Herbicides Environmental Guidelines AGR 3102-14th Week
Herbicides Environmental Guidelines AGR 3102-14th Week
Herbicides Environmental Guidelines AGR 3102-14th Week
Impacts of Herbicide Movement
• Just how readily herbicides or any pesticides
move off-site from where they are applied
depends on the chemical and physical
characteristics of the individual pesticide.
• Over 90% of pesticides reach a destination other
than their target species, including non-target
species, air, water, bottom sediments, and food
(Miller, 2004).
• Once move off its target site application,
pesticides can become a source of
contamination to the environment = water, soil
and air pollutions
What Does Pollution Give Us???
oHuman health can be affected by
pesticide-contaminated surroundings via:
• Preventing spills
1 Product information
• Brand name
• Type of formulation
• Ingredient statement and % of concentration
2 Use information
Will tell you: • The crops or plants the
• Registered target products can be used on.
weeds. • In what form the
• How much to mix the product should be
product. applied.
• Compatibility with other • How to apply the
products. product.
• Where and when the • How frequently it should
herbicide should be be applied.
applied. • How soon the crop may
• How the product works. be used/eaten after
product is applied.
3 Safety information