALSE to skip default export and use Row_Export event (see below).
Return TRUE to use default export and skip Row_Export event. Check $this->Export for the export type (e.g.
"excel", "word"). The content of the export document is $this->ExportDoc->Text (except

Note If Custom Templates is used (see Custom Templates), this event may be overridden. You can
disable using Custom Templates for report, see example for Page_Load above.


Add a title to the export document and use custom export if export to Excel (not PhpSpreadsheet)

function Page_Exporting() {
if ($this->Export == "excel") {
$this->ExportDoc->Text = "<p>My Title</p>"; // Add a title
return FALSE; // Return FALSE to skip default export and use Row_Export event
return TRUE; // Return TRUE to use default export and skip Row_Export event

Row_Export If you return FALSE in Page_Exporting event (see above), this event will be called when a row is exported for
you to export in your own code.

The argument ($rs) is an array of the record to be exported. The values in $rs are unformatted database values.
If you want to export formatted values, use $this->MyField->ViewValue.


1. If you return TRUE in Page_Exporting event (see above), default export will be used and this event
will NOT be called.
2. If Custom Templates is used (see Custom Templates), this event may be overridden. You can
disable using Custom Templates for report, see example for Page_Load above.


Export a record with custom code if export to Excel (not PhpSpreadsheet)

function Row_Export($rs) {
if ($this->Export == "excel")
$this->ExportDoc->Text .= "<div>" . $this->MyField->ViewValue . "</div>"; // Build HTML with
field value: $rs["MyField"] or $this->MyField->ViewValue

Page_Exported This event will be called after the page is exported. You can use this event to add your additional code to the
end of the file to be exported.

Note If Custom Templates is used (see Custom Templates), this event may be overridden. You can
disable using Custom Templates for report, see example for Page_Load above.


Add a footer to the export document if export to Excel (not PhpSpreadsheet)

function Page_Exported() {
if ($this->Export == "excel")
$this->ExportDoc->Text .= "my footer"; // Add a footer
//die($this->ExportDoc->Text); // View the whole export document for debugging
Page_Importing This server event allows you to modify the Import options before the import process begins. The first argument
is the data reader and the second argument is an array containing the import options. You can also return
FALSE to skip the import.

The options (accessed by $options["<value>"]) you can change during Page_Importing are:
 maxExecutionTime - Maximum execution time for import
 activeSheet - Active spreadsheet for import (default is 0, zero-based)
 headerRowNumber - Header row number (default is 0, zero-based)
 headers - Header array (default is empty array)
 offset - Offset to start import (default is 0, zero-based)
 limit - Number of records to import (default is 0, which means all records)
 inputEncoding - Input encoding for data (CSV only)
 delimiter - Delimiter for data (CSV only)
 enclosure - Quote character for data (CSV only)

Example 1

Import selected records only

$options["offset"] = 10; // Skip the first 10th records

$options["limit"] = 5; // Import the next 5 records

Example 2

The spreadsheet contains pure data only. Supply the header manually.

$options["headers"] = ["CategoryName", "Description"];

Example 3

Change input encoding, delimiter and enclosure for CSV file

$options["inputEncoding"] = "CP1252"; // Use CP1252 for input encoding

$options["delimiter"] = ";"; // Semi Colon for delimiter

$options["enclosure"] = "'"; // Single Quote for enclosure

Row_Import This server event is executed before a record is imported. The first argument is an array containing the data to
be imported and the second argument is an integer containing the current import record count. You can return
FALSE to skip the import.

Example 1

Modify data before import

$row["Trademark"] = ExecuteScalar("SELECT ID FROM trademarks WHERE Trademark ='" .

AdjustSql($row["Trademark"]) . "'"); // Get Trademark ID from trademarks table

Example 2

Validate input data

if (intval($row["Quantity"]) > 100) // Quantity must be <= 100

return FALSE; // Skip import

Page_Imported This server event is executed after import is completed. The first argument is the data reader and the second
argument is an array containing the import results.

The data available in the results array are (accessed by $results["<value>"]):

 file - File name of the imported file
 totalCount - Total records imported
 successCount - Total records imported successfully
 failCount - Total records imported unsuccessfully
 failList - Array containing failed imports and reasons


Write audit trail for import

$msg = "imported " . $results["totalCount"] . " records (successful: " . $results["successCount"] . "
/ failed: " . $results["failCount"] . ") from " . $results["file"]; // Set up import message

WriteAuditTrail("log", DbCurrentDateTime(), ScriptName(), CurrentUserID(), $msg, CurrentUserIP(), "",

"", "", ""); // Write audit trail

Table-Specific -> Multi-Update Page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default after updating records user is redirected back to the List page. You can change that by using this

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation.
See description of Form_CustomValidate for Add/Copy page above.

Table-Specific -> Report Page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.
Table-Specific -> Search Page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default user is redirected to the List page after the search criteria is processed. You can change that by using
this event.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation.
See description of Form_CustomValidate for Add/Copy page above.

Table-Specific -> View Page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Page_Exporting This event will be called before the page is exported. You can use this event to add your additional code to the
beginning of file to be exported. Return FALSE to skip default export and use Row_Export event (see below).
Return TRUE to use default export and skip Row_Export event. Check $this->Export for the export type (e.g.
"excel", "word"). The content of the export document is $this->ExportDoc->Text.

Note If Custom Templates is used (see Custom Templates), this event may be overridden. You can
disable using Custom Templates for report, see example for Page_Load above.

Row_Export If you return FALSE in Page_Exporting event (see above), this event will be called when a row is exported for
you to export in your own code. The argument ($rs) is an array of the record to be exported. The values are
unformatted database values. If you want to export formatted values, use $this->MyField->ViewValue.

Note If Custom Templates is used (see Custom Templates), this event may be overridden. You can
disable using Custom Templates for report, see example for Page_Load above.
Page_Exported This event will be called after the page is exported. You can use this event to add your additional code to the
end of the file to be exported.

Note If Custom Templates is used (see Custom Templates), this event may be overridden. You can
disable using Custom Templates for report, see example for Page_Load above.

Table-Specific -> Preview Page

Page_Load This event will be called after connecting to the database.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called before closing database connection.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called before the page content is outputted. You can use this event to add content at the top
of page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called after the page content is outputted. You can use this event to add content at the
bottom of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Other -> Default Page

Page_Load This event will be called at the beginning of the page.

Page_Unload This event will be called at the end of the page.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default user is redirected to the default page (e.g. index.php) after successful login. You can change that by
using this event.

Other -> Login Page

Page_Load This event will be called at the beginning of the page.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called at the end of the page.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default user is redirected to the default page (e.g. index.php) after successful login. You can change that by
using this event.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

User_LoggingIn This event will be called before validating the username and password.

User_LoggedIn This event will be called after the user login.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation.
Inspect the HTML source of the page in your browser to view the form element names.

An argument $customError is passed to the event, you can add your error message and return FALSE if the
form values do not pass your validation.

User_LoginError This event will be called if the user fail to login.

Other -> Logout Page

Page_Load This event will be called at the beginning of the page.

Page_Unload This event will be called at the end of the page.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default user is redirected to the default page (e.g. index.php) after successful login. You can change that by
using this event.

User_LoggingOut This event will be called before user logout.

User_LoggedOut This event will be called after user logout.

Other -> Registration Page

Page_Load This event will be called at the beginning of the page.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called at the end of the page.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default user is redirected to the default page (e.g. index.php) after successful login. You can change that by
using this event.

Email_Sending This event is fired before the email notification is sent. You can customize the email content using this event.
Email_Sending event has the following parameters:

$email - the email object instance which contain all the information about the email to be sent. It is an instance
of the Email class (see below).
$args - an array which contains additional information. For registration page, the new record in the data type
of a recordset can be accessed by $args["rs"].

Return FALSE in the event if you want to cancel the email sending.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation.
See description of Form_CustomValidate for Add/Copy page above.

User_Registered This event is fired after successful registration of a new user. Argument is a recordset of the new record in the
user table.

User_Activated This event is fired after activating a new user (if user activation is required, see Security Settings). Argument is a
recordset of the new record in the user table.
Other -> Change Password Page

Page_Load This event will be called at the beginning of the page.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called at the end of the page.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default user is redirected to the default page (e.g. index.php) after successful login. You can change that by
using this event.

Email_Sending This event is fired before the email notification is sent. You can customize the email content using this event.
Email_Sending event has the following parameters:

$email - the email object instance which contain all the information about the email to be sent. It is an instance
of the Email class (see below).
$args - an array containing additional information. For Change Password page, the old data of the records in
the data type of recordset can be accessed by $args["rsold"], the new data of the records in the data type of
recordset can be accessed by $args["rsnew"].

Return FALSE in the event if you want to cancel the email sending.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation.
Inspect the HTML source of the page in your browser to view the form element names.

An argument $customError is passed to the event, you can add your error message and return FALSE if the
form values do not pass your validation.

Other -> Password Recovery Page

Page_Load This event will be called at the beginning of the page.

Page_Render This event will be called before outputting HTML for the page. You can use this event to make some last
minute changes to the page before it is outputted.

Page_Unload This event will be called at the end of the page.

Page_DataRendering This event will be called after the header.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the top of
page content.

Page_DataRendered This event will be called before the footer.php is included. You can use this event to add content at the bottom
of page content.

Page_Redirecting This event will be called before redirecting to other page. Event argument is the URL to be redirected to.

By default user is redirected to the login page after successful login. You can change that by using this event.
Email_Sending This event is fired before the email notification is sent. You can customize the email content using this event.
Email_Sending event has the following parameters:

$email - the email object instance which contain all the information about the email to be sent. It is an instance
of the Email class (see below).
$args - an array containing additional information. For Password Recovery Page, the old data of the records in
the data type of recordset can be accessed by $args["rs"].

Return FALSE in the event if you want to cancel the email sending.

Message_Showing This event is fired before the message stored in the session variable is shown. You can use this event to change
the message which is passed to the event as argument.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation.
Inspect the HTML source of the page in your browser to view the form element names.

An argument $customError is passed to the event, you can add your error message and return FALSE if the
form values do not pass your validation.

User_RecoverPassword This event is fired after the password is recovered. Argument is a recordset of the user's record in the user

Client Scripts
In general, each page has two blocks of JavaScript:

Client Script - the first block of JavaScript to be included at the beginning of the page, you can put your JavaScript variables and functions
there. The View Tag (for display) and Edit Tag (for input) of the fields supports Custom Attributes (See Field Setup) so you can add your own
attributes to work with your own JavaScript included here.

Startup Script - the second block of JavaScript to be included at the end of the page, you can put code here to "start up" your JavaScript.

Note In the following table, the <fieldname> in code represents the field variable name. In general, if the field name is alphanumeric, field
variable name is same as the field name. Otherwise, spaces are replaced by underscores, and other non alphanumeric characters are
replaced by their hexadecimal string representation of their unicode value. If the variable is a reserved word or starts with a digit, it will be
prepended with an underscore. If in doubt, always inspect HTML source in your browser to check the actual id, name, and other
attributes of the elements.

Global -> Pages with header/footer

Client Script The script will be placed in the header and therefore included in all pages with header.

Note This event is NOT related to the No header/footer setting in the Generate form (see Generate Settings).
Even if No header/footer is enabled, this event will also be fired.


Set div.content-wrapper and footer min-width if advanced setting "Reset layout height" (see Advanced Settings) is

$(document).on("overflow", function(e, $form) { // "overflow" event (fired if content wider than screen)
if (ew.IS_SCREEN_SM_MIN) // Not mobile
$(".content-wrapper, footer").css("min-width", "900px"); // Set min-width

Startup Script The script will be placed in the footer and therefore included in all pages with footer. This is a very useful event which
is fired for all pages with footer, you can almost do everything by changing the document DOM.

Note This event is NOT related to the No header/footer setting in the Generate form (see Generate Settings).
Even if No header/footer is enabled, this event will also be fired.
Global Code JavaScript code to be included in all pages with header. This may contain your global constants, variables and

Table-Specific -> Add/Copy page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header. This may contain your JavaScript variables and functions for the page. You
can also use this event to subscribe JavaScript events.

Example 1

Set Multi-Page (see Table Setup) properties

//lastPageSubmit: true, // Enable submit button for the last page only
//hideDisabledButton: true, // Hide disabled submit button
//hideInactivePages: true, // Hide inactive pages
//hideTabs: true, // Hide all tabs
//showPagerBottom: true, // Show pager at bottom
//pagerTemplate: '<nav><ul class="pager"><li class="previous ew-prev"><a href="#"><span class="icon-
prev"></span> {Prev}</a></li><li class="next ew-next"><a href="#">{Next} <span class="icon-next"></span>
</a></li></ul></nav>' // Pager template
lockTabs: true,// Set inactive tabs as disabled
showPagerTop: true // Show pager at top

Note The argument of the Set() method is a JavaScript object, if you modify above example, make sure that the
syntax is correct and that the last property value does not have a trailing comma.

Example 2

Subscribe the jQuery ajaxSend event before an Ajax request is sent (e.g. "updateoption", "autosuggest", "autofill")

$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, jqxhr, settings) {

var data = settings.data;
//console.log(data); // Uncomment to view data in browser console, data is a query string and is
available for method="post" only
if (ew.get("ajax", data) == "updateoption" && ew.get("name", data) == "x_MyField") // Ajax selection
settings.data = data.replace("xxx", "yyy"); // Replace data with custom data

Example 3

Subscribe the "updatedone" event for Dynamic Selection Lists. The event fires after options of a child field is updated.

$(document).on("updatedone", function(e, args) {

//console.log(args); // Uncomment to view the arguments in browser console
alert($(args.target).data("field") + " has been updated.");

Example 4

Subscribe the "create.editor" event for the field named "MyField" to change configuration of the HTML editors. The
event fires before the HTML editor is created.

$(document).on("create.editor", function(e, args) {

//console.log(args); // Uncomment to view the arguments in browser console
if (args && args.id == "x_MyField")
args.settings.height = "300px"; // Refer to HTML editor doc for details about the settings

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer. This is a very useful event which you can almost do everything by
changing the document DOM.

PHPMaker provides a jQuery plugin .fields() for you to easily get/set the form values in client side events such as
Startup Script and Form_CustomValidate (see below)

$row = $(this).fields(); // return an object of all fields, each property is a jQuery object of the input
element(s) of a field
$field = $row["<fieldname>"]; // get jQuery object of the input element(s) of a field

You can also get the jQuery object for a field directly,
$field = $(this).fields("<fieldname>"); // return jQuery object of the input element(s) of a field

The jQuery object of the field is the jQuery object of the input element of the field. (Note that if Edit Tag of the field is
CHECKBOX or RADIO, the jQuery object may contain more than one elements.)

For example, if the page is an Edit page and the field is named "Field1" and it is a textbox, $(this).fields("Field1")
is equivalent to $("#x_Field1"). The advantages of using .fields() plugin is that the returned jQuery object has the
following additional methods:

.value([value]) .value() get field value, .value(value) set the field value.

Note This method is NOT the same as jQuery's .val() method. This method takes other
features (e.g. HTML editor, AutoSuggest) into consideration.

.visible([value]) .visible() get the visibility of the field, .visible(value) set the visibility of the field. The value should
be a boolean value.

1. This method shows/hides the row of the field (i.e. the <tr> or the <div>), NOT just
the input element(s) of the field itself in Add/Edit page.
2. The setter is NOT the same as jQuery's .toggle() method.

.readonly(value) Get/Set the readonly attribute of the input element. The value should be a Boolean value.

Note For <input type="text"> and <textarea> only.

.disabled(value) Get/Set the disabled attribute of the input element. The value should be a Boolean value.

Note A disabled control's value is NOT submitted with the form. Use this carefully in
Add/Edit page or the field may be updated with an empty value.

.row() Get the jQuery object of the row (<tr> or <div>) of the field.

1. If Add/Edit page, the row is the <tr> or the <div> of the field.
2. If Grid page, the row is the <tr> of the record.

.toNumber() Get the input value as a JavaScript Number (by default the input value is string).

.toDate() Get the input value as a moment object (by default the input value is string).

.toJsDate() Get the input value as a JavaScript Date object (by default the input value is string).

Example 1

Add onchange event to the field named "Field1" in Add/Edit page to change other fields by jQuery plugin .fields()

$("input[name='x_Field1']").change(function() { // Assume Field1 is a text input

if (this.value == "xxx") {
$(this).fields("FieldA").value("yyy"); // Set value to FieldA
} else {
$(this).fields("FieldB").value("zzz"); // Set value to FieldB

Example 2

Add onclick event to the field named "Field2" which uses CHECKBOX as Edit Tag.
$("input[name='x_Field2[]']").click(function() { // Field2 has multiple inputs (checkboxes) so they should
be selected by name
if (this.checked) { // If checked
// Do something
} else { // Not checked
// Do something else

Example 3

Add onchange event to the field named "Field1" in Grid-Add/Edit page to change other fields by jQuery plugin

$("input[data-field='x_Field3']").change(function() { // Field1 has multiple inputs in Grid-Add/Edit so

they should be selected by data-field attribute
if (this.value == "xxx") {
$(this).fields("FieldA").value("yyy"); // Set value to FieldA in the same row
} else {
$(this).fields("FieldB").value("zzz"); // Set value to FieldB in the same row

Example 4

Toggle visibility of a page in Multi-Page (see Table Setup)

$(function() {
currentForm.multiPage.togglePage(2, false); // Hide the 2nd page
Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. Note:
This function is a member of the JavaScript page class.

Return false if the form values do not pass your validation.

Note If you use this client side event, make sure you have enabled client-side validation, see Validation in PHP

The HTML form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj. You can also use the jQuery plugin .fields() in this

Example 1

Make sure an integer field value meet a certain requirement

function(fobj) { // DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE!

var $qty = $(this).fields("Qty"); // Get a field as jQuery object by field name
if ($qty.toNumber() % 10 != 0) // Assume Qty is a textbox
return this.onError($qty, "Order quantity must be multiples of 10."); // Return false if invalid
return true; // Return true if valid

Example 2

Compare 2 date fields

function(fobj) { // DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE!

var $row = $(this).fields(); // Get all fields
if ($row["Start"].toJsDate() > $row["End"].toJsDate()) // Assume Start and End are textboxes
return this.onError($row["End"], "The End Date must be later than the Start Date."); // Return
false if invalid
return true; // Return true if valid

Example 3

Manipulation of date fields

function(fobj) { // DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE!

var $start = $(this).fields("Start"), $end = $(this).fields("End"); // Get fields as jQuery objects by
field names
if ($start.toDate().add(7, "days").isAfter($end.toDate())) // Assume Start and End are
return this.onError($end, "The End Date must be at least 7 days after the Start Date."); // Return
false if invalid
return true; // Return true if valid

Table-Specific -> Delete Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Table-Specific -> Edit Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. The
form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj. Return false if the form values do not pass your validation.

Table-Specific -> List Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. Return
false if the form values do not pass your validation.

The form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj.

Note that the form element names are different in Inline-Add/Copy/Edit or Grid-Add/Edit mode of List page. They are
named as "x0_<fieldname>" in Inline-Add/Copy, as "x1_<fieldname>" in Inline-Edit mode, and as "x1_<fieldname>",
"x2_<fieldname>", etc. in Grid-Add/Edit since there are multiple rows. Inspect the elements in your browser to check
the actual form element names.

Note Form_CustomValidate is fired for EVERY row in the grid. You can also use the jQuery plugin .fields()
(see above) to manipulate the fields, but remember that the plugin return field(s) of the CURRENT row only. If
you need to access fields in other rows, either use fobj.elements or jQuery with CSS selectors.

Table-Specific -> Multi-Update Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. The
form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj. Return false if the form values do not pass your validation.

Table-Specific -> Report Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Table-Specific -> Search Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. The
form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj. Return false if the form values do not pass your validation.

Table-Specific -> View Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Other -> Login Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. The
form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj. Return false if the form values do not pass your validation.

Other -> Registration Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. The
form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj. Return false if the form values do not pass your validation.

Other -> Change Password Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. The
form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj. Return false if the form values do not pass your validation.

Other -> Password Recovery Page

Client Script The script will be placed after the header.

Startup Script The script will be placed before the footer.

Form_CustomValidate This event is fired after the normal form validation. You can use this event to do your own custom validation. The
form object can be accessed by the parameter fobj. Return false if the form values do not pass your validation.

Note It is recommended that you develop your server event and client scripts in the generated script so you can edit and test it
immediately. When you finish your custom script, copy it to PHPMaker custom script editor and save it.

Objects in PHPMaker Generated Code

The following objects are available in the generated code and you can use them in the Server Events to add more power to the code. The most
important objects are:

Page Object
The Page object is generated for most pages. You can access the object properties using the -> notation (e.g. CurrentPage()->PageID). The page
class inherits from the table class generated for each table. The methods and properties of the page class varies with page, for the complete list
of methods and properties, please refer to the generated page class in the generated scripts and the class <Table> (e.g. Cars) in the generated
file "<Table>.php".

Field Object
A Field object is generated for each field in a table. For example, the "Trademark" object is generated for the "Trademark" field in the "Cars"
table. You can access the object properties using the -> notation (e.g. CurrentPage()->Trademark->CurrentValue). For the complete list of
methods and properties, please refer to the class DbField in the generated file "phpfn*.php".

Security Object
The Security object is used to store the current Advanced Security settings. Please refer to the class AdvancedSecurity in the generated file
"phpfn*.php" for the complete list of methods and properties.

Email Object
The Email object contains the required information of the email to be sent, the instance of the object will be passed to the Email_Sending
events as argument and let you modify the email. Please refer to the class Email in the generated file "phpfn*.php" for the complete list of
methods and properties.

Menu Object
The Menu object contains all information of a menu, the instance of the menu will be passed to the Menu_Rendering and Menu_Rendered
events as argument and let you work with the menu. Please refer to the class Menu in the generated file "phpfn*.php" for the complete list of
methods and properties.

MenuItem Object
The MenuItem object contains all information of the menu item, the instance of the menu item will be passed to the MenuItem_Adding events
as argument and let you work with the menu item. Please refer to the class MenuItem in the generated file "phpfn*.php" for the complete list
of methods and properties.

ListOpions Object
The ListOptions object contains all information of the non data columns in the main table of the List page. Please refer to the class ListOptions
in the generated file "phpfn*.php" for the complete list of methods and properties.

ExportOpions Object
The ExportOptions object contains all information of the export links in the List page. It is also an instance of the class ListOptions. Please refer
to the class ListOptions in the generated file "phpfn*.php" for the complete list of methods and properties.
Language Object
The language Object lets you retrieve a phrase of the active language during runtime. The phrase can be retrieved in the generated scripts using
methods such as phrase(), tablePhrase() and fieldPhrase(). Please refer to the class Language in the generated file "phpfn*.php" for the
complete list of methods and properties.

Breadcrumb Object
The Breadcrumb object contains all information of the breadcrumb at the top of page. Please refer to the class Breadcrumb in the generated
file "phpfn*.php" for the complete list of methods and properties.

There are other objects in the generated code, please refer to the source code of the "phpfn*.php" in template or generated scripts.

Some Global Functions

The following are some useful global function available in the generated code for you to get information easier in server events:


1. In the following table, the argument $dbname or $tablename or $fieldname is the database/table/field variable name. It is case-
sensitive. In general, if the name is alphanumeric, the variable name is same as the name. Otherwise, spaces are replaced by
underscores, and other non alphanumeric characters are replaced by their hexadecimal string representation of their unicode value.
If the variable is a reserved word, it will be prepended with an underscore. If you use databases with the same name, check the
database variable name in the Add Linked Table form, see Linked Tables.
2. If MS Access, the $dbname is the file name of the database without the extension. If Oracle, the $dbname is the schema name.
3. Argument in square brackets means that the argument is optional.
4. If $dbname is not specified, the database of the project is assumed. If $dbname is specified, the specified database of Linked Tables
is used.

Function Description Example

Get($name[, $default]) Get a value from $_GET. If the value is not set, the $value = Get("name");
default value $default (NULL by default) is returned.
Post($name[, $default]) Get a value from $_POST. If the value is not set, the $value = Post("name");
default value $default (NULL by default) is returned.
Param($name[, $default]) Get a value from $_POST. If the value is not set, get the $value = Param("name");
value from $_GET. If the value is not set, the default
value $default (NULL by default) is returned.
Route([$i]) Get the nth (0-based) route value. For use with API $value = Route(1);
and URL Rewrite enabled only. If $i unspecified, all
route values are returned as array.

For example, if you make a request to API like

/api/hello/world, the parameters are hello/world, the
first value, Route(0), is the action name "hello", the
second value, Route(1), is "world".

Conn([$dbname]) Get the global connection object. $rs = Conn()->Execute("SELECT ...");

// execute a SELECT statement and
If $dbname is not specified, it returns the connection get recordset object
object for the database of the project. If $dbname is
$rs = Conn("MyDbName")-
specified, it returns the connection object for the
>Execute("SELECT ..."); // execute a
specified database of a Linked Table. SELECT statement and get recordset

Security() Get the global security object if (Security()->CanEdit()) { //

check if current user has Edit
permission for the current table
(for use with User Level Security
...your code...

Language() Get the global language object Language()->setPhrase("AddLink",

"xxx"); // change the wording for
the "Add" link
Profile() Get the global user profile object Profile()->Set("xxx", "yyy"); // set
a value
Profile()->Save(); // save to
Profile()->Get("xxx"); // get the
value in other pages

CurrentUserName() Get current user name. $username = CurrentUserName();

CurrentUserID() For used with User ID Security (see Security Settings). $userid = CurrentUserID();
Get current User ID.
CurrentUserLevel() For used with User Level Security (see Security $levelid = CurrentUserLevel();
Settings). Get current user's User Level ID (integer).
(Note: NOT current user's permission as integer.)
CurrentUserInfo($fieldname) For used with Advanced Security (see Security $email = CurrentUserInfo("email");
Settings). Get current user's info from the user table.
The argument is the field name in the user table.
CurrentPageID() Get current page ID. A page ID identifies the page type, if (CurrentPageID() == "add") {
it can be "list", "view", "add", "edit", "delete", "search", ...your code...

CurrentPage() Get current page object. $rowindex = CurrentPage()->RowCnt;

CurrentLanguageID() Get current language ID. $langid = CurrentLanguageID();

Page([$tablename]) Get page object of another table in the page, e.g. the $value = Page("MyMasterTable")-
page object of the master table or detail table. If >MyField->CurrentValue;

$tablename is not specified, it returns CurrentPage().

IsLoggedIn() For used with Advanced Security (see Security if (IsLoggedIn()) {
Settings). Get the login status of the current user. ...your code...

IsAdmin() For used with Advanced Security (see Security if (IsAdmin()) {

Settings). Check if the current user is an administrator. ...your code...

IsExport([$format]) Check if the page is exporting data. if (IsExport("print")) {

...your code...

Execute($sql [,$dbname]) Execute UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements. Execute("UPDATE MyTable SET...

ExecuteRow($sql [,$dbname]) Executes the query, and returns the first row as an $row = ExecuteRow("SELECT * FROM
array. MyTable WHERE...");

ExecuteRows($sql [,$dbname]) Executes the query, and returns the rows as an array. $rows = ExecuteRows("SELECT * FROM
MyTable WHERE...");

ExecuteScalar($sql [,$dbname]) Executes the query, and returns the first column of the $value = ExecuteScalar("SELECT
first row. MyField FROM MyTable WHERE...");

ExecuteHtml($sql [,$options] [,$dbname]) Executes the query, and returns the data as HTML $html = ExecuteHtml("SELECT * FROM
table. See source code for options. MyTable WHERE...");

ExecuteJson($sql [,$options] [,$dbname]) Executes the query, and returns the data as JSON. See $json = ExecuteJson("SELECT * FROM
source code for options. MyTable WHERE...");

DbHelper([$dbname]) Get database helper object of a database (also see $db = DbHelper();
Custom Files).
SetClientVar($name, $value) Pass server side data to client side as a property of the SetClientVar("myName", "myValue");
ewVar object. // PHP (server side)
var myValue = ew.vars.myValue; //
JavaScript (client side)

There are many other useful functions in the generated code, please refer to the source code of the file "phpfn*.php" in template or generated

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