13th May 2012 AOL - Application Object Library: Class - 4

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1/22/2019 AOL – Application Object Library | be happy and make others to be happy

13th May 2012 AOL – Application Object Library

Custom_ TOP:
Custom top will be created by customer (client) for the custom development and customizations. At least
one custom top is required for every client. We can have multiple custom tops also as per the
1) We are not suppose to develop are customize the product tops like AP, AR, GL, PO
2) If oracle applies the patches (scripts) against the application the script will over right both developments and
customization whatever we have done. That is the reason we will use custom top. Oracle will not touch the
custom top and it will not provide any type of support.

US Folder:
This folder is language specific by default American English language will be implemented. If we want to
have multiple languages we can implement in Oracle Applications by specifying different folders. This
folder is only applicable for Forms and Reports because both are GUI objects.

Select * from FND_LANGUAGES where installed_flag in (‘B’, ‘I’)

Flag B - Base language, Flag I - Installed language,

Flag D - Disable language
11.5.0 Folder:
This oracle application release name based on the release it will be specified
10.7 10.7
11.0.3 11.0.3
11.5.5 11.5.0
11.5.10 11.5.10

Oracle Applications Database Design

Predefined database Oracle 9i

Schema Diagram Item Details Report

Item Supper Cheque Buyer
Monitor IBM 1745/- Stockpet

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Invoice PO Schema AP Schema HRMS

Schema Schema

User connect only one schema at time

Total approximately 4000 schemas available
APPS Schema contains only synonyms
Per ever database object we will find synonym in APPS Schema
Table name and synonym name should be same
No module to cover the Share Market Business
New Module – New Schema – New Top

APPS Schema:
This one of the Schema in Oracle Applications database it contains only synonyms. It has got access
other schema database objects

PO Schema:

It contains only PO Objects like PO Tables Indexes, Sequences, and views and materialized views and so
on. It will connect to PO Schema we can access only PO objects. We can’t access other schema
database objects.

We are not suppose to create tables in apps schema, we will create the tables in custom schema then we will
provide grants to apps schema
While development of forms, reports, programs we will always connect to apps schema in oracle applications.

AOL – Application Object Library

After development / customization the objects to be registered with this. This has got the two responsibilities.
1) System Administrator: Which has got the functions like 1) users, 2) Responsibilities 3) Reports
development / customization 4) Procedure 5) Printer Installation 6) Admin activities - Server Monitoring,
Request submission

2) Application Developer: Which has got the functions like 1) Forms 2) Menus 3) Messages 4) Flexi fields 5)

After installation of Oracle Applications the default User details as follows


Password: WELCOME.

And connect and select System Administrator responsibility

To create New User

Security – User – Define – Enter

To move in the form some shortcut keys

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1) If you want to query all the record – Ctrl + F11

2) If you want to query few records for form
a. Open the form
b. Press F11 – Query mode
c. Search criteria by using %
d. Press Ctrl + F11
3) To close the form F4

To connect to database or Bank End

Password: APPS
Host string: PRODUCTIONS

Creation of New User – Front End

1) Connect to the application

2) Enter application User Name : OPERATION and Password: WELCOME
3) Select the Responsibility called “System Administrator
4) Open the user Form - Security – User- Define and enter
5) Enter Username and password and attach Responsibility
6) Save the Transaction.
7) Once user is created we can’t delete

WE can find all the user details in FND_USER table

Select * from FND_USER where user_name = “20user”

Note: We can find the table names from front end by using help menu

Help – Record History option

If open a form we can three types of fields

Yellow Color – Mandatory Fields, White Color – Optional Fields, Gray Color – Read Only

Effective Dates: From – To

Some of the records we can’t delete in Oracle applications instead of the we will effective dates From and To to
enable or disable the record.

Who columns in Oracle Applications

Ever Database table contains following Columns.

CREATION_DATE System date When we create

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LAST_UPDATED_DATE System Date When we Updated
LAST_LOGIN_DATE System date Login system date

When we go to Record History option we can find all the who columns

Help – Record History


.rdf Reports
.sh Unix Shell Script
.sql SQL
.proc, .fun, .pck PL/SQL
.C C Programe
.proC ProC
.ctl Sql * loader
.prl Perl

Concurrent Programe

Is nothing but instances of execution file along with parameter and incompatible programs
We can register 11 types of executable as Concurrent Programe
We can execute multi language programmes as Concurrent Programe
When we run Concurrent Programe we can utilize 100% local machine hardware capacity
We can change the Concurrent Programe output based on employee profile
We can submit only Request
We can schedule the Concurrent Programe as per client requirement.
Report Registration

1) Develop the report (.rdf) as per client requirement by using Reports 6i Builder
2) Move the report from the local machine in to the server
a. CUS_TOP\11.5.0\reports\US .rdf (or)
b. PO_TOP\11.5.0\reports\US .rdf
3) Select System Administrator
a. Create Executable
b. xeEcutable name
c. Application Name
d. Execution Method
e. Report (.rdf) file name
4) Create Concurrent Programe and attach
a. Executable
b. Parameters
c. Incompatibilities
5) Create Request group and attach Concurrent Programe
6) Create Responsibility
a. Request Group – Concurrent Programe
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b. Data Group – Collection of User IDs

c. Menu – Collection of forms
7) Create user attach Responsibility to the user
8) User will select the responsibility and go to SRS (Standard Request Submission) window submit the

Executable => Concurrent Programme => Request Group => User=> SRS

Note: For Single Executable we can have different concurrent programs with different parameters

To create simple report with below SQL statement

Select User_ID, User_name, Trunc(creation_date) from fnd_user

Posted 13th May 2012 by be happy and make others to be happy

3 View comments

Jhonatan Aguilar 20 June 2014 at 15:56


Sridevi Koduru 1 September 2016 at 04:46

Sridevi Koduru (Senior Oracle Apps Trainer Oracleappstechnical.com)
LinkedIn profile - https://in.linkedin.com/in/sridevi-koduru-9b876a8b
Please Contact for One to One Online Training on Oracle Apps Technical, Financials, SCM, Oracle Manufacturing, BI
Publisher, OAF, ADF, SQL, PL/SQL, D2K at [email protected] | +91 - 9581017828.

Jennifer N 6 January 2019 at 21:20

Thanks and Regards. Oracle Apps R12 Training Videos at affordable cost. please check oracleappstechnical.com

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