2015 GRS Writing A Research Proposal PDF

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Writing a Research Proposal

Writing an effective research proposal is an essential step in defining, articulating and promoting your
research interests. The proposal is limited to 300 words, so each sentence and paragraph must be
concise and relevant. The proposal should also have a succinct title which accurately reflects its

First, clearly define the issue or problem that you intend to investigate. This can be expressed in one
or two sentences (e.g. “A recent United Nations report found that increasing salinity is posing a major
threat to the Australian environment.”) If there is no clearly defined issue or problem, your proposal
will become less focused and more descriptive.

You will need to briefly identify the causes and the extent of the problem, including some background
(e.g. “Over the last two decades, salinity has rendered the soil unusable in many parts of Australia,
largely due to inappropriate land use”). Explain for what or whom is it a problem and under what
circumstances? (e.g. “This threatens to degrade the environment to a point where it will be
unsustainable for both biodiversity and agriculture.”) Outline the scope of your proposed research –
how will you limit your investigation? It could include, for example, by country and/or time-period (e.g.
“This paper will concentrate on land-use practices in Australia over the last two decades”).

It is also important to provide some justification for why your topic is important and worth researching.
For example, in what way will your research affect Australia and/or the world? Or in what way will it
make a significant contribution to knowledge in a particular field? (e.g. “Without urgent attention to this
problem, it is likely that significant areas of the Australian landscape will become desert”).

Clearly state the aims of the research. This should be a succinct and specific statement of intent
rather than a generalisation. For example, statements such as “This research will investigate salinity
in Australia” are too general to be regarded as an aim for higher degree research. A more specific and
focused aim would be: “This research will identify the major causes of salinity in eastern Australia,
and propose viable alternatives to destructive land-use practices.”

An important component of the research proposal is the methodology you will use to complete your
project. How will you go about getting the information you need? For example, will you use
quantitative or qualitative methods? How long will the project take to complete? Will the project
involve experiments, surveys or interviews? (e.g. “The research will incorporate empirical evidence
obtained by interviews and surveys within the farming and conservation communities.”)

Your research proposal should also indicate some awareness of the current issues and debates
within the literature of your field. In a brief research proposal (e.g. 300 words) a comprehensive
literature survey is not expected, but it is important to locate your proposal within the context of
current academic research.

Finally, the proposal should indicate what the expected outcomes of the research are. It may be, for
example, a solution to a problem or a new methodology. Providing expected outcomes creates a
more focused approach to the research.

A sample research proposal has been attached for your reference.

Australian Conservation Foundation Report: Science and Australia’s Salinity Crisis Inquiry into the Coordination of the Science
to Combat the Nation’s Salinity Problem, Cory Watts, 2003.

Australian Story (ABC TV), Of Droughts and Flooding Rains, 06/02/06. Murphy, Justin, Salinity: Our Silent Disaster, ABC online
(news story for The 7.30 Report), www.abc.net.au/science/slab/salinity/default.htm.

Murray Darling Basin Commission (CSIRO) Summary Report, Groundwater Flow Systems Framework, Walker, Giffeder,
Evans, Dyson & Stauffacher, 2003.

Graduate Research School. John Scott Meeting House, Melbourne Campus, 3086 | latrobe.edu.au/grs

This document was originally authored by La Trobe’s Language and Academic Skills (English as a Second Language) Unit

Date modified: 22 September 2015 | CRICOS Provider No 00115M

Sample Research Proposal
Reforming Australia’s Agricultural Sector: Investigation of
a Natural Antidote to Salinity

Defining the A recent Australian Conservation Report found that increasing salinity is at crisis levels in
problem the Australian environment. Over the last five decades, salinity has rendered the soil
unusable in many parts of Australia, largely due to inappropriate land use. This includes
wide-scale deforestation, overuse of chemical fertilisers and pesticides and intensive
cropping of nonindigenous plants.
Causes and
extent of the
problem Salinity threatens to degrade the environment to a point where it will be unsustainable for
both biodiversity and agriculture.

Extent and
severity of According to the CSIRO, environmental damage in Australia is so severe that replanting
problem 80% of cleared areas would not restore the land to a healthy state for many generations

Justification for This damage is not confined to agriculture; lakes and rivers are also affected by salt, which
research results in loss of biodiversity and unusable drinking water. According to Dr John Williams,
Deputy Chief of CSIRO Land and Water Division: “We must face radical land use change,
because we don't have farming systems that can control salinity and at the same time
generate sufficient income for social and community well-being in the rural sector” (2005).

Although there is general consensus among the scientific and conservation communities
Elaboration of
that salinity is a critical issue, some disagreement exists about how to improve land-use.
the issue
While most farmers continue to rely on traditional water and land management practices, a
relatively little-known practice of decelerating creek and river-flows to restore plant growth
has shown extremely positive results. Landscape ecologist Professor David Goldney cites
evidence of land transformed from severely degraded to highly productive (Australian Story,

Research aims
This research aims to evaluate the viability of natural sequence farming in Australia.

Methodology It will employ interviews, surveys and questionnaires to obtain empirical information on this

outcomes The research is likely to recommend further investigation of natural sequence farming in

(292 words)

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