SFC Start-Up Inverter of Gas Turbo-Sets: Integrated Compact Units
SFC Start-Up Inverter of Gas Turbo-Sets: Integrated Compact Units
SFC Start-Up Inverter of Gas Turbo-Sets: Integrated Compact Units
Inverter as a means for start-up of gas turbo-sets
The demand of public utility companies times (an inverter can start up only permitted the elimination of the rotor
for dependable and readily available one gas-turbo Set at the same time). position transducer which was
sources of energy for peak-load One inverter for two gas turbines with formerly attached to the generator-
coverage is reflected by the use of gas switch-over facilities to another developments which have further
turbine groups and pump-storage power inverter has turned out to be the increased the availability of these
stations. Moreover, increasing numbers optimal solution (see Fig. 1). static frequency converters and thus
of gas turbine power stations use gas of the gas-turbine units. Rotor
and steam combination processes as a For many years, static frequency con- position transducers in a strongly
means to boost efficiency. As gas verters developed and supplied by simplified form (via three proximity
turbines cannot start without external AEG have met these requirements in initiators) are today only necessary
means, a start-up device is necessary many gas turbine power stations with if the following operation
driving the main generator via a static a high degree of reliability. The rapid requirements must be fulfilled:
frequency converter while the main progress in the field of components (C-
generator is working as a motor. MOS techniques, microprocessors, High torque with the turbo-set idling
etc.) has led to a considerable (e. g. for plant without oil-lift
The approach of starting via static reduction in volume and costs of the bearings) or
frequency converters is increasingly necessary equipment and
gaining ground because it offers a if turning Operation is required for
number of important advantages: the static frequency converter
Space-saving design
Generator power:
base load 105.3 MW,
peak load 116.0 MW
The speed controlled Synchronous machine
The principles of Operation of a static of the machine converter are switched is again produced (M ~ Ø2 X ØF ),
frequency converter can be explained via over when the rotor field reaches a and the rotor continues turning. The
the working principles of a converter-fed certain position which means that the rotation motion of the rotor is
synchronous machine. Fig. 3 shows the thyristor f fires and the thyristor b maintained through successively
power part. The inverter normally blocks. As a consequence, a current switching over the thyristors. The
consists of two three-phase bridge now flows through the motor phases switching sequence is determined
circuits whose AC voltage inputs and U1 and V1. The resulting stator field is either upon the basis of the
outputs are connected to the mains and shifted to the position of the vector Ø2 measured machine voltage, or by
to the synchronous machine to be fed. (see vector diagram). A torque means of a transducer which is
Their DC connections are interconnected firmly attached to the rotor
via a DC link circuit.
M ~ Ø1 X ØF = Ø1 · ØF · sin δ
Static frequency converter, principles
The basic circuit diagram (Fig. 4) shows required for heavy starting are achieved by intervention in the
a gas turbine with static frequency con- evaluated only in the lower speed control of the mains converter.
verter. During inverter-controlled range (≤ 80 rpm), or over the entire The mains converter is temporarily
frequency start-up, the static frequency range of turning Operation with controlled to work as an inverter,
converter acts on the synchronous inverter where reduced excitation the current in the DC link circuit and
generator which is used as drive motor. current levels are being used. As soon thus in the thyristors of the machine
The mains converter (4) which works as as a sufficiently high machine voltage converter becomes zero. Following
a rectifier with phase angle control is available, normal signal detection a rest period of approx. 2 ms, the
supplies a DC voltage and passes on to procedures via voltage measurements mains converter is again forced to
the DC link circuit the active power drawn are applied. The current in the rectifier Operation and the next
from the mains. The machine converter machine converter is commutated by thyristors of the machine converter
(6) works as an inverter and generates a the terminal voltage of the are fired. This process which takes
negative voltage from the terminal synchronous machine. At zero speed place six times per machine
voltage of the generator. It withdraws or at very low speed, when the frequency period is repeated until
power from the DC link circuit and synchronous machine is still unable to the terminal voltage of the machine
passes this power on to the machine. supply a sufficiently high terminal is high enough to ensure
The machine voltage rises at a linear rate voltage, commutation of the machine commutation (up to approx. 6 % of
with the speed until the rated voltage of converter is rated speed).
the inverter (usually 1.3 - 1.5 kV) is
1 Control, signals
2 Control regulation
3 Supply transformer
4 Mains converter
5 Link choke
6 Machine converter
7 Isolator
8 Voltage detection
9 Synchronous machine
10 Excitation
11 Gas turbine
12 Block transformer
Static frequency converter plus excitation, detailed
Power rating
The power of the static frequency base speed (0.1 - 0.2 rated speed) The maximum torque depends upon
converter is primarily determined by the acceleration takes place at constant the base speed which is in the order
required run-up time of the turbo-set from torque because the terminal voltage of of 400 rpm. Example of the
standstill until synchronization at 3000 (or the machine rises in proportions to the calculation for a 2.9-MW inverter:
3600, resp.) min . In the case of gas speed (constant excitation) until the
turbine installations, this time is in the rated voltage of the inverter is Md = 9.554 (2900/400) = 69.266 kNm
order of a few minutes. As the inverter reached. The current is adjusted at a
must only be connected until a speed of constant value via the mains This is the mean torque which also
approx. 2100 min is reached, the active converter. appiles to the lower speed range
time until this speed is reached is under rated current conditions.
somewhat shorter. Between base speed and 2100 min , Plotting the instantaneous value of
acceleration takes place with constant the torque upon the pole position
The power rating is determined in two power. In this area, the machine gives the torque curve in Fig. 5.
steps. The first step is the calculation of voltage is kept constant by means of
the kinetic energy of the masses of the excitation unit (field weakening Given an optimal firing time setting,
generator, turbine, and clutch rotating at operation). the above-mentioned example thus
a speed of 2100 min , and its division by means a minimum of 62.99 kNm.
the run-up time. The result is the mean Another aspect important for the This also applies to starting from
power demand which is constant in time, power rating is the required torque. standstill as breakaway torque,
without consideration of the counter- Between base speed and 2100 min , although in such a case certain
torque curve. As a second calculating the torque is calculated as follows: allowances may be necessary in
step, this power value is adjusted by the order to consider the current flowing
influence of the counter-torque. The Md [kNm] = 9.554 (P[kW] / n [rpm]) into the transformers which may be
minimum power of the inverter is permanently connected to the
determined by the maximum counter machine terminals
Control and regulation
The block diagram shown below to work continuously (e. g. turning on this basis. The three coarse-
illustrates the configuration of the control Operation). For start-up purposes, the track signals α, β, and γ which are
loops of the static frequency converter. commutation of the current in the offset by 120° and 180° long give
The control system comprises the mains lower speed range must be ensured information concerning the m.m.f.
converter control (1), the start-up control by forcing the current to zero situation in the machine. The fine-
(2), the machine converter control (3), as (clocking) because the machine track signals 6 X fm thus obtained is
well as the voltage monitoring unit (4), voltage is still too low at that point. In converted into an analog quantity
the gate voltage controller (5), and the the clocking mode, the electronic used for speed control. In the lower
current actual-value monitoring unit (6). switching gate (1.2) interrupts the speed range (clocking range), the
speed controller at the output so that signals can be directly used for
The mains converter control assembly the mains converter can be changed firing pulse generation. In the higher
(1) contains a speed controller (1.1) with over to inverter operation. speed range, the current in the
subordinated current control (1.3). The machine converter is commutated
speed controller receives a fixed refer- As a consequence, the current in the by the terminal voltage of the
ence variable wn which is compared with inverter and thus in the motor phases synchronous machine. For this
the controlled variable xn at the becomes zero: The thyristors in the purpose, the machine current must
summation point A. The speed quantity is machine converter are reversed for lead the voltage; the machine works
obtained in that the frequency of the commutation purposes, and the in the leading mode. In order to
digital signal from the voltage monitoring current controller can be connected to ensure perfect operation of the
unit (4) to the f/V converter (3.2) is con- the control loop again. The output of converter, the angle æ between
verted into an analog value. The output the current controller is connected to current and voltage must be at least
of the speed controller is the reference the pulse generating unit (1.4). The so large that a sufficient recovery
variable for the current controller. Unlike firing pulses are passed on to the firing time is obtained for the thyristors at
normal variable-speed drives which transformers of the corresponding any speed and/or frequency. On the
mostly work under part-load conditions, thyristors of the mains converter. other hand, it is always attempted to
the static frequency converter works avoid excessive phase
under full-load conditions practically all Firing of the thyristors of the machine displacement values in order to
the time in order to ensure that the converter takes place depending upon minimize torque losses as a
desired speed is reached within the the rotor position and/or the machine consequence of an unfavourable
shortest time possible. This means: voltage (4). The signals α, β, γ and δ power factor. The function of the
The speed controller is overdriven, and are generated machine converter control (3) is to
the drive operates at its current limit. The find an optimal compromise
amount of the current reference variable between these two requirements.
is fixed via a suitable rating unit which
acts upon the limitation of the speed
controller. Different current reference
variables can be assigned to different
modes of operation. The current con-
trolled variable is measured in the DC
link circuit and via the potential isolation
unit (6) and compared with the reference
variable at the summation point B. The
speed controller does not become active
until the desired speed values are
reached, and until the inverter has
7 Control and regulation principles 2.4 External-internal pulse selection
1. LCC-controller 3. MCC-controller
1.1 Speed controller 3.1 Trigger stage
1.2 Electronic gate 3.2 Frequency-voltage converter
1.3 Current controller 3.3 Pulse shifting
1.4 Pulse formation 3.4 Formation of ignition ranges
2. Start up controller 3.5 Pulse formation
2.1 Start up interlocking 4. Voltage detection
2.2 Internal frequency controller 5. Firing angle control
2.3 Internal pulse generator 6. Actual value current controller
In order to achieve a favourable power
factor of the machine, it must be
attempted to minimize æ. If the machine
works with a constant value of æ over its
entire speed range, a favourable power
factor is achieved at maximum speed; at
low speed, however, this value is
reduced because the hold-off intervals
become unnecessarily long as a conse-
quence of longer periods so that the utili-
zation factor of the inverter becomes less
The speed-depending angle æ could be
optimized as follows:
Depending upon machine speed and
stator current, the displacement angle æ
which is optimized by means of the angle
presetting unit (5) is shifted. In this way,
the maximum possible torque is achieved
over the entire speed range because the
inverter always works with the optimal
extinction angle.
The exchange of signals with the entire
power plant control proceeds via a pro-
grammable logic control system. This
system permits a signal link to be estab-
lished with master computers (currently
AEG CP 80-A500, A500F) via a signal
The requirement of successively starting
several gas turbines via one static fre-
quency converter was considered a
specially important element of the control
8 Hinged frame with plug-in cards for static frequency converter and excitation control.
Two automatic control channels.
System components
Miniaturization of electronic components offered by AEG is a static frequency control signals and pass on commands
has made it possible to combine the two converter installation with auxiliary to the primary process. Both systems
central elements for operation and start- excitation only for static frequency permit direct function checks by means
up of gas turbine installation in one converter operation plus – possibly - of measuring sockets on the front panels.
assembly. Modern thyristor technology testing purposes. This type of installation
plays an important role in this field. It is, is somewhat more complex because it
for example, not necessary to use thy- requires two excitation units for gas The complete control system for the
ristors connected in parallel for the power turbine operation. Under particular static frequency converter is installed in a
range from 1000 kW to 5000 kW. The circumstances, however, this plant hinged frame (including Semipol®
development of components and concept may offer financial advantages. control) which can be turned through
modules for control purposes has been 150°. The components necessary for the
equally favourable: Space requirements In general, static frequency converters voltage supply of the information elec-
could be reduced to a level which permits can be divided into two function blocks: tronics, as well as relays and circuit
both control system for Semipol + SFC The power circuit assemblies and the breakers are mounted on a second in-
(static frequency converter) to be in- information electronics. stallation level. The installation shown is
stalled in one hinged frame. Further designed for the power range from 2 MW
advantages are obvious: The power circuit consists of converter to 2.9 MW.
transformer, mains converter, link choke,
Systems belonging together come from and machine converter. The information The left part of the compact unit (Fig.10)
one source, thus: electronics block comprises the control contains the DC link circuit choke and the
and regulation components. damping devices belonging to the
no “plant cabling“ work on site thyristor bridges. The thyristors are air-
The signal processing part consists of cooled. The compact unit is enclosed at
system checks at the manufacturer‘s plug-in type universal modules from the its top and sides and accessible through
works Geatronic system family. The plug-in doors on the front and rear. The rating of
cards from the Logidyn program are used the converter transformer (oil transformer
less commissioning work and costs. for control and monitoring functions. The for outdoor installation or cast resign
plug-in cards of the Modicon system are transformer for indoor uses) is
Static frequency converter installation used for digital signal processing. In the determined upon the basis of the start-up
with start-up control form of isolating and memory modules, power
they isolate peripheral
Another principle which is also
Plant adaptation
Modes of operation
AEG has developed a standard concept which can be executed by a static takes place either through the losses of
for static frequency converters in which frequency converter fulfil the following the generator only with no-load excitation
great store was set by the smooth inter- functions: current, or via an additional braking
play with the general control of the power resistor. The excitation unit is switched
station. In this context, the possibility of Power Operation and/or mains start off when a speed of 200 rpm is reached,
successively starting several gas-turbo The static frequency converter works and as the coasting process proceeds,
sets via one static frequency converter with the maximum power and acceler- the generator is again connected to the
has already been taken into account. The ates the gas turbine. When a speed of turning turbine.
desired modes of operation of the gas- 2100 min is reached, the inverter is
turbo sets are adjusted by the automatic automatically disconnected and thus Operation as shaft turning unit
control system of the power station or at available for further starts - if necessary, The desired speed is adjusted at the
its control stand where the start for the second gas-turbo set. The gas speed controller of the inverter and the
command is also given. These signals, turbine automatically accelerates to rated turbine turned at low speed (approx. 100
which are received from the primary speed (3000 rpm or 3600 rpm, resp.). min ) by means of the static frequency
automatic control system, are processed converter after power operation. This
in the control part of the static frequency Black start mode of Operation requires three
converter in such a manner that the The static frequency converter works proximity initiators as rotor position trans-
commands for the different gas-turbo with the minimum power which is ducers.
sets are mutually interlocked so that necessary to accelerate the gas turbine
simultaneous starting of several turbines over its maximum counter-torque. When Washing Operation
is not possible. The gas turbines must a speed of 2100 rpm is reached, the in- In order to clean the turbine with water or
run up successively. verter is switched off again. The inverter other media, the machine set is
is not fed from the normal mains but via a accelerated to approx. 600 min by
A new mode of Operation can only be standby diesel generator. means of the static frequency converter.
selected if the static frequency converter This speed of the turbo-set is maintained
is powerless. The individual control Phase shifter start until a switch-off command is given.
commands in potential-free form are first The generator, which is disconnected
checked for permissibility by a monitoring from the gas turbine, is accelerated to Proven for years
unit, which also receives all other status 3150 rpm or 3780 rpm, resp., with full More than 80 static frequency converter
messages of the converter and of the inverter power and switched oft when this installations have been in operation since
plant. Only then will the inverter be speed is reached. During the coasting 1973. From the very beginning, a crucial
connected and the flow of power phase, the generator is synchronized design aspect was a very high degree of
released by the control system. All im- with the mains at a speed of 3000 rpm or reliability. We have consistently applied
portant operating values are continually 3600 rpm, resp. our know-how to our customers‘ benefit
checked for staying within the per- so that we can supply installations whose
missible operating limits. If any Braking after phase shifter operation efficiency, low maintenance require-
deviations are detected, the flow of Only the excitation unit is switched on for ments, and availability have been
power is cut off and the inverter switched braking. Depending upon the required demonstrated by large numbers of
off and disconnected from the generator. braking time, deceleration practical applications
The modes of operation
11 Run-up diagram of a
100-MVA gas turbine
AEG Berlin
factory for current rectifier products
AEG have been developing, projecting, Characteristics of the systems, plant Products and Services
manufacturing and selling power elec- and components include innovative
tronics plants and components for more technology, high safety and reliability The division program includes:
than 60 years. The new production levels and quality assurance with
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square metres of production and office operational testing facilities. technology
premises, around 1000 employees and The extensive service provided meets • Motion control systems
modern production equipment has been the high quality standards of the • Converter for power plant
in service since 1984 to provide the products. technology
facilities required to consolidate and • Rectifier for high voltage and
expand upon the technological lead high current applications.
held by the company. During the last 8 • Construction of controls and
years AEG’s propriety factory together workshop Services
with its highly experienced engineers The reference list of different power • Wind generation applications
and personell was rented and operated electronics applications are long and • Converters: 50/60/16 2/3 Hz
by several different companies. Today it not limited.
is Converteam GmbH a daughter of These products are being marketed by
Barclays Bank the specialized departments for plant
construction as part of the total plants
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Industrial Engineering GmbH
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