Welding of Nickel-Based Alloy 617 Using Modified Dip Arc Processes
Welding of Nickel-Based Alloy 617 Using Modified Dip Arc Processes
Welding of Nickel-Based Alloy 617 Using Modified Dip Arc Processes
5 618
2 authors, including:
Manuela Zinke
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
All content following this page was uploaded by Manuela Zinke on 15 August 2014.
Received: 3 October 2012 / Accepted: 11 February 2013 / Published online: 27 February 2013
# International Institute of Welding 2013
Table 1 The chemical composition (wt.%) of base metal and filler metal used in this study
617 2.4663 Bal. 22.3 1.2 0.06 0.09 0.15 8.7 11.6 1.1 0.4 0.03 B: 0.002
SNi6617 2.4627 Bal. 22.3 0.8 0.05 0.06 0.05 8.9 11.0 1.3 0.3 0.02 n/a
2 Experimental procedures groove butt joint configuration with 35° bevel angle. The root
opening was 2 mm. The weld geometry is shown in Fig. 2.
2.1 Materials The root pass was performed manually using the GTA
welding process. Table 2 shows chosen welding parameters.
The base material used in this work was hot-rolled nickel- Afterwards, each plate was attached on a heavy ferritic steel
based alloy617 in the solution annealed (1,100 °C, 32 min) block by GMA welding in order to induce high residual
and water quenched condition in the form of 12-mm-thick stresses which result in a high hot cracking potential in weld
plates. The filler metal SNi6617 (2.4627) was of matching metal and base metal HAZ (see Fig. 2). Restrained by that
composition and was 1.0 mm in diameter. The chemical fixture, the welds were completed with different types of
composition of the base and filler metal are given in Table 1. GMA welding techniques resulting in different levels of heat
Alloy 617 is a candidate structural material for next input for each welding process. As representatives of mod-
generation high temperature nuclear reactor with its superior ified dip arc welding, the cold metal transfer (CMT) and the
properties of high temperature strength and creep resistance. pulse-mix process were used in this study and compared to
It is currently widely studied in terms of its weldability and the commonly pulsed arc welding. The key attribute of the
the occurrence of microcracks in welds of alloy 617 has CMT process is that the motion of the wire is directly
frequently been reported [2–6]. incorporated in process control. The forwards wire feed
The typical microstructure of the alloy617 base metal in direction is reversed instantly backwards as the short circuit
the as-delivered condition is shown in Fig. 1. The micro- occurs between wire electrode and the weld pool. The wire
structure consisted of an austenitic matrix with intergranular retraction assists the droplet detachment and thus a current-
and intragranular precipitates. Previous published work [7, free metal transfer. The pulse-mix process is a variable
8] showed that the smaller particles are Cr-rich (M23C6) and combination of the CMT and the pulsed arc welding pro-
Mo-rich (M6C) carbides or a combination of both, while the cess. It allows a specific control of the heat input by the ratio
larger, bright particles are Ti(C, N). Figure 1 also illustrates of the alternating two types of metal transfer (Fig. 3). The
the extremely heterogeneous grain size of the base metal of welding parameters and the heat input for each weld in the
alloy 617. The microstructure is characterized by a particu- form of the calculated effective energy input per unit length
larly fine-grained structure (approx. 10 to 30 μm) associated (Eq. 1) are given in Table 3. The modified dip arc welded
with segregated carbide stringers and a significantly coarser joints were produced with a considerably lower energy input
grain size (up to 110 μm) in carbide-free areas. per unit length than with pulsed arc welding. All welding
was done with a shielding gas of 30 % helium, 2 % hydro-
2.2 Welding gen, 550 ppm carbon dioxide and a balance of argon.
Interpass temperature was measured by a contact thermom-
The base metal plates were cut and machined to the size of 250× eter and did not exceed 100 °C. In addition, the thermal
150×12 mm. The specimens were machined to make a single V cycles during multi-pass welding were recorded by three
400 µm 50 µm
Weld World (2013) 57:323–333 325
Fig. 3 Current and voltage profiles of the CMT (left) und pulse-mix process (right)
where MSI denotes microfissure sensitivity indicator; LMF is Hardness measurements were performed across the welds
the total crack length of all detected microfissures, ≥0.1 mm; to obtain the hardness profiles in the weld metal, HAZ, and
w is the width of the specimen (before bending), 40 mm; and the base metal. Vickers hardness values were measured
l0 is the length of the test area (before bending), 30 mm. under a load of 9.81 N(HV1).
All mechanical testing was performed on at least two
2.5 Mechanical testing specimens per condition to increase the results of the degree
of precision.
Tensile tests were carried out on transverse weld specimens
at room temperature with a nominal extension rate of
10 mm/min. The tensile test specimens were prepared 3 Results and discussion
according to DINENISO4136:2011. The specimens were
flat with a thickness of 12 mm and had a reduced area 3.1 Metallographic evaluation
section width of 25 mm and a 120-mm length.
Bend testing was done with 10-mm-thick transverse side Both modified dip arc processes were characterized by high
bend test specimens (SBB) and 12-mm-thick transverse face process stability when welding under optimized welding
bend test specimens (TFBB). The diameter of the former conditions. Due to the digitally controlled process a virtually
was 30 and 50 mm, respectively. In both cases the bending spatter-free metal transfer was obtained and resulted in
angle was 180°. All of the testing was done in accordance excellent weld surface appearance superior to those com-
with DINENISO5173:2012. monly seen in GMA welding (Fig. 5). Furthermore, the
The Charpy impact test according to DINENISO148- thermocouple temperature data showed that the reduced
1:2011 was conducted on the welds at room temperature energy input per unit length of the CMT and pulse-mix
with the standard 55×10×10 mm specimens. The speci- process resulted in a higher cooling rate after each pass.
mens were machined perpendicular to the welding direction Consequently the manufacturing time for the multi-layer
with the notch in the center of the weld metal. butt welds was up to 30–50 % lower when using CMT
and pulse-mix welding as compared to pulsed arc welding process. Due to the lower heat input of the modified dip arc
(Fig. 6). processes, the CMT and pulse-mix welded joints exhibited a
A macroscopic view of the polished and etched weld smaller HAZ as compared to pulsed arc welding.
cross-sections is shown in Fig. 7 illustrating a reliable fusion In all produced welded joints, surface cracks in the top
to the groove face and among the individual weld beads for layer weld metal were observed by dye penetrant testing.
all welded joints. However, the fusion to the groove face of The cracks had a length of about 1.5 mm or less and
the low heat input welded joints is slightly less than that of occurred adjacent to the bead fusion lines running perpen-
the pulsed arc welded joint. The bead sequence in the dicular to the weld seam direction, i.e., in the weld metal
bottom area of these joints had to be changed to reliably HAZ of the last pass (Fig. 9a). The surface cracking in the
avoid lack of fusion. Using the CMT and pulse-mix process, top layer weld metal is attributed to the high restraint when
the first layer was made off two stringer beads instead of welding. There was no significant difference between the
only one stringer bead as with pulsed arc welding. Never- modified dip arc welded joints and the pulsed arc welds in
theless, for all used GMA welding processes, a precise terms of number, size or location of the surface cracking.
positioning of the wire was necessary to avoid lack-of- The metallographic evaluation of weld cross-sections
fusion defects particularly when welding the first layer. revealed non-surface cracking in all produced welded joints.
For all produced welded joints, the fusion zone microstruc- However, there were only a few microcracks observed, a
ture is completely austenitic with a fine dendritic structure and total number of 1–4 for all cross-sections of each welded
contains small particles dispersed in the matrix. The higher joint. The characteristic zones of hot cracking found in the
cooling rates when using modified dip arc welding resulted in multi-layer butt welds of alloy 617 are schematically shown
a slightly finer microstructure of the weld metal. The HAZ of in Fig. 9. Besides the described surface cracks in the top
all welds was characterized by carbide dissolution. No grain layer, microcracks occurred in two distinctive zones of the
growth occurred. An overview of the HAZ of the CMT and welded joints.
pulsed arc weld is shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the All weld metals exhibited some microcracks in the upper
intergranular and intragranular carbides of the base metal half of the weld cross-sections. The cracks ranged from
microstructure were dissolved by the heat input of the welding
Fig. 5 Weld surface appearance of CMT (top) and pulse-mix (bottom) Fig. 6 Reduction of manufacturing time for multi-layer butt welds of
welded joints alloy 617 using CMT and pulse-mix process
328 Weld World (2013) 57:323–333
~0.025 to 1 mm in length and occurred almost exclusively The weld metal liquation cracks were observed more close-
just below the top layer in underlying weld beads which ly by EPMA and EDS analysis, which indicated a significant
constitute the HAZ of subsequent passes. Examples are shown enrichment of molybdenum in the interdendritic regions of
in Fig. 10 illustrating that the microcracks formed along weld alloy 617 weld metal. The SEM micrograph in Fig. 11 clearly
metal grain boundaries adjacent to the bead fusion line. Based illustrates the interdendritic crack path. The EDS spectrum at
on their location, they can therefore be regarded as cracks in the crack tip (B, C) and the dendrite core (A) shows that a
reheated weld metal and were classified as weld metal liqua- higher concentration of molybdenum was present in the li-
tion cracks. This type of microcracking has frequently been quation cracking region. A strong partitioning of molybdenum
reported in multi-layer welds of alloy 617 and other nickel- to the terminal interdendritic liquid of alloy 617 weld metal
based alloys [2, 9–11]. However, some of the cracking may has already been reported by [12].
also be of a ductility-dip origin, because both type of cracking Another type of cracking, which was found in the pro-
may occur in the reheated weld metal of nickel-based welds duced welded joints occurred in the HAZ of the base metal
and are difficult to differentiate [10]. immediately adjacent to the weld fusion line. The
The metallographic examination of the weld cross- microcracks formed intergranular along liquated base metal
sections showed that the low heat input by the use of the grain boundaries as illustrated in Fig. 12. It was evident that
modified dip arc welding processes did not lead to an the HAZ liquation cracks appeared where the coarse carbide
avoidance of weld metal liquation cracking. Because of stringers of the base metal microstructure (see Section 2.1)
the small amount of cracks found in cross-sections no quan- cross the fusion line of the weld. The local melting temper-
titative difference in microcracking was determined when ature of the grain boundaries is suppressed by the dissolu-
compared to pulsed arc welding. tion of carbides and sufficient strain can promote cracking.
Fig. 9 Schematic illustration of cracks in the multi-layer welded joints of alloy 617. a Surface cracks in the top layer weld metal at bead fusion
lines. b Microcracks in reheated weld metal in the upper layers. c Liquation cracks in the base metal HAZ
Liquation cracking in the base metal HAZ has frequently the determined MSI values vary in a wide range for all
been observed in arc welded joints of alloy 617 [2–4, 13]. In tested welded joints.
the present study, HAZ liquation cracks were only found in LBT testing judged the pulsed arc welded joint as being
the weld cross-sections of the pulsed arc and pulse-mix most crack resistant and revealed an immense variation
welded joints. Additionally, LBT testing, however, revealed among individual results. A possible reason for this is seen
that this type of cracks also occurred in the lowest heat input in the extraction of the specimens from the welds. The
weld, made by CMT welding. longitudinal bend specimens were machined 1 mm below
the plate surface for all welded joints. However, the cross-
sections of the welds (Fig. 7) show that, despite the bend
3.2 LBT tests specimen extraction was always at the same position
through the thickness of the plates, the more reinforced
Results from LBT testing are presented in Table 4 and weld beads of the modified dip arc processes resulted in
Fig. 13. Before bending in the polished and etched condi- a test surface located in a different layer of the welded
tion, no microcracks were found on the specimens. In those joints as for the pulsed arc weld. The test surfaces of
cases where microcracks did exist, they were only made the CMT and pulse-mix welded specimens were largely
visible by the bending process. Figure 13 shows the bended located just among the top layer, which is the area
specimens with black markings around the microcracks. It where the most microcracks in the reheated weld metal
can be seen that the examination of the longitudinal bend were observed by metallographic examination of the
specimens revealed a lot of differences in terms of number weld cross-sections (see Section 3.1). Because of the
and location of the observed microcracks not only between less reinforcement when pulsed arc welding the test
the different welding processes used but also between spec- surface of these specimens is located in a lower level
imens taken from one welded joint. of the weld, which was according to the metallographic
Microcracks occurred predominantly at or near the bead examination less susceptible to cracking.
fusion lines in the weld metal or in the base metal HAZ The LBT tests indicated the existence of microcracks in
adjacent to the weld. In one pulsed arc specimen no cracks all produced welded joints. Because of the shape of the
were detected. There was more microcracking observed in specimens a much bigger area of the welds can be reliably
the LBT specimens produced with the CMT and pulse-mix tested for microcracking than by metallographic examina-
process than in the pulsed arc welded specimens. However, tion of weld cross-sections. The LBT test however appeared
no third
pulsed arc
Fig. 13 Microcracks in longitudinal bend specimens (red dotted line fusion line)
Table 5 Tensile properties and Charpy V-notch impact energy of the GMA welded joints at room temperature
welded joints exhibited comparable tensile properties. Both length the CMT and pulse-mix welded joints exhibited a
CMT specimens ruptured in the weld metal, whereas the good fusion to the groove face. Lack-of-fusion defects
failure of the pulse-mix and pulsed arc specimens occurred could be reliably avoided by adjusting the bead sequence.
in each case in the base and the weld metal. This is attributed 2. The lower heat input of the modified dip arc processes
to the very comparable tensile properties of the used alloy 617 did not prevent microcracking in the multi-layer welds
filler metal and the solution annealed base metal. The results of alloy 617. All produced welded joints exhibited
of the tensile tests therefore confirm the suitable tensile prop- cracks in characteristic regions of the weld seam. The
erties of the produced low heat input welded joints. crack path is located predominantly at or near bead
Table 5 also shows the results of the Charpy impact test. fusion lines in the weld metal or in the base metal
It can be seen that there is no influence on the toughness of HAZ adjacent to the weld. Weld metal liquation crack-
the weld metal related to the heat input. The values of the ing formed interdendritic with a significant enrichment
modified dip arc welded joints are much higher than the of Mo at the crack tip. HAZ liquation cracking of the
filler material manufacturers’ requirements (100 J) and base metal is connected with the carbide stringers of the
equivalent to that of the pulsed arc specimens. All fracture base metal microstructure.
surfaces showed a fully ductile fracture. 3. The modified dip arc welded joints exhibited acceptable
Side bend and transverse face bend testing was tensile properties and impact toughness equivalent to
performed in order to identify ductility and micro-defects pulsed arc welding. The mechanical properties were not
of the welds. All of the bended surfaces of each weld passed influenced by the presence of the observed microcracks.
without remarks, no cracks occurred on the surfaces. Thus,
the detected microcracks in the cross-sections of all welded
Acknowledgements These tests were funded by the Federal Ministry of
joints (see Fig. 9) did not lead to premature cracking of the Economics and Technology (BMWi) assisted by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft
bended surfaces. The relative low fusion to the groove face industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (AiF—industrial research consor-
of the modified dip arc welded joints (see Section 3.1) had tium) “Otto von Guericke” e.V. (IGF-No. 16.316 B/DVS-No. 01.069) and
supported by the DVS Forschungsvereinigung Schweißen und verwandte
also no influence on the results of the bend tests.
Verfahren e.V. (DVS — German Research Association on Welding and
The hardness profiles across the weld fusion line of the Allied Processes). The authors gratefully acknowledge the support.
CMT, pulse-mix and pulsed arc welded joints are shown in
Fig. 14. The results indicated that the hardness in the HAZ
and weld metal obtained with the modified dip arc processes
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