Quarterly Report: Fixed - Income Research

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Fixed - Income research

Quarterly report April 10th, 2019

Fixed-Income Report Round-up

Bond yields
Q1.2019 report
In this issue 5.0%

 Round-up 4.0%

 Bond markets 3.0%

 Inrerest rates











2Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y 15Y

Source: Bloomberg, VCBS compile

 VND 69.469 billion (+9,36% qoq) worth of shares were mobilized on primary
market, VND 503.026 billion (+15% qoq, -26% yoy) were traded on the secondary market in
 Yield curve becomes steeper and moves downward in the context of short-term
bond yields declined sharply. According to Bloomberg statistics, yields for 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 5Y,
7Y, 10Y and 15Y ended Q1.2019 at 3.257% (-84.3 bps qoq), 3.373% (-83.7 bps qoq),
3.508% (-78.7 bps qoq), 3.878% (-67.7 bps qoq), 4.2% (56.3 bps qoq), 4.825% (-30 bps qoq),
5.148% (-26.5 bps qoq).
 Foreign net bought VND 3,792 billion.
 Interbank rates gradually decreased in Q1, however rebounded at the end of
March. Interbank rate for ON-3M tenors were recorded at 4.15%, 4.183%, 4.217%, 4.317%
and 4.433% respectively.
Le Thu Ha
+84 4 3936 6990 (ext. 7182)  SBV net withdrew VND 58,000 bn via OMO channel on Q1.2019.

[email protected] VCBS Commentary

 We believe that bond yields may fluctuate in a tight band or decrease slightly in
Q2: (1) domestic macro-economic indicators in this period are more positive than expected
(2) Banking system liquidity is plentiful, accompanied by interbank interest rate mainly
dropped in the quarter and (3) cautious approach from FED to the roadmap of raising
interest rates seemed to positively impact investors’ sentiment.
See Disclaimer at Page 9
 Until the beginning of April, we believe that interbank rates still have rooms to
Macroeconomic, Fixed-Income, decrease in Q2. However, news of draft amendment of Circular 36 changes our view
Financial and Corporation considerably because the stricter safety ratio, the more resources credit institution will need.
Information updated at The expected result from this will be higher level of interest rate both in interbanks rates
www.vcbs.com.vn/vn/Services/AnalysisResearch and deposit rates. In the short-term, we do not exclude chance that there may be certain
concern on this draft.

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Primary Market
10 and 15 year tenor bonds were mostly mobilized
VND 69,469 billion (+9,36% qoq) VND 69,469 billion (+9.36% qoq) worth of bonds were mobilized in Q1.2019 from the
worth of bonds were mobilized State Treasury (ST), fulfilling 95% of the plan of issuing government bonds for the State
Budget in Q1. In detail, VND 4,150 bn; VND 3,350 bn; VND 31,180 bn; VND 28,205 bn;
VND 1,749 bn and VND 835 bn were mobilized in 5Y, 7Y, 10Y, 15Y, 20Y and 30Y tenors,
respectively. Winning-to-offering rate reached 76.34%.
Meanwhile, the Vietnam Development Bank (VDB) and Vietnam Bank for Social Policies
(VBSP) did not mobilize bonds this quarter.

50,000 VND bn
45,000 Primary market 90,000 100%

40,000 80,000 90%

35,000 70,000
30,000 60,000
25,000 50,000
20,000 40,000
15,000 30,000
10,000 20,000 20%
5,000 10,000 10%
0 - 0%
Apr 18

Jun 18
Jan 18

Jul 18

Jan 19
Feb 18
Mar 18

Aug 18
Sep 18

Nov 18

Feb 19
Mar 19
May 18

Oct 18

Dec 18

5Y 7Y 10Y 15Y 20Y 30Y

Offering volume Winning volume
Winning-to-offering ratio Issuing plan

Source: HNX, VCBS compile

Winning interest rates decreased significantly in almost all tenors this quarter. Specifically, the
winning interest rates were recorded at 3.70% (-12 bps); 4.05% (-30 bps); 4.72% (-38 bps);
5.06% (-24 bps); 5.20% (-40 bps) and 5.85% (+5 bps) for 5Y, 7Y, 10Y, 15Y, 20Y and 30Y
tenors. In Q1.2019, 10Y and 15Y terms continue to be the tenors with the highest winning
volume and all exceeded the Q1.2019 plan.

Winning Volume Issued

2019 Q1.2019
rates Govt. bond auction results (VND bn)
plan plan
in % plan
7.50% 10000
5Y 40,000 7,000 4,150 59.3%
6.50% 8000
7Y 30,000 5,500 3,350 60.9%
5.50% 6000
10Y 70,000 30,000 31,180 103.9%
4.50% 4000
15Y 78,000 26,000 28,205 108.5%
3.50% 2000
20Y 20,000 3,000 1,748 58.3%
2.50% 0
30Y 22,000 2,000 835 41.8%
Jan 02- Jan 04
Jan 14- Jan 18
Oct 08- Oct 12
Oct 22- Oct 26
Nov 05-Nov 09
Jul 16 - Jul 20

Aug 13 - Aug 17
Aug 27 - Aug 31

Jan 28- Feb 01

Mar 04- Mar 08

Mar 18- Mar 22
Jul 30 - Aug 03

Sep 10- Sep 14

Sep 24- Sep 28

Feb 18- Feb 22

Jul 02 - Jul 06

Dec 03- Dec 07

Dec 17- Dec 21
Nov 19- Nov 23

Tổng 260,000 73,500 69,468 94.5%

Source: HNX, VCBS compile

Volume 5Y
7Y 10Y

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Updates on domestic and foreign macroeconomic situations:

 On March 29th, the General Statistics Office (GSO) released the socio – economic
statistics of the first 3 months of 2019. Accordingly, GDP in Q1.2019 is expected to
growth by 6.79% over the same period. Although this figure is lower than Q1.2018,
this is still higher than the period between 2009 – 2017. The main growth driver of
the economy on Q1.2019 was the processing and manufacturing industry with an
increase of 12.35%. Along with that, consumer demand continued to grow, shown by
the total retail sales of goods and consumer service revenue in the first quarter
increased by 12% over the same period. VCBS continues to assess the GDP growth
data will continue to be the bright spot for 2019 with GDP growth in the first half of
the year expected to fluctuate between 6.75% - 6.87%.

 In March, the CPI declined by 0.21% comparing to the last month, equivalent to the
increase of 2.69% comparing to the same period in 2018. In particular, the effect of
increasing electricity prices, gasoline prices has been neutralized from the decline in
pork prices. VCBS rated the target inflation of 4% for the whole 2019 is feasible.
Although inflation has been well controlled in the first quarter, the Government will
still need to maintain the operating method as in April, the increase in electricity and
gasoline prices is expected to be the main factor that pushes the CPI up in April as
well as in Q2.2019.

 Credit growth in the first 3 months (as of March 25th, 2019) reached 2.28% (lower
than 2.78% in the same period last year). The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)
expressed its transparency with the target of credit growth at a reasonable level,
concentrating resources on handling bad debts. Deposit and lending interest rates
remained stable in the quarter; adjustments in deposit rates at banks were local and
not representative for the whole system.
 Meanwhile, in the March monetary policy meeting, FED left interest rates unchanged
and signaled little appetite for raising them again in the near future. This helps to
minimize the possibility that capital inflows will gradually shift away from the
frontier and emerging markets at least in this year.
 On Friday (March 22nd), the yield of 10-year US Government bond was officially
0.01% lower than the yield of 3Y US Government bond for more than 10 years since
the 2007 – 2008 economic recession. In general, the direct cause of this movement is
the strong demand to seek safe assets of EU investment funds after the
underperforming economic data of Europe and concerns about the coming economic
recession in this area. It is noteworthy that according to the statistics over the past 60
years (since the end of the Second World War), whenever the yield curve is reversed,
it is always followed by a recession of one or several major economic locals in the
world. In the short term, the risk of declining when the Vietnamese stock market
movement is syncronized with the world stock market is still very large. However, in
the longer term, Vietnam is still one of the attractive destinations with foreign
investment flows thanks to a stable political environment and a good growth
 After the tension of the foreign exchange market in the end 2018, since the beginning
of the year, the SBV has continuously bought foreign currency to raise foreign
exchange reserves. The exchange rate at commercial banks did not change much in
Q1.2019 around VND 23,250 per USD. Along with positive news from FED's

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movements, along with the assumption of investment capital flow into Vietnam will
be maintained. VCBS expects that the VND depreciation in 2019 will not exceed 2%
instead of 3% as mentioned in the previous reports.

VND 503.026 billion (+15% qoq, - Secondary market

26% yoy) were traded on the
Market liquidity remained high
secondary market
VND 503.026 billion (+15% qoq, -26% yoy) were traded on the secondary market.
Average trading volume strongly increased 29% to VND 8,673 bn per session. For outright,
value traded recorded at VND 226.545 bn (+19% qoq) while that of repo reached VND
276.481 billion (+12% qoq). Short term bonds (<5 years) accounted for 47% of the total
trading value. This was followed by bonds traded at longer terms of more than 10 years
(nearly 25%).

300 Secondary market 100%

VND trillion

240 80%
180 60%

120 40%

> 10Y 7-10 5-7 3-5 <3

Outright Repo
Source: HNX, VCBS compile

Yield curve becomes steeper and moves downward in the context of short-term bond
yields declined sharply. According to Bloomberg statistics, yields for 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 5Y, 7Y,
10Y and 15Y tenors ended Q1.2019 at 3.257% (-84.3 bps qoq), 3.373% (-83.7 bps qoq),
3.508% (-78.7 bps qoq), 3.878% (-67.7 bps qoq), 4.2% (56.3 bps qoq), 4.825% (-30 bps qoq),
5.148% (-26.5 bps qoq).
We believe that bond yields may fluctuate in a tight band or decrease slightly in Q2: (1)
domestic macro-economic indicators in this period are more positive than expected: (i) GDP
growth rate is still high; (ii) Inflation is well-controlled within 4%; (iii) No pressure on
exchange rates recorded in Q1. Along with that, (2) Banking system liquidity is plentiful,
accompanied by interbank interest rate mainly dropped in the quarter and (3) cautious
approach from FED to the roadmap of raising interest rates seemed to positively impact
investors’ sentiment.

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8.0% Bond yields Yield curve




3.0% 2.5

2.0% 1.5











1Y 2Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y 15Y
31/01/2019 28/12/2018
2Y 3Y 5Y
7Y 10Y 15Y

Source: Bloomberg, VCBS compile

We believe that bond yields may fluctuate in a tight band or decrease slightly with the
following argument: (1) Interbank rates still have room to decline (2) Expectations of market
members are also more optimistic as FED may not increase interest this year(3) The pressure
of exchange rate is not too stressful and the domestic macroeconomic situation remains stable.

Foreign net bought VND 3,792 Foreign net bought VND 3,792 billion on most terms. Q1.2019 was recorded as the period
billion on most terms. when foreign investors were net buyers in order to restructure their portfolio. Specifically,
short term (<3 years) has the highest net buying value of VND 2,745 billion. Besides, FED
keeps interest rates unchanged also is also good news that may explain net bought value on the

6000 Foreign investors' activities in the secondary market

VND bn



Q1.2018 Q2.2018 Q3.2018 Q4.2018 Q1.2019
<3 3-5 5-7 7-10 10-15 >15 Net position

Source: HNX, VCBS compile

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Interest rates

Interbank rates
Interbank rates decreased in Q1.2019 Interbank rates decreased in Q1.2019 after seasonal factor came to an end. In particular,
interbank rates declined sharply from the beginning of January; however, at the end of
March, there were signs of increasing again at all terms. We believe that the cause may stem
from some banks to ensure that they meet safety ratio regulated by State Bank. Interbank
rates for ON-3M tenors were recorded at 4.15%, 4.183%, 4.217%, 4.317% and 4.433%





















ON 1W 2W 1M

Source: Bloomberg, VCBS compile

Until the beginning of April, we believe that interbank rates still have rooms to decrease in
Q2.2019 based on these factors: The increase in the last quarter is likely to be only a
moment when banks need to secure resources to meet safe ratios, before April 01st, 2019
when the SBV starts to classify financial institutions according to Circular 52/2018. (2)
Liquidity was plentiful when the amount of Government bonds maturing mainly in the first
half of the year reached VND 92,495 billion (equivalent to 77% of the total volume matured
in 2019). (3) Public investment reached VND 33.5 trillion, equal to 7.8% of annual plan,
which indicates that public investment is still behind the schedule. Although some
measures are carrying out so as to fix this, ther is likelihood that investment can only surge
in the seconf helf of 2019. (4) The SBV has favorable conditions for foreign exchange
reserves, creating abundant liquidity in the market. (5) Credit growth is forecasted to grow
at the same level compared to 2018, ensuring risk control and supporting economic growth
(forecasted to reach 14% for the whole 2019).
However, news of draft amendment of Circular 36 changes our view considerably because
the stricter safety ratio, the more resources credit institution will need. The expected result
from this will be higher level of interest rate both in interbanks rates and deposit rates. In
the short-term , we do not exclude chance that there may be certain concern on this draft.

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SBV net withdrew VND 58,000 bn Open market operations

via OMO channel on Q1.2019.
SBV net withdrew VND 58,000 bn via OMO channel in Q1.2019. Previously, there were
concerns that the SBV might have to raise Reverse Repo rates. However, these concerns have
gradually been eliminated, and it is unlikely that SBV will increase rate applied to repo
activities. In Q1.2019, the SBV has used the appropriate OMO tool to regulate interest rates on
the interbank market. Even so, from March 13th, SBV issued 7-day T - bills, 3% interest rate to
absorb surplus liquidity after buying foreign currency reserves.

Reverse Repo SBV-Bill Oustanding

x VND 1,000 bn

x VND 1,000bn
140 200
100 150
60 100
- -













Source: Bloomberg, VCBS compile


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Primary Market
ST Bond VDB VBSP Other
Month Issued Issued Issued
Issued 5Y 7Y 10Y 15Y 20Y 30Y Issued
Volume Volume Volume
Volume Volume
02/2018 10.015 3,05 3,4 4,2 4,4 N/A N/A 0 0 0 10.015
03/2018 11.028 2,97 3,43 N/A 4,4 5,1 5,42 0 0 0 11.028
04/2018 6.055 2,97 3,43 4,1 4,47 5,12 5,42 0 0 0 6.055
05/2018 11.178 3 N/A 4,26 4,6 5,14 N/A 0 0 0 11.178
06/2018 16.940 3,1 N/A 4,37 4,7 5,2 N/A 0 0 0 16.940
07/2018 15.420 3,45 3,9 4,48 4,78 5,22 5,42 0 350 0 15.770
08/2018 16.060 3,5 3,9 4,63 4,87 N/A N/A 0 0 0 16.080
09/2018 15.700 N/A N/A 4,8 5,07 5,22 5,42 0 0 0 15.700
10/2018 5.366 4,2 N/A 4,95 5,2 N/A N/A 0 0 0 5.366
11/2018 10.220 N/A N/A 5,1 5,3 N/A N/A 0 0 0 10.220
12/2018 28.450 N/A N/A 5,1 5,3 N/A N/A 0 0 0 28.450
01/2019 36.344 3,8 4.17 4,8 5,12 5,59 5.8 0 0 0 36.344
02/2019 18.850 3,63 4.05 4, 70 5,00 5,56 5.79 0 0 0 18.850
03/2019 12.775 3,70 N/A 4,72 5,06 5,20 5,85 0 0 0 12.775

Secondary Market
Bonds ST-bills
Month Outright Repo Outright Repo
01/2018 118.223 118.127 - - 236.350
02/2018 73.893 100.365 - - 174.285
03/2018 118.614 149.163 - - 267.777
04/2018 117.127 140.244 - - 257.371
05/2018 83.940 104.896 - - 188.836
06/2018 112.344 70.399 - - 182.733
07/2018 62.423 92.597 - - 155.020
08/2018 62.332 84.661 - - 146.993
09/2018 68.966 81.990 - - 150.956
10/2018 55,760 89,321 - - 145,081
11/2018 56,834 74,806 - - 131,640
12/2018 77,194 83,527 - - 160,721
01/2019 75,609 81,829 - - 157,438
02/2019 68,127 76,721 - - 144,848
03/2019 82,809 117,931 - - 200,740

Open Market Operation

Reverse Repo Outright (SBV Bills)
Due Offer Balance Outstanding Due Offer Balance Outstanding
01/2018 3,260 42,309 39,048 41,314 167,106 197,705 30,600 47,000
02/2018 49,780 8,466 (41,314) 0 59,000 90,600 31,600 78,600
03/2018 31 31 0 0 84,100 196,710 112,610 191,210
04/2018 2 2 0 0 191,210 78,500 (112,630) 78,580
05/2018 170 170 0 0 80,280 55,840 (24,440) 54,140
06/2018 0 0 0 0 54,140 150,499 96,359 150,499
07/2018 15,993 17,993 2,000 2,000 112,500 44,461 (68,039) 82,461
08/2018 37,167 42,869 5,702 7,702 35,312 28,482 (6,830) 75,630
09/2018 15,401 8,155 (7,246) 456 50,000 52,950 2,950 78,581
10/2018 - - - 45,000 - - - 31,060
11/2018 - - - 44,785 - - - 28,960
12/2018 - - - 51,064 - - - -
01/2019 187,354 280,582 93,228 144,292 - - - -
02/2019 188,097 64,776 (123,321) 20,972 - - - -
03/2019 50,248 30,911 (19,337) 1,635 54,499 59,399 4,900 4,900

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This report is designed to provide updated information on the fixed-income, including bonds, interest rates, some other related. The
VCBS analysts exert their best efforts to obtain the most accurate and timely information available from various sources, including
information pertaining to market prices, yields and rates. All information stated in the report has been collected and assessed as
carefully as possible.
It must be stressed that all opinions, judgments, estimations and projections in this report represent independent views of the analyst at
the date of publication. Therefore, this report should be best considered a reference and indicative only. It is not an offer or advice to
buy or sell or any actions related to any assets. VCBS and/or Departments of VCBS as well as any affiliate of VCBS or affiliate that
VCBS belongs to or is related to (thereafter, VCBS), provide no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and
materials found on, or linked to the report and no obligation to update the information after the report was released. VCBS does not
bear any responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising
from its use, and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided.
This report may not be copied, reproduced, published or redistributed for any purpose without the written permission of an authorized
representative of VCBS. Please cite sources when quoting. Copyright 2012 Vietcombank Securities Company. All rights reserved.

Tran Minh Hoang Le Thu Ha
Head of Research Fixed income Analyst
[email protected] [email protected]



Ha Noi Headquarter Floor 12th & 17th, Vietcombank Tower, 198 Tran Quang Khai Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi
Tel: (84-4)-39366990 ext: 140/143/144/149/150/151

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Tel: (84-28)-3820 8116 Ext:104/106

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Minh City
Tel: (84-28)-54136573

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Tel: (84-76)-3949843

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Tel: (+84-274) 3855 771

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