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Module 1

• Algorithm & Flowcharts

• High Level and Low Level Languages

• Language translators

• Programme Writing

The term Algorithm may be formally designed as a sequence of instructions designed in

such a way that, if the instructions are executed in the specified sequence, the desired
result will be obtained. An Algorithm must terminate and should not repeat one or more
instructions infinitely. In other words Algorithms represents the Logic of the processing to
be performed.

In order to qualify as an Algorithm, a sequence of instructions must process the following


•Each and every instruction should be precise and clear.

•Each instruction should be such that it can be performed in a finite time.
•One or more instructions should not be repeated infinitely. This ensures that the
Algorithm will ultimately terminate.
•After performing the instructions, i.e. after the Algorithm terminates, the desired
result must be obtained.
✓An Algorithm is a series of instructions written in plain English.
✓ An Algorithm describes a way to perform a particular programming task.
✓Generally these instructions are written in steps, where each steps perform some
1.Flow charting.

A Flow chart is a pictorial or graphical representation of an Algorithm

that uses boxes of different shapes to denote different types of
instructions. The actual instructions are written within these boxes
using clear and concise statements. These boxes are connected by solid
lines having arrow marks to indicate the flow of operation, i.e. the next
sequence in which the instructions are to be executed.
A flow chart shows the flow of operations in pictorial form, any error in
the logic of the procedure can be detected more easily than in the case
of a program. A flow chart uses boxes of different shapes to denote
different types of instructions.

A Language is a system of communication . A computer language is a

means of communication used to communicate between people and the
computer. The Computer languages use a very limited or restricted
vocabulary as compared to natural languages. All computer languages can
be classified into three.
1.Machine Language
Low level Language
2.Assembly Language

3.High level Language

Generations of Language
1st Generation - Machine Code

• 1st Generation - Machine Code

• Machine Code - 1s and 0s

• Design code by hand and transfer it to a

computer by using a punch card etc.
Generations of Language
1st Generation - Machine Language
Although computers can be programmed to understand many different computer languages, there is
only one language understood by the computer without using a translation programs. This language is
called machine language or the machine code of the computer. Machine code is the fundamental
language of a computer and is normally written as strings of binary ’1’s and ‘0 s.
An instruction prepared by any machine language has two-part formats. The first part is the command
or operations, and tells the computer what function to perform. The second part of the instruction is
the operant. It tells the computer where to find to be manipulated.

Programs written in the machine languages can be executed very fast by the computer. This is mainly
because machine instructions are directly understood by the CPU and no translation of the program is

• It is machine dependant. The machine language is also different from computer to computer. The
internal design of the computer is different from another.
• The machine language is difficult to program. A programmer is forced to keep track of the storage
location of data and instruction.
• Error pron. It is easy to make errors while using machine codes.
• It is difficult to correct or modify machine language program
Generations of Language
2nd Generation - Assembly Code

• Describing assembly code

• Use of mnemonic codes

• Conversion to machine code by Assembler

Assembly Code Object Code

LDA A 100110100
ADD # 5 1000000101
STA A 1100110100
JMP # 3 10000000011
Assembly Language

The language which substitutes letters and symbols for the numbers in the machine language
programs is called as the assembly language and the symbolic language. A program written in
symbolic language that uses symbols instead of numbers is called as assembly code or a symbolic
program. The translator program that translates an assembly code into the computer machine code
is called an assembler. A symbolic program written by a programmer in assembly language is called a
source program. After the source program has been converted into the machine language by an
assembler, it is referred to as an object program.
•Assembly languages are easier to understand and use.
•In assembly language it is easy to locate and correct errors.
•Assembly language programs are easier to modify than machine language programs.
•One of the greatest advantage is it eliminates worry about address for instructions and data
•It is machine dependant.
•As it is machine dependant the operator must be aware of Hardware.
•The instructions are written at the machine code level.
Machine and assembly languages being machine dependant are referred to as Law level Languages
Generations of Language
3rd Generation - High Level Language

• More programmer friendly features to code such as

loops, conditionals, classes etc.

• 1 line of 3rd generation code can produce many

lines of object code

• Saves lot of time when writing programs

• Platform independent (code written for one system

will work on another)
High level Language

High level languages are basically symbolic languages that use English words
or mathematical symbols rather than mnemonic (memory aid) codes. In
other words High level Language is a symbolic language which nothing but
macro instructions.

High level languages are also known as problem oriented languages. A High
level Language is capable of handling business type applications that consist
of high input volume relatively little processing and high output volume, and
then the language is a business oriented language.

High level languages instead of being machine base are oriented more
towards the problem to be solved. The language enables the programmer to
write instructions using English words and familiar mathematical symbols.
High level languages are easier to learn and write.
High level Language
Imperative Language

• Code is executed line by line, in a programmer defined sequence

• dim x as integer

• x=3

• dim y as integer

• y=5

• x= x+y

• console.writeline (x)

• would output : 8
Fourth Generation Languages

• Reduce programming effort and time.

• As a result, the cost of software development reduces.

• It might include languages to query databases (SQL),

to make reposts (Oracle) to construct user interface.

• It might be user friendly, portable, independent of

operating systems,usable for non programmers, fast
results, minimum requirement code
Fifth Generation Languages

• Developed in 1990’s. (Eg.PROLOG)

• Used in systems of artificial intelligence

• Complex processes like speech understanding

• Users did not need any programming knowledge.

• Little or no coding
Language Translators
• Assembler
Translates human-readable versions of machine
instructions into the machine encoding, ready for
direct interpretation by the processor.

• Compiler
Translates a high level language (C, C++ etc) into
machine instruction
Language Translators
• Interpreter
• A programme that executes instructions written
in a high-level language.
• Directly executes program instructions written
in a programming or scripting language.
• It does not need to go through the compilation
stage during which machine instructions are
• Immediately execute high-level programs.
Programme Writing
• Structure of the Programme.
• Programme structure is the detailed
description of the content of the program.
• The program consists of a set commands that
the computer must execute.
• Computer reads the file of commands from top
to bottom
• Meanwhile branch command tells the
computer to go to a specific location in the
Programme Writing….continued
• The Variables
• Variables are used in most languages, where a
name is associated with content. 

Eg. We can call a variable ‘count’ and assign it
the value ‘8’
• Data Types
• It is a set of data with values having predefined

Eg. integer, floating point unit number,
character, string and pointer.
Programme Writing….continued
• A limited number of such data types come built
into a language.
• The language usually specifies 

the range of values for a given data type.

how the values processes by the computer

how they are stored.
• Syntax
• We cannot write program as we wish,
language requires strict syntax.
• Some languages are case sensitive. (A,a)
Programme Writing….continued
• Refers to the spelling and grammar of
programming language.
• Computer understand what you type, only if
you type it in the exact form that the computer
expects. The expected form is called syntax.
• Each program defines its own syntactical rules
• Reserved words
• In most languages there are a handful of words
that may not be used as variable names, these
are called reserved words.
Programme Writing….continued
• Constants
• A constant is data type whose value cannot be
modified. These are generally defined at the beginning
of the program. The value of the constant may be of
any type permitted by the programming language.
• Comments
• Lines of text that the compiler does not treat as code.
• Comments are used to clarify how the program is
written by explaining parts of the code for another
person who is trying to understand how the program
Programme Writing….continued
• A ‘C’ program basically has the following form:
• Preprocessor Commands
• Functions
• Variables
• Statements and Expressions
• Comments
Programme Writing….continued
• Pre processor Commands
Tells the compiler to do preprocessing before
doing actual compilation.
• Functions
Main building blocks of any C program. There
will be one or more functions and there is one
mandatory function which is called main
Programme Writing….continued
• Variables
Variables are used to hold numbers, strings
and complex data for manipulation
• Statements and Expressios
Expressions combine variables and constants
to create new values. Statements are
expressions, assignments, function calls or
control flow statements which make up C
Programme Writing….continued
Top down an Bottom Up Designs

• Top-down approach (Step-wise design)

• Breaking down of a system to gain insight

into its compositional sub-systems.
• An overview of the system is formulated,
specifying but not detailing any first-level
• Each subsystem is then refined in yet greater
Programme Writing….continued
Top down an Bottom Up Designs

• Bottom-up approach

• Piecing together of systems to give rise to

grander systems, thus making the original
systems subsystems of the emergent
• Individual base elements of the system are
first specified in great detail.
• These elements are linked together to form
larger subsystems
Programme Writing….continued
Source Code and Object Code

• Source Code
• Collection of computer instructions written
using some human-readable computer
language, usually as text.
• Specially designed to facilitate the work of
computer programmers.
• Source code is transformed by a compiler
program into low level machine code
Programme Writing….continued
Source Code and Object Code

• Object Code
• The compiled source code is often referred
to as object code.’
• It contains a sequence of instructions that
the processor can understand but that is
difficult for a human to read and modify.
• It is the most permanent form of the program
Programme Writing….continued
Executable File

• A file that is used to perform various functions or

operations on a computer.
• An executable file cannot be read because it has
been compiled.
• It runs a program when it is opened.
• It executes code or a series of instructions
contained in the file.
• To transform a source file into an executable file, we
need to pass it through a compiler or assembler.
• Executable files have a .com/.exe extensions
Programme Writing….continued
Extensions of different Files

• A file name extension is a set of characters that

helps OS to understand what kind of
information is in a file and what program
should open it.
• It is called an extension, appears at the end of
the file name.
• Eg- .txt, .doc, .pptx, .psd, .pmd, .font, .jpg, etc.
• It can be considered as a metadata.
Programme Writing….continued
Program Compilation

Source Program
Pre processing
Source Program (Compiler)
Assembly Program (Assembler)
Machine Instructions

Executable File (Object Program)

Programme Writing….continued
Running a Program

• System asks the user to run the program

• When the user permits to run, system processor executes
the program.
• An executable file in windows usually has a file name
extension of .bat, .com or .exe
Programme Writing….continued
Header file Concept

• A header file simply contains declarations needed to use

variable, structure or less definitions available in a library
or other source files.
• A header file is a file which declares functions which will be
used in the program and may be standard but are extrinsic
to the language.
• Header file contain declarations macros and variables only.
(Organized collection of Data)
Evolution of Data Base Systems
• File Based (1968) - Predecessor of database, Data was
maintained in a flat file.
• Advantages - It can be accessed by sequence, index, random.
• Limitations -
A. Requires programming in 3rd Gen.Language
B. Each program is separated and isolated from same
another one being used somewhere else.
C. Duplication due to isolation wastes space and
D. High maintenance cost
E. Weak security
F. Granular sharing is coarse.
Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….
• File Based (1968) - Predecessor of database, Data was
maintained in a flat file.
• Advantages - It can be accessed by sequence, index, random.
• Limitations -
A. Requires programming in 3rd Gen.Language
B. Each program is separated and isolated from same
another one being used somewhere else.
C. Duplication due to isolation wastes space and
D. High maintenance cost
E. Weak security
F. Granular sharing is coarse.
Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….

• Hierarchical Database (1968 - 1970) - IBM’s first

DBMS called IMS (Information Management
• Files are related in a parent/child manner, with each
child file having at most one parent file.
• Advantages - Efficient searching, Less redundant
data, Data independence, security and integrity
• Limitations - Complex implementation, Difficulty in
managing, lack of standards, difficulty in handling
too many relationships, Lacks structural
Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….

• Hierarchical Database (1968 - 1970)

Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….

• Network Data model(Later 1971) Standardized by

CODASYL group.
• Files are related as owners and members, similar to
the common network model except that each
member file can have more than one owner.
• 3 database components of this model are
A. Network Schema - Db organization
B. Sub-scema - views of database per user
C. Data management language - at low level,
Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….

• Network Data model(Later 1971)

Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….

Network Data model(Later 1971)

• Advantages - Handling more relationship files, Ease

of data access, Integrity, Independence.
• Limitations - Complex system, difficulty in design
and maintenance, Lack of structural independence.
Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….

Relational Database and Database Management

(1970 - Presesnt)
• Conceived by E.F.Codd in 1970
• The model is based on branches of mathematics
called set theory and predicate logic.
• All data is represented as simple tabular data
structures(relations) which may be accessed using
a high level non-procedural language.
Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….

Two approaches of DBMS

1. Object oriented Database Model
It offer persistence to objects, including the objects
associations and methods.
2. Object relational Database Model
Embraces some object-oriented features and
encapsulate these features into an RDBMS, creating an
Evolution of Data Base Systems continued……….



• Manage large number of • Switching an existing

different data types database requires an entire
change from scratch.
• Objects with complex
behaviors are easy to handle • Typically tied to a specific
• Reduces the large number of programming language. This
relations by creating objects reduces flexibility.

• Ad hoc queries are difficult to


• Create problem when deleting

data in bulk
Data Base Management Systems
DBMSs are specially designed software applications
that interact with the user, other applications, and the
database itself to capture and analyze the data. A
general purpose DBMS is a software system designed
to allow the definition, creation, querying, update and
administration of databases.
DBMS is a suite of computer software providing the
interface between users and a database or databases.

DBMSs include My SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle,

SAP HANA, d BASE, FoxPro etc.
Data Base Management Systems Continued………..

Interactions catered by most existing DBMSs fall into 4

main groups.
• Data Definition - Defining new data structure for a
database, removing data structures from the
database, modifying the structure of existing data.
• Update - Inserting, modifying and deleting data
• Retrieval - Obtaining information either for end-user
queries and reports or for processing by applications.
• Administration - Registering and monitoring users,
enforcing data security, monitoring performance,
maintaining data integrity, dealing with concurrency
control and recovering information if the system fails.
Data Base Management Systems Continued………..

Relational Database
• Collection of tables of data items formally
described and organized according to the
relational model.
• Data is a single table represents a relation.
• Each table schema must identify a column or group
of columns, called the primary key
• A relationship can then be established between
each row in the table and a row in another table by
creating a foreign key.
Data Base Management Systems Continued………..

Database Schema
• A database system is its structure described in a
formal language supported by the DBMS and
refers to the organization of data as a blueprint of
how a database is constructed.
• The formal definition of database schema is a set of
formulas called integrity constraints imposed on a
• These integrity constraints ensure compatibility
between parts of the schema
Connecting Computers (Network)
• A network consists of two or more computers that
are linked in order to share resources (CDs and
Printers), exchange files, or allow electronic
• The Computers on a network may be linked through
cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites or
infrared beams.
• Common types of network
• Local Area Network (LAN)
• Wide Area Network (WAN)
Connecting Computers (Network)
• Local Area Network (LAN)
LAN is a network that is confined to a relatively small
area. It is generally limited to a geographic area such as
a writing lab, school or building.
• Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN connect networks in larger geographic areas or the
world. Dedicated transoceanic cabling or satellite uplinks
may be used to connect this type of global network.
• WLAN and WWAN -
Wireless Wide or Local area Network
Connecting Computers (Network)
• Server
A. A server is a computer program that provides
services to other computer programs (and their
users) in the same or other computers.
B. The Computer that a server program runs in is also
frequently referred to as a server
C. In the Client/Server programming model, a server is
a program that awaits and fulfills requests from
client programs in the same or other computers.
Connecting Computers (Network)
• Network Server
A Network Server is a computer, designed to process and
deliver data to other computers over a local network or the
Common types of network servers include:
A. Web Servers
B. Proxy Servers
C. FTP Servers
D. Online Game Servers
Numerous systems use this client/server networking model
including websites and email services
Connecting Computers (Network)
• Work Station
A Work Station is a computer, designed for scientific
applications. Intended primarily to be used by one person
at a time, they are commonly connected to a local area
network and run multi user operating systems.
• Lie between PC and MC
• High end resolution graphic screen
• At least 64 MB RAM
• Built in network support
• Graphical user interface
Connecting Computers (Network)
• Hub/Switch/Router/NIC
• Hub is a networking device that allows one to connect
multiple PCs to a single network.
• Switch is a device that filters and forwards packets
between LAN segments.
• Router is a device that forwards data packets along
networks. It is connected to atlas two networks.
• Network Interface Cards is a circuit board or card that
is installed in a computer so that it can be connected
to a network. It provides a hardware interface
between a computer and network
Connecting Computers (Network)
• Network Operating Systems (NOS)
• Connecting computers and devices into a LAN.
• Eg. Novell Netware, Artisoft’s LANtastic, Microsoft
Windows Server, Windows NT
• NOS coordinate the activities of multiple computers
across a network.
• Two types of NOS are
• Peer to Peer
• Client/Server
• All modern Networks are combination of Both
Connecting Computers (Network)
• Peer - to - peer

• Allow users to share resources and files located on

their computers and to access shared resources
found on other computers.
• All computers are considered equal; they all have the
same abilities to use the resources available on the
Connecting Computers (Network) Peer- to - Peer
Advantages Dis advantages

• Less initial expense - No need • Decentralized - No central

for a dedicated Server. repository for files and
• Setup - An operating system
already in place may only • Security - Does not provide
need to be reconfigured for the security available on a
peer-to-peer operations. client/server network.
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Client/Server

• Individual workstations are the client.

• Allow the network to centralize functions and
applications in one or more dedicated file servers.
• Integrate all the components of the network and allow
multiple users to simultaneously share the same
resources irrespective of physical location.
Connecting Computers (INternet) Client/Server
Advantages Advantages

• Centralized • Expense

• Scalability (can replace…) • Maintenance

• Flexibility • Dependence

• Interoperability

• Accessibility
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Internet (Brief History)

• Originated in the late 1960s in US Defense dept.

• ARPA net (Advanced Research Projects Agency
• NSF (National Science Foundation) established five
super computing centers in 1986 and on 1990 it had
been phased out.
• On 1991 NREN (National Research and Education
Network) was founded and WWW was released.
• Browser Mosaic (1993), Netscape (1994)
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• World Wide Web

• WWW is a system of interlinked hypertext documents

accessed via the Internet.
• Using a web browser, one can view web pages that
may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia
and navigate between them via hyperlinks.
• The documents are formatted in a markup language
like HTML, PHP etc.
• Web browsers are used to access the world wide web
• Eg. Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Web Site

• Set of related web pages served from a single web

• A web site is hosted on at least one web server,
accessible via a network through a n internet address
known as a Uniform resource locator.
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Web Page

• A web page is a document, typically written in plain

text interspersed with formatting instructions of
Hypertext mark up Language (HTML)
• IT may incorporate elements from other websites with
suitable markup anchors
• Web pages are accessed and transported with the
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
• HTTP optional employ encryption to provide security
and privacy for the user of the web page content.
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Uniform Resource Locator

• The pages of a website can usually be accessed from

a simple URL called the web address.
• URLs of the pages organize them into a hierarchy.
• Hyperlinking
• Link between the pages.
• Convey the structure of web page.
• Guides navigation of the site which generally
includes a Home page and links to the web content.
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Uniform Resource Locator (Continued..)

• URL is a specific character string that constitutes a

reference to a resource.
• URL is a formatted text string used by Web
Browsers, email clients and other software to
identify a network resource on the Internet
• In most web browsers, the URL of a web page is
displayed on top inside an address bar.
• It is technically a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Uniform Resource Locator (Continued..)
• URL string consists of 3 parts (Substrings)
1. Network/URL Protocol
• Defines a network protocol to be used to access a resource
• These strings are short names followed by the three
characters ://
• Typical URL protocols include http://, ftp://, and mailto://
2. Host name and address/URL Host
• Identifies a computer or other network device.
• Comes from standard internet databases such as DNS and
can be names or IP addresses
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Uniform Resource Locator (Continued..)
3. File or Resource Location/URL Location
• Consists a path to one specific network resource
on the host.
• Resources are normally located in host directory
or folder.
Connecting Computers (Internet)
• Browser
• A software application for retrieving, presenting and traversing
information resources on the World wide Web.
• Resources are normally located in host directory or folder.
• Search Engine
• is a software system that is designed to search for information on
the World Wide Web.
• It works by sending out a spider to fetch as many documents as
• A program called index, then reads these documents and creates
as index based on the words contained in each document.
• Uses a proprietary algorithm to create its indices by which only
meaningful results are returned for each query
Module III
Sources and Uses of
Digital Resources

• Academic Websites
• Digital Libraries and Archives
• Open Access Resources / E Journals
• Electronic Books
• Subject Specific Resources
• Language Technology
• Unicode
• Indian Languages in Computers
Digital Resources
Academic Websites
Many Internet sites have an extensive array of links to
academic resources online related to Sanskrit and
Indological subjects.
Articles related to Sanskrit Research.
• Evolutions of Sanskrit Language
• History of Sanskrit Literature
• Eminent Sanskrit authors
• Sanskrit & Humanities
• Sanskrit & Other Classical langauges
• Sanskrit & Science…….. etc.

Digital Resources
Sources of knowledge on the internet intended for the
teachers, students and researchers.

• Electronic Journals (E-Journals)

• Digital Archives
• Online Libraries
• Online library catalogues and indices
Digital Resources
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
A format used in internet for presentation of Sanskrit
studies and research information.
• Presents in-depth information on a particular topic in
question answer form.
• Eg.
• links to all FAQ files on
selected subjects.
Digital Resources
Electronic Journals
Research Journal in digital format, published in an internet
web page using the mode of electronic publishing.
• Archiving of past issues and volume.
• Searchable indices
• Hyperlinks to related information
• Either abstracts or complete articles can be provided
• Home page of the e-journal give access to any
volume, issues, table of contents and/or abstracts
• Access the article immediately on publication
Digital Resources
Databases and Archives
Containers of abstracts of articles which are
maintained by Sanskrit related organisations and
research institutions, which have journal collections
• Get information in various forms like just a title
and reference, full articles, book review etc.
Digital Resources
Library Catalogues
Keys to find information on a given topic.
• Links the collection of various libraries
• Direct approach to the concerned library for
reference or loan.
• Most of the reputed libraries have online catalogue
• Helps to locate various volumes and variants of
single text.
• is an online catalogue of
The Library of Congress information system
Digital Resources
Software and Shareware
Software useful to conduct experiments, present
computer stimulations, and analyse classroom data
etc. can be obtained over the web.
Shareware is usually copyrighted and we have to pay a
small fee to use it.
• Sanskrit DTP
• Sanskrit Grammer
• Sanskrit dictionary and Sabdakosa
• Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Digital Resources
Sanskrit Voice Site ( )
Contains the lists of online sites, from where we can
browse catalogues and download programs.
• Includes a Student Center, which provides
pointers to sites of special relevance to Sanskrit
• Numerous links to useful informations about style
manuals and advices for writing research papers.
• Provides information on current standards of
research methodology in electronic references
Digital Resources
Web Perspectives
Information on the internet is brought to us from a variety
of perspectives.
• Historical
• Theoretical
• Social
• Political
• Sentimental
• Scientific
• Humanitarian etc….
Digital Resources
Continuing Education Resources
Any research Organisation can use internet to organise
and conduct the academic activities for the existing
students and for the public also
• Seminars and Workshops and other events
• Newsletters including abstracts and Job listings
• Online courses
• Audio and Video Classes and Courses
• Listings of associations and meetings
Digital Resources
Digital Libraries and Archives
Digital libraries and archives can provide access to
information on demand, regardless of location of the library
or the computer or the other electronic storage devices in
which documents are kept.

Digital Archive means the collection of public records,

historical documents, or ancient manuscripts or the place
where such records and documents are kept
Digital Resources
Digital Libraries and Archives
• Electronic information collection
• Contain large and diverse repositories of digital objects
• Accessed by the users spread over the world.
• Include text, image, video, maps, sounds, catalogues,
scientific, business, hypertext multimedia compositions
mirror collections etc.
• Services of the library will be traditionally official.
• Virtual libraries does not physically exists but with
computer stimulations creates a feeling that use a
physically existing library
Digital Resources
Advantages of Digital Libraries
A. Ability to search A. Simple, Fast and accurate
B. Ubiquity B. Many users at a time
C. Support to Wider range C. Can be copied and
of materials shared through various
D. Preservation materials
D. Can be copied without
E. Access to current
error, withstanding a long
E. Updations and its access
at any time and at a time.
Open Access Resources

• The free and unrestricted online availability, of research

results and knowledge sources is known as Open access.
• By ‘Open Access’ to this literature, we mean its :-
• free availability on the public Internet
• Permitting any users to read, download, copy,
distribute, print, search, link to the full texts, crawl to
index, pass them as data to software, use them for any
other lawful purpose…..
• without financial, legal or technical barriers.
• Authors have the control only over the integrity of their
work and the right to be properly acknowledged and
Open Access Journals
• Priced journals are changing to OA because…
• Price is a barrier to access the journals.
• OA journals will not charge subscription or access
• Journal articles should be disseminated as widely as
• These new journals will no longer invoke copyright to
restrict access to and use of the material they publish.
• Alternative sources of fund to meet expenses to OA -
Govt./Foundations’s funding to research, Endowments
set up by discipline or Institution, Contribution from
Open Access Journals continued……..

• DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals

• The Journal included in DOAJ are those which exercise
peer-review or editorial quality control, that report
primary results of research or overviews to a scholarly
community and that are regular.
• DOAJ covers journals in all scientific and scholarly
subjects that publish research/review papers in full text
that are from academic, government, commercial, non-
profit private sources, and primarily researchers.
• All DOAJ journals have ISSN serial number.

• e-book is an electronic book which is a digital file containing all

the information that a hard book would contain.
• Concept of book is fulfilled also in e-books.
• Computer or E-book reader is needed to read e-books
• E-book readers - are of the same size of a common paperback
edition of the book and are carefully produced to maximise the
reading experience.
• Convenient and portable.
• E-books can be downloaded from a secular library site to our
computer or e-book reader, and they can be sent as an
attachment to e-mail. PDF/XPS format
• E-books can be purchased from anywhere in the world through
• E-book devices have built in back light.

• e-book is an electronic book which is a digital file containing all

the information that a hard book would contain.
• Concept of book is fulfilled also in e-books.
• Computer or E-book reader is needed to read e-books
• E-book readers - are of the same size of a common paperback
edition of the book and are carefully produced to maximise the
reading experience.
• Convenient and portable.
• E-books can be downloaded from a secular library site to our
computer or e-book reader, and they can be sent as an
attachment to e-mail. PDF/XPS format
• E-books can be purchased from anywhere in the world through
• E-book devices have built in back light.

• Sorting resources according to specific subjects.

• Subject directories - specific subject areas/ organised
subject collections of websites.
• We can go to specific subject sites - Philosophy , History,
Mathematics, Chemistry..etc.

• ref. pages - 69,70,71

• Search Engines
Language Technology

• HLT (Human Language Technology) / NLP (Natural

Language Processing)
• CL (Computational Linguistics)
• Speech Technology
Language Technology cntd…..

• NLP is a field of computer science and linguistics

concerned with the interactions between computers and
human languages.
• CL is an interdisciplinary field dealing with the statistical
and/or rule-based modelling of computational
• Speech technology relates to the technologies designed
to duplicate and respond in the human voice.
• The Unicode standard is a character coding system
designed to support the worldwide interchange,
processing, and display of the written texts of the diverse
languages and technical disciplines.
• It allows data to be transported through many different
systems without corruption.
• Unicode is the universal character encoding standard
used for representation of text for computer processing.
• It further includes punctuation marks, diacritics, which
are modifying character marks such as the tilde (~).
• ISCII (Indian Standard Code for Information Interchange)
facilitates the use of Indian languages in computers.
Indian Languages in Computers
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)

• Govt.of Indian undertaken

• Providing R&D in IT
• It has a division for language technology and research
• Dissolving language barriers to place the power of
computing and e-contents in the hands of the people of
Indian Languages in Computers
C-DAC - Initatives

• Speech processing which includes speech recognition

and speech synthesis.
• NLP which includes Machine translation, Information
Extraction& Retrieval
• OCR which includes OCR and OHR in Indian Languages
• Localisation Covers fonts TTF and OTF for Indian
• Content Creation Programmes
Indian Languages in Computers Cntd…

Multilingual Computing products from C-DAC

A. MANTRA Rajabhasha
• Machine assisted translation tool
• Translates documents from English to Hindi
• Supports direct Transliteration of the English text
• Common translation tools such as Add word, Multiple
output, and online Thesaurus and Dictionary
• Linux based application in Indian Languages.
• ISFOC enables the use of Indian Languages in LINUX
• Word/Data processing, online communication, web and
other publishing
• Supports seven Indian scripts
Indian Languages in Computers Cntd…

Multilingual Computing products from C-DAC

C. ISM Publisher
• Office suite for Indian Languages
• Unicode compliant and has OTF support
• Word processing, database applications, web based
applications and publishing
• Supporting 19 Indian Languages

D. Saranshak
• It is a Natural Language Based Summariser
• Extraction based and Abstraction based.
• Extracts the most relevant sentences from a document,
creates a summary of the document from these sentences.
Indian Languages in Computers Cntd…

Multilingual Computing products from C-DAC

Malayalam Optical Character Recognition software.
F. Open Type Nastaliq font
A highly compact and efficient OTF
G. Shruti Drishti
Computer aided Text -to-Speech and Text-to-Braille
System for Visually impaired
A package to learn Indian language through Artificial
Indian Languages in Computers Cntd…

Multilingual Computing products from C-DAC

I. Chitrankan
Achieving Indian language content in electronic form
through OCR
J. Shrutlekhan - Rajbhasha
Program for HIndi translations of English documents
K. Matrubhasha
A Unicode based Software solution for Text-to-Speech
Synthesis (TTS) and CMU (Shinx based Speech Recogniser
for Indian languages.
L. Setu
A cross language information retrieval system from English
to Hindi
Indian Languages in Computers Cntd…

TDIL Project (Technology Development for Indian Languages)

• Put together a collection of machine-readable texts in all the

constitutionally recognised Indian languages
• Development of Corpora of texts in machine-readable form
• To start with 30 Lakhs words in each of the fifteen constitutional
languages was targeted by TDIL
• The developed corpora in all the above Indian Languages are being
centrally maintained at Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL),
• The source of corpora used by TDIL is printed books, journals,
magazines, newspapers and government documents published
during 1981-1990
• 6 main categories are Aesthetics, Social Sciences, Natural, Physical
and Professional Sciences, Commerce, Official and Media Languages
and Translated Material.
Indian Languages in Computers Cntd…

Lexical Resources in Digital Form (TDIL)

• Head word
• Stem alterants
• Stem type
• Detailed Gramatical Informations
• Syntactic Information
• Alltypes of meanings
• Citation for each meaning
• Paradigms
• Derived words
• Cross Reference for the derived words
• Compound words
• Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms etc…. Ref. Page 127
Indian Languages in Computers Cntd…

Indian Langauge Data Centre (ILDC)

• Coordinated to C-DAC and GIST

Nitya D’Arch and Meera LMS

• Unicode Compliant packages for documentation in Indian

Languages developed by K H Hussain (Kerala)


• Technology for Analysis of Rare Knowledge Systems for

Harmonious Youth Advancement
Module IV
• ICT for Social Development and Economic Development
• Digital Divide
• OpenAcess Initiative
• Intellectual property rights (IPR)
• Cyber crimes
• Cyberlaws

•E Governance
• Natural Resources Management
• Mass Media and Communication
• ICT for Social Development and Economic Development
A. Medicine and Healthcare
• Diagnosis
• Surgery
• Hospital Administration
• Patient Record management
• Updation of knowledge
• ICT for Social Development and Economic Development
B. Education
• Effective lectures by ICT presentations
• Projects and reports through softwares
• ICT enabled laboratories
• Digital libraries
• Interactive learning tool
• CAE and CET packages
• Distance learning
• ICT for Social Development and Economic Development
C. Science
• To develop theories, to collect and test data
• Database access from multiple distances
• Stimulate complex events
• Software to analyse and design research
• Satellite & communication
• Laboratory softwares
• ICT for Social Development and Economic Development
D. Archeology
• Reconstruct information about the past civilisations.
• Computerised Survey mechanism
• Decipherment of scripts, building up erased portions of
E. Legal Practice
• Search through collections of data or precedents set by
similar cases
• Judgement information system (Govt.of India)
• ICT for Social Development and Economic Development
F. Law Enforcement
• Sensors
• Surveillance
• DNA/Fingerprint tests
• Communication
G. Governance
• E-governance
H. Music
• MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
• Recording, Mixing and Editing
• Conservation of audio files
• ICT for Social Development and Economic Development
I. Theatre, Film and Entertainment
• Animation and Visual effects
• Digital Audio & Video effects
• 3D to 5 D video and audio
• Multimedia (Text+images+animation+sound etc. put
• Replaced conventional technologies like film rolls and
• Reduced cost of production
• ICT for Social Development and Economic Development
J. Home
• Electrical appliances
• Security systems
• Remote access of AC/Door etc.
• Surveillance
• Sensing Bathwares and electrical instruments
Adverse Effects

• Unemployment
• Less Human workforce
• Security problems
• Misusage of Data
• Invasion of an Individual’s legitimate right to privacy
• Health Issues
• Virtual Society v/s Actual Society
Digital Divide
• Difference between those who have access to ICTs and to
Media that the different segments of society can use and those
who do not have access
• Global digital divide - differences in access between countries in
regards to the Internet and its means of information flow.
• Knowledge divide is related to digital divide and reflects the
access of various social groupings to information and
knowledge, typically gender, income, race, and by location.
• To close digital divide - Computer literacy, FOSS, Internet
Open Access Initiative (OAI)
• OAI is based on the principles that knowledge is the heritage
of the humanity as a whole.
• Knowledge is essentially a matter of the intellect, both social
organisation and technology help shape the growth of
• Scientific Journals
• OA to Ph.D Thesis
• Open Courseware
• OA to Books ( page 91)
Open Access Initiative (OAI)
Free Software Movement
• The freedom to run the program, for any purpose
• The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to
our needs. Access to the source code is a precondition for this
• The freedom to redistribute copies too that we can help our
• The freedom to improve the program, and release our
improvements to the public, so that the whole community
benefits. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
• IPR is a legal right, which result from intellectual activity in the
industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields.
• These rights give statutory expression to the moral and economic
rights of creators in their creations.
• Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883.
• Copyright - Berne Convention for the Protection of its Literary and
Artistic Works -1886
• United International Bureaus for the Protection of intellectual
Property (BIRPI) - 1893 predecessor of World Intellectual
Property Organisation (WIPO)
• World Trade Organisation Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) -1995
• TRIPS Provisions are - Copyrights and related rights, Patents, Trademarks,
Geographical indications, Industrial designs and layout designs of integrated
circuits, directly complement the international treaties administered by the WIPO
• IPR - 2 Categories - Industrial Property and Copyright
• Industrial Property - Patent for Inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and
geographical indications
• Copyright - Literary and Artistic expressions (books, films, music, architecture,
art), rights of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms
in their recordings, and broadcasters in their radio and television broadcasts.
• Software, electronic books, web pages, digital audio, video and image files etc.
• Computer Crime, cyber crime, crime, hi-tech crime or
electronic crime generally refers to criminal activity where a
computer or network is the source, tool, target or place of a

• Cyber Crimes are categorised into two -

• When the computer as a target where a computer is used

to attack other computers. (Hacking, Virus/worm attacks)
• The computer is used as a weapon to commit real world
crimes. (Cyber Terrorism, IPR violations, Credit card frauds,
EFT frauds, Pornography etc.)
• Cyber crimes are criminal activities like:-
• Illegal/ unauthorised access.
• Illegal interception by technical means of non-public transmissions of
computer data to/from/within a computer system
• Data interference or unauthorised damaging
• Data deletion
• Data deterioration
• Data alteration
• Data suppression
• Misuse of Devices
• Forgery
• ID theft
• Electronic Fraud
• Unauthorised Access/Hacking
• Breaking into a computer or Computer network.
• Gaining entry into, instructing or communicating with the
logical, arithmetical, or memory function resources of a
computer, computer system or computer network,
without the permission of either the rightful owner, or the
person i/c of the computer or computer network.
• Hackers write or use readymade programs to attack.
• Hacking is either for Monetary gains or for sentimental
• Web Hijacking
• By hacking web server taking control on another persons website.
• Trojan attacks and Virus/Worm infusion
• Trojan is a program that acts like something useful but do the things
that are quiet damaging.
• A program that has capability to infect other programs and make copies
of it and spread into other programs is called Virus
• Programs that multiply like Viruses but spread from computer to
computer are called Worms
• Email spoofing
• Sending email to thousands and thousands of unsolicited users.
• Sending malicious codes through email
• Email bombing
• Repeatedly sending an identical email message to a
particular address is known as email bombing
• Sending threatening emails
• Defamatory emails
• Email frauds
• Distributed Denial of Services (DOS) attack
• Using the Internet to break into computers and using them
to attack a network.
• Other Cyber crimes (Page 96)
• Web Hijacking
• By hacking web server taking control on another persons website.
• Trojan attacks and Virus/Worm infusion
• Trojan is a program that acts like something useful but do the things
that are quiet damaging.
• A program that has capability to infect other programs and make copies
of it and spread into other programs is called Virus
• Programs that multiply like Viruses but spread from computer to
computer are called Worms
• Email spoofing
• Sending email to thousands and thousands of unsolicited users.
• Sending malicious codes through email
• Every action and every reaction in Cyber Space has some legal and
Cyber legal perspectives.
• Cyber Laws provide legal recognition to electronic documents and gives a
framework to support e-filing and e-commerce transactions and also
provides a legal framework to mitigate and check cyber crimes
• UN has adopted a model Law on electronic commerce in 1997.
• Indian Parliament passed IT act - 2000
• It is an act to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by
means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic
communication, commonly referred to as “electronic commerce” to
facilitate electronic filing of documents with the Government agencies and
further to amend the Indian Penal Code.
Conservation of Heritage
• The loss of physical material heritage, the knowledge content
in them is also lost. So a preservation technology is needed.
• To conserve
• Endangered species of flora and fauna
• Manuscripts (Paper,Palm leafs, stone etc.)
• Old paintings and sculptures
• Folklore items
• Music and art.
• Traditional Medicine
• Heritage buildings, sites etc.
Conservation of Heritage - Ventures

• TCS - Heritage Conservation

• UNESCO - Memory of the world program
• American Memory
• Digital Libraries Initiative (DLI)
• Ankorvat Heritage Conservation Project
• Ragamela
• Indian National Mission for Manuscripts
• Indian National Library Projects
Refer Pages 98 & 99
Conservation of Heritage - National Mission for Manuscripts

• Ministry of Tourism & Culture established NMM in February 2003

• Indian possesses an estimate of five million Mss. in variety of
languages and subjects.
• To locate, Catalogue, preserve, enhance access of Mss.
• To spread awareness and encourage use of Mss.
• Working with specially identified Manuscript Resource Centres
(MRC) and Manusdcript Conservation Centres (MCC) in states all
over the country
• The mission has collected data on Mss located in a variety of
places, from universities and libraries to temples, Mathas,
Madrasa, Monasteries and Private collections.
Conservation of Heritage - NMM objectives

• To locate Mss. through National level Survey and post-survey

• Document each and every Manuscript and Manuscript repository
• To conserve Mss. incorporating both modern and indigenous
• To train Mss. Conservators and scholars in various aspects of
Mss.studies like Languages, Scripts, Critical editing and
cataloguing of texts and conservation of manuscripts,
• To promote Mss. by digitising the rare and most endangered
• To publish critical editions of unpublished Mss. and catalogues

• Access, storage, processing, organisation and transfer of

information and data to various levels of administration and to
• Cost effective and speedy discussions and meetings
• Quick and speedy action based on timely reliable information.
• Providing automated services to the organisations, business and
public through various delivery channels including telephones,
internet, Kiosks etc.
• Maximise efficiency, transparency, convenience, and accessibility
• Customer oriented government - based on business management
Natural Resources Management

• Renewable and Non-Renewable resources should be effectively managed for a

sustainable development of the society
• Geo information management
• ICT has developed various methods to make, plan and manage policies of
development by accessing geo information.
• GIS (Geographical Information System) softwares which are specialised to data
management systems designed for the entry, analysis and display of the data
traditionally prepared in Maps.
• Remote sensing technology is used for Data Gathering, rectification and updating.
• These softwares play a crucial role in dealing with deforestation, climate changes,
land degradation, land slides, natural resources depletion, urbanisation etc.
• Idrissi, Arching etc. are GIS/Remote sensing software packages.


• Communications using fixed/mobile - smart phone network

• SMS, Voice Calls, MMS,Email, Chat, Video Call etc.
• Transmission of Data -
• Wireless, Satellite, Electric wire, OFC
• Any type of Data can be transmitted through Computer
• Mass Media - News Paper, Magazines, Radio, TV, Film,
Internet, World Wide Web
• First High Circulation News Papers arose in US - 1800s
• First TV Broadcasting began in 1936 in Germany and UK.


• Printing Technology based on ICT.

• Typing, Layout and Design, Printer etc
• ICT today eliminated the gateway between editor and publisher
• Anyone who writes can publish his writeup either in Social
Media or in blogs.
• Video blogs in Youtube etc.
• Online versions of Printed News Papers/Magazines/Journals
• Online versions can be edited/added/deleted repeatedly.
• News can tag videos and more images concerned.
• Internet televisions and channels.

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