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Scale Fingering Chart

Robert T. Kelley

Note: Use these fingerings with caution. The fingerings given here may not be the fingerings most commonly given in piano
method books, but they are the most physically practical fingerings. In the case you have to play scales for judged competitions,
you may want to revert to the ”accepted fingerings” given in that competition’s guidelines.

1. General Fingering Rules

(a) The fingering always alternates 123 1234 (or 321 4321) so that the same fingering pattern repeats every octave.
(b) The thumb always stays on the white keys, never on black keys.
(c) The fourth finger always plays a black key (when there is a black key to be played in the scale).
(d) The fifth finger is only used at a starting place, a stopping place, or a turning-around place.
(e) The augmented second in harmonic minor scales must fit conveniently under the hand (preferably between 1 and
2 or 2 and 3), except for E[/D] minor LH.
(f) When working out scale passages in the literature, consider alternatives that put the fingering patterns in alignment
between the hands (thumbs happening together somewhere in the scale).
2. The Fingerings
(a) These are just the fingering patterns: Feel free to use 5 when appropriate (first note, last note, turning around).
(b) Feel free to revert to traditional fingerings, especially when performing the melodic minor scale ascending and
Melodic Minor
Major Natural Minor Harmonic Minor
Key Fingering Key Fingering Key Fingering Key Fingering
RH C major 12312341 A minor 12312341 A minor 12312341 A minor 12312341
LH C major 14321321 A minor 14321321 A minor 32132143 A minor
RH G major 12312341 E minor 34123123 E minor 12312341 E minor 12312341
LH G major 32132143 E minor 14321321 E minor 14321321 E minor 14321321
RH D major 12312341 B minor 34123123 B minor 12312341 B minor 12312341
LH D major 21432132 B minor 13214321 B minor 13214321 B minor 13214321
RH A major 12312341 F] minor 34123123 F] minor 34123123 F] minor 23123412
LH A major 21321432 F] minor 43213214 F] minor 43213214 F] minor 43213214
RH E major 12312341 C] minor 34123123 C] minor 34123123 C] minor 23123412
LH E major 14321321 C] minor 32143213 C] minor 32143213 C] minor 32143213
RH B/C[ major 12312341 G]/A[ minor 34123123 G]/A[ minor 34123123 G]/A[ minor 34123123
LH B/C[ major 13214321 G]/A[ minor 32132143 G]/A[ minor 32143213 G]/A[ minor 32143213
RH F]/G[ major 23412312 D]/E[ minor 31234123 D]/E[ minor 31234123 D]/E[ minor 31234123
LH F]/G[ major 43213214 D]/E[ minor 21432132 D]/E[ minor 21432132 D]/E[ minor 21432132
RH C]/D[ major 23123412 A]/B[ minor 41231234 A]/B[ minor 41231234 A]/B[ minor 41231234
LH C]/D[ major 32143213 A]/B[ minor 21321432 A]/B[ minor 21321432 A]/B[ minor
RH A[ major 34123123 F minor 12341231 F minor 12341231 F minor 12341231
LH A[ major 32143213 F minor 21321432 F minor 21321432 F minor 21432132
12312341 12312341
RH E[ major 31234123 C minor 12312341 C minor C minor
(23412312) (23412312)
21321432 21321432 21432132
LH E[ major 32143213 C minor C minor C minor
(14321321) (14321321) (14321321)
RH B[ major 41231234 G minor G minor 12312341 G minor 12312341
21321432 21321432 21432132
LH B[ major 32143213 G minor G minor G minor
(14321321) (14321321) (14321321)
RH F major 12341231 D minor D minor 12312341 D minor 12312341
21321432 21321432 32132143
LH F major 32143213 D minor D minor D minor
(14321321) (14321321) (14321321)

c Robert T. Kelley. All rights reserved. Copying of this document is permitted for classroom and private educational purposes only. On all
copies the web address, author’s name, and copyright notice must appear.

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