Stem Cell and Research in Plastic Surgery: Review
Stem Cell and Research in Plastic Surgery: Review
Stem Cell and Research in Plastic Surgery: Review
cells, are potentially unlimited pool of cells, harvested by mini- tion (BMT) combined with immunosuppressive agent protocols
mally invasive procedure and has milti-differentiation poten- have proven to prolong organ transplant survival (18). Bone mar
tials (7, 8). Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from bone row contains multipotent progenitor cells that can differentiate
marrow and adipose tissue are another useful source. Autolo- into various mesenchymal cell types. These cells have been char-
gous mesenchymal stem cells with scaffold system have shown acterized as marrow stromal cells, marrow progenitor cells, or
improved wound healing. ASCs can be harvested easily from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These stem cells
various human body using a lot of liposuction technique. Ad- can modulate the antiinflammatory cytokine expression and T-
ministration of adequate number of stem cells to the defect may cell subsets (19). MSC or ASC infusion in combination with tran-
trigger local regeneration and healing process (9). Finding ap- sient immunosuppression can induce immune tolerance, pro-
propriate scaffold for applying this cell-based strategy could be long allograft survival and facilitated long-term graft acceptance.
challenge. Scaffold can do functional role as promoting cell ad- (20, 21).
hesion, proliferation, differentiation and preventing the migra-
tion of implanted cells (10). FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
STEM CELLS INCRESE FAT GRAFT SURVIVAL During the last decade, patient’s own stem cells has been tested
and effectively utilized in the plastic surgical field. Overall, clini-
Aging process involves a number of different degenerative path- cal advances using various stem cells suggest a promising future
ways, specially a soft tissue volume loss. Owing to the aged pop- for opening a new cell therapeutic strategy in plastic surgery (22).
ulation, a desire to regain youthful looks, minimal-invasive sur- To make stem cell therapy more established standard treatment,
gery options, the demand for cosmetic procedures has been in- a larger number of upcoming clinical study is necessary. Fur-
creasing (11). Fat graft technique is one of the most common ther research about determining the fate of transplanted cells
anti-aging procedures in plastic surgery. It can help restore de- and numbering of cells required for definitive clinical effects
fect and augment the soft tissue. Using autologous tissue, there should be followed. The adverse effects of cell transplantation,
have been no specific side effects caused by immune responses possibility of tumor growth and long-term results of these cells
have been reported. However, simply grafted fat can be absorb should also be validated. Good manufacturing practice (GMP)
ed anytime, and the absorption level is very difficult to antici- facilities are mandatory for safe collection, testing and cryopre
pate (12). The survival rate of aspirated fat can be increased us- servation of customer’s cells (23).
ing cell-assisted lipotransfer (CAL). CAL is a technique that com-
bines concentrated ASCs with aspirated fat to make ASC-rich ORCID
fat grafts (13). This approach allows for marked survival rate im
provements implanted fat and decrease in adverse effects of fi- Seok-Chan Eun
brosis and cyst formation (14). BSCs can make systemic contri-
bution to fat graft survival by new blood vessel sprouting. The REFERENCES
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