r16 IV-1 HVDC Handbook
r16 IV-1 HVDC Handbook
r16 IV-1 HVDC Handbook
This subject deals with importance of HCDC transmission, analysis of HVDC converts, Harmonics and
filters, reactive power control and power factor improvement of the system.
Topics include basics of converters, system control and power flow analysis, harmonics and filters
Level Credits Periods/ Week Prerequisites
1. Power Systems
UG 4 4 2. Power Electronics
Midterm Test:
There shall be Two Mid-Term Examinations. Each mid-term examination consists of one objective paper,
one descriptive paper and one assignment. The objective paper and the essay paper shall be for 10 marks
each with a total duration of 1 hour 20 minutes (20 minutes for objective and 60 minutes for essay paper).
The objective paper is set with 20 bits of multiple choice, fill-in the blanks and matching type of questions
for a total of 10 marks. The essay paper shall contain 4 full questions out of which, the student has to answer
2 questions, each carrying 5 marks.
While the first mid-term examination shall be conducted on 50% of the syllabus, the second mid-term
examination shall be conducted on the remaining 50% of the syllabus. Five marks are allocated for
assignments (as specified by the subject teacher concerned). The first assignment should be submitted before
the conduct of the first mid- examination, and the second assignment should be submitted before the conduct
of the second mid- examination. The total marks secured by thestudentineachmid-
termexaminationareevaluatedfor25marks, and the Average of the Two Mid-Term Examinations shall be taken
as the final marks secured by each student in internals/sessionals
75 100
End Semester Examinations:
The end semester examinations will be conducted for 75 marks consisting of two parts viz. i) Part- A for
25 marks, ii) Part - B for 50marks.
Part-A is compulsory question which consists of ten sub-questions. The first five sub-questions are from
each unit and carry 2 marks each. The next five sub- questions are one from each unit and carry 3 marks
Part-B consists of five questions (numbered from 2 to 6) carrying 10 marks each. Each of these
questions is from one unit and may contain sub-questions. For each question there will be an “either”
“or” choice, which means that there will be two questions from each unit and the student should answer
either of the two questions.
S. No. Component Duration Marks
1 I Mid Examination 1 hour 20 minutes 20
2 I Assignment - 5
3 II Mid Examination 1 hour 20 minutes 20
4 II Assignment - 5
5 External Examination 3 hours 75
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
To compare EHV AC and HVDC systems and various Types of DC links
To analyze Graetz circuit with different mode of operations
To control HVDC systems through various methods of AC/DC power flow study
To describe various protection methods for HVDC systems and Harmonics reduce filter design.
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
Knowledge Level
S. No. Course Outcomes (CO) (Blooms Level)
Distinguish between EHV AC and HVDC systems and various
CO1 types of DC links. L2: UNDERSTAND
CO2 Design the Graetz circuit with different mode of operations L4: ANALYZE
CO5 Design the harmonics reduction filters for HVDC transmission L4: ANALYZE
Program Outcomes (PO) Level
assessed by
PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of
mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex 3 Assignments
engineering problems related to Electrical and Electronics
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research
literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
Open ended
related Electrical and Electronics Engineering and reaching 3 experiments /
substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for
complex engineering problems related Electrical and
Electronics Engineering and design system components or
2 Assignments
processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-
based knowledge and research methods including design of
---- ------
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate
techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools
---- ------
including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the
contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal
and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities 1 Case study Analysis
relevant to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering
professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of
the Electrical and Electronics Engineering professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, ---- --------
and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional
ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering ---- -------
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an
individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in ---- -------
multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex
engineering activities with the engineering community and
with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
---- -------
write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding of the engineering and management
principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member ---- -------
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the 1
preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long Competitive
Program Outcomes (PO) Level
assessed by
learning in the broadest context of technological change.
1:Slight (Low) 2:Moderate(Medium) 3:Substantial(High) - :None
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) Level
assessed by
PSO1 Talented to analyze, design, and implement electrical &
PSO1 Lectures/
electronics systems and deal with the rapid pace of industrial 2 Assignments/
innovations and developments.
PSO2 Skillful to use application and control techniques for research and
advanced studies in Electrical & Electronics Engineering domain. 2 Mini Projects
/ Simulation
Basic Concepts: Necessity of HVDC systems, Economics and Terminal equipment of HVDC
transmission systems, Types of HVDC Links, Apparatus required for HVDC Systems, Comparison of
AC and DC Transmission, Application of DC Transmission System, Planning and Modern trends in
D.C. Transmission.Analysis of HVDC Converters: Choice of Converter Configuration, Analysis of
Graetz circuit, Characteristics of 6 Pulse and 12 Pulse converters, Cases of two 3 phase converters in
Y/Y mode – their performance.
Converter and HVDC System Control: Principle of DC Link Control, Converters Control
Characteristics, Firing angle control, Current and extinction angle control, Effect of source inductance
on the system, Starting and stopping of DC link, Power Control. Reactive Power Control In HVDC:
Introduction, Reactive Power Requirements in steady state, sources of reactive power- Static VAR
Compensators, Reactive power control during transients.
Converter Faults and Protection: Converter faults, protection against over current and over voltage
in converter station, surge arresters, smoothing reactors, DC breakers, Audible noise, space charge
field, corona effects on DC lines, Radio interference.
1. “K. R. Padiyar”, HVDC Power Transmission Systems: Technology and system Interactions,
New Age International (P) Limited, and Publishers, 1990.
2. “S K Kamakshaiah, V Kamaraju”, HVDC Transmission, TMH Publishers, 2011
3. “S. Rao”, EHVAC and HVDC Transmission Engineering and Practice, Khanna publications, 3 rd
Edition 1999.
1. “Jos Arrillaga”, HVDC Transmission, The institution of electrical engineers, IEE power &
energy series 29, 2nd edition 1998.
2. “E. W. Kimbark”, Direct Current Transmission, John Wiley and Sons, volume 1, 1971.
3. “E. Uhlmann”, Power Transmission by Direct Current, B. S. Publications, 2009
At the end of the course, the students are able to achieve the following course learning outcomes:
protection against over current and over
33. chalk & talk T1,T3
voltage in converter station
protection against over current and over T1,T3
chalk & talk
34. 9 voltage in converter station
surge arresters, smoothing reactors chalk & talk T1,T3
35. Able to understand the
HVDC link protection chalk & talk T1,T3
36. smoothing reactors, DC breakers
Audible noise, space charge field chalk & talk T1,T3
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO2 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO4 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO5 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
AVG 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
2: Moderate 3: Substantial
1: Slight (Low) - : None
(Medium) High)
Explain in detail about the planning of HVDC
29 Apply 1
State the advantages and disadvantages of dc
30 transmission system with Apply 1
following economics, reliability, and performance
Explain with the help of neat diagram and wave
forms, the operation of 6-pulse bridge converter with
delay angle a and overlap angle u. derive the
31 for its dc output voltage Remember 1
Show the rating of the valve used in gratez circuit is
32 2.094Pd where Pd is dc Understand 1
power transmitted.
What are the different types of modes of operation of
33 Remember 1
34 Write down the converter bridge characteristics? Understand 1
Derive the expression for input power, output power
and power factor of 6-
35 Apply 1
pulse bridge converter with delay angle α. Assume
there is no overlap.
Sketch the output dc voltage waveform and voltage
across any one valve for 6- pulse bridge converter for
the following two cases,
(i) Delay angle α=30 degree and overlap angle
36 Remember 1
u=5 degree.
(ii) angle of advance β=30 degree and
overlap angle u=5 degree
37 Explain in detail the principle of DC Link control. Apply 1
Explain firing angle control & current and extinction
38 Remember 1
angle control
Sketch the output dc voltage waveform and voltage
39 across any one valve for Apply 1
12-pulse bridge
Give the typical converter transformer rating for
40 Apply 1
aHVDC transmission system?
1 What will be the current regulation in inverter side? Understand 2
2 Define firing angle control. Understand 2
3 What is un compounded inverter? Understand 2
Draw the characteristics curve for inverter
4 Analyze 2
5 Write down the converter bridge characteristics? Analyze 2
6 Explain overlap angle and extinction angle. Analyze 2
Discuss in detail the effect of source inductance on
7 Analyze 2
hvdc system
Explain the individual characteristics of a rectifier
8 Analyze 2
and an inverter with sketches.
9 Explain current and extinction angle control. Analyze 2
10 | P a g e
Draw and explain the inverter and rectifier
10 compounding characteristics with constant voltage Apply 2
and current curve.
Explain firing angle control & current and
1 Analyze 2
extinction angle control
2 Explain overlap angle and extinction angle. Remember 2
Define the term angle of advance and its
3 Remember 2
significance in inverter control
Explain the individual characteristics of a rectifier
4 Analyze 2
and an inverter with sketches
Discuss in detail about the transformer tap changer
5 Analyze 2
with its types
Discuss in detail about the converter control
6 Analyze 2
characteristics of hvdc system
7 Discuss in detail the principle of DC Link control. Analyze 2
8 Explain the system control hierarchy Analyze 2
Explain the un compounded inverter with neat
9 Understand 2
Why the delay angle and extinction angles are to be
10 Understand 2
maintained to minimum value
1 Explain in detail the principle of DC Link control Understand 2
Explain the term angle of advance and its
2 Understand 2
significance in inverter control
What are the different types of modes of operation
3 Understand 2
of rectifier?
Explain firing angle control & current and
Understand 2
4 extinction angle control
5 Explain the system control hierarchy Analyze 2
6 Explain overlap angle and extinction angle. Apply 2
7 What will be the current regulation in inverter side Apply 2
Why the delay angle and extinction angles are to be
8 maintained to minimum Understand 2
Explain the individual characteristics of a rectifier
9 and an inverter with Apply 2
Explain in detail about the transformer tap changer
10 Apply 2
with its types
11 | P a g e
What are the additional constraints needed to
7 Remember 3
include for ac-dc power flow
8 List some essentials of power flow analysis Evaluate 3
Compare sequential and simultaneous methods of
9 Remember 3
ac-dc power flow.
What are the major steps in the power flow
10 Remember 3
analysis of MTDC-AC Systems
What are the additional constraints needed to 4
1 Remember
include for ac-dc power flow?
2 List some essentials of power flow analysis Evaluate 4
Compare sequential and simultaneous methods of 4
3 Remember
ac-dc power flow.
What are the major steps in the power flow 4
4 Remember
analysis of MTDC-AC Systems
5 Define AC filter? Remember 4
6 Define DC Filter? Understand 4
What are the components present in AC & DC 4
7 Remember
8 What are the types of AC filters & Dc? Apply 4
9 Define single tuned filter? Remember 4
10 How will protect the filter? Remember 4
Discuss the various sources of active power for 4
1 Understand
HVDC converters
What is the reactive power requirement in steady 4
2 Apply
Explain extended variable method of DC power 4
3 Remember
Explain the variable elimination method of DC 4
4 Remember
power flow
5 Explain the sequential method of DC power flow. Remember 4
Draw the necessary flow
12 | P a g e
6 Explain about per unit system for DC quantities Remember 4
Compare sequential and unified methods of DC 4
7 Apply
power flow
8 Explain unified method of DC power flow Remember 4
What are the additional constraints needed to 4
9 Understand
include for ac-dc power flow?
Compare sequential and simultaneous methods of 4
10 Apply
ac-dc power flow
State the various sources of harmonics generation 4
11 in HVDC-VSC systems and mention the adverse Apply
effects caused by these harmonics
With neat sketches, explain how a converter 4
transformer is responsible for generation of
12 Evaluate
harmonics and suggest various methods for
minimising them
Define telephone interference Factor and Explain 4
13 Remember
how it varies with harmonic order.
What are the non-characteristics of harmonics in 4
14 Evaluate
HVDC system? How are they generated?
What are other methods of eliminating harmonics 4
15 Apply
with HVDC system
Explain the need to employ filter circuit in HVDC 4
systems. Derive an Expression for minimum cost
16 of tuned AC filters used in HVDC systems. Apply 4
Derive an equation for harmonic voltage and 4
17 current for single tuned filter and discuss the Analyse
influence of network admittance
Give a detailed account of design aspects of 4
following filters Analyse
18 (a) Single tuned filter (b)Double tuned filter 4
What are the other methods of eliminating or 4
19 suppressing harmonics with HVDC system? Give a Analyze
comparison using passive filter network
2) At what location are the shunt capacitors installed for voltages above 33 kV and above?
a. Distribution level
b. Transmission level
c. Both (A) and (B)
d. Depending upon the load
6) Which place is the ‘Regional load dispatch centre’ for the western region in the national grid?
a. Mumbai
b. Ahmadabad
c. Bhopal
d. Nagpur
a. Air
b. Oil
c. Paper
d. Varnish
8) At what condition does the corona start, if Es is the electrical stress and Ecr is the critical voltage?
a. Es > Ecr
b. Es = Ecr
c. Es < Ecr
d. Es << Ecr
a. 220 kV
b. 500 kV
c. 750 kV
d. 330 kV
15 | P a g e
12. When two power systems are connected through ac ties, the automatic
generation control of both systems have to be coordinated using
(a) Line current & voltage signals (b) Line power & voltage signals
(c) Line power & frequency signals (d) Line current & frequency signals
13. Which factor must be considered by system planner for expansion of dc
alternative in transmission
(a) Cost (b) Technical performance (c) Reliability (d) All
14. The break even distance can vary in the range for over head lines
(a) 300km (b) 500km (c) 100km (d) 1000km
15. The following is the application of hvdc
transmission (a)Small distance bulk power
transmission (b)Medium bulk power
(c)Long distance bulk power transmission (d) None
16. HVDC transmission commercially began in the year
(a) 1950 (b) 1954 (c) 1970 (d) 1935
17. Modern HVDC systems are all
(a) 3-pulse converters (b) 6-pulse converters
(c) 24-pulse converters (d) 12-pulse converters
18. The break even distance is the distance beyond which
(a) DC transmission is economical (b) AC transmission is economical
(c) Cost of the both systems are same (d) Both (b)and(c)
19. The initial HVDC valves were
(a) IGATS (b) Thyristors
(c) Mercury arc valves (d) None of the above
20 . Which type of dc link, all conductors have negative polarity
(a) Homopolar (b) Monopolar (c) Bipolar (d) None
21. When two power systems are connected through ac ties, the automatic ]
generation control of both systems have to be coordinated using
(a) Line current & voltage signals (b) Line power & voltage signals
(c) Line power & frequency signals (d) Line current & frequency signals
22. Which factor must be considered by system planner for expansion of dc ]
alternative in transmission
(a) Cost (b) Technical performance (c) Reliability (d) All
23. The break even distance can vary in the range for over head lines ]
(a) 300km (b) 500km (c) 100km (d) 1000km
16 | P a g e
24. The following is the application of hvdc transmission ]
(a)Small distance bulk power transmission (b) Medium bulk power transmission
(c)Long distance bulk power transmission (d) None
18 | P a g e
4.48 The initial HVDC valves were
(a) IGATS (b) Thyristors
(c) Mercury arc valves (d) None of the above
49 The first HVDC scheme in India
(a) Vidhyachal back-to-back system (b ) Chandrapur-Padghe scheme
(c) Delhi-Rihand 500kv system (d) Sileru-Barsoor system
7.50 HVDC-VSC scheme employs
(a) IGBT valves (b) Light triggered thyristor valves
(c) Mercury arc valves (d) MOSFETs and GTO valves
8.51 Thyristor valves came into operation in the year
(a)1950 (b)1954 (c)1972 (d)2000
https://www.edx.org/course/HVDC transmission
https://www.edx.org/micromasters/EHV vs HVDC
1. International Journal of smart grid transmission (IJSGT)
2. International Journal of Power system transmission (IJPST)
1. Journal of power system and Applications
2. Journal of energy Research and Development
19 | P a g e