IP&UN HRsystem PDF
IP&UN HRsystem PDF
IP&UN HRsystem PDF
9 Rev.2
Indigenous Peoples and
the United Nations
Human Rights System
New York and Geneva, 2013
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this pub-
lication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part
of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any
country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimita-
tion of its frontiers or boundaries.
* *
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................... IV
INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 1
Acronyms and abbreviations
The rights of indigenous peoples have, over the past three decades, become
an important component of international law and policy, as a result of a
movement driven by indigenous peoples, civil society, international mecha-
nisms and States at the domestic, regional and international levels. The Unit-
ed Nations human rights system—its mechanisms, laws and policies—have
been at the heart of these developments with bodies such as the United Na-
tions Working Group on Indigenous Populations playing a groundbreaking
role, which is continued by the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms,
in cooperation with other key actors, including the United Nations Permanent
Forum on Indigenous Issues.
Who are indigenous peoples?
Indigenous peoples live on all continents, from the Arctic to the Pacific, via
Asia, Africa and the Americas. There is no singularly authoritative definition
of indigenous peoples under international law and policy, and the Indig-
enous Declaration does not set out any definition. In fact, its articles 9 and
33 state that indigenous peoples and individuals have the right to belong
to an indigenous community or nation, in accordance with the traditions
and customs of the community or nation concerned, and that they have the
right to determine their own identity. The International Labour Organization’s
(ILO) Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent
Countries (No. 169) distinguishes between tribal and indigenous peoples as
follows, highlighting also the importance of self-identification:
Despite the lack of an authoritative definition, there are criteria that help to
define indigenous peoples. The main one is the criterion of self-identification
and those proposed by José Martínez Cobo in his “Study of the problem of
discrimination against indigenous populations”,1 which include:
E/CN.4/Sub.2/1986/7 and Adds. 1–4.
tions their ancestral territories and identity as peoples in accordance
with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal system.
The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples has stressed, in
addition to the above:
• A strong link to territories and surrounding natural resources;
• Distinct social, economic or political systems; and
• Distinct language, culture and beliefs.
Many indigenous peoples populated areas before the arrival of others and
often retain distinct cultural and political characteristics, including autonomous
political and legal structures, as well as a common experience of domina-
tion by others, especially non-indigenous groups, and a strong historical and
ongoing connection to their lands, territories and resources, including when
they practise nomadic lifestyles. While the legal status of indigenous peoples
is distinct from that of minorities, they are often, though not always, in the
minority in the States in which they reside. Minorities and indigenous peoples
have some similar rights under international law, although the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is arguably more comprehen-
sive than international legal instruments associated with minorities.
Indigenous peoples’ rights under international law have evolved from exist-
ing international law, including human rights treaties, to address the specific
circumstances facing indigenous peoples as well as their priorities, such as
rights to their lands, territories and resources, and self-determination.
The United Nations General Assembly has, through the adoption of the
Declaration, affirmed that indigenous peoples have the right to self-deter-
mination and, hence, the right to freely determine their political status and
freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Article 3 of
the Declaration mirrors common article 1 of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights.
All rights in the Declaration are indivisible and interrelated, and the right to
self-determination is no exception. It colours all other rights, which should be
read in the light of indigenous peoples’ self-determination, such as the right to
culture, which can include indigenous peoples’ autonomy over cultural matters.
rights are that their consent must be sought for activities that have a signifi-
cant impact on them and their lands, territories and resources.2
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, advice No. 2: indigenous peoples
and the right to participate in decision-making (A/HRC/18/42, annex).
Case of the Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni Community v. Nicaragua, Judgement of
31 August 2001, Series C, No. 79, para. 149.
See, for example, Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 23 (1994) on the rights
of minorities and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment
No. 21 (2009) on the right of everyone to take part in cultural life. Note, also, Inter-Amer-
ican Court of Human Rights, Case of the Plan de Sanchez Massacre v. Guatemala, Series
C, No. 116, Judgement of 19 November 2004.
Rights, the Declaration and ILO Convention No. 169 affirm indigenous peo-
ples’ rights to health, education, employment, housing, sanitation, social
security and an adequate standard of living. The Declaration’s article 3 is
of particular importance, articulating their right to freely determine their eco-
nomic, social and cultural development.
Collective rights
Indigenous peoples’ rights are, by definition, collective rights. In other words,
they are vested in indigenous individuals that organize themselves as peo-
For example, see article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
which refers to “persons belonging to … minorities”.
Equality and non-discrimination
Equality and non-discrimination are significant objectives of, and underpin,
both the Declaration and ILO Convention No. 169 on Indigenous and Tribal
Peoples. Indeed, the Declaration’s articles 1 and 2 articulate the right of
indigenous peoples, as a collective or as individuals, to all human rights.
Indigenous peoples and individuals are:
free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to
be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in
particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity.
The recognition of their rights overall is fully justified from an equality and
non-discrimination perspective, taking into account the discrimination they
have experienced historically as peoples and individuals. An equality and
non-discrimination approach also supports the recognition of their collective
rights to their lands, territories and resources as being equivalent to the rights
of non-indigenous individuals to their property, as the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights has found.6
where maximum compliance is expected”.8 The United Nations Declara-
tion on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is such a declaration deserving of
the utmost respect. This is confirmed by the words used in its first preambu-
lar paragraph, according to which the General Assembly, in adopting it,
was “guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United
Nations, and good faith in the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by
States in accordance with the Charter” (emphasis added). Moreover, on
the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People in 2008, the United
Nations Secretary-General stated:
Report of the Commission on Human Rights on its eighteenth session (E/3616/Rev.1),
para. 105.
For more information, see ILO, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples’ Rights in Practice: A Guide
to ILO Convention No. 169 (Geneva, 2009) and www.ilo.org/indigenous/Conventions/
no169/lang--en/index.htm (accessed 4 June 2013).
man Rights and the decision of the African Commission on Human and Peo-
ples’ Rights in the Endorois case confirm that indigenous peoples’ rights to
their lands, territories and resources, as well as the principle of their free, prior
and informed consent, are part of the corpus of binding human rights law.10
The rights of indigenous peoples are also increasingly being formally in-
corporated into domestic legal systems. Courts, too, have been instrumen-
tal in the application of the rights of indigenous peoples articulated at the
international level in domestic cases.11 More broadly, and oftentimes with
the involvement of national human rights institutions, governmental policy af-
fecting indigenous peoples increasingly takes into account their rights under
international human rights law.
Centre for Minority Rights Development (Kenya) and Minority Rights Group International (on
behalf of Endorois Welfare Council) v. Kenya, communication No. 276/03 (25 Novem-
ber 2009). See also chapter IV, section B, below. For more analysis, see Luis Rodríguez
Pinero, “The inter-American system and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples: Mutual reinforcement” in Reflections on the UN Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples, Stephen Allen and Alexandra Xanthaki, eds. (Oxford, Hart, 2011).
See, for example, Aurelio Cal et al. v. Attorney General of Belize (Supreme Court of
Belize, 2007).
The United Nations human rights system has two main components: the
Charter-based bodies and the treaty-based bodies. The former are so called
because they derive their authority from the Charter of the United Nations, its
constituting document. The latter are so called because they are established
by specific human rights treaties, such as the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights, which provides for the establishment of the Human Rights
Both the Charter-based bodies and the treaty bodies devoted to human rights
are serviced by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights (OHCHR), which is discussed in chapter III.
General Assembly
The others are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of
it was placed under the direct authority of the General Assembly rather than
the Economic and Social Council.
The Permanent Forum met for the first time in 2002. During its annual two-
week sessions, it reviews and assesses the work of the United Nations system
related to indigenous peoples and their rights. It considers issues in relation to
its mandate, including human rights. It also identifies a specific theme as the
overall framework for its sessions, alternating with a review every other year.
Since the adoption of the Declaration in 2007, the Permanent Forum has
focused on the implementation of the Declaration and carries out its mandate
keeping this in mind. In recent years, the Forum has held comprehensive
dialogues with specific United Nations agencies, programmes and funds on
their policies and programmes to achieve the objectives of the Declaration,
with a view to providing States and indigenous peoples, as well as its own
members, an opportunity to raise questions. The Forum also focuses attention
on a specific region each year, as a means of highlighting the situation of the
indigenous peoples in that region and the challenges they face.
A key element of its work is the studies that its members carry out on specific
matters of concern to indigenous peoples, for example in relation to climate
change, forests, shifting cultivation, law and policy, violence against indig-
enous women and girls, constitutional processes, and so on. These studies
form the basis for the substantive discussions at the annual sessions, and
help the members identify the key areas for the Forum’s recommendations to
States, United Nations agencies and other partners. In more recent years the
Permanent Forum has also conducted country visits. Each year it also orga-
nizes expert seminars and workshops on emerging issues of importance to
indigenous peoples, which inform and enrich its annual sessions.
Its annual session in New York are widely attended by Member States,
indigenous peoples’ representatives and organizations/institutions, indig-
enous parliamentarians, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes,
non-State actors and others—who all participate as observers. By providing
a space for indigenous peoples and Member States to share good practices
and learn from diverse experiences in responding to the challenge of better
realizing the rights and aspirations of indigenous peoples, the Forum has
established itself as an important venue for addressing current and emerging
issues affecting indigenous peoples.
Many of the thematic and country issues it addresses are relevant to the rights
of indigenous peoples. The Human Rights Council also focuses specifically
on indigenous peoples’ rights, usually during its September session, when it:
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was established
in 2007 by the Human Rights Council,13 of which it is a subsidiary body.
The mandate of the Expert Mechanism is to provide the Human Rights Coun-
cil with thematic expertise, mainly in the form of studies and research, on the
rights of indigenous peoples as directed by the Council. The Expert Mecha-
nism may also make proposals to the Council for its consideration and ap-
proval, within the scope of its work as set out by the Council.
The Expert Mechanism’s first study examined lessons learned and challenges
to achieve the implementation of the right of indigenous peoples to education
(A/HRC/12/33) and was finalized in 2009. Its second study, undertaken
over two years, examined indigenous peoples and the right to participation
in decision-making (A/HRC/18/42). The Expert Mechanism studied the
role of languages and culture in the promotion and protection of the rights
and identity of indigenous peoples (A/HRC/21/53) in 2011–2012 and
indigenous peoples’ access to justice in 2012–2013. Each study is pre-
sented to the Human Rights Council and, from 2011 onwards, is the subject
of an interactive dialogue between the Council and the Expert Mechanism
during one of the Council’s sessions.
Each study includes advice which outlines the Expert Mechanism’s key find-
ings related to the human right under study in the indigenous context.
The Expert Mechanism is a key body within the United Nations human rights
structure in Geneva and provides a space for indigenous peoples to raise
thematic human rights issues, related to the specific study undertaken by the
Expert Mechanism each year. Like the former Working Group on Indigenous
Populations, the rules governing participation in its annual sessions are rela-
tively open, so that indigenous peoples’ organizations and individuals can
usually attend if they have successfully applied for accreditation. Hundreds of
representatives of indigenous peoples’ organizations, indigenous individuals
and non-governmental organizations attend the annual sessions.
Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples
The Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples is a so-called
special procedure of the Human Rights Council. The mandate of the Special
Rapporteur was established in 2001 by the Commission on Human Rights
and continued by the Human Rights Council in 2007.14 The Special Rap-
porteur reports to the Human Rights Council each year.
Rodolfo Stavenhagen (Mexico) held the mandate between 2001 and 2008 and James
Anaya (United States) has held it since 2008.
Resolution 15/14.
Coordination between the United Nations bodies mandated to focus on
indigenous peoples
The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Permanent
Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Special Rapporteur on the rights of
indigenous peoples meet annually to coordinate their activities and share in-
formation. Representatives of the Permanent Forum usually attend the annual
session of the Expert Mechanism and vice versa. As mentioned above, the
Special Rapporteur attends the annual sessions of both the Permanent Forum
and the Expert Mechanism. The Human Rights Council requests the Perma-
nent Forum, the Expert Mechanism and the Special Rapporteur to carry out
their tasks in a coordinated manner.16
The mandates of the Expert Mechanism, the Special Rapporteur and the
Permanent Forum can be seen as complementary. The Expert Mechanism
undertakes thematic studies. The Special Rapporteur undertakes country
visits, addresses specific cases of alleged human rights violations through
communications with Governments or others and, in addition, undertakes
or contributes to thematic studies. The Permanent Forum focuses on advice
and coordination on indigenous issues within the United Nations and raises
awareness about such issues.
Special procedures
Special procedures refer to mechanisms established by the Human Rights
Council (and its predecessor, the Commission on Human Rights). They “ex-
amine, advise and report on” human rights themes and on the human rights
situation in specific countries and territories.
A number of special procedures, which include independent experts and work-
ing groups, address issues of importance to indigenous peoples, such as hous-
ing, cultural rights, education, poverty, the right to food, health, minorities,
water and internal displacement.
For more information about the Human Rights Council’s special procedures,
• www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/SP/Pages/Welcomepage.aspx (ac-
cessed 4 June 2013)
• OHCHR, Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme: A
Handbook for Civil Society (Geneva, 2008)
Resolution 18/8.
Historical overview of indigenous peoples, their rights
and the United Nations bodies and mechanisms
Indigenous peoples have been bringing claims to the international level for almost
a century. In the 1920s, on separate occasions, Haudenosaunee Chief Deskaheh,
representative of the Iroquois people in Ontario (Canada), and T.W. Ratana,
Maori from Aotearoa/New Zealand, approached the League of Nations to
voice their concerns as representatives of indigenous peoples to an international
body, without tangible result. Similarly, in 1948, a Bolivian initiative in the United
Nations to create a sub-commission to study the social problems of aboriginal
populations was not implemented.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) was the first international body and
the only body associated with the United Nations predecessor, the League of
Nations, to take action on indigenous issues. In 1953 it published a study on
indigenous peoples and in 1957 it adopted Convention No. 107 concerning the
Protection and Integration of Indigenous and Other Tribal and Semi-Tribal Popula-
tions in Independent Countries, the first international and globally focused treaty
to specifically address indigenous peoples’ rights. It was revised in 1989, when
ILO adopted Convention No. 169 concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
in Independent Countries, eliminating some of the assimilationist and paternalist
tenor of Convention No. 107.
A turning point in indigenous peoples’ rights at the international level came in the
1970s, when the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination
and Protection of Minorities recommended that a comprehensive study of discrimi-
nation against indigenous populations should be undertaken. In 1971, José R.
Martínez Cobo was appointed to suggest national and international measures for
eliminating such discrimination and between 1981 and 1984 he presented his
groundbreaking study to the Sub-Commission.
Activity at the international level led to the Economic and Social Council’s estab-
lishment of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations in 1982 as a subsidi-
ary body of the Sub-Commission. This Working Group became a primary venue
for the international indigenous peoples’ movement to meet and advance their
collective global agendas. It was responsible for the early drafts of what would
become the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
2. United Nations human rights treaties and their treaty
United Nations human rights treaty bodies, which monitor the implementa-
tion of the international human rights treaties, have been addressing human
rights issues facing indigenous peoples since the 1970s. They do so by:
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Human Rights
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights protects rights that
are important to indigenous peoples, such as the right to self-determination
(art. 1) and the rights of persons belonging to minorities to enjoy their own
culture, to profess and practise their own religion or to use their own lan-
guage (art. 27).
Over the decades, the Human Rights Committee has rendered decisions
and issued concluding observations under both its individual complaints and
State reporting procedures that elaborate on indigenous peoples’ rights. Im-
portantly, the Human Rights Committee has understood the right to culture of
persons belonging to minorities to encompass indigenous peoples’ rights in
relation to their customary activities, their lands, territories and resources, and
their right to participate in political decisions that affect their cultural rights. In
one decision relating to ancestral burial grounds, it interpreted other rights in
the Covenant—namely the right to family—as understood by the society in
question, stating that “cultural traditions should be taken into account when
defining the term ‘family’ in a specific situation”.17 As a result, “family” was
interpreted to include the relationship between the indigenous complainants
and their ancestral burial grounds.
The Human Rights Committee has found that the right to self-determination
is also relevant when interpreting article 27. Thus, in one of its concluding
observations, it applied article 1 in relation to aboriginal rights, requiring the
Communication No. 549/1993, Hopu and Bessert v. France, views of 29 July 1997,
para. 10.3.
State concerned to give indigenous peoples “greater influence in decision-
making affecting their natural environment and their means of subsistence as
well as their own culture.”18
Its general comment No. 21 (2009) on the right of everyone to take part
in cultural life sets out its overarching approach to its interpretation of this
right as expressed in article 15 of the Covenant. It explicitly draws upon the
Indigenous Declaration and includes a section devoted to indigenous peo-
ples’ cultural rights. In it, the Committee emphasizes the communal aspects of
indigenous peoples’ cultural lives and the importance of their ancestral lands
and nature to indigenous cultures. Accordingly, it notes that:
In addition, its general comment No. 17 (2005) on the right of everyone to
benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from
any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he or she is the author
clarifies that the right extends to indigenous peoples’ knowledge, innovations
and practices. It sets out States’ obligations to adopt measures to ensure
“the effective protection of the interests of indigenous peoples relating to
their productions, which are often expressions of their cultural heritage and
traditional knowledge.”
Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of
the Child
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the only global United Nations
human rights treaty to specifically mention indigenous children. Emulating ar-
ticle 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, its article
30 states:
members of his or her group, to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess
and practise his or her own religion, or to use his or her own language.
(3 October 2003).
B. Bringing human rights issues to the United Nations
As the above description of the United Nations human rights institutional
structure relevant to indigenous peoples indicates, some of these mechanisms
have the mandate and the capacity to respond to specific allegations of hu-
man rights violations brought by victims and/or their representatives; others
do not.
In strategizing how to seek the best response from the United Nations human
rights system to specific violations or concerns, it is important to consider
whether the mechanism has a mandate to consider such allegations and
what scope it has to respond.
is one of three reports on the basis of which the review will be undertaken.
(The other two are the national report from the State itself and a report on
relevant information contained in the reports of independent human rights
experts such as special procedures and human rights treaty bodies.) From
the second cycle onwards, the review will focus on the implementation of the
recommendations from the previous cycles. Representatives of organizations
accredited to the Human Rights Council can also attend the relevant session
of the Working Group and lobby States to include issues of importance to
them in the recommendations to the State under consideration. However,
non-governmental organizations cannot take the floor during these sessions.
State reporting
States that have ratified a human rights treaty are under an obligation to
report to its treaty body how it is implementing the rights set out in the treaty.
The treaty body reviews these State reports and makes observations, and,
if appropriate, raises human rights concerns and suggests action to remedy
situations requiring urgent attention. It can be invoked by non-State actors by
communicating directly with the Committee about the situation, highlighting
why it requires expedited attention from the Committee and why the situa-
tion allegedly violates the Convention. The Committee has responded to a
number of situations facing indigenous peoples.
Information, including guidelines, about its early warning and urgent ac-
tion procedure is available from http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/
cerd/early-warning.htm (accessed 4 June 2013).
The Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples can receive com-
munications on allegations of specific human rights concerns. Raising such al-
legations with the Special Rapporteur has special advantages. For instance,
he or she can respond quickly, if the situation warrants a response and he
or she has the requisite capacity, and there is no need for the complainant
to exhaust domestic avenues for redress first. The communications sent by
the Special Rapporteur are, in general, of two types: urgent appeals, in the
event of imminent danger of violation; and allegation letters, in situations in
which the violation has already occurred or the situation is less urgent. The
Special Rapporteur’s response is most commonly to initiate a dialogue about
the issue with the Government concerned (A/HRC/18/35/Add.1).
For more information, see OHCHR Fact Sheet No. 7, Individual Complaint Procedures
5. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Although its mandate goes beyond human rights, the Permanent Forum con-
siders issues involving human rights and has an interactive dialogue devoted
to human rights during its annual sessions, in which the Special Rapporteur
and the Expert Mechanism both actively participate. Since the adoption of
the Declaration, the interactive dialogue has provided an opportunity to con-
sider progress towards its implementation. Importantly, the Permanent Forum
can provide advice to the United Nations more generally, including all its
agencies, on how best to advance the implementation of indigenous peo-
ples’ rights. It has also undertaken visits to assess the situation of indigenous
peoples in specific countries.
The OHCHR Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section, located in the Rule
of Law, Equality and Non-discrimination Branch of the Research and Right to
Development Division, provides particular expertise on indigenous peoples’
rights. It supports the High Commissioner and OHCHR as a whole in relation
to its broader activities that relate to indigenous peoples. It is also the secre-
tariat of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Support
to the Special Rapporteur is provided by the OHCHR Special Procedures
Moreover, the Section provides legal and policy advice in relation to the
rights of indigenous peoples, including to States seeking to enact laws to
implement such rights and to national human rights institutions. OHCHR,
including the Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section, has established
close relationships with national human rights institutions around the world to
promote the implementation of the rights of indigenous peoples, including as
a result of consultations in different regions.
OHCHR and national human rights institutions
OHCHR has been working with national human rights institutions from
around the world on guidelines for such institutions on the implementation
of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
For more information, see www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/IPeoples/Pages/
Seminars.aspx (accessed 4 June 2013).
2. Indigenous peoples and OHCHR in the field
Various regional and country offices of OHCHR promote and protect in-
digenous peoples’ rights, in line with the United Nations Declaration and
guided by the United Nations Development Group’s Guidelines on Indig-
enous Peoples’ Issues (2009). Examples include work in Guatemala on joint
strategies with indigenous peoples to protect access to their territories and
resources and on a training programme for strategic human rights litigation
for indigenous peoples’ rights. OHCHR has made significant contributions
to the development of national and local laws to promote the rights of indig-
enous peoples in a number of regions.21
The United Nations human rights system has commissioned and conducted
a number of seminars and studies on human rights issues facing indigenous
peoples, oftentimes associated with relevant studies by mandated experts.
Such studies and seminars are usually facilitated by OHCHR. Some exam-
ples are the expert seminar on indigenous peoples’ permanent sovereignty
over natural resources and their relationship to land, and expert seminars on
treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States.
See “Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the rights of
Information about the Voluntary Fund and how to apply is available from
FundIndex.aspx (accessed 4 June 2013).
More than 100 indigenous men and women from 46 countries have taken
part in the Fellowship Programme and they, in turn, have provided human
rights training to many more in their communities.
The annual reports of the United Nations agencies to the Permanent Forum
provide up-to-date information on their activities in relation to indigenous
peoples. They are available from the Permanent Forum’s website: http://
social.un.org/index/IndigenousPeoples.aspx (accessed 4 June 2013).
1. United Nations Indigenous Peoples’ Partnership
The United Nations launched the Partnership in 2011, after it was initially
established by the International Labour Organization, OHCHR and UNDP
in 2010. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Na-
tions Population Fund (UNFPA) joined the Partnership in 2011. Established
to promote and protect the rights of indigenous peoples, to strengthen their
institutions and ability to participate in governance and policy processes,
the Partnership functions through a multi-partner trust fund to primarily support
United Nations programmes at the country level in partnership with indig-
enous peoples. It also supports regional and global initiatives. Its thematic
priorities are: legislative review and reform; access to justice and strengthen-
ing of indigenous customary law and justice systems; access to land and
ancestral territories; the impact of extractive industries on indigenous peo-
ples; the right to education and health, and the rights of indigenous women,
children and youth.
A trust fund was established for projects promoting the objectives of the De-
cade. It is managed by the Permanent Forum. The trust fund provides small
grants to indigenous organizations to contribute to their work. It receives vol-
untary contributions from donors and Member States. Details about the trust
fund are available from http://social.un.org/index/IndigenousPeoples.
aspx (accessed 4 June 2013).
The African, inter-American and European human rights systems are impor-
tant for the promotion and protection of human rights at the international
level. Given the attention they have devoted to indigenous peoples’ rights,
the African and Inter-American systems are profiled here. There are also new
regional initiatives, such as the Intergovernmental Commission on Human
Rights of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which held
its first meeting on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration in January 2012.
B. Organization of American States
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is the judicial organ of the OAS
human rights system. It can hear petitions about alleged State violations of the
American Convention on Human Rights if the State has accepted the Court’s
jurisdiction by ratifying the American Convention. The Court has decided a
number of significant cases elaborating on the rights of indigenous peoples,
including that indigenous peoples’ rights to property extend to States’ duties
to protect their traditional land tenure.22
Case law from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights is available from
www.corteidh.or.cr/index.php/jurisprudencia (accessed 4 June 2013).
C. Council of Europe and European Court of Human Rights
While the Council of Europe has no specific standards or mechanisms de-
voted to indigenous peoples, the Convention for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms contains relevant legally binding human
rights standards, including on non-discrimination and the right to respect for
private and family life, and the European Court of Human Rights has devel-
oped some jurisprudence concerning indigenous peoples. Furthermore, the
monitoring bodies of the Framework Convention for the Protection of Nation-
al Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
have addressed human rights concerns of indigenous peoples during their
country visits and in their findings.
Below is a non-exhaustive sample of the United Nations agencies’ work on
indigenous peoples with details about where to find more information in
relation to those activities.
Its governing body, the Conference of the Parties, established the Working
Group on Article 8 (j), in relation to indigenous and local communities’ tradi-
tional knowledge. More information about this Working Group is available
from www.cbd.int/traditional/.
More information about FAO policies and activities in relation to indigenous
peoples is available from its website (www.fao.org).
PeoplesandtheirCommunities/tabid/52201/Default.aspx (accessed 4 June
“Study on the extent to which climate change policies and projects adhere to the stan-
dards set forth in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”
United Nations Human Settlement Programme
The United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) focuses on
human settlements and shelter for all. It has frequently focused on indigenous
peoples’ specific issues, such as urban indigenous peoples and migration.
More information about the work of UN-Women is available from its website
For more information, see its 15-page brochure UNFPA Work on Indige-
nous Issues. Available from www.unfpa.org/public/home/publications/
pid/7943 (accessed 4 June 2013).
More information about UNICEF work is available from its website (www.
World Bank
The World Bank’s operational policy and bank procedure on indigenous
peoples 4.10 (OP/BP 4.10) sets out a procedure for assessing the effects
of a project on indigenous peoples and preparing plans where necessary in
relation to projects affecting indigenous peoples.
See, for example, its resolution 54.16 of 22 May 2001 on the International Decade of
More information about the World Bank and indigenous peoples is avail-
able from its website (www.worldbank.org).
Further reading
Further information about indigenous peoples, their rights and the United
Nations human rights system can be found here:
Human Rights Fact Sheets*25
No. 35 The Right to Water
No. 34 The Right to Adequate Food
No. 33 Frequently Asked Questions on Economic, Social and Cultural
No. 32 Human Rights, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism
No. 31 The Right to Health
No. 30 The United Nations Human Rights Treaty System (Rev.1)
No. 29 Human Rights Defenders: Protecting the Right to Defend Human
No. 28 The Impact of Mercenary Activities on the Right of Peoples to
No. 27 Seventeen Frequently Asked Questions about United Nations
Special Rapporteurs
No. 26 The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
No. 25 Forced Evictions and Human Rights
No. 24 The International Convention on Migrant Workers and its
Committee (Rev.1)
No. 23 Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women
and Children
No. 22 Discrimination against Women: The Convention and the
No. 21 The Right to Adequate Housing (Rev.1)
No. 20 Human Rights and Refugees
No. 19 National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human
No. 18 Minority Rights (Rev.1)
No. 17 The Committee against Torture
No. 16 The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Rev.1)
No. 15 Civil and Political Rights: The Human Rights Committee (Rev.1)
No. 14 Contemporary Forms of Slavery
No. 13 International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
No. 12 The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
No. 11 Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions (Rev.1)
Fact sheets Nos. 1, 5 and 8 are no longer issued. All fact sheets are available online from
No. 10 The Rights of the Child (Rev.1)
No. 9 Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Human Rights
System (Rev.2)
No. 7 Individual Complaint Procedures under the United Nations
Human Rights Treaties (Rev.2)
No. 6 Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (Rev.3)
No. 4 Combating Torture (Rev.1)
No. 3 Advisory Services and Technical Cooperation in the Field of
Human Rights (Rev.1)
No. 2 The International Bill of Human Rights (Rev.1)
The Human Rights Fact Sheet series is published by the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Ge-
neva. It deals with selected questions of human rights that are under active
consideration or are of particular interest.
Human Rights Fact Sheets are intended to assist an ever-wider audience in
better understanding basic human rights, what the United Nations is doing
to promote and protect them, and the international machinery available to
help realize those rights. Human Rights Fact Sheets are free of charge and
distributed worldwide.
Enquiries should be addressed to:
Indigenous Peoples and
the United Nations
Human Rights
9 Rev.2