Aceclofenac Efficacy and Safety Vs Diclofenac

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The Professional Medical Journal ORIGINAL PROF-2416

Dr. Malik Muhammad Yasin Awan1, Dr. Ijaz Ahmad2, Prof. Dr. Amer Aziz3

1. Department of
Orthopaedics & Spine Surgery,
Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital
ABSTRACT… Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of aceclofenac in the treatment of
Jallo More Lahore. osteoarthritis. Study design: Randomized double blind Phase IV trial. Place and Duration of
2. Department of study: This study was conducted in the department of Orthopaedics & Spine Surgery, Ghurki
Orthopaedics & Spine Surgery,
Trust Teaching Hospital, Lahore. The duration was eight weeks. Methodology: A total of 90
Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital
Jallo More Lahore. subjects, fulfilling the inclusion criteria and willing to give free informed consent were enrolled in
3. Head of Department this trial. All these subjects were randomized into two treatment groups (A & B). Subjects either
Orthopaedics & Spine Surgery, received Aceclofenac 100 mg twice daily or Diclofenac 75 mg twice daily for 08 weeks. During the
Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital
Jallo More Lahore.
screening visit, information on their demographic characteristics, medical history and previous
and current medications were collected. A thorough physical examination and necessary
laboratory investigations were carried out before drug administration and after the completion of
treatment (end of week 8). Clinical examination was done at baseline visit, randomization and 2, 4
and 8 weeks. Gastrointestinal (GI) safety was assessed using adverse drug reaction (ADR)
reports. WOMAC questionnaire was used to see improvement in activities of daily living and pain
was assessed using visual analogue scale (VAS). All data was collected in the case report form
(CRF). Statistical evaluation was performed at the end of the trial and results were analyzed using
Correspondence Address: SPSS. Results: 70 subjects completed the study while 20 were lost in follow-up. There were 28
Dr. Malik Muhammad Yasin Awan
Department of
males and 34 females in the study with mean age of 56 years. There was a significant decrease in
Orthopaedics & Spine Surgery, WOMAC and VAS scores in both groups. In group A (Diclofenac group) VAS decreased from
Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital 7.107 to 2.538 (p= 0.000) and WOMAC decreased from 32.75 to 7.38 (p=0.000). In group B
Jallo More Lahore.
(Aceclofenac group), VAS decreased from 7.912 to 6.0 (p=0.001) while WOMAC decreased from
[email protected]
[email protected] 37.29 to 21.50 (p=0.000) showing the efficacy of both drugs. There was also significant decrease
in the disease severity in both groups at the end of treatment. But the safety profile of (Diclofenac)
group A was not significant (p=0.767) as compared to (Aceclofenac) group B (p=0.022).
Conclusions: Aceclofenac is efficacious and safe drug for the treatment of osteoarthritis in adults
as compared to Diclofenac.

Key words: Aceclofenac. Diclofenac. Osteoarthritis. Visual analogue scale (VAS).

WOMAC questionnaire.
Article received on:
Accepted for Publication: Article Citation: Awan MMY, Ahmad I, Aziz A. Osteoarthritis; efficacy and safety of aceclofenac
Received after proof reading:
in the treatment: a randomized double-blind comparative clinic trial versus
27/05/2014 diclofenac. Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 471-476.

INTRODUCTION Because of their analgesic & anti-inflammatory

NSAIDS are widely used for a variety of properties, NSAIDs have long been the preferred
musculoskeletal disorders and their efficacy is well therapy for relief of pain and stiffness of arthritic
established. However, adverse events particularly diseases . NSAIDs are widely used in the
upper gastrointestinal (GI), often lead to treatment treatment of acute and chronic low back pain.
withdrawl1. Since most patients with inflammatory However, NSAIDs are associated with a high
pain require prolonged treatment, efficacious and incidence of GI side effects which may lead to
well tolerated non steroidal anti-inflammatory discontinuation of treatment 4 . NSAIDs are
drugs (NSAIDs) with favourable side effect profiles considered to be the first line symptomatic
are required for successful patient management2. treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) as well5.

Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 471-476. 471


However, treatment with NSAIDs is associated ankylosing spondylitis (AS) compared with
with upper GI bleeding6. NSAIDs induced GI Ketoprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Naproxen,
toxicity is among the most common serious Piroxicam & Tenoxicam . We compared the
adverse effects of these drugs. An estimated 1 in efficacy and tolerability of aceclofenac with that of
600-2400 patients prescribed NSAIDs are diclofenac resinate in patients with osteoarthritis in
admitted to hospital with clinically important GI local population.
complications as perforation and bleeding which
entail approximately a death rate of 10% . OBJECTIVES
Gastroduodenal mucosal lesions caused by 1. The objective of this study was to assess
NSAIDs are also a major cause of death in patients the efficacy and safety of aceclofenac in
with rheumatic disease8. More recently, overall the treatment of osteoarthritis.
safety profile of selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 2. Improvement in the clinical manifestations
(COX-2) inhibitors and traditional NSAIDs has of osteoarthritis and gastrointestinal
come under intense debate. Therefore, it is tolerability.
essential to determine the actual risk of upper
gastrointestinal (UGI) complications with COX-2 MATERIAL & METHODS
selective and traditional NSAIDs alone or
combined with other compounds in a real life SETTING
setting . COX-2 is an enzyme expressed by cells Multi-centered study (03 centers).
involved in inflammation (macrophages,
monocytes). It is responsible for the synthesis of STUDY DESIGN
prostanoids involved in acute and chronic Randomized, double blind, Phase IV trial.
inflammation. It has become increasingly clear
that, apart from sensitizing peripheral nociceptors, SAMPLE TECHNIQUE
prostaglandins (PGs) may also act in the central Non-probability (Purposive).
nervous system (CNS) to produce hyperalgesia.
COX-2 is expressed constitutively in the dorsal SAMPLE SIZE
horn of spinal cord and becomes upregulated A total of 90 subjects, 30 at each centre fulfilling the
briefly after a trauma, such as damage to a limb, in inclusion criteria and willing to give free informed
the corresponding sensory segments of spinal consent were included this trial.
cord9. Aceclofenac appears to be particularly well
tolerated among the NSAIDs, with a lower DATA COLLECTION
incidence of GI adverse effects. This good All these subjects were randomized into two
tolerability profile results in a reduced withdrawl treatment groups Group A and Group B. The
rate and greater compliance with treatment which randomization was done using blind chit pads in a
make it a unique NSAID. It has been suggested box. Subjects either received Aceclofenac 100mg
that aceclofenac blocks PGE2 production via twice daily or Diclofenac 75mg twice daily for 8
COX-1 & 2 inhibition in human rheumatoid synovial weeks.
and other inflammatory cells10. In rodents, the
acute gastric ulcerogenic activity of aceclofenac During the screening visit, information on their
was found to be 02, 04 & 07 fold less than demographic characteristics, medical history and
naproxen, diclofenac or indomethacin, previous and current medications were collected.
respectively . Aceclofenac has therapeutic index
four times greater than that of diclofenac3. A thorough physical examination and necessary
Following oral administration, aceclofenac is laboratory investigations (including blood count,
rapidly and well absorbed, with a half life of 04 BT, CT, ESR, liver function tests, serum
hours. It is an effective NSAID in the treatment of electrolytes, serum creatinine, serum albumin,
osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) & blood sugar, urine analysis, stool occult blood and

Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 471-476. 472


X-ray of the knee) was carried out before drug was given Tab. Diclofenac sodium 75 mg BD for 08
administration and after the completion of weeks while group B was given Tab. Aceclofenac
treatment (end of week 8). 100 mg BD for the same period. Out of these 62
patients, 28 were males and 34 were females. The
Clinical examination was done at baseline visit, mean age of these patients was 56 years (Table I).
randomization and 2,4 and 8 weeks. GI safety was
assessed using adverse drug reaction (ADR)
report and Western Ontario MacMaster (WOMAC)
questionnaire and pain was assessed using visual
analog scale (VAS) in the case report form (CRF).
All data was incorporated into CRF accordingly.


1. Male and female patients ≥ 40 years of
2. Radiologically diagnosed (grade 1-2)
osteoarthritis of the knee or any other joints
with a minimum Western Ontario
MacMaster (WOMAC) index score of 40.
3. Minimum visual analogue scale (VAS)
score of 4mm.


1. Patients with a history or showing the
presence of other rheumatic disease
responsible for secondary osteoarthritis. The mean visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain in
2. Patients with a history of peptic ulcers, group A was 7.1 and in group B 7.9. The mean
duodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding Western Ontario Mac Master (WOMAC) index
or bleeding disorders. score for osteoarthritis knee in group A was
3. Patients with renal impairment (Creatinine 32.75+14.42 (>40) and in group B, it was
clearance > 150ml/min/1.73/m2). 37.29+11.51(>40). After 08 weeks of medication,
4. Pregnant and lactating women. VAS dropped to 2.5 in group A and 6 in group B
5. Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to showing significant reduction in pain especially in
aceclofenac, diclofenac or any other group A. Similarly, WOMAC dropped to 7.38 in
NSAID, or those requiring aspirin, group A and 21.50 in group B showing significant
corticosteroids, warfarin, ticlopidine or any reduction in difficulty in performing daily activities
other drug that affects the platelet function. specially in group A (Table II).

DATA ANALYSIS Regarding the status of disease on follow up visits,

All data was collected at the end of 8th week and 27 patients in group A started medication with
analyzed using SPSS software. moderate/severe symptoms and after 8 weeks of
treatment, only 1 patient had moderate symptoms.
RESULTS In group B, 33 patients had moderate/severe
A total of 90 patients were included in the study. symptoms to start with and 10 patients had
They were divided in 2 groups of 45 patients each. moderate symptoms at the end of treatment. But
28 patients were lost in follow-up (17 from group A the safety profile is not statistically significant in
and 11 from group B). So 28 patients from group A group A as compared to group B (Table III).
and 34 from group B completed the study. Group A

Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 471-476. 473


The gradual drop in number of patients from 28 at

the start of treatment to 13 at the end of treatment
in group A and from 34 to 12 in group B shows that
number of patients requiring further treatment kept
on decreasing with the passage of time.

Results of group B only

If we look at the results of group B alone, out of
total 34 patients of this group, 12 were males and
22 females with a mean age of 56 years (Table-IV).

Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 471-476. 474


VAS dropped from 7.9 to 6.0 and WOMAC effective, safe and well tolerated in the treatment
dropped from 37 to 21 showing significant of dental pain, post episiotomy pain and knee
reduction in pain and disability in knee pain. Aceclofenac shows a trend towards
osteoarthritis to perform daily activities (Table V). superiority in its efficacy and tolerability
Similarly, 33 patients had moderate/severe compared with diclofenac . G. Pasero et al; also
symptoms at the start of treatment and 10 carried out a similar but long term comparative
patients had moderate symptoms at the end of 8 study of aceclofenac and diclofenac in RA and
weeks treatment. The most important aspect of confirmed that the therapeutic efficacy of
treatment in group B was the statistically aceclofenac was comparable to that of
significant safety profile (p=0.022) (Table VI). diclofenac. But the main disadvantage of long
term therapy with NSAIDs was the risk of
DISCUSSION gastrointestinal disturbances . Akira Yanagawa
The results of this study clearly highlight the et. al carried out endoscopic evaluation of NSAID
safety profile of Aceclofenac group against induced gastroduodenal mucosal damage and
Diclofenac group (p=0.022) though the efficacy showed that gastric mucosal lesions occurred in
of Diclofenac group was superior to that of 02 of 10 subjects (20%) receiving aceclofenac
Aceclofenac group. Aceclofenac was associated versus 05 of 10 subjects (50%) receiving
with a significantly better gastrointestinal diclofenac, including one who developed ulcer.
tolerance than diclofenac. A recent endoscopic This suggests that it possesses a therapeutic
study has shown that diclofenac significantly advantage over conventional NSAIDs . M J
impairs gastric mucosal hexosamine content Llorente Melero et. al also showed that upper
and blood flow. In contrast, gastric mucosal gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is more likely to
hexosamine was significantly increased and develop in subjects with traditional NSAID use,
gastroduodenal blood flow remained than in subjects who use new COX-2 inhibitors
1 7
unchanged with aceclofenac . Several such as aceclofenac . D E Ward et. al also
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled conducted their study on the comparison of
studies have established that aceclofenac is aceclofenac with diclofenac in the treatment of

Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 471-476. 475


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objective (assessment of knee flexion) and
3. D E Ward, E M Veys, J M Bowdler
subjective (patient’s assessment of pain Comparison of Aceclofenac with Diclofenac in
intensity) evidence that aceclofenac was more the Treatment of Osteoarthritis. Clinical
effective than diclofenac. Finally, 71% of patients rheumatology 1995; 14: 656-662.
in the aceclofenac group reported improvement
4. M Schattenkirchner, K A Milachowski. A double-
in pain intensity compared to 59% in the blind, multicentre, randomized clinical trial
diclofenac group. Moreover, tolerability of comparing the efficacy and tolerability of
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evidence that the incidence of gastrointestinal with acute low back pain. Clin Rheumatol 2003;
adverse effects was lower than for diclofenac3. 22: 127-135.
Several other studies confirm aceclofenac as an 5. G Pasero, R Marcolongo, U Serni et al. A multi-
efficacious therapy which patients are highly centre double- blind comparative study of the
satisfied with. Ernst Martin Lemmel et. al efficacy and safety of aceclofenac and
extensively evaluated aceclofenac in clinical diclofenac in the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis. Curr. Med. Res. Opin. 1995; 13: 305.
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of both chronic and acute inflammatory and 6. A Lanas, L A Garcia-Rodriguez, M T Arroyo
degenerative diseases, with significantly lower Risk of upper gastrointestinal ulcer bleeding
adverse events compared with other NSAID associated with selective cyclo-oxygenase-2
therapies2. inhibitors, traditional non-aspirin non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin and
combinations. Gut 2006; 55: 1731-1738.
On the basis of observations made in this study, 7. M J Llorente Melero, J M Tenias Burillo, A Zaragova
we can safely conclude: Marcet. Comparative incidence of upper
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1. Aceclofenac is effective and reliable drug individual non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
for the treatment of Osteoarthritis in the drugs. Revista Espanola De Enfermedades
Pakistani population. Digestivas 2002; 94: 13-18.
2. Aceclofenac is safe and posesses an
excellent gastrointestinal tolerability 8. Akira Yanagawa, Toru Endo, Koji Kusakari et al.
Endoscopic evaluation of aceclofenac-induced
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placebo. Japanese Journal of Rheumatology
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