CSSW Oct 2017 Cytology Quiz

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CSSW October 2017

Cytology Quiz
Cases Contributed by
The BC Cancer Agency, Canada
Brenda Smith, BSc and Tom Thomson, MD
Gillian H. Levy, MD and Guoping Cai, MD
Department of Pathology
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Case 1
Cervical cytology sample taken from a 35-year old
woman, LMP Day 25
X 10 X 40
X 40 X 40
Select the correct diagnosis from the following:

• Endometrial cells
• Severe squamous dyskaryosis
• Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
• Cervical Glandular Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Answer: Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma

•Numerous groups of loosely cohesive aggregates of small cells
with scanty cytoplasm
•Nuclei are hyperchromatic and angulated
•Nuclear molding is evident
•The cytologic features suggest small cell carcinoma
Small cell carcinoma is a highly aggressive tumour of
neuroendocrine differentiation strongly associated with HPV
types 18 and 16

•Cervical cytology is a relatively insensitive and nonspecific method of

detecting small cell carcinoma
•The specific diagnosis on cervical samples can be difficult
•Small cell carcinoma can mimic follicular cervicitis, endometrial cells,
endocervical neoplasia, squamous cell carcinoma of small cell type and
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
•Biopsies reveal tumours composed of densely packed small to
intermediate sized cells with scant cytoplasm, oval to spindle shaped,
hyperchromatic nuclei and usually indistinct nucleoli
•Mitoses and apoptotic nuclear debris are frequent
Case 2
• FNA of Thyroid from a 45-year-old woman
X 40 PAP

X 10 PAP
X 10 MGG

X 40 MGG
Answer: Medullary thyroid carcinoma

• A highly cellular specimen containing a mainly dispersed
population of pleomorphic cells

•Nuclei are round to oval and occasionally spindle-shaped,

with granular salt and pepper chromatin best seen
in Papanicolaou-stained material

•In the MGG stained material red neuroendocrine cytoplasmic

granules are identified, as well as occasional intra-nuclear
•Dark blue amorphous material is most likely amyloid

•Cytologic features consistent with medullary carcinoma of the

CASE 2 Discussion: Medullary thyroid carcinoma

•Medullary carcinoma is a neuroendocrine type malignant

tumour comprising approximately 5-10% of thyroid carcinomas

•Thought to arise from parafollicular C cells

•Tumour cells produce calcitonin which may be demonstrated by
•Elevated serum levels of calcitonin in conjunction with a thyroid
nodule are virtually pathognomonic of medullary carcinoma

•Approximately 20% of cases are familial

•Tend to present at a younger age, may be bilateral and may
occur as part of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome
•Majority of cases are sporadic with a mean age range of 30-50
years and a slight female predominance
CASE 2 Discussion: Medullary thyroid carcinoma

• Histopathology reveals solid sheets and nests of large,

polygonal malignant cells with amyloid deposits within a highly
vascularised stroma
• Tumour cells are usually polygonal but may be spindled or
small and round in a carcinoid-like pattern
• Giant cells, clear cell, melanotic, mucinous and oncocytic
forms have also been identified

• Amyloid is a characteristic component of medullary carcinoma

but the amount of amyloid within the tumour is variable
• On cytology, amyloid stains purplish blue on Giemsa stains
and pale green-blue on Papanicolaou stain
• Tumour cells are often very closely associated with amyloid, a
feature that may help distinguish it from colloid
CASE 2 Discussion: Medullary thyroid carcinoma

•Intra-nuclear inclusions seen in up to 50% of medullary

carcinomas may be a pitfall, suggesting papillary carcinoma

•Identifying red neuroendocrine cytoplasmic granules on air-dried

Giemsa stained material and the coarser granular chromatin will
help with this differential diagnosis

•Aspirates usually lack the microfollicular pattern typical of a

follicular neoplasm, which also tends to demonstrate more uniform,
round nuclei than that of medullary carcinoma

•The characteristic salt and pepper chromatin pattern also supports

the diagnosis of a neuroendocrine carcinoma
CASE 2 Discussion: Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
•Markedly pleomorphic, bizarre tumour cells which are often
present in anaplastic carcinomas are rarely seen in
medullary carcinoma
•The cytologic diagnosis of medullary carcinoma is best
supported by immunocytochemical stains for calcitonin and
other neuroendocrine markers, as well as serum analysis for
Case 3
• A 41-year-old man presented with right upper quadrant pain, fever and
an elevated white blood cell count.
• CT scan showed multiple ring enhancing lesions throughout the liver, a
3.5-cm mass in the tail of the pancreas, and lymphadenopathy in the
portal, peripancreatic, and celiac axis.
• Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA)
biopsy of the pancreatic lesion was performed
X 10 MGG X 40 MGG
X 40 PAP X 40 PAP
Cell block, chromogranin immunoperoxidase stain, X40 Cell block, chromogranin immunoperoxidase stain, X40
CASE 3 Discussion: Pancreatic endocrine neoplasms (PENs)
• Relatively uncommon lesions, accounting for 1-2% of all
pancreatic neoplasms
• Since the advent of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), lesions of the
pancreas can be better visualized and appropriately sampled with
fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy.
• In many cases, diagnosis of PENs can be made based on
cytomorphologic and immunophenotypic features

• Classical cytomorphologic features of PENs include single to

loosely cohesive monotonous polygonal cells with finely granular
cytoplasm and stippled (salt and pepper) chromatin
• Nuclei are eccentrically located, giving a plasmacytoid appearance
• Uncommon cytomorphologic features may impose a diagnostic
challenge - within the cytoplasm, oncocytic changes, rhabdoid
features, clear cells and lipid-rich variant have been documented
CASE 3 Discussion
• 2 Recent case reports demonstrate prominent cytoplasmic
vacuoles in PENs - one clear cell variant and one lipid-rich variant

• Cytoplasmic vacuoles seen in PENs are often fine or small, in

contrast to large vacuoles that might be seen in solid
pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas

• These cytoplasmic vacuoles are best appreciated on the slides

stained with Diff-Quik technique

• The presence of prominent cytoplasmic vacuoles significantly

expands the differential diagnosis, including ductal
adenocarcinoma, acinar cell carcinoma, solid pseudopapillary
tumor, metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma and renal cell
CASE 3 Discussion:
• Distinction of clear cell and lipid-rich variants of PENs may
have clinical implications because they differ in their
clinicopathologic characteristics
• Unlike the clear cell variant, the lipid-rich counterpart most
likely has no association with von Hippel-Lindau disease
• However, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to separate these
two variants based on the cytomorphologic evaluation alone
• Positive immunostains with neuroendocrine markers such as
chromogranin and synaptophysin help establish the diagnosis
of PENs with this uncommon cytomorphologic feature
And last but not least…

Within Every Grass Leaf There Are Hidden

Smiley Faces .....
Happy Xylem

• The two big 'eyes' in this 'smiley face' (which is typical of a

monocot vascular bundle) are metaxylem elements that
transport water through the leaf

• The bright blue fluorescence in the 'mouth' of the 'smiley

face' is phloem, composed of larger sieve tubes and
smaller rectangular companion cells (in cross section),
which together transport sugars (made by photosynthesis)
out of the leaf

• The bright yellow cells forming the neck of the 'smiley face'
are lignified, providing a measure of rigidity in the leaf

• The band of cells along the bottom of the section are

epidermal cells covered by a cuticle

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