Lab - Create User Accounts

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Lab - Create User Accounts

In this lab, you will create and modify user accounts in Windows.
Part 1: Creating a New Local User Account
Part 2: Reviewing User Account Properties
Part 3: Modifying Local User Accounts

Required Resources
 A Windows PC

Part 1: Creating a New Local User Account

Step 1: Open the User Account Tool.
a. Log on to the computer with an Administrator account. The account CyberOpsUser is used in this
b. Click Start > search Control Panel. Select User Accounts in the Small icons view. To change the view,
select Small icons in the View by drop down list.

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Lab - Create User Accounts

Step 2: Create a user account.

a. The User Accounts window opens. Click Manage another account.

b. The Manage Accounts window opens. Click Add a new user in PC settings.

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Lab - Create User Accounts

c. The Settings window opens. Click Add someone else to this PC.

d. The How will this person sign in? window opens. Click I don't have this person's sign-in

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Lab - Create User Accounts

e. The Let's create your account window opens. Click Add a user without a Microsoft account.

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Lab - Create User Accounts

f. The Create an account for this PC window opens. Provide the necessary information to create the new
user account named User1. Click Next to create the new user account.

g. What type of user account did you just create?

Tipe akun yang dibuat ini adalah tipe akun local yang digunakan untuk membuka PC/Laptop___
h. Log into the newly created user account. It should be successful.
i. Navigate to C:\Users folder. Right-click the User1 folder and select Properties, and then the Security
tab. Which groups or users have full control of this folder?
Yang mendapat full control adalah CyberOpsUser yang merupakan sebagai akun Administrator._
j. Open the folder that belongs to CyberOpsUser. Right-click the folder and click the Properties tab. Were
you able to access the folder? Explain.
Folder bisa diakses. Secara default foder bisa diakses akun baru namun tidak bisa diakses jika tidak
diberi akses oleh akun administrator.
k. Log out of User1 account. Log back in as CyberOpsUser.
l. Navigate to C:\Users folder. Right-click the folder and select Properties. Click the Security tab. Which
groups or users have full control of this folder?
Hanya grub administrator.

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Lab - Create User Accounts

Part 2: Reviewing User Account Properties

a. Click Start > Search for Control Panel > Select Administrative Tools > Select Computer
b. Select Local Users and Groups. Click the Users folder.

c. Right-click User1 and select Properties.

d. Click the Member Of tab.

Which group is User1 is a member of? Grup user

e. Right-click the account CyberOpsUser and select Properties.
Which group is this user a member of? Grup Administrator

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Lab - Create User Accounts

Part 3: Modifying Local User Accounts

Step 1: Change the account type.
a. Navigate to the Control Panel and select User Accounts. Click Manage another account. Select

b. In the Change an Account window, click the User1 account. Click Change the account type.

c. Select the Administrator radio button. Click Change Account Type.

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Lab - Create User Accounts

d. Now the account User1 has administrative rights.

e. Navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. Click Local Users and
Groups> Users.
f. Right-click User1 and select Properties. Click Member Of tab.
Which groups does User1 belong to?
Administrator dan User
g. Select Administrators and click Remove to remove User1 from the Administrative group. Click OK to

Step 2: Delete the account.

a. To delete the account, right-click User1and select Delete.

b. Click OK to confirm the deletion. What is another way to delete a user account?
Buka control panel lalu kelola akun

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Lab - Create User Accounts

1. Why is it important to protect all accounts with strong passwords?
Penting karena menjaga informasi antar pengguna windows tetap baik dan tak saling terganggu___
2. Why would you create a user with Standard privileges?
Agar windows terjaga sistemnya dan agar akun lain tidak bisa sembarang sembarangan melakukan

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