Demon Energy Attunement
Demon Energy Attunement
Demon Energy Attunement
We are all from different paths and have different spiritual backgrounds, Depending on
our spiritual background we vibrate at different energy frequencies. When we begin
working with demons we may go through a time where we need to either adjust to their
intense energies or align ourselves with their energy frequency.
When we are not in alignment with our demons energies communication will be hard and
can be impossible at times. Your demon may be trying to communicate with you, but
you are not in alignment with the message. It would be like you trying to hear a radar
signal without equipment that is designed to pick it up. There are sounds outside of our
hearing frequency that fall on deaf ears to us all the time. We need equipment that is
tunes to pick up those signals. The same is true for the third eye. Demons work on a
different energy frequency and sometimes we are not tuned to communicate with them in
the beginning.
The same is said for when we are not use to their dark energy, We can get hit with their
dark energy with such an intensity that it overwhelms our third eye and causes it to shut
down or experience pressure and in some cases pain. It can be a process to adjust to the
demons energies.
This exercise is an energy tuning exercise, designed to tune your third eye and align your
natural energies so that it is compatible and receptive to the natural demonic energies.
This will allow you to connect with your demon, assist with demonic communication and
align your energy with the energy of your demon.
1. Sit in a comfy position in a dark room, feel free to burn incense of light
a candle to add to the atmosphere.
2. Take in a deep breath and on the exhale, mentally repeat and visualize
the number 3, 3 times.
3. Take in another deep breath and on the exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 2, 3 times.
© Satan and Suns/Sons / /
4. Take in a final deep breath and on the exhale, mentally repeat and
visualize the number 1, 3 times.
5. When you are relaxed turn your attention to your minds eye. In your
minds eye visualize yourself sitting in a space and invite your demon to
join you in that sacred space. Pay attention to anything you feel and
anything you see.
7. Reach out and with your energy touch the demons energy, ask the
demon to reach out with their energy and touch you.
8. Feel their energy and feel your own energy mixing and blending with
the demons. Begin to sense and attune yourself and your energy with
theirs. Begin to feel them and their own vibration and allow your energies
to lock with theirs.
9. In your minds eye you much then level yourself with your demon so
that you are staring into their eyes and this will lock the final connection.
Make sure you are at eye level and your energy vibrates in sync with your
demons. You energies will attune to each other.
10. You will also have a sense now of your demon and a method of
communication will be established. If you have to, repeat this ritual if you
still feel that your energies are not matched with your demons.
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