Ejercicio Kick Fluid
Ejercicio Kick Fluid
Ejercicio Kick Fluid
Fig. 4.6-Schematic of well control operations. Fig. 4.7-Schematic of initial well conditions during well control
4.4 Annular Pressures During tain a constant bottomhole pressure, a higher surface an-
Well Control Operations nular pressure must be maintained using the adjustable
One of the more important applications of the hydrostatic
pressure relationships is the determination of annular Kick composition must be specified for annular
pressures during well control operations. Well control pressure calculations made for the purpose of well plan-
operations refer to the emergency procedures followed ning. Kick composition generally is not known during
when formation fluids begin flowing into the well and actual well control operations. However, the density of
displacing the drilling fluid. The flow of formation fluids the kick fluid can be estimated from the observed
into the well is called a kick. A schematic illustrating the drillpipe pressure, annular casing pressure, and pit gain.
hydraulic flow paths during well-control operations is The density calculation often will determine if the kick is
shown in Fig. 4.6. Formation fluids that have flowed in- predominantly gas or liquid.
to the wellbore generally must be removed by circulating The density of the kick fluid is estimated most easily
the well through an adjustable choke at the surface. The by assuming that the kick fluid entered the annulus as a
bottomhole pressure of the well at all times must remain slug. A schematic of initial well conditions after closing
above the pore pressure of the formation to prevent addi- the blowout preventer on a kick is shown in Fig. 4.7.
tional influx of formation fluid. However, a com- The volume of kick fluid present must be ascertained
plicating factor is the danger of fracturing a weaker from the volume of drilling fluid expelled from the an-
stratum that also is exposed to the hydraulic pressure. nulus into the pit before closing the blowout preventer.
Fracturing of an exposed stratum often results in an The pit gain G usually is recorded by pit volume
underground blowout in which an uncontrolled flow of monitoring equipment. If the kick volume is smaller than
formation fluids from the high-pressure stratum to the the total capacity of the annulus opposite the drill collars,
fractured stratum occurs. Thus, the proper well control the length of the kick zone, Li , can be expressed in
strategy is to adjust a surface choke so that the bot- terms of the kick volume, V ko and the annular capacity,
tomhole pressure of the well is maintained just slightly C 3. Assuming the well diameter is approximately con-
above the formation pressure. stant, we obtain
A plot of the surface annular pressure vs. the volume Lk=VkC3, ........•................... (4.16)
of drilling fluid circulated is called an annular pressure
profile. Although annular pressure calculations are not where Lk is the length of the kick zone, V3 is the volume
required for well control procedure used by most of the kick zone, and C 3 is the annular capacity of the
operators today, a prior knowledge of kick behavior hole opposite the drill collars expressed as length per unit
helps in the preparation of appropriate contingency volume.
plans. Since annular frictional pressure losses are If the kick volume is larger than the total capacity of
generally small at the circulating rates used in well con- the annulus opposite the drill collars, then the length of
trol operations, the calculations can be made using the the kick zone, Li ; is given by
hydrostatic pressure equations. 5-9
Vk =G+qtd, (4.20)
. e (
PI = 9.6 PPCl
too low.
0= 10,000 ft
• 0
Cdp= 137 bbl
o •
Example 4.6. A well is being drilled at a vertical depth of
10,000 ft while circulating a 9.6-lbm/gal mud at a rate of
8.5 bbllmin when the well begins to flow. Twenty bar-
Mud-Gas Mixture
20 bbl of Gas rels of mud are gained in the pit over a 3-minute period
--- 25.5 bbl of Mud before the pump is stopped and the blowout preventers
--- Co = 28.6 ft/bbl are closed. After the pressures stabilized, an initial
- drillpipe pressure of 520 psig and an initial casing
- pressure of 720 psig are recorded. The annular capacity
of the casing opposite the drillpipe is 12.9 ft/bbl. The an-
nular capacity opposite the 900 ft of drill collars is 28.6
ft/bbl. Compute the density of the kick fluid. The total
capacity of the drillstring is 130 bbl.
Solving this expression for the density of the kick, Pk, 900 ft
yields ---- = 31.5 bbl.
28.6 ft/bbl
.................... (4.18) If it is assumed that the kick fluids entered as a slug, then
the volume of kick fluid is less than the total annular
capacity opposite the drill collars. Thus,
A kick density less than about 4 Ibm/gal should indicate
that the kick fluid is predominantly gas, and a kick densi- t., =20 bbl (28.6 ft/bbl)=572 ft.
ty greater than about 8 Ibm/gal should indicate that the
kick fluid is predominantly liquid. Using Eq. 4.18, the density of the kick fluid is given by
Several factors can cause large errors in the calculation
of kick fluid density when the kick volume is small. Hole 720-520
washout can make the determination of kick length dif- Pk =9.6- =2.9 Ibm/gal.
ficult. In addition, the pressure gauges often do not read 0.052(572)
accurately at low pressures. Also, the effective annular
mud density may be slightly greater than the mud density The results should be interpreted as an indication of low-
in the drillpipe because of entrained drilled solids. Fur- density kick fluid-i.e., a gas.
thermore, the kick fluid is mixed with a significant quan- If it is assumed that the kick fluids are mixed with the
tity of mud and often cannot be represented accurately as mud pumped while the well was flowing,
a slug. Thus, the kick density computed using Eq. 4.18
should be viewed as only a rough estimate. Vk =20 bbl +8.5 bbllmin(3 min)=45.5 bbl.
Some improvement in the accuracy of the kick density
calculation can be achieved if the volume of mud mixed The length of mixed zone is given by Eq. 4.17 as
with the formation fluids is known. The minimum mud
volume that was mixed with the kick fluids can be t., =900+(45.5-31.5)12.9= 1081 ft.
estimated using the expression
Using Eq. 4.18, the mean density of the mixed zone is
Vw=a!«. (4.19) given by
where q is the flow rate of the pumps, and t a is the kick 720-520
Pk =9.6- =6.04 Ibm/gal.
detection time before stopping the pump and closing the (0.052)(1,081)
Since the column of mixed zone is only 1,081 ft long and Similarly, the equivalent density at the casing seat depth
under high pressure, the mean density can be related to of 3,500 ft is given by
the kick fluid density using equations for the effective
density of incompressible mixtures. 720
Pe = +9.6= 13.56 Ibm/gal.
20Pk +25.5(9.6)
6.04= .
45.5 After pumping 300 bbl of 1O.6-lbm/galmud, the volume
of 10.6-lbm/gal mud in the annulus at the bottom of the
Solving this equation for the kick fluid density yields hole is
The region above the new mud in the annulus will con-
4.4.2 Annular Pressure Prediction tain 130 bbl of9.6-lbm/gal mud that was displaced from
the drillpipe. The length of this region is given by
The same hydrostatic pressure balance approach used to
identify the kick fluids also can be used to estimate the
L2 = 130(12.9)= 1,677 ft.
pressure at any point in the annulus for various well con-
ditions. During well control operations, the bottomhole
The region above the 9.6-lbm/gal mud will contain
pressure will be maintained constant at a value slightly
methane gas. The approximate pressure of the gas is
above the formation pressure through the operation of an
needed to compute the gas volume. The pressure at the
adjustable choke. Thus, it is usually convenient to ex-
bottom of the gas region can be computed from the
press the pressure at the desired point in the annulus in
known bottomhole pressure, which is 50 psi higher than
terms of the known bottomhole pressure. This requires a
the formation pressure.
knowledge of only the length and density of each fluid
region between the bottom of the hole and the point of
Pg =5,512+50-0.052(10.6)(2,687)
interest. When a gas kick is involved, the length of the
gas region must be determined using the real gas equa-
-0.052(9.6)(1,677)=3,244 psig.
tion. For simplicity, it usually is assumed that the kick
region remains as a continuous slug that does not slip
This pressure occurs at a depth of
relative to the mud.
10,000-2,687 -1 ,677 =5,636 ft.
= 1.08 Ibm/gal.
The mud density required to overcome this formation
pressure is given by The region above the gas contains 9.6-lbm/gal mud.
Thus, we can compute the pressure at 3,500 ft from the
520+0.052(9.6)(10,000) 520 known pressure of 3,244 psig at 5,636 ft using
0.052( 10,000) 0.052(10,000) p=3,244 -0.052(1.08)(437)