En Tree1and2 Evaluation Sheet For J-Tree1

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enTree 1 (ver.


Evaluation sheet for “J-Tree” Name

<Leaves: Record One’s Learning and Reflection> / 60
* The teacher evaluates the BEST leaf among the 3 leaves which the student chose by him/herself.
1. Ability to Reflect with Depth in regards to One’s Discovery, Curiosity and Self-improvement (35 points)
Minimal Some Commendable Outstanding Achievement (35) ★ Evaluation

Achievement (10) Achievement (25) Achievement (30) Next Step (35)

The student The student simply The student simply enumerated the The student wrote about his/her In addition, the student
wrote about what enumerated the words/ expressions/ sentences, impression about the class by specifying also added a further
reflection which / 35
he/she learned in words/ expressions/ information, name of activities done in which part or activities he/she liked or
class but the sentences, class and simply wrote about his/her disliked by elaborating why and what he/she includes any of the
information was information, name impression about the class. But the thought about them, as well as specifying following after the day
he wrote the idea:
wrong. of activities done in students did not specify which part or his/her particular learning, realization/
 trying out or putting
class without activities he/she liked or disliked about discoveries in learning them.
one’s realization or
elaborating on what them and why, as well as did not specify discovery into action in
he/she thought his/her particular learning, realization/ one’s daily life
about them and discoveries regarding the lesson.  an attempt to research
about his/her or do a further study on
realization and his/her own regarding the
discoveries in things that he/she did not
learning them. understand well

* The teacher evaluates all the 3 leaves which the student chose by * The teacher evaluates all the 3 leaves which the student chose by
him/herself. him/herself.
2. Ability to Manage the Things Written on the Leaves (3 points) 3. Ability to Organize the Things Written on the Leaves (7 points)
The student wrote a topic number, a topic title, a session number and The student wrote his/her reflection on the leaves legibly, like, the
a learning date on each leaf. leaves are not overlapping or the letters and words are easy to read.

Yes No Evaluation
Yes No Evaluation


©The Japan Foundation, Manila

enTree 1 (ver. 2016)
<Trunk and the Root: Monitor One’s Nihongo progress>
1. Ability to Monitor One’s Progress Written on the Trunk (10 points)
Minimal Some Commendable Outstanding ★ Evaluation

Achievement (0) Achievement (4) Achievement (7) Achievement (10) Next Step (10)
The student did not write The student wrote words The student wrote words The student wrote words The student wrote words and
words and dates on all the and dates on some of the and dates on all the and dates on all the dates on all the blanks to
blanks to describe his/her blanks to describe his/her blanks to describe his/her blanks to describe his/her describe his/her progress. /10
progress at all. progress. progress. progress. In addition, the student updated
In addition, the student the words and the dates he/she
updated the words and the wrote to describe his/her own
dates he/she wrote to progress more than twice within
describe his/her own this quarter.
progress at least once
within this quarter.

*Note: The words and the dates written to describe one’s progress are considered as pairs. If one of these two is missing, it is considered as not written on the blank
for that particular Can-Do Statement.

2. Ability to Make One’s Own Learning Plan in the Boxes on the Roots (5 points)
The student wrote his/her learning plans.

Yes No Evaluation


Comments (If any)

©The Japan Foundation, Manila

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