Internal Rules of Procedure of The Sangguniang Barangay of Daliao

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November 05, 2013

Republic of the Philippines City of Davao Barangay of Daliao SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY INTERNAL


WHEREAS, the foregoing Sangguniang Barangay Internal Rules of Procedure are necessary in order to

govern the orderly conduct of the members of the Sangguniang Barangay; WHEREAS, the

promulgation of these rules are imperative in the efficient discharge of the powers, duties, and

functions of the members of the Sangguniang Barangay, pursuant to the pertinent provisions as

found therein in the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160). NOW THEREFORE, on motion of Kgd.

Christopher Ryan Maboloc, duly seconded by Kgd. Genaro Oberez Jr., be it resolved as it is hereby

resolved, to adopt the following Internal Rules of Procedure of the Sangguniang Barangay of Daliao.

RULE I - COMPOSITION SEC. 1. - The officials of Barangay Daliao are composed of the Punong

Barangay, the seven (7) Sangguniang Barangay members, the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman, the
barangay secretary, and the barangay treasurer (SEC. 387, RA 7160). SEC. 2. - The Punong Barangay,

as Chairman, the regular members of the Sangguniang Barangay, the SK Chairman, the Barangay

Secretary and Treasurer, shall assume office on the day and in the manner as provided for by law.

RULE II- PRESIDING OFFICER SEC. 1. - The Punong Barangay shall be the Presiding Officer of the

Sangguniang Barangay. The Presiding Officer shall vote only to break a tie. SEC. 2. - In the event of

the inability of the Punong Barangay to preside over the session, the Barangay Kagawad who is first

in rank shall preside the session. SEC. 3 - The powers, duties and functions of the Punong Barangay

are provided for by SEC. 389 of RA 7160. RULE III - THE SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY SEC. 1.

Composition. The Sangguniang Barangay, the legislative body of the barangay, shall be composed of

the Punong Barangay as presiding officer, and the seven (7) regular sangguniang barangay members

elected at large, the SK Chairman (ex-officio), as members. (SEC. 390, RA 7160) SEC. 2. The powers,

duties, and functions of the Sangguniang Barangay are provided for by SEC. 391 of RA 7160. SEC. 3 –

The other duties of the Sangguniang Barangay members are provided for by SEC.392 of RA7160.

RULE IV – APPOINTIVE BARANGAY OFFICIALS SEC. 1 – Barangay Secretary. The appointment,

qualifications, powers and duties of the barangay secretary are provided for by SEC. 394 of RA 7160.

SEC. 2 - Barangay Treasurer. The appointment, qualifications, powers and duties of the barangay

treasurer are provided for by SEC. 395 of RA 7160. RULE V. THE STANDING COMMITTEES SEC. 1. The

Committees. The creation and composition of the standing committees in the Sangguniang Barangay

shall be the first order of business for the Sangguniang Barangay. The following are the standing

committees of the Sangguniang Barangay: 1. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE 2. COMMITTEE ON WAYS






15. COMMITTEE ON CULTURE AND TOURISM SEC. 2. Composition. A committee shall be composed

of a Chairman and two members. Except those whose appointments are provided for by law, the

Chairman and its members shall be chosen by virtue of a majority vote of all the members of the

Barangay Council. SEC. 3. Committee Chairmanship. a) A Sangguniang Barangay member may hold

one or more committee chairmanship upon approval of the majority. b) The Punong Barangay, may

choose to, upon approval by the majority of the Barangay Council, hold chairmanship in any of the

above committees in the event that no Council member is available for the said position. SEC. 4. In

the event of reorganizing the Committees, the Chairmanship and Membership of the committee

shall be determined by a majority vote of all the members of the Barangay Council. SEC. 5. The

powers, duties, and functions of the following committees are as follows: 1) COMMITTEE ON

FINANCE - With jurisdiction regarding all matters relating to budget, appropriation and the

expenditure of funds as found in the Annual Budget and Supplemental Budgets of the Barangay. 2.

COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS – With jurisdiction in raising other funding requirements for the

barangay, including fund raising for barangay programs and activities, and the management of funds

raised from the same. 3) COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION – The development and enhancement of

formal and technical education, local scholarships, distribution of educational materials for indigent

children, training of out of school youth, and the improvement of educational facilities, e.g. Day Care

Centers, in the barangay. 4) COMMITTEE ON INFRASTRUCTURE –Planning, construction,

maintenance, improvement and repairs of public buildings, roads, parks, basketball courts and gyms,

playgrounds and other public buildings; drainage, sewerage, seawalls, and sea swell control and

protection; and irrigation and water facilities. 5) COMMITTEE ON URBAN PLANNING AND LAND USE

– Duty to deal with matters relating to land use and applications, land disputes and cases,

subdivision development and real estate development, and tourism growth and development. 6)

COMMITTEE ON HEALTH – Measures and programs to ensure delivery of health services, all matters
related to the procurement of medicines and provisions for indigents; health services for the

disadvantaged groups, including the elderly, the disabled, street children, and drug dependents. 7)

COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SERVICES – The provisions for basic social services, especially medical and

financial assistance to indigent patients and their families, in coordination with the LINGAP Program

of the City Government, other forms of financial assistance to indigents and senior citizens, feeding

programs, and other programs concerning public and social welfare. 8) COMMITTEE ON PEACE AND

ORDER - Maintenance of peace and order, fire prevention and control measures and all other

matters related to peace and order and public safety, including mitigating the impact of calamities

and quick response team creation and dispatch. 9) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES

DEVELOPMENT - Development of the agriculture and fisheries sectors in the barangay, urban

gardening, livelihood creation and support, support and maintenance of the bantay dagat, programs

and support mechanisms for small fishermen and farmers in the barangay, in coordination with the

Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council. 10) COMMITTEE ON YOUTH AND

SPORTS DEVELOPMENT – Youth welfare, education, and sports development. This Committee shall

be chaired by the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman as provided for by Section 430 of R.A. 7160. 11)

COMMITTEE ON WOMEN AND GENDER DEVELOPMENT - Women’s welfare, rights and privileges,

Gender and Development projects and programs, Women’s and Senior Citizens’ organizations, Child

Protection and Welfare, Violence Against Women issues and concerns and interventions, Family

welfare, Family planning and all other matters related to women and gender development. 12)

COMMITTEE ON ETHICS AND GOOD GOVERNANCE – With jurisdiction regarding ethics and moral

conduct of barangay officials; The Committee may make recommendation to file cases against

barangay officials for dishonesty, tardiness and absenteeism and abuse of authority; ensuring

transparency and accountability in the barangay. It is also tasked to promote good housekeeping and

ethical leadership practices in the barangay as an LGU. 13) COMMITTEE ON RULES AND

AMENDMENTS – With jurisdiction in the introduction and amendments to internal rules and
procedures, the drafting and introduction and amendments to barangay ordinances and other

related legislative functions. 14. COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND SANITATION – With the main

duty of maintaining cleanliness and sanitation, inspection of establishment found to violate

sanitation laws in coordination with government agencies. The duty of this committee also includes

ensuring the regular collection of garbage and the implementation of RA 9003 in the barangay, and

the introduction of activities related to the protection of the environment, climate change

mitigation, including tree planting and coastal clean-up drives. 15) COMMITTEE ON CULTURE AND

TOURISM – The promotion and development of tourism in the barangay, the preservation of the

barangay’s cultural heritage, and other similar functions. The Committee is tasked to coordinate with

concerned agencies on the promotion of local tourism and the preservation and promotion of the

barangay’s cultural heritage for the benefit of the constituents and the local populace. RULE VI.

SESSIONS OF THE BARANGAY COUNCIL SEC. 1. - Schedule of Regular Sessions. The regular session of

the Barangay Council shall be every First and Third Sundays of the Month at 9 o’ clock in the

morning. SEC. 2 – Venue of Sessions – Sessions of the Sangguniang Barangay shall be held at the

Session Hall of the Sangguniang Barangay of Daliao. SEC. 3 - Special Sessions. A special session may

be called by the Punong Barangay or by three members of the Barangay Council. Only the agenda as

written in the notice which will be distributed three days before the session shall be taken up. SEC. 4.

- Start of Sessions. About fifteen minutes before the appointed time of the session, the Secretary

shall inform all the members of the Barangay Council to be present at the session hall. After which he

or she shall inform the Presiding Officer that the session can commence. SEC. 5. - Recess. The

Presiding Officer or upon motion of any member of the Barangay Council, a recess of 5 minutes may

be declared by the Presiding Officer. SEC. 6. - Attendance. Every member of the Sangguniang

Barangay shall be present in all sessions. They may be excused only for the following reasons: a)

When a member is sick or force majeure; b) On Official leave of absence and; c) On Official Business;

SEC. 7. – Attire and Decorum. All members shall be in semi-formal attire during sessions. Members of
the Sangguniang Barangay shall observe courtesy and utmost respect for each other. They must

observe proper decorum during all proceedings and deliberations. SEC. 8 – Notice of Session. The

Barangay Secretary shall distribute a notice of session, both regular and special, at least three days

prior to the schedule. SEC. 9. - Motion to Adjourn. At any time after the roll call has been completed,

a motion to adjourn shall be in order if approved by all those present and as such all deliberations

shall be suspended. SEC. 10 – Quorum. The presence of the majority of all the members of the

Sangguniang Barangay shall constitute a quorum to transact official business. As a general rule,

quorum is interpreted to mean one half plus one (50% + 1) of the entire members. If there is no

quorum, the Presiding Officer may declare a recess of not more than thirty minutes and wait for

other members to come; or the majority of the members present may move to adjourn the session

from time to time or day to day. The Barangay Council may also compel the immediate attendance

of an absent member without due or justifiable reason by members of the police force to arrest the

absent member and present him at the session hall. But if there is still no quorum despite the above,

the Presiding Officer may moto propio or upon proper motion from the floor duly adopted by the

body, declare the session adjourned for lack of quorum. RULE VII. ORDER OF BUSINESS. SEC. 1. The

order of business of the Sangguniang Barangay shall be as follows: Call to Order Invocation Roll Call

Declaration of Quorum Reading and Approval of the Previous Minutes Letters and Official

Communications Chairman’s Time and Report Committee Reports Unfinished Business Business for

the Day Other Matters Adjournment RULE VIII. SUSPENSION OF RULES SEC. 1. – Rules may be

suspended, on the motion of any of the members of the Barangay Council, for the sole purpose of

the question or matter pending at the time the motion for which said suspension is made. Rules may

also be suspended to allow any official guest or visitor to take on the floor during a point of inquiry.

RULE IX. DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS SEC. 1. Any member of the Sangguniang Barangay found guilty of

disorderly conduct by any competent court, or commits acts of dishonesty, negligence, corruption or

violates any of the grounds as found therein in pertinent laws, or incurs absences without justifiable
cause for beyond three consecutive regular sessions, may be censured, reprimanded, and suspended

for not more than sixty (60) days, or expelled upon the decision of any competent Court of Law (SEC.

60, RA 7160). The procedures as stated in the said section of RA 7160 shall be observed. RULE X.

AMENDMENTS TO RULES SEC. 1. These internal rules of procedure may be amended at any regular

session by a 2/3 vote of all the Sangguniang Barangay members. RULE XI. MISCELLANEOUS

PROVISIONS SEC. 1. Repealing Clause. All previous Internal Rules of Procedure passed by the

previous Sangguniang Barangay are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly. SEC. 2.

Separability Clause. - If, for any reason or reasons, any part or provision of this ordinance shall be

held to be unconstitutional or invalid, other parts or provisions hereof which are not affected

thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect. SEC. 3. Effectivity Clause. - This Internal Rules of

Procedure shall take effect after its approval by the majority members of the Barangay Council.

Adopted December 1, 2013 by the 16th Council of Barangay Daliao. Approved: RODOLFO B. TE

Punong Barangay


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