Math 86 Course Outline 2019-2020

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Differential Calculus
I. Course Description
This 5-unit course includes basic concepts of calculus such as functions, limits,
continuity and differentiability of functions; differentiation of algebraic and
transcendental functions involving one or more variables; applications of differential
calculus to problems on optimization, rates of change, related rates, tangents, and
approximations; solutions of equations using Newton’s method, parametric equations,
partial differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.

II. Instructor

Paolo Bacarro Araune, MS

III. Content Outline


Class Orientation

1.1 Definition, 4 ways to represent a function, domain & range, vertical line test

Piecewise defined function, even-odd function, increasing and decreasing

functions. (pg.9-19)


1.1 Definition, 4 ways to represent a function, domain & range, vertical line test

Piecewise defined function, even-odd function, increasing and decreasing

functions. (pg.9-19)

1.2 Mathematical Models of Essential Functions

Linear model,Polynomials,Power function, Rational Functions, Algebraic

Function, Trigonometric Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
3 1.2 Mathematical Models of Essential Functions

Linear model,Polynomials,Power function, Rational Functions, Algebraic

Function, Trigonometric Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Long Exam 1

2.2 The Limit of a function

Intuitive definition, Precise Definition of limit. p.83-87

2.3 Limit Laws, Direct Substitution Property, The Squeeze Theorem

(pg. 95-102)

2.2 One –sided Limit

2.3 infinite limits

4 - vertical asymptote

2.6 limits at infinity

- horizontal asymptote

5 Long exam 2 (Prelim exam)

2.5 Definition, Theorems on continuity, types of discontinuity , Intermediate

Value Theorem (pg.114-123)

7 2.5 Definition, Theorems on continuity, types of discontinuity , Intermediate
Value Theorem (pg.114-123)

2.7 Definitions: Tangent, Velocities, derivative and rate of change.

8 2.8 Derivative as a Function, other notations, differentiability, higher

Long exam 3(2.5)

Seat Work
Long exam 4 (2.7 and 2.8)

3.2 Product & Quotient Rule (pg.183-187)

3.5 Implicit differentiations

3.5 Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric function

Midterm week

3.6 Derivative of Logarithmic Functions (pg. 218-222)

3.8 Exponential Growth and Decay: Population Growth, Radioactive Decay,
Newton’s Law of Cooling (pg. 237-241)

3.9 Related Rates (pg.245-24


3.10 Differentials (pg.251-256)

3.11 Derivative of Hyperbolic Functions (pg.259-264)

Quiz Final 2

4.1 Maximum & Minimum Values, critical number (pg.276-282)

4.2 Mean Value Theorem (pg.287-291)

4.4 Indeterminate forms & L’Hospital’s Rule (pg.304-311)

Quiz Final 3
4.5 Summary of Curve Sketching (pg.315-321)

18 4.8. Solutions of Equations : Newton’s Method (pg.345-348)

19 Quiz Final 4

4.8. Solutions of Equations : Newton’s Method (pg.345-348)

1. Parametric Equations (pg.639-645)


1. Partial Differentiation (pg.911-920)

Final Examination

IV. Official Textbook

J., Stewart. (2017). Calculus Early Transcendentals (8th ed.). Phil. Cengage

V. Marking System

Grade Percentage Indication

A 92-100 Excellent
A- 84-91.99 Very Good
B 76-93.99 Good
B- 68-75.99 Fair
C 60-67.99 Passed
F below 50 Failed

VI. Grading System


Prelim Exam 20% Final Exam 30%

Midterm Exam 30% Midterm Grade 35%

Quizzes 50% Quizzes After 35%


Total 100% Total 100%

VII. Course Policies

 Students are expected to take full responsibility for his/her academic work and
academic progress especially in tracking their class standing using their SLMIS
 Students are expected to attend class regularly; there are only fifteen (15)
allowable absences. Beyond the allowable absences, the student will be marked
AF (Failure due to excess absences). There are no excused absences.
 Lateness may be counted as an absence if the student comes in later than 15
 INC mark is only given to students who failed to take the Final Requirement. If any
other major exams and projects were not submitted, the student is given a
corresponding grade accordingly.
 Class participation is highly encouraged. Students are expected to contribute
significantly to discussions voluntarily or when called upon.
 Feel free to come to the teacher to ask questions, discuss difficult material, or
consult problems related to the course. If the office hours are not convenient, you
may set up an appointment for an alternative time.

VIII. Classroom Courtesy

 Class Preparation: You must read and solve previous lessons and assignments
before class sessions.
 Coming and Going: It’s courteous to be on time and not to leave the class early.
Students who arrive late may miss important announcements or disrupt class
unnecessarily. Students who walk out of class early risk giving an unintentionally
negative impression by exciting unexpectedly. If circumstances require you to be
late for class, or require you to leave early, please alert the instructor either before
or after class. Punctuality is highly appreciated; habitual lateness is likely to have
a negative impact on one’s grade.
 Respect for others: Having our opinions and ideas treated with respect is a basic
courtesy that we all appreciate. Respectful behaviors include listening carefully
and attentively to what others have to say, offering comments and challenges to
ideas in ways that address issues rather than personalities, coming to class on
time, being prepared for the day’s readings and activities, and refraining from
talking reading while others are speaking.
 Use of cellphones, and other electronic devices: In today’s world, these devices
are part of the everyday gear that we carry yet we know also that the sounds they
make can be terribly disruptive, especially within the generally quiet ambience of
the typical classroom. Please make certain that all electronic devices cannot
disrupt others or the class in general. However, the use of it is not discouraged as
long as it supplements the classroom discussion.
 Honesty: Cheating is a crime. If the student does not know the answer, the item
must be left blank. Glimpsing on the answers of your classmate or talking with
your seatmate during examinations is considered cheating.
 No Sleeping: Students must avoid sleeping in the classroom or else an unexpected
quiz will going to happen.

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