Satisfaction of First Year Students in Ibd Program Towards The Quality of Neu'S Canteen
Satisfaction of First Year Students in Ibd Program Towards The Quality of Neu'S Canteen
Satisfaction of First Year Students in Ibd Program Towards The Quality of Neu'S Canteen
Nguyễn Thị Thu Giang (I12S2)
Đỗ Hồng Hạnh (I12S2)
Hoàng Thị Quỳnh Trang (I12S2)
Nguyễn Quang Nhật (i12S2)
1 Title
University is one of the most stressful environment and really competitive in recent training
environment. Therefore, University has always been an expected destination for whole students
who have an ambition to learn and enhance their abilities for career. And it does not just stop at
the academic needs of the student research, Universities should also have some places for
students to entertain after the stressful school classes. And Canteen is good place for meeting.
We all know Canteen is the best place for students to relax and exchange with other friends in
studying or sometimes in entertaining after stressful classes. Moreover, it has become an
expected spot where bring lunch to some students who have a short lunch break to wait until the
next school sessions, or just is the place to be able to accomplish some assignments before class.
2 Rationale/Purpose
Through the research and appreciate the demand of recent students, specifically students
of International Bachelor Degree program, we expect to estimate how their demands is going on,
and propose some solutions to enhance Canteen quality service in our campus. We desire to
establish an exciting environment for student to enjoy their relaxing time comfortably. Moreover,
a professional environment also inspires students to contribute to their own institute.
3 Research questions
How do the first year students in IBD program use NEU Canteen?
To what extend are students satisfied with the Canteen quality?
What are the implications to enhance the quality of Canteen in the view of first year
students of IBD program?
4 Research Method
In order to answer those above questions, our team would use two methods: Interview and
and 15 students each classes from Intake 12 Spring (I12S1, I12S2). After gathering information,
we are going to analyze it and then figure out some solutions. The result of our work will be
shown in this research.
Our group decided to use questionnaires interview to collect data for the report. We choose
this method because the advantages that the method offers such as: to be efficient, good value
for money and exactly data. Survey method helps us have some information, big data and access
to deeper problems. In addition, this method also suits, for short period of studying and cost of
our group.
The steps:
b. Designing questionnaire
e. Drawing out the characteristics, factors tend to choose university majors among high
school students.
1 Definition of Customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction is based on different criteria, from the criteria that we can raise a lot
of measures to improve matters. For example, companies, factories or just some smaller suppliers
aim to improve service quality and expand in size so they have to assess the level of satisfaction
of the guests to find out what the missing shortcomings in service product and even in the
production process. Some researchers believe that the reaction of satisfied customers about
evaluation of perceived differences between expectation before the consumer and realistic feel
of the product after its consumption. The level of customer satisfaction is a comparison of
expecting between before and after to buy a product or service (Pha ̣m Thi ̣Thu Hương 2014).
In amid of competition, a lot of companies and factories need to create the satisfaction of
customers higher than other companies. Therefore, they have to balance their benefits between
companies and customers. The satisfaction of customers affects to loyalty with the brand name
of companies. However, the satisfaction will not be certain. The most important element decides
the loyalty of customers is value for customers.
Value of customers creates the satisfaction – the level of satisfaction of customers. The
companies need to measure the level of satisfaction of their customers and customers of
competitions by some investigation. The information about customers’ complaining and
customers of competition will be a warning signal about the state losing customers and reduce
market in this. Especially, they can set up some information channels for customers to contribute
and complain which is necessary. Not only it’s a channel for companies and investor to improve
products but also it is the important bridge between companies and customers. However, the level
of customers’ complaints cannot use to measure about the satisfaction of customers because all
most satisfaction will not be certainly complained by customers.
According to Maslow, the basic human needs are divided into two main groups: basic needs
(basic needs) and higher demands (meta needs). Basic demands are related to human factors
such as physical desire to have enough food for eating, water for drinking, sleeping. These basic
needs are the needs be deficient because if people are not fully got these needs, they will not
survive so that they will struggle to get them and survive in life days.
The higher demand for basic needs is called higher-order needs or meta needs. These needs
include many factors such as the equality, the peace of mind, safety, fun, social status, and
b Detailed contents
Safety needs are relatively satisfied. It is gradually simple to response the physical
needs. It includes stability, organizational, certainly, guaranteed asset.
Affiliation: After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the next third level
of human needs involves feelings of belongingness. It includes love and affection.
Esteem: All humans have a need to feel respected and it gradually has become
stronger and stronger than before. They have their own self-esteem and self-respect.
Self-actualization. It is characteristic of a person's need to be and do that which the
person was "born to do".
Through Maslow pyramid, we can see the basic needs of man is eating, or fundamental
needs before consider the higher criteria such as quality, safety. The basic needs at the base of
the Tower must be satisfied before considering the higher demand. We can use Maslow needs to
assess the satisfaction of freshman in IBD towards Canteen. We established a tower of
satisfaction towards Canteen according to Maslow needs. We can evaluate the level of
satisfaction of students for canteen through 5 the following criteria:
First criterion is
physiological need. The
minimum needs of a
Canteen needs are the
diversity of the types of
items, has basic amenities
such as full dining
utensils, toilet or wash
their hands after and
before using.
Second criterion is the demand on safety-growing society and it is the higher the
criteria is simply to have something to eat. It includes food’s quality, the origin of
food, safety dining equipment, proper processing.
The third criterion is social need. A Canteen full of seats, spacious and airy is really
necessary for every student when they use it. It probably includes some utilities:
Wi-Fi, music…
The fourth criterion: about esteem, now, how many influence serving to belief and
choice of the customer. There are staffs’ behavior and welcoming place.
The fifth criterion: the needs express themselves: To be heard, to be taken care of
improving themselves.
Among all 90 questionnaires had been issued, all of these are valid questions, our group
had been starting to analyze this information to come up with answers to the 3 questions:
How do the first year students in IBD program use NEU Canteen?
To what extend are students satisfied with the Canteen quality?
What are the implications to enhance the quality of Canteen in the view of first year
students of IBD program?
In 90 taken questionnaires, the quantity of male and female is slightly equal. 51% of them
is male and the rest is female. This result shows the random and objectivity of investigation in
collecting and analysing data.
Female Male
49% 51%
The data collected, which is so striking and surprising, will be shown as following chart.
More than 6
< 2 times a week 2-4 times a week 4-6 times a week Others
Male 23 11 3 9 0
Female 1 13 13 17 0
According to this figure, we easily recognise that almost the number of male using Canteen
fewer than girls and they use primarily Canteen under 2 times a week or more than 6 times. There
are 23 out of 46 questionnaires (half) of boys tell that they only use Canteen not over 2 times a
week, 11 votes of them in using Canteen from 2 to 4 times a week. As far as we can observe,
boys do tend to use Canteen less than girls. There is only 1 girl out of 44 said that she used
Canteen under 2 times a week.
Besides, while we are considering about Canteen time using, we divide it into 3 period of
time: before the class, in the break and after the class. There are 28 students investigated answer
that they often use it before the class.
After the
Before the
In the
Currently, Canteen is not only serve packaged snack products, but also serves breakfast
and even lunch. These items are always updated regularly by Canteen captured the students’
dietary needs behaviour. The period that most students Canteen used is before school, and it was
at noon or in the morning. At that time, when there are many demands for food and students
select Canteen to enjoy their major meal. And in some ways, it should increase higher demands
towards Canteen. And that will not be only a difficult but also a great opportunity for Canteen.
When it occurred, the answer shows that 59 students use the Canteen at break time between
2 each lessons. This number represents more than half (57%) of the answers of the first year
students at International Bachelor Degree program. Not only is providing foods and beverage to
students after the tiring day, Canteen was such a really comfortable space for students at each
break. Survey gave us an interesting fact that 80% of students at recess Canteen used only drinks
and this figure could rise because the heat of the summer of this year.
Tinned food 6 9 2
Fresh food 6 6 1
processed directly
Beverage 13 37 10
Figure 6 The table shows the relationship between the type of food the students select and period student use Canteen
And Canteen has done this. In addition, students use Canteen for breakfast, lunch or dinner
as well as a common purpose.
c Money consumption
The amount of money each people spent on Canteen has the big difference. Most students
spend from 10,000VND to 50,000VND amount (63%), a small number of agree to pay
10,000VND (19%), from 50,000VND to 100,000VND (17%), and from the top there is only 1
student accept to pay 100,000VND for each time. According to these figures, we see students
tend to use quite a healthy amount, not too much. From 10,000VND to 50,000VND is the average
payment and it is suitable for the student pocketbook. And the money on the 100,000 almost no
one, which is slightly higher amount than a meal.
17% 19%
Under 10.000đ
From 10.000đ to 50.000đ
From 50.000đ to 100.000đ
More than 100.000đ
For some of the students are from other provinces, so it makes a feeling that it costs too
much money to spend than local students. They must use the money to rent, transport, food and
drink themselves. So most students tend to eat out more than cook at home, so the use of funds
to take more food. So the use of food has reasonable prices are extremely important, should new
students tend to eat at VND10,000-50,000VND price range (Good value for money)
2 To what extend are students satisfied with the Canteen quality?
We assess the Satisfaction of students according to five levels which are ordered from the
basic elements to the advanced one. We believe these elements contribute Canteens value and
a Physiological needs
The percentage of the students who disagree or totally disagree is just 6%, whereas. Most
of students agree that Canteens can meet student’s necessary. There are 26% of students totally
agree and 48% agree with the diversity of food in Canteen. They feel comfortable when using
Canteen is not only find drink, but also enjoy food before and after school.
2% 4%
Totally disagree
Totally agree
This proved that the Canteen has had diversified products and meet the student's choices.
However, a small amounts of students is still not satisfied.
Totally Disagree Neutral Agree Totally
disagree agree
Statement 1 5 19 41 24
According to the data we have collected, first year students of IBD program have highly
appreciated for the quality of dining equipment in Canteen. Currently, some restaurants are lack
of dining substances and their safety such as: not enough utensils, not hygiene and not safety…
Some opinions said that dining equipment in the Canteen is enough and diversity. And 84
out of 90 comments (account for over 90% of students) said agreed with this amount. Besides, a
significant idea is still said that "I am not satisfied with the safety of dining equipment in the
Canteen". And when we interviewed them for more details, all of them said that it was in peak.
45 41
20 20
Totally Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree
“Canteen hasn’t provided seating for students”. There are 10% students say that Canteen
does not serve enough seating for them. Moreover, this is due to peak hour that all students go to
Canteen for relax. 9 out of 90 students were asked not happy about this problem and Canteen
should be trying to do better and improve this issue. It really is a big number for a location
provides food in the National Economics University.
b Safety needs
Asked about the safety issue of dining equipment in the Canteen: completely disagree to
disagree increased to approximately 16.67%. While there are 75 votes (account for 83.33%)
assessed from completely normal to agree, which is the highest level (account for only
3:33%) This shows material facilities in the Canteen is quite sufficient but the issue of sanitation
must be pay attention to.
60 55
20 13
10 2 3
Totally Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree
Figure 11 Student assessment of the safety level of dining equipment
When students evaluatted nutrient level of food in the Canteen, account for 22% of students
choose is totally disagree and disagree. Only 17% of students surveyed absolutely love the taste
and nutrition of the food in the Canteen. This is a remarkable figure because it is not small. In
this modern society, the issue of nutritional value is always the primary concern. Because of the
statistics in 2013, the country has more than 3.2 million children are malnourished. (Thời sự Y
Dược – News [ 27/10/2013 | 11:22 GMT+7])
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
It seems that most of the students felt the source of the food in the Canteen is no ensure
safety and hygiene, account for 44% of the students said the origins of food is not exactly
clear. They are quite indifferent about food or drink which they are using.
26% Totally disagree
Totally agree
It is simply to see that about half of students (44%) do not consider about what they eat.
There are 26% of them do not agree with the product origin but there are also 26% agree with it.
c Society needs
When it comes to this demand, Canteen shows that it has made progress. In 90 votes, 18
students completely agree with the space in the Canteen, 25 students satisfied, 39 students feel
Canteen still just a place to eat normally and 8 students disagree about rooms and space in here.
20 18
10 7
Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree
Figure 14 Assessment of students on issues of rooms and spaces in the Canteen
However, when it comes to gadgets of the Canteen such as soft music, Wi-Fi or decoration,
the Canteen really does not cause excitement for students. Up to 28% of students surveyed did
not completely agree with the utility of Canteen, 39% disagreed, 29% feel normal about this
issue. Only 4% agree about the social utility of the Canteen, but no one totally agrees.
Canteen is known as a place where offer food or products. It also is known as a place of
relaxation for students. It helps students feel comfortable and relax after each lesson. Not only
that, it also helps students search document, exercises after school hours.
4% 0%
d Esteem needs
Esteem that we mentioned here is the way that employees treat customers.
Based on the data we have collected, more than 80% of students surveyed rated good in the
attitude of the staff here. But there are still students who believe themselves have not been
respected. Specifically, 13 students out of 90 students interviewed said they feel not respected in
Totally Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree
Figure 16 Students assess service attitude of staff
e Self-actualization
When asked about the behavior of staff towards customers, up to 14% of the students are
not happy about this problem. Up to 38% of students surveyed felt unnecessary in this
regard. Besides, there are still nearly 50% of students surveyed in favor of Canteen should be
17% 12%
31% 38%
What a man can be, he must be". This quotation forms the basis of the perceived need for
self-actualization. This level of need refers to what a person's full potential is and the realization
of that potential. Maslow describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can,
to become the most that one can be. Individuals may perceive or focus on this need very
specifically. For example, one individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent.
In another, the desire may be expressed athletically. For others, it may be expressed in paintings,
pictures, or inventions. As previously mentioned, Maslow believed that to understand this level
of need, the person must not only achieve the previous needs, but master them.
1 Conclusion
Through this study, we have some comments about two Canteens in National Economic
Canteen has many comments about the level 4- Esteem needs: It is not only strength but
also the challenge of Canteen.
Canteen not really interested in the basic needs of students and just focus on the food.
2 Solutions
a Physiological demand
Through this study, Canteen showed that it was able to meet the basic needs to satisfy
customer or students from IBD program of National Economics University. Despite being a first
request but the Canteen still have the negative feedback from the students. Besides, students want
to have more meals during the day at school Canteen.
Need more new dishes to serve the needs of using the main meal of the student in Canteen.
Updated the new drinks or the new food to serve the needs of eating as well as refreshment
of the students in this summer days.
b Safety needs
This is one of the biggest deduction of Canteen. Students are asked to feel doesn't really
believe in the safety of food sold in the Canteen.
• Need to have license to ensure safety food, more transparency about the origin of the
products in the Canteen
• Food should be processed according to the procedure and in order to ensure quality, full
of nutrients.
c Social needs
When talking about this need, students actually felt not to be served. Canteen didn’t meet
this demand. We launched measures to resolve this situation:
• Promote the room, investing on infrastructure basis.
• Investment in leisure facilities such as light music, free Wi-Fi in the Canteen area.
d Esteem needs
In this demand, Canteen showed that they capable of far more. Students feel respected
and treated properly. But there are still ideas that Canteen hasn't really behave well, and
a few comments not supported Canteen on this issue
• Need to improve the attitude of the staff.
• Draw out specific penalties for employees when their behaviors are not good for
customers, especially for students.
• Build e-mail suggestions.
e Self-actualization
"Canteen has not really interested in the needs of the students. Officially, the students are
just suggestions and be heard. But there aren’t the following improvement suggestions"-a student
said. Because of this high-level standard, it is the most difficult level for every individual or
organization to achieve. There are limited people around the world can met this level such as
1 References
Nghiên cứu về sự hài lòng của khách hàng. Online. Available from:[Accessed 18 August
2 Questionnaire
A. Male.
B. Female.
3, What time do you usually use Canteen inside the Campus? (you can choose more than
one option)
4, What kind of food do you eat in the Canteen? (more explain and avoid new words)
A. Tinned food.
B. Fresh food processing directly such as: noodles, rice, fried chicken…
C. Food from home.
D. Beverage
E. Other:.........................................................................................................................
5, How much money do you usually spend for one person you use the Canteen?
6, Are there any kind of goods you want to buy but it is not sold in Canteen?
A. Yes
B. No. They are: ...........................................................................................................
7, Why do you use Canteen? (you can choose more than one option)
8, Here are a few of opinion about the School Canteen. Choose your choices for each
question correspond to 5 levels:
Having a lot of food in the Canteen to
Having enough dining equipment in the
Having plenty of chairs and table for
Making sure all the dining equipment are
5 Ensuring roots of food
Providing sufficient nutrition food for
students in the Canteen
7 Processing food is guaranteed
8 Having a good value for money of student
9 Having rooms with spacious and airy
Decorating beautifully, there may be jazz
music to help student relax and have Wi-Fi.
Having a great service. The staff are always
really friendly and polite.
Do you have any solution for your own problem?