Contracts and Form of Contract

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When two or more persons have a common intention

communicated to each other to create some obligation between them,
there is said to be an agreement. An agreement which is enforceable
by law is a “Contract”.
According to section 10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 only
those agreements are enforceable by law which are made by the free
consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration
and with a lawful object and are not expressly declared to be void.
This is subject to any special law according to which contract should
be in writing and attested by witnesses.
The following are the essential ingredients of a contract:
a. Offer made by one person called the “Promisor”.
b. Acceptance of offer made by the other person called the
c. Doing of an act or abstinence from doing a particular act by
promisor for promise a called consideration.
d. The offer and acceptance would relate to the something which
is not prohibited by law.
e. Offer and the acceptance constitute an agreement, which,
when enforceable by law, become a contract.
f. In order to make a valid and binding agreement, the party
entering into such an agreement should be competent to make
such agreement.
For the purpose of an agreement, there mush be a
communication of intention between the parties thereto. Hence in
the forms of a Contract there is:
a. A proposal
b. Communication of the proposal

c. A communication of the acceptance of the proposal
A contract is an agreement enforceable by law. It may be noted
that the works ‘agreement’ and ‘contract’ are very often used as
synonyms, but in fact they are not. All contracts are agreements but
all agreements are not necessarily contracts; agreements not
enforceable by law are not contracts.
To be legally enforceable, the agreements must satisfy two
things, viz, intention to be bound and consideration. However,
according to the Indian contract Act 1872, an agreement is a
contract if ‘it is made by the free consent of parties competent to
contract, for lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and is not
expressly declared to be void.
The contract must be definite and its purpose should be to
create a legal relationship. A contract creates an obligation i.e. a
duly cast upon a person by law. When the parties to a contract
exchange promises, it gives rise to a contractual obligation.

Contracts for the execution of civil engineering works are of
following types:
a. Lumpsum contract
b. Item rate contract
c. Lumpsum and schedule contract
d. Cost plus fixed fee contract
e. Cost plus percentage of cost contract
f. Special contracts
Lumpsum Contract
In this type of contract, the contractor offers to do the whole
work as shown in drawings and described by specifications, for a
total stipulated sum of money. There are no individual rates quoted,
thus it becomes difficult to make adjustments in the contract value if
any changes are to be made in the work later on. The schedule of

different items of work is not provided and the contractor has to
complete the work as per drawings and specifications for the agreed
lump sum amount.
Deposit of 10 % security money and other conditions of the
contract are included in the contract agreement. Upon the
completion of work, a fixed lumpsum amount is paid to the
contractor. Detailed measurements of different items are required
but the whole work is compared and checked with drawings and
specifications before releasing the payment. In large projects, part
payments are made to the contractor at different stages of work on
money agreed terms. In case the contractor stops the work in
between he is not entitled for any further payment.

A lumpsum contract is more suitable for works for which
contractors have prior construction experience. This experience
enables the contractors to submit a more realistic bid. This type of
contract is not suitable for difficult foundations, excavations of
uncertain character, and projects susceptible to unpredictable
hazards and variations.
i. The owner can decide whether to start or shelve the project
knowing the total lumpsum price quoted by different
ii. The contractor can earn more profit by in-depth planning and
effective management site.
i. Before the contract is awarded, the project has to be studied
thoroughly and the complete contract documents has to be
prepared in advance.
ii. In this type of contract, unforeseen details of work are not
specified in the contract document. Many additional items

may have to be undertaken as the work progresses, giving
opportunity to the contractor for claiming higher rates of the
extra items not included in the contract agreement.

Item Rate Contract

Also called a schedule contract, in this contract, the contractor
undertakes the execution of work on an item rate basis. The amount
to be received by the contractor, depends upon the quantities of
various items of work actually executed. The payment to the
contractor is made on the basis of detailed measurements of different
items of work actually done by him.

The item rate contract is most commonly used for all types of
engineering works financed by public or government bodies. This
type of contract is suitable for works which can be split into various
items and quantities under each item can be estimated with
i. In this type of contract, there is no need for detailed drawings
at the time of allotting contract as in the case of lumpsum
contract. The detailed drawings can be prepared after the
contract is awarded.
ii. Changes in drawings and quantities of individual items can be
made as per requirement within agreed limits.
iii. The payment to the contractor is made on the actual work
done by his at the agreed rates.
i. The total cost of work can only be known upon completion. As
such, the owner may incur financial difficulty if the final cost
increases substantially.

ii. Additional staff is required to take detailed measurements of
work done for releasing payments to the contractor.
iii. The Scope for additional saving with the use of interior quality
materials may prompt the contractor to use such materials in
the work.
Lumpsum and Scheduled Contract
This is similar to the lumpsum contract except the schedule of
rates is also included in the contract agreement. In this type of
contract, the contractor offers to do a particular work at a fixed sum
within a specified time as per plans and detailed specifications. The
schedule of rates for various items is provided which regulates the
extra amount to be paid or deducted for any additions or deletions
made during the progress of work. Measurements of different items
of original work are not required but extra items are required to be
measured for payment. The original work shall however be checked
and compared with the drawings and specifications.
This type of contract is more suitable for construction works
for which contractors have prior work experience and can
consequently estimate the project cost more realistically.
i. In this type of contract, additional staff for recording detailed
measurements of original item of work is not required for
making payment to the contractor.
ii. The owner can know from tenders as to what the project will
cost him. Knowing the financial implications, the owner can
decide to start or defer the project.
i. Before the contract is awarded the project has to be studied
thoroughly and all the contract documents are required to be
completed in every respect.

ii. The non-scheduled extra items arising out of changes made in
the drawings and specifications are often a source of dispute
because the contractor presses for rates higher than the
prevailing market rates.
Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract
Cost Plus fixed fee contract is desirable when the scope and
nature of the work can atleast be broadly defined. The amount of fee
is determined as a plump sum from a consideration of the scope of
work, its approximate cost, nature of work, estimated time of
construction, manpower and equipment requirements etc. In order
to negotiate such a type of contract, it is essential that the scope and
some general details of the work are defined. The contractor in this
type of contract is selected on the basis of merit rather than the fee
alone. In case of cost plus percentage contract, the contractor has a
tendency to increase his profit by increasing the cost of work. But
this drawback is overcome in cost plus fixed fee contract because
here the contractor’s fee is fixed and does not fluctuate with actual
cost of work. Once this fee is fixed, the contractor cannot increase
the cost of work.

i) This type of contract is suitable for works required to be

completed expeditiously and where it is difficult to foretell what
difficulties are likely to be encountered.
ii) This contract is also suitable for important structures where
the cost of construction is immaterial.

i) In this type of contract, actual cost is to be borne by the

owner. Therefore, the contractor performs the work in the best
interest of the owner resulting in good quality work.
ii) The work can be taken in hand even before the detailed
drawings and specifications are finanlised.

iii) Changes in design and method of construction if needed can
be easily carried out without disputes.
iv) The work can be executed speedily.
i) This form of contract cannot be adopted normally in case of
public bodies and Government departments.
ii) The final cost of the work is not known in advance and this
may subject the owner to financial difficulties.
Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract
In this type of contract, instead of awarding the work on
lumpsum or item rate basis, it is given on certain percentage over the
actual cost of construction. The actual cost of construction is
reported by the contractor and is paid to him by the owner together
with a certain percentage as agreed earlier.
The contractor agrees to do the work in accordance with the
drawings, specifications and other conditions of contract. In this
type of contract, proper control has to be exercised by the owner in
the purchase of materials and in arranging labour.
The suitability merits and demerits of this type of contract are
similar to cost plus fixed fee contracts. An additional demerit is the
tendency of the contractor to increase the cost of work to earn profit
by way of percentage of enhanced actual cost.
Special Contracts
There are certain contracts which are used at different
occasions. Some of these contracts are listed below:
 Turn-key Contract
 Package Contract
 Negotiated Contract
 Continuing Contract
 Running Contract

(i) Turn-key Contract
A turn-key contract is an integrated contract in which all
works pertaining to various disciplines such as civil, electrical,
mechanical etc. are in the hands of a single contractor called the
main contractor. The main contractor can sublet the contact to sub-
contractors who are specialists in their respective fields.
In this contract, the main advantage to the owner is that he
need not coordinate the work of different contractors. The main
contractor is responsible for all kinds of jobs starting from planning
to commissioning stage. The owner takes over the entire work
(which is fully operational and of proven performance) from the main
(ii) Package Contract
In a package contract, two or more related jobs, each of which
could form a separate contract are combined in a single contract. In
the field of civil engineering, generally, design and development are
combined with construction and supply or maintenance.
In this type of contract, plan of work and standards are
established and the work is carried out accordingly by the
contractor. The main contractor is responsible for safeguarding the
owner’s interest and for this reason, prior approval of design and
technical aspects have to be taken from the owner. Responsibility for
correctness of the design lines with the main contractor.
(iii) Negotiated Contract
In this type of contract, negotiation across the table takes
place between representatives of the owner and the main contractor
for project cost and other conditions of contract. In this type of
contract, detailed projects specifications are arrived at by
discussions between the owner and the main contractor and

A negotiated contract involves extended discussions for
finalization as a competitive contract. Most of the consultancy
projects of World Bank are negotiated contracts.
(iv) Continuing Contract
In this type of contract, new or additional work is awarded to
the contractor on the basis of agreed terms and conditions of an
existing contract. Such contracts do not require re-tendering and
hence can save time and money.
(v) Running Contract
Such contracts provide goods and services at specified
intervals or as and when required by the owner. The contract price
is not fixed and payment is based on goods supplied and services
rendered as specified in the contract documents.
III. Contract Documents
The contract document consists of the contract agreement (on
non-judicial stamp paper of prescribed value) and the following set of
documents, each page of which is signed both by the owner and the
a) Cover Title Page: It contains the name of work, name of owner,
name of contract, contract agreement number, contents etc.
b) Contents Page: It contains the contents of the agreement with
page references.
c) Notice Inviting Tender (NIT): It contains a brief description of
work, estimated cost of work, date and time of receiving the
tender, amount of earnest money, security money, time of
completion etc.,
d) Tender Form: It comprises bill of quantities, contractor’s rates,
total cost of work, time for completion, security money to be
deposited and penalty clauses etc.
e) Schedule of Issue of Materials: It contains the list of materials
to be issued by the department or owner to the contractor with
rates and place of issue.

f) Drawings: These comprise a complete set of fully dimensioned
drawings including plans, elevations, and sections detailed
drawings and site plan.
g) Specifications: It is not practicable to include detailed
information of each item of work in the limited space of
description in the bill of quantities. As such detailed
specifications form a part of the contract agreement.
Specifications should be clear and precise covering all items of
the bill of quantities. Following specifications are normally
included in the contract document.
i. General Specifications: These specify the class and type of
work quality of materials etc, in general for the work as a
ii. Detailed Specification: These give detailed description of each
item of work including material and method to be used along
with quality of work manship required.
h) Conditions of Contract: The terms and conditions of contract
specify the following.
i. Rates of each item of work inclusive of materials, labour,
transport, plant/equipment and other arrangements required
for completion work.
ii. Manner of payment of contractor including running payment
final payment, refund of security money etc.
iii. Time of completion of work.
iv. Proportionate progress to be achieved.
v. Penalty for poor quality and unsatisfactory work, lack of
proportionate progress and for delay in completion.
vi. Extension of time for completion of work.
vii.Engaging other agency at contractor’s cost and risk.
viii. Termination of contract.
ix. Subletting of the work.
x. Changes in design/drawings etc and valuation of variations.

xi. Arbitration for settlement of disputes.
In addition to the above, performance and payment bonds are
also sometimes considered as part of the contract document. All the
above stated documents collectively constitute a contract document.
The documents are considered together for the purpose of contract
interpretation, giving rise to meaning and effect to each part of the
contract. In general, the intention of contracting parties is
determined from the contract executed by them. The contractor
should carefully read and understand the contract before executing
the work.
Specifications – Definition and Explanation
Specifications are statements which describe the nature and
class of work, materials to be used, labour to be employed, method of
work, precautions to be taken, quality of workmanship etc. The cost
of the work depends much upon the specifications. The nature of
work can be easily understood from the study of specifications. The
drawings of a building or structure show the arrangement of rooms
and dimensions (length, breadth and height) and include a brief
description of the different parts. Drawings do not furnish the
details of different items of work, the quantity of materials,
workmanship etc., which are all description in the specifications.
Specifications serve the following purposes:
i. Guide the bidder at the time of tendering for arriving at a fair
price for the work involved.
ii. Provide guidance for execution and supervision of work and
purchase of materials.
iii. State the acceptance criteria for different items of work.
Specifications are of the following Types
 Contract Specifications
 Guide Specifications
 Standard Specifications

(a) Contract Specification: The specifications prepared for a
particular job to accompany the working drawings are contract
specifications. These are further claussed at:
 General Specifications
 Detailed Specification
General Specifications are also called brief specifications.
These give a general ideas of the class and type of work giving brief
descriptions of materials, quality and workmanship.
Detailed specifications provide a detailed description of each
item as per schedule of quantities, specifying the materials to be
used including their proportions, method of work quality of
workmanship required etc. The specifications are written, as far as
possible, in the same sequence or order in which the work is carried
(b) Guide Specifications: These specifications provide a guideline
for preparing contract specifications and give a broad idea about
class and type of construction for a particular purpose.
(c) Standard Specifications: These specifications are prepared for
various materials or group of materials for the guidance of all
concerned with construction or construction industry. These
specifications include methods of manufacture methods of tests,
code of practice etc., Indian Standards Institution and other such
institutions have prepared a wide range of standard specifications.
(d) Manufacturer’s Specifications: Manufacturers prepare
specifications of their products for the guidance of users. These
specifications also include installation instructions and other
guidelines for use and maintenance of products. These
specifications are generally provided in the form of manuals. Clear
understanding of specifications plays a vital role in the successful
completion of a construction project.

Before entering into contract with the Public Works
Department, every individual or firm is required to register himself as
a contractor, after paying the registration fee, for taking up works in
the appropriate classes of registration. The copy of rules for
registration of contractors is supplied to the contractors on payment
of Rs.5/- plus sales tax.
Fee for application and Registration
Money Application Registration
Classification of Contractor
Limit Fee Fee
a. For works at Divisional
Class V upto Rs.40,000
Rs.5/- Rs.50/-
Class IV upto Rs.1 lakh
b. Circle Level
Class III upto Rs.2 lakhs Rs.10/- Rs.100/-
c. State Level
Class II upto Rs.5 lakhs
Class I upto Rs.10 lakhs Rs.10/- Rs.200/-
Class I above Rs.10 lakhs

The above fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Interested ayacutdars and beneficiaries are exempted from
Registration fee, works upto Rs.10,000/- for irrigation and Rs.5000/-
for buildings. The registering authority for class IV and V will be
Executive Engineer and for the rest Superintending Engineer.
Following are exempted from the Registration Fees:
i. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
ii. Repatriates from Burmah and Ceylon.
iii. Labour contract co-operative societies.
iv. Industrial co-operative societies.
The registration of a contractor for works in a division or a
circle is on a territorial basis and as such separate registration is not

necessary in a special division or special circle of the same
department, for taking up works lying in the territorial area covered
by the first registration. For taking special works in places outside
the area of his registration, the contractor should register himself in
the special circle. Contractor may register themselves in more than
one territorial unit of division or circle of the same department after
payment of the requisite fee in each case. No contractor shall be
permitted to get himself registered under more than one name in the
same territorial area. When a contractor has registered as a partner
of the ‘Firm’ he cannot once again be permitted to register his name
as a contractor in his individual capacity, in respect of the same
business, in the same territorial area. The contractor’s application
for a higher classification or reinstatement to original class in the
case of demoted contractor or resumption to the original status after
removal of or suspension will be treated afresh and the application
shall be considered on its merits, after the levy of the prescribed fee.
The Registering Authority shall have full powers to reject any
application, but before doing so he shall issue a show cause notice to
the applicant giving 7 days time and specifying the reasons for the
proposed rejection.
The applicants when found satisfactory with reference to their
financial standing and other particulars in the application by the
enquiry officer, should be given intimation in writing by giving class,
area etc. The applicant within 15 days of the receipt of intimation
shall remit the registration fee into the treasury and sent the challan.
The officer on receipt of challan, shall enlist the applicant in the
Register of contractors and inform the applicant and also the officers
of the department about that registrant. In token of having read
through and understood the standard preliminary specification he is
required to sign in the Tamilnadu standard specification.
The status of the contractor, especially his financial soundness
should be checked annually by the registering authority, for weeding

out from the approved list, such contractors are have not secured
any work during three consecutive years. The Registering authority
may demote a contractor to a lower class, if he fails to execute a
contract or proved to be responsible for defective construction, or his
financial position is not good, or found to violate any important
contract conditions etc. as to justify his demotion. The fact of
demotion need not be sent to the contractor but the registering
authority shall intimate to the Chief Engineer through the next
higher authority.
The Registering authority may remove the name of contractor
from the approved the list, if the contractor
i) fails to secure any work during three consecutive years.
ii) has on more than one occasion failed to execute contract.
iii) persistent violation of important conditions of contract.
iv) violation of Labour act etc.
The decision should be taken only after issue of show cause
notice and the orders should be communicated to the contractor
concerned, and afterwards for other department officers for their
guidance. Income tax and sales tax clearance certificates shall be
furnished by the contractor and the failure shall prevent the
contractor from tendering for works till such time the certificates are
Jobless or unemployment Engineers should register
themselves with any one of the Executive Engineer after paying the
prescribed fee for registration. Then only then can avail the
concessions entitled for unemployed Engineers.
The solvency certificate required will be
i) Works upto 50,000 -nil
ii) Above 50,000 upto 2 lakhs -10% of value of work
iii) Above 2 lakhs -25% of value of work
The rules regarding Registration, removal, etc. shall apply to this
category also.


2. Introduction
The payment to the contractors for works or supply or
material, road metal and plants etc. are made on the basis of
measurements recorded in the measurement books. When the work
or supply is completed or sufficiently progressed, the detailed
measurements are taken usually by the section officer and recorded
in the measurement book and an abstract of quantities are prepared
and the cost is calculated at the rate of the contract agreement.
From the abstract of quantity and the rate, a bill is prepared for
2. Bill and Voucher
Bill: Bill is the account of work done or supply of materials
made and includes the particulars and quantities of work done or
material supplied and amount due. Reference to the agreement
number, order number are also given in the bill.
Voucher: Voucher is a written document with details which is
kept in record as a proof of payment. For any payment, a bill is
prepared and payment is made on the bill, duly checked and
acknowledged by the payee, by signature or revenue stamp as
required and after payment is made, bill becomes voucher which is
kept in record.
3. Types of Bills
The various standard forms of bills and vouchers are used for
payment, according to the nature of works. White forms are used for
running bills and yellow forms are used for final bills. The following
are the different types of bills.
i) First and Final bill
ii) Running account Bill – form A
iii) Running account Bill – form c
iv) Lump sum contract Bill

v) Hand receipt
i. First and Final Bill: This form is used for making payment
to the contractor both for works and suppliers, when a
single payment is to be made on the completion of the
whole work or supply as final payment. This type of bill is
generally adopted for petty works or split up works in
ii. Running Account Bill – Form A: This form is used for
advance payment without any measurement. It may be
used for running bill payment for advance for unmeasured
work only or combination of unmeasured work and
measured work or if ‘on account’ payment is to be made but
an advance payment already made for the same work is
iii. Running Account Bill – Form C: This form is used for
contracts both for works executed on piece work system
and for suppliers received. This form is widely used
specially for medium sized works executed through K2
contract or split up works or projects entrusted on
nomination to a number of contractors.
iv. Lump Sum Contract Bill: In the L.S. contract methods, a
number of intermediate payments are made in L.S. contract
running account bill form before final payment is made.
Intermediate payment is made for (i) value of measure up
items of work executed forming part of the contract. (ii)
value of authorized extra work done on account of additions
or modifications in the work executed supported by details
in either case.
In the final L.S. bill, the full amount as entered in the
contract is paid adding the amount of authorised extras
and deducting authorised omission and the intermediate
payments already made.

v. Hand Receipt: Hand receipt is a simple form of voucher
intended to be used for small miscellaneous payments and
advances for which none of the above forms is suitable.
The purpose of payment and the designation of the officer
making payment duly supported by measurement book
entry should be furnished on the hand receipt No
agreement is necessary for payments made through Hand
receipt form.
4. Types of payment
Payment to contractors are made in a variety of ways, as listed
i. First and Final Payment
ii. Running on Interim or ‘on account’ payment.
iii. Final payment
iv. Advance payment
v. Secured Advance payment
i. First and Final Payment: The term indicates a single payment
made for a job or contract on its completion. In this case the
payment finished by one payment after the completion of the
work. This is usually applicable for small work.
ii. Running or interim ‘on account’ payment: This means
payment made on a running account to a contractor for works
done or supplies made by him, duly measured and entered in
measurement book. This is effected when only a part of the
whole work or supply has been done and the work or supply is
in progress. During the progress of the work, the contractor is
paid from time to time.
iii.Final Payment: This is the last payment made to a contractor
on a running account, on completion of this contract and the
full settlement of the account.
iv. Advance Payment: This means the payment made on a
running account to a contractor for work done by him but not

measured. Advance payment is not generally made to the
contractor, but may be made under special circumstances
when the work is sufficiently progressed, but measurement
cannot be taken for certain valid reasons. The value of work
done shall not be less than the advance proposed. Detailed
measurements shall be taken as soon as possible and advance
payment adjusted in the final bill.
v. Secured Advance Payment: This payment is made on the
security of materials brought by the contractor to the site of
work, when the contract is for the completed items of work.
This type of payment may be allowed by the Executive
Engineer in the interest of work upto an amount not exceeding
75% of imperishable materials. Lime, sand, paint and
varnishes are considered as perishable materials and no
advance is permissible.
5. Preparation, Examination and Payment of Bills
The bills for payment shall be prepared with respect to the
measurements recorded in the measurement book. All entries in the
measurement book with regard to the description and quantities of
work or supplies made are checked. Arithmatical calculations of the
contents or area are verified. When, the bill is on running account
then it is compared with the quantities etc. with the previous bill. It
is checked whether deduction in respect of the following have been
properly made.
i) Recovery for advance payment
ii) Recovery in respect of departmental materials issued to
the contractors.
iii) Hire charges for departmental materials issued to the
iv) Amount to be withheld towards security deposit.
v) Recovery towards penalty for slow progress, non return
of empty gunny bags etc.

In case of final bills the field officers should certify about the
due fulfillment of contract and satisfactory completion of work.
The memorandum of payment is then made. The competent
officer records a formal pay order specifying both in words and
figures the net amount payable. However the contractor is required
to acknowledge the gross amount payable inclusive of recoveries
proposes in the bill.
When the bill is passed for payment, every page containing the
detailed measurement will be scored out by a diagonal red ink line.
The number and date of the voucher for payment will be entered in
the measurement book.
6. Contractor’s Ledger
Contractor’s ledger is a personal account of a contractor where
all transactions regarding the particular contractor are entered. It is
maintained in the divisional officer in a prescribed form. All
payments recoveries of adjustments etc. are taken in the ledger.
Recoveries of debit balance of the ledger should be made from the
contractor regularly at the first available chance to avoid
accumulation of arrears. For every contractor a separate ledger is
maintained and each contractor’s ledger is closed and balanced
The contractor’s ledger is maintained by the division and a
specimen page of a contractor’s ledger is given in Table – 1.
Table – 1
Name of Contractor for the month of
Net Transaction
value of work or

Total upto date

Name of
work or

Voucher account and

Date No.
No. particulars

of Bill Debit Credit


7. Completion Report
When a work is completed and the accounts have been settled
a note below the final entries is made in ink. Work completed on
…………20 ….. and this note is signed by the divisional officer. If
the total expenditure is in excess of the sanctioned estimate, and
if the excess is within the power of the divisional officer, it is
passed by him and the certificate to the effect that “effect passed
by me” is recorded. A completion plan should accompany a
completion report.
8. Completion Certificate
After completion of the work of construction of other
department, a certificate for satisfactory completion should be
prepared in a prescribed form and got signed by a local head of the
department. The completion certificate will read as Certified that
works and repairs were completed on ………20 ….. and that it is in
good satisfactory order. The completion certificate is signed by the
Assistant executive Engineer and Executive Engineer and then got
accepted and signed by the local head of the department, for whom
the construction was carried out.
9. Refund of Deposits
The deposits of the contractor and refunded after six months
from the date of satisfactory completion of the works or on the expiry
of one rainy season. During this period of observation, the
contractor is responsible for any defects or mishaps in the works. He
shall have to make good all such defects and damages.
10. Maintenance of cash book
The definition of following terms are taken before, the
maintenance of cash book is discussed.
i) Cash: The term ‘cash’ as used in accounts includes legal
tender coins, cheques, deposit-at-call receipts of scheduled
banks and drafts payable on demand. A small supply of

one rupee revenue stamps is also treated as part of cash
ii) Debit and Credit: Debit means expenditure and credit
means that the amount is shown as expenditure on the
work. Similarly when an amount is credited to a work it
means that the amount is to be shown as receipts under
the work.
iii) Cash Book: The transactions relating to the actual receipts
and payment of cash are recorded in a register known as
cash book. The cash book is one of the most important
records of the office.
The pages of the cash book are machine number and each page is
divided into ‘receipt side’ and ‘payment side’. The receipt side has
got five columns and payment side has got seven columns. The
specimen page of a cash book is shown in Table – 2.
Table – 2 Cash Book
Receipt Side Payment side
Payment side
Bank or
To whom paid etc
Date of payment
Classification of

Classification of
No of voucher
Amount Cash

No of


No of Cheque

Date of vouchers
Receipt or Cash
receipt Amount

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Every government officer is personally responsible for the

public money with which he deals and for recording the transaction
of receipts and payments promptly. Private cash or accounts are in
no case to be mixed up with public cash or accounts.
The following instructions are to be followed in the
maintenance of cash book

1. Entries should be made continuously and no line should be left
blank. If any line is left blank due to the fact that the other side
of the folio has been completely written up, a diagonal line
should be drawn to cancel the blank space.
2. Interpolation of entries, or over writings must be avoided but, if
unavoidable, these must be initiated and dated by the
disbursing officer. Erasure of entries is strictly prohibited.
3. Transactions should be entered as soon as they occur in the
order of occurrence.
4. If the cash transaction of private cheques received is too many,
these may first be entered in a “Register of cheques received and
adjusted” and only the totals of daily receipts and remittances
entered in the cash book.
5. Every entry must be concise. The date, number of voucher and
the name of the work together with a brief description to clearly
indicate the nature of transaction must be entered against each
6. No receipt other than cash should be entered in the book.
7. When a cheque is drawn to replenish the chest, its number and
amount to be entered.
8. When an impreset is given, it should be noted in red ink in the
cash book.
9. When amount of unspent imprest is received back, it is shown
on the receipt side in red ink.
10. The disbursement of salary of regular establishment is recorded
in a separate cash book known as subsidiary cash book.
11. Bills paid and entered in the cash book are known as vouchers.
Vouchers are allotted serial numbers in a continuous series
each month.
12. It is advisable to check that the cash balance is counted every
time a balance is struck or at convenient intervals.



The law of contracts in India is contained in the Indian
Contract Act, 1872, which lays down the general principles relating
to formation, performance and enforceability of contracts and the
rules relating to certain special types of contracts such as indemnity,
guarantee, bailment, pledge and agency. The Act is, however, not a
complete and exhaustive law; some of the special contracts such as
those relating to partnership, sale of goods, negotiable instruments,
insurance, etc. are dealt with by separate legislations. However, the
general principles of contract law are the basis for such special
contracts too.
Essential elements of a Contract: From the foregoing
discussion, the essential elements of a contract may be enumerated
as under:
1. Minimum two parties – At least two parties are necessary to form
a contract because one person cannot enter into a contract with
himself. To form a contract, one party has to make an offer ad
the other must accept it. The person who makes the ‘proposal’ or
‘offer’ is called the ‘promisor’ or ‘offeror’, the person to whom the
offer is made is called the ‘offeree’ and the person who accepts the
offer is called the ‘acceptor’.
2. Offer and acceptance – There must be an ‘offer’ and an
‘acceptance’ to the offer, resulting into an agreement. Both ‘offer’
and ‘acceptance’ should be lawful.
3. Intention to create legal obligation – The parties must intend to
create legal obligation. In commercial agreements. an intention to
create legal relations is presumed, unless the parties have
expressly agreed to otherwise.
4. Lawful consideration – An agreement is legally enforceable only
when each of the parties thereto gives something and gets

something, that is, consideration. Consideration may be past,
present or future, but it must be ‘lawful’, that is, it must not be
illegal or fraudulent or immoral or opposed to public policy, or
must not imply injury to the person or property of another.
5. Competent Parties – The parties to a contract must be competent,
that is of the age of majority (over 18 years), of sound mind and
not disqualified from contracting by any law to which they are
subject. Thus, a minor, lunatic, idiot drunkard. etc., cannot,
except for some special cases, enter into a valid contract
6. Free consent – All the parties give their free consent, to form a
valid contract. Consent means that the parties must agree about
the subject-matter of the agreement in the same sense and at the
same time. Consent is said to be free unless it is induced by
coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake.
7. Lawful Object – The object of an agreement must not be
fraudulent or illegal or immoral or opposed to public policy or
must not imply injury to the person or property of another.
8. Not Expressly Declared Void – An agreement expressly declared to
be void under sections 24 to 30 of the Act or under any other law,
is not enforceable and is, thus, not a contract. For example, an
agreement in restraint of trade or wagering agreements, are not
9. Certainty and Possibility of performance – The terms of a contract
must not be vague or uncertain. If an agreement is vague and its
meaning cannot be ascertained, it cannot be enforced. The terms
of a contract must be such as are capable of performance. An
agreement to do an impossible act is void and not enforceable at
10. Legal Formalities – Generally, a contract may be oral or in writing.
However, certain contracts are required to be in writing and may
even require registration. For instance, an agreement to a pay a
time – barred debt must be in writing; an agreement to make a

gift must be in writing and registered. In such cases, these
additional formalities must be complied with.
1. Agreement – Every promise and every set of promises, forming
the consideration for each other, is an agreement. When one
person conveys to another his proposal, and that other person
assents thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal
when accepted becomes a promise.
2. Contract – An agreement enforceable by law is a contract. In
other words, a contract is an agreement made with an intention
to create a legal obligation i.e. a duty enforceable by law.
3. Offer or Proposal – When one person signifies to another his
willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything, with a view
to obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence,
he is said to make a proposal.
4. Acceptance – When the person to whom the proposal is made
signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted.
In other words, acceptance is the manifestation by the offeree of
his assent to the terms of the offer.
5. Consideration – When at the desire of the promisor, the promise
or any other person has done or abstained from doing, or does
or abstains from doing, or promises to do or abstain from doing,
something, such act or abstinence or promise is called a
consideration for the promise.
6. Consent – Two or more persons are said to consent when they
agree upon the same thing in the same sense.



The members of the construction team should be fully aware of

their rights and obligations under the contract. they should be

thoroughly conversant with the precise provisions and true
importance of each clause in the contract agreement.
Following are in important conditions of contract:
a. Time of completion.
b. Delay and extension of time.
c. Penalty
d. Compensation for delay in completion of work.
e. Liquidated damages.
f. Debitable agency
g. Valuation of variations
h. Settlement of disputes
i. Force of nature and natural disasters
j. Price escalation
k. Termination of contract
a. Time of Completion: The Contractor is required to complete
the work within the agreed time of completion which is specified
in a suitable unit of time (year, month, week etc) depending
upon the nature and scope of work. The contractor is also
required to maintain a proportionate progress of work.
b. Delay and Extension Time: Delay in completion of work not
attributed to the contractor should be brought to the notice of
the owner by the contractor in writing, within the time specified
in the contract, for seeking extension of time. The owner will
satisfy himself that the delay is not on account of a lapse on the
part of the contractor before granting suitable extension of time.
c. Penalty: It is a fine imposed on the contractor for non-
fulfillment of his contractual obligations such as failure to
maintain required progress of work, delay in completion, poor
quality or work, bad workmanship etc.
d. Compensation for delay in completion of work: The
contractor is liable to pay compensation to the owner for delay
attributed to him in completion of work. The amount of

compensation may be stated as a percentage of the estimated
cost of work for each unit of time delay. The maximum limit of
compensation may be 10% of the contract price.
e. Liquidated Damages: It is a fixed stipulated sum payable by
the contractor on account of penalty for delays and does not
bear any relationship to the real damage to the owner. It is
generally high and fixed per day for excess period over the
specified in the contract for completing the work.
f. Debitable Agency: Whenever the contractor fails to fulfil his
contractual obligation in respect of progress or quality of work
even after giving due notice by the owner, it becomes necessary
to appoint a debitable agency which works at the cost and risk
of the contractor. This agency is in the form of labour or other
contractor to fulfill the contractual obligations of the main
contractor. The expenses incurred are charged from the bill or
security of the original contractor.
g. Valuation of Variations: The valuation of variations is based on
change orders issued in writing by the owner. Generally, the
variation in individual items of work should not be more than
25% and variation in total cost should not exceed 10%.
h. Settlement of Disputes: Efforts should be made to resolve
disputes amicably between the owner and the contractor
through mutual discussions and negotiations. Arbitration
clause may be incorporated in the contract to settle disputes not
resolved through mutual discussions and negotiations.
i. Forces of Nature and Natural Disasters: Natural disasters are
acts of nature, such as unprecedented floods / rainfall,
earthquake, hurricanes, typhoons, fire etc. These disasters
along with occurrence of riots, civil commotion, revolt etc. are
beyond the control of the contractor and may lead to financial
and time loss. The contractor should obtain an insurance policy
for such risks as can be covered by insurance. In the event of

financial or time loss, the contractor can claim financial
compensation from the owner for risks which are not insurable
and an extension of time for all such risks.
j. Price Escalation: During execution of the work, labour wages
and material prices may increase as a result of inflation. The
contract conditions should therefore, include on appropriate
clause for payment of escalation to the contractor. Generally,
escalation payments is made for increase in the cost of labour
materials and petrol, oil and lubricants (POL) and the
percentage of three components are taken as under:
Labour - 30% of contract price
Materials - 65% of contract price
POL - 5% of contract price
The Central Public Works Development (CPWD) adopt the
following formulae for computing escalation.
(i) The compensation for escalation for labour is worked out as
per the formula given below:
V = W x Y / 100 x (L1 – L1o) / Llo
V = Variation in labour cost i.e. increase or
decrease in the amount in rupees to be paid
or recovered.
W = Value of work done
Y = Component of labour expressed as percent
of the total value of work (30%)
L1o = Minimum daily wage in rupees of an
unskilled adult male mazdoor, as fixed
under any law, statutory rule or order as on
the last date on which tenders for the work
were to be received.
L1 = Minimum wage in rupees of an unskilled
adult male mazdoor, as fixed under any law
statutory rule or order as applicable on the

last day of the quarter previous to one
during which the escalation is being paid.
(ii) The compensation for escalation for materials is worked
out as per the formula given below:
VM = W x X / 100 x (M1 – M1o) / Mlo
VM = Variation in material cost i.e. increase or
decrease in the amount in rupees to be paid
or recovered.
W = Cost of work done.
X = Component of materials expressed as
percent of the total value of work (65%)
MI = All India whole sale index for commodities as
MIo = Published by the Economic Advisor to Govt.
of India, Ministry of Industry and
Commerce, for the period under
consideration, and that valid at the time of
tenders, respectively.
(iii) The compensation for escalation for POL is worked out as
per formula given below:
VF = W x Z / 100 x (FI – FIo) / FIo
VF = Variation in cost of fuel, oil and lubricant i.e.
increase or decrease in rupees to be paid or
W = Component of POL expressed as percent of
value of work as indicated under the special
conditions of contract (5%)
FI&FIo= Average index number of wholesale price of
group (fuel, power, oil and lubricants) as
published weekly by the Economic Advisor
to Govt. of India, Ministry of Industry for the

period under reckoning, and that valid at
the time of receipt of tenders, respectively.
The compensation for escalation is normally worked out at
quarterly intervals with respect to the cost of work executed during
that period.
k. Termination of Contract: The owner can terminate the
contract in the event of default or bankruptcy of the contractor
and may impose penalty as per the contract agreement.
Default on the part of the contractor includes abandoning the
work, failure to maintain required progress, non-observance of
rues / instructions etc. for which the owner may rescind the
contract and impose penalty upto 10% of the estimated cost of
work. Due notice must be served on the contractor before
termination of the contract.
Disputes may arise between the contractor and the owner due
to the following reasons.
1. Supply of materials from the owner to the contractor.
2. Handling all the site to the contractor.
3. Extra works carried out without contract agreement.
4. Delay in the completion of the work.
5. Substandard work or defective work.
6. Payment to the contractor through running bills.
7. Supply of stores, machineries and the rent for the
8. Recovery.
9. Availability of drawing and other specifications.
10. Measurements of the works.
The Contractor has the following responsibilities:
1. He must ensure safety of materials, men and machinery
on the site and should guard against accidents either to
the workers or to the local people.

2. He must ensure quality of the work as required by the
3. He must complete the work within the agreed time.
4. He must ensure the quality of materials which he is
receiving from the owner.
5. The contractor should make proper entry of the
instructions regarding change of specification or
deviation from the sanctioned estimate or drawings.
6. He must make proper entry of the materials received
from the owner.
When there is a failure in the responsibilities of the contractor
as well as in the responsibilities of the owner, dispute arises and this
may in turn lead to litigations.
Jurisdiction of Courts
The courts of the place from where the tender acceptance letter
has been issued shall have the jurisdiction to decide any dispute
arising out of or in respect of the contract.


Disputes may arise between the contractor and the owner
because of several factors such as recovery on account of alleged
delays, defective work or excess consumption of materials etc. The
disputes can be settled through litigation in a court of law or, where
the contract permits, through arbitration. Arbitration is the process
of hearing and determination of a dispute by an impartial referee
selected or agreed upon by the parties concerned.
The Indian Arbitration Act was enacted in 1940 and provides
for arbitration in the following three cases:
a. Arbitration without intervention of a court: The owner
and the contractor enter into an arbitration agreement in

advance or after the dispute has arisen. The dispute is
settled through arbitration according to the Act.
b. Arbitration with Intervention: When the owner and the
contractor having entered into an arbitration agreement
are unable to proceed further in terms of the agreement,
the court’s intervention is sought for settlement of the
c. Arbitration in Lawsuits: When a dispute is the subject
matter of a lawsuit pending in a court, both parties may
agree to settlement of the dispute through arbitration in
terms of the Act.
The Indian Arbitration Act 1940 does not control the conduct
of the owner and the contractor in deciding the form of the
arbitration agreement. The Act does not prescribe the procedure to
be adopted by the arbitrator for conducting the proceedings. The
arbitrator thus enjoys flexibility in the procedure leading to
expeditious settlement of disputes. The Act does not provide for
interference with the award given by the arbitrator. The arbitrator is
also not bound under the Act to state reasons in support of the
award given by him. The award is, therefore, final and can only be
challenged in a court of law on questions of law and / or misconduct
of the arbitrator.
Advantages of Arbitration
The advantages of settling disputes through arbitration instead
of litigation in the courts are as under:
Cost: arbitration is less expensive than litigation.
Speed: disputes are settled much faster (usually within 4
months) through arbitration as compared to lawsuit in the courts.
Convenience: arbitration hearings are fixed considering the
convenience of the concerned parties.

Technical Knowledge: both parties have the distinct
advantage of appointing arbitrator(s) having technical knowledge and
expertise in construction.
Informality: arbitration proceedings are conducted in a
relatively informal atmosphere observing certain minimum
prescribed legal formalities.
Proceedings in Private Premises: Unlike proceedings in courts
which are exposed to the general public, arbitration proceedings are held in
private premises, Business interest and reputation of the parties will,
therefore, not suffer.
Finality of Award: the award given by the arbitrator is final.
It can only be challenged on questions of law and / or misconduct or
Arbitration Clause
In view of the advantages of arbitration, most of the
construction contracts incorporate a suitable arbitration clause in
the agreement. Following are the main provisions of the arbitration
i. All disputes or claims arising out of or relating to the
contract, or the breach thereof, will be settled through
arbitration in accordance with the Indian Arbitration Act,
ii. The parties may agree to the appointment of a single
arbitrator or each party may nominate an arbitrator and the
two nominated arbitrators may mutually select an umpire.
iii. The parties will mutually agree regarding the sharing of
arbitration fees and expenses.
iv. The arbitration proceedings will be conducted by the
arbitrator(s) in accordance with laid down procedures at
mutually convenient dates and places.

v. In the event of a difference of opinion between the two
arbitrators concerning the award, matter will be referred to
the umpire and his decision will be final.
vi. The arbitration award will be final and binding upon both
Contents in Nutshell
Construction contracts are formalized in the form of a written
document which defines clearly the rights and obligations of each
party. In engineering contracts, the contractor offers to execute the
work for a monetary consideration on certain terms and conditions.
A contract is reached when the offer or proposal made by the
contractor is accepted by the owner. The elements of a contract
consist of offer, consideration and acceptance.
The main types of contracts for execution of civil engineering
works include lump sum contract, item rate contract, lump sum and
schedule contract, cost plus fixed fee contract, cost plus percentage
of cost contract and special contracts. In a lump sum contract, the
contractor offers to do the whole work for a total stipulated sum of
money and individual rates are not quoted for the various items of
Such contracts are more suitable for works for which
contractors have prior construction experience and details of the
work involved are clearly known. Such contracts are not suitable for
difficult foundations and works susceptible to unpredictable hazards
and variations. Item rate contracts are also known as schedule
contracts. In these contracts, the contractor undertakes to carry out
the work on an item rate basis. Payment is made on the basis of
measurements of items of work actually executed. Such contracts
are commonly used for all types of civil engineering works financed
by government / public bodies. Turn key contracts are special
contracts in which all works pertaining to various disciplines such as

civil, electrical, mechanical engineering etc. are in the hands of a
single contractor called the main contractor.
The contract document consists of the contract agreement (on
non-judicial stamp paper of prescribed value) and cover or title page,
content page, NIT, tender form, schedule of issue of materials,
drawings, specifications (general and detailed) and conditions of
Specifications are statements which describe the nature and
class of work, materials to be used, labour to be deployed methods of
work, quality of workmanship etc. Specifications directly affect the
cost of the work.
Important conditions of contract include time of completion,
delay and extension of time, penalty, compensation for delay in
completion of work, liquidated damages, debitable agency, valuation
of variation, settlement of disputes, force measure, price escalation
and termination of contract. During execution of work, price
escalation may occur due to increase in labour wages, material
prices etc. as a result of inflation. An appropriate clause is,
therefore, generally included in the contract agreement. The
payment for escalation on labour, materials and POL is usually
determined by standard formulae.
Disputes may arise between the contractor and owner during
the execution of work because of several factors. These disputes can
be settled either through litigation in a court of law or where the
contract permits, through arbitration. Arbitration is the process of
hearing and settlement of a dispute by an impartial referee selected
and agreed upon by the parties concerned. Settlement of disputes
through arbitration has many advantages such as less cost, speedy
settlement, convenience and informality of proceedings etc. The
award given by the arbitrator is final and binding on both parties. It
can only be challenged in a court of law on questions of law and / or
misconduct of the arbitrator.

Cost : It is the expenditure to produce a commodity having a value.
In our construction Industry cost means the original cost of
the construction including the cost of materials and labour.
Hence the cost is a FACT.

Price : It is the cost of a Commodity plus additional reward to the

producer for his labour and Capital. In our construction
industry the original cost of construction with certain
percentage of profit. The profit or additional reward may be
varied from Builder to Builder, and Business to Business
because the Price is a POLICY.

Value: Valuation is an opinion or an estimate which will be

determined by many factors like the purpose, supply,
demand, depreciation, obsolescence etc. Valuation is a
function of place, date and purpose.


 Land and Building
 Agricultural lands
 Coffee, Tea, Rubber plantations.
 Forest
 Mines and Quarries
 Stocks, Shares, Debentures
 Plant & Machinery
 Jewellery
 Works of Arts & Craft
 Purchasing for Investment
 Purchasing for self Occupation
 Revision of Capitals
 Interim Reports of Execution of Buildings or other
 Compensation for land Acquisition
 Present Value of Old Properties
 Arbitration
 Assessing property Tax
 Income Tax, Wealth Tax
 Gift Tax, Capital Gains
 Selling
 Mortgaging
 Collateral Security
 Auctioning

 Insurance
 Court fee stamp
 Partitions
 Stamp Duty
 Rent Fixation. etc., etc.
All the above purpose of valuation has been divided into six major
categories, each category is discussed in detail.

1. Taxation
2. Finance
3. Industrialist
4. Statute
5. Personal planning
6. Social Responsibilities.
a) Income Tax
There is no Income Tax an Capital Gains Tax liability on
business enterprise consequent to revaluation of assets.

b) Wealth Tax
Now, wealth Tax is payable by all the assessee except Co-op.
Societies, social club, political parties, specified mutual fund and
non profit objective institution.

From Assessment year 1993-94 there is no Wealth Tax Liability

on unlimited value of Wealth in the form of shares in the
company as these assets are outside the purview of Wealth Tax.

For the very first time from assessment year 1993-94

agricultural land and farm houses are going to be taxed.
Similarly surplus land/unbuilt areas of factory would also be

To avoid excess payment of wealth tax and/or recovery it is

desirable to get valuation done of agricultural land and farm
houses as well as vacant land and surplus land with specific
regulations governing those properties.

c) Gift Tax
To avoid wrong computation of gifts made it is desirable to have
a valuers report. It would help to avoid payment of excess tax,
penalties and prosecution. This is very important whenever
movable/immovable properties are transferred to relatives and it
is likely to attract provision of deemed gift.

As part of tax planning. Whenever a will is made life interest are

created in it, it is desirable to take advantage of valuers report
more particularly so whenever assets are inherited.

d) Capital Gain
The New Section 48 of Finance Act 1992 has given a different set
of rules to work out Capital gain after ascertaining market value
as on 1st April 1981 which is referred as Indexed Cost of
Acquisition similarly indexed Cost of Improvement in property is
to be considered, thus capital gain shall be on a different
principal and as such a valuers report as on 1st April 1981 has
become absolutely essential for properties purchased or
inherited prior to 1981.

e) Partnership dissolution.
As such any dissolving partnership firm should go in for a
valuers report on the day of dissolution and valuation should be
done preferably by a registered valuer empanelled with Income
Tax Department.

f) Rent vis-à-vis depreciation

Depreciation is not available on the cost of land and as such as
a part of tax planning normally land is purchased by one assessee
and is given on rent to another assessee. There is always a difference
of opinion as to how much rent is to be paid and as such it is
desirable to have an expert valuers report on rent to be paid to
substantiate your claim.

g) Seizure of Jewellery
To avoid seizure of jewellery at the time of income tax raids, it is
desirable to have separate valuation for separate jewellery for
each family member. It is mandatory to have valuation done
form a government approved valuer, if market value of jewellery
exceeds Rupees five lacs.

h) Reassessment unjustified
Under the provision of “Reassessment in Income Tax Law”. A
residential house was purchased and along with the return of
income tax a valuers report was enclosed. After some time
during investigation in other case it was felt that reassessment is
necessary because probable agreement value was not the fair
market value, however, in the above referred case reassessment
was unjustified.

i) Transfer of Property
If you are buying or selling immovable property, exceeding Rs.
10 lacs together with plant, machinery, furniture, fixtures or
other things including rights therein like membership of Co-op
Society etc. etc. in any of the cities viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta,
Chennai, Banglore, Lucknow, Amhedabad. Then it is obligatory
to the transferor and transferee to obtain permission under
section 269 of Income Tax Department.

Under Chapter XXC i.e., Income Tax Acquisition, Supreme Court

has given a decision with special reference to “encumbrances
and leasors rights etc.” However, has given a directive that
Transferor and Transferee should be served a show cause notice
to give natural justice to avoid violation of article 14 of the

It is desirable to substantiate your claim, of correct price with
the help of valuers report who is an expert in doing necessary

a) Purchase, sale, take over, merger
Whenever you are purchasing or selling or going in for
amalgamation or taking over of a company you may need
financial assistance from the bank or otherwise also to avoid
addition of unexplained investment it is desirable to justify the
transaction by obtaining on exhaustive, detailed valuers report.

b) Term loan or Cash Credit facility

Books of account are reflecting invariably historic depreciated
value of machinery and plant, however, which are free from
encumbrances, similarly book value of landed properties also
appear to be historic because of inflationary trends which are
also free from mortgage can be better utilised to avail either term
loan and/or cash credit facilities to make company financially

c) Bank Guarantee
Industrialist, business man, contractor, individual are required
on many occasion to offer bank guarantee for different purpose
and as such it is desirable to revalue the assets and incorporate
them in the books of account to reflect high net worth of the
company person soliciting bank guarantee. Revalued assets can
be offered as co-lateral security to financial institution for
offering bank guarantee.

d) Window dressing
International accounting standard expects to reflect true value of
assets in the books of account as a fair business practise which
would help share holders of company, vendors of company,

bankers of company to know soundness of company and as
such revaluation of assets at a regular interval of three to five
years is strongly recommended.

e) Devaluation of rupee
Now that we are approaching free economy and rupee is partially
convertible till the time market are settled and our finance
position improves effect of devaluation of rupee cannot be
ignored more particularly so wherever imported machines were
procured prior to devaluation and are installed and where
technology has not become obsolute it is desirable to get these
machines revalued and bring it to the books of account.

f) New issues
An existing company when intending to go in for expansion and
is desirous to go in for public to raise capital, it would be in
fitness of the thing to revalue assets prior to launching new
issue, thereby increasing intrinsic value of shares. In fact this
would help in fixation of higher premium amount charged by
promoters attempting to bring public issue.

g) Advance against works contract

In some tenders floated by government departments, public
undertaking, advance is given to contractor as he is expected to
deploy some machinery for execution of said works. For claiming
such advance a valuer report is solicited. In fact machinery
deployed need not be new, advance is also given against
deployment of old machinery, however, quantum of advance may
be different for procurement of new machinery and deployment
of old machines.

h) Incentives
While shifting an industry to backward area or no industry zone
certain percentage of old machinery is allowed to be shifted

without loss of incentives, however, agency who are offering
these incentives have incorporated a condition that value of such
machines should not exceed permissible percentage of total
capital employed in the industry. In order to substantiate our
incentive claim, it is desirable to support it by valuers report.

i) Security deposit for Electric Company

Due to inflation, cost of input for generation of electricity and the
increase in government duty and cost of overhead, ultimately
increases electricity charges. All electric supply companies are
taking security deposit approximately equivalent to three months

Impact of this deposit is very much felt by heavy power

consumers like foundaries, heavy engineering industry,
continuous process industry etc., etc.

In one typical case an industry has succeeded in offering

mortgage of fixed assets by creating a second charge on it, as an
alternative to security deposit. In fact second charge was created
as assets were already mortgaged to the bank and liability of the
bank was less than actual market value of assets.

a) Foreign Collaboration
If one is making an attempt to have foreign collaboration. As part
of pre-planning/ preparation it is desirable that assets are
revalued and incorporated in the books of account to give better
impression of the company.

b) Custom Duty
If a second hand machine is imported the invoice value is
disputed by custom authority as they are interested in getting
proper revenue for Government. To claim the correctness of
invoice value it would be beneficial to have a valuer report.

c) Octroi
Local self governments are levying octroi on goods brought into
their area. Percentage of octroi to be levied is incorporated in the
rules, however, this levy is based on invoice value and this
invoice value is always disputed with a view to increase revenue
for local self government. Assessing Officers of octroi are not
technical persons and have hardly any expertise, however,
valuers empanelled with local self government reports should be
obtained in order to make correct payment of octroi.

d) Auction
In advance countries share holders are very vigilant and as such
limited companies going in for disposal of capital good and its
scrap or residual commodities are auctioned only after soliciting
valuer written opinion. With the advent of free economy in our
country it is high time that all the public limited companies also
fall in line with it.

e) Vacating Premises
Some time it is necessary to delay vacation of premises and
such occasion means squaring account of vendor and retrenchment
of employee and in all probability closure and winding of unit.
Valuers have come to rescue to delay the eviction.

f) Rent of machine
Whenever an imported machine is installed and is used as a
hired one, Compensation/rent to be paid is to be justified at any
given point of time and can have fluctuations also this is more
particularly so when effect of devaluation of rupee is noticed and
under these circumstances it is desirable, that a valuer is
working out the rent that is just and fair as a compensation for
hired machine.

g) S.S.I. registration
Small scale industries are granted necessary registration based
on capital employed in fixed assets. S.S.I. registered units have
certain advantages from various authorities and as such it is
very important to have S.S.I. registration to S.S.I. unit. Valuers
opinion is attached as a document to justify that capital
employed does not exceed permissible limit.

h) Where there is no bill

Sometime machine are fabricated/tailor made to suit to the
requirement of an industry. In fact only direct labour cost of
fabrication and material is incorporated. Cost of technical know
how and probable profit if it is purchased from outside with
various duties is not included in capital assets, it is desirable to
do valuation of such machine to incorporate them in the books
of account.

i) Adequate and timely insurance

General Insurance business Nationalisation Act 1972 was
incorporated making all insurance company as government
undertaking with effect from 13th May 1971.Prior to
nationalisation underwriting of insurance was done only after
assessing insurable interest, commonly referred as sum insured
i.e., insures liability, however, after nationalisation sum insured
responsibility is vested with the insurer.

Insured comes to know of this said fact only when claim is made
and it is determined as sub standard, either for over valued or
under valued and as such it is absolutely must that exhaustive
detailed report is forwarded along with proposal form to
insurance company to protect desired insurance interest of the
insured. Advanced countries are following the system stated

a) Stamp duty
Under TamilNadu Stamp Duty Act document becomes valid only
if necessary stamp is affixed to document prior to its signature
and as per Transfer of Property Act, document so executed it to
be registered with sub-registrar.

Government of TamilNadu and other state governments has

given directive and has fixed price of land by adopting Book of
Rates as to how much should be the value for stamp purpose
which invariably is the highest amount and not real transaction
value and as such to substantiate one’s claim one is expected to
submit valuers report to avoid excess payment of stamp duty.

b) Land Acquisition Act 1984

Government acquire land for public utility and pay
compensation as per Land Acquisition Act 1984.

Even after incorporation of necessary amendments

compensation paid to an unwilling seller is very very low and
invariably litigation takes places.

Provisions of said Act are so absurd that it does not discriminate

large scale acquisition of land and a small property acquired.

Now valuation, is a complex field and has an impact of economy,

legal and technical, etc. etc. and as such role of a valuer has
become inevitable.

c) Official Liquidator
Official Liquidator solicits values report with a view to
understand that if company is in liquidation willingly or unwillingly,
if thrown open to market for auction what price it would fetch.

a) Charity Commissioner and Registrar of Co-op. Societies
Whenever a charity trust or Co-op Society is buying or selling
any capital goods, equipment, factory and/or property one is
required to solicit permission in advance and for that purpose
valuation report is also solicited.

b) Personal Planning through will

If property is to be transfered to a particular person, interest of
life is created through will to avoid legal problems at a later date
which is invariably supported with valuers report.

c) Visas
To establish the fact that you have sufficient stake in the
country, it is desirable to substantiate your claim by providing
an evidence of fair market value of you assets instead of book

d) Perks
Senior manager or directors of the company are provided with
furnished flat including various gadgets with a view to give him
an indirect benefit, however, these items cannot be given as it is
to the retiring person and as such a proper valuation reports is
obtained for debiting net value of these facilities from the
amount payable to the retiring person.

e) Housing Loan
While procuring loans for housing, valuation report is
f) Family partition
Property of joint family when subject to partition valuers opinion
is obtain to facilitate smoother division. His views are of
importance if multi storeyed building is to be offered at a
realistic value to members of family.

g) Divorce Settlement
In typical case of divorce if a property is good and sufficient it is
invariably valued before divorce settlement is made.

a) It is time now, when a member of parliament may take
services of expert valuers team to know actual investment
incurred on Road Works. Tube wells/ Irrigation / Housing /
Public Sector undertaking etc. etc. within a very short period
and raise question in parliament budget session to the
concerning minister and play important role in future
development of the country.


Market Value: It is defined as the sum the property will fetch if
it is sold in the open market.

Guideline Value : It is the value of the land which is recorded in

the Register of Registrar’s Office and used for the purpose of
determining the Stamp Duty at the time of Registration of the

Book Value: It shows the original investment of a Company on

its assets, including properties and machinery less depreciation
for the period passed.

Salvage Value: Value of Machinery realised on sales when its

useful span of life is over but still it has not become useless.

Scrap Value: It is also called as Junk Value or Breakup Value of

Demolition Value. It will represent the value of old materials in a
building less cost of demolition.

Disposal Value: It is defined as the Value that can be realised if

the assets were to be removed from the foundation and sold as
separate stand alone items.

Insurance Value: It is the value of the Building for which the
building is insured. Normally the Building is insured for the
superstructure alone (not for the foundation).

Earning Value: It is the present value of a property which will

start yielding an income in future.

Potential Value: It is an inherent value which may go on

increasing due to passage of time or some other factor which will
fetch more return.

Distress Value: If a property is sold at a lower price than that

which can be obtained for it in an open Market, it is said to have
“Distress Value”. It may be due to:-

* Financial crisis for the Vendor

* Panic due to War, Riots Earthquake, Floods, etc.,
* Land Locked Land
* Sentimental reasons
* Nuisance.
Speculative Value: When the property is purchased so as to sell
the same at a profit after some duration, the price paid is known
as Speculative Value.

Monopoly Value: In a developed Colony, the value of the plot

goes on increasing when number of the available plots goes on
decreasing. The fancy price demanded by the Vendor for the
remaining plots is known as Monopoly Value.

Sentimental Value: The extra price which is demanded by a

Vendor when he attaches certain sentiments to his property is
known as Sentimental Value having no relation with the Market

Fancy Value: It is also called as Desired Value. If the Purchaser

wants to have a property somehow since the procurement is an
absolute necessity for him due to various reasons, he is prepared

to pay more sum when compared with others. He attaches a
special desire over the said property. The extra sum he is
prepared to pay is called Fancy Value.

Accommodation Value: Small strips or lands cannot be

developed independently due to their restricted lengths, depths
etc and number of purchasers for this property is less. These
strips could be sold only to the adjacent land owners who may
be offering only a low value. This is called Accommodation Value.

Replacement Value: Replacement Value is the cost of

reproduction of a similar Building with similar specifications at
the current Market Price on the date of Valuation. It is also
called as Reproduction Value or Reinstatement Value.

Depreciation Value: It is the reduction of Value of the Property

due to age, deterioration, lack of maintenance, obsolescence,
decay, wear and tear etc., Depreciation Value depends upon the
age and its future life.

Present Value: It is replacement value less depreciation value.

The other Values are Liquidation Value, Intrinsic Value,

Investment Value, Cost Value, Warranted Value, True Value,
Written Down Value, Going Concern Value, Commercial Value,
Rental Value, Exchange Value, Appraisal Value, Face Value,
Utility Value, Use Value, Loss Value, Tax Value, Economic Value,
Sale Value, Condemnation Value, Cash Value, Future Value,
Capital Value, Mortgage loan Value, Forced Sale value, etc., etc.

* Supply and Demand
* Cost of reproduction
* Occupational value
* Town Planning Act
* Rent Control Act
* Urban Land Ceiling Act
* Any abnormal conditions like War, Riots, etc.


1. B. Kanagasabapathy, - Practical Valuation Volume I, II, III.

2. Shrikanth Vasanth Joglekar, Mumbai Publications 1993-94,
Valuation – Revaluation a New Vista Its Impact on Finance
Everyone’s Concern.
3. C.H. Gopinath Rao, Valuation Practice of Immovable
4. B. Kanagasabapathy, Fair Rent Manual
5. B. N. Dutta, Estimating and costing.
6. Journals of Institution of valuers – New Delhi

Sinking Fund: The fund which is gradually accumulated by way of
periodic on annual deposit for the replacement of the building or
structure at the end of its useful life, is termed as sinking fund. The
object of creating sinking fund is to accumulate sufficient money to
meet the cost of construction or replacement of the building or
structure after its utility period. The sinking fund is created by regular
annual or periodic deposits in compound interest bearing investment,
which will form the amount of replacement at the end of the utility
period of the property. The sinking fund may be created by taking a
sinking fund policy with an insurance company or by depositing in
bank to collect highest compound interest. The calculation of sinking
fund depends on the life of the building and scrap value of the
building for the cost of old materials. The cost of land is not taken into
account in calculating Sinking fund as land remains intact.

The sinking fund may also be required for payment of loan. If a

property is owned or constructed by taking loan a sinking fund
may be created by setting aside a sum of money annually to
accumulate with compound interest in order to repay the debt at
the end of the term of loan. The amount thus set aside is also
known as Annuity payment. The amount which will be set aside
may also be paid directly to lender by way of annual instalment.
The amount of annual instalment of the Sinking fund may be
found out by the formula.

I= ,
(1  i) n 1,
where S = total amount of Sinking fund to be accumulated, n-
number of
years required to accumulate the Sinking fund, i = rate of interest
in decimal
(e.g., 5% = 0.05); and I = annual instalment required.

2.1.0 Example 1: A pumping set with a mortar has been
installed in a building at a cost of Rs. 2,500.00. Assuming the life
of the pump as 15 years, work out the amount of annual
instalment of Sinking fund required to be deposited to accumulate
the whole amount of 4% compound interest.

Si 2500 x 0.04
The annual Sinking fund, I = =
(1  i) n 1, (1  0.04)15 1,
= 2500 x 0.05 = Rs.

The owner is to deposit Rs. 125/- annually in 4% compound

interest carrying investment for 15 years to accumulate Rs.

2.1.1. Example 2: An old building has been purchased by a

person at a cost of Rs.30,000/- excluding the cost of the land.
Calculate the amount of annual Sinking fund at 4% interest
assuming the future life of the building as 20 years and the scrap
value of the building as 10% of the cost of purchase.

The total amount of Sinking Fund to be accumulated at the end of

20 years.

S = 30000 x = Rs. 27,000.00

Si 27000 x 0.04
Annual Instalment of Sinking fund. I = = =
(1  i) 1,
(1  0.04) 20 1,
27000 x 0.336 = Rs. 907.20

Annual Instalment for Sinking fund required for 20 years = Rs.


2.2. Depreciation: Depreciation is the gradual exhaustion of the

usefulness of a property. This may be defined as the decrease or
loss in the value of a property due to structural deterioration use,

life wear and tear, decay and obsolescence. The value of a
building or structure will be gradually reduced due to its use, life,
wear and tear, etc., and a certain percentage of the total cost may
be allowed as depreciation to determine its present value. Usually
a percentage on depreciation per annum is allowed. The general
annual decrease in the value of a property is known as Annual
depreciation. Usually, the percentage rate of depreciation is less
at the beginning and gradually increase during later years.

The amount of depreciation being known, the present value of a

property can be calculated after deducting the total amount of
depreciation from the original cost.

2.2. a. The factors that cause depreciation are:

* Wear and tear
* Fall in market value
* Accidents like fall of a tree
* Obsolescence
* Decay
* Changes in demands
* Changes in Arts and fashion
* Calamity like flood, lightning etc.
* Actions of elements of Nature like heat, cold, wind etc.,
* Structural deterioration.
2.2.b. Method of calculating depreciation:

The various methods of calculating depreciation are as follows:

(1) Straight line Method

(2) Constant percentage method
(3) Sinking fund method and
(4) Quantity survey method.
In all these methods, it is necessary to decide the economic or
effective life of the property.

2.3. Straight line method: In this method it is assumed that the

property loses its value by the same amount every year. A fixed
amount of the original cost is deducted every year, so that at the
end of the utility period only the scrap value is left.

The present value minus salvage value is distributed uniformly for
its service life. It is assumed the property looses its value by the
same amount every year.

Cost ScrapValue C  S
Annual depreciation D = =
Lifein year n

Where, C – Original cost or Replacement Value

S – Scrap value or Salvage value

n - life of the property in years

D – annual depreciation.

Cost of New Building = Rs. 4,00,000
Salvage Value 10% at the end of life = Rs. 40, 000
Life assumed = 60 years
4,00,000  4,000
Annual Depreciation = Rs. 6,000
Depreciation value after 10 years = Rs. 60,000
Depreciation value after 60 years = Rs. 3,60,000
Depd. Value after 10 years = 400000 – 60000 = Rs.
Depd. Value after 60 years = 400000 – 360000
(which is the salvage value assumed) = Rs. 40,000

Linear Method: (or Constant Percentage Method or Written Down

Value Method or Declining Balance Method):

In this method, the depreciation % age remains constant through

the life of the building. But the capital sum or base goes on
reducing every year by an amount equal to the depreciation of
previous year. Thus the quantum of depreciation in this method
will go on reducing every year and in this respect, it is contrast
with the straight line method wherein the quantum of the

depreciation remains constant. The depreciated value is
calculated by using the formula:

Example: P=A(1- )n

Where P = Depreciated value of the Building

A = Replacement value of the Building
r = rate of depreciation per year
n = Age of the Building in Years
Example to calculate the depreciated value:
Replacement Value of the Building = Rs. 20,00,000
Age of the Building (n) = 15 years
Depreciation assumed = 2%
2 15
Depreciated value = 20,00,000 ( 1 - )
= 20,00,000 (0.98)15
= 20,00,000 (0.73857)
= Rs. 14,77,140
Depreciation factor = 1 – 0.73857 = 0.26143 (vide the table also)
Depreciation value (20,00,000 – 14,77,140) =0.26143 x 2
= Rs. 5,22,860
Depreciation Percentage = 26.143%


1. Buildings built in lime mortar and in 1.01% per
which teak wood has been used year
2. Buildings built partly in brick in lime 1.5 % per
mortar, and partly in mud mortar and in year
which teak wood has been used
3. Buildings built in brick in mud and in 2.0 % per
which country wood has been used year
4. Buildings like police lines which are 4.0 % per
inferior to class 3 above with brick in mud year
unplastered walls, mud floors and in
which country wood has been used

The depreciation factor for different percentages for various

years are given in the following table as a ready reckoner.


 r n
The value of Depreciation: 1  (1  ) is given in the following
 100 
1% 1½% 2% 4%
1 0.01000 0.01500 0.20000 0.04000
2 0.01990 0.02978 0.03960 0.07840
3 0.02970 0.04433 0.05880 0.11526
4 0.03940 0.05866 0.07763 0.15065
5 0.04901 0.07278 0.09608 0.18463
6 0.05852 0.08669 0.11416 0.21724
7 0.06793 0.10039 0.13187 0.24855
8 0.07726 0.11389 0.14924 0.27861
9 0.08648 0.12718 0.16625 0.30747
10 0.09562 0.14027 0.18293 0.33517
11 0.10466 0.15311 0.19927 0.36177
12 0.11362 0.16587 0.21528 0.38729
13 0.12248 0.17838 0.23098 0.41180
14 0.13125 0.19070 0.24636 0.43533
15 0.13994 0.20284 0.26143 0.45791
16 0.14854 0.21480 0.27620 0.47960
17 0.15706 0.22658 0.29068 0.50041
18 0.16549 0.23818 0.30486 0.52040
19 0.17383 0.24961 0.31877 0.53958
20 0.18209 0.26087 0.33239 0.55800
21 0.19027 0.27195 0.34574 0.57568
22 0.19837 0.28287 0.35883 0.59265
23 0.20639 0.29363 0.37165 0.60894
24 0.21432 0.30422 0.38422 0.62459
25 0.22218 0.31466 0.39654 0.63960
26 0.22996 0.32494 0.40860 0.65402

1% 1½% 2% 4%
27 0.23766 0.33507 0.42043 0.66786
28 0.24528 0.34504 0.43202 0.68114
29 0.25283 0.35486 0.44338 0.69390
30 0.26030 0.36454 0.45452 0.70614
31 0.26770 0.37407 0.46543 0.71790
32 0.27502 0.38346 0.47612 0.72918
33 0.28227 0.39271 0.48659 0.74001
34 0.28945 0.40182 0.49686 0.75041
35 0.29655 0.41079 0.50693 0.76040
36 0.30359 0.41963 0.51679 0.76998
37 0.31055 0.42834 0.52645 0.77918
38 0.31745 0.43691 0.53592 0.78801
39 0.32427 0.44536 0.54520 0.79649
40 0.33103 0.45368 0.55430 0.80463
41 0.33772 0.46187 0.56321 0.81244
42 0.34434 0.46994 0.57195 0.81995
43 0.35090 0.47789 0.58051 0.82715
44 0.35739 0.48573 0.58890 0.83407
45 0.36381 0.49344 0.59712 0.84070
46 0.37012 0.50104 0.60518 0.84708
47 0.37647 0.50852 0.61308 0.85319
48 0.38271 0.51590 0.62081 0.85906
49 0.38888 0.52316 0.62840 0.86470
50 0.39500 0.53031 0.63583 0.87011
51 0.40104 0.53736 0.64311 0.87531
52 0.40703 0.54429 0.65025 0.88030
53 0.41296 0.55113 0.65725 0.88509
54 0.41883 0.55786 0.66410 0.88968
55 0.42465 0.56450 0.67082 0.89409
56 0.43040 0.57103 0.67740 0.89833

1% 1½% 2% 4%
57 0.43609 0.57746 0.68386 0.90240
58 0.44173 0.58380 0.69018 0.90630
59 0.44732 0.59004 0.69637 0.91005
60 0.45284 0.59619 0.70245 0.91365
61 0.45831 0.60225 0.70840 0.91710
62 0.46373 0.61082 0.71423 0.92042
63 0.46909 0.61409 0.71995 0.92360
64 0.47440 0.61988 0.72555 0.92666
65 0.47966 0.62558 0.73104 0.92959
66 0.48486 0.63120 0.73641 0.93241
67 0.49001 0.63673 0.74169 0.93511
68 0.49511 0.64218 0.74685 0.63771
69 0.50016 0.64755 0.75192 0.94020
70 0.50516 0.65283 0.75688 0.94259
71 0.51011 0.65804 0.76174 0.94489
72 0.51501 0.66317 0.76651 0.94709
73 0.51986 0.66822 0.77117 0.94921
74 0.52466 0.67320 0.77575 0.95124
75 0.52941 0.67810 0.78024 0.95319
76 0.53412 0.68293 0.78463 0.95506
77 0.53878 0.68769 0.78894 0.95686
78 0.54339 0.69237 0.79316 0.95859
79 0.54796 0.69699 0.79730 0.96024
80 0.55248 0.70153 0.80135 0.96183
81 0.55695 0.70601 0.80532 0.96336
82 0.56138 0.71042 0.80922 0.96482
83 0.56577 0.71476 0.81303 0.96623
84 0.57011 0.71904 0.81678 0.96758
85 0.57441 0.72326 0.82044 0.96888
86 0.57867 0.72741 0.82403 0.97012

1% 1½% 2% 4%
87 0.58288 0.73150 0.82755 0.97132
88 0.58705 0.73552 0.83100 0.97247
89 0.59118 0.73949 0.83438 0.97357
90 0.59527 0.74340 0.83769 0.97462
91 0.59932 0.74725 0.84094 0.97564
92 0.60332 0.75104 0.84412 0.97661
93 0.60729 0.75477 0.84723 0.97755
94 0.61122 0.75845 0.85029 0.97845
95 0.61510 0.76207 0.85328 0.97931
96 0.61895 0.76564 0.85622 0.98014
97 0.62276 0.76916 0.85909 0.98093
98 0.62654 0.77262 0.86191 0.98169
99 0.63027 0.77603 0.86467 0.98243
100 0.63396 0.77939 0.86738 0.98313

(3) Sinking fund method: In this method the depreciation of property

is assumed to be equal to the annual sinking fund plus the interest on
the fund for that year, which is supposed to be invested on interest
bearing investment. If A is the annual sinking fund and b, c, d, etc.,
represent interest on the Sinking fund for subsequent years, and C =
total original cost, then –

At the end of Depreciation Total Book value

for the year depreciation
1st year A A C–A
2nd year A+b 2A + b C – (2A + b)
3rd year A+c 3A + b + c C – (3A + b + c)
4th year A+d 4A + b + c + d C – (4A + b + c + d)
So on …………
(4) Quantity survey method: In this method the property is studied
in detail and loss in value due to life, wear and tear, decay,
obsolescence, etc., worked out. Each and every step is based on some

logical ground without any fixed percentage of the cost of the property.
Only experienced valuer can work out the amount of depreciation and
present value of a property by this method.

Obsolescence: The value of property or structures become less by its

becoming out of date in style, in structure in design, etc., and this is
termed as Obsolescence. An old dated building with massive walls,
arrangements of rooms not suited in present days and for similar
reasons, becomes obsolete even if it is maintained in a very good
condition, and its values becomes less due to obsolescence. The
obsolescence may be due to the reasons such as progress in arts,
changes in fashions, changes in planning ideas, new inventions,
improvements in design technique, etc., A machine of old design may
become obsolete, though it may be in good running condition and its
value will be less. Thus, though the property is physically sound, it
may become functionally inadequate and its economical return
becomes less.

Annuity: Annuity is the annual periodic payments for repayments of

the capital amount invested by a party. These annual payments are
either paid at the end of the year or at the beginning of the year,
usually for a specified number of years.

If the amount of annuity is paid for a definite number of periods or

years, it is known as Annuity certain. In such cases the amount of
annuity will be higher, the lesser the number of the years the higher
will be the amount and vice versa to clear up to the whole amount of

If the amount of annuity is paid at the beginning of each period of year

and payments continued for definite number of periods, it is known as
Annuity due.

If the payment of annuity begins at some future date after a number

of years, this is known as Deffered Annuity.

If the payments of annuity continue for indefinite period, it is known
as Perpetual Annuity.

Though annuity means annual payment, the amount of annuity may

be paid by twelve monthly instalments or quarterly or half-yearly



Prescribed By Chief Engineer, PWD, Tamilnadu


(Amount in rupees per square metre of plinth area.)
Residential Non-Residential Hospital
Framed Load Framed Load Framed Load
bearing bearing bearing
1977-78 - - 380 360 - - - - - - 450 430
1978-79 - - 430 400 - - 400 370 - - 500 470
1979-80 - - 575 500 700 630 525 450 780 700 600 525
1980-81 - - 690 600 805 725 630 540 935 845 690 600
1981-82 975 885 775 675 925 835 725 625 1075 980 795 690
1982-83 118 1070 940 820 1090 985 875 755 1280 1165 960 830
1983-84 136 1230 1035 900 1200 1085 960 830 1410 1260 1055 915
1984-85 143 1290 1085 945 1260 1140 1010 870 1480 1345 1110 960
1985-86 163 1470 1225 1070 1435 1300 1130 975 1700 1545 1265 1095
1986-87 166 1500 1285 1125 1480 1340 1185 1025 1770 1605 1340 1160
1987-88 169 1530 1310 1150 1510 1365 1210 1045 1830 1660 1380 1195
1988-89 176 1590 1390 1220 1570 1420 1270 1095 1905 1725 1465 1265
1989-90 201 1815 1585 1390 1820 1650 1475 1270 2210 2000 1685 1455
1990-91 221 1995 1745 1530 2000 1815 1625 1395 2430 2200 1855 1600
1991-92 247 2255 1955 1715 2240 2035 1820 1565 2795 2530 2135 1840
1992-93 272 2460 2150 1890 2470 2240 2000 1720 3080 2780 2350 2030
1993-94 292 2645 2365 2080 2690 2440 2220 1910 3355 3030 2560 2215
1994-95 322 2910 2600 2290 2690 2685 2440 2100 3960 3335 2815 2435

Residential Non-Residential Hospital
Framed Load Framed Load Framed Load
bearing bearing bearing
1995-96 370 3345 3095 2725 3405 3090 2805 2415 4060 3670 3095 2680
1996-97 407 3680 3405 3000 3745 3420 3085 2655 4465 4035 3405 2950
1997-98 449 4050 3750 3300 4120 3740 3400 2920 4910 4440 3750 3250
1998-99 485 4370 4050 3560 4450 4040 3670 3150 5300 4800 4050 3510

2. RATES FOR CHENNAI CITY- Amount in rupees per square

metre of plinth area.

Year Residential Non-Residential Hospital

Load Load Load
Framed Framed Framed
bearing bearing bearing

1977-78 - - 420 400 - - - - - - 500 480

1978-79 - - 480 450 - - 450 420 - - 560 530

1979-80 - - 650 575 770 700 600 525 850 780 675 600

1980-81 - - 715 630 850 770 690 600 1020 935 745 660

1981-82 1010 925 820 725 980 890 790 690 1175 1080 850 750

1982-83 1212 1110 945 835 1135 1030 900 785 1315 1210 980 865

1983-84 1390 1275 1135 1000 1360 1240 1080 940 1580 1450 1175 1040

1984-85 1460 1340 1190 1050 1430 1300 1135 985 1660 1525 1235 1095

1985-86 1695 1555 1345 1185 1645 1495 1270 1105 1925 1770 1410 1250

1986-87 1730 1585 1415 1245 1695 1540 1335 1160 2000 1840 1495 1325

1987-88 1765 1615 1465 1290 1730 1570 1380 1200 2070 1905 1545 1370

1988-89 1825 1670 1525 1340 1775 1610 1435 1250 2110 1945 1605 1425

1989-90 2080 1905 1740 1530 2060 1870 1650 1440 2450 2255 1830 1625

1990-91 2495 2285 2000 1760 2470 2245 1990 1655 2940 2705 2105 1870

1991-92 2870 2630 2300 2025 2840 2580 2185 1905 3380 3110 2420 2150

1992-93 3160 2900 2530 2230 3130 2840 2410 2100 3720 3420 2660 2370

1993-94 3285 3015 2655 2340 3320 2910 2555 2225 4000 3675 2795 2490

1994-95 3615 3315 2920 2575 3650 3310 2810 2450 4400 4045 3075 2740

1995-96 4155 3810 3385 2985 4200 3805 3320 2820 5060 4650 3535 3150

1996-97 4570 4190 3725 3285 4620 4185 3555 3100 5565 5115 3890 3465

1997-98 5030 4610 4170 3680 5080 4600 4040 3520 6120 5630 4360 3880

1998-99 5640 5170 4590 4050 5590 5060 4450 3870 6730 6200 4800 4270


Prescribed by the P.W.D. for their Plinth Area rates

Residential Non – Residential Hospital

The rates are inclusive of The rates are inclusive of The above rates are
provision for internal water provision for internal water inclusive of provision for
supply at 7.5%, sanitary supply at 7.5%, sanitary internal water supply at
arrangements at 7.5% and arrangements at 7.5% and 7.5%, sanitary arrangements
internal electrifications at internal electrifications at 10%. at 7.5% and internal
10%. The rates are inclusive of electrifications at 15%. The
mosaic in situ works and rates are also inclusive of
dadooing with glazed tiles in provision for mosaic flooring,
toilets. Mosaic dadooing in wards
and dadooing walls with
glazed tiles in operation
theatres and in toilets.


External Water supply– 7.5% External Water supply – 7.5% External Water supply –

External Sanitary – 7.5% External Sanitary – 7.5% External Sanitary – 7.5%

External Electrification – External Electrification– 7.5% External Electrification –

7.5% 7.5%



1. B. Kanagasabapathy, - Practical Valuation Volume I, II, III.

2. C.H. Gopinath Rao, Valuation Practice of Immovable
3. B. Kanagasabapathy, Fair Rent Manual
4. B. N. Dutta, Estimating and costing.
5. Journals of Institution of valuers – New Delhi
6. TNPWD - Plinth Area Rates

In the Land Valuation generally Lands are broadly classified into

(1) open lands (2) Land with Structures.

Further the open land classified as

(1) Urban Land, (2) Agricultural (or) form land
The urban land again classified into three categories:

Urban land

Residential Commercial Industrial

The market value of the land should be arrived by multiplication

of Total Extent of Land or Plot and the unit Rate of the land.

Land Value = Total Extent x Unit Rate of Land

The extent is calculated based upon the Documents (or) actuals.
The following documents is to be utilized to found the extent

(1) Peruse of title Deeds & Settlements / will deeds

(2) Encumbrance Certificates
(3) Site plan which is given by the local administration Authority
(4) Survey Book
(5) Previously approved plans etc….
(6) Legal opinions
Even though over the above documents a valuer may be the case,
physical measurements to be executed in the site while doing

There are two types of the unit rates system’s applied in the
assessing of Land Valuation

(1) Guideline Rate

(2) Prevailing market rate
Guideline Rate:
Guideline Rate is the unit rate fixed by the local Registration Dept
authorities for the purpose of deciding the stamp Duty for any
sale transaction between the Buyer and Seller. This rate is fixed
based on the recent transactions and sale instants.

Prevailing Market Rate:

This is the rate to be adopted while assessing the present market
value. This rate is to be arrived from comparable/ recent sale
instances, transacted in the surrounding or near by areas.


The unit rate application in the valuation of land will not be same
for all types of plots. It varies with the shape, size, Nature etc.,


1) Regular shaped plots:
Usually Rectangular or square in shape, and the rates can be
adopted 100% of the unit rate to the entire area of plot or land.

2) Land locked land:

This type of land, do not have any access or approach road is
called Land located Land. This property will not be used any
outsiders, any adjoining owners only purchased. Hence 70 to 75%
of unit rate will be adopted.

3) Recess Land:
Recess Land is a part or portion of the land which has zero
frontage on the road. It lies between the boundary of the plot and

makes obtuse angle with the line of the Road. The portion BCD is
called the Recess land.

60’ 15’


4) Strips of Land:
There are lands where the depth is much more than the width.
Such types of lands are valued by Belting Method. While
assessing the value of Land, the depth plays vital role. Front land
has more value and value goes on decreasing as the depth
increases. In this method the front land will be adopted 100%
unit rate, The central land will be adopted 65% and the Rear land
or end portion will be adopted 50%. This is the principle of Belting
Method of Valuation of Land.

The following the methods of valuation being adopted in General
practice by a practicing valuer are:

* Land and Building Method

* Rent Capitalization Method
* Development Method
* Profit Method
* Direct Comparison Method

Land Building Method:

By this method, the value of the land and the value of Building
are assessed separately and added to get the present value of the

property. Depreciation is calculated either by straight line method
or applying Linear method.

Rental or Capitilisation Method:

Rental method of valuation consists in capitilising the Net Annual
Rental Income (NARI) at an appropriate rate of interest or rate of

Net annual rent income equals to Gross Annual Rental Income

(GARI) minus outgoings like Property Tax, repairs, maintenance,
Service Charges, Insurance Premium, Rent Collection and
Management Charges etc.

Development Method (or Residual Method):

This method is used to evaluate such property where there is a
development potential, so that the value of the property after
development will be increased more than the expenditure
incurred. For example, a large portion of land can be divided into
small plots and developed fully so as to provide plots of land for a
residential Colony or a large complex of multi-storied buildings,
housing ownership flats in a Co-operative Housing Society.

Profit Method:
This method is applicable to Hotels, Cinema Theatres, Marriage
Halls and Public Places. This method as the name suggests deals
in working the profit from a property and subsequently
capitalizing the same at appropriate rate of return depending
upon a number of factors.

i) The net profit to be adopted should be an average of last three

years of profit.

ii) Part of the profits is due to goodwill which should be properly

reflected in the rate of return.
1. Measure the Plinth Area. Observe the specification and other
factors which affect the value.

2. Adopt suitable Replacement Rate of construction (for the
Building portion alone) depending upon the existing
conditions and specifications.
3. Multiply the plinth area by the unit rate to get the
replacement value of the building.
4. Ascertain the age of the Building.
5. Estimate suitable total life of the Building.
6. Assume suitable % age for salvage value. Calculate
Depreciation by Straight line method. Depn % = (Age / Total
life) x (100 - % Salvage value). If the age is not known or if the
building has crossed its service life, estimate future life and
calculate the depreciation by using the formula.

Total life  Future life

D= x (100 - % age salvage value)
Total life

7. Depreciation % age multiplied by the Replacement value will

be the Depreciation Value.
8. Present Value = Replacement Value – Depn. Value
This is the value of Building.
9. Add suitable depreciated value for other works like Amenities,
extra works, miscellaneous works etc.
10. Add suitable value separately for services depending upon the
actual’s specifications.
In this method of valuation building portions being valued
separately after allowing depreciation and the land is valued
separately and their added to get the present value of the

Present Value of the Property = Value of the building + Value of the

land +
Value of the amenities & services.
* Ascertain from the applicant the exact purpose of valuation.
* From the document available, note down the measurement of
the plot and other details.
* Verify the measurements and the extent at site.

* Assess suitable unit rate based upon the prevailing market
rate or from the recent comparable sale instances of a similar
vacant plot with almost similar characteristics.
* Arrive the value of Building by adopting the procedure.
* Addition of value of Land and Building will be the present
value of the property.
* If the aim of valuation is to assess the market Value
1. apply the reduction factor to the value of land.
2. Add suitable percentage towards any potential value
3. Deduct any percentage towards negative factors.
* Analyse any other points depending upon the individual
merits of the case.
* Give valuation report in the appropriate format.

Example : 1
An R.C.C Roofed Residential Building of G.F 1600 Sqft & F.F 1000
Sqft is existing in a plot of 1.5 Grounds. Age of G.F is 10 years
and that of F.F is 5 years. Find the market value of the property.

Valuation is done to assess the market value by adopting land

and building method.


Extent of the plot : 3600 Sqft

Prevailing Market Value : Rs. 50.00 / Sqft

Adopted Unit rate in this : Rs. 42.50 / Sqft

valuation 85% of Rs. 50/-

Assessed Value of the plot : Rs. 1,53,000/-

Plinth area of Ground floor  1600 Sqft

Replacement Rate of construction  Rs. 500.00 / Sqft

Replacement value  Rs. 8,00,000/-

Age of the Building  10 years

Total lift assumed  80 years

Depreciation percentage assuming  10

the salvage value as 10% x 90 = 11%
Depreciation value  Rs. 88,000.00

Depreciated value of Ground Floor  Rs. 7,12,000.00


Plinth area of Ground floor  1000 Sqft

Replacement Rate of construction  Rs. 400.00 / Sqft

Replacement value  Rs. 4,00,000/-

Depreciation % age (GF Deprn)  11%

Depreciation value 11/100 x  Rs. 44,000.00

Depreciated value of First Floor  Rs. 3,56,000.00
(C) TOTAL VALUE OF GF & FF (7,12,000 + 3,56,000) = 10,68,000.00

III Others (Depreciated Value)

Amenities existing in the building  Rs. 30,000.00

Water Supply arrangements  Rs. 20,000.00

Septic tank & Dispersion Trench  Rs. 6,000.00

Compound wall 224 RFT @ Rs.  Rs. 22,400.00


E.B. Deposit & Miscellaneous  Rs. 5,000.00

Total  Rs. 83,400.00

 Rs.
I Land
 Rs.
II Building
: Rs.
III Others
 Rs.
IV Total Value

Example : 2

A R.C.C Roofed Residential Building 1800 SFT it is constructed

in year 1965 and the First Floor Constructed in year 1975. The total
land area 4000 SFT (40 x100). The building built-up with load bearing
structure with aesthetic look and having all services like bore, motor,
OHT, Septic tank etc.

Part – I - Land
Size of the plot  40 x 100
Total Extent of the plot  4000 Sqft
Prevailing Market Value  Rs. 120.00
Adopted rate of  Rs. 100.00
valuation Sqft
Assessed Value of the  Rs.
plot 4,00,000/-

Part – II Building
SI. Floor Reported year Roof Plinth area
No. of Sq.ft
1. Ground Floor 1965 R.C.C 1800 SFT

2. First Floor 1975 R.C.C 1000 SFT


1. Type of construction  Load Bearing Structure

2. Quality of construction  I class

3. Appearance of the building : Excellent and aesthetic

4. No. of floors  GF & FF

5. Maintenance of the building  Excellent

6. Water supply arrangements  Deep bore, motor and OHT

7. Drainage arrangements  Septic Tank

1. Specifications:
Foundation  Stepped footing

Superstructure  Brick Work in C.M 1:5

Roof  R.C.C. 1:2:4

Joinery  Teak wood

Floor finish  Colour Mosaic

2. Total Plinth area  1800 SFT

3. Year of construction  1965

4. Age of building  39 yrs

5. Total life of the building  70 yrs

6. Depreciation percentage  70 – 31/70 (100 – 10) = 50.14%
(assumed salvage value 10%)
7. Replacement rate of construction  Rs 500.00/SFT
with the existing conditions &
8. Replacement value  Rs. 9,00,000.00

9. Depreciation value at the rate of  Rs. 4,51,260.00

10. Estimated present value of  Rs. 4,48,740.00
ground floor construction

1. Specifications:
Superstructure  Brick Work in C.M 1:5
Roof  R.C.C. 1:2:4
Joinery  Teak wood with mica
Floor finish  Colour Mosaic
2. Total Plinth area  1000 SFT
3. Year of construction  1975
4. Age of building  39 yrs
5. Total life of the building  70 yrs
6. Depreciation percentage  50.14 %
7. Replacement rate of construction  Rs. 400.00/SFT
with the existing conditions &
8. Replacement value  Rs. 4,00,000.00
9. Depreciation value at the rate of  Rs. 2,00,560.00
10. Estimated present value of First  Rs. 1,99,440.00
floor construction


SL. Replacement
Description Depreciation Net value
No. value

1. Ground Floor 9,00,000.00 4,51,260.00 4,48,740.00

2. First Floor 4,00,000.00 2,00,560.00 1,99,440.00

Total 13,00,000.00 6,51,820.00 6,48,180.00


1. Portico 200 Sqft @ 150 Sqft  Rs. 30,000.00

2. Ornamental front door  Rs. 5,000.00

3. Sitout/ Verandah with steel grills  Rs. 5,000.00

4. Over head water tank  Rs. 5,000.00

5. Extra Steel /Collapsible gates  Rs. 3,000.00

6. Side dadoos 200 Sft @ 30/Sqft  6,000.00

 54,000.00
Less depreciation 50.14%  27,076.00
Net Value  26,924.00

Part IV – Amenities
1. Wardrobes 250 Sqft x 125 / Sqft  Rs. 31,250.00

2. Glazed tiles 375 Sqft x 25/Sqft  Rs. 9,375.00

3. Extra sinks and bath tub  Rs. 6,000.00

4. Marble / ceramic tiles flooring  Rs. 3,600.00

5. Interior decoration  Rs. 10,000.00

6. Architectural elevation works  Rs. 15,000.00

7. Panelling works 225 Sqft x 100  Rs. 22,500.00

8. Aluminium works 100 Sqft x 100  Rs. 10,000.00

9. Aluninium hand rails 32 RFT x 80  Rs. 2,560.00

Total  Rs.
Less Depreciation 50.14%  Rs. 55,297.00

Net Value  Rs. 54,988.00

Part V – Miscellaneous

1. Separate toilet room 50 Sqft  Rs. 5,000.00

2. Separate lumber room  Rs. -
3. Separate water tank / sump  Rs. 3,000.00
4. Trees/Gardening  Rs. 8,000.00
Total  Rs. 16,000.00


1. Water supply arrangements  Rs. 20,000.00

2. Drainage arrangements  Rs. 6,000.00

3. Compound wall 150 Rft @ 125
 Rs. 18,750.00
4. E.B. deposits and fittings etc  Rs. 10,175.00

5. Pavement  Rs. -

6. Steel gates  Rs. -

Total  Rs. 54,925.00


1. Plot  Rs. 4,00,000.00

2. Building  Rs. 6,48,180.00

3. Extra items  Rs. 26,924.00

4. Amenities  Rs. 54,988.00

5. Miscellaneous  Rs. 16,000.00

6. Services  Rs. 54,925.00

Total  Rs. 12,01,017.00

Say  Rs. 12,00,000.00

In this method, the buildings attracted by Rent Control Act. The
income should be calculated as that actually received. If the rent
has not been revised due to the owner not asking for that, the
rent calculated should be as per the market value, as on the date
on which the valuation is made. Since the rent itself is fixed as a
percentage on the value of the property.


Rate of Return : The income what we receive for our capital is
called Rate of Return.
Amount invested  2,00,000.00
Rate of Return  10 %
2,00,000 x = Rs.
Yearly income  100
Monthly income  = Rs. 1666.67

Yearly income x
Capitalisation  100
Rate of Re turn
 20, 000 x
Capital amount  Rs. 2,00,000.00


Capitalized value of the property = Net Maintainable Rent x 12.5


A shop fetches a monthly rent of Rs. 2000 advance amount
received Occupier Rs. 30,000, Property tax Rs. 1200. What is the
value of the shop? It is a free hold property.

Monthly rent = 2000.00

Annual rent 2000 x 12 =

Add actual advance = 30,000.00
Normal Three month = 6,000.00
Excess = 24,000

Interest @ 12% = 2,880.00 = 2880.00

GARI = 24,000 + =
2,880 26,880.00

Property Tax - Rs. 1200.00

15% GARI (0.15 x 24880) Rs. 4032.00

Total Outgoing Rs. 5232.00


= 26,880 – 5,232
= 21,648.00
= 21648 x 125
= 2,70,600/-

Mr. Rajan has let out his godown (free hold) in mount Road,
Chennai for a monthly rent of 8000/-. He has received a
refundable advance Rs. 1,50,000/- and premium amount of
2,00,000 for 20 years. The tenant is maintaining the shop by
paying 8000/- as corporation tax per annum. Calculate the value
by rent capitalization method.

Monthly rent = Rs. 8000.00
Annual rent 8000 x 12 = Rs. 96,000.00
a) Tax born by the tenant Rs. 8000.00
b) Repairs 1/9 x 96,000 Rs. 10,666.66
c) Advance Rs. 1,50,000.00
Normal advance 3 month rent 8000 Rs. 24,000.00
Excess advance Rs. 1,26,000.00
Add interest 15% Rs. 18,900.00
d) Premium / No of years Rs. 10,000.00
20000 / 20
Total Rs. 1,43,566.00

ii) Outgoings

15% of GARI = 0.15 x 143566 21534.90
Total 21534.90
143566 – 21534.90
iv) Capitalised Value = NMR x 12.5 = 15,25,388.75
Say 15.25 lakhs

In this method, the value of the property is latent and will be
released on development. This can be worked out by ascertaining the
zoned use and extent of development legally permissible under the
rules of local authorities and determining the annual gross income
that can be fetched after development. From this the next income can
be arrived by deducting the outgoings. The capitalized value can be
arrived at. To develop the property certain period will be required right
from preparation of plans, getting them approved by the local bodies.
The capital expenditure required for development during the phase
period should also be estimated. A percentage of amount has to
deducted on account of the above. The result so obtained by the above
procedure should be compared with the actual sale instances of
similar under developed properties.

Under developed property, if occupied by tenant under Rent

Control Act, will have constraint in utilizing the potential of the
development of vacant land depending upon the legal rights of
shifting the tenant. It has to be examined whether surplus land is
serveable from the enjoyment of the tenant.

Development method should invariably be adopted for valuing

land which is ripe for development. Some of the agricultural land close
to the periphery of the city will be allowed to be converted as urban
land. Large pockets of land have to be laid out in small housing plots
as per the rules of the development authorities taking into account the
expense that may be incurred for provision of roads, sewers, drains,
water mains, electric mains and leveling up of area should be worked
out and priced. The net plot area available should be worked out and
priced. The net plot area available should be priced on the basis of
instance sale of developed land in that area. In cities where urban
renewal is permitted and where old buildings are allowed to demolish
and convert into shopping complex or residential apartments, here
also development method should be adopted taking into account the

floor area ratio, the plot coverage and other parameters prescribed by
the local authorities.


Profit method is applicable to Hotels, Cinemas, Marriage Halls
and Public Places. This method as the name suggests deals in
working the profit from a property and subsequently capitalizing
the same at appropriate rate of return depending upon a number
of Factors.

Estimating the Fair Market Value by using Profit Method is

discussed here.


The fair market value of a cinema theatre is the best possible
price one could give in the case of any sale.

The method of valuation which a valuer can adopt depends upon

the circumstances of the individual case. Many valuers including
this author feel that the profit Method is the most appropriate
method of valuation if the owner of the theatre conducts himself
the business.

The procedure of valuation of a cinema theatre by using profit

method is analyzed here in brief.

Profitably is determined and the value is arrived by capitalizing
the net profit at an appropriate rate of return after apportioning
the profit due to

1) Tangible assets and

2) Intangible assets

Gross Income = Income from exhibiting the pictures excluding
entertainment Tax + Income from other sources.

Yearly Gross Income from exhibiting the pictures = [{Full House
occupancy – Normal Vacancy} x No. of Shows in a month x 12] –
Entertainment Tax paid to the Govt.

More the occupancy percentage, more the income form exhibiting

the pictures. The significant factors affecting the better occupancy
rates are:

* Competition
* Locational Advantage
* Interior decoration
* Good films
* Capacity of the House
* Environments
* Aesthetics of Foyer
* Excellent Sound Systems
* Video Piracy
* Cable T.V
* No. of Theatres existing in that area
* Development of the adjacent locality
* Modern Cinema Building with amenities
* Elevational Treatments, Facades
* Elegant and comfortable furniture
* Efficient projection equipment
* Pleasant light arrangement
* Perfect cooling systems
* Easy approach to the public
* Power supply – Standby source
Vacancies are determined either from actual observations from a
number of inspections or on the basis of averages for similar

Shows include Morning Shows, Noon Shows, Evening Shows,

Night Shows, Special Shows, Etc.,

The entertainment Tax varies with individual state Governments.

The TamilNadu Govt. has fixed the entertainment Tax as 40 % of
the daily collection from exhibiting the pictures.

They are:

* Income from Exhibiting the Advertisements

* Income from Exhibition of Slides.
* Rental Income from Stalls, Coffee Houses, Cool drink Shops,
Ice Cream Parlour, etc.,
* Rental Income from Car Parking and Cycle Stand.
* Rental Income form showcases.
* Miscellaneous Income from Weighing Machine etc.
* Advertisement display on walls.
* Income from Hoardings display.
* Interest for the deposits paid by the contractors of stalls.
The heads of expenses are:

* Preliminary Expenses
* Working Expenses
* Repairs and Depreciation
* Owner’s Profit
Preliminary Expenses
* Film hire changes to the distributors
* Hire charges for the Indian News Reels
* Local Tax, if any
* Other Taxes connected to Cinema Business
Working Expenses
* Establishment charges like Staff Salary, Gratuity, Bonus,
Provident Fund, Welfare Fund.
* Consumables like Carbon Electrodes etc.,
* Running cost of generators, cooling appliances.
* Legal Expenses, Auditors fees.
* Electricity
* Printing
* Postage
* Property tax
* Ground Rent if any
* Traveling & Conveyance
* Packing and Forwarding
* Stationery
* Publicity
* Various License Fees
* Bank Commissions
* Office Expenses
* Railway Freight, Octroi
* Telephone, Telegrams
* Insurance for Plant & Machinery, Equipments, Furnitures

* Insurance premium to the Building
* Subscription to Associations
* Entertainment to Guests
* Miscellaneous
Repairs and Depreciations:
* Suitable Depreciation
* Repairs and Maintenance of Building
* Maintenance of Plant & Machinery
* Sinking fund for Furnitures
The following percentages are normally adopted as depreciation:
Theatre Buildings  2.5 %
Furniture  15 %
Machinery  20 %
Cooling Plant  10 %
Electrical Fittings  10 – 15 %

Allowance for Repairs and Maintenance of the buildings is

normally assumed between 1 to 2 % and this does not exceed by 3

Sinking fund deduction is required to be made for replacement of

Furnitures, Fixtures, Plant & Machinery etc., which require
periodic replacements. The deduction should be calculated not on
the prime costs but on prevailing costs of replacement less
accumulated sinking fund reserves of earlier year on remaining
period of anticipated life.

Owner’s Profit:
If the owner runs the Cinema business on his own under his
direct supervision, guidance and control, a percentage of 15 % as
Owner’s Profit on the total gross income excluding the
entertainment tax is to be taken into account as an expense.

This percentage covers the items like

* Interest on Capital Blocked up in his assests
* Interest on Capital required for day to day Working.
* Trade Profit which is due to his labour, Skill and

* Allowance for Risk Element.
Profit = Gross Income – Expenses

The profits are to be apportioned to two categories, namely

1. Profit from intangible assets and
2. Profit from Tangible assets.
The ratio of intangible profit to Tangible profit is normally 1:3.
While Capitalising, a higher rate of interest is to be adopted for
intangible profit than Tangible profit since efficient running the
Cinema business depends upon the good Management, Good will
and license.

Here 12% capitalization is adopted for Tangible profit and 14%

Capitalisation is adopted for Intangible Profit.


Valuation of Cinema Theatre by adopting profit method is
explained by means of a Case Study.

Type of Theatre  Permanent – Non A/c
Location  Municipal Limit
 I class 250 @ Rs. 10.00
 II Class 300 @ Rs. 7.00
 III Class 250 @ Rs. 5.00
No. of Shows / day  4
Average Percentage  60 %
Occupancy 
Entertainment Tax  40% of Daily Collection
Distributors Share  Average 50% of the Daily
collection after deducting the
Entertainment Tax.
Advance received from  Rs, 4,00,000/-
Conductor of the Theatre  Owner

Income from Exhibiting The Pictures:
Collection per
Class No. of .Seats Rate Rs.
show Rs.
I Class 250 10.00 2500.00

II Class 300 7.00 2100.00

III Class 250 5.00 1250.00

Total 5850.00

Collection Per show for full occupancy  Rs. 5850.00

Collection for 4 shows of full occupancy  Rs. 23400.00

Average occupancy percentage  60 %

Average Collection Per day 0.6 x 23400  Rs. 14040.00

Average Collection per year 14040 x 365  Rs. 51,24,600.00

Less Entertainment Tax 40% paid to the  Rs. 20,49,840.00

Gross Annual Income from exhibiting  Rs. 30,74,760.00
the pictures
 Say Rs. 30,75,000.00

Income from other Sources (Per Annum):

1. Advertisement Reels Average 3 Nos. @

 Rs. 31,200.00
Rs. 200 per week
2. Advertisement Slides
 Rs. 6,000.00
Average 10 Nos. @ Rs. 50 per month
3. Showcases rent @ Rs. 500 per month  Rs. 6,000.00
4. Rent from Wall Display, @ Rs. 400 per
 Rs. 12,000.00
5. Rental Income from stalls, Car Parking
 Rs. 91,250.00
@ Rs. 250 per day
6. Interest on deposits 15% of 1,00,000  Rs. 15,000.00
7. Miscellaneous Income  Rs. 6,500.00
Total Income  Rs. 1,67,950.00
Say  Rs. 1,68,000/-

Total Income:

Income from exhibiting the shows  Rs. 30,75,000.00

Income from other sources  Rs. 1,68,000.00

Total Gross Income  Rs. 32,43,000.00

Preliminary Expenses:

Film Hire Charges to the distributors @ an  Rs.

average 50% (0.50 x 30,75,000) 15,37,500.00
Hire Charges to Indian News Reel at 1%  Rs.
90.01 x 30,75,000) 30,750.00
Tax of sales Tax Department for exhibiting  Rs.
Slides and Reels at 60 paise/ slide/show (13 11,388.00
x 0.60 x 4 x 365)
Total  Rs.
Say  Rs.

Working Expenses:

Establishment charges at an average of  Rs. 1,20,000.00

Consumables at Rs. 700/month  Rs. 8,400.00

Electricity @ Rs. 2,500/month  Rs. 30,000.00

Generator Expenses @ Rs. 500/month  Rs. 6,000.00

Stationery, Printing, Publicity, Office  Rs. 24,000.00

Expenses @ Rs. 2000/month
Travelling and Conveyance @ Rs. 1,500/  Rs. 18,000.00
Telephones and Posts @ Rs. 500/month  Rs. 6,000.00

Railway Freight @ Rs.100/month  Rs. 1,200.00

Insurance Premium  Rs. 3,000.00

License Fee – Collectorate, Electrical  Rs. 5,000.00

Certificate, Stability Certificate – Average
Entertainment to Guests  Rs. 900.00

Subscription to the associations  Rs. 300.00

Property Tax  Rs. 5,600.00

Profession Tax  Rs. 1,250.00

Miscellaneous  Rs. 950.00

Total  Rs. 2,30,600.00

Repairs & Depreciation:

Depreciation to Machinery  Rs. 15,000.00

Depreciation to Building  Rs. 10,000.00
Maintenance Expenses  Rs. 28,000.00
Furniture  Rs. 5,000.00
Total  Rs. 58,000.00

Owner’s Profit:
15 % of
Rs.32,43,000  Rs. 4,86,450.00

Total Expenses:

Preliminary Expenses  Rs. 15,80,000.00

Working Expenses  Rs. 2,30,000.00
Repairs and  Rs. 58,000.00
Owner’s Profit  Rs. 4,86,450.00
Total  Rs. 23,54,450.00

Gross Income  Rs. 32,43,000.00
Total Expenses  Rs. 23,54,450.00
Profit  Rs. 8,88,550.00

Tangible Profit @ 75% of Rs.  Rs. 6,66,413.00


Intangible profit @ 25% of Rs.  Rs. 2,22,137.00
Capitalise Tangible Profit @ 12%  Rs. 6,66,413 x
 Rs. 55,53,442.00
Capitalize Intangible Profit @ 14%  2,22,137 x
 Rs. 15,86,693.00
Total (5553442 + 1586693)  Rs. 71,40,135.00
Say  Rs. 71,40,000.00
Assessed Value of the Above
Cinema Theatre by Adopting Profit Rs. 71,40,000.00
Method 


Apart from the above four methods, a valuer can estimate the
present worth/ market value of property consisting of land &
Building by adopting comparable sale instances of the composite
rate. The procedure is discussed here.

Under the comparison of properties, no two properties are not

same. Hence to get exact comparison of the properties is difficult.
But here realistic value can be obtained following some factors to
be considered in this method.

1. The final unit composite rate is to be arrived at after

comparing sufficient number of sale instances.
2. Comparison must not be based upon the sale agreements or
mere offer to buy/sell.
3. Comparison must not be based upon the forced sale value,
distressed value, as these will normally give only a lower
4. Comparison must not be based upon the desired value, value
yielded due to absolute necessity as these will normally give a
comparatively more value.
5. Abnormally high or insignificantly low value properties must
not be considered. Sale to relatives or cooked up sale will not
be a suitable case for good comparison.
6. Genuine transaction must have been carried out in the open

7. The sale transaction must have been carried out in the open
8. It is preferable that the period of sale instances must be
nearer to the period of valuation of the property under
9. Composite rate of bigger property must not be based upon
sale instances of a smaller property as far as possible (and
vice versa).
10. It is preferable to compare sale instances of residential
buildings for the purpose of valuation of a residential
buildings and likewise.
11. The unit of comparison must be the same for the properties to
be compared. If the carpet area is the basis for property under
comparison, the same unit must also be the basis for
valuation of the subject property.
12. Premises (similar in character) should more or less be
similarly situated in the same locality with same type of user.
13. Location of premises with respect to floor and its position on
the floor specially for road view etc. must be similar.
14. Provision to construct further floors must be a factor to be
15. The extent of area must be comparable.
16. Factors like encumbrance free title deeds involved in the
transaction and the nature of occupation (whether vacant,
tenanted. Encroachment etc.,) must be considered.
17. When the market Value is to be determined on the basis of
sales of land in the neighbourhood with same character, it is
opined that the potential value need not be separately added
because such sales cover the potential value also.
18. The comparable property must be inspected thoroughly with
regards to:
* Accommodation provided – whether Residential or
* Architectural design – Whether conventional or modern.
* Quality of construction – whether superior, ordinary or
* Quality of materials used.
* Type of Construction
* Parking facilities.
* Amenities – Whether bare minimum or more.
* Specification – whether rich / ordinary/ medium.
* Occupants – whether vacant possession or tenanted.
* Rent fetching – whether the property fetches more rent or
less rent comparatively.
* Return frontages – whether property having a single road
or more roads and if so-whether width or road is less or
* Locational Advantage

It consists in comparing the property under valuation with the
more or less similar property in the locality, make suitable
adjustments in the rate if specification varies and there after
arriving at a suitable composite rate per unit area.

1. Assess the composite rate of the property under comparison

2. Adopt this rate as the basic rate for the property under
3. Make suitable adjustments for :
a) Superior /inferior specification and depreciation
b) Extra Amenities
c) Locational advantage
d) Factors favouring extra value
e) Factors affecting less value, etc., as discussed.
4. If the land is vast, and the plinth area of the building is less
do the valuation:
a) For building & appurtenant land, adopt the
composite Rate.
b) For excess land, adopt the prevailing unit land
c) Add both to arrive at a realistic value.
5. As far as possible, it is better to compare with a property
recently transacted. If much earlier sale instances are to be
compared inevitably due to non-availability of recent sale
instances, then the composite rate must be suitably increased
depending upon the escalation trend in the locality. However if
the market trend is stable, the same rate can be considered, of
course depending upon the other local condition. Valuer must
be a good judge.


1. B. Kanagasabapathy, - Practical Valuation Volume I, II, III.

2. Shrikanth Vasanth Joglekar, Mumbai Publications 1993-94,
Valuation – Revaluation a New Vista Its Impact on Finance
Everyone’s Concern.
3. C.H. Gopinath Rao, Valuation Practice of Immovable
4. B. Kanagasabapathy, Fair Rent Manual
5. B. N. Dutta, Estimating and costing.
6. Journals of Institution of valuers – New Delhi


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