History of The Greenhouse Effect Presentase
History of The Greenhouse Effect Presentase
History of The Greenhouse Effect Presentase
The greenhouse effect, first discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824, is a process in which a
planet's atmosphere heats. Mars, Venus, and other celestial atmosphere (such as a natural
satellite of Saturn, Titan) have greenhouse effects.
When solar radiation is emitted visible or not visible to the earth, 10 solar radiation energy
absorbed by various gases in the atmosphere 34% reflected by clouds and the earth's surface,
42%, making the earth heat up, 23% moisture, and plants only 0.023 % used for perfotosintesis. At
night the earth's surface reflects the energy from the sun which is not converted into other energy
forms such as converted to carbohydrates by plants in the form of infrared radiation. But not all the
infrared heat radiation from the earth's surface held up by the gases in the atmosphere. Gases in
the atmosphere absorb heat energy from the reflection of the earth.
Greenhouse effect may be visualized as a process. In fact, the layer of the atmosphere
there is a blanket of gas. Analogy of a greenhouse is surrounded by earth glass. Well, the sun's
heat into the earth to penetrate the glass in the form of short-wave radiation. Partly absorbed by
the earth and the rest is reflected back into space as long wave radiation. However, the heat that
would otherwise be reflected back into space to touch the surface of glass and trapped inside the
earth. Like the process in a greenhouse on the farm and plantation, indeed functioning glass to
withstand temperatures to warm greenhouses.
Problems arise when human activity causes an increase in the concentration of the gas
blanket in the atmosphere (greenhouse gases) that exceed the concentration should be. Then, the
heat of the sun which can not be reflected back into space will also rise. All the process is what is
called the Greenhouse Effect. Global warming and climate change is the impact of the greenhouse
The greenhouse effect caused by rising concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other
gases in the atmosphere. Increasing CO2 concentration caused by the increase in fuel oil
combustion (fuel), coal and other organic fuels which exceed the ability of plants and sea to
Energy into the earth to experience: 25% is reflected by clouds or other particles in the
atmosphere 25% absorbed by the clouds from earth's surface is absorbed 45% 5% is reflected
back by the surface energy is reflected back bumi.Diadsoprsi in the form of the infrared radiation by
the clouds and the earth's surface. But most of the infrared emitted by the earth held up by the
clouds and CO2 and other gases, to be returned to the earth's surface.
Under normal circumstances, the greenhouse effect is required, the greenhouse effect
perbedaansuhu between day and night on earth is not too far different. Besides CO2, which can
cause the greenhouse effect is sulfur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
and some organic compounds such as methane and carbon khloro fluoro (CFC). These gases play
an important role in enhancing the greenhouse effect.
1. Throw garbage into the landfill waste produces methane. Methane is also produced
from animal wastes that are kept for the supply needs of dairy and meat (like beef)
and also from coal mining
2. Driving a car
3. Using / buying goods produced in factories because their production processes
release greenhouse gases into the air.
Mechanism of the process is the greenhouse effect associated with heat flow cycle of the
sun. Approximately 30% of solar radiation reaching the ground is reflected back into space and
absorbed by the vapor, carbon dioxide gas, nitrogen, oxygen and other gases in the atmosphere.
The remaining 70% absorbed by land, sea and clouds.
At night, land and water bodies are relatively warmer than the air above it. absorbed
energy radiated back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation, or energy long wave heat radiation.
Most of this infrared radiation will be captured by carbon dioxide and water vapor in the
atmosphere. Only a small portion to go into space. Overall result is that the earth's surface warmed
by the presence of molecules of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and similar warming effect is known
as the greenhouse effect. While the process in a nutshell that is when the rays of solar radiation
through glass as short wave so diserapa heat by earth and plants that exist in a greenhouse.
In addition, the heat is on radiasikan back but with long wave (length proportional to the
energy geklombang) so that light radiation can not penetrate glass. As a result, the temperature
inside the greenhouse was higher than the temperature outside the greenhouse.
E. Greenhouse Impact
Earth's surface temperature increases will cause the most extreme climate changes on
earth. This can lead to disturbance of forests and other ecosystems, thereby reducing its ability to
absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Global warming causes the melting of icebergs in the
polar regions that could lead to rising sea levels. The greenhouse effect will also lead to rising sea
temperatures that sea water expands and sea level rise occurred resulting Islands countries will
have great impact.
According to estimates, the greenhouse effect has increased the earth's average
temperature 1-5 ° C. If the tendency of increasing greenhouse gases will remain as it is now
causing global warming rise by between 1.5 to 4.5 ° C around the year 2030. With increasing
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, heat waves over the earth's atmosphere is reflected from
the surface is absorbed. This will cause the earth's surface temperature will rise.
Common in agricultural regions in India, China, Russia and several African countries.
This paper will discuss the implications of the greenhouse effect, or especially, climate change
caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases on the productivity of food
crops. Also consider the biological effects directly or CO2 concentration increases. And the
interaction of biology and climate on the growth and production of food crops.
Research about the benefits of CO2 enrichment began centuries ago. Beginning in 1888,
with the benefits of CO2 fertilization has been done on plants in a greenhouse in Germany, and
several years later in England, as well as 80 years ago in the United States. favorable outcome
was first reported to occur in food crops such as letuce, tomato, cucumber, and then flowers and
ornamental plants.
Many records and reports are prepared based on plant growth in controlled environment
and are equipped with CO2 enrichment. Wittwer and Robb create a comprehensive data and
previous data plus the results of his own research that the tomato plants into adulthood, and
provide favorable results in CO2-enriched greenhouse. Strain and Cure Bibliographi while
compiling literature on CO2 enrichment and its impact on the environment and complete plants.
Kimball et al. in 1983, 1985 and 770 in 1996 to gather research on crop yields in a greenhouse with
CO2 enrichment, and the results proved this crop increased by 32%.
In 1982 organized the International Conference which aims to identify the letters
associated with a direct biological effect from the effect of increased CO2 on plant productivity, as
something inseparable photositensis efficiency, water use efficiency, nitrogen absorption-related
biological resources such as light climate , temperature and humidity. The focus of this paper was
prepared with reference to conference action.
More detailed documentation about the direct impact of CO2 on plants produkstifitas
United States Department of Energy published in the Year 1985 to 1987 in the series, Wittwer
paper in 1985 and 1992. This is all complemented with material edited by Enoch and Kimball in
1968 about Carbon Dioxide Enrichment in Greenhouse Crops include the status and sources of
CO2, physiological, economic disparity results. Has also conducted research for 35 years by
groups in the Plant Protection Commission Holticultural International Society for Science, which
proves that the result of adding CO2 enrichment of 12-13% compared with the normal atmospheric
concentration from 335 ppm.
The most striking influence of enrichment dalah photosynthetic efficiency and water usage more
Tiada kata yang paling indah kita ucapkan dan tiada perasaan yang lebih senang kitarasakan pada pagi
yang berbahagia ini selain memeanjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah Robbul alamin yang telah
memberikan rahmat dan hidayahnya sehingga kita dapat dipertemukan untuk membahas masalah efek
rumah kaca
Kepadanya disilahkan.
Alhamdilillah dianggap selesailahdiskusi kita pada pagi hari ini mudah-mudahan dapat bermanfaat bagi
kita semua
Terima kasih atas segala perhatian mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan
Nothing of the most beautiful words we say and no more happy feelings that we feel on this happy
morning praise and gratitude than utter Robbul alamin presence of God who have given their blessing
and hidayahnya so that we can be reunited to discuss the problem of greenhouse effect
To minimize the time, we will read our materials by sisters ... ...
Welcome to him.
That was the material which we can state
For discussion pesserta who want to give feedback or questions.
We invite Dengah
I will answer questions from the sisters ... ..
Alhamdilillah considered complete our discussion on this morning hopefully be beneficial to us all
Thank you for all the attention apologize for any shortcomings
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