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Cinzia Buratti, Irene Costarelli, Franco Cotana, Luca Crisostomi and Francesco Fantozzi
University of Perugia – Biomass Research Centre
Via M.Iorio 8, 06128 Perugia, Italy
Tel.: +39.075.5004209 Fax. +39.075.5153321
e-mail: cburatti@crbnet.it; costarelli@crbnet.it, cotana@crbnet.it, crisostomi@crbnet.it, fanto@crbnet.it

ABSTRACT: The use of renewable energy sources is becoming important to reduce global warming and to
provide fuel supply. Biomass fuels have to be used in a clean and more efficient way; so, it’s important to
know their chemical and physical characteristics, in order to choose the best energetic conversion process.
The Biomass Research Centre, founded in 2003 by the Italian Ministry of Environment and the University of
Perugia, realized a laboratory to study physical and chemical characteristics of biomass. Laboratory aims to
create a database for Italy, with data of ultimate analysis, proximate analysis and lower calorific value, in
compliance with Italian Standard UNI, European CEN/TS and American Technical Norms ASTM. The main
samples analyzed are residual and forestry biomass, collected from Umbria Region, and solid biofuels such
as pellets and chips. Archive and experimental data are periodically updated and increased.
Keywords: Biofuels standardisation, Biomass composition, Biomass characteristics

1 INTRODUCTION A general view of the Laboratory is shown in Fig. 1.

EU and Italy, with Kyoto Protocol subscription, are

involved in the greenhouse gases reduction; renewable
energies have an important role in this process and in
particular biomass could contribute in a significant way.
Biomass represents a complex system for solar
energy accumulation by means of clorophyllos
photosyntesis, in which the atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
is transformed in organic substance.
Biomass could be employed for energetic
conversion by means of different processes, such as bio-
chemical or thermal-chemical ones. The process choice
depends on the biomass characteristics; therefore an
important step in the conversion systems study is the
evaluation of the biomass availability and its energetic,
physical and chemical characteristics.
Biomass could be characterized knowing the main Figure 1: A general view of CRB Laboratory
energetic parameters, such as Higher Heat Value (HHV)
and Lower Heat Value (LHV), chemical characteristics
(Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen content), physical 2 ANALYSIS AND INSTRUMENTS
parameters (Moisture, Ash and Volatile compounds
content). CRB Laboratory for biomass characterization is
In 2003 the Italian Ministry of Environment found equipped with instruments which allow to realize the
the Biomass Research Centre (CRB), in order to create a following analysis:
scientific reference organism about energetic biomass - Proximate Analysis (Moisture, Ash and Volatile
employment. Among its activities, CRB realized a Compounds content);
Laboratory for the energetic and physical – chemical - Ultimate Analysis (Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen
characterization of biomass and biofuels. content);
The Laboratory is active since February 2005; many - Higher Heat Value and Lower Heat Value;
analysis were carried out, on different kind of biomass; - Pellet durability.
results were organized in a Data Base developed by the Laboratory is equipped with the following
Centre staff. instruments:
In the present paper the analysis carried out in the - Mill Retsch SM 2000 for the sample preparation;
CRB Laboratory and the related methodologies, in - TGA 701 LECO for Proximate Analysis (Fig. 2);
compliance with International and Italian Standards for - Truspec CHN LECO for Ultimate Analysis (Fig. 3);
biomass characterization, are described. - Calorimeter AC 350 LECO for HHV measurement
Moreover, as an example, some experimental data on (Fig. 4);
woody biomass are presented; results are also compared - Lignotester New Holmen Tester TekPRO for pellet
with data from Literature; an evaluation of the durability.
measurement repeatability is also given. The main instruments characteristics are reported in
Finally the Data Base for measurements results Table I, II and III.
organization is described.

All the analysis are carried out in compliance with

International or Italian Standards for biomass
Samples are collected in compliance with norms
reported in table IV [1, 2, 3, 4].
Proximate analysis is carried out in observance of
methods defined in table V [5, 6, 7, 8] for Moisture and
Ash content, while Volatile matter is determined in
Figure 2: TGA 701 LECO for Proximate Analysis compliance with Italian Standard UNI 9903-8 [9].
Ultimate analysis is carried out in compliance with
Tab. I: TGA 701 Specifications ASTM D-5373 [10].
Sample Size: 5 grams (maximum) In compliance with UNI 9017 [11], HHV value is
Number of Samples: max 19 (+ 1 reference) measured and LHVdb is calculated by means of the
Precision: ±0.02% RSD following relation:
Balance Resolution: 0.0001 g
LHVdb = HHVdb – 9 * 2.398 * Hdb
Oven Temperature: Ambient (minimum)
Temperature Control
Minimum: 100°C, Maximum: 1000°C Table IV: Method for sample preparation
Accuracy: 2% of set point or ±2°C; Analysis Method
Maximum Ramp Rate Sample preparation pr CENT/TS 14778-1
Ambient to 104°C: 15°C/min, 104/1000°C: 50°C/min pr CENT/TS 14779
Gas Pressure : Air: 45 psi (3.1 bars) pr CENT/TS 14780
Nitrogen: 35 psi (2.4 bars) UNI 9903-3
Oxygen: 35 psi (2.4 bars)
Table V: Determination of moisture and ash content
Analysis Method
Moisture CENT/TS 14774-1
CENT/TS 14774-2
CENT/TS 14774-3
Ash CENT/TS 14775


The classification of the samples examined by the

Biomass Research Centre was based on a scheme
Figure 3: Truspec CHN LECO for Ultimate Analysis developed by Comitato Termotecnico Italiano (CTI). It
classifies biomass basing on nature and origin in the
Tab. II: TruSpec CHN Specifications following main groups: woody biomass, herbaceous
Range biomass, fruit biomass, biomass blends and mixture,
Carbon: 50 ppm or 0.005% to 50% waste, aquatic biomass.
Hydrogen: 200 ppm or 0.02% to 50% Samples examined since its institution by the CRB
Nitrogen: 80 ppm or 0.008% to 100%
Laboratory belong to all the mentioned categories, but
Carbon: 0.3 ppm or 0.5% RSD woody biomass samples are more numerous; therefore, as
Hydrogen: 100 ppm or 1.0% RSD an example, results related to woody biomass are
Nitrogen: 40 ppm or 0.5% RSD reported in the following figures, distinguishing Poplar,
Black Locust and Vines pruning samples.
Moisture values are in the range 30-50 % for Poplar,
in the range 7-80% for Black Locust and 26-44 % for
Vine pruning; Ash content is in the range 2–5 % for
Poplar, 2-10 % for Black Locust and 2-5% for Vine
pruning; Volatile compounds are in the range 84-88% for
Poplar, 80-88 % for Black Locust and 80-93 % for Vine
Carbon content varies in the range 50-60 % for
Poplar, 48-55% for Black Locust and 47-66 % for Vine
Figure 4: Calorimeter AC-350 LECO (HHV) pruning; Hydrogen content varies in the range 6-9 % for
Poplar, 6-8 % for Black Locust and Vine pruning;
Tab III: Calorimeter AC 350 Specifications Nitrogen content varies in the range 0.1-2 % for Poplar,
Method: Isoperibol Jacket 0.3-4 % for Black Locust and 0.4-1 % for Vine pruning.
Nominal Sample Weight: 1 g. (0.6 g. - 1.4 g.) HHV is in the range 20-25 MJ/kg for Poplar, about 20
Range: 6-15 kBTU/lb. for 1 g. sample MJ/kg for Black Locust and in the range 18-21 MJ/kg for
Precision <0.05% RSD (Benzoic Acid) Vine pruning while LHW is in the range 18-22 MJ/kg,
Resolution: 1 BTU/lb. 1 kJ/kg. 0.1 CAL/g. about 18 MJ/kg and in the range 17-20 MJ/kg.
Temperature Measurement:
Resolution: 0.0001°C
Room Temperature: 13°C - 33°C
Moisture (wb) Volatile (db) Ash (db) Carbon (daf) Hydrogen (daf) Nitrogen (daf)

70 10 5
100 100 10
9 4,5
90 60
8 4
80 90 8 50 7 3,5
60 40 6 3
80 6

50 5 2,5


40 70 4 4 2
30 20 3 1,5
20 60 2 2 1
10 1 0,5
0 50 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 5: Proximate Analysis of Poplar samples

Figure 10: Ultimate Analysis of Vine pruning samples

M o i s t ur e ( w b ) Ash (db)
100 20 HHV (db) HHV (db) HHV (db)
80 19 25
60 18 19
40 17
20 16
0 15 20 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 14
11 13
15 15

V o lat i l e ( d b ) 9

100 7 9 10
90 6 10
80 5 7
% 4
3 5
60 2
50 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
0 2 4 % 6 8 10 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 6: Proximate Analysis of Black Locust samples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 10

Figure 11: HHV of Poplar, Black Locust and Vine

Moisture (wb) Volatile (db) Ash (db) pruning samples
100 95
90 90 LHV (db) LHV (db)
8 LHV (db)
70 19 25
80 6 25

75 5


70 20
40 4 15
65 3
30 13

20 60 2 15
10 55 1 15

0 50 0 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 7

Figure 7: Proximate Analysis of Vine pruning samples 5 5

5 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Carbon (daf) Hydrogen (daf) Nitrogen (daf) 0 0 10 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MJ/kg

10 5
70 4,5
Figure 12: LHV of Poplar, Black Locust and Vine
60 8 4 pruning samples
7 3,5
6 3
40 All results were compared with data from Literature

5 2,5

30 4 2 [13, 14]; a good agreement was found (Table VI and

20 1,5 VII).
2 1
1 0,5 A statistical analysis of the results was carried out in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
order to evaluate the measurements repeatability. Two
types of woody biomasses were used, olive pruning and
bamboo. Twenty tests were made for each sample and for
Figure 8: Ultimate Analysis of Poplar samples
each group of analysis. Home made software was
developed to evaluate the standard deviation and the
Carbon (daf) Nitrogen (daf) relative standard deviation (RSD) of the results. The
% 40
same software was used to estimate the minimum number
of necessary repetitions to have the lowest RSD value.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

10 Hydrogen(daf)
6 7
A data base for data collection was implemented, in
2 4
order to record all measured data.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 Each record is divided into three parts: in the first one
0 1 %2 3 4
the sample characterization is done (identifying code,
biomass group, sample description); in the second one
Figure 9: Ultimate Analysis of Black Locust samples the sample origin is recorded (site, address of the
supplier, quantity, sample preparation description); in the compared with data from Literature and a good
third one results of analysis are reported. agreement was found.
Data can be looked up with a research key (i. e. for A data base for data collection was implemented, in
kind of biomass, origin, CHN range contents, C/N ratio, order to record all measured data.
Moisture range values, etc.).

Table VI: Results for Poplar samples and comparison
with [13, 14] CRB: Biomass Research Centre;
Parameter CRB laboratory Literature data wb: wet bases;
Moisture (% wb) 30.17 – 50.13 7.60 – 9.60 db: dry bases;
Ash (% db) 2.620 – 6.120 1.80 – 3.40 daf: dry ash free;
Volatile (% db) 83.58 – 88.96 73.6 – 74.4 FC Fixed carbon (%)
FC (% db) 7.690 – 12.10 14.3 – 16.5 HHV: Higher Heat Value (MJ/kg);
HHV (MJ/kg) 20.25 – 24.48 18.4 – 20.7 LHV: Lower Heat Value (MJ/kg).
LHV (MJ/kg) 18.65 – 22.62 18.0 – 19.3
RSD: Relative Standard Deviation
C (% daf) 50.90 – 60.41 49.2 – 49.6
H (% daf) 6.080 – 8.870 7.20 – 8.00
N (% daf) 0.100 – 1.620 0.10 – 0.20 8 REFERENCES

[1] CENT/TS 14778-1: Solid Biofuels – Sampling–Part

1: Methods for sampling, (2004).
Table VII: Results for Black Locust samples and
[2] CENT/TS 14779 : Solid Biofuels – Sampling –
comparison with [13, 14]
Parameter CRB laboratory Literature data Methods for preparing sampling plans and sampling
Moisture (% wb) 7.010 – 79.20 - certificates, (2004).
Ash (% db) 2.220 – 10.29 0.800 [3] CENT/TS 14780: Solid Biofuels – Methods for
Volatile (% db) 79.85 – 88.38 80.90 sample preparation, (2004).
FC (% db) 8.450 – 16.05 - [4] UNI 9903-3: Combustibili solidi non minerali
HHV (MJ/kg) 19.06 – 20.06 19.71 ricavati da rifiuti (RDF). Indicazioni di base per il
LHV (MJ/kg) 17.50 – 18.92 18.46 campionamento sistematico dei combustibili (in
C (% daf) 48.54 – 55.45 51.10 Italian), (1992).
H (% daf) 6.120 – 8.460 5.750 [5] CENT/TS 14774-1: Solid Biofuels - Methods for
N (% daf) 0.330 – 3.780 0.570 determination of moisture content - Oven dry
method. Part 1: Total moisture - Reference method,
Table VI: Results for Vine pruning samples and [6] CENT/TS 14774-2: Solid Biofuels - Methods for
comparison with [13, 14] determination of moisture content- Oven dry
Parameter CRB laboratory Literature data method. Part 2: Total moisture - Simplified method,
Moisture (% wb) 25.84 – 44.01 8.800 (2004).
Ash (% db) 2.390 – 4.780 2.300 [7] CENT/TS 14774-3: Solid Biofuels -Methods for
Volatile (% db) 79.38 – 93.40 72.70
determination of moisture content-Oven dry method.
FC (% db) 2.170 – 16.48 16.20
Part 3: Moisture in general analysis sample, (2004).
HHV (MJ/kg) 18.65 – 21.38 18.57
LHV (MJ/kg) 17.03 – 20.09 -
[8] CENT/TS 14775: Solid Biofuels – Methods for
C (% daf) 47.72 – 65.83 50.90 determination of ash content, (2004).
H (% daf) 5.740 – 7.780 7.010 [9] UNI 9903-8: Combustibili solidi non minerali
N (% daf) 0.400 – 0.980 0.430 ricavati da rifiuti (RDF). Determinazione delle
sostanze volatili. (in Italian), (1992).
[10] ASTM D5373: Standard test method for
6 CONCLUSIONS instrumental determination of carbon, hydrogen,
and nitrogen in laboratory sample of coal and coke,
The use of renewable energy sources is becoming (2002).
important to reduce global warming and to provide fuel [11] UNI 9017: Legno da ardere – Determinazione delle
supply. With regard to the utilization of biomass as an caratteristiche energetiche (in Italian), (1987).
energy source, the investigation of chemical and energetic [12] CEN TC 335 WG 4: Draft test method, (2003).
characteristics of biomass fuels is important in the more [13] L. Cuiping, W. Chuangzhi, H. Haitao, Chemical
suitable energy conversion technology choice. elemental characteristics of biomass fuels in China,
The Biomass Research Centre, founded in 2003 by Biomass and Bioenergy, 27 (2004) 119-130.
the Italian Ministry of Environment and the University of [14] M. Ohman, C. Boman, H. Hedman, A. Nordin, D.
Perugia, realized a laboratory to study physical and Bostrom, , Slagging tendencies of wood pellet ash
chemical characteristics of biomass. CRB Laboratory is during combustion in residential pellet burners,
equipped with instruments which allow to realize the Biomass and Bioenergy, 27 (2004) 585–596.
following analysis: Proximate Analysis, Ultimate
Analysis, HHV, LHV and Pellet durability.
Samples examined by the CRB Laboratory belong to
different categories, but woody biomass samples are
more numerous; therefore, as an example, results related
to woody biomass are reported. These results were

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