TEA Catalogue 2018 PDF
TEA Catalogue 2018 PDF
TEA Catalogue 2018 PDF
TEA Publishers
Catalogue 2018
Dictionaries Language Learning Reference
TEA Publishers is one of the oldest publishing houses in Estonia. TEA started its
business producing high quality language learning materials and dictionaries, and
has remained faithful to its core business to this day. The portfolio expanded by
launching children’s fiction and non-fiction titles. 10 years ago was launched the
national online encyclopedia, which will be completed by 2018. This encyclopedia
has been an important source for different kind of lexicons, smaller and bigger
encyclopedias and various reference books.
This catalogue provides the opportunity to see the wide range of languages
covered by our dictionaries, and also showcases the ever expanding range of
formats in which they are produced; from the handy pocket versions for travellers
and the series of school dictionaries to the specialised, medium-sized and large
dictionaries, most of which are accompanied by CD-ROMs.
This catalogue also presents TEA’s most advanced language learning materials
where traditional textbook materials and exercises are skilfully combined with
audio-lessons, vocabulary training and multimedia clips, all supported by clear and
concise teacher’s guides and self-study tips. We are proud to present our Estonian
language textbook for beginners “Saame tuttavaks!” in 4 languages (English,
German, Russian and Finnish), which is an absolute must for those who would like
to give this language a good start. The book is accompanied by audio-CDs and a
large range of cross-cultural texts and tests.
Last but not least, TEA’s portfolio includes reference books, which are carefully
selected from the catalogues of our chosen partners in Europe and beyond, and
then professionally and carefully translated. This catalogue gives a short overview
of some of the most successful titles, and highlights the growing influence of TEA’s
own original reference materials.
An important development was the purchase of ILO Publishers in order to join the
forces and extend our market share of the pre-school educational materials and of
the school textbooks. ILO has also been a well-known reference and phrase-book
publisher together with language learning and pre-school materials for 20 years.
You are welcome to search for and buy rights to our most advanced and top-
selling titles from this catalogue of TEA encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference
publications, language learning materials and children’s books.
Catalogue 2018
Introduction 3
Contents 4
TEA Dictionaries 5
Bilingual Dictionaries 6
School Dictionaries 16
Semi-bilingual Dictionaries 19
Estonian Language Dictionaries for Beginners 23
Estonian Language Dictionaries 24
Specialized Dictionaries 26
TEA Language Learning 29
Estonian 30
English 32
Finnish 38
Russian 39
German 43
E-Books 45
TEA Encyclopedias and Reference Books 49
Encyclopedias 50
Lifestyle and craft 60
TEA Children’s Books 66
ILO Trademark 8
Contacts 90
TEA Dictionaries
Long experience in publishing dictionaries has forged for TEA’s reputation as a
publisher that can be trusted by both a casual user and a top professional. The
range stretches from handy pocket-size dictionaries to comprehensive bilingual
and monolingual dictionaries in a wide selection of languages. TEA has also
published semi-bilingual dictionaries, which prove to be irreplaceable for those
who would like to move on to a monolingual dictionary.
TEA has made several dictionaries in cooperation with many well-known dictionary
publishers around the world. We have had long and productive cooperation with
Chambers Harrap, Larousse, HarperCollins, Gummerus, KDictionaries to name
the few.
Bilingual Dictionaries
English-Estonian Dictionary
Inglise-eesti sõnaraamat
The newest and most up-to-date dictionary of its kind. ER
100,000 words and phrases
the first edition dates back to 1939
now fully revised, updated and enlarged
wide selection of contemporary English
wide range of grammar notes (derivatives and plurals, etc)
pronunciation for all main entries, contains also pronunciation
full set of phrases and idioms
clear layout and unambiguous structure
useful appendix on irregular English verbs
Johannes Silvet & TEA. Tallinn, 2002, 4th edition, enlarged and revised,
1392 pp., 249x179, hardback, ISBN 978-9985-71-231-5
A abidance
Estonian-English Dictionary
Eesti-inglise sõnaraamat
abieluline 15 abonement
agreement [@pri:'nHpG Bl B'gri:mBnt] , premarital abi|raha subsidy ['sHbsBdi] ápl -iesñ, benefit ['benN-
contract [(@)pri:'mWrNtBl kBn'trWkt] fNt], relief [rN'li:f], grant [grA:nt], income support A
abi|eluline married ['mWrid], marital ['mWrNtBl],
matrimonial [@mWtrN'mBLniBl] (kirjak), conjugal
['NnkHm sB'pC:t], pension ['pentGBn]; (töötu abi-
raha) dole [dBLl], unemployment benefit [@Hn- B
aabits aabitsa, aabitsat primer ['praNmB], reading aarja aarja, aarjat (indoiraani) Aryan ['eBriBn]
['kKndFLgBl] (kirjak), connubial [kB'nju:biBl] (kirjak),
wedded ['wedNd] (van)
Nm'plCNmBnt 'benNfNt]
abi|ruumid -ruumide, -ruume // -ruumisid pl auxil-
primer ['ri:dNE 'praNmB], ABC(-book) [@eNbi:'si:(bLk)]
aabitsa|tõde piltl truism ['tru:@NzBm], obvious
aarjalane aarjalase, aarjalast (indoiraani keeli
kõnelnud hõimude liige) Aryan ['eBriBn]
abi|elu|mees married man ['mWrid mWn] ápl m. menñ,
husband ['hHzbBnd], hubby ['hHbi] ápl -iesñ (kõnek)
iary premises [C:g'zNliBri 'premNsNs]
abistaja abistaja, abistajat help [help] , helper
maius/e, -i // -eid ® maius malm/i, -e ® malm mapp/i, -e ® mapp massiiv/i, -e ® massiiv
truth ['KbviBs tru:I], self-evident truth [@self'evN- aas aasa, aasa (silmus) loop [lu:p], noose [nu:s], abi|elu|naine married woman ['mWrid 'wLmBn] ápl
m. women ['wNmNn]ñ, wife [waNf] ápl wives [waNvz]ñ
['helpB], assistant [B'sNstBnt]
abistama abistada, abistan help [help] , assist
majaka ® majakas maltoos/i, -e ® maltoos dBnt tru:I] marana ® maran mastaa/bi,
eye [aN], eyelet ['aNlBt] ; (kudumi-pi, -pestitch® mastaap
majandava ® +majandav malts/a, -u ® malts
aade aate, aadet ideal [(@)aN'dNBl], idea [aN'dNB] n
maraton/i, -e ®
[stNtG]; (rohumaa) meadow ['medBL], grassland
maraton mast/i, -e ® mast
abi|elu|nõustamine -nõustamise, -nõustamist
marriage guidance ['mWrNdF 'gaNdBnts], marriage
[B'sNst], aid [eNd]; (hädas / mures abistama)
succour (Br), succor (Am) ['sHkB] (kirjak); (toeta-
kõrged aated high ideals oma aadetele , ley
['grA:slWnd] , lea
[leN, li:] ( )
[li:] poeet
majand/i, -eid ® majand mammona ® mammontruuks jääma stick* mardika
to ones ideals
® mardikas masuu/di,
Aasia 1 pn Asia ['eNFB, 'eNGB]; 2 adj-ti, -te ['eNFBn]®
Asian masuut
counseling ['mWrNdF 'kaLntsBlNE] (Am)
abi|elu|paar married couple ['mWrid 'kHpBl], cou-
ma) support [sB'pC:t]; (rahaliselt) subsidize (Br
ka -ise) ['sHbsNdaNz]
majestee/di, -ti, -te ® majesteet mammut/i, -eid
aadel aadli, aadlit nobility [nBL'bNlBti] á pl -iesñ ,
® mammut margariin/i, -e ®
aristocracy [@WrN'stKkrBsi] ápl -iesñ, noblesse [nBL-
aasialane aasialase, aasialast Asian ['eNFBn]
margariin maþoor/i, -e
aasima aasida, aasin tease [ti:z], jest [dFest], ban-
® maþoor ple ['kHpBl], wedded pair ['wedNd peB] abistav abistava, abistavat helping ['helpNE], assist- H
abi|elu|rikkuja (mees) adulterer [B'dHltBrB]; (nai- ing [B'sNstNE], subsidiary [sBb'sNdiBri]
majja ásg aditñ ® maja mamps/i, -e ® mamps 'bles] (pr); (kõrgaadel)margi
peerage ['pNBrNdF]; (alam-® mark matab
ter ['bWntB], make* fun of sb [meNk fHn Kv] ® matma ne) adulteress [B'dHltBres] abi|sõna lgv auxiliary word [C:g'zNliBri wM:d], par- I
aadel) gentry ['dFentri] aasta aasta, aastat year [jNB] n aastast aastasse abi|elu|rikkumine -rikkumise, -rikkumist adultery ticle ['pA:tNkBl]
majonees/i, -e ® majonees mandaa/di, -ti, -te ® mandaat marginaal/i, -e
aadellik aadelliku, aadellikku noble ['nBLbBl]
® marginaal matemaatiku
from year to year; year in, year out n aasta
® matemaatik [B'dHltBri] abi|taotlus request / application for aid [rN'kwest J
majoraan/i, -e ® majoraan mandariin/i, -e ® mandariin marinaad/i, -enobleness® marinaad
pärast in a year, inmaterjal/i, -e a year later® materjal abi|elu|sõrmus wedding ring ['wedNE rNE] / @WplN'keNGBn fC: eNd]
aadellikkus aadellikkuse,
aadellikkust a years time,
n igal aastal every year, yearly, annually n
abi|elu|tunnistus marriage certificate ['mWrNdF abitu abitu, abitut helpless ['helplBs], powerless K
major/i, -eid ® major mandl/i, -eid ® mandel marionet/i, -ti, -te ® marionett mati ® matt sB'tNfNkBt], certificate of marriage [sB'tNfNkBt Kv ['paLBlBs], weak [wi:k], incapable [Nn'keNpBbBl]
aadli|daam lady (of noble rank) ['leNdi (Kv 'nBL- eelmisel aastal last year käesolev aasta cur-
'mWrNdF], marriage lines ['mWrNdF laNnz] abiturient abituriendi, abiturienti school-leaver L
maju ápl partñ ® maja mandoliin/i, -e bBl rWEk)] á pl -ies (of marj/a,
® mandoliin -u ñ, noblewoman®
noble rank) mari matk/a,
rent year, present year, -u n käesoleval®
this year matk
makarone ápl partñ ® +makaronid áplñ mandr/i, -eid ® mander
['nBLbBl@wLmBn] á pl -womenñ
marjase B ®
aastal this year n järgmisel aastal next year
marjas matriarhaa/di, -ti, -te ®
abi|elu|tõotus marriage vows ['mWrNdF vaLz]
matriarhaatabi|elu|voodi marriage bed ['mWrNdF bed]B
[@sku:l'li:vB], final-year student ['faNnBl-jNB 'stju:-
dBnt], senior ['si:niB] (Am) M
aadlik aadliku, aadlikku noble ['nBLb l], aristocrat n järgnevatel aastatel in years to come n
makaron/i, -e ® makaron mandr/i, -eid ® manner ['WrNstBkrWt]; (meessoost)markeeringu
nobleman ['nBLbBlmBn]® markeering
viimastel aastatel matriits/i, -e
in / during recent years n®
abi|elu|väline extramarital [@ekstrB'mWrNt l]
matriits abi|hoone outbuilding ['aLt@bNldNE], annex(e)
abitus abituse, abitust helplessness ['helplBsnBs],
powerlessness ['paLBlBsnBs], weakness ['wi:knBs] N
maket/i, -ti, -te ® makett maneer/i, -e ® maneer
á pl -men ñ ; (naissoost) noblewoman ['nBLb B l-
marker/i, -eid
-women ; (kõrgaadlik) peer
@wLmBn] á pl ñ
ülemöödunud aastal the year before last n
marker matrikl/i, -eid
paar aastat couple of years viie aasta vanu-
['Wneks] á pl -xesñ
matrikkel abi|kaasa spouse [spaLs]; (mees) husband ['hHz-
abituurium abituuriumi, abituuriumi // abituuriumit fi-
nal year (of secondary school) ['faNnBl jNB (Kv
maki ® makk maneeþ/i, -e ® maneeþaadress aadressi, aadressimarketingu
address [B'dres] ® marketing matroon/i,
ne five years old, 5 yrs -e vanune®
old n viie aasta matroon bBnd]; (naine) wife [waNf] á pl wives [waNvz]ñ ,
consort ['kKnsC:t]
'sekBndBri sku:l)], final-year class ['faNnBl-jNB klA:s],
senior class ['si:niB klA:s] (Am); (abituriendid) fi-
aadressi|raamat address book [B'dres bLk], di- laps five year old child, child of five years of
makk/i, -e ® makk mangaan/i, -e ® mangaan mark/i, -e
rectory [daN'rektBri, dNr-] á pl -iesñ
® mark matsaka
age (kirjak) n aastal 1997 in 1997 (loe: nineteen
® matsakas abi|kool special school ['speGBl sku:l]
abiline abilise, abilist help [help], helper ['helpB],
nal-year students ['faNnBl-jNB 'stju:dBnts], seniors ['si:-
niBz] (Am), senior students ['si:niB 'stju:dBnts] (Am)
makku ásg aditñ ® magu mangust/i, -e ® mangust markiis/i,
Aafrika 1 pn Africa ['WfrNkB] ; 2 adj-e
African ['WfrN-® markiis mats/i, -e
ninety seven) n üheksakümnendatel (aasta-® mats
kBn] tel) in the nineties, in the 90s n aastaid tagasi
assistant [B'sNstBnt], aid [eNd], attendant [B'ten-
dBnt], right-hand man / woman ['raNthBnd mWn /
abi|töö auxiliary work [C:g'zNliBri wM:k], ancillary
work [Wn'sNlBri wM:k], indirect work [@NndB'rekt
makrell/i, -e ® makrell maniakk/i, -e ® maniakk marmelaad/i, -e ® marmelaad mat/i, -e ® mat
maks/a, -u ® maks manifest/i, -e
aafriklane aafriklase, aafriklast African ['WfrNkBn]
® manifest
aaker aakri, aakrit acre marmor/i,
['eNkB] -eid
from / since the year dot, long ago n aastaid
® marmor matta
juurde panema (vanemaks arvama) put*® matma
'wLmBn] á pl r.-h. men / womenñ , man Friday
[mWn 'fraNdeN] á pl men Friday, men Fridaysñ ,
wM:k], bywork ['baN@wM:k]
abi|vahend aid [eNd], ancillary [Wn'sNlBri] ápl -iesñ,
maksab ® maksma maniküür/i, -e
aaloe aaloe, aaloed bot aloe ['WlBL]
® maniküür marodöör/i, -e B
years on n aastaid maha võtma (nooremaks
® marodöör matt/i, -e ® matt
sidekick ['saNdkNk] (kõnek) auxiliary device [C:g'zNliBri dN'vaNs] Z
aam cask
aami, aami , barrel
[kA:sk] hogs-
['bWr l], arvama) take* years off oma aastatest n abi|linna|pea assistant mayor [B'sNstBnt meB], abi|valmilt helpfully ['helpfBli], accommodat-
maksiim/i, -e ® maksiim head ['hKgzhed], buttmarru
manipulaator/i, -eid ® manipulaator [bHt], tun
aditñ ® maru
noorem välja nägemamatuse
carry ones years well,® matus deputy mayor ['depjLti meB] ingly [B'kKmBdeNtNEli], supportively [sB'pC:tNvli], Þ
abi|mees ® abiline obligingly [B'blaNdFNEli]
maksimum/i, -e ® maksimum manipuleeriva
aamen aameni, aamenit amen [@A:'men, @eN-]
® manipuleeriv marsi
aamis|sepp cooper ['ku:pB]
seem younger n oma aastatele vastav välja
marss matva
nägema show (ones) age n aastates isik aged
® +mattev abi|nõu (vahend) tool [tu:l], instrument ['NntstrB- abi|valmis helpful ['helpf Bl], willing to help T
mBnt], implement ['NmplNmBnt]; (viis, meede) ['wNlNE tu help], supportive [sB'pC:tNv], obliging
maks/u, -e ® maks manisk/i, -eid ® maniskaam|palk joist [dFCNst]marsib
, ceiling beam ['si:BlNE bi:m]® marssima
person n head uut maugu
aastat! happy new year! ® mauk measure ['meFB], means [mi:nz] á plñ n abinõusid [B'blaNdFNE], accommodating [B'kKmBdeNtNE] U
aar aari, aari are [eB] aasta- annual ['WnjuBl], yearly ['jNBli] tarvitusele võtma take* measures, take* steps abi|verb lgv auxiliary verb [C:g'zNliBri vM:b]
maksustatava ® maksustatav manitseva ® manitsev
marsruu/di, -ti, -te
aara, aarat zool [mB'kC:]
® marsruut
aasta|aeg season
, time of the year
['si:z n]
abi|palve request for help / aid / assistance abi|vägi auxiliary forces [C:g'zNliBri fC:sNz], aux- V
maksva ® maksev mannekeen/i, -e ® mannekeen
aarde|jaht treasure hunt marssal/i, -eid ® marssal mausoleum/i, -e ® mausoleum
['treFB hHnt]
aarde|kamber treasury ['treFBri] ápl -iesñ, treas-
Kv Ji: jNB]
aasta|aru|anne annual report / statement / ac-
[rN'kwest fC: help / eNd / B'sNstBnts]
abi|personal auxiliary personnel / staff [C:g'zN-
iliary troops [C:g'zNliBri tru:ps], auxiliaries [C:g'zN-
liBriz], reinforcements [@ri:Nn'fC:smBnts]
makulatuur/i, -e ® makulatuur mannergu ® mannerg marss/i, -e ® marss me ápl nomñ ® ma
malahhii/di, -ti, -te ® malahhiit mansard/i, -e ® mansard
ure house ['treFB haLs]
aarde|leid trove [trBLv] martsipan/i,
, treasure trove-e ['treFB trBLv]®
count ['WnjuBl rN'pC:t / 'steNtmBnt / B'kaLnt]
aasta|arv date [deNt]medal/i, -eid
martsipan ® medal
liBri @pM:sB'nel / stA:f], support personnel [sB'pC:t
ablas apla, ablast greedy ['gri:di] á -ier, -iestñ , avid
['WvNd], ravenous ['rWvBnBs], ravening ['rWvBnNE],
malaka ® malakas manset/i, -ti, -te
aare aarde, aaret treasure ['treFB], trove [trBLv]; piltl
® mansett masaja ® aasta|eel|arve annual budget ['WnjuBl 'bHdFNt]
masajas medaljon/i, -e ® medaljon
abi|programm aid / assistance programme [eNd
/ B'sNstBnts 'prBLgrWm], relief programme [rN'li:f
gluttonous ['glHtBnBs], voracious [vB'reNGBs] (kirjak)
abonement abonemendi, abonementi subscription
treasure gem ['treFB dFem], darling ['dA:lNE] aasta|hinne annual mark ['WnjuBl mA:k], annual
malbus/e, -i // -eid ® malbus mantl/i, -eid masendava
® mantelaaria aaria, aariat 1 s muus aria ['A:riB]; 2 adj (rass)® grade ['WnjuBl greNd] medikamen/di,
masendav (Am) -ti, -te® medikament
'prBLgrWm] [sBb'skrNpGBn], season ticket ['si:zBn 'tNkNt]
® aarja aasta|intress maj annual interest ['WnjuBl 'Nnt-
malend/i, -eid ® malend manuaal/i, -e ® manuaal masina ® masin meditsiin/i, -e ® meditsiin
aarialane aarialase, aarialast ® aarjalane rBst], interest per annum ['NntrBst pM: 'WnBm]
maleva ® malev manuka ® manukas maskeeringu ® maskeering meduus/i, -e ® meduus
malga ® malk manuse ® manus maskeraad/i, -e ® maskeraad mee ® mesi
malk/a, -u ® malk manöövr/i, -eid ® manööver mask/i, -e ® mask meediku ® meedik
TEA mallata
mall/i, -e
® maldama
® mall
® +mallikas
® madu
® magu
® mapp
maskot/i, -ti, -te
massaaþ/i, -e
mass/i, -e
® maskott
® massaaþ
® mass
meedium/i, -e // -eid ® meedium
® meelas
® meeldiv
Bilingual Dictionaries
English-Estonian /
Estonian-English Dictionary
Estonian-Russian Dictionary
Эстонско-русский словарь
9 absorbeerima
abielupaar das Ehepaar -e, die Eheleu- abitegusõna lgv das Hilfsverb -en
te pl abitu adj hilflos A
Bilingual Dictionaries
Russian-Estonian Dictionary
Русско-эстонский словарь
The newest and most up-to-date dictionary of its kind.
close to 15 000 voluminous entries
608 pp.
first edition 2013
a dictionary for general language that includes the newest vocabulary
words and expressions necessary for everyday use
plenty of practical examples
simple and user-friendly structure
gives the main meaning of the words
stress marks are added to Russian words
gives verb agreement
appendices: verbs, verb aspects, names of countries, peoples and
languages, important Russian holidays
Estonian-German Dictionary
Estnisch-deutsches Wörterbuch
35,000 words and phrases
contemporary usage of German and Estonian
provides help with German grammar, such as plural and singular
forms, gender and cases of nouns, irregularity of a verb and
auxiliaries accompanying them
focuses on practical language usage by giving a lot of informal
language material
German irregular verbs
are provided as
supplementary material
in this dictionary
excellent for both
German and Estonian
Tallinn, 2003, 768 pp., 148x210,
hardback, ISBN 978-9985-71-343-3
Finnish-Estonian Dictionary
Contemporary usage of Finnish language
33,000 words and phrases
Bilingual Dictionaries
German-Estonian dictionary
Deutsch-estnisches Wörterbuch
Tallinn, 2010, first edition, 776 pp., 148x210, single-color printing, hardback,
ISBN 978-9985-71-498-0
English-Estonian dictionary
Inglise-eesti sõnaraamat
Tallinn, 2010, first edition, 656 pp., 148x210, single-color printing, hardback,
ISBN 978-9985-71-004-3
Bilingual Dictionaries
Estonian-French Dictionary
Dictionnaire estonien-français
close to 15 000 voluminous entries
fi496 pp.
edition 2012
words and expressions
for general language that includes the newest vocabulary
plenty of practical examples necessary for everyday use
simple and user-friendly structure
appendices: cardinal and ordinal numbers, common abbreviations,
names of countries, peoples and languages, the conjugation chart for French
verb categories.
English-Estonian Dictionary
of Synonymes and Antonymes
Inglise-eesti sünonüümi- ja antonüümisõnastik
Martin H. Manser
First English-Estonian dictionary of synonymes and antonymes with an Estonian-English
word index to appear in Estonia.
The dictionary contains almost 6000 most used English words and expressions, which
makes it a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their English vocabulary.
English-Estonian Dictionary of Synonymes and Antonymes takes in special account the
need of Estonian speakers:
A well-known British lexicographer, Martin Manser has worked with established dictionary
publishers, such as HarperCollins, Chambers, Macmillan, Oxford University Press etc.
This dictionary has been translated by Kullo Vende. The book contains 500 words with
over 6000 synonymes and antonymes.
English-Estonian Dictionary of Synonymes and Antonymes is a valuable tool for anyone
who is writing in English or translating texts into English.
The book is aimed at intermediate and advanced users.
Tallinn, 2012, 400 pp., 148 x 210, hardback, full colored printing, ISBN 978-9949-24-127-9
School Dictionaries
of nouns B pesu pesema laundry list kõnek nalj lay by säästma, kokku hoidma lay mine sast kogemusest õppima B
täpne nimekiri, loetelu down/up tallele panema; ehitama,
leading ['li:dNE] adj juhtiv, juht- lead- learned ['lM:nNd] adj õpetatud our pro-
C laurel ['lKrBl] n laurels bot loorber, loor- püstitama lay down the rules reeg- fessor is truly a learned man meie C
ing question suunav küsimus
leid paika panema lay down one’s
comparison of adjectives
beripuu rest on one’s laurels piltl professor on tõesti õpetatud mees/
D leaf [li:f] n leaves (puu)leht v leafs, D
loorberitel puhkama life oma elu (millegi eest) ohverdama õpetlane
lay off koondama lay off me! jäta leafing, leafed lehte minema leaf
E lava ['lA:vB] n laava
mind rahule! lay off drinking joo- through (raamatut) läbi sirvima/lehit- E
use of article
Pane tähele: learned ['lM:nNd] –
lavatory ['lWvBtBri] n lavatories tualett, mist maha jätma lay out laotama; sema
‘õpetatud’, aga learned [lM:nd] –
käimla (raha) välja laduma lay up voodisse leaflet ['li:flBt] n leaflets reklaamleht; ‘õppis’.
G lavender ['lWvBndB] n lavenders bot jääma lendleht G
lavendel adj kahvatulilla, lavend- lay II [leN] o lie II leafy ['li:fi] adj leafier, leafiest leherikas, learner ['lM:nB] n learners õppija, õppur
H likarva lehine learning ['lM:nNE] n õppimine; teadmi- H
lavish ['lWvNG] adj heldekäeline, pillav; league ['li:g] n leagues liiga Master sed, raamatutarkus learning diffi-
I Ära aja segi: lay on ‘asetama, pa- I
conjugation of verbs
suurejooneline nema’, lay on ka minevikuvorm League Meistrite Liiga culties õpiraskused
J law [lC:] n laws seadus; õigus, õiguse- sõnast lie ja tähendab ‘lamama, leak [li:k] n leaks leke, lekkekoht lease [li:s] v leases, leasing, leased välja J
mõistmine; reegel law and order lebama’. leak proof lekkekindel v leaks, rentima; rendile võtma; üürima; liisi-
irregular verbs
avalik kord, seaduslikkus law of leaking, leaked lekkima, (sisse või ma
layer ['leNB] n layers kiht, kord; asetaja
L nature loodusteadus law of gravity välja) immitsema leak out välja leash [li:G] n leashes ohelik; koerarihm L
layer cake Am kihiline kook layer
gravitatsiooniseadus criminal law imbuma (ka piltl) hold* on leash ohjes hoidma, taltsu-
by layer kiht-kihi haaval, ka hästi
M kriminaalõigus by law seaduse järgi M
ordinals and cardinals
leakage ['li:kNdF] n leakages lekkimine, tama; kõnek rangelt juhtima
least [li:st] adj väikseim, vähim
law-abiding ['lC:rB@baNdNE] adj seadus- läbiimbumine (ka piltl)
N kuulekas
layoff ['leNKf] n layoffs koondamine,
cheese with the least amount of fat N
vallandamine leaky ['li:ki] adj leakier, leakiest lekkiv;
O vähima rasvasisaldusega juust I O
derivational affixes
lawcourt ['lC:kC:t] n lawcourts kohus (= piltl saladust mittepidav
layout ['leNaLt] n layouts kava, plaan; haven’t the least idea mul pole vähi-
court of law), kohtukoda lean I [li:n] v leans, leaning, leant või
P (trükinduses) küljendus matki aimu pron kõige väiksem, P
lawful ['lC:fBl] adj seaduslik, õiguspärane leaned, leant või leaned nõjatuma,
laze [leNz] v lazes, lazing, lazed loge- kõige vähem it’s the least I can do
toetuma lean out (aknast) välja
British and
Q lawless ['lC:lBs] adj seadusevastane, lema, laisklema vähemalt niipalju saan teha adv Q
ebaseaduslik; ohjeldamatu kummarduma lean over lähemale vähimal määral, kõige vähem he
lazy ['leNzi] adj lazier, laziest laisk
R lawn [lC:n] n lawns muru, muruplats kummardama came when I least expected it ta tuli R
lead I [led] n leads plii, seatina; pliiat-
American English
lean II [li:n] adj kõhetu, kuivetu, tai(liha) siis, kui teda kõige vähem ootasin
S lawnmower ['lC:n@mBLB] n lawnmowers sisüsi S
muruniiduk leaning ['li:nNE] n leanings kalduvus, leather ['leJB] n leathers (pargitud) nahk
lead II [li:d] n leads juhtimine; esi-
T lawsuit ['lC:su:t] n lawsuits kohtuprot- koht; (filmi, teatrietenduse) peaosa
tendents leaning towards sports leather jacket nahktagi patent T
countries, nations,
kalduvus spordile leather lakknahk
U sess, kohtuasi you are in the lead of the race sa
leap [li:p] n leaps hüpe leap year leathery ['leJBri] adj leatherier, leatheriest
lawyer ['lC:jB] n lawyers jurist; advokaat juhid jooksu/oled jooksus esikohal
V lax [lWks] adj lõtv, loge, pingetu, lodev v leads, leading, leaded, led, led liigaasta (aasta, mil veebruaris on 29 nahkjas, nahataoline; vintske V
juhtima lead a good/bad life head/
päeva, iga nelja aasta tagant esinev leave I [li:v] v leaves, leaving, left, left
W laxative ['lWksBtNv] n laxatives (kõhu)- halba elu elama lead astray eksi- aasta) leap in the dark hüpe tund- jätma, maha jätma; lahkuma the bus W
lahtisti tama, eksiteele viima lead in sisse matusse, riskantne samm v leaps, leaves in ten minutes buss väljub
X lay I [leN] v lays, laying, laid, laid pane- juhatama, alustama lead off algata- leaping, leapt või leaped, leapt või lea- kümne minuti pärast leave the room
public holidays Y
ma, asetama lay an egg munema
lay the table lauda katma lay a bet
kihla vedama lay hands on käsi
ma, juhatama lead on ninapidi
vedama, tüssama lead up to põhjus-
ped hüppama, üle hüppama
learn [lM:n] v learns, learning, learnt või
learned, learnt või learned õppima
ruumist lahkuma leave London
Londonist lahkuma leave for Esto-
nia Eestisse sõitma/reisima leave
inimkeha human body
135x198, hardback,
ripsmed ear
eye kõrv
Nimisõnade mitmus • Plural of Nouns silm
ISBN 978-9985-71-486-7
Reeglipärane nimisõnade mitmus moodustatakse ainsusele s-i lisamisega: nina
trees, apples, books. chin
Lisaks sellele tuleb meelde jätta järgmised reeglid: hair lõug
juuksed shoulder
• y-lõpulised sõnad, milles y-le eelneb kaashäälik, muutuvad mitmuses teeth
ies-lõpuliseks (berry → berries; opportunity → opportunities). hambad
• sh-, ch-, ss-, x-, s-lõpuliste sõnade mitmus moodustatakse -es abil (bush neck tongue arm
→ bushes; fox → foxes). kael keel käsi-
• o-lõpuliste sõnade mitmus on harilikult -oes (potato → potatoes; tomato
back chest vars
→ tomatoes). Ent suur osa o-lõpulisi sõnu moodustavad mitmuse -os
(radio → radios; piano → pianos; solo → solos). Paljudel o-lõpulistel selg rind
sõnadel on võimalikud mõlemad mitmuse kujud (buffalo → buffaloes, waist navel
buffalos; manifesto → manifestoes, manifestos) piht küünar-
• f- ja fe-lõpulised sõnad muutuvad mitmuses ves-lõpulisteks (knife → nukk
knives; wife → wives; leaf → leaves; life → lives). hip
puus stomach wrist
• mitmuses ei muutu: 1) mõned s-lõpulised sõnad (series → series; spe-
kõht ranne
cies → species); 2) craft-lõpulised sõnad (spacecraft → spacecraft); 3) buttock
rahvuskuuluvust märkivad ese-lõpulised sõnad (Chinese → Chinese; tuhar hand
Japanese → Japanese); 4) mõne looma nimetus (fish → fish; deer → käsi,
deer). käelaba
Mõnel ingliskeelsel sõnal on ebareeglipärane mitmusevorm. leg_ reis finger
child laps children lapsed knee sõrm
man mees, inimene men* mehed, inimesed põlv
woman naine women** naised leg
tooth hammas teeth hambad säär
foot jalg feet jalad ankle
mouse hiir mice hiired pahkluu heel
goose hani geese haned kand
sheep lammas sheep lambad
Samakujuline mitmus on tarvitusel ka -man-lõpulistes liitsõnades: Englishman → toe foot
Englishmen varvas jalg,
Samakujuline mitmus on tarvitusel ka -woman-lõpulistes liitsõnades: business- jalalaba
woman → businesswomen
222 223
A le, kes oli just päeval koolis kahe rännaku lõpetas äratuskella helin. Tuberkuloosihaige paigutati isolaa- rijuhtmed tuleb kiiresti isoleerida. A
saanud. Jutustuses kirjeldatud maja ja aed torisse. Soome laht on isolaatoriks Haigustunnustega inimesed isolee-
B olid nii irreaalselt kaunid, et suutsin mitmete loomaliikide populatsiooni- ritakse tervete hulgast. B
võrdle: ironiseerima
C mitmeks minutiks unustada enda de jaoks. Elektrijuhtmete ühendami-
vaata ka: isolatsioon
D ümber toimuva ja vajuda unistustes- seks tuleb nende otstest eemaldada D
irooniline iroonilise, iroonilist; iroo- se. isolaator.
E niliste, iroonilisi; iroonilisem, iroonili- isomorfism isomorfismi, isomor- E
F sim ~ kõige iroonilisem irooniat si- pane tähele: sõna alguses -rr- võrdle: isolatsioon .fismi samakujulisus; üksühene F
saldav või väljendav; pilkeline vastand: reaalne struktuurne vastavus; keem, geol oma-
G Tüdruk vaatas meid iroonilise mui-
isolatsioon isolatsiooni, isolatsi.oo- dustelt ja struktuurilt lähedaste aine-
H gega. Sinu irooniline suhtumine irriteerima irri.teerida, irriteerib, irri- ni; isolatsi.oonide, isolatsi.oone (~ iso- te võime anda segakristalle ehk tah- H
I minu ettepanekutesse hakkab mind teeritakse ärritama, närviliseks te- latsi.oonisid) eraldamine, eraldu- keid lahuseid. I
J juba tõsiselt häirima. Igaühe aad- gema, vihastama mine, eraldatus; tehn isoleerimisva- Kaalisoolas esineb naatriumklorii- J
ressil ei maksa mõtlematult irooni- Kolleeg irriteerib mind oma ebavii- hend või -aine; med (nakkus)ohtlike di ja kaaliumkloriidi isomorfism.
K lisi märkusi teha, see võib teisi kas saka käitumisega. Luuletaja püüdis haigete eraldamine; biol liikide või Isomorfismi korral muutub mine- K
L solvata või kurvastada. oma kuulajaid robustse otseütlemi- liigisiseste populatsioonide vahelise raali koostis, kuid mitte struktuur. L
M vaata ka: iroonia sega irriteerida. ristumise puudumine pane tähele: sõna keskel on -f- M
Soojuse tagamiseks tubades on vaja
N pane tähele: sõna alguses irr- N
paigutada seintesse soojusisolat-
O irratsionaalne irratsio.naalse, irrat- pane tähele: irriteerima keda, mille- sioon. Loomaliikide tekkel on geo- isotoop isotoobi, iso.toopi; iso.too- O
sio.naalset; irratsio.naalsete, irratsio- ga pide, iso.toope (~ iso.toopisid) keem,
P graafiline isolatsioon vajalik. Lin- P
.naalseid; irratsio.naalsem, irratsio.naal- nugripi epideemia leviku tõkestami- füüs aatommassi poolest erinev ele-
Q seim ~ kõige irratsio.naalsem mõis- islam .islami, .islamit relig muha- mendi teisend Q
seks rakendati piirkonna isolatsioo-
R tusega haaramatu, loogiliselt seleta- medi usk, prohvet Muhamedi raja- ni. Vesinikul on kolm isotoopi: kerge, R
S matu tud ja maailmas laialt levinud usund raske ja üliraske vesinik. Südameli- S
Järsku tundsin ma irratsionaalset Islami tekkeajaks peetakse 7. sajan- võrdle: isolaator hase koormustaluvuse uuringuks
Š hirmu, mille tekke põhjust ma sele- dit. Islami traditsiooni kohaselt kasutati radioaktiivset isotoopi. Sel- Š
Z tada ei osanud. Mitmeidki irratsio- kannavad abielunaised keha ja ka isoleerima iso.leerida, isoleerib, iso- le isotoobi radioaktiivne kiirgus on Z
• naalseid uskumusi antakse edasi nägu varjavat riietust. Islamis on leeritakse eraldama; tehn soojuse, väike ja ei ohusta organismi. •
põlvest põlve. kindel koht perekonnatraditsiooni- elektri vm läbitungimist või levimist
T käändub nagu: hoop T
pane tähele: sõna alguses irr- del. takistama; isolatsiooniga varustama
U Millal teie majas viimati keskkütte- U
vastand: ratsionaalne käändub nagu: sulam, andam
V süsteemi isoleeriti? Katkised elekt- V
W irreaalne irre.aalse, irre.aalset; ir- isolaator iso.laatori, iso.laatorit; iso- W
Õ re.aalsete, irre.aalseid; irre.aalsem, ir- .laatorite, iso.laatoreid tehn, el isolee- Õ
Ä re.aalseim ~ kõige irre.aalsem eba- riv aine, keha; med eraldusruum nak- Ä
reaalne, mittetõeline kusohtlike haigete paigutamiseks;
Ö Olin jõudnud just keset täiesti ir- biol populatsioonide ristumist välis-
Ü reaalset maastikku, täis kummalisi tav eraldatus Ü
X puid ja ümmargusi maju, kui minu X
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Langenscheidt & TEA
Tes·ta·mҽnt das; -(e)s, -e Theater The·o·rie die; -, -n>L৸̷Q@ er / sie usw ist verrückt Ƈ ta on nupust ni-
A 1 eine schriftliche Erklärung, in der eine der der die der 1 eine Theorie (über etwas (Akk) / zu et- kastanud, tal mõni kruvi peas logiseb A
Person bestimmt, wer ihr Vermögen nach 1. Rang 2. Rang Loge Vorhang was) eine wissenschaftliche Erklärung von
B ihrem Tode bekommen soll ‹sein Testament Zusammenhängen und Tatsachen, bei der *Tӏ·cket das; -s, -s; eine Fahrkarte für eine B
machen; ein Testament anfechten› Ƈ testa- von bestimmten Annahmen ausgegangen Reise mit dem Flugzeug oder Schiff Ƈ pilet
LS Flugticket
C ment wird, die man für sinnvoll hält ‹eine aner- C
2 das Alte und das Neue Testament die kannte, klassische Theorie; eine Theorie *tief Adj
D Bibel Ƈ Vana ja Uus Testament aufstellen, beweisen›: eine Theorie über die 1 so, dass etwas von seiner OberÀäche oder D
Entstehung der Erde Ƈ teooria einer gedachten OberÀäche relativ weit
*teu·er, teurer, teuerst-; Adj
E 2 nur Sg; eine Art, Dinge so zu sehen, dass E
1 so, dass es viel Geld kostet ļ billig: ein nach unten reicht ‹ein Brunnen, ein Graben,
man nicht über die Probleme der Praxis1
teures Auto, ein teurer Abend Ƈ kallis, kal- eine Schüssel, ein See; Schnee, Wasser; tief
(1) spricht ‹etwas ist reine Theorie›: Das
F lihinnaline
stimmt nur in der Theorie Ƈ teooria tauchen› Ƈ sügav F
2 so, dass es schlimme (¿nanzielle) Folgen LS Tiefschnee
ID meist Grau ist alle Theorie! geschr; in
G hat: ein teurer Unfall Ƈ kallis, kulukas
der Theorie (2) ist alles einfach, im wirk- 2 Maßangabe + tief verwendet, um die G
ID etwas kommt j-n teuer zu stehen j-d Ausdehnung nach unten zu bezeichnen ļ
lichen Leben aber schwer Ƈ see on ainult
H muss viel für etwas bezahlen Ƈ miski läheb hoch: ein zehn Meter tiefer See; Das Wasser H
teooria!; teoorias hea, aga praktikas teos-
kellelegi kalliks maksma ist nur fünfzig Zentimeter tief Ƈ sügav
NB teuer ĺ ein teures Auto
I 3 in relativ geringer Entfernung über dem I
der das der die Ther·mo·me·ter das, südd A CH auch der; Meeresspiegel, dem Boden o.Ä. § niedrig
Teu·fel der; -s, - Balkon Parkett Orchestergraben Bühne -s, -; ein Gerät, mit dem man Temperaturen
J 1 nur Sg; eine Gestalt, die das Böse ist §
misst: Das Thermometer ist auf 17°C ge-
‹ein Ort liegt tief; tief Àiegen› Ƈ madalal J
Satan Ƈ kurat, saatan *The·a·ter1>WHਥD৸WĻ@ das; -s, - 4 (relativ zu einem Bezugspunkt) weiter un-
2 ein böser Geist § Dämon Ƈ deemon stiegen, gefallen Ƈ termomeeter, kraadi-
K 1 ein Gebäude, in dem Schauspiele, Opern klaas
ten gelegen ‹ein Tal› Ƈ sügav K
3 ein armer Teufel ein armer, bedauerns- o.Ä. aufgeführt werden Ƈ teater, teatrimaja 5 meist im Komparativ; weiter unten: Er
LS Außenthermometer, Innenthermome-
L werter Mensch Ƈ vaene/ puupaljas mehike LS Theaterbühne, Theaterkasse wohnt ein Stockwerk tiefer Ƈ madalamal, L
ID Pfui Teufel! gespr; verwendet, um ter, Zimmerthermometer; Badethermome-
2 nur Sg; eine Institution, die Schauspiele, ter, Fieberthermometer
M Ekel oder Abscheu auszudrücken Ƈ kurat/ Opern usw organisiert Ƈ teater 6 weit nach unten (in Richtung zum Erdbo- M
pagan võtku!; irgendwo ist der Teufel 3 nur Sg; eine Aufführung im Theater (1): The·se die; -, -n § Annahme, Behauptung den) ‹eine Verbeugung, ein Fall› Ƈ sügav
N los gespr; irgendwo gibt es viel Lärm oder Das Theater beginnt heute um 20 Uhr Ƈ ‹eine kühne, fragwürdige These; eine These 7 im Vergleich zum Durchschnitt sehr ge- N
große Aufregung Ƈ kuskil on kurat/põrgu teater, etendus aufstellen, verteidigen› Ƈ tees ring, niedrig ļ hoch ‹Temperaturen; das
lahti; Mal den Teufel nicht an die Wand! LS Theaterabend, Theaterbesuch
O du sollst nicht von solchen Gefahren spre- Thron der; -(e)s, -e; ein besonderer Sessel für Barometer steht tief›: Die Zahl der Arbeits- O
chen Ƈ ei maksa kuradit seina peale maa- *The·a·ter2>WHਥD৸WĻ@ das; -s, -; nur Sg; gespr, eine mächtige Persönlichkeit, z.B. für einen losen hat ihren tiefsten Stand erreicht Ƈ ma-
P lida!, ei maksa õnnetust välja kutsuda!; pej § Aufregung, Ärger Ƈ teater, tsirkus, König oder Bischof Ƈ troon dal P
spektaakel LS Kaiserthron, Papstthron LS Tiefstkurs, Tiefstpreis
Wenn man vom Teufel spricht (, dann
Q ID meist (ein) Theater (um / wegen et- ID j-s Thron wackelt gespr; j-s mächtige 8 weit nach hinten reichend ļ hoch, breit Q
kommt er) gespr; verwendet, um auszudrü-
cken, dass j-d kommt, von dem man gerade was) machen bei einer (oft unwichtigen) Stellung ist in Gefahr Ƈ kellegi troon/posit- ‹ein Schrank, ein Regal› Ƈ sügav
R spricht Ƈ kus hundist räägitakse (, seal ta Sache übertrieben heftig reagieren Ƈ (mil- sioon kõigub 9 Maßangabe + tief verwendet, um (bei R
ongi); Der Teufel steckt im Detail es sind legi pärast) teatrit/tsirkust tegema Möbeln) die Ausdehnung nach hinten oder
Tӏc, Tӏck1 der; -s, -s; schnelle Bewegungen
S oft die Kleinigkeiten, die die größten Prob- The·ke die; -, -n nach innen zu bezeichnen Ƈ sügav S
von Muskeln wegen nervöser Störungen
leme bereiten Ƈ iga väikseimgi pisiasi on 1 ein hoher, schmaler Tisch in einem Res- 10 intensiv (bes in Bezug auf Gefühle)
‹einen nervösen Tic haben› Ƈ närviline
T tähtis, pisiasjad võivad sageli kõige roh- taurant, einer Bar, an dem die Getränke ‹Glaube, Liebe; etwas tief bedauern; tief T
tõmblus, tikk
kem probleeme tekitada ausgegeben werden: ein Glas Wein an der beleidigt, erschüttert› Ƈ sügav
U *Tҽxt der; -(e)s, -e Theke trinken Ƈ (baari)lett Tӏck2 der; -s, -s LS tiefernst
2 eine Art Tisch, an dem Kunden in einem 1 gespr, meist pej; eine seltsame, oft unan- 11 § kräftig ‹tief atmen› Ƈ sügavalt
1 eine Folge von Sätzen, die miteinander in
Geschäft bedient werden Ƈ (poe)lett genehme Angewohnheit, die j-d hat Ƈ kiiks, 12 tief schlafen fest und gesund schlafen Ƈ
V Zusammenhang stehen Ƈ tekst
veidrus V
2 die Worte, die zu einem Musikstück gehö- *The·ma das; -s, The·men sügavalt magama
2 ein kleines bisschen: Sie ist einen Tick
W ren ‹der Text eines Liedes› Ƈ tekst 1 der zentrale Gedanke, über den man 13 von dunkler, intensiver Farbe: ein tiefes W
besser als ihre Schwester Ƈ nüanss Grün Ƈ tume, sügav
spricht oder schreibt ‹ein aktuelles Thema;
Tex·ti·li·en >L ̷Q@ die; Pl; alle Dinge (Klei- 14 (relativ) dunkel klingend ļ hoch ‹ein
X ein Thema behandeln› Ƈ teema tӏ·cken; tickte, hat getickt; etwas tickt et- X
der, Stoffe), die gewebt oder gestrickt sind LS Themenstellung, Themenwahl Ton; eine Stimme› Ƈ sügav
was produziert in regelmäßigen Abständen
Ƈ tekstiilkaubad ID meist Das lässt tief blicken das zeigt
Y 2 eine Folge von Tönen in einem Musik- kurze, helle Töne ‹eine Uhr, eine Bombe› Y
Tҽxt·ver·ar·bei·tung die; -, -en; das Bear- stück, die sich wiederholt ‹ein Thema vari- Ƈ tiksuma etwas sehr deutlich (meist wie j-d wirklich
beiten eines Textes (bes am Computer) Ƈ ieren› Ƈ teema ID Bei ihm / ihr usw tickt es nicht richtig; ist) Ƈ see lubab sügavaid/kaugeleulatu-
tekstitöötlus Ź the·ma·tisch Adj Ƈ temaatiline Er / Sie usw tickt nicht mehr richtig gespr; vaid järeldusi teha
Semi-bilingual Dictionaries
Tallinn, 2008, 2nd edition, 1008 pp., 168x244, hardback, ISBN 978-9985-71-518-5;
TEA & KDictionaries
Semi-bilingual Dictionaries
Junior Password
English-Estonian Semi-bilingual Dictionary for Beginners
12,000 headwords
every meaning has its own example sentence
every sub-meaning is clearly and thoroughly treated
and translated
both American and British varieties of English are included
representative set of phrases, examples and phrasal verbs
up-to-date and user-friendly
covers the needs of the beginner’s and intermediate-level
English language learner
Estonian-English index
CD-ROM for extensive use of the dictionary, audio
pronunciation, contains pictures and appendices for
vocabulary building
nad j äävad? how long will k`aelasid] neck; ¸ sain selle ka`nd|ma [ka`nda, ka nnan, kas'k [kase, ka`s'ke, kasesse or light(ly) kergelt look on v pealt vaatama ĺ manner komme; viis mind aru; meel; make up
´ ´ like justkui; nagu pealt many palju one’s mind v otsustama
they stay?; nad jäid hiljaks töö kaelast ära I got rid of ka`ndsin, ka`ndnud, kan`tud] ka`s'ke; ka`s'kede, ka`s'ki or
they were late; mulle ei jää- the task /I ¿nished the work at to carry; to bear; to wear: ta ka`s'kesid] birch; üks kask like v meeldima look up v järele vaatama ĺ margin serv mine oma
nud midagi nothing remained last and don’t have to worry kannab pikki juukseid she meil kasvas õues (song) a like that nii; niiviisi järele marriage: give (a young minute minut; pisike(ne)
for me about it any more wears her hair long; ta kandis birch grew in our yard likely võimalik loose lahti woman) in marriage v me- misfortune häda
kahe ĸ kaks oma teist last she was preg- kas's [ka s'si, ka`s'si, ka s'sisse likewise samuti lord härra hele panema ĺ mehele miss v mööda laskma ĺ möö-
´ ´ line rida lorry auto master härra; peremees da
ka hju [-, - or -t, -sse; -de, -sid] nant with her second child or ka`s'si; ka`s'side, ka`s'se]
ka also, too, as well (as); (n)ei-
´ damage; loss; harm: teeme
kahjud pooleks let’s split the
losses; 2) pity: mul on kahju I
kao|n ĸ kaduma
kao`ta|ma [-da, -n, -sin, -nud,
-tud] 1) to lose: kaotada pole
cat; ¸ magava kassi suhu hiir
ei jookse no pains, no gains
ka`sva|ma [ka`svada, ka svan,
lip huul
listen v kuulama
listen with a stethoscope
lose v alla jääma ĺ alla; kao-
tama; get lost v kaduma
loss kahju
match v sobima
material riie
matter v korda minema ĺ
mission ülesanne
missus proua
mix v segama
´ v läbi kuulama ĺ kuulama lot saatus; a lot (of) hoopis; kord moment hetk; at the (very)
ther; ma tahan ka süüa I want am sorry; Küll on kahju! It’s meil midagi we have nothing ka`svasin, ka`svanud, ka sva-
´ little natuke(ne); vähe; a little hulk; palju maybe võib-olla moment (when) parajasti
to eat too; ma tahan ka süüa such a pity. /What a shame! to lose; 2) to abolish: rohi tud] to grow; to increase; kar-
I want to eat too kaks [kahe, ka`ht(e), ka`hte or kaotas valu the drug did tul kasvab hästi the potato (of) natuke(ne); pisut; veidi love armastus me mina money raha
k`aasa adv (in numerous phras- kahesse; ka`htede, ka`htesid away with the pain plants are thriving; poiss kas- live v elama love v armastama mean v tähendama month kuu
al verbs) along, together, join- or ka`ksi] two; ¸ jäi kahe sil- ka`pten [-i, -it, -isse; -ite, -eid] vas suureks the boy grew up live (on sth) v ära elama ĺ low madal meaning mõte moon kuu
ing in: võta mind kaasa take ma vahele was overlooked captain; skipper; ¸ kapten kata|n ĸ katma ära luck õnn meantime: in the meantime more enam; rohkem
me along; ~ arvama to in- kaks kü mmend [kahe kü`m- l aevas – Jumal t`aevas the ka tel [ka`tla, ka telt, ka`tlasse; load koorem lucky õnnelik; be lucky v vahepeal more and more aina
ne, Ù ka`ht(e)
´ ´ ´
´ telde, ka`tlaid] loaf of bread leib vedama meanwhile vahepeal more or less enam-vähem
clude; ~ haarama to carry kü m mend or captain of the ship is [like] ka cauldron;
Ù ´ ´ locate: be located v asuma lunch lõuna medicine rohi moreover pealegi
away, to get carried away; ~ ka`ht(e) kü mmet, kahe kü`m- God in heaven kettle, pot; tegi tule katla alla
Ù ´ Ù lonely üksik machine masin meet v kokku saama ĺ kok- morning hommik; in the
lööma to join (in), to take part nes se; ka he kü`mnete, ka- kar`t|ma [kar`ta, ka rdan, kar`t- lit a ¿re under the cauldron
Ù ´ long kaua; pikk; for a long mad hull ku morning hommikul
in; ~ tooma to bring along; to he kü`mneid] twenty; kaks- sin, kar`tnud, ka rdetud] to be ka`t|ma [ka`tta, ka tan, ka`tsin,
Ù ´ ´ time kaua; no longer enam madam proua melody viis most kõige; väga
bring about; tunnen kaasa kümmend üks twenty-one afraid (of), to fear; hammas ka`tnud, k`aetud] to cover; laud
my condolences kala [-, -, -sse; -de, kalu or -sid] kardab kü`lma the tooth is on kaetud the meal is served long ago ammu madman hull melt v sulama mother ema
kadaka|s [-, -t, -sse; -te, -id] fish; kala püüdma to fish; sensitive to cold look pilk maid tüdruk memory mälestus mountain mägi
juniper; põleb nagu kuiv ka-
dakas it’s burning like dry
käis kalal went ¿shing
ka llas [ka`lda, ka llast, ka`ldas-
´ ka llaste, ka`ldaid]
kar`tul [-i, -it, -isse; -ite, -eid]
potato; kartuleid panema/
My own words " look v vaatama; välja nägema
ĺ nägema
look about/round v ringi vaa-
make v tegema
make (sb do sth) v panema;
mend paik
mention v nimetama; tähen-
mouse hiir
mouth suu
move v liikuma
juniper se; bank; võtma to plant/dig potatoes
´ tama ĺ ringi make do (with) v läbi ajama mere paljas; vaid move backwards or inside
kadu|ma [kaduda, kaon, kadu- shore, coast; jõgi tõusis üle kas I interrogative particle: kas
sin, kadunud, k`aotud] to dis- kallaste the river overÀowed sa tead? do you know?; kas look after v järele vaatama ĺ läbi merely kõigest; vaid; üksnes v tõmbuma
appear, to get lost; aeg kaob its banks see on õige? is it correct?; ĺ järele make out v seletama merry rõõmus Mr härra
time passes; laps kadus sil- ka llis [ka`lli, ka llist, ka`llisse; II conj 1 ) if, whether: vaata- look aside v kõrvale vahtima make up v välja mõtlema ĺ metre meeter Mrs proua
´ lliste or ka`llite, ĺ kõrvale välja; välja tegema ĺ välja middle: in the middle of ke- much palju; väga
mist the child disappeared ka ka`lleid; me, kas tuba on tühi let’s see
´ look for v otsima making tegemine set must v tulema
from sight; raamat on kadu- ka`llim, ka`lleim] dear, dar- if the room is vacant; 2) ei-
nud the book has got lost ling; expensive, costly; pre- ther: sul tuleb valida: kas look (sb) in the face v otsa man inimene; mees mild pehme my mina; oma
kael [k aela, k`aela, k`aela; cious; see läks neile kalliks mina või tema you’ve got to vaatama ĺ otsa manage v hakkama saama ĺ mimic v järele aimama ĺ ai- naked paljas
´ look like {v} nagu hakkama; läbi ajama ĺ läbi mama name nimi
k aelte or k`aelade, k`aelu or maksma it cost them dear choose: either me or her
Estonian Language Dictionaries
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9 ablatsioon
A 836
abasiinid Põhja-Kaukaasia rahvas
abaþuur valgust suunav lambivari; arh
sissepoole laienevate külgedega aken
a battuta it muus täpselt taktis
ABC-analüüs maj ladude kontrollsüs-
teem, kus suured ja väikesed ühikud
üksteisest eraldatakse
abhorreerima jälestama
ab imis unguibus ad verticem sum-
mum ld ‘küüneotstest pealaeni’, pea-
laest jalatallani
ab imo pectore ld ‘südamepõhjast’, puh-
tast südamest, siiralt, kogu hingest
ab incunabulis ld ‘mähkmeist peale’,
A füüs ampri tähis; lüh ld-st anno, aastal; aadlimatrikkel aj täieõigusliku aadelkon- Abd ar araabia mehenime algusosa (millegi) algusest peale
maj lüh pr-st argent, raha (kursisedelitel) na register, aadlinimistu abdal islamimaade kerjusmunk ab initio ld algusest peale G
epistula nonteat suurusegald
erubescit paber, hrl kir-
/e´pistula etaadlitiitel
libera nos aadliseisusse
a malo ld kuulumist tähis-
/et ´liiberaa abderiit (Vana-Kreeka linna Abdera ela- ab integro ld algusest peale, uuesti, taas
A noonjapaberi jm standardsuurus
eeru´beestsit/ kiri ei punasta tavaa
noos tiitel, nt hertsog,
´maloo/ ja päästakrahv,
meid de ja
kaära von
kur- nike järgi) juhm, kilplane ab intestato ld jur testamendita, seadus- H
B ergo tähis; füüsldato-
a aaribibamus muus la täht-
tähis; bi´baamus/
/´ergoo perekonnanime
jast (Piibel) ees abdest relig muhamedlaste pesemistalitus järgne; seadusjärgselt (pärimise kohta) I
niisiis lüh ld-st
joogem! anno, aastal
(väljend keskaegsest etaadress sihtkohta in
ne nos inducas ja tentationem
adressaati osutav ld enne palvetamist ab intra ld seest(poolt)
C a- täishääliku ees an-; mitte-, eba-, eitust
joomalaulust) /ettekst (posti)saadetisel;
nee noos in´duukaas inelu- v asukoha
tentatsi´oo- abdikatsioon pol loobumine kroonist, abiogeenne biol isetärkav J
humanum puudumistest ldväljendav
/er´raare eeslii-
huu- osutus; inf ressursi asukohta
nem/ ja ära saada meid kiusatusse (Pii- osutav in- võimust v kõrgest ametist abiogenees biol isetärkamine, elusolen- K
de, nt asotsiaalne,
´maanum est/ eksimine analfabeet; vahel tä-
on inimlik dikaator; van pidulik kirjalik õnnitlus-
bel) abdominaalne anat allkeha-, kõhu-; zool di(te) tekkimine elutust ainest
E esse histab
est ka intensiivsust
percipi ld /´esse‘väga, üpris’
est ´pertsipii/ tervitusstultorum
eventus (hrl suurema seltskonna
magister poolt)
(est) ld tagakeha-; abdominaalne hingamine abioos elutus, eluvõimetus L
Jrk nr järjenumber keemiliste elementide perioodilisuse süsteemis (aatomnumber). Å füüs ongströmi tähisolla tajutav (Ber- aadressbüroo elanike elukohtade arves- kõhuhingamine abiootiline elutu, eluta keskkonnaga seo-
F olemas olla tähendab
à pr maj kaalu, hinna, hulga puhul: igaüks
tust pidav
ja sellekohast
ma´gister (est)/
teavet abdominoskoopia med → laparoskoo- tud; abiootilised tegurid keskkonnate-
keley) ‘tagajärg on rumalate õpetaja’, tarkandev
G esteraldi,
modus nt in3 raamatut
rebus, sunt à 25certi
kroonideni- asutus
mene on juba alguses ettevaatlik pia gurid, nt lumi, põud, tuul N
Jrk Elemendi Sümbol ja selle päritolu Olek Avastamise aeg ja a.a. lüh
que ld-stldad/est
fines acta, ‘tehtudinasjade
´modus juur-
´reebus, exceptio probat (v aadressiraamat
aadressikalender firmat) regulam teatld
ala abdoomen anat kõht, allkeha; zool (pms ab irato ld jur ‘vihase (mehe) poolt’, viha
nr nimetus 20oC avastaja H suntde’,´tsertii
aktidesse (asi on´fiinees
´deenikve otsustatud, lõpe-
(värsina: isikute ja asutuste
/eks´tseptsioo ´probat kohta käivate´reegu-
(v ´firmat) andme- lülijalgsete) tagakeha tõttu pärija huvide vastaselt tehtud (tes- O
1 vesinik H hydrogenium gaas 1766, H. Cavendish
I ree´busjur
... tatud); ...)/aktidesse
asjades (lisama);
on mõõt ja tulemita
lõp- tegaerand kinnitab reeglit
lam/ abduktor anat eemaldajalihas tament) P
peks(jätma), määramatusse
on olemas teatud piirid (lükkama)
(Horatius) aadressima
exegi monumentum → adresseerima
aere perennius abduktsioon med jäseme eemaletõmba- abiturient keskkooli v gümnaasiumi vii-
kr hydôr vesi, J , ââ lüh hominum
aanatura ld-st ana partes aequales, med aadressiraamat isikute v asutuste nimis- mine keha keskjoonest; loog väite osali- mase klassi õpilane, keskkooli- v güm- Q
-gennan tekitav est novitatis avida ld /e´kseegii monu´mentum ´ääre pe´ren-
K ld võrdsete osadena,
/est naa´tuura võrdsetesnovi´taatis
´hominum osades, iga- tu koos
nius aadressidega
(värsina: ´eksee´gii monu´ment|- se tõestamise võte naasiumilõpetaja, absolvent R
2 heelium He helium gaas 1868, J. N. Lockyer, üks (retseptimärge)
´avida/ inimeste loomus on aldis uuele
aadresslaud asutuse, ettevõtte v süstee-
´ääre ...)/ olen püstitanud (endale) va- abee relig katoliku alamvaimulik Prant- abituurium keskkooli v gümnaasiumi lõ-
kr hçlios Päike P. C. J. Janssen L a.a.Chr.(n.) lüh ld-st anno ante Christum
esto, quod esse videris ld /´estoo,
mi aadresside kartoteek
sest püsivama mälestusmärgi (Hora- susmaal puaste; keskkooli v gümnaasiumi lõpu- S
(natum), aastal enne Kristuse (sündi) aadrilaskmine med vere väljalaskmine abeelia bot kuslapuuliste sugukonda kuu- eksamite aeg; abituriendid
3 liitium Li lithium
kr lithos kivi
J. A. Arfvedson
M kvod ´esse vi´deeris/ ole (see), kes sa
aadamlased relig → adamiidid
veenist v arterist ravi otstarbel; piltl va- luv põõsas abjuratsioon avalik lahtiütlemine usust Ð
näid olevat exempla docent ld /e´ksempla ´dotsent/
4 berüllium Be beryllium tahke, 1798,
N aadel eesõigustatud kõrgem seisus
est proprium stultitiae aliorum cer-
nade töötajate vallandamine v koonda-
eeskujud õpetavad
aberdiin põll Šoti lihaveis(etõug) v veendumustest Z
aadeldama aadliseisusesse tõstma mine; raha raiskamine, kulu tekitamine aberratio delicti ld jur ekslikult oletatav ablaktatsioon põll vanim teadaolev kõr-
kr bçryllos berüll metall N. L. Vauquelin O nere vitia, oblivisci suorum ld /est
aadelkond aadel, aadlikud
exempla sunt odiosa ld /e´ksempla
aaga zool Kesk-Ameerika merekärnkonn kuritegu vuti kasvavate puude pookimisviis, ligis- Þ
(mineraal) ´proprium stul´titsiää ali´oorum ´tse- sunt odi´oosa / näited on vihatud (s.o
P aadellik aadli-, aadlike; aadlisoost, -sei-
rnere ´vitsia, oblii´viistsii su´oorum/ ru-
aagenpits aj endisaegne tants
konkreetseist näiteist võidakse solvu- u
aberratsioon kalle, hälve; astr taevake- tamine, ablakteerimine; med imiku võõ- T
5 boor B borum tahke 1808, susest; aadellik päritolu pärinemine aaker tähis ac, Inglise pindalaühik, ha näiv asendimuutus taevasfääril; biol rutamine rinnast
ar bauraq, ld borax J. L. Gay-Lussac, Q malusele on omane näha teiste vigu,
aadlisuguvõsast da)4047 m² liigi tavakujust hälbiv vorm; kromosoo- ablakteerima põll kõrvuti kasvavaid puid U
booraks L. J. Thénard; H. Davy kuid
van med enda veresoon;omadaadrit laskma exercitatio optimus estsõjaväe
aala sõj aj Vana-Rooma magister ld
lahingu- mi struktuuri muutus; füüs optikariista- pookima, ligistama; med imikut rinnast
R estveresoonest
quaedamverd flere voluptas
välja ld /est
laskma; piltl vanu /eksertsi´taatsioo ´optimus estmoodustatud
rivistuses liitlasvägedest ma´gister/ des tekkiva kujutise moonutus; psühh võõrutama V
6 süsinik C carboneum tahke tuntud muinasajal ´kväädam ´fleere vo´luptaas/ nutmises harjutamine on parim õpetaja, harjuta-
ld carbo süsi S töötajaid vallandama v koondama; raha tiib
hälve tavakäitumisest ablastiin biol organismis mikroobide pal- W
teatav rõõm kulu(Ovidius)
põhjustama aaloeteeb meistriks
bot Aafrika päritolu liigirikas ravi- abessiinlased van etiooplased junemist takistav antikeha
7 lämmastik N nitrogenium gaas 1772, D. Rutherford Ð e aaderdus
tenui casakunst saepe vir magnus
värskele exit
värvipinnale ex omadustega
fructu arbor agnoscitur
liilialine, ld /eks
Eestis kasvuhoo- abessiiv lgv ilmaütlev kääne, nt õiguseta ablatiiv lgv alaltütlev kääne, nt merelt Õ
kr nitron, ld nitrum ld vaba
/ee ´tenuii
käega´kaasa ´sääpe vir ´maagnus ´fruuktuu ´arbor a´gnoostsitur/ puud
looduslik sooda, Z tõmmatud muster ne- ja toataim ab exterioribus ad interiora ld ‘välimi- ablatiivjahutus tehn lennukite kaitse üle-
´eksit/ tarest(ki)
aadliseisusest, võrsub isik
aadlisoost sageli tuntakse
aamen relig viljast (Piibel) palve, jutluse
kinnitussõna selt sisemisele’, üldisemalt isiklikuma- kuumenemise eest ablatsioonmeetodil
kr -gennan tekitav Þ suur mees
aadlikonvent aj Liivi- ja Saaremaa rüü- ex iniuria
vm lõpul; nonpiltloritur
lõplikult ld /eks in´juu-
iusotsustatud; heaks le (millegi/kellegi tundmaõppimisel) ablatograaf jääliustike pealispinna sula- Ö
8 hapnik O oxygenium gaas 1772, C. W. Scheele; et fiat organ tua ld /et ´fiiat vo-
telkonna riaa noon ´oritur juus/ ebaõiglusest ei
kiidetud ab extra ld väljast(poolt) mise mõõtur
kr oxys hapu, 1774, J. Priestley
T ´luntaas
aadlimarssal ´tua/ jaajsinu tahtmineaadelkonna
kubermangu sündigu sünni õigust
aamorlased aj Palestiina Iisraeli-eelne, abhaasid rahvas Gruusia lääneosas ablatsioon med silma võrkkesta irdumi- Ü
-gennan tekitav U (Piibel)
valitav peamees ex malis elige minimum
Piibli eemori rahvas ld /eks ´maliis ab hinc ld selle järel, sellest alates ne soonkestast; geol jääliustike pealis- X
9 fluor F fluorum gaas 1886, H. Moissan et gaudium et solatium in litteris ld ´eelige ´minimum/ pahedest vali väik-
ld fluere voolama
V /et ´gaudium et soo´laatsium in ´litteriis/ seim
W kirjutatus on nii rõõm kui lohutus ex mortuis vita ld /eks ´mortuiis ´viita/
10 neoon Ne neon gaas 1898, W. Ramsay ja etiam capillus unus habet umbram surnuist (võrsub) elu
kr neos uus M. W. Travers Õ suam ld /´etsiam ka´pillus ´uunus ´ha- ex nihilo nihil (fit) ld /eks ´nihiloo ´nihil
11 naatrium Na natrium tahke, 1807, H. Davy bet ´umbram ´suam/ ka ühel juuksekar- (fit)/ eimillestki ei (teki) midagi (Luc-
hbr neter, kr nitron, metall Ä val on oma vari (Publilius Syrus) retiuse parafraas)
ld nitrum sooda Ö etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet ex oriente lux ld /eks ori´ente luuks/
12 magneesium Mg magnesium tahke, 1808, H. Davy ld /´etsiam saa´naatoo ´vulnere tsi´kaat- idast (tuleb) valgus
Magnesia, metall
Ü riiks ´manet/ ka paranenud haavast jääb experientia docet ld /eksperi´entsia
piirkond Kreekas X arm ´dotset/ kogemus õpetab
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exercises with the key
listening activities
Examples of all types of
corporate correspondence:
Except Latvia
Ko mp Täielikult
k tis
11 peatükki kõige olulisematel ärialastel teemadel
igas peatükis dialoogid, lugemistekstid ja oskussõnavara
(koos hääldusega) a u di o
enim kasutatavad väljendid ärialasel suhtlemisel
mitmekesised harjutused kuulamise, kirjutamise ja
kõnelemise treenimiseks
peatükkide lõpus väljendusoskust arendavad naljad
ja anekdoodid
temaatilised illustratsioonid
kõigi kuulamisharjutuste tekstid
kõigi harjutuste vastused
inglise-eesti alfabeetiline ärisõnastik
Audio-CD Ingli
lise ärikee
ele õppe
ekomplektt kes
erinevat tüüpi kuulamisharjutused
Nora Toots, Dia Virkus
5- Kõ
TE e
A 09 a.e
8 ©
TEA Kirjastus 2008. ww
The textbook and set of materials for students of English at a lower intermediate
level. The authors have a wealth of experience of teaching English at secondary
schools, universities and language schools and have developed a clear vision
of the practical needs of intermediate level learners of business English. The
material is absolutely up to date in terms of topics, vocabulary and tips on the
business environment that students will encounter after graduating. This is also
a good study aid for companies starting international business partnerships and
a must for teachers of English at school level and conducting language courses
in language schools.
TEA English
Basic Everyday English is a textbook for adults studying English from the very
beginning. Although most learning materials nowadays are interactive and full of
audio-visual tasks and exercises, there are still many people who prefer to study
a foreign language in a more traditional manner by reading, learning new words,
and completing exercises at their own pace. This is a perfect textbook for them
whether they choose to take a course with a teacher or to study alone.
Key features
A well chosen basic vocabulary of British and American English
Useful expressions, dialogues, texts and exercises with a key
A clear and easy grammar section
Focus on irregular verbs
rare (red on the inside) väheküpsetatud (seest punane)
medium-rare (a little red in the middle) pooltoores (seest natuke punane)
medium (pink in the middle) poolküps (seest roosa)
well-done (totally cooked) hästi läbiküpsetatud (läbiküps)
toi du et teva l mi st a mi se ja va l mi st a mi se vi i si d
7.2 Look at the pic tures and add the correc t verb
WAY S O F P R E PA R I N G F O O D koostisosad, (retseptis)
mix segama toiduained
slice viilutama instructions juhised, õpetus
peel koorima recipe toiduretsept
grate riivima WAY S O F C O O K I N G F O O D
chop hakkima cook keetma, küpsetama
mash pudrustama boil keetma
whip vahustama fry praadima
1 ___________________________ 2 ___________________________ 3 ___________________________
beat* kloppima grill grillima
knead tainast sõtkuma bake küpsetama
melt sulatama küpsetama (ahjus või
dice kuubikuteks lõikama lahtisel tulel)
scramble munarooga küpsetama stew hautama
drain kurnama simmer tasasel tulel keetma
fill täitma steam aurutama
put* panema, asetama toast röstima
4 5 6
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Grammar is Easy!
English Grammar Book with Exercises and Key
Ann Pikver
Key features
Clear and concise explanations
Well arranged tables and charts
Exercises with key
Covers all essential English grammar issues
For group and independent study
Suitable for beginners and lower-intermediate level students
Approved by the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Ministries
of Education
Database also available in English
Tallinn, 2016, reprint 160 pp, 151x234, ISBN 978-9985-71-112-5
Grammar is Easy!
English Grammar Book with Exercises and Key
(Russian version)
Ann Pikver
Key features
Clear and concise explanations
Well arranged tables and charts
Exercises with key
Covers all essential English grammar issues
For group and independent study
Suitable for beginners and lower-intermediate level students
Approved by the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Ministries of
Database also available in English
Tallinn, 2012, 176 pp, 151x234, ISBN 978-9985-74-314-3
TEA English
Except Latvia, Lithuania and Poland
eõ õi
Accessible grammar explanations
Finnish for Beginners asa lustajale. ©Κ 200
CD1 985-71-709-0 CDT
ja ta 8 TEA
jale Kir
keel e
985-71-710-4 CDT
lustajale. ©Κ 200
le ja TEA
aja Kir
Alg jas
le. s.
ija Kõ
pp ik
eõ õi
E A0
keel e
i ts
9985-71-711-2 CDT
E A0
TEA Russian
This textbook and audio CD is a perfect course for those adults who intend
to start the study of practical Russian, or for those who need to brush up on
forgotten skills. The topics follow natural patterns of com-munication:
Key features
Getting acquainted and exchanging personal information
Talking about family and friends and describing jobs
Asking directions, shopping
Dealing with emergencies
Travel and transportation
Entertaining, leisure and sports
Communication, the internet and e-mail
2. Читаю диалог.
Кто у вас в семье готовит еду?
Кто у вас в семье убирает?
Какое самое любимое блюдо вашей семьи? - Мама, ты видела трёх девушек, которые были у меня сегодня в гостях? Estonian-Russian and
Russian-Estonian vocabulary
Кто у вас в семье по росту самый высокий и самый низкий? - Видела.
У кого самый большой ( и самый маленький) размер ноги? - На одной из них я собираюсь жениться.
of the book.
- Очень просто!
А: Вы приходите в гости.
папа Серёжа, сын Коля, дочь Маша.
Нюра, дедушка Петя, мама Клава, - Ну и как ты думаешь, кто твоя будущая невестка?
Ваш друг знакомит вас - Ясное дело (selge) – та, что сидела в середине.
своей семьи. У вас в семье: бабушка
со своей семьёй. - Вот это да! И как же ты догадалась (ära arvasid)?
Познакомьте его со всеми членами
Б: Ваш друг впервые у вас в гостях. - Да так, интуиция: она уже сейчас меня раздражает (ajab närvi).
- Привет!
Он разведён. Ta on lahutatud. - Слушай, что с тобой, что
Она разведена. Ta on lahutatud. случилось? Ты ужасно выглядишь!
Это жених моей сестры. See on minu õe peigmees. - Ой, не спрашивай! Представляешь,
Это невеста моего брата. See on minu venna pruut. был в командировке. Приезжаю
Это бывший муж/супруг твоей тёти? Kas see on sinu tädi endine mees/abikaasa? вечером домой, заглядываю в
Это новая жена/супруга твоего дяди? Kas see on sinu onu uus naine/abikaasa? шкаф, а там пусто (tühi). Смотрю
Когда надо жениться или Millal peab abilelluma või mehele minema? на кухне – пусто, открываю туалет
выходить замуж? – тоже самое, пусто…
У моего брата завтра свадьба. Minu vennal on homme pulmad. - А жена что?
Это их будущий зять.
See on nende tulevane väimees (tütre mees). - Какая жена? Я холост! У меня
Это их будущая невестка. See on nende tulevane minia (poja naine). квартиру обокрали (rööviti)!
The complete course of business Russian for intermediate level. Very suitable
for schools, language schools and self study. The course includes a text book,
audio CD and business letter samples to download.
In co-operation with Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC, Latvia.
Tallinn, 2007, 208 pp., 200x270, ISBN 978-9985-71-600-7.
28 29
çàïîëíèòü àíêåòó, âçÿòü ÷åê, 29
Ïàðèæ çàêàç, ïðåäúÿâèòü äîêóìåíòû, íå çàáûâàòü
Óðîê 2 Ìèëàí âåùè, ïîäïèñàòü äîãîâîð, îòêðûòü
÷åìîäàí, îáìåíÿòü êðîíû íà ðóáëè,
ïîâòîðèòü ïðåäëîæåíèå, ñíèçèòü öåíó.
12. Íàéäèòå ïàðó. 16. Ïîçíàêîìüòåñü ñ ïðàâèëàìè ïîâåäåíèÿ âî âðåìÿ áåñåäû äåëîâîãî ÷åëîâåêà. Âûáåðèòå
5–6 ïðàâèë è ðàñïîëîæèòå èõ ïî ñòåïåíè âàæíîñòè. Ðåçóëüòàòû îáñóäèòå.
Èíô. Ïîâåë. íàêë.
åä. ÷. ìí. ÷. Âûñêàçûâàéòåñü ïðîñòî. Ðóêîâîäñòâóéòåñü çäðàâûì ñìûñëîì. Ñòàðàéòåñü áûòü
ïîñòàâèòü îáîçíà÷ü îáîçíà÷üòå îðèãèíàëüíûì. Áóäüòå êðàòêè. Ãîâîðèòå óâëåêàòåëüíî è èíòåðåñíî. Áóäüòå ïðàâäèâûì.
çàñòðàõîâàòü âûøëè âûøëèòå Âûñêàçûâàéòåñü ïðÿìî. Ïîâòîðÿéòå íàèáîëåå âàæíûå àðãóìåíòû. Îáðàùàéòåñü íå â
ïåðåâåçòè çàñòðàõóé çàñòðàõóéòå ïóñòîòó, à ê ÷åëîâåêó. Ñòðåìèòåñü óäåðæàòü âíèìàíèå. Èçáåãàéòå ïðÿìûõ ñðàâíåíèé ñ
îòêðûòü óòî÷íè óòî÷íèòå êîíêóðåíòàìè. Ïðîäóìàéòå ïåðâóþ è ïîñëåäíþþ ôðàçó. Ó÷èòåñü âíèìàòåëüíî ñëóøàòü.
óïàêîâàòü äîñòàâü äîñòàâüòå Íå ïðåðûâàéòå ñîáåñåäíèêà. Ñìîòðèòå íà âàøåãî ñîáåñåäíèêà.
óòî÷íèòü îáåñïå÷ü îáåñïå÷üòå
äîñòàâèòü ñîñòàâü ñîñòàâüòå
îáåñïå÷èòü óïàêóé óïàêóéòå
Прослушайте запись и отметьте, что вы сможете сделать в этой фирме.
âûñëàòü ïåðåâåçè ïåðåâåçèòå
ñîñòàâèòü ïîñòàâü ïîñòàâüòå
17. консультация юриста
îáîçíà÷èòü îòêðîé îòêðîéòå представление в суде
нотариальный перевод
легализация документов
13. Ñôîðìóëèðóéòå 5 ïðîñüá, èñïîëüçóÿ ñëîâà èç çàäàíèÿ 12.
взыскание дебиторской задолженности
Áóäüòå äîáðû, óòî÷íèòå äàòó è âðåìÿ ïðèåçäà íàøèõ ïàðòí¸ðîâ.
услуги нотариуса
100 101
Óðîê 6
These inspiring and entertaining Russian language school course books are the
absolute favourites of Estonian teachers and pupils at all school levels. They
give learners the pleasure of communicating in this difficult language step by
step, and give teachers a great opportunity to vary their lessons according to
their style. Students appreciate the modern communicative methods utilising
songs and witty dialogues or exercises. Though specially designed for the
Estonian learner, they are excellent books for teachers in any other country who
will find it easy to customise some of the specific grammar sections to derive the
full benefit from the series.
Tallinn, 2003, ISBN 978-9985-71-536-5.
Workbook Workbook
Tallinn, 2004, 80 pp., 200x275, Tallinn, 2005, 96 pp., 200x275,
ISBN 978-9985-71-391-4. ISBN 978-9985-71-448-5.
Audio-CD Audio-CD
Tallinn, 2004, ISBN 978-9985-71-537-6. Tallinn, 2005, ISBN 978-9985-71-538-3.
Workbook Workbook
Tallinn, 2006, 72 pp., 200x275, Tallinn, 2007, 60 pp., 200x275,
ISBN 978-9985-71-529-1. ISBN 978-9985-71-664-9.
Audio-CD Audio-CD
Tallinn, 2006, ISBN 978-9985-71-539-0. Tallinn, 2007, ISBN 978-9985-71-667-0.
Hallo, Freunde!
Developed to teach German as a first foreign language to children
aged between seven and sixteen years, the series takes children
from beginner to upper-intermediate level. The contents of “Hallo,
Freunde!” correspond to the requirements set by the Estonian
Ministry of Education and Research and the recommendations of
the Goethe Institute. Each set includes a textbook, workbook and
an audio-cassette.
ISBN 978-9985-71-206-1
Key features
100 exercises in 8 tests with a 30 minute time limit
vocabulary drills and grammar comprehension
level A2 (European Language Portfolio)
Excellent for school and university students, for supervised and independent
study, for young and adult beginners. Available in both Estonian and Russian
E-books from TEA Publishers
Online youth encyclopaedia:
TEA Publisher’s school encyclopaedia for kids www.teadur.ee is the only junior
encyclopaedia on the Internet in the Estonian language. It is an interactive
encyclopaedia with abundant illustrations and multimedia, which contains up-to-
date information and is constantly growing in volume. Created in collaboration
with Everest publishers from Spain.
E-books from TEA Publishers
Online dictionaries:
TEA’s new language portal provides access to a range of web dictionaries
formerly published as traditional printed books.
Dictionaries of different languages: Estonian, English, German, Russian,
French, etc.
Dictionaries for different user groups: school dictionaries,
travel dictionaries, etc.
Clear and user friendly design, unambiguous structure.
E-books from TEA Publishers
Tallinn, 2011
TEA & KDictionaries
E-books from TEA Publishers
E-books and
multimedia books
In 2011, together with leading Estonian software
developers, TEA brought out a number of
applications for different mobile devices. Among
them are our best selling dictionaries and childrens’
TEA Encyclopedias
and Reference
TEA’s successful line of encyclopedias and reference and handbooks
reflects both the values of the publisher and of our customers, which can
be characterised by high professional standards, constant striving for self
development, taking an active interest in world affairs as well as in attaining a
healthy and balanced home life.
The most important development in our reference department is the launch of the
brand new national online encyclopedia. The online encyclopaedia is available for
users via www.ents.ee which presents the most up-to-date material about Estonia
and the world. TEA online encyclopedia will be completed by the end of 2018.
TEA entsüklopeedia
The most comprehensive compendium of general
knowledge as well as Estonia-related topics in depth.
The full-colour books together with the dynamic on-line
format and DVD give the subscribers a most relevant
and modern collection of accumulated knowledge in the
Estonian language. The work is carried out by the most
prominent authors, universities, cultural and academic
circles in Estonia as well as in dedicated partnership with
WSOY and Timehouse in Finland, Encyclopedia Britannica
and many others.
The online encyclopedia is updated weekly and thus includes the most recent
material available on that day.
TEA encyclopedia online-version
60 000 extensive hyperlinked articles
100 000 illustrations and maps and multimedia
of ESTONIA 100
Country. People. Culture
In this special-edition TEA encyclopaedia, “Republic of Estonia 100”,
you will find a multifaceted and thorough overview of Estonia’s birth
and development until the present day.
“Republic of Estonia 100” is a collaborative effort between TEA’s editorial staff,
and numerous authors and contributors and, thus far, is the most comprehensive
reference book in English to cover the history and modern position of the
Republic of Estonia.
Tallinn, 2018, 320 pp, 210x270, four-colour print, hardback, ISBN 978-9949-24-390-7
The Republic
of Estonia
Country. People. Culture
Eesti Vabariik
Riik. Inimesed. Kultuur
This is the most summarizing and meticulous collection regarding the
Republic of Estonia, presenting the origin story and present-day of our
country in a thorough and balanced manner.
The composition gives a thorough overview of how self-governing
was achieved, how the Republic of Estonia was created, how
independence was lost, what happened in exiled and occupied
Estonia and how self-governing was restored and the Republic of
Estonia was rebuilt.
Tallinn, 2017, 5th edition
TEA Encyclopedias
“The Republic of Estonia. Country. People. Culture” is a valuable reference
book celebrating the 95th birthday of our republic. We are dealing with the most
modern book on the Republic of Estonia, intended for a very wide user-base.
It entails the regime of Estonia, administrative division, population(including
the data of the latest population count), history, economy, sport and different
departments of culture(folk culture, literature, journalism, art, architecture, music,
theater, cinematography and many others.).
Tallinn, 2017, 5th ed., 256 pp, illustrated, four-color printing, hardback,
ISBN 978-9949-24-363-1
of the World
Geography. History. Culture
Geograafia. Ajalugu. Kultuur
„Continents of the World. Geography. History. Culture“ is a
comprehensive reference book about the continents of the world.
Tallinn, 2017, 240 pp., 210x270 mm, illustrated, four-colour printing, hardback
ISBN 978-9949-24-355-6
Capitals of the World
Family encyclopedia with quiz
Tallinn, 2010, 856 pp, 185x150 mm, illustrated, four-color printing, hardback,
ISBN 978-9985-71-972-5.
Arachnids Mammals
Myriapoda Herbs
Insects Trees and bushes
Fish Moss
Amphibians and reptiles Lichen
Birds Mushrooms
Tallinn, 2012, 640 pp., 143x178, illustrated, four-color printing, hardback,
ISBN 978-9949-24-169-9.
TEA Encyclopedias
Countries of the World
A contemporary illustrated overview of the
196 countries of the world
Maailma riikide taskuentsüklopeedia.
Illustreeritud tänapäevane ülevaade maailma 196 riigist
“The Pocket Encyclopedia of World Countries” is a densely factual, abundantly
illustrated short encyclopedia that provides an overview of the world’s 196
countries. It covers the population, territory, politics, symbols, geography, history,
economy, culture and major sights of every country.
This work is intended for a wide range of users and makes contemporary
information about every single country – the smallest as well as the largest –
readily available at one’s home.
Illustrations include over 2500 photos, maps, diagrams and charts that make
finding information quick and convenient and provide a good overview of the
countries of the world.
Pocket Encyclopedia of
Estonia’s Local Governments
An illustrated thematic overview of the history and
symbols of local governments
Eesti omavalitsuste taskuentsüklopeedia.
Illustreeritud temaatiline ülevaade omavalitsuste
ajaloost ja sümboolikast
“The Pocket Encyclopedia of Estonia’s Local Governments” provides an
illustrated thematic overview of the origins of local governments and the
development, use and current state of their symbols. The articles dealing with
the historic development and symbols of counties, towns and municipalities
include location maps and the most recent population data and are presented
by county. Relevant references help determine connections between different
administrative units at different times throughout history.
“The Pocket Encyclopedia of Estonia’s Local Governments” provides an
overview of all 15 counties, 33 towns and 193 municipalities. The work includes
a complete list of our villages and their population.
This reference book was compiled by the editorial office of TEA Encyclopedia.
The author of the articles covering the history and symbols of local governments
is Tiit Saare, who has thoroughly described the origins of the coats of arms and
flags of local governments and the meanings of the symbols.
The precise heraldic descriptions of municipal coats of arms are highlighted
The text in “The Pocket Encyclopedia of Estonia’s Local Governments” is
illustrated with location maps, coats of arms and flags. Demographic data is
retrieved from the statistics of the last two censuses. Complete indexes of
administrative units and personal names facilitate finding information more
quickly. Historical administrative maps from the 12th century onwards and a
selection of old and new photographs help create a visual understanding of
Estonia’s history.
This reference book is intended for a wide range of users, it provides a
comprehensive overview of our local governments and offers an exciting
opportunity to discover Estonia, starting with ancient settlements and ending with
the present day.
TEA Encyclopedias
“Pocket Encyclopedia of Tallinn” provides an overview of the city and it’s 84 districts,
highlighting the beautiful and romantic Old Town. Each district’s chapter contains a
short description, highlights of it’s history, population statistics, map etc.
Pocket Encyclopedia
of the Towns and Boroughs
of Estonia
Eesti linnade, alevite ja alevike taskuentsüklopeedia
“Pocket Encyclopedia of the Towns and Boroughs of Estonia” provides an
overview of towns and boroughs of Estonia, covering each community’s history,
population statistics, geography, culture and economy. It’s also points out the best-
known sights.
“Pocket Encyclopedia of the Towns and Boroughs of Estonia” is illustrated with the
most characteristic photographic material, both historical and most up-to-date,
of each community.
Lifestyle and Craft
Home is a very personal concept and it has proved quite a task to create a
handbook for the home which covers all aspects of home life and is capable of
being relevant to us all. There are so many excellent books on home cooking,
cleaning, family finance, health, child care, DIY, pets, gardening, etiquette etc.;
the internet provides access to a wealth of information if we care to surf the web.
However, it is becoming increasingly rare to find concise, trustworthy guidance
with a more holistic approach.
The book begins by discussing how we start to set up our own home, and the
most important questions we need to ask ourselves before making those crucial
decisions about our home. The chapters also focus on family finance, home
design, functionality, equipment, cleaning, wardrobe, family vocations, health
care, safety and security, food and many other aspects of domestic life. Carefully
chosen and designed illustrations, photos, charts and step by step instructions
make this a wonderfully accessible book. An added innovation is the extensive
glossary of terms needed to deal with professionals in different fields and the full
index is the ideal aid to find any topic in a hurry.
Hea teada
fact sheets and charts
on tavaliselt hästi välja ehitatud koha-
likud kommunikatsioonid, kuid teede
läbilaskevõime on piiratud. Tasub Ehitusseaduse alusel tohib ilma ehitusloatad püs-
mõelda ka tulevikule. Kas detailpla- titada väikeehitise, mille ehitusalune pind on alla 20
neering näeb ette piirkonna kiiret ja m2. Kohaliku omavalitsuse kirjalik nõusolek on nõutav,
glossary of important
märgatavat laienemist? Kas ja kunas kui ehitatakse väikeehitist, mille ehitusalune pindala
on planeeritud teede läbilaskevõime on 20–60 m2, või juhul, kui muudetakse ehitise teh-
Eluaseme soetamine on tähtis otsus. Võtab palju aega ja energiat, enne kui suurendamine? Muidu võib juhtuda, nosüsteeme.
inimene enam-vähem täpselt teab, mida ta soovib. Seega on mõistlik kuluta- et kulutate tunde tööle ja töölt koju
Paljud inimesed teavad täpselt, mis materjalist või
da aega ideaalsest kodust unistamiseks enne, kui praktiline vajadus hakkab sõiduks.
mis stiilis (palkmaja, funktsionalistlik ehitis) kodu
tagant torkima. Kust alustada? Igaühel on omad soovid, maitsed ja vajadused.
Teenused nad soovivad. Sellisel juhul tuleb uurida, kas valitud
Mõni tahab elada mere kaldal, teisele toob ainuüksi mõte külmadest mere-
Uus kodu
Mõtelge järele, mida oma kodus veel piirkonda on paraja suurusega, soovitud stiilis või
tuultest kananaha ihule. Kuigi arusaam unistuste kodust on erinev, on siiski materjalist maju lubatud ehitada. Piiranguid ehitisele
vajate. Kas need teenused on piirkon-
sarnased suur hulk küsimusi, millele tuleb vastus leida. Allpool esitatakse nas kättesaadavad? Valvefirma, Inter- saavad püstitada arendajad ja kohalik omavalitsus.
comprehensive index
hulgaliselt küsimusi, millele vastates tekib ülevaade vastaja spetsiifilisest neti- ja sideteenuse pakkuja, mobiili-
vajadusest. Uuselamurajoonides (ja mujalgi) on tavaliselt levi, piisav elektrivõimsus, gaas, vesi ja
hästi välja ehitatud kohalikud kommunikatsioonid, kanalisatsioon on üks osa teenustest,
Alustuseks suunda näitavad küsimused. Milline on eluaseme tüüp, keskkond Asukoht kuid tasub mõelda ka tulevikule. Kas ja kunas on
Hüva nõu
mida võite vajada, kuid mis pole kõik-
ja asukoht, kus tahate elada? planeeritud teede läbilaskevõime suurendamine?
Keskkond selgeks tehtud, tuleb hakata otsima asukoh- jal kättesaadavad.
Kas eramu, ridaelamu või hoopis korter? ta.
Vaba aeg Vaadake piirkonda laiemalt.
Eluaseme 3 Kas elada kesklinnas, äärelinnas, linna lähedal
tüüp + – maal või päris maal? piirkonda arendaja silmadega: mida saaks teha, et roh- Paljudele on tähtis tervis. Kas olete 3 Kas on karta üleujutusi?
Maja 3
Piisavalt vabadust ja 3
Kallis. 3 Kui tihti tuleks taksoga koju sõita? kematele inimestele ja suuremaid elamispindu müüa? harjunud ennast pärast tööd liigu- 3 Kui lähedalt lähevad mööda kõrgepingeliinid?
privaatsust. 3
Korrashoid nõuab aega.
3 Kas pereliikmed (eriti lapsed) peavad saama ise- Jälgige pidevalt omavalitsuse otsuseid, et õigel ajal sek- tama ja ootate seda ka oma lastelt? 3 Kus asuvad raadiomastid (kiirgusreostus), tuu-
Kodu planeeritakse suuremaks Korter 3
Vähe koristada. 3
Vähe ruumi. maailmapilt sarnaneb nende omaga või mitte. Hea
ja uhkemaks, kui tegelikult 3
Jätab õhtud vabaks, et 3
Koduloomi raske pidada. kodu vastuvõtmatute naabrite vahel ei pruugi olla
sõpradega koos olla. 3
Väikelastel vähe mõistlik lahendus. Ega’s naabreid pole võimalik va- Uute arenduspiirkondade probleemid
vajatakse. Unustatakse, et ma- 3
Odav pidada. liikumisruumi.
ISBN 978-9985-71-682-3
jaehitamine ei ole ühekordne 3
Saab elada kesklinnas. 3
Puudub privaatsus. hetada. 3 Maa müüakse koos ehitusõigusega. Kliendil pole või-
väljaminek. Tulevikus peab 3
Kostab läbi. malik ehitajat valida ega ehitushinda mõjutada.
suutma ehitatut ka hooldada ja
Detailplaneering 3 Kommunikatsioonid jäävad arendaja omandisse ja
üleval pidada. See tähendab, et Keskkond Kindlasti tutvuge piirkonna detailplaneeringugad. hilisemad kulud võivad tuntavalt ületada turu kesk-
planeerides peab mitu sammu Valinud eluaseme tüübi, on aeg vaadata enese ümber. Selle leiate kohalikust omavalitsusest. Detailplaneering misi. Samuti puudub elanikel kontroll ja võimalus
ette mõtlema. Millises keskkonnas soovite elada? annab ettekujutuse, mida naabrusesse lubatakse ehita- mõjutada kommunikatsioonide kvaliteeti ja aren-
3 Kas väljakujunenud linnaosas või endisele kolhoo- da. Isegi juhul, kui naabermajad on ühekorruselised ja gut.
Kas olete valmis koristama või sipõllule rajatavas uuselamurajoonis? suurte kinnistutega, ei pruugi see nii jääda. 3 Riigi- ja vallateede väike läbilaskevõime arenduspiir-
koristajale palka maksma? Iga 3 Kas mere ääres, mõne muu veekogu kaldal või Kui detailplaneering lubab piirkonda korterela- konnani.
ruutmeeter aeda vajab hoolt. hoopis tervislikus männimetsas? muid, võidakse naabermaja ühel hommikul maha 3 Kõrghaljastuse puudumine.
3 Kas kinnistud peaks omama reljeefi või võib maa- lammutada ja kõrghoone asemele ehitada. Kuigi teile 3 Pikaajaline ehitustandril elamine, sest kõik kinnis-
Iga ruutmeeter pinda vajab pind olla tasane? müüakse kümne miljonit krooni väärt vaadet merele, tuomanikud pole võimelised ühel ajal alustama ja
aastate möödudes remontimist.
Kui palju maksab ruutmeetri 3 Kas pinnas peaks olema viljakas või sobivad liiva- võib arendaja homme kopa maasse lüüa, ja saate hoo- kiiret ehitustempot hoidma.
luited? pis väljavaate naabri kööki. 3 Kõigi pereliikmete aheldamine auto külge, sest va-
remont? Kas teate, kust leida
töömehi või kui kauaks ja kuhu 3 Kas aknast peaks paistma naabri maja või tuleks Tänapäeva Eestis ei anna olemasolev detailpla- jaliku sagedusega toimiv ühistransport puudub. Kui
küllaminekuks veidi jalutada? neering lõplikku kindlustunnet, et valitud keskkond arenduspiirkond ehitab siseteed välja alles pärast ma-
remondipakku kolida?
Osa esitatud küsimustest ei ole teie jaoks tähtsad. Kuid ei muutu. On ju detailplaneering muudetav. Seetõttu jade valmimist, võib pere aastaid vajada mitut kütust Kodu rajamisel uude arenduspiirkonda tuleb tihti leppida pikaajalise
needki vastused aitavad kirjeldada otsitavat. olge detailplaneeringut lugedes loominguline. Vaadake neelavat maasturit. ehitustandril elamisega.
16 17
Lifestyle and Craft
help you find the best routes for touring the city and tell you interesting
historical facts about each site;
show you the two most direct routes to the heart of the city, the Town Hall;
offer those who are visiting the city for only a few hours an opportunity
to get acquainted with our unparalleled medieval Old Town, a UNESCO
World Cultural Heritage Site;
suggest tours of Kadriorg, the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, the Estonian
Art Museum, Botanic Gardens, and the ruins of St. Bridget’s Convent
to those guests spending a whole day in the city.
This book includes many practical suggestions, nearly two hundred color photos,
and tour route maps.
Tallinn, 2011, 104 pp., 110 x 190, full colored print, paperback,
ISBN 978-9949-24-047-0
Lifestyle and Craft
The book relies on great amount of sources, but only highly scientific and
recognized scientists’ researches from Estonia, Latvia and elsewhere in the
world are used. The maps, schemes, diagrams and tables etc are almost all
reconstructed by the author and unexceptionally all of them are designed by the
author himself.
To create an intact perception of history, the geographical and geological history
of the areas is presented along with the political-economic and cultural history.
The book contains 170 maps, 150 diagrams and tables and more than 1100
photos, pictures and drawings.
The Golden Book of Estonian
Folk Tales
Eesti muistendite kuldraamat
Compiled by Reet Krusten
The book assembles the collection of the best Estonian folk tales, which include
both traditional folk tales written down by Matthias Johann Eisen, Friedrich Reinhold
Kreutzwald and August Jakobson, as well as tales created by modern Estonian
writers Tiia Toomet, Jaanus Vaiksoo, Harri Jõgisalu, Henno Käo, Eno Raud, Jaan
Vahtra, Aime Maripuu and others.
The book is divided into seven thematic cycles:
Folk tales about how the world was created
Folk tales about how green forests, cats and mice came into being
Folk tales about traveling lakes, mysterious islands and stones
Folk tales about towns, castles and hidden treasures
Folk tales about werewolves, dog-faced men and malignant diseases
Folk tales about old devil Vanapagan
Folk tales about the Estonian mythological heroes Suur Tõll and Kalevipoeg
The Golden Book of Russian
Folk Tales
Vene muinasjuttude kuldraamat
“The Golden Book of Russian Folk Tales” is a voluminous collection of fairy
tales and stories which include Russian folk tales, fairy tales from Russian
writers and Bazhov’s tales from the Urals.
Such heroes of Russian folk tales as Tsar Saltan, Tsar Ivan, Vassilissa The
Beautiful, Ivan The Fool, the Sister Aljonushka and the Brother Ivanushka lead
the reader to a wonderful and magical world. “By the pike’s wish” and “…at my
command” the odd things are born, here the furnaces are flying around, eagles
become beautiful princes and frogs turn into clever tsar’s daughters, here the
goddess of the copper mountain wearing a silk dress is beautiful to look at but
charmingly dangerous. Readers who are yet to get acquainted with Russian
folk fairy tales discover an exciting and peculiar magical world where there is
always a place for a miracle and spectacular events, where the goodness and
the cleverness defeat the evil. The fairy tale creations of such Russian writers as
D. Mamin-Sibiryak, P.Bazhov and A.Platonov have become classics of Russian
literature. Aleksandr Pushkin have been inspired from Russian folk fairy tales
and shaped them into beautiful verses.
Tallinn, 2010, 320 pp., 245x225, four-color printing, hardback, ISBN 978-9985-71-005-0.
Tallinn, 2014, 236 pp., 245x225, four-color printing, hardback, ISBN 978-9949-24-252-8.
The Golden Book of World
Fairy Tales
Maailma muinasjuttude kuldraamat
“The Golden Book of World Fairy Tales” is a book in the series of the successful
Golden Books. The voluminous collection includes 33 most well-known and beloved
fairy tales from all over the world. These are the stories that last from generation to
generation. The book contains the best tales of the Brothers Grimm, for example,
“Hansel and Gretel”, “The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids”, “Little Red Riding Hood”,
“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “ Mother Hulda” and “The Valiant Little Tailor”;
Hans Christian Andersen’s well-known stories, for example, “The Ugly Duckling”,
“The Emperor’s New Clothes”, “Thumbelina”, and “The Princess and the Pea”;
Charles Perrault’s beloved tales, for example, “Puss in Boots” and “Cinderella”; and
many other nice fairy tales from around the world, for example, “The Tree of Secrets”,
“The Little Scarlet Flower (The Beauty and the Beast)”, “Goldilocks and the Three
“The Golden Book of World Fairy Tales” is a voluminous selection of fairy tales as
well as a reference book provided with the authors’ register and the illustrators’ register.
Tallinn, 2016, 2nd edition, 312 pp., 245x225, four-color printing, hardback,
ISBN 978-9949-24-087-6 74
“The Golden Book of Estonian Bedtime Stories and Lullabies” is a collection of stories and
poems, as well as an encyclopedia that contains an index of poems, index of stories, index of
authors and an index of illustrators.
Every home, school, kindergarden and library should have “The Golden Book of Estonian
Bedtime Stories and Lullabies” in their collection.
The book would surely be a valued gift for anyone who has developed an interest in children’s
Illustrated by: Made Balbat, Ülle Meister, Elina Sildre
The Golden Book of Estonian
Riddles, Proverbs and Sayings
Eesti mõistatuste, vanasõnade ja kõnekäändude
Estonians have always been fascinated by riddles, proverbs and sayings. These
are an essencial part of our language and culture.
“The Golden Book of Estonian Riddles, Proverbs and Sayings” introduces our
readers the wittiest riddles, wisest proverbs and shrewd sayings of our language
revealing a wisdom attained through history being carried to this day.
“The Golden Book of Estonian Riddles, Proverbs and Sayings” is a book for
the whole family, each generation can find something to think, ponder and puzzle
“The Golden Book of Estonian Wonder Tales” contain exactly the kind of
fairy tales in which we can find mysterious events and wonderous creatures. Of
course there is a tense struggle between good and evil every now and then. At the
beginning of our journey we do not know where the marvels are hidden, whether
the heroes of the stories conquer their obstacles by supernatural powers they’ve
obtained or do they have a magical item hidden away. Open “The Golden Book of
Estonian Wonder Tales” to find out.
Tallinn, 2015, 2nd edition, 240 pp., 245x225, four-color printing, hardback,
ISBN 978-9949-24-295-5
The Golden Book
of Moral Stories
and Poems
Õpetlike lugude ja salmide kuldraamat
Compiled by Silvi-Aire Villo and Silva Tomingas
“The Golden Book of Moral Stories and Poems” is illustrated by well-known Estonian artists.
“The Golden Book of School Stories and Poems” contains almost 100 stories
and poems, written by both well-known and beloved Estonian writers as well as
young authors.
Series “Child’s own library”
What the animals – a mouse, a dog, a cat and a horse – think of the
sparrow’s kvass making procedure and what the sparrow thinks himself,
you will learn while reading the funny fairy-tale „The Sparrow Makes
Venda Sõelsepp
This collection of stories published for Venda Sõelsepp’s 90 anniversary of birth includes
three tales: “April Fool’s Joke”, “Wisely done” and “Two Little Sages”. “April Fool’s Joke”
speaks of how the giraffe got its long neck and the elephant its long trunk. “Wisely Done”
tells an educational tale about two proud neighbours – a hedgehog and a spider. “Two little
Sages” is a story about a foal and a swallow who meet in the paddock on a warm spring day
and tell each other riddles.
Illustrated by: Ede Peebo
So Many Cats!
Aga palju kasse!
Mõned õpetlikud lood
Iko Maran
Indeed – there are a lot of cats. Two white velveteen cats, meeting on the edge of a
plank. Beige kitty and brown kitten greeting from the windowsill. And they all get into
wild and crazy adventures. Each tale is ended with words of wisdom written in verse.
Illustrated by: Catherine Zarip
Sulev Oll
The Days Move Clockwise is a collection of poetry about the important days in
Estonian folk calendar - Candlemas Day, Shrove Tuesday, St. George’s Day,
St. John’s Day etc.
Nature motifs, genuine personal experience, colorful imagery and creative word
play accompany the reader on this emotional journey through the year.
This collection of folk poetry is a unique continuation of Sulev Oll’s previous
work, Vana sõna vallatustele, in which he rewrote proverbs as poems.
Illustrations by: Urmas Viik
Series “Collection of TEA’s
Children’s Books”
Jaan Rannap
Summerbirds is a summery tale in every sense of the word. The main characters
are Liisi and Jonni, spending their summer vacation with their grandmothers.
Events take place in rural areas, amidst nature, animals and birdsong. All of this
is what the two active young people are after.
The author shows mastery in creating his characters, creating a light, summery
atmosphere and showing his knowledge in nature.
Summerbirds is a bright and cheerful tale.
Illustrations by: Ülle Meister
Tallinn, 2012, 72 pp., 165x230, four-color printing, hardback,
ISBN 978-9949-24-145-3
Must kärbseseen
Ann Aruvee
Black Fly Agaric is a fun and educational game that educates the player on
the most common edible and poisonous mushrooms in Estonia. The card deck
contains 19 paired cards and one single card – the black fly agaric – and the
instructions on how to play the game (total of 40 cards). One card of each pair
has a picture of a mushroom on it and the other one contains information on
the mushroom. The players have to find matching pairs and introduce various
mushrooms to the other players. Atleast two players are needed to play this
simple but necessary game.
Tallinn, 2012, 40 cards, full colored print, boxed, ISBN 978-9949-17-289-4
Domino of Proverbs
Vanasõnde doomino. Vallatud vanasõnad
Ann Aruvee
Domino of Proverbs is a fun and educational game that helps increase a child’s
vocabulary and improves the understanding and use of proverbs. The game
contains 38 proverbs with explanations for each of them. There are several
ways to play the game, which makes the game accessible for young children
and adults alike. The game can be played alone, with a friend or with a whole
group of people. The packaging contains 38 cards, instructions and the key to
the proverbs. The back sides of the cards form a jigsaw puzzle.
Tallinn, 2012, 40 cards, full colored print, boxed, ISBN 978-9949-17-277-1
Domino of Riddles
Mõistatuste doomino. Mõnusad mõistatused
Ann Aruvee
Domino of Riddles is a fun and educational game that helps children get
better acquainted with the world of riddles. The game contains 38 riddles with
answers to each of them. Both the riddles and answers are printed in all capital
letters. The answers also contain an image. There are several ways to play the
game, which makes the game accessible for young children and adults alike.
The game can be played alone, with a friend or with a whole group of people.
The packaging contains 38 cards, instructions and the correct answers to the
riddles. The back sides of the cards form a jigsaw puzzle.
Tallinn, 2012, 40 cards, full colored print, boxed, ISBN 978-9949-17-276-4
Black Raven.
Educational game
TEA Games
Numbers domino.
Educational game
Arvudoomino. Õppemäng
Kristina Kalf
This educational game helps children aged 4-7 to learn how to form quantities
based on a common feature and solve arithmetic operations up to 12. There
are 60 cards in the pack that have pictures of tools on the front side, suitable
for playing around with quantities, and numbers on the back side, suitable for a
game of memory. The child has to be attentive when playing the game because
it requires naming tools, forming quantities, finding similar numbers and solving
equations and inequalities. Those who play, learn!
Ladybug domino.
Educational game
Lepatriinudoomino. Õppemäng
Airi Amtmann
Through the game the child learns how to count and compare, the terms “right-
left,” “pair” and trains his memory and attention span.
The game improves hand-eye coordination, thinking, wit, perception of the
TEA Tallinn, 2012, full color print, boxed,
ISBN 978-9949-17-227-6
ILO Trademark
Golden Cup
World Cup Through the Ages
Kuldne karikas. Jalgpalli MM läbi aegade
Andres Must
“Golden Cup. World Cup Through the Ages” summarizes all the major tournaments
and tells about their heroes, informs the reader about fascinating facts and dramatic
events and captures the world champions. This book is also inseparable companion
and assistant in watching the next World Cup tournaments.
In the book you can find:
a fascinating overview of the 18 World Cup tournaments.
chronology of every major game in tournaments
a brief introduction of 2010 World Cup participants
introduction of the most colorful players, coaches and line judges
characteristics of each final along with the comments and the follow-ups
descriptions of colorful events and persons
interesting photos and game symbolism
complete statistics of played matches in finals
the top scorers, players who have played the most matches
Richly illustrated and fluently written story brings the reader the most important information
about the history of World Cup. Great matches are being described by chapters from early
years to today.
86 86
Tales of an Old Lighthouse
Ships, Men and Sea
Vana tuletorni jutud
Vello Mäss
For centuries already have the twinkling lighthouses on the Estonian coast greeted
or sent off ships and men on board. They have a lot of stories to tell – about fancy
ships from faraway countries, cannonades during troubled times, shipwrecked
vessels and their heroic crews.
The tiny fragments of the exciting past have been put together into a colourful mosaic by
Vello Mäss – a scientist, competent researcher and expert of the soul of the sea.
Each chapter ends with a short summary in English.
The book “To the Bottom of the Sea with Waving Flags!” is a sharp and well
focused view of the research of marine archeology carried out by the Estonian
Maritime Museum. For many decades, the museum has done field work on the
high seas, searching, finding and exploring the sunken ships within the local sea
area. Because our small country is located right at the crossroads of historical and
modern sea journeys, many wrecks have been found. Also the merciless flame
of many sea battles has burnt here, bringing hundreds and hundreds of different
vessels to the seabed with thousands of seamen with them. Going to their first
research trip 32 years ago, the future scientists didn’t know of any shipwreck
locations. What was their location and what happened to them, was still waiting
to be clarified. The developments in underwater surveys of Estonian Baltic Sea
neighbors Finns, Swedes, Danes and Germans were taken as a model. Today,
the Estonian Maritime Museum is one of the few museums in the world, possibly
the only one that in such a long period of time, without interruption, from year to
year, is working on the high seas. All of this has been and will be done with the
help of our best co-partners with the aim of researching the maritime history. Many
of the vessels that have been found, of which some stories are also told in this
book, have been the national pride of their owner countries. The book has another
meaning that educated and professional sailors have kept in mind. Almost all of the
sunken ships have taken with them the sailors who fulfilled their duties to the last
minute, a memorial worthy of recording, even if anonymously, through the stories
of these ships. The seabed has decade’s worth of secrets to hide. Each wreck
there represents yet another page in the exciting book of maritime history.
Tallinn, 2010, 80 pp., 230 x 280, four-color printing, hardback, ISBN 978-9949-17-186-6
Famous Ships and Seamen
Nimekaid laevu ja meremehi
Vello Mäss
This book contains accounts of various ships and how the distinct personalities that
have walked their decks – captains, polar explorers, long-distance sailors, and people in
many other fields – found self-fulfilment on the sea in both mild and harsh conditions.
When you seed good, you harvest good. Foremost this capacious collection have been
compiled for children but is also suitable for the study and entertainment for the whole
family. This book offers a good overview of Estonian puzzles and sayings which are
systematized by topics and illustrated with photos.
TEA Publishers
Liivalaia 28
10118 Tallinn, ESTONIA
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Silva Tomingas
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Kalev Tomingas
Vice President
Art Director
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Irena Kruusmaa
Foreign Rights
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