Anatomic Exposures For Vascular Surgery 2013 PDF
Anatomic Exposures For Vascular Surgery 2013 PDF
Anatomic Exposures For Vascular Surgery 2013 PDF
in Vascular Surgery
Anatomic Exposures
in Vascular Surgery
Gary G. Wind, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Professor of Surgery
Department of Surgery
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Director of Art and Education,
Bethesda, Maryland
All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced in any
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as U.S. government employees are not covered by the above-mentioned copyright.
Printed in China
Wind, Gary G.
Anatomic exposures in vascular surgery / Gary G. Wind, R. James Valentine; illustrated by Gary G.
Wind. — 3rd ed.
p. ; cm.
Rev. ed. of: Anatomic exposures in vascular surgery / R. James Valentine, Gary G. Wind.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4511-8472-3 (alk. paper) — ISBN 1-4511-8472-7 (alk. paper)
I. Valentine, R. James, 1954- II. Valentine, R. James, 1954- Anatomic exposures in vascular surgery.
III. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Blood Vessels—anatomy & histology—Atlases. 2. Vascular Surgical Procedures—Atlases.
WG 17]
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This book was written by Drs. Gary G. Wind and R. James Valentine in their private capacity.
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To our wives
Marilyn Gail Wind and Tracy Williams Valentine
for their patience and support
Forearm Fasciotomy:
Jeffrey A. Marchessault, MD
Adjunct Faculty, Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College
of Osteopathic Medicine, Harrogate TN
Associated Orthopaedics of Kingsport, TN
Leo Daab, MD
Fellow, Vascular Surgery
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Bethesda, MD
Contributors vii
Foreword from the First Edition xi
Preface to the First Edition xiii
Preface to the Third Edition xv
CHAPTER 9 Upper Abdominal Aorta, Including the Visceral and Supraceliac Segments 237
The illustrations are the strong point of this excellent book. These have been drawn
from the perspective of a surgeon who clearly knows what is seen during a surgi-
cal operation. An anatomist illustrates the anatomy as seen in the dissecting room.
Drs. Gary Wind and R. James Valentine have given us outstanding drawings of
what a surgeon will see in the operating room.
Dr. Wind is experienced in the use of a microcomputer to create three-
dimensional reconstructions of anatomy. These unusual visual images and models
provide different concepts of conventional anatomic views. The knowledge gained
from this study of many regions of the body has been used to provide the unusual and
very informative illustrations that fill this book. In a standard illustration, it appears
that the vertebral artery travels only a short distance before it enters the foramen in
the transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra. A surgeon who has operated on
this artery at this point knows that there is a length of several centimeters before it
enters the bony foramen. This book is filled with similar useful information, which
has been uncovered by Dr. Wind’s special anatomical reconstructions. The text is
clear and concise and there is a good bibliography after each chapter. This text has
obviously been written by those who know what is of importance to a clinician.
Of special interest are two sections, the introduction on embryology and the last
section on vascular variation. Such variations have always been a challenge for sur-
geons. Embryology demonstrates the possible explanations for these variations, and
the final chapter on anatomic variations will help the surgeon to expect and identify
the unexpected should he or she encounter them.
This is an anatomic book written by surgeons, but the objective has not been
to describe surgical procedures. It has been to describe and illustrate the anatomic
relationships of blood vessels. The result is a book of great value, not only to vascular
surgeons but also to anatomists, because it throws new light on an old subject—gross
Charles G. Rob, M.D., F.R.C.S., F.A.C.S†
Professor of Surgery
Uniformed Services University of
the Health Sciences
Bethesda, Maryland
†Dr. Charles Rob passed away in 2001. He was a preeminent pioneer of vascular surgery and one of the last
of the surgical giants. The force of his personality was always evident beneath his impeccable gentlemanly
persona. He will be missed by us and by the surgical world as a whole.
Gary G. Wind, M.D.
R. James Valentine, M.D.
Dispel from your mind the thought that an understanding of the human body
in every aspect of its structure can be given in words; for the more thoroughly
you describe, the more you will confuse. . . I advise you not to trouble with
words unless you are speaking to blind men.
—Leonardo da Vinci
The last two decades have witnessed a surge of interest in catheter-based vascular in-
tervention, with a corresponding decrease in the number of open vascular procedures
currently being performed. As the clinical experience with open vascular exposure
declines, we believe that there is an enduring need for a comprehensive text that
features vascular anatomy from a surgical point of view. The original purpose of this
book has not changed—it is intended to be a detailed and practical guide for exposing
blood vessels with minimal trauma to surrounding structures. The volume of recent
literature regarding novel exposure techniques and refined indications for specific
approaches has provided the impetus for a third edition.
Based on favorable response to the previous editions, we have maintained an
emphasis on clinical anatomy, focusing on detailed illustrations rather than extensive
written descriptions. A key feature of this book is that all of the illustrations were
drawn by a single artist, who is also a surgeon and anatomist. This uniformity has
allowed inclusion of more detail in each illustration for maximal educational benefit.
A major enhancement in this third edition is the use of full color for the anatomic
illustrations, giving a greater appreciation of three-dimensional relationships. The
procedural text and clinical references have been updated to reflect current concepts.
New sections on forearm compartment syndrome/fasciotomy and vascular exposure
of the lumbar spine have been added. In addition, references to web-based three-
dimensional anatomy resources have been included.
As before, chapters are divided into anatomic overview and surgical exposure
sections. The text is written from a surgeon’s point of view, using practical descrip-
tions based on key anatomic relationships. Trivial and esoteric details have been
avoided. Related clinical discussion is based on a thorough review of the modern
Perhaps, the most important point to be made about this book is that it is in-
tended to have lasting applicability. Human anatomy will not change in the fore-
seeable future. Vascular procedures may wax and wane in popularity, but exposure
techniques remain a standard part of any present or future operation.
Embryology of the
Arteries and Veins
Development of the Blood Vessels remodeling that extends through the second and
final month of the embryonic period. Development
Overview at the cephalad end of the embryo proceeds more
rapidly than at the caudal end as the arteries and
Between the third and eighth week of embryonic veins change and interact with the growing thora-
gestation (measured in postovulatory days), the coabdominal organs, parietes, and extremities. The
blood vessels form and evolve into an approxima- incredibly complex bioarchitectural development
tion of the definitive human circulatory pattern. To- and reorganization take place while the embryo is
ward the end of the third week, primitive circulation between 3 mm and 3 cm in size (crown-to-rump
begins, propelled by the newly fused heart. Rapid length; Fig. 1). The next significant change in the
changes in the fourth week set the stage for extensive vascular pattern occurs at birth.
30 mm
20 mm 8 weeks
6 weeks
5 mm
4 weeks
1 cm.
Body stalk
Amnionic cavity
Neural fold
Yolk sac
Fig. 2 At the onset of angiogenesis, the embryonic plate lies in a polypoid excrescence
within the chorionic vesicle.
Amnionic cavity
Body stalk
Dorsal aorta
Neural fold
Umbilical a.
Umbilical v.
Yolk sac
Vitelline v’s Vitelline a’s
Fig. 3 The first two sets of primitive vessels attach to the ends of the newly fused heart tube.
1 2
Internal carotid a.
1 mm carotid a’s
Pulmonary a. Aortas
Lung buds
Internal carotid a.
External carotid a.
6 Ductus
Truncus Vagus n.
arteriosus Pulmonary a.
Subclavian a. Aorta
Fig. 7 Selective resorption of the remaining arches results in a definitive aortic and
pulmonary pattern.
The Dorsal Aorta of serial intersegmental branches to the body wall
and extremities, genitourinary branches in the
While the arches are reforming at the cephalad end nephrotome region, and ventral visceral branches.
of the embryo, the dorsal aorta is elaborating dorsal, The dorsal branches divide into dorsal and
lateral, and ventral branches (Fig. 8). These consist ventral rami. The dorsal rami in the cervical region
Dorsal intersegmental a
Fusions (ventral branch)
Fig. 8 The fused dorsal aorta elaborates segmental dorsal and lateral branches and retains
single ventral visceral branches descended from the vitelline arteries.
Celiac a.
mesenteric a.
intersegmental a’s
Inferior mesenteric a.
Fig. 10 Lateral branches in the nephrotome region supply the gonadal ridge, the meso-
nephros, and metanephros (definitive kidney).
Internal carotid a.
External carotid a.
Common carotid a.
Ductus arteriosus
Vertebral a.
Pulmonary a.
Left pulmonary a.
subclavian a.
Thyrocervical trunk
Left subclavian a.
thoracic a.
Fig. 9 Longitudinal fusion of the cervical and upper thoracic dorsal branches results in the
vertebral arteries and costocervical trunks.
Multiple lateral branches extend to the neph- single when the aortas fuse. As the yolk sac regresses,
rotome region supplying the mesonephros, gonads, the number of vessels decreases. Near the end of the
metanephros, and adrenal glands (Fig. 10). As the fifth week, when the embryo is 8 mm in length, the
mesonephros involutes, the number of branches also celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric
decreases, leaving the renal, adrenal, and internal arteries are left. In addition, the original continuity
gonadal vessels. The phrenic arteries are also defini- of the umbilical arteries with the vitelline system is
tive lateral branches. lost, and the umbilical arteries connect to an adja-
The ventral branches of the aorta are deriva- cent dorsal intersegmental branch that becomes the
tives of the paired vitelline arteries that become common iliac artery (see below and Fig. 14).
Celiac a.
mesenteric a.
intersegmental a’s
Inferior mesenteric a.
Fig. 10 Lateral branches in the nephrotome region supply the gonadal ridge, the meso-
nephros, and metanephros (definitive kidney).
7–9 mm
33 days
11–14 mm 16 mm
37 days 41 days
17–20 mm 25–27 mm
47–48 days 54 days
Aorta 6th Dorsal
intersegmental a.
Subclavian a.
Postcardinal v.
Axial a.
Subclavian v.
Dorsal aorta
R. subclavian a. Marginal v.
Apical growth
Postcardinal v.
Fig. 12 The primitive axial arteries of the limbs are connected by a fine vascular mesh to
a substantial marginal vein that drains initially into the postcardinal veins.
Ulnar a.
Median a.
Radial a.
Ulnar a.
11–14 mm
41 days
25–27 mm
54 days
17–20 mm
48 days
Fig. 13 Radial and ulnar arteries branch from the axial vessel and replace an intermediary
median artery to supply the forearm and vascular arcade of the hand.
Umbilical a’s
Anastomotic a.
Dorsal Sciatic a.
intersegmental a’s
Common iliac a.
Fig. 14 The umbilical arteries shift their bases to dorsal intersegmental roots in the fourth week.
The subclavian artery, which arose in con- common and internal iliac arteries. These root ves-
cert with the changes in the aortic arches, forms sels give rise to the primitive axial vessels of the
the axial artery of the upper extremity in the lower extremities, sciatic arteries, and external iliac
5-mm, 4-week embryo. This original axis per- arteries.
sists as the brachial and interosseous arteries of The sciatic arteries arise from the new dor-
the arm and forearm (Fig. 13). The brachial artery sal roots of the umbilical arteries in the 9-mm,
gives rise to three branches to the vessels of the 5-week embryo. The external iliac arteries arise
hand: the median, ulnar, and radial arteries. The from the same vessel segment as the sciatic, and
median artery regresses, leaving the other two. the two vessels interconnect, selectively resorb,
Because of the relatively caudal initial position and branch to form the definitive arteries of the
of the upper extremity buds, the venous arch first lower extremities (Fig. 15). The anterior and pos-
drains into the postcardinal vein. The cranial mar- terior tibial vessels are derived from the popliteal
gin of the venous arch regresses, and the caudal remnant of the sciatic artery and from the femoral
margin remains as the basilic, axillary, and sub- artery, respectively.
clavian veins. By this stage, differential growth The marginal vein in the lower extremity forms
has shifted the drainage of the subclavian into the later than in the upper extremity, commensurate
precardinal region. with the caudal developmental lag. As in the upper
In the fourth week, the umbilical arteries extremity, the cephalad or tibial connection of the
anastomose with adjacent dorsal intersegmental marginal vein regresses, leaving the fibular branch.
aortic branches (Fig. 14). This secondary connec- The latter interconnects with the great saphenous
tion quickly becomes dominant, and the original vein, which arises independently of the postcardinal
aortic connection is lost. The new dorsal roots of vein. The two vessels give rise to the definitive ve-
the umbilical arteries are destined to become the nous drainage of the leg.
Sciatic a. Inferior
gluteal a.
Femoral a.
iliac a.
femoral a.
Popliteal a.
tibial a. Posterior
tibial a.
Peroneal a.
17–20 mm
47–48 days
23 mm
52 days 9 weeks
Fig. 15 The axial sciatic artery of the leg and the external iliac trunk interact to form the
mature vascular pattern of the lower extremity.
Precardinal v.
cardinal v.
Sinus venosus
Septum transversarum
Vitelline v’s
Umbilical v.
Fig. 16 Three pairs of veins give rise to the definitive venous pattern of the body.
side of the liver mass to reach the sinus veno- toward the midline and lies in the free edge of the
sus. As the liver expands, vascular connections falciform ligament.
between the umbilical veins and the hepatic sinu- The paired pre and postcardinal veins estab-
soids are established. Flow is progressively chan- lished in the 5-mm embryo at 4 weeks of age un-
neled through more direct pathways to the heart dergo a series of changes leading to the mature
until the ductus venosus is established. By 4½ venous drainage pattern of the body. The precardi-
weeks, all the umbilical vein blood in the 6-mm nal veins mature into the veins of the superior vena
embryo flows through the liver. The entire right caval drainage basin, and the postcardinal veins,
umbilical vein and the proximal extrahepatic por- supplemented by two sets of parallel channels, be-
tion of the left umbilical vein regress, leaving only come the inferior vena caval system of the lower
the left umbilical vein. The remaining vein shifts body.
cardinal v.
Vitelline v. 5 mm
Umbilical v.
of left
umbilical v.
6 mm with hepatic
Ductus venosus
Portal v.
9 mm
Fig. 17 The vitelline veins interdigitate with the developing liver buds to become hepatic
sinusoids. The left umbilical vein connects secondarily to the intrahepatic plexus, and the
major ductus venosus channel is established.
56 days
jugular v’s
Subclavian v.
Postcardinal v’s
Azygous v.
Fig. 18 A diagonal branch connects the precardinal veins in the eighth week, forming the
left brachiocephalic vein.
and gonadal veins are remnants of the subcardinal
The supracardinal veins appear last and
lie dorsomedial to the postcardinal veins. As the
kidneys develop and assume their final position, the
supracardinal veins anastomose with the subcardinal
veins at the level of the developing renal veins, form-
ing a portion of the left renal vein. The connection
on the right becomes the continuation of the inferior
vena cava below the renal veins, leading into the
persistent caudal portion of the right supracardinal
Mesonephric folds vein. The latter connects to the persistent early
cross-connection of the postcardinal veins that will
Postcardinal v. constitute the iliac confluence. The disconnected
Aorta cephalad portions of the supracardinal veins cross-
Metanephros connect, forming the azygous and hemiazygous
veins. The intercostal and lumbar veins that initially
drain into the postcardinal veins ultimately drain into
the derivatives of the supracardinal veins. Thus, the
cephalad body wall branches drain into the azygous
Fig. 19 The postcardinal veins lie in the dorsal sub- system, and the lower lumbar veins drain into the
stance of the mesonephric ridges, shown here in a 4-week distal inferior vena cava.
extension of
hepatic v’s
Azygous v.
Intersubcardinal IVC
Sub- Sub-
cardinal v. anastomosis
Renal v’s
Illiac v’s
cardinal v.
Subcardinal v.
Fig. 20 Complex interactions between the postcardinal veins and their subcardinal
and supracardinal derivatives result in the definitive venous drainage of the lower part of
the body.
Ductus arteriosus
Ductus Inferior
venosus vena cava
Umbilical v.
Umbilical a’s
Bibliography 5. Sadler TW. Langman’s Medical Embryology.
Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
1. O’Rahilly R, Muller F. Developmental Stages in 6. Stewart JS, Kincaid OW, Edwards JE. An Atlas
Human Embryos. Washington, DC: Carnegie of Vascular Rings and Related Malformations of
Institution of Washington, DC;1987. Publication the Aortic Arch System. Springfield, IL: Charles
637. C Thomas; 1964.
2. Arey LB. Developmental Anatomy. Philadelphia, 7. Senior HD. Development of the arteries of the hu-
PA: WB Saunders; 1963. man lower extremity. Am J Anat. 1919;25:55–95.
3. Gray SW, Skandalakis JE. Embryology for Surgeons. 8. Seyfer AE, Wind G, Martin R. Study of upper extrem-
Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1991. ity growth and development using human embryos
4. Moore KL. The Developing Human. Philadelphia, and computer reconstructed models. J Hand Surg.
PA: WB Saunders; 2008. 1989;14A:927–932.
Carotid Arteries
The Prevertebral Fascia the anterior longitudinal ligament of the thoracic
spine. Posteriorly, it attaches along a midline seam
The supple cervical spine is surrounded by a central to the ligamentum nuchae of the cervical spinous
group of muscles attached to the ribs, to the base processes. The prevertebral fascia covers the ori-
of the skull, and to adjacent vertebrae (Fig. 1-2). gins of the cervical nerves and the phrenic nerve
These include small intrinsic muscles and power- arising from them. At the base of the neck, the pre-
ful erector spinae muscles posteriorly, the small vertebral fascia takes a more complex form. Fan-
longus colli and longus capitis muscles anteriorly, ning out laterally, it covers the roots of the brachial
and the levator scapulae and scalene muscles lat- plexus and the subclavian artery and forms a neu-
erally. This paraspinal grouping is wrapped in a rovascular wrap called the axillary sheath. The vis-
discrete fibrous layer called the prevertebral fas- ceral components of the neck lie along the center
cia. Anteriorly, this fascia runs from the base of of this delta-shaped anterior sheet of prevertebral
the skull down the vertebral bodies to blend with fascia.
capitis m.
Longus capitis m.
capitis m.
capitis m.
scapulae m.
Longus colli m.
Scalene m’s
Phrenic n. sheath
Anterior longitudinal lig. fascia
Fig. 1-2 The musculoskeletal pillar of the neck is wrapped in the prevertebral fascia that
extends into the shoulder as the axillary sheath.
Fig. 1-3 The visceral compartment is surrounded by its own fascial layer. The portion
immediately apposed to the trachea is called pretracheal fascia. The fascia around the strap
muscles is sometimes called the middle layer of deep cervical fascia.
The Investing Fascia skirting the posterior base of the skull, the zygo-
matic arch, and the lower border of the mandible.
Wrapping the neck into a neat bundle is the best The lower margin attaches to sternum, clavicle, ac-
defined and most superficial layer of the deep fas- romion, and the spine of the scapula. The parotid
cia, the investing fascia (Fig. 1-4). It attaches to the and submaxillary glands are also enclosed within
ligamentum nuchae in the posterior midline and layers of this fascia.
splits to invest the trapezius and sternocleidomas- The flat sternocleidomastoid muscles form the
toid muscles within its laminae. The investing fas- final, lateral boundary of the space containing the
cia forms a complete sheath, with its upper margin carotid sheath.
Fig. 1-4 The broad sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles are enclosed in the most
superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia, which is also called the investing fascia.
Superior cervical
sympathetic ganglion
Vagus n. thyroid a.
Internal jugular v.
Carotid a. Ansa
Carotic sheath
Middle thyroid v.
Fig. 1-5 The carotid sheath is a loose network of fascia containing the carotid arteries, the
internal jugular veins, and the vagus nerves.
The Superficial Fascia Cutaneous nerves and superficial veins lie in
the well-defined cleavage plane between the pla-
The superficial fascia of the neck contains two flat tysma and the investing fascia. A cross section of the
sheets of muscle, the platysma (Fig. 1-6). These neck at the level of the thyroid cartilage (Fig. 1-7)
muscles represent the remnant of the more exten- demonstrates the relationships of these and the other
sive panniculus carnosus of other mammals with fascia-bound anatomic groupings. With this back-
which they shake their coats. The muscles of fa- ground, the remainder of the chapter focuses on the
cial expression are specialized modifications of this carotid artery and its relationship to surrounding
layer. structures.
Platysma m.
jugular v.
Fig. 1-6 The platysma muscle lies in the superficial fascial layer and lends substance to
this plane for purposes of surgical dissection.
Ansa cervicalis
Thyroid Vagus n.
Cervical Prevertebral
sympathetic fascia
trunk External
jugular v.
Vertebral a.
Cervical n.
Scalene m’s
Fig. 1-7 A cross section of the neck shows the discrete boundary between the musculo-
skeletal element of the neck and the other components.
The Carotid Artery structures of the head, gives off several branches
before its terminal bifurcation into the internal
The common carotid artery ascends in the neck maxillary and superficial temporal arteries. These
medial to the internal jugular vein and normally are the superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal,
has no branches (Fig. 1-8). Occasionally, the su- lingual, facial, occipital, and posterior auricular
perior thyroid artery arises proximal to the bifur- arteries. The internal carotid artery proceeds pos-
cation into internal and external carotid arteries. teromedially to enter the carotid canal at the base
The bifurcation is usually located at the level of the of the skull without giving off any branches. On
superior border of the thyroid cartilage. Variations the medial side of the bifurcation lie the small,
in the levels at which the carotid bifurcates are oval carotid body, a chemoreceptor, and the ca-
more often above this position than below. The rotid sinus, a pressure receptor intrinsic to the
external carotid artery, supplying the extracranial wall of the common and internal carotid arteries.
Internal maxillary a.
Posterior auricular a. Internal
Facial a. carotid a.
Lingual a.
Ascending pharyngeal a. Occipital a.
Carotid body
thyroid a.
Vertebral a.
Common carotid a.
Fig. 1-8 The common carotid artery ascends two-thirds of the length of the neck without
branches until it bifurcates. The external carotid has multiple extracranial ramifications
while the internal carotid is branchless.
Retromandibular v.
Facial v.
Superior thyroid v.
Internal jugular v.
jugular v.
Fig. 1-9 The internal jugular vein lies immediately beneath the sternocleidomastoid mus-
cle and is paralleled by the smaller external jugular vein crossing the superficial surface of
that muscle. The pattern of the smaller venous branches is more variable than that of the
corresponding arteries.
The Nerves of the Neck cervical plexus emerge from the prevertebral fascia
deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and then
There are three groups of nerves in the neck: the cra- pierce the investing fascia at the posterior border of
nial nerves, the nerves of the cervical plexus, and that muscle.
the nerves of the brachial plexus (Fig. 1-10). Only The nerve roots of the brachial plexus emerge
the first group is of major concern when considering between the anterior and middle scalene muscles
approaches to the distal carotid artery. Of the cra- and lie lateral to the course of the common carotid
nial nerves, the facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), arteries. This relationship is examined in more detail
vagus (X), spinal accessory (XI), and hypoglossal in Chapter 4.
(XII) are intimately related to the distal internal ca- The final key to understanding the approach to
rotid artery and are discussed further below. In the the carotid bifurcation and internal carotid artery is
midneck, the vagus, cervical sympathetic chain, and knowing the relationships of the pharynx, the cra-
ansa cervicalis (also called ansa hypoglossi) share nial nerves mentioned above, the vessels, and the
the carotid sheath. The cutaneous branches of the ramus of the mandible.
Facial n.
Hypoglossal n.
Lesser occipital n.
Great auricular n.
Glossopharyngeal n.
cervical n. Superior laryngeal n.
Vagus n.
Supraclavicular n.
Accessory n.
Phrenic n.
cervical Recurrent laryngeal n.
Styloid process
Stylohyoid lig.
Digastric m. (divided)
Stylopharyngeus m.
Stylohyoid m.
Mylohyoid m.
Middle constrictor m.
Hyoglossus m.
Thyrohyoid mbr.
Inferior constrictor m.
Fig. 1-11 The pharynx and its related muscles constitute the deep surface on which the
carotid vessels lie.
The Internal and External Carotid Arteries complex of the larynx by passing between the
digastric and stylohyoid muscles laterally and the
The internal carotid artery passes deep to the sty- styloglossus and stylopharyngeus muscles medi-
loid process and all associated structures to reach ally. Beneath the posterior belly of the digastric
the base of the skull (Fig. 1-12). The external muscle, the occipital artery crosses the distal inter-
carotid artery divides the posterior suspensory nal carotid artery.
Internal Superficial
maxillary a. temporal a.
Styloglossus m.
Facial a. Lingual a.
Superior thyroid a.
Carotid sinus
Common carotid a.
Fig. 1-12 The internal carotid artery passes deep to the posterior suspensory muscles of
the pharynx to terminate medial to the styloid process, while the continuation of the exter-
nal carotid passes between these muscles.
External jugular v.
Retromandibular v.
Facial v.
Superior thyroid v.
Fig. 1-13 The internal jugular vein runs posterolateral to the internal carotid artery and
follows a similar course. The superficial veins of the face drain via the relatively constant
facial vein, which crosses the carotid bifurcation to reach the internal jugular.
The Cranial Nerves Revascularization vs. Stenting Trial,1 which was
lower than the 8.6% of 1,415 patients randomized
The immediate extracranial portions of the cranial to surgery in the North American Carotid Endarter-
nerves mentioned above intertwine with the muscu- ectomy Trial reported two decades prior.3 The fre-
lar and vascular structures we have been discussing, quency of cranial nerve injury is higher in patients
putting them at risk for injury during carotid sur- undergoing repeat carotid endartarectomy.4 The
gery (Fig. 1-14). Although most iatrogenic nerve in- frequency of individual nerve injuries remains con-
juries resulting from carotid surgery are temporary troversial, but most authors report that either the hy-
and subtle, careful examination will reveal such poglossal nerve2 or the recurrent laryngeal nerve3,4
injuries in 5% to 21% of patients.1-5 Detailed post- is most commonly injured. The glossopharyngeal
operative evaluations by neurologists documented nerve is among the least frequently injured, but per-
cranial nerve injuries in 4.7% of the 1,240 patients manent damage is associated with severe impair-
randomized to the surgical arm of the Carotid ment due to swallowing difficulties.
Lingual n. Facial n.
Accessory n.
alveolar n. Glossopharyngeal n.
Hypoglossal n.
Ansa cervicalis
larygeal n.
Vagus n.
Fig. 1-14 The hypoglossal nerve swinging down superficial to the carotid vessels is often
visualized during carotid surgery. The limb of the ansa cervicalis running with the hypo-
glossal nerve is often sacrificed with no ill effect during carotid surgery.
Facial n.
Digastric m.
Accessory n.
Hypoglossal n.
process Internal jugular v.
Glossopharyngeal n.
Superior sympathetic
Vagus n.
Internal carotid a.
pterygoid m.
Fig. 1-15 An understanding of the emergence of the cranial nerves at the base of the skull
helps prevent injury to these nerves during operations on the distal internal carotid artery.
The marginal mandibular branch of the facial The vagus nerve and sympathetic chain lie
nerve (ramus mandibularis) emerges from behind posteriorly in the groove between the internal jugu-
the parotid gland and runs below the angle of the lar vein and the internal and later common carotid
mandible before turning upwards to run parallel artery (Fig. 1-17). Occasionally, the vagus nerve is
with the mandibular ramus (Fig. 1-16). Although located in a more anterior position in relation to the
the nerve is usually within one finger’s breadth of carotid artery at the base of the neck. The superior
the inferior border of the mandible,6 variants can and inferior laryngeal branches of the vagus supply
course significantly below this level, making them the muscles of the larynx, and varying degrees of
prone to injury during carotid endarterectomy. The dysphonia result when they are injured. The supe-
nerve innervates the muscles of the lower lip; in- rior laryngeal nerve accompanies the artery of the
jury results in the inability to draw the angle of the same name from its origin high in the neck and is
mouth downward, with compensatory drooping of at direct risk from mobilization of the artery. The
the contralateral lip.6,7 The ramus mandibularis is recurrent laryngeal nerve, arising low in the neck, is
prone to injury from longitudinal incisions that are at indirect risk from injury to the main vagal trunk
placed too far anteriorly and from retractors that in the midneck. In rare cases, a nonrecurrent laryn-
are placed on the angle of the mandible.5 Position- geal nerve may branch directly from the vagus at
ing retractors superficial to the platysma and curv- the level of the carotid bifurcation and course medi-
ing the longitudinal incisions posteriorly toward the ally behind the carotid bulb to reach the larynx. This
mastoid process may help to reduce injuries to the anomaly is usually seen on the right side, associated
ramus mandibularis. with an aberrant right subclavian artery.
mandibular n.
Fig. 1-16 The ramus mandibularis branch of the facial nerve runs below the edge of the
mandible and is prone to injury during carotid endarterectomy.
Accessory n.
Occipital a.
Glossopharyngeal n.
Digastric m.
(posterior belly)
Internal carotid a.
Hypoglossal n.
Carotid sinus n.
carotid a.
Superior laryngeal n.
Internal jugular v.
Fig. 1-18 The distal internal carotid artery is cramped in a narrow space behind and deep
to the ramus of the mandible, making access difficult.
Fig. 1-19 A conceptual division of the neck into three zones helps to determine appropri-
ate surgical approaches to different regions of the carotid arteries.
Exposure of the Carotid Bifurcation in the Neck extending from the clavicular head to the retro-
(Zone II) mandibular area (Fig. 1-20). The incision should
be curved slightly and extended just inferior to the
The neck is slightly extended, and the head is lobe of the ear at its distal end. This posterior dis-
turned opposite the side of the intended incision placement of the incision helps avoid injury to the
and placed upon a gel ring. Elevation of the shoul- marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve.11
ders with a rolled sheet will enhance neck exten- Alternatively, a transverse cervical incision may
sion, especially in patients with short, broad necks. be used, but this oblique incision is associated with
The upper chest, lower face, and lower ear are limited carotid exposure and a higher risk of injury
prepped and draped. to the marginal mandibular nerve.11
A longitudinal incision is made along the an- The incision is deepened through the pla-
terior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, tysma muscle, and the investing layer of the deep
carotid a.
jaugular v.
Omohyoid m.
of the common facial vein (Fig. 1-22). The common to be dissected before manipulation of the athero-
facial vein is usually well-defined, and its division sclerosis-prone bifurcation. The common carotid
can be likened to the of a trap door, immediately artery is isolated first, using sharp dissection. The
exposing the carotid arteries. vagus nerve usually lies posterior to the common
Dissection of the common carotid artery and carotid artery, but it is occasionally found anterior
its branches is performed next. It is important to and lateral to the artery.11 The recurrent laryngeal
use exact and careful movements during arterial nerve is usually located in the tracheoesophageal
mobilization to prevent dislodgement of small em- groove, well removed from injury during carotid
boli from irregular luminal surfaces. We favor the dissection. However, a nonrecurrent laryngeal
isolation of the common carotid and its branches nerve anomaly may be present that renders it
away from the bifurcation, which is dissected last. more susceptible to injury. Although this anomaly
This allows vessels with relatively normal surfaces is usually associated with aortic arch anomalies,
Facial v.
Fig. 1-22 After division of the facial vein, the jugular vein can be mobilized posteriorly
to expose the carotid bifurcation cephalad to the anterior belly of the omohyoid muscle.
Occipital a.
Hypoglossal n.
Fig. 1-23 Proximal and distal control is obtained before the carotid bifurcation is mobilized.
The external carotid artery is isolated at the bi- reflex increase in vagal nerve function, resulting in
furcation and encircled with an elastic vessel loop hypotension and bradycardia.17,18 In order to inter-
(Fig. 1-24). The superior thyroid artery requires iso- rupt the reflex arc between the baroreceptors and
lation when it branches directly from the common the vagus nerve, some authors advocate inactivating
carotid artery. The superior laryngeal nerve courses the carotid sinus nerve by injecting local anesthesia
behind the external carotid artery16 and is avoided at the carotid bifurcation or by dividing the nerve
by encircling the artery at its most proximal point. plexus containing the carotid sinus nerve posterior
If not previously identified, the hypoglossal nerve to the bifurcation area.17,18 Citing a propensity to-
can be avoided by dissection in the periadventitial ward development of hypertension after these ma-
tissues. neuvers, other authors do not routinely inactivate
The carotid bifurcation area can now be dis- the nerve but do so only after the development of
sected from surrounding tissues. A great deal of vagal hyperactivity.19 Once the decision to anes-
attention has been paid to the carotid sinus nerve thetize the carotid sinus has been made, the carotid
(nerve of Herring). The carotid sinus is a collec- bifurcation should be mobilized completely to fa-
tion of pressure receptors located at the junction cilitate endarterectomy. Previous isolation of the
of the common and internal carotid arteries. It has common carotid artery and branches greatly facili-
been suggested that changes in these baroreceptors tates dissection and minimizes injury to surround-
induced by endarterectomy are associated with a ing nerves and veins.
1 cm.
The optimal technique for temporary fixation de- the common and internal carotid arteries proceeds as
pends on the presence of adequate dental stability, above. The hypoglossal nerve should be identified
and a number of wiring options have been described and protected, sometimes necessitating division
by Simonian et al.26 Yoshino et al. have recently of the occipital artery and ansa hypoglossi to al-
described a less invasive method of subluxation us- low optimal mobilization. In isolating the internal
ing a mouthpiece made by a dentist to stabilize the carotid artery, care should be taken to identify and
mandible in the subluxated position.27 The patient ligate small crossing branches of the jugular vein.
is positioned and surgically prepared as above, and The lower edge of the parotid gland is retracted
the incision is made along the anterior border of the anteriorly during this maneuver.
sternocleidomastoid muscle. The incision should Division of the posterior belly of the digas-
be extended as high as possible and curved poste- tric muscle allows exposure of the internal carotid
riorly just behind the lobe of the ear. Exposure of artery within 2 cm of the skull base (Fig. 1-26).
Facial n.
Styloid process
Hypoglossal n.
Digastric m.
Glossopharyngeal n.
Occipital a.
Carotid Accessory n.
sinus n.
laryngeal n.
Vagus n.
Fig. 1-26 Division of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and of the occipital artery
allows cephalad mobilization of the hypoglossal nerve. If the styloid process is divided,
dissection must adhere closely to the bone to avoid injury to the immediately subjacent
glossopharyngeal nerve.
26. Simonian GT, Pappas PJ, Padberg FT Jr, et al. posterolateral anatomic approach. J Vasc Surg.
Mandibular subluxation for distal internal carotid 1988;8(5):618–622.
exposure: technical considerations. J Vasc Surg. 29. Rosenbloom M, Friedman SG, Lamparello PJ, et al.
1999;30:1116–1120. Glossopharyngeal nerve injury complicating carotid
27. Yoshino M, Fukumoto H, Mizutani T, et al. Mandib- endarterectomy. J Vasc Surg. 1987;5:469–471.
ular subluxation stabilized by mouthpiece for distal 30. Thomassin JM, Branchereau A. Intrapetrosal inter-
internal carotid artery exposure in carotid endarter- nal carotid artery. In: Branchereau A, Berguer R, eds.
ectomy. J Vasc Surg. 2010;52:1401–1404. Vascular Surgical Approaches. Armonk, NY: Futura;
28. Shaha A, Phillips T, Scalea T, et al. Exposure of 1999:15–20.
the internal carotid artery near the skull base: the
thoracic a.
The deep centr al location of the vertebral ar- spine between them. Laterally, the scalene muscles
teries affords protection but makes surgical access fan out from the cervical transverse processes and
more difficult than access to the companion carotid insert on the first and second ribs. The lower cervi-
system. The following discussion focuses on the de- cal nerve roots emerge between anterior and middle
tails of important relationships at different levels of scalene muscles, while the upper roots appear be -
the arteries. tween the longus capitis and levator scapulae mus -
cles. This muscular delta is covered by prevertebral
Anterior Paravertebral Musculature fascia. The anterior scalene and longus colli mus -
cles converge at the prominent anterior tubercle of
The vertebral arteries lie within a plane defined by the transverse process of C6, sometimes called the
a delta-shaped array of muscles attaching to the ver- carotid tubercle (of Chassaignac). In the inverted
tebral bodies and transverse processes (Fig. 2-2). “V” formed by the muscles below this landmark,
The longus colli and longus capitis muscles pro - the first portion of the vertebral artery penetrates the
vide anterior support to the cervical vertebrae and prevertebral fascia to ascend through the C6 trans -
bracket the anterior longitudinal ligament of the verse foramen.
Longus capitis m.
scalene m.
Carotid tubercle
scalene m. Phrenic n.
scalene m.
Vertebral a.
colli m.
Fig. 2-2 The vertebral artery penetrates and lies buried beneath the delta of preverteb ral
and scalene muscles.
capitis m.
colli m.
L. carotid a.
Vertebral a. Internal
jugular v.
trunk Subclavian a.
R. carotid a.
Subclavian v.
Fig. 2-3 The great vessels at the root of the neck overlie the vertebral arteries and must be
mobilized during surgical approaches to the vertebral arteries.
Vertebral Arteries | 53
The venous tributaries that accompany the transverse processes housing the vertebral arteries.
distal vertebral artery converge to form a single The middle cervical sympathetic ganglion lies at
vertebral vein on emer ging from the sixth trans - about the level of the carotid tubercle, and the infe-
verse process (Fig. 2-4). The vein enters the prox- rior ganglion lies posteromedial to the origin of the
imal subclavian vein just distal to the internal vertebral artery. The inferior ganglion gives off fi-
jugular vein. On the left side, the thoracic duct bers that wrap around and ascend with the vertebral
emerges from the posterior thorax, arches over artery.
the subclavian artery , and enters the subclavian The costocervical trunk arises posteriorly
vein between the internal jugular and vertebral from the subclavian. Its cervical division as -
veins. cends in the deep posterior cervical muscles
The cervical sympathetic chain lies on the and communicates with the vertebral along its
prevertebral fascia anterior to the longus colli and course and with descending branches of the
capitis muscles, which in turn lie anterior to the o ccipital artery.
Middle Vertebral a.
ganglion 6th Cervical n.
cardiac n.
Vertebral v.
Thoracic duct
Vagus n. ganglion
Internal Subclavian a.
jugular v.
Subclavian v.
Fig. 2-4 In this lateral view of the proximal left vertebral artery, the scalene fat pad has
been removed to show relationships to the thoracic duct, venous, and neural structures.
Sternocleidomastoid m.
jugular v.
Carotid a.
Vagus n. Middle cervical
thyroid a. Phrenic n.
cervical Vertebral a.
ganglion Brachial
Trapezius m.
trunk Omohyoid m.
Fig. 2-5 This cut-away view shows the major anatomic landmarks that must be negotiated
to reach the vertebral artery.
Vertebral Arteries | 55
The Distal Vertebral Artery At the level of the posterior groove, the arter -
ies give off branches to the deep muscles of the neck
Between the transverse processes of the atlas and that anastomose with ascending cervical, occipital,
axis vertebrae, there is more space for access to and deep cervical arteries. Medial to the articular
the vertebral arteries than in other interspaces due facets, the arte ries give of f branches that descend
to the decreased bulk of the bony arches poste- within the vertebral canal, supplying vertebral bod -
riorly (Fig. 2-6). After emerging through the fo - ies and meninges. Prior to converging at the level of
ramina of the atlas, the arteries take a sharp bend the pons, small descending branches fuse to form
backward and lie in grooves encircling the pos - a midline vessel along the ventral surface of the
terior rims of the bony articular plateaus. They medulla.
then course anteriorly , medial to the atlantooc - The tortuous terminal extracranial vertebral
cipital articulation, and pass through the foramen arteries lie deep within the suboccipital muscu-
magnum. lar triangles and are difficult to expose (Fig. 2-7).
Basilar a.
Fig. 2-6 The space between the transverse processes of the atla s and axis vertebrae af fords
the best exposure of the distal vertebral artery. The arterial segment above the atlas is the site
of collateral arterial connections and is surrounded by a prohibitively dense venous plexus.
Obliquus capitis
superior m.
major m.
inferior m. 2nd cervical n.
Vertebral a.
Fig. 2-7 The depth of the vessel in the posterior cervical triangle is shown in this view.
Vertebral Arteries | 57
An anterolateral approach to the C1 to C2 segment
is possible by detaching the levator scapulae origins
from the tips of the transverse processes (Fig. 2-8).
After passing around the posterior part of the
articular process, the vertebral artery penetrates first
the atlantooccipital ligament and then the dura on its
way to the foramen magnum (Fig. 2-9).
Trapezius m.
capitis m.
capitis m.
Sternocleidomastoid m.
capitis m.
scapulae m.
cervicis m.
Fig. 2-8 The insertions of muscle slips from the leva-
tor scapulae and splenius cervicis onto the first transverse
process must be divided to gain access to the C1/C2 seg-
ment of the vertebral artery.
Vertebral a.
Vertebral Arteries | 59
Exposure of the Extraosseous Vertebral Artery (V1 Segment) supraclavicular approach is employed for elective
operations involving vertebral artery reimplantation
There are two main options for exposure of the into the adjacent common carotid artery , and the
most proximal portion of the vertebral artery: the anterior cervical approach is favored during emer-
transverse supraclavicular approach and the verti - gency explorations for suspected vertebral artery
cal anterior cervical approach. Although the su - injury.1–4
praclavicular approach af fords excellent exposure
of the vertebral artery at its origin, the exposure is
relatively limited and requires transection of the Supraclavicular Approach
sternocleidomastoid muscle. The anterior cervical
approach does not require muscular transection, and The patient is supine, and the head is turned away
it permits rapid extension of the incision for vascu - from the side of sur gery. The incision is made ap -
lar control of more distal vertebral artery segments. proximately 1 cm above the clavicle, beginning at
However, exposure of the vertebral artery is more the clavicular head and extending laterally for a
difficult through a cervical incision. In general, the distance of 7 or 8 cm (Fig. 2-11). The incision is
jugular v.
Omohyoid m.
Platysma m.
External jugular v.
Sternocleidomastoid m.
(clavicular head)
Internal sheath
jugular v.
Vagus n.
Omohyoid m.
Carotid a.
Scalene fat
(divided) Subclavian v.
Fig. 2-12 Omohyoid muscle, external jugular vein, and thoracic duct (on the left) are di-
vided, and the carotid sheath is mobilized medially.
Vertebral Arteries | 61
The medial margin of the scalene fat pad is and is usually found coursing near the muscle’ s
next mobilized, and the fat pad is retracted later - medial border (Fig. 2-13). Edwards and Edwards2
ally. Careful sharp dissection is required in order note that visualization of the phrenic nerve and
to identify superficial vascular structures cours - anterior scalene muscle should alert the sur geon
ing within the fat pad, which must be individually that the dissection has proceeded too far later -
ligated to ensure good hemostasis. Mobilization ally. However, identification of these structures
of the fat pad exposes the underlying anterior helps to insure that the phrenic nerve will not be
scalene muscle. The phrenic nerve is located on inadvertently injured from a poorly positioned
the ventral surface of the anterior scalene muscle retractor.
Vertebral v.
Vertebral a.
Longus colli m.
Subclavian a.
Fig. 2-13 Careful medial to lateral dissection of the scalene fat pad reveals the sympathetic
chain, anterior scalene muscle, and phrenic nerve. The inferior thyroid artery and vertebralvein
overlie the proximal vertebral artery.
Fig. 2-14 Division of the inferior thyroid artery and vertebral vein exposes the artery.
Vertebral Arteries | 63
Anterior Cervical Approach fascia to reach the anterior fibers of the sternoclei -
domastoid muscle. This muscle is dissected away
The patient is placed in the supine position with the from the underlying carotid sheath and retracted
neck extended and head turned away from the side laterally (Fig. 2-15). The superior belly of the
of the intended incision. A vertical incision is made omohyoid muscle may be divided at this point to
along the anterior border of the sternocleidomas- achieve adequate exposure in the inferior aspect of
toid muscle, extending from the retromandibular the wound. The carotid sheath and its contents are
area to the clavicular head. The incision is deep - carefully freed by vertical dissection along the lat -
ened through the platysma muscle and investing eral border of the internal jugular vein. Great care
External jugular v.
Platysma m.
Omohyoid m.
Sternocleidomastoid m.
Fig. 2-15 An anterior longitudinal neck incision can be used to expose all three cervical
segments of the vertebral artery.
Phrenic n.
Vertebral a.
Thyrocervical trunk
Fig. 2-16 Medial mobilization of the carotid sheath and proximal neck dissection as previ-
ously described exposes the proximal vertebral artery.
Vertebral Arteries | 65
Exposure of the Interosseous Vertebral Artery performed in the extraosseous (V1) segment (see
(V2 Segment) above).
The patient is placed in the supine position with
Control of hemorrhage is the most common indica- the neck slightly extended and turned away from the
tion for exposure of the vertebral artery segment side of operation. The same anterior cervical ap-
lying within the foramina of the cervical transverse proach is used as shown in Figures 2-15 and 2-16.
processes. Although the majority of vertebral in - A vertical incision is made along the anterior border
juries are now treated using endovascular means, of the sternocleidomastoid muscle from the clavicu-
there are still situations such as severe hemorrhage lar head to the mastoid process. The superior incision
or endovascular failure when sur gical control is should be curved posteriorly at its uppermost mar-
necessary.8 Ligation of vertebral arteries injured in gin, such that it passes just inferior to the lobe of the
this segment is appropriate and has not been as - ear. The incision is deepened through the platysma
sociated with worsening neurologic sequellae. 3,9,10 muscle and investing fascia. The sternocleidomas-
Distal ligation is performed one transverse process toid muscle is freed from medial attachments and
above the injured interosseous vertebral artery , or retracted laterally to expose the underlying carotid
higher if necessary. Direct exposure of the verte - sheath. The carotid sheath, pharynx, and larynx are
bral artery is best performed within the bony canal next freed from the prevertebral fascia by clearing
by unroofing the transverse process, as originally attachments between the visceral and prevertebral
described by Shumacker .11 Proximal ligation is fasciae in the retropharynge al space. The carotid
longitudinal lig.
Phrenic n.
Fig. 2-17 Medial retraction of the carotid sheath and cervical viscera exposes the cervical
vertebrae covered by the anterior longitudinal ligament.
Vertebral Arteries | 67
The vertebral artery lies directly behind the segments.3 The increased exposure afforded by en-
bone forming the anterior border of the canal in the tering the bony canal provides safer control of the
transverse process. The artery is most conveniently artery. The bony canal is opened by removing the
controlled within the bony canal rather than between bone forming its anterior border. This can be accom-
the transverse processes because of the multiple ve- plished with a small rongeur, working from cepha -
nous tributaries that surround the artery in the latter lad to caudad3 (Fig. 2-19).
Fig. 2-19 Optimal access to the vertebral artery is obtained by removing the anterior arch
of the transverse process.
Fig. 2-20 The longitudinal incision is used for exposure of the distal vertebral artery.
Vertebral Arteries | 69
The distal incision should be curved posteriorly just have found this to be unnecessary . Our dissec -
beneath the lobe of the ear to cross over the mas - tions would strongly suggest that partial or com -
toid. The incision is deepened through the platysma plete detachment of the sternocleidomastoid origin
muscle and investing fascia, and the sternoclei - greatly enhances exposure (Fig. 2-21). With either
domastoid is dissected free and retracted later- technique, it is important to identify the spinal ac-
ally. The carotid sheath and contents are retracted cessory nerve, which usually enters the sternoclei-
medially as before. Some authors 3,14 prefer to de- domastoid 2 to 3 cm below the mastoid tip.4,11 The
tach the sternocleidomastoid and splenius capitis nerve should be mobilized and gently retracted
muscles from the mastoid process, but others 12 anteriorly.
Mastoid process
Digastric m.
Sternocleidomastoid m.
C1 transverse
Accessory n.
2nd cervical n.
scapulae m.
cervicis m.
Fig: 2-22 With the acce ssory nerve retracted anteriorly, the highest slips of the levator
scapulae and splenius cervicis are detached from the C1 transverse process to expose the
vertebral artery between C1 and C2.
Vertebral Arteries | 71
Posterior Exposure of the Suboccipital Vertebral downward and extended for 2 to 3 cm parallel to
Artery (V4) Segment the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
muscle (Fig. 2-23).
Berguer has described a now-classic approach to The incision is deepened by cutting the fibers
the portion of the V4 segment between the trans - of the trapeziu s, splenius capitis, semispinalis ca -
verse process of C1 and the base of the skull. 15 pitis, and longissimus capitis muscles. The greater
This technique is applicable to treat rare patho - occipital nerve (dorsal ramus of C2) courses up -
logic lesions such as dissections or aneurysms in - ward over the semispinalis capitis muscle and may
volving the most distal portions of the extracranial require division as it is encountered approximately
vertebral artery. The posterior approach also al - 2 cm lateral to the posterior midline (Fig. 2-24). The
lows exposure of the distal internal carotid artery, sternocleidomastoid muscle should be divided at
which can be used as a source of inflow in these its mastoid insertion and reflected inferiorly. This
cases. will expose the internal jugular vein and the acces -
The patient is placed in the prone position sory nerve in the lateral wound. Palpation of the
with the head turned toward the operative side. Ber- transverse process of C1 will aid in identifying the
guer has recommended placing the patient in the obliquus capitis superior muscle, which attaches to
“park bench” position, with the temple contralat - the superior margin of the bony prominence. The
eral to the operative side resting on the forearm. 15 large condyloid emissary vein should be ligated and
A curved transverse incision is made beginning divided near the muscle’s medial border (Fig. 2-25).
at the occipital protuberance in the midline of the Partial division of the rectus capitis posterior major
posterior neck and extended horizontally to the tip muscle lying in the medial wound will expose the
of the mastoid process. From there, it is curved vertebral artery.
Fig. 2-23 The incision for posterior exposure of the suboccipital vertebral artery is shown.
occipital n.
accessory n.
Fig. 2-25 The mastoid insertion of the sternoclei-
domastoid muscle is divided to expose the internal
jugular vein. The obliquus capitis superior muscle
can be identified by its attachment to the transverse
process of C1.
Vertebral Arteries | 73
A large venous plexus overlies the artery at Care should be taken to avoid injury to the ventral
this level (Fig. 2-26). Meticulous ligation and di - ramus of the C1 root, which courses below the ver-
vision of bridging vein segments will allow the tebral artery in this location. The distal internal ca-
plexus to be dissected away from the arterial ad - rotid artery can be isolated in the lateral wound for
ventitia. Branches of the suboccipital nerve should use as inflow.15 The artery can be exposed in the
be divided as they cross the vessels at this level. plane medial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and
The vertebral artery can then be mobilized to the isolated between the hypoglossal and vagus nerves
level of the atlantooccipital membrane (Fig. 2-27). (Fig. 2-28).
Vertebral a.
carotid a.
Vagus n.
Fig. 2-28 The distal internal carotid artery can be isolated in the lateral wound and used as
inflow for bypass to the suboccipital vertebral artery.
Vertebral Arteries | 75
Fig. 3-1 The short span of the mediastinum is packed with vital structures connected via
major conduits traversing the superior thoracic aperture.
Surgical Anatomy of the Great Vessels of the Chest superior thoracic aperture, the major branches blos-
som out to the arms and head. Understanding the
Overview relationships at these two key sites leads to an appre-
ciation of the surgical approaches to these vessels.
To understand the anatomic disposition of the
great vessels of the chest, one must view them The Mediastinum
in the context of the mediastinum and the supe-
rior thoracic aperture. The mediastinum is a short At the level of the superior mediastinum, half the
handspan in height from its base at the subcardiac A-P diameter of the chest is occupied by the ver-
portion of the diaphragm to the superior thoracic tebrae (Fig. 3-2). In the small anterior component
aperture (Fig. 3-1). The origin of the great vessels of this cross-section lie the great vessels, tracheo-
from the base of the heart lies at the midpoint of bronchial tree, and esophagus. The lateral surfaces
this length. The aortic arch, superior vena cava, and of this space are covered by closely applied parietal
their branches lie closely packed with the trachea pleura, giving the underlying structures the appear-
and esophagus in the superior mediastinum. At the ance of having been shrink-wrapped.
Brachiocephalic veins
Phrenic n. (bifurcation)
Aortic arch
Azygous v.
L. vagus n.
Fig. 3-2 At the level of the superior mediastinum, the anterior half of the A–P chest
diameter is occupied by the great vessels, trachea, and esophagus.
The parietal pleura surrounds the pulmonary descending segments of the aorta are approached by
hilum, forming a short, broad-based bundle, and is reflecting the lung away in the appropriate direction.
reflected onto the medial lung surfaces (Fig. 3-3). Between the pleura and pericardium, the phrenic
The leaves of pleura surrounding the lung hila extend nerves descend to the diaphragm accompanied by
caudally between the lung and mediastinum to form thin pericardiophrenic vessels (Fig. 3-4). The latter
the inferior pulmonary ligaments. The aorta frames arise from the brachiocephalic vessels and/or from
the left lung root, and the ascending, transverse, and the internal thoracic (internal mammary) vessels.
L. pulmonary a.
L. superior pulmonary v.
L. mainstem bronchus
L. inferior
pulmonary v.
Phrenic n.
Fig. 3-3 The closely applied parietal pleura encloses the mediastinum laterally and
surrounds the hilar stalks of the lungs.
Phrenic n.
L. vagus n.
L. recurrent
laryngeal n.
Fig. 3-4 The phrenic and vagus nerves lie beneath the parietal mediastinal pleura. The
distal part of the phrenic nerve lies between pleura and pericardium.
The second set of major nerves traversing the aortic arch. Here the left recurrent laryngeal nerve
mediastinum is the right and left vagus (Fig. 3-5). diverges to pass beneath the aortic arch behind
These are worth considering separately. The right the ligamentum arteriosum. The vagus descends
vagus passes in front of the subclavian artery just to reach the left side of the esophagus. At their
lateral to its origin from the brachiocephalic artery. junction with the esophagus, the vagi shift posi-
The right recurrent laryngeal nerve turns posteri- tion, with the left moving anteriorly and the right
orly beneath the subclavian artery and ascends in moving posteriorly. Both trunks break up into mul-
the tracheoesophageal groove, while the vagus tiple branches, which freely anastomose around the
descends behind the right main stem bronchus to esophagus. This plexus coalesces into two major
reach the esophagus. The left vagus nerve passes and several minor nerves at the distal esophagus.
between the left subclavian artery and left bra- The major trunks lie anterior and posterior to the
chiocephalic vein to reach the lateral side of the esophagus.
ganglia Recurrent
Ansa nerves
subclavia Inferior
Fig. 3-5 The vagus nerves pass posterior to the lung roots to reach the midesophagus
where they form an interconnecting plexus.
L. brachiocephalic v.
Pulmonary a.
Azygous v.
Hemiazygous v.
Fig. 3-6 The most posterior part of the mediastinum is occupied by the thoracic duct and
the vessels supplying the chest wall.
The Aorta remnant of the thymus gland. Flanking the sternum
on either side are the internal thoracic vessels, which
The ascending aorta lies beneath the sternomanu- are tethered at their origins proximally. The medial
brial joint and is accessible directly through the ster- pleural reflections closely approach the midline over
num (Fig. 3-7). The only intervening tissue is the the ascending aorta. The apex of the aortic arch lies
Vagus n.
Phrenic n.
thoracic a. and v.
Fig. 3-7 The relationships of the vessels and lungs beneath the sternum are depicted.
L. subclavian a.
Brachiocephalic a.
L. common
carotid a.
Fig. 3-8 The oblique axis of the aortic arch relative to the transverse plane of the chest
places the origin of the left subclavian artery posteriorly.
As these vessels ascend and diverge, they right. The left brachiocephalic vein, on the other
surround the trachea and esophagus on three sides hand, arches anteriorly over the origins of the left
(Fig. 3-9). The arteries in turn are covered by an common carotid and brachiocephalic arteries in its
outer layer of major venous trunks. The superior descent from left to right (Fig. 3-11). On the right
vena cava lies lateral and parallel to the ascending side, the azygous vein drains into the superior vena
aorta (Fig. 3-10). At the bifurcation of brachioce- cava just above the upper limit of the pericardium.
phalic veins, the right branch lies in the same coro- On the left, the accessory hemiazygous vein drains
nal plane as the vena cava, inclined slightly to the into the brachiocephalic vein.
R. common carotid a.
L. internal L. common carotid a.
Vertebral a. and v. jugular v.
R. subclavian L. subclavian a.
a. and v.
R. brachiocephalic v. Brachiocephalic a.
L. brachiocephalic
Azygous v.
Vertebral a.
Vagus n.
Thyrocervical trunk
Phrenic n.
scalene m.
Subclavius m.
Internal thoracic
a. and v.
Fig. 3-12 The domes of the lung apices rise above the rim of the superior thoracic aperture
and support the arching vessels and descending brachial plexus nerves. Sibson’s fascia and
pleura are removed in this illustration.
Trapezius m.
Scalene mm.
Subclavius m.
Sternocleidomastoid m.
Clavicular head
Sternal head
Sternothyroid m.
Sternohyoid m.
Fig. 3-13 The viscera of the superior thoracic aperture are covered by an inverted cone of
Beyond the arch, the proximal descending exploration is indicated in unstable patients.1 Standard
aorta lies to the left of the thoracic vertebral bodies open surgical approaches remain the standard of care
(Fig. 3-14). It becomes progressively more midline to treat blunt and penetrating injuries of the aortic arch
as it approaches the aortic hiatus at the level of the branches because the long-term stent graft durability
twelfth thoracic vertebra. These relationships deter- is unknown in the trauma population.1,2
mine the optimal surgical approaches to the great The aortic arch branches include the left sub-
vessels of the chest for control of hemorrhage in clavian, left common carotid, and brachiocephalic
trauma and for elective surgical procedures. arteries. Adequate exposure of these arteries without
a thoracic incision is virtually impossible. Injuries to
vascular structures at the base of the neck (zone I, see
Exposure of the Aortic Arch Branches Chapter 1) are also difficult to manage without ex-
posure of more proximal arteries in the chest. Early
The importance of obtaining vascular control proximal thoracotomy or sternotomy and rapid proximal arte-
and distal to an arterial injury is nowhere more evident rial control in the chest can significantly reduce the
than in the mediastinum. Rapid exsanguination, airway mortality associated with injuries to the vessels of
compromise, and cardiac tamponade threaten patients the mediastinum and base of the neck.3–5 Although
who have sustained injuries to the major branches of repair of aortic arch injuries almost always requires
the aortic arch. Although endovascular management hypothermic cardiac arrest and or/cardiopulmonary
may have a place in the treatment of highly selected bypass, arch vessels can usually be repaired without
patients with contained hematomas, immediate open extracorporeal circulatory support or arterial shunts.6
A vertical incision is made over the sternum to the periosteum of the sternum. The linea alba
from the suprasternal notch to a level 5 cm caudal in the inferior wound is divided to the tip of the
to the xiphoid process. The incision is extended xiphoid process, allowing development of a plane
superiorly along the anterior border of the left ster- between the peritoneum and the posterior rectus
nocleidomastoid muscle when exposing the left sheath. Using blunt finger dissection, this plane
carotid artery, or along the right sternocleidomas- is extended behind the xiphoid and lower sternum
toid muscle when exposing the brachiocephalic (Fig. 3-16). A similar plane is developed behind
artery and its branches. The cervical incision is the upper sternum at the suprasternal notch. It
deepened through the platysma, and the sternal is not necessary to connect the two retrosternal
incision is deepened through subcutaneous tissue planes.
the lungs.14 After hemostasis is obtained, a sternal on its medial surface. The underlying sternothyroid
retractor is carefully positioned and opened a few and sternohyoid muscles are divided. Lateral retrac-
turns at a time to avoid sternal fractures (Fig. 3-18). tion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle will expose
The carotid sheath is exposed through the cer- the internal jugular vein. After mobilizing the inter-
vical extension of the sternotomy (Fig. 3-19). The nal jugular vein and retracting it laterally, the com-
investing fascia is incised along the anterior border mon carotid artery can be identified and isolated
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which is freed (see Chapter 1).
L.brachiocephalic v.
Fig. 3-18 The sternal retractor is opened slowly to allow strain to dissipate and avoid
fracture. For clarity, all exposures are shown without laparotomy pads beneath retractors.
Omohyoid m.
Strap mm.
Platysma m.
Investing fasia
Internal jugilar v.
L. common carotid a.
Fig. 3-19 A cervical extension of the sternotomy incision allows exposure of the carotid sheath.
Exposure of the aortic arch and its branches be identified by retracting the left brachiocephalic
proceeds through the sternotomy incision vein superiorly. During mobilization of the brachio-
(Fig. 3-20). The thymus gland is divided vertically cephalic artery, care should be taken to identify the
in the midline and ligated. The left brachiocephalic right vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves. The right
vein is identified, mobilized, and encircled with a vagus nerve courses along the lateral aspect of the
silastic loop. Although there are numerous venous right carotid artery, crosses anterior to the right sub-
tributaries that serve as collateral channels if the left clavian artery near its origin, and descends into the
brachiocephalic vein is occluded, intentional divi- mediastinum posterior to the right brachiocephalic
sion of this vein is usually not required. Instead, the vein (Fig. 3-21). The recurrent laryngeal branch of
inferior thyroid vein and other tributaries of the left the right vagus nerve loops around the inferior bor-
brachiocephalic vein should be divided to permit der of the proximal subclavian artery and courses
wide mobilization of the brachiocephalic vein. The medially to ascend in the neck between the trachea
brachiocephalic artery is identified superior to the and esophagus. These nerves are best preserved in
left brachiocephalic vein; its origin at the aorta can the periadventitial tissues. Lateral retraction of these
L. brachiocephalic v.
L. common carotid a.
L. vagus n.
Brachiocephalic a.
R. common carotid a.
R. vagus n.
R. subclavian a.
R. recurrent
laryngeal n.
Brachiocephalic a.
R. internal
thoracic v.
R. brachiocephalic v.
L. internal
thoraic v.
vena cava L. brachiocephalic v.
Fig. 3-21 On the right side, exposure of the bifurcation of the brachiocephalic artery and
the proximal right subclavian and common carotid arteries requires mobilization of the
vagus nerve.
Limited Upper Sternotomy abdomen are prepped and draped completely in the
Full median sternotomy is recommended for most event a full sternotomy should become necessary. A
operations involving exposure of the aortic arch vertical skin incision is made from the sternal notch
branches, especially in emergency situations when to a level 2 cm below the angle of Louis. The ster-
the exact location of injury has not been identified. num is divided in the midline from the manubrium
In extremely limited circumstances, a complete to the third intercostal space using an oscillating
sternotomy may not be necessary to expose the bra- saw (Fig. 3-22). The sternum is then transected
chiocephalic and left common carotid arteries in horizontally in the third intercostal space to form
the chest. Sakopoulos15 has described a “minister- an inverted “T” incision, taking care to avoid in-
notomy” exposure for direct treatment of brachio- jury to the nearby internal mammary vessels. Af-
cephalic and left common carotid lesions in elective ter hemostasis is obtained, the upper sternum is
circumstances. This less invasive approach is useful gently opened using a pediatric sternal retractor.15
for amenable aortic arch branch lesions but should (Fig. 3-23) The underlying thymus is divided and
be avoided in patients with more extensive disease ligated to expose the left brachiocephalic vein.
and in emergency circumstances. Identification and exposure of the brachiocephalic
The patient is placed supine with the arms and left common carotid arteries proceeds as above
drawn into the sides. The neck, chest, and upper (Fig. 3-24). This approach is particularly suited for
Fig. 3-22 The upper sternum is divided, then transected horizontally at the level of the
third intercostal space to form an inverted “T.”
Fig. 3-25 Proximal brachiocephalic lesions are readily
repaired using this approach.
In females, it may be made just below the muscles along the top of the fifth rib (Fig. 3-27),
breast. Some authors advocate a third interspace in- which prevents injury to the neurovascular bundle
cision above the nipple,16–18 but we have found this lying just deep to the inferior border of the fourth rib.
to be somewhat limited by the bulk of the pectoralis After incising the parietal pleura, the lung is allowed
major muscle and cosmetically inferior to the lower to collapse away from the chest wall, and the remain-
incision. The incision should extend from the lateral der of the wound is opened for the entire length of the
sternal border to the anterior axillary line. The fourth skin incision. The internal thoracic artery and vein
interspace is reached by dividing the tough pectoralis should be ligated and divided near the lateral ster-
fascia and lower fibers of the pectoralis major mus- nal border. A rib spreader is placed in the wound and
cle. The interspace is entered by dividing intercostal opened slowly to lessen the chance of rib fracture.
Pectoralis major m.
5th rib
Fig. 3-27 The fourth interspace is entered over the top of the fifth rib.
L. subclavian a.
L. vagus n.
Aortic arch
over the left subclavian artery, which is most easily as it courses anterolateral to the left subclavian ar-
isolated just above its origin (Fig. 3-29). Care should tery and crosses the aortic arch. The thoracic duct
be taken to avoid injuring the left vagus nerve and is posteromedial to the left subclavian artery and
the thoracic duct during these maneuvers. The nerve is prone to injury during attempts at isolating the
should be recognizable under the mediastinal pleura artery distal to its origin.
Fig. 3-29 The mediastinal pleura is opened over the arch and left subclavian artery poste-
rior to the vagus nerve.
the incision is completed. The internal thoracic ligated near the junction of the internal jugular and
(mammary) vessels should be ligated and divided in subclavian veins.
the medial portion of the incision, near the sternum. The carotid sheath is located on the medial
Exposure of the extrathoracic subclavian ar- edge of the fat pad. The lateral border of the internal
tery is performed next, allowing distal control of jugular vein is freed, permitting medial retraction of
the arterial injury. The supraclavicular approach is the carotid sheath contents. This exposes the anterior
preferred over resection of the medial half of the scalene muscle in the medial wound (Fig. 3-32). The
clavicle, since claviculectomy is time consuming left phrenic nerve courses on the anterior surface of
and does not significantly improve exposure.18,21 this muscle, and great care should be taken to isolate
A transverse incision is made 2 cm above and par- the nerve away from the anterior scalene muscle.
allel to the left clavicle, beginning at the sternal Once nerve protection is ensured, the anterior
notch and extending laterally for 8 cm. The incision scalene muscle is divided near its attachment to the
is deepened through subcutaneous tissues and the first rib. Division should be performed under direct
platysma muscle, exposing the sternocleidomastoid vision, cutting a few fibers at a time to prevent injury
and omohyoid muscles. Both muscles are divided to the left subclavian vein, which lies anterior to the
near their inferior attachments (Fig. 3-31). The ex- muscle. The subclavian artery is isolated deep to the
ternal jugular vein is ligated and divided. The thin anterior scalene muscle (Fig. 3-33). The thyrocervi-
fascia overlying the supraclavicular fat pad is in- cal trunk and vertebral artery should be identified.
cised transversely, and the fat pad is swept laterally A vertical incision is made over the up-
using sharp dissection. The thoracic duct should be per sternum to connect the medial borders of the
Sternocleidomastoid m.
Subclavian v.
jugular v.
L. subclavian a.
Vertebral a.
Inferior thyroid a.
Internal jugular v.
Phrenic n.
Superficial cervical a.
Suprascapular a.
Anterior scalene m.
Subclavian a.
Subclavian v.
Fig. 3-32 Retraction of the carotid sheath and scalene fat pad exposes the subclavian
vessels and anterior scalene muscle.
Fig. 3-33 The anterior scalene muscle is divided close to the scalene tubercle of the first rib.
supraclavicular and anterior thoracotomy incisions Exposure of the Descending Thoracic Aorta
(Fig. 3-34). After deepening the sternal inci-
sion to the periosteum, a retrosternal plane is created The most common site of blunt injury to the thoracic
at the suprasternal notch. The sternum is divided in aorta is just distal to the origin of the left subclavian
the midline using a sternal saw or Lebsche knife artery, with the tear beginning at the ligamentum
(see above), beginning at the suprasternal notch and arteriosum.22 Although a majority of victims who
extending to the level of the fourth interspace. The sustain such injuries are dead prior to arrival at treat-
sternotomy is extended laterally into the fourth in- ment facilities, up to 20% may be alive.23,24 Urgent
terspace incision with the bone-cutting instrument. diagnosis of this injury is crucial to survival, as the
The sternal retractor is placed in the sternot- mortality rate rises with increasing time to definitive
omy incision and opened slowly. The internal tho- repair. Endovascular treatment has become a popu-
racic vessels should be ligated and divided as they lar alternative to open repair, but the superiority of
are exposed during the sternal retraction. The entire one technique over the other remains controversial.
length of the subclavian artery and vein are visible Although the endovascular approach appears to be
through this incision.
of the operating table to the other across the left be entered is determined by the level of aorta to be
hip. The exposed chest, flank, and left shoulder are exposed. The proximal segment of the descending
prepped and draped. thoracic aorta is best exposed through the fourth
The skin incision begins just below the left interspace, and the distal segment is best exposed
nipple and extends posteriorly to 1 inch below the through the sixth interspace. The chosen interspace
tip of the scapula, then curves upward between the should be verified by counting the ribs from above
scapula and the spine (Fig. 3-36). The wound is downward. The surgeon’s hand is placed beneath
deepened through the subcutaneous tissue and in- the scapula and pushed upward through loose areo-
vesting fascia. The latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, lar tissue toward the apex of the chest. The ribs are
and trapezius muscles are divided. Division of these counted downward from the first. The fourth inter-
muscles allows the shoulder girdle to move upward space is identified and entered by incising the inter-
and the scapula to retract away from the incision. costal muscles along the superior border of the fifth
The optimal interspace through which the chest will rib. After entering the pleural cavity, the left lung is
Trapezius m.
Serratus Latissimus
anterior m. dorsi m.
Fig. 3-37 Proximal and distal control is demonstrated for lesions of the proximal descend-
ing aorta.
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The superior opening of the bony thorax has come The superior thoracic aperture is bounded by the
to be called the thoracic outlet. The anatomic term first ribs, which connect the spinal column poste-
superior thoracic aperture and the term thoracic out- riorly with the sternum anteriorly (Fig. 4-1). The
let will be used interchangeably in this chapter to vertebral bodies indent the oval shape of this open-
designate the regional anatomy. ing. The manubrium of the sternum rises above the
Compression of upper extremity neurovascular plane of the first ribs to articulate with the heads of
structures, collectively called the thoracic out- the clavicles. The mobile sternoclavicular joint is
let syndrome, encompasses considerably more the only osseous connection between the axillary
anatomy than the cephalad aperture of the bony skeleton and the bones of the upper extremity. The
thorax. The vessels exiting the chest and the nerves mobility of the clavicle is important in determining
emerging from the spinal column pass between the amount of space available for passage of the sub-
the scalene muscles above the rim of the superior clavian vessels and brachial plexus draped over the
thoracic aperture. They then pass through the tri- first rib. The costoclavicular ligament as well as the
angle formed by the first rib, clavicle, and scapula sternoclavicular joint attach the clavicle medially.
and run beneath the coracoid process on their way The transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae
to the brachium. are trough-shaped and contain central apertures. The
The following discussion considers all of the vertebral arteries normally enter the sixth transverse fo-
structures that can compress and compromise the ramen and traverse the upper five foramina to reach the
nerves and blood vessels of the upper extremity. base of the skull. The transverse process of the seventh
The basic surgical approaches to correcting such cervical vertebra is often quite large. Rarely, a cervical
compression are addressed in the second part of the rib may be present, which attaches to this transverse
chapter. process and lies in the path of the brachial plexus.
First rib
Fig. 4-1 The bony landmarks associated with the thoracic outlet include the obliquely
angled face of the superior thoracic aperture between the spinal column posteriorly and the
manubrium anteriorly. The clavicle and scapula constitute the pectoral girdle.
Scalene muscles
Fig. 4-2 The scalene muscles form struts between the cervical spine and the first ribs. The
nerves to the upper extremity pass between the anterior and middle scalene muscles.
C 6
Phrenic n.
C7 Trunks
C8 Divisions
T1 Lateral
Supreme thoracic n.
thoracic a.
Subscapular a.
thoracic a.
Thoracodorsal n.
Median n.
Ulnar n.
Intercostobrachial n. Radial n.
Fig. 4-4 The great mobility of the pectoral girdle affects the amount of space available for
the nerve and vascular trunks to the upper extremity.
Prevertebral fascia
anterior m.
Axillary sheath
Subclavius m.
Clavipectoral dorsi m.
Pectoralis minor m.
major m. Brachial
Axillary fascia
Fig. 4-5 The clavipectoral and axillary fasciae form anterior and lateral walls of the
axillary space.
Costoclavicular Clavipectoral
ligament Subclavius m. fascia
Fig. 4-6 Oblique fibers of the pectoralis minor and major and the latissimus dorsi make
the distal clavicle a lever that closes the costoclavicular angle.
Triceps m. Deltoid m.
Biceps m.
Subscapular v.
Coracoid process
Axillary a.
Axillary v.
Intercostobrachial n.
major m.
Supreme dorsi m.
thoracic a.
a. and v.
thoracic a. and v.
Thoracodorsal n.
Long thoracic n.
Thoracoepigastric v.
Fig. 4-7 Several nerves and vessels cross the axillary space and lie in the way of access to
the first rib from below.
branch Trigeminal n.
Carotid plexus
Superior cervical
Brachial plexus
Grey rami
fibers) Cutaneous n.
Lateral grey
White ramus
(myelinated preganglionic
Fig. 4-8 Each sympathetic ganglion may have one to four communicating rami that con-
nect to both contiguous spinal nerves and adjacent nerves. Interruption of the sympathetic
trunk at the lower part of the stellate ganglion’s thoracic component blocks the majority of
sympathetic efferents to the upper extremity while preserving enough sympathetic innerva-
tion to prevent Horner’s syndrome.
Longus capitis m.
Anterior scalene m.
Carotid tubercle
Cardiac n’s (C6 transverse
Stellate ganglion
Vertebral a.
Vagus n.
Anterior scalene m.
scalene m.
aperture Costoclavicular
scalene m.
Fig. 4-11 Several different pathologic conditions are associated with the thoracic outlet
syndrome. These include cervical ribs (usually embedded within the middle scalene
muscle) and middle scalene bands (A); anomalous muscle insertions, fascial bands, and
clavicular compression (B); and osseous anomalies and traumatic malformations (C).
insertion of
middle scalene m.
Fig. 4-13 The incision for the supraclavicular approach to the first rib is shown. The ideal
exposures shown in the following illustrations for clarity are seldom achieved in reality due
to the funnel-like depth of the operative field.
Platysma m.
External jugular v.
m. (clavicular
fat pad
jugular v.
duct Anterior
scalene m.
Subclavian v. Phrenic n.
Fig. 4-14 The clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the omohyoid
muscle are divided, and the scalene fat pad is separated from the internal jugular vein. The
fat pad and vein are retracted in opposite directions, and the thoracic duct is ligated and
divided on the left side.
Anterior scalene m.
Suprascapular a.
Phrenic n.
Subclavian a.
jugular v.
First rib
Subclavian v.
Fig. 4-15 The phrenic nerve is protected as the anterior scalene muscle insertion is divided.
scalene m.
thoracic n.
First rib
Fig. 4-16 The middle scalene muscle posterior to the brachial plexus is cautiously
separated from the first rib (A), keeping in mind the location of the long thoracic nerve.
The most anterior fibers of the middle scalene muscle may be approached between the
subclavian artery and the lower nerve trunk as shown or may be approached between the
seventh and eighth nerve roots to avoid undue traction on the brachial plexus (B).
Fig. 4-16 (Continued)
Fig. 4-17 In the extraperiosteal approach shown here, the intercostal and scalene muscles
and endothoracic fascia are separated from the rib before it is divided anterior to the costal
Fig. 4-18 The posterior rib is held as a lever while the subclavian artery and vein are
separated for a clear view of the anterior division site.
Fig. 4-19 A true lateral position with the affected extremity left free is used for the
transaxillary approach to the first rib.
Fig. 4-20 The assistant holding the arm uses a wrist lock position for security and to
minimize fatigue.
Intercostobrachial n.
Pectoralis major m.
anterior m.
Thoracoepigastric v.
Axillary v.
Axillary a.
Subclavius m. Brachial
scalene m.
Fig. 4-22 The axillary fascia is opened, and the pectoralis major muscle is retracted to
visualize the vessels and brachial plexus at the apex of the axilla.
Anterior scalene m.
Axillary v.
Axillary a.
Phrenic n.
Subclavius m. scalene m.
Thoracodorsal n.
thoracic n.
Fig. 4-23 Division of the subclavius muscle insertion allows elevation of the clavicle for
improved visibility.
Subclavian a.
Subclavian v.
Fig. 4-24 When the anterior scalene insertion is isolated and divided, care must be taken
not to injure the phrenic nerve.
Fig. 4-25 Division of the middle scalene muscle insertion and separation of loose
attachments between the first rib and the vessels completes the cephalad mobilization. The
long thoracic nerve is again protected.
Anterior scalene m.
Middle scalene m.
Phrenic n.
External jugular v.
Subclavian v.
Vertebral v.
Subclavius m.
Cephalic v.
Axillary v.
Costoclavicular lig.
Fig. 4-29 The incision for infraclavicular approach to the first rib is made 2 cm below the
Costoclavicular Subclavius
lig. insertion
Fig. 4-30 The subclavius muscle is divided and excised. The nearby costoclavicular
ligament should also be divided, since medial fibers may contribute to vein compression.
Cephalic v.
Subclavian v.
Fig. 4-32 The anterior end of the first rib is divided under direct vision.
Anterior scalene m.
Fig. 4-33 Downward traction on the anterior end of first rib helps expose the anterior sca-
lene muscle. The phrenic nerve should be identified and carefully protected during muscle
Vertebral a. and v.
(vein ligated) Anterior
scalene m.
Inferior thyroid a.
Middle scalene m.
Suprascapular a.
Subclavian a.
Vertebral v.
Thoracic duct
Subclavian v.
Sibson’s fascia
Vertebral a.
Subclavian a.
Parietal pleura
L. subclavian a.
Cephalic v.
Cephalic v.
Anatomy of the Axillary Artery coracoid process of the scapula pushing the me-
dial part of the deltoid anteriorly. It is not gener-
When the arm is in its relaxed, adducted position, ally appreciated that the corticoid is so clearly
the axillary artery is enfolded on all sides by mus- visible on surface inspection and requires no eso-
cles of the chest wall, pectoral girdle, and proxi- teric palpation to locate. The cephalic vein lies in
mal brachium. Surface landmarks help locate the the deltopectoral groove and may be visible in a
position of the vessel in relation to the underlying thin or muscular individual. A depression is formed
musculoskeletal structures when the arm is at rest beneath the clavicle between the coracoid promi-
(Fig. 5-1). The recurved clavicle defines the upper nence of the shoulder and the lateral clavicular
frame of the axilla. The pectoral muscle mass fol- origin of the pectoralis major muscle. The axillary
lows the tapering contour of the upper chest wall artery is most superficial within this depression and
beneath the clavicle medially. Laterally, the hu- can be easily palpated. To follow the courses of the
meral head with its overlying deltoid and subscap- remainder of the vessel, it is necessary to unfold
ular muscles forms a prominent bulge. The most the muscular envelope and view the artery in its
medial component of this bulge is created by the anatomic context.
The Muscular Boundaries its origin on the medial border of the deep scapu-
lar surface. The coracoid process arches over the
The axillary artery is anatomically defined by the axillary neurovascular bundle and gives origin to
lateral margin of the first rib proximally and the lat- muscles that lie anterior to the vessels. One of these,
eral edge of the teres major muscle distally. Along the pectoralis minor muscle, is used as a landmark
this span, the artery lies within a cleft formed by to divide the axillary artery into three parts which
muscles originating on the scapula (Fig. 5-2). The are medial to, behind, and lateral to the muscle.
broad subscapularis, converging toward the head of The coracobrachialis, a small muscle analogous to
the humerus, forms the majority of the posterior bed the adductors of the thigh, and the short head of the
on which the vessel lies. The lowest segment of the biceps brachii also originate from the tip of the cora-
artery crosses the teres major and latissimus dorsi coid process. The neurovascular bundle parallels the
insertions. course of these muscles. The pectoralis major adds
The medial wall of the cleft consists of the ser- the final anterior blanket of muscle over the axillary
ratus anterior, wrapping around the upper ribs from space.
Supraspinatus m.
Biceps brachii m.
(short head)
brachialis m.
Biceps Serratus
(long head) anterior m.
major m.
Teres major m.
Latissimus dorsi m.
Subscapularis m. minor m.
Lateral thoracic a.
Thoracoacromial a.
Supreme thoracic a.
Subscapular a.
circumflex a.
circumflex a. Thoracodorsal a.
Circumflex scapular a.
The Nerves of the Axilla usually divides into two to four branches and sup-
plies the cephalad portion of the pectoralis major
The divisions and cords of the brachial plexus in- muscle. The branches that join the pectoral branch
terchange fibers in the proximal axilla and assume of the thoracoacromial artery form a neurovascular
the final configuration of nerves to the arm around pedicle on which the pectoralis muscle can be trans-
the third part of the axillary artery (Fig. 5-4). Sev- planted. The medial pectoral nerve passes between
eral important branches arise from the roots, trunks, the axillary artery and vein, penetrates and supplies
divisions, and cords of the brachial plexus and tra- the pectoralis minor muscle, and continues through
verse the axillary space. that muscle as one or more branches to supply the
The nerve of the axilla with the most proxi- caudal part of the pectoralis major muscle.
mal origin is the long thoracic arising from the ven- The musculocutaneous nerve arises from the
tral primary rami of cervical nerves three, four, and lateral cord and supplies the coracobrachialis, biceps
five. The long thoracic nerve emerges through the brachii, and the medial part of the brachialis mus-
body of the middle scalene muscle dorsal to the bra- cles. The medial antebrachial and brachial cutaneous
chial plexus and lies on the serratus anterior muscle, nerves arise from the medial cord in the midaxilla.
which it innervates. It lies relatively far posterior in The latter is usually joined by the intercostobrachial
the serratus/subscapularis cleft described above. nerve spanning the distal axillary space from the sec-
The lateral and medial pectoral nerves are ond intercostal nerve. The thoracodorsal nerve arises
named for the cords of the brachial plexus from from the posterior cord and joins the thoracodorsal
which they arise. Anatomically, they occupy rela- artery to the latissimus dorsi muscle. The subscapular
tive positions opposite to what their names imply nerves to the subscapularis and teres major muscles
and have been described in clinical literature by also arise from the posterior cord. The last branch of
positional designations.1,2 The following discussion the posterior cord is the axillary nerve to the teres
uses the descriptors based on origin. The pectoral minor and deltoid muscles and posterior shoulder.
nerves are important because they innervate the The three major nerves to the upper extrem-
large pectoralis muscle. The lateral pectoral nerve ity, the median, ulnar, and radial, surround the distal
Lateral pectoral n.
Lateral cord
Musculocutaneous n.
Axillary n.
Medial cord
Radial n.
Medial pectoral n.
Median n.
Medial brachial and
Deep antebrachial
brachial a. cutaneous n’s
Intercostobrachial n.
Thoracodorsal n.
Long thoracic n.
Ulnar n.
Fig. 5-4 The brachial plexus nerves surround the axillary artery within the axillary sheath.
Cephalic v.
Pectoral fascia Subclavius m.
Axillary major m.
minor m.
Exposure of the Axillary Artery tough axillary sheath prevents exsanguination from
these injuries but permits rapid compression of its
The axillary artery is an ideal donor artery in extraana- contents as blood accumulates. Symptoms of bra-
tomic bypasses to the opposite arm or to the lower ex- chial plexus compression are reversible only with
tremities. It is a direct extension of major aortic arch rapid evacuation of blood within the sheath.
branches and is usually free of flow-limiting arterial Covered stents have become a popular alterna-
stenoses. Its location outside of the thorax and below tive to open repair of axillary artery injuries in mul-
the clavicle affords easy accessibility and allows con- tiply injured patients and in selected patients with
struction of superficial bypasses. The physiologic ad- penetrating trauma.10,11 However, the long-term re-
vantage of these bypasses has been well-documented in sults are not well established, due in large part to the
elderly, poor-risk patients who would not tolerate more notoriously poor follow-up of trauma patients. Lim-
direct intraabdominal or intrathoracic bypasses.3–5 Su- ited data suggest that stent grafts may not be durable
perficial bypasses are also indicated for lower extrem- in large upper extremity arteries: one recent study of
ity revascularization in cases of aortic sepsis.6 stented subclavian artery injuries reported that one-
The superficial location of the axillary artery third of patients experienced stenosis or occlusion of
and its proximity to the brachial plexus also carry the stent graft after a mean of 4 years.12 Regardless
disadvantages, as the neurovascular bundle is prone of outcome, most surgeons agree that endovascular
to injury. The long-term consequences are deter- repair of an axillary artery injury is contraindicated
mined by the degree of neurologic trauma.7–9 Long- in a hemodynamically unstable patient and in any
term functional deficits are rare after isolated axillary injury resulting in vessel transection or an inade-
artery injuries, but patients with combined neuro- quate proximal fixation site.13 Rapid open exposure
vascular trauma may experience severe disability of the axillary artery remains an important part of
and even require late arm amputation. In addition the modern vascular surgeon’s armamentarium.
to injuries resulting from accidents or violence, the For purposes of exposure, the axillary ar-
axillary artery is subject to iatrogenic trauma from tery can be considered in three anatomic sections
invasive diagnostic tests, such as arteriograms. The (Fig. 5-6). The first part, extending from the edge
Fig. 5-6 The three parts of the axillary artery are marked by the borders of the pectoralis
minor muscle.
Fig. 5-7 The arm is abducted 90° for the infraclavicular approach to the axillary artery.
injury to the brachial plexus.17 The shoulder, ante- A horizontal skin incision is made 2 cm below
rior chest, and axilla should be prepped and draped. the middle third of the clavicle, extending for ap-
In operations utilizing bypasses to groin arteries, the proximately 8 cm (Fig. 5-8). The incision is deepened
surgical prep should also include the anterior trunk through subcutaneous tissue and the pectoral fascia.
and both legs, which are prepped and draped to the The underlying pectoralis major muscle is split by
level of the midthigh. bluntly separating its fibers for the length of the
Axillary a. Coracoid
Cephalic v. Clavipectoral
major m.
Brachial a.
Fig. 5-8 The pectoralis fibers over the first portion of the axillary artery are separated.
Lateral pectoral n.
Cephalic v.
Clavipectoral fascia
a. and v.
Pectoralis major m.
minor m.
Fig. 5-9 Clavipectoral fascia is opened to expose the axillary sheath. Pectoral nerves and
vessels as well as cephalic vein are seen in the operative field.
The axillary vein is the first structure to be branch of the thoracoacromial artery should be pre-
encountered in the axillary sheath. The artery lies served when ligating the arterial trunk. The nerves
just superior and deep to the vein and is most con- of the brachial plexus lie deep to the first part of the
veniently exposed by mobilizing and retracting the axillary artery and are at risk for injury during blind
vein caudally (Fig. 5-10). Several vein tributaries placement of occluding arterial clamps. The artery
may require ligation during this maneuver. Most should be mobilized as proximally as possible, tak-
anastomoses will be created proximal to the thora- ing care to identify the nearby pectoral nerves and
coacromial artery. This large branch is usually left their interconnecting loop1 (Fig. 5-11). Once mobi-
intact but may be ligated at its origin to permit more lized, the artery can be encircled with a vessel loop
adequate exposure of the axillary artery in small pa- and elevated above the vein and brachial plexus to
tients. The lateral pectoral nerve joining the pectoral protect these structures prior to clamp placement.
Axillary a.
pectoral n.
Axillary v.
pectoral n.
Fig. 5-10 The axillary vein is gently retracted to clearly expose the axillary artery.
In order to decrease the risk of graft disruption, in a subcutaneous position against the chest wall for
Taylor et al.14 have recommended anastomosing the tunneling to the groin (Fig. 5-13). In addition to al-
graft to the first portion of the axillary artery and rout- lowing for unrestricted graft positioning, placing the
ing it parallel to the artery beneath the pectoralis mi- graft on the first portion of the axillary artery permits
nor muscle for 8 to 10 cm. The graft is then directed an anterior approach to the artery without the need to
inferiorly in a gentle curve in the axilla and placed mobilize nerves of the brachial plexus.
Fig. 5-13 The graft should be routed parallel to the axillary artery for a short distance
before it is directed inferiorly to reach the chest wall.
Axillary sheath
Biceps brachii m.
Long Short Pectoralis
head head major m.
Coracobrachialis m.
Fig. 5-14 The deep fascia at the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle is opened,
and the muscle is retracted medially.
The median nerve is the most superficial The second portion of the axillary artery can
structure encountered in the distal axillary sheath. be exposed by dividing the pectoralis minor muscle
The axillary artery is located just deep to the nerve, near its coracoid insertion. Elevation of the bra-
which should be gently mobilized to ensure ad- chium relaxes the pectoralis major and enhances
equate arterial exposure. The axillary vein courses exposure. The pectoral nerves should be identified
on the medial side of the artery and is separated and protected prior to muscle division.1,2 The muscle
from the artery by the ulnar nerve (Fig. 5-15). More is then retracted caudally to expose the neurovas-
proximally, the median nerve contributions of the cular bundle, and the artery is exposed by opening
medial and lateral cords cross anterior to the ar- the axillary sheath. The brachial plexus surrounds
tery near the lateral border of the pectoralis minor the artery on three sides but leaves the most anterior
muscle. The third part of the axillary artery should aspect uncovered (Fig. 5-16). The thoracoacromial
be dissected free and elevated from its surrounding artery should be ligated and divided at its origin to
structures with vascular tapes prior to clamping. enhance exposure. The axillary artery can be en-
Arterial exposure near the lateral border of the pec- circled between the divided arterial branch and the
toralis minor is hampered by cord branches; injuries junction of the medial and lateral cords. Care should
in this area require exposure of the more proximal be taken not to injure the lateral thoracic artery dur-
axillary artery. ing this maneuver (Fig. 5-17).
Median n.
Coracobrachialis m. Pectoralis
major m.
Axillary sheath
Fig. 5-15 The axillary sheath is opened, and the median nerve is carefully mobilized away
from its position in front of the artery.
Thoracoacromial a.
Deltopectoral Approach to All Parts of the Axillary Artery rotated. An incision is made from the midpoint of
the clavicle 5 to 7 cm along the anterior border of
This approach is somewhat difficult. The second the deltoid muscle (Fig. 5-18). The incision is deep-
and third parts of the axillary artery are located deep ened through the subcutaneous tissue to reach the
in a relatively narrow incision, and the precise deter- intermuscular groove between the pectoralis major
mination of tissue planes necessary in this approach and deltoid muscles, marked by the cephalic vein.
may be impeded by blood staining. Nevertheless, The intermuscular groove is separated along the
the deltopectoral incision is a very popular approach full extent of the wound, and the pectoralis major
in cases of axillary vascular trauma, as it is a direct is retracted medially (Fig. 5-19). If increased lateral
approach to all three parts of the axillary artery. It is exposure is required, the pectoralis major tendon
particularly useful as an extension of the infracla- can be divided near its insertion. The cephalic vein,
vicular incision described above. dissected along its medial border, is retracted later-
The patient is placed in the supine position with ally with the deltoid muscle. The underlying clavi-
the arm abducted approximately 30° and externally pectoral fascia and pectoralis minor muscle are now
Axillary a.
Cephalic v.
Deltoid m.
major m.
Fig. 5-19 Deep fascia is opened along the deltopectoral groove, and the pectoralis major
muscle is retracted medially.
visible. The third part of the axillary artery is ex- axillary sheath. The third part of the axillary artery
posed by incising the clavipectoral fascia along the can be exposed by widely mobilizing the median
inferior border of the coracobrachialis muscle in the nerve and retracting it cephalad. It is important not
distal wound up to the coracoid process (Fig. 5-20). to mobilize more than a few centimeters of the cord
The neurovascular bundle is located in the areolar junction to avoid undue nerve tension. The artery
tissue beneath the clavipectoral fascia. The junction can be encircled with vascular tapes after careful
of the medial and lateral cords forming the median isolation from the ulnar nerve and axillary vein near
nerve is the most superficial structure within the its medial border (Fig. 5-21).
Musculocutaneous n. Pectoralis
minor m.
Median n. Axillary v.
Fig. 5-20 To expose the third part of the axillary artery, the clavipectoral fascia is opened
lateral to the pectoralis minor.
Medial Lateral
cord cord
Median n.
Ulnar n. Posterior
Fig. 5-21 The medial cord of the brachial plexus is reflected laterally, and the artery is
minor insertion
Fig. 5-22 The second part of the artery is exposed by dividing the pectoralis minor
The first part of the axillary artery is exposed the clavipectoral fascia. The axillary artery lies
in the wound proximal to the pectoralis minor mus- just deep and slightly cephalad to the axillary vein.
cle. Again, division of the thoracoacromial vessels Mobilization and caudal retraction of the vein is
allows increased exposure of the axillary artery in required during dissection of the artery. As noted
this segment. The clavipectoral fascia should be above, the artery is best encircled with vascular
divided as proximally as possible, up to the level tapes and lifted into the wound above surrounding
of the subclavius muscle (Fig. 5-23). The axillary neurovascular structures before vascular clamps are
sheath is found in the fatty areolar tissue beneath applied.
Lateral pectoral n.
Subclavius m.
Thoracoacromial a.
pectoral n.
Fig. 5-23 The first part of the axillary artery is approached medial to the pectoralis minor.
Brachial plexus cords
Biceps brachii m.
Short head
Long head
Pectoralis major m.
Deltoid m.
Musculocutaneous n. major m.
Median n.
Extensor compartment
Fig. 6-1 The deep fascia and supracondylar septa of the arm contain the flexor muscles
anteriorly and the triceps complex posteriorly. The brachial artery and median nerve
are ensheathed in the anterior compartment, while the radial and ulnar nerves switch
compartments through the intermuscular septa in the distal arm.
Surgical Anatomy of the Brachium and is easily entered just anterior to the medial
intermuscular septum.
Unlike the leg, the brachium receives its major nerve
and vessel trunks in a dominant single bundle. The Nerves of the Arm
muscles of the brachium are grouped into clearly
defined flexor and extensor groups like the homolo- At the lateral edge of the latissimus tendon, three
gous structures of the leg, but the septae and fascial major nerve trunks surround the brachial artery. The
coverings are less robust. The neurovascular trunks median nerve lies anterior, the ulnar nerve medial,
should be considered in the context of the surround- and the radial nerve posterior to the vessel. The mus-
ing muscles and fasciae. culocutaneous nerve branches from the lateral cord
of the brachial plexus in the midaxilla and follows
Brachial Fascia an independent course through the coracobrachialis
to the other brachial flexors.
The anterior flexor compartment and posterior The median nerve continues with the brachial
extensor compartment of the arm are enclosed by artery through the length of the brachium and crosses
a thin, firm sheath of deep fascia (Fig. 6-1). The the artery diagonally from a relatively lateral to a me-
compartments are separated by medial and lateral dial position. The ulnar nerve penetrates the medial
intermuscular septae originating from the supra- intermuscular septum in midbrachium and continues
condylar ridges of the distal humerus. The encir- posterior to that septum to reach the groove behind
cling fascia attaches to these partitions and to the the medial epicondyle of the humerus. The radial
olecranon and humeral epicondyles distally. The nerve turns posteriorly at the caudal border of the
neurovascular bundle contained within the axillary latissimus tendon and follows a spiral course behind
sheath continues into the arm deep to the brachial the humerus between the origins of the lateral and me-
fascia. The radial nerve and profunda brachii ar- dial heads of the triceps muscle. In the midbrachium,
tery diverge posteriorly at the distal border of the the radial nerve penetrates the lateral intermuscular
latissimus tendon while the median, ulnar, and two septum to reach the forearm extensor compartment.
medial cutaneous nerves accompany the brachial The cutaneous branches emanating from these major
artery into the confined space of the well-defined trunks will not be described here but should be re-
neurovascular sheath of the brachium. This bra- viewed in terms of incision placement and the poten-
chial sheath is subcutaneous in the midbrachium tial for confusion with major nerves.
Brachial Vessels sends a major nutrient vessel to the middle of the
humeral shaft.
Each major nerve of the arm is accompanied by The brachial artery is usually accompanied
an artery. As noted above, the brachial artery runs by two veins. The basilic vein runs in a subcuta-
with the median nerve through the medial side of neous position from the antecubital fossa to the
the anterior compartment (Fig. 6-2). Proximally, medial aspect of the midbrachium where it pen-
the profunda branch of the brachial artery joins the etrates the deep fascia to join one of the brachial
radial nerve and follows it through the lateral in- veins. The brachial veins make numerous deep
termuscular septum, at which point it is called the and superficial anastomoses before uniting at the
radial collateral artery. The superior ulnar collateral level of the teres major to form the axillary vein.
artery arises from the midpoint of the brachial ar- The cephalic vein is superficial along its entire
tery and accompanies the ulnar nerve through the course to the deltopectoral groove. The vein ac-
medial intermuscular septum. A second ulnar col- companying the deep brachial artery empties
lateral branch penetrates the septum more distally. into the transition between brachial veins and the
In addition to muscular branches, the brachial artery axillary vein.
thoracic a.
Anterior humeral
circumflex a.
Posterior humeral thoracic a. Circumflex
circumflex a. and scapular a.
axillary n.
Subscapular a.
Deep brachial a. and
radial n. Thoracodorsal a.
Nutrient a.
intermuscular Superior ulnar
septum collateral a.
Medial intermuscular
Radial collateral a. septum
Inferior ulnar
collateral a.
recurrent a.
Ulnar n.
Ulnar recurrent a.
Fig. 6-2 The branches of the brachial artery accompany the nerve trunks and make
collateral connections around the shoulder and elbow.
Coracobrachialis m.
Brachialis m.
Musculocutaneous n.
Median n.
Brachioradialis m.
Brachial a.
Pronator teres m.
Radial n.
Ulnar n.
Fig. 6-3 The coracobrachialis and brachialis muscles, the deep muscles of the brachium,
are supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve, which penetrates the former and then runs
between the brachialis and biceps.
The biceps brachii muscle covers the length strong tendon inserting on the bicipital tuberos-
of the humerus anteriorly (Fig. 6-4). Proximally, ity of the radius. From the distal muscle, a broad
the heads of the biceps are restrained by the ten- secondary tendinous expansion runs medially to
don of the pectoralis major muscle crossing to attach to the deep fascia of the forearm flexors.
insert into the lateral lip of the bicipital groove This band bridges over the brachial artery and
of the humerus. Distally, the biceps tapers to a median nerve.
Pectoralis major
m. insertion
Coracobrachialis m.
brachii m.
Triceps m.,
Brachial a. long head
Bicipital aponeurosis
Fig. 6-4 The biceps brachii crosses both the shoulder and elbow joints and is bordered
medially by the brachial artery and median nerve.
Deep brachial a.
Teres major m.
Radial n.
Fig. 6-5 The lateral and medial (or deep) heads of the triceps muscle originate from the
humerus, leaving a spiral cleft between them which accommodates the deep brachial artery
and radial nerve.
head of the triceps accompanied by the superior Topography
and inferior ulnar collateral branches of the brachial
artery. When the arm is abducted and extended, the neu-
The three heads of the triceps muscle merge rovascular bundle is visible as a cord-like struc-
over the distal humerus and insert on the olec- ture between the flexor and extensor compartments
ranon of the ulna by a broad, strong tendon (Fig. 6-7). Note the mass of muscles forming a hood
(Fig. 6-6). over the proximal humerus.
Triceps m.,
lateral head
Brachioradialis m.
Triceps m.,
medial (deep)
Deltoid m.
Coracobrachialis m.
brachii m.
major m.
Laterally, the course of the radial nerve is course of the radial nerve and deep brachial artery.
covered by the lateral head of the triceps (Fig. 6-8). The distal insertion of the deltoid and the proximal
The lateral intermuscular septum is evidenced by a origin of the brachioradialis divide the humeral
ridge running proximally from the lateral epicon- shaft into thirds. The penetration of the radial nerve
dyle. The depression between the deltoid and the through the lateral intermuscular septum occurs just
long head of triceps marks the beginning of the distal to the start of the brachioradialis.
Brachioradialis m.
Biceps m.
Deltoid m. Brachialis m.
Fig. 6-8 The dimple between the deltoid and long head of the triceps marks the location of
the deep brachial artery and radial nerve proximally.
Basilic v.
The neurovascular bundle is exposed by incis- retracting the vein into the posterior wound, the
ing the deep fascia at the medial border of the biceps brachial sheath is opened. The median nerve is the
muscle, which is retracted anteriorly (Fig. 6-10). most superficial structure encountered upon enter-
The basilic vein should be identified cours- ing the brachial sheath. The nerve should be widely
ing medial to the brachial sheath. After carefully mobilized and gently retracted into the anterior
Biceps m.
Brachial sheath
Basilic v.
Deep fascia
Fig. 6-10 The deep fascia at the medial border of the biceps muscle is incised, exposing
the neurovascular bundle enclosed in its fascial sheath. The basilic vein penetrating the
deep fascia is preserved.
Brachial a.
Median n.
Ulnar n.
Basilic v.
Fig. 6-11 The vessels and nerves are exposed, the median nerve is retracted gently, and
vein branches are divided, allowing the artery to be mobilized.
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Surgical Anatomy of the Forearm of the flexor/pronator muscle group and exten-
sor/supinator muscle group from medial to volar
The major nerves and arteries of the forearm run and from lateral to dorsal, respectively. Safe sur-
parallel with the two major muscle groups and lie gical approaches to the arteries require a good
between their layers as they converge toward the three-dimensional appreciation of the relationships
wrist. The axial rotation that uniquely characterizes between vessels, nerves, and muscles, particularly
the forearm is associated with a spiral disposition in the area of the cubital fossa.
Superficial Veins and Nerves veins draining the medial forearm and penetrates
the deep fascia on the medial side of the brachium.
The superficial veins of the distal forearm are The basilic vein is separated from the underlying
highly variable, but as they converge toward the brachial artery and median nerve by the biceps ten-
antecubital space they assume a more predictable don in the antecubital fossa and by the deep fascia
pattern (Fig. 7-1). The most constant vein in the in the distal brachium.
distal forearm is the cephalic, which starts along Two superficial nerves run the length of the
the lateral prominence of the radius. Before con- volar forearm and provide cutaneous sensation
tinuing up the arm along the lateral side of the for two-thirds of its circumference. The medial
biceps, it divides in front of the biceps tendon. antebrachial cutaneous nerve originates from the
There it sends a major tributary, the median cubi- medial cord of the brachial plexus and accompa-
tal vein, diagonally across the biceps tendon to join nies the brachial artery to the midbrachium. There
the basilic vein. The basilic vein is formed from the it exits the deep fascia through the same opening
Median cubital v.
Lateral antebrachial
cutaneous n.
Cephalic v.
Medial antebrachial
cutaneous n.
Fig. 7-1 The superficial veins and nerves of the volar forearm are depicted. The axially
oriented medial and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves provide sensation for two-thirds
of the forearm circumference.
cutaneous n.
cutaneous n.
Fig. 7-2 The posterior antebrachial cutaneous branch of the radial nerve supplies the
remaining extensor surface of the forearm.
Bony Anatomy and Muscle Overview the forearm. The flexor/pronator group arises from
the medial epicondyle of the humerus and fans out
By virtue of its proximal and distal articulations, the across the volar forearm. Beneath this group, a
radius is capable of virtually 180° rotation at its dis- deep layer of flexor muscles arises from the radius,
tal end (Fig. 7-3). Both the intrinsic supinator and ulna, and interosseous membrane. The extensor/
pronators between radius and ulna and the major supinator muscle complex arises from the lateral
muscle groups effect this dramatic motion. The two- epicondyle of the humerus and extends toward
headed pronator teres acts proximally, and the flat the dorsum of the wrist. It, too, overlies a deeper
pronator quadratus acts distally between the radius layer. Two additional muscles, the brachioradialis
and ulna. The supinator wraps around the proximal and extensor carpi radialis longus, are anatomi-
radius from its origin on the posterior ulna. cally transitional between these two groups but are
Two large muscle groups, each arising from properly associated with the extensor group by vir-
an epicondyle-based common tendon, dominate tue of their radial nerve innervation. Between the
Common flexor
Flexor digitorum
Pronator teres
Biceps brachii
(ulnar head)
Flexor digitorum
(radial origin)
Pronator teres
Flexor pollicis
Pronator quadratus
Common Supinator
Pronator teres
(humeral head)
Flexor Brachialis m.
digitorum Pronator teres
superficialis m. (ulnar head)
brachii tendon
teres m.
Flexor profundus m.
longus m.
quadratus m.
The proximal flexor muscles lie on the consists of the muscles with a common origin
medial side of the brachialis and biceps inser- at the medial epicondyle, including the pronator
tions. The deepest layer consists of flexor digi- teres (Fig. 7-5).
torum profundus and flexor pollicis longus. The All the flexors except the flexor carpi ulnaris
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) which has (FCU) and the ulnar half of the flexor profundus are
humeral, ulnar, and radial origins is interposed as innervated by the median nerve. The exceptions are
an intermediate layer. The most superficial layer innervated by the ulnar nerve.
longus m.
pollicis Pronator
longus m. teres m.
longus m.
Fig. 7-5 The superficial forearm flexors fan out from a common tendon of origin at the
medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Brachioradialis m.
Extensor indicis m.
Fig. 7-6 The extensor muscle complex also consists of superficial and deep layers.
The Arteries and Nerves branches run on either side of the membrane to sup-
ply the deep muscles of each compartment.
Like the popliteal artery at the knee, the brachial The proximal radial and ulnar arteries give rise
artery is the single major trunk supplying the dis- to recurrent collateral branches which anastomose
tal extremity (Fig. 7-7). The artery bifurcates at the with brachial tributaries around the elbow. The radial
level of the radial tuberosity into radial and ulnar recurrent artery joins the radial collateral branch of the
branches. The radial branch is the more direct con- profunda brachii along the course of the radial nerve.
tinuation of the brachial artery, while the larger ulnar The anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent vessels join
artery takes off at almost a right angle to the parent the inferior and superior ulnar collateral branches of
vessel. Immediately after its origin the ulnar artery the brachial artery anterior and posterior to the medial
gives off a short common interosseous branch which epicondyle. An additional collateral artery, the inter-
bifurcates at the hiatus in the proximal interosse- osseous recurrent, arises from the common interosse-
ous membrane. The dorsal and volar interosseous ous artery and passes dorsal to the radius to join the
Posterior branch,
profunda brachii a.
Radial collateral br. collateral a.
of profunda brachii a.
Radial n.
collateral a.
Radial recurrent a.
Deep br. radial n. recurrent a.
Median n.
Anterior interosseous n.
Radial a. Ulnar n.
Ulnar a.
Biceps brachii m.
Brachialis m.
Musculocutaneous n.
Brachioradialis m.
Radial n.
Radial recurrent a.
Brachial a.
Superficial br.
radial n. Median n.
Supinator m.
Pronator flexor
teres m. origin
Pronator teres
(ulnar head)
Ulnar recurrent a.
Radial a.
Flexor digitorum
profundus m.
Flexor digitorum
superficialis m.
the common tendon at the medial humeral epicon- The courses of the superficial radial nerve,
dyle and the second from the ulna lateral to the bra- radial artery, and ulnar nerve are relatively straight-
chialis insertion just cephalad to the origin of the forward as the following description demonstrates.
deep pronator head. The broad lateral origin runs
along the anterior radius between the insertion of the The Distal Forearm
supinator and the origin of the flexor pollicis longus.
The inverted arc formed by the junction of the heads The radial artery in the midforearm lies beneath
is the gateway through which the ulnar artery and the medial border of the brachioradialis muscle
median nerve pass to reach the plane between the (Fig. 7-9). The ulnar artery becomes superficial in
flexors digitorum superficialis and profundus. Near
this arch, the artery and nerve reverse positions from
medial to lateral. Also beneath this arch, the interos-
seous vessels and anterior interosseous nerve pass
toward the interosseous membrane. Radial n.
Brachial a.
Brachioradialis m.
Median n.
Ulnar n.
Superficial br.
radial n.
teres m., deep head
Pronator teres m.
Fibrous arc
Radial a.
Median n. digitorum
Flexor carpi
ulnaris m.
Ulnar a. and n.
Brachialis m.
Biceps brachii m.
Brachioradialis m.
Pronator teres m.
Flexor carpi
radialis m.
Radial a.
Palmaris longus m.
Flexor digitorum
superficialis m.
Ulnar a. and n.
Fig. 7-10 The radial and ulnar arteries become superficial between the tendons of the wrist.
cardiovascular surgeons routinely harvest the radial synthetic conduits have inferior patency rates, favor-
artery for use as a coronary artery bypass conduit with able results have been obtained with prosthetic grafts
minimal hand sequela.7,8 However, it is important to in a variety of configurations, as long as the venous
keep in mind that some patients have disconnected anastomosis is kept below the elbow.12,15,16
ulnar and radial circulations. Radial artery harvest
may result in mild to moderate hand ischemia in up Exposure of the Distal Brachial Artery and Its Bifurcation
to 10% of individuals;8 it is critically important to
identify patients with radial artery-dependent hand The patient is placed in the supine position with the
circulations prior to performing radial artery har- arm abducted 90° and supported on a board attached
vest. Physical examination using the Allen test has to the operating table. The hand, forearm, and arm
been favored by many as a simple and inexpensive should be prepped circumferentially and draped
method of assessing the collateral circulation of the away from the trunk.
hand, but there is a high rate of false-positive and To expose the brachial artery in the antecu-
false-negative results.8 Complementary noninvasive bital fossa, a transverse skin incision is made 1 cm
tests such as the Allen test with Doppler insonation distal to the midpoint of the antecubital crease
of the palmar arch,9 finger pressure determinations,10 and extended medially for a distance of 3 to 4 cm
or full-length scanning of the ulnar artery with ultra- (Fig. 7-11). Longitudinal incisions across the ante-
sonography8 have been recommended for screening. cubital crease should be avoided to prevent flexion
The brachial and radial arteries are commonly
used to establish high-flow arteriovenous conduits
for hemodialysis access. The size of the vessels
appears to be ideal for balancing long-term conduit
patency with avoidance of high-output congestive
heart failure.11 The most favorable patency rates are
obtained with autogenous arteriovenous fistulas,12
and published guidelines from the National Kidney
Foundation indicate a strong preference for autog-
enous fistulas over prosthetic graft.13 The first choice
of arteriovenous fistula is the radiocephalic fistula
originally described by Brescia,14 followed by bra-
chiocephalic and brachiobasilic fistulas.12,13 Whereas
Fig. 7-12 The basilic vein and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve are retracted, expos-
ing the deep fascia and bicipital aponeurosis over the brachial artery and median nerve. An
S-shaped incision has been depicted for clarity.
The bicipital aponeurosis is recognized in the the brachial artery requires ligation and division of
center of the wound at the fascial level. Division of these crossing vein branches.
this aponeurosis exposes the brachial artery, which The radial and ulnar arteries are exposed by
is flanked by two deep veins and crossed by their retracting the distal skin edge of the transverse skin inci-
communicating branches (Fig. 7-13). Isolation of sion or by deepening the distal portion of the S-shaped
Biceps Bicipital
tendon aponeurosis
Fig. 7-13 The fascia is opened, revealing the artery and nerve medial to the biceps tendon.
The artery is accompanied by two veins that intercommunicate.
Fig. 7-14 The bifurcation of the brachial artery can be exposed by retracting the pronator
teres and flexor muscle mass. The radial artery can be followed the length of the incision,
but the larger ulnar artery dives between the heads of the FDS.
Exposure of the Radial Artery in the Midforearm muscle and can be exposed by retracting the bra-
chioradialis and pronator teres muscles apart. In
The patient is placed supine with the arm abducted the distal forearm, the artery lies just beneath the
at 90° on a supporting board. A 5-cm longitudinal antebrachial fascia between the tendons of the bra-
incision is made over the portion of the artery to be chioradialis and flexor carpi radialis muscles. In the
exposed. Alternatively, a long incision across the middle third of the forearm, the superficial radial
volar forearm should be used when the entire radial nerve is closely associated with the lateral aspect
artery is to be harvested for use in coronary bypass of the radial artery and must be carefully preserved.
procedures.17 The landmark for the incision follows The radial artery is accompanied by paired veins
a line from the midpoint of the antecubital crease to throughout its course, and care should be taken to
the styloid process of the radius, corresponding to separate these during arterial isolation.
the groove on the medial edge of the brachioradialis
muscle (Fig. 7-15). Subcutaneous veins are ligated Exposure of the Radial Artery at the Wrist
and divided as the wound is deepened, and the ante-
brachial fascia is incised along the medial border The patient is placed as described above, with the
of the brachioradialis muscle. In the proximal and entire forearm and hand circumferentially prepped
middle thirds of the forearm, the radial artery lies and draped. Proper placement of the incision will
beneath the medial fibers of the brachioradialis be determined by the indication for radial artery
radial n.
Radial a.
Brachioradialis m.
Fig. 7-15 The radial artery in the midforearm can be easily exposed beneath the
Flexor carpi
radialis tendon
Radial a.
Ulnar a.
Flexor carpi
ulnaris m.
Fig. 7-16 The incision for exposing the radial artery is shown. A more lateral incision also
gives access to the cephalic vein for creation of arteriovenous fistulas.
The cephalic vein is exposed in the subcuta- The superficial radial nerve and its medial and lat-
neous tissues of the lateral skin flap (Fig. 7-17). eral branches course between the cephalic vein and
The radial artery is exposed by incising the ante- radial artery in this area. These nerves lie superfi-
brachial fascia just medial to the radius. Two deep cial to the antebrachial fascia and should be care-
veins accompany the artery at this level and should fully preserved during creation of arteriovenous
be carefully dissected away during arterial isolation. fistulas.
Radial a.
Cephalic v.
Flexor carpi
radialis tendon
Deep fascia
Fig. 7-17 The radial artery at the wrist lies just deep to the deep fascia between the flexor
carpi radialis tendon and the insertion of the brachioradialis.
Flexor digitorum
superficialis m.
Ulnar a.
Flexor Ulnar n.
digitorum Flexor carpi
profundus m. ulnaris m.
Fig. 7-18 The ulnar artery in the midforearm is reached between the FCU and FDS.
In the distal forearm, the ulnar artery courses of the ulnar nerve courses superficial to the ante-
just beneath the antebrachial fascia and is eas- brachial fascia and should be preserved during arte-
ily exposed through a longitudinal incision placed rial exposure.
radial to the FCU (Fig. 7-19). The palmar branch
Flexor carpi
radialis tendon
Radial a.
Ulnar a.
Flexor carpi
ulnaris m.
Radius Flexor
carpi radialis
carpi radialis Extensor carpi
brevis ulnaris
examination and confirmed with interstitial pressure 21%.20 Particular attention should be given to the skin
measurements.18 In particular, the combination of incision and to ensuring complete release of the deep
certain types of injury (i.e., crush, fracture, electrical muscles of the volar compartment.
burn) and physical findings (i.e., pain with passive The forearm consists of three primary com-
motion of the fingers, tense forearm, and neurologic partments (Fig. 7-21): volar, dorsal, and lateral or
findings referable to the compartment) should alert mobile wad (brachioradialis, extensor carpi radia-
the surgeon that an acute compartment syndrome is lis longus, and brevis). The volar compartment
developing. includes three deep muscles supplied by the AIA:
The threshold interstitial pressure at which flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus,
fasciotomy is warranted remains controversial. The and pronator quadratus. The long, small diameter
most commonly quoted criteria for compartment syn- AIA is especially prone to occlusion from com-
drome is based on interstitial pressure related to either partment hypertension,21 and the three deeper volar
the mean arterial pressure or the diastolic pressure. compartment muscles are subsequently the most
Based on data from the classic paper of Whitesides et commonly affected in forearm compartment syn-
al.,19 fasciotomy is indicated when the dynamic inter- dromes. Hence, complete release of the “deep volar”
stitial pressure rises to within 30 mm Hg of the mean compartment is paramount.
arterial pressure or 20 mm Hg of the diastolic blood The use of a tourniquet is advocated by some.
pressure. Regardless of the specific criteria used, It is the author’s preference to have one in place, but
prompt fasciotomy is indicated to relieve compart- not elevated, to avoid further ischemic insult to the
ment ischemia and limit cell death. A properly exe- tissue. Multiple incisions have been described for
cuted forearm fasciotomy is crucial to minimize the volar forearm fasciotomy. Regardless of the specific
morbidity of this procedure. A retrospective review of configuration, the goal is to adequately decompress
84 forearm compartment syndromes found an overall all compartments, minimize injury to the major
complication rate of 42%, with neurologic deficits in nerves, and at the completion of the fasciotomy, be
Radial neurovascular compartment Ulnar neurovascular
bundle bundle
Dorsal compartment
Fig. 7-21 The three main compartments of the right forearm are shown at midforearm level.
The carpal tunnel incision is then carried if possible. Sharp and blunt dissection will allow
ulnarly along the distal wrist flexor crease to the elevation of the fascia with the ulnarly based full
FCU tendon. At the ulnar side of the FCU tendon, thickness skin flap. Once the plane between fascia
the incision is brought proximally 4 to 5 cm before and muscle is defined, the flap is elevated along its
gently curving to the midline. This incision protects entire length (Fig. 7-24). The flap is raised off of the
the ulnar nerve and artery, located radial to the ten- FCU tendon with the paratenon left intact, thereby
don, and forms an adequate flap to cover the distal protecting the deeper ulnar nerve and vessels.
median nerve. The ulnar neurovascular bundle is commonly
The skin incision is extended proximally and adherent to the deep and ulnar aspect of the FDS
toward the midline for simultaneous decompression muscle belly before becoming relatively superficial
of the mobile wad muscles. The large veins crossing between the FCU and FDS tendons (see Fig. 7-9).
the incision path often require suture ligation. Super- Branches from the ulnar artery to the deep muscles
ficial nerves crossing the forearm will be sacrificed can be sacrificed and the FDS elevated from the
and the patient should be counseled preoperatively FCU to gain access to the flexor pollicis longus and
Fig. 7-26 Subfascial extension of
the lateral fasciocutaneous flap
decompresses the lateral
In most situations, the dorsal compartment require dorsal compartment fasciotomy. A dorsal 6 to
muscles will be adequately decompressed by the full 8 cm incision in line from the lateral epicondyle to
length volar decompression. However, some inju- the radial styloid, ulnar to the mobile wad (Fig. 7-27),
ries, such as prolonged crush or electrical burn, will will allow release of the compartment fascia.
Hand Vessels
The anatomy of the hand is complex, and the ramifi- The superficial innervation of the hand is relevant
cation of the blood vessels within the tightly packed to the vascular surgeon in choosing an approach to
musculoskeletal structures is difficult to visualize. the underlying vessels. Sensation is more critical to
The following discussion presents hand anatomy the function of the hand than to any other area of the
as a framework for understanding the paths of the body. All three major nerves of the arm provide sen-
blood vessels. sation to areas of the hand, and the nerve branches
in adjacent territories interconnect.
On the volar surface of the hand (Fig. 8-1), two branching from the main trunks of the median and
major areas are supplied by the median and ulnar ulnar nerves beneath the palmar fascia. The super-
nerves. The division lies along the middle of the ficial palmaris brevis muscle at the base of the hy-
ring finger. A palmar cutaneous branch arises from pothenar eminence is innervated by the ulnar nerve.
the median nerve in the midforearm. This branch The radial side of the thenar eminence and dorsal
penetrates the deep fascia at the wrist and supplies thumb is served by the lateral branch of the superfi-
the skin over the thenar eminence. The remainder cial radial nerve.
of the palm and the volar surface of the fingers are The dorsum of the hand is supplied by the ul-
innervated by the common and proper digital nerves nar and radial nerves. The dorsal branch of the ulnar
Digital n’s
Median n.
Superficial branch
of radial n. Dorsal branch
of ulnar n.
Lateral antebrachial
cutaneous n. Posterior antebrachial
cutaneous n.
Fig. 8-1 (continued)
Bones of the Hand tunnel for the flexor tendons is closed by a dense
transverse ligament extending from the trapezium
The key to understanding the bony framework of and scaphoid tubercle radially to the pisiform bone
the hand is the carpal arch (Fig. 8-2). The deep vo- and hook of the hamate bone on the ulnar end of
lar concavity of the carpal bones forms the channel the arch. Note that the pisiform bone and hook of
through which the major tendons pass from fore- the hamate bone are not aligned axially relative
arm to hand and establishes the foundation for op- to the ulna but angle toward the base of the third
position between the thumb and little finger. The metacarpal.
Pisiform Scaphoid
Fig. 8-2 The carpal bones form a deep arch that cradles the long flexor tendons. A: volar;
B: proximal view.
B Scaphoid
Fig. 8-2 (continued)
Fascia transverse carpal ligament is derived from carpal
ligaments with a contribution from the tendon of
The deep fascia of the forearm is thickened around flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, whereas the volar car-
the wrist, forming the extensor retinaculum on the pal ligament is a thickened band of deep fascia. The
dorsum and the volar carpal ligament on the volar only complexity in this relationship is the midline
side (Fig. 8-3). The palmaris longus tendon fuses adherence between the palmar aponeurosis and the
with the volar carpal ligament at the wrist and fans transverse carpal ligament. This adherence creates a
out over the central palm, reinforcing the deep fas- canal on the ulnar side of the wrist, with the ulnar ar-
cia there and forming the palmar aponeurosis. This tery and nerve sandwiched between the two fascial
layer of investing fascia is distinct from the under- layers (the canal of Guyon). The radial attachment
lying transverse carpal ligament, which bridges of the transverse carpal ligament divides to accom-
the carpal arch from end to end and forms the re- modate the passage of the flexor carpi radialis ten-
straining retinaculum for the flexor tendons. The don through a separate tunnel.
Fibrous digital
flexor sheath
metacarpal lig.
Palmaris longus
tendon (reflected)
cutaneous br.
of median n.
Motor br. of
Tunnel median n.
of Guyon
Palmaris Transverse
brevis m. capal lig.
carpal Flexor carpi
lig. radialis tendon
Radial a.
Flexor carpi
Median n.
Fig. 8-3 The volar carpal ligament is a thickening of the deep fascia and is superficial to
the transverse carpal ligament, which closes the carpal arch.
metacarpal lig.
metacarpal lig. Fibrous
plate Flexor
Palmar tendon
Hypothenar fascia
Midpalmar space
Thenar space
carpal lig.
Oblique septum
longus muscle and passes between the heads of their base by the deep branches of the ulnar artery
the flexor pollicis brevis muscle. This bursa and and nerve. The artery forms one side of the deep pal-
tendon are thus contained within the thenar mar arch, which lies in the potential space between
compartment. the ulnar bursa and the metacarpal plane.
The recurrent motor branch of the median nerve
Intrinsic Hand Muscles arises just beyond the distal edge of the transverse
carpal ligament and supplies the thenar muscles.
Three muscles, an abductor, flexor, and opponens, The most volar of the thenar muscles, the abductor
constitute both the thenar and hypothenar groups pollicis brevis muscle, is usually penetrated by the
(Fig. 8-5). These muscles arise from both the end superficial thenar branch of the radial artery on its
bones of the carpal arch and from the transverse car- way to complete the superficial palmar arch. The
pal ligament. The hypothenar muscles are pierced at thumb is moved by one additional intrinsic muscle,
Radial a.
to deep arch
pollicis m.
digiti minimi m.
brevis m.
Flexor digiti
minimi brevis m. Opponens
pollicis m.
Opponens digiti
minimi m. Superficial br.
of radial a.
Deep branch of
ulnar a. and n.
brevis m.
Flexor carpi
radialis tendon
Radial a.
Flexor carpi
Median n.
Fig. 8-5 The intrinsic muscles of the hand form a cup to contain the central tendons,
nerves, and vessels.
Extensor pollicis
First dorsal
interosseous m.
Extensor pollicis
Radial a.
Extensor retinaculum
Fig. 8-6 The radial artery turns around the lateral border of the carpal bones and passes
between the first two metacarpals to reach the palm.
anatomic snuffbox. There it gives off a dorsal car- After passing between the metacarpals, the
pal branch that runs beneath the extensor tendons. radial artery gives off two branches deep to the ad-
The superficial branch of the radial nerve overlies ductor pollicis muscle, the princeps pollicis and
the artery outside the deep fascia. The artery then radialis indicis arteries. These branches may have
crosses beneath the tendon of extensor pollicis lon- a common origin (Fig. 8-7). The continuation of
gus muscle and dives between the two heads of the the radial artery passes between the heads of the
first dorsal interosseous muscle and through the adductor muscle to become one end of the deep
first two metacarpals toward the deep palmar space. palmar arch.
Lumbrical m’s pollicis a.
Deep palmar
Radial a.
Fig. 8-7 The radial artery gives off two digital branches (shown with a common trunk)
deep to the adductor pollicis muscle.
Deep palmar
palmar arch
indicis a.
pollicis a.
Hook of
carpal lig.
Abductor pollicis
longus tendon
Ulnar bursa
Flexor digitorum
Flexor carpi radialis
Radial bursa
Flexor carpi
ulnaris m.
Fig. 8-8 The long digital flexors, lumbrical muscles, and digital nerves lie between the
two palmar arches.
and flexor tendons (Fig. 8-9). The ulnar end of the branch of the radial artery. Remember that the arch
arch starts in the cleft between the volar carpal liga- is penetrating both the hypothenar and thenar septa
ment and transverse carpal ligament, crosses the connecting the palmar fascia to the first and fifth
base of the hypothenar muscles, and turns across metacarpals in its course across the palm. The digi-
the central palmar structures to meet the superficial tal vessels lie superficial to the nerves near the arch
Median n.
Ulnar n.
Exposure of Hand Arteries abnormalities,4 some cases can arise from recre-
ational activities or after a single traumatic episode.5
There are two situations in which the vascular
surgeon may become involved with exposure of ar- Exposure of the Radial Artery in the Anatomic Snuffbox
teries in the hand: creation of arteriovenous fistulae
and resection of aneurysms or irregular arterial seg- The patient is placed in the supine position with the
ments associated with finger embolization. Creation arm abducted and placed on a supporting board. The
of a radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula within the arm should be pronated to allow the hand to rest on
anatomic snuffbox has been recommended because its ulnar surface, and the entire hand and forearm are
it results in a long segment of arterialized vein for prepped and draped.
access and because it spares more proximal vessels A 3-cm longitudinal incision is made over
for secondary operations.2 Repetitive blunt trauma the anatomic snuffbox, extending from the radial
on the ulnar aspect of the hand can result in forma- styloid to the base of the first metacarpal (Fig. 8-11).
tion of aneurysms or intimal irregularities in the
ulnar artery at the level of the hamate bone.3 The le-
sions associated with this so-called hypothenar
hammer syndrome may thrombose or cause digital
embolization, leading to finger gangrene.4 Although
this syndrome has been attributed to repetitive occu-
pational trauma in patients with underlying arterial
Cephalic v.
Extensor pollicis
Radial n.
Radial a.
Radial n. pollicis
Dorsal carpal
Fig. 8-12 The fascia is opened to expose the radial artery, and the dorsal carpal branch is
Exposure of the Radial Artery in the Distal Hand pollicis longus muscle and extend approximately
3 cm. Superficial veins should be preserved and
The patient is positioned and prepped as previously retracted in the subcutaneous tissue to expose the
described. A longitudinal incision is made paral- deep fascia. The fascia is incised between the two
lel to the second metacarpal on the dorsal surface heads of the first dorsal interosseous muscle, which
of the first interosseous space (Fig. 8-13). The are carefully separated and retracted to expose the
incision should begin at the level of the extensor radial artery.
First dorsal
interosseous m.
Radial a.
Fig. 8-13 The segment of radial artery beyond the extensor pollicis longus tendon is
brevis m.
Ulnar n. and a.
Fig. 8-14 The ulnar artery and nerve beyond the canal of Guyon are exposed beneath the
palmaris brevis muscle and hypothenar fascia.
fibers of the palmar aponeurosis, the artery can be Digital branches of the median nerve course be-
traced beyond the fifth digital artery branch, where neath the superficial palmar arch in this area and
it becomes the superficial palmar arch (Fig. 8-15). should be preserved.
Digital a.
palmar arch
Ulnar a.
Fig. 8-15 The continuation of the ulnar artery toward the superficial palmar arch is exposed
by opening through the hypothenar compartment septum into the palmar aponeurosis.
Lateral recess of
lesser sac
Visceral peritoneum
Parietal peritoneum
Transversalis fascia
Fig. 9-1 The upper abdominal organs are arrayed around the central core of the great
vessels. Note the relationship of the anterior renal fascia to the vessels in the retroperitoneum.
In its short span, the abdominal aorta is the center of The aorta occupies a central position in the abdomi-
some of the most complex anatomic relationships in nal cavity. In the upper abdomen, the major organs
the body. The unique problems of access to the vari- are arranged in a semicircle around the great vessels
ous segments are dealt with separately in the follow- and fill the domes of the diaphragm beneath the rib
ing chapters. Before focusing on regional details, it cage (Fig. 9-1). The vessels lie within the continua-
is useful to review the disposition of the abdominal tions of anterior and posterior renal fascia (Gerota’s
aorta in the context of the whole abdomen. fascia) across the midline.1 The viscera on the left
side can be mobilized in the plane between the pan- central location overlying the first to fourth lumbar
creas and anterior renal fascia. To mobilize the kid- vertebrae, the aorta sends branches to the whole
ney along with the other viscera, the anterior renal abdomen.
fascia must be opened. The abdomen consists of bony and muscular
The profile of the midabdomen is flattened walls capped by diaphragms at each end and lined by
and relatively shallow from front to back (Fig. 9-2). transversalis fascia. Contained within the abdominal
The prominent vertebral bodies of the lumbar spine cavity is the envelope of parietal peritoneum sur-
further impinge on the anterior-posterior diameter. rounding most of the abdominal organs (Fig. 9-3).
Thus, the abdominal aorta, which caps the ridge of The posterior wall of parietal peritoneum is in-
the lumbar spine, lies remarkably close to the an- vaginated in a complex pattern by the roots of the
terior abdominal wall in thin individuals. From its small bowel and the transverse and sigmoid colon
venous plexus
vena cava
Right colon
Ureter lumborum m.
Psoas m.
Fig. 9-2 The vessels cap the crest of the lumbar spine in the central abdomen.
Splenorenal lig.
Right colon
Left colon mesocolon
Root of lig.
small bowel
Rectal lig.
Right triangular
lumborum m.
Iliacus m.
Psoas m.
mesenteric a.
mesenteric a.
Left phrenic n.
phrenic a.
Medial Lateral
lumbocostal lumbocostal
arch arch
Fig. 9-8 The undulating diaphragmatic contours wrap around the aorta and vertebral
Right (posterior)
vagus n. Inferior
vena cava
Thoracic duct
Azygous v.
Fig. 9-9 The diaphragmatic crura separate the intraabdominal esophagus from the lower
thoracic aorta.
Left triangular
Left lobe
of liver
Fig. 9-11 When dividing the left triangular ligament to mobilize the lateral segment of the left lobe,
keep in mind the proximity of the hepatic veins and vena cava at the dome of the liver.
Fig. 9-12 Opening the gastrohepatic omentum exposes the right crus of the diaphragm.
(lesser) omentum
L. hepatic a.
gastric a.
Fig. 9-13 In 10% to 15% of individuals, a replaced or accessory left hepatic artery arises
from the left gastric artery and runs in the cephalad portion of the gastrohepatic ligament.
Left gastric a.
Coronary v.
Fig. 9-14 The lower thoracic aorta can be exposed between the limbs of the right crus.
Fig. 9-16 Division of the aortic hiatus through the crura provides wider exposure of the
Fig. 9-17 (continued)
11th rib
External oblique
Internal oblique
Fig. 9-18 The incision is begun in the 10th interspace and curved inferomedially to the
abdominal midline below the umbilicus.
Left renal v.
Lumbar v.
Fig. 9-19 Anterior mobilization of the left kidney requires careful ligation of a large
lumbar vein.
Fig. 9-20 By incising the crus anterior to the supraceliac aorta (A), direct exposure
can be obtained to the level of the lowest thoracic segment (B).
8th interspace
Fig. 9-21 Thoracoabdominal incisions in the sixth or eighth interspace can be extended down the
midline of the abdomen.
Fig. 9-23 The optimal level for the thoracic portion of the incision is determined by the
proximal extent of the aneurysm.
Fig. 9-24 The abdominal portion of the incision is determined by the distal extent of the
aneurysm. A: The abdominal incision may terminate in the upper abdomen for aneurysms
that do not extend distal to the celiac artery. B: The incision should be extended to the
abdominal midline for aneurysms involving the visceral aortic segment. C: An extended
abdominal incision is required for aneurysms extending to the infrarenal aorta.
oblique m.
anterior m.
Internal Costal
oblique m. margin
abdominus m.
Fig. 9-26 For the extraperitoneal approach to the abdominal aorta, the peritoneum is
separated from the undersurface of the diaphragm, and the chest is entered across the costal
Fig. 9-27 The diaphragm can be divided partially (A) or completely using radial (B) or
circumferential (C) incisions.
Fig. 9-28 The anterior renal fascia is opened, and the kidney is mobilized along with the
upper abdominal organs on the left.
mesenteric a.
Fig. 9-29 Further mobilization in the extraperitoneal plane along the left gutter exposes
the lower abdominal aorta.
pulmonary v.
pulmonary lig.
Fig. 9-31 The lower thoracic aorta is exposed by dividing the inferior pulmonary ligament
up to the inferior pulmonary vein.
Left gastric a.
T-12 arcuate lig.
Hepatic a.
Celiac trunk
Pancreas Splenic a.
Splenic v. Superior
mesenteric a.
Right renal a.
Transverse L-2
colon Left renal v.
Right colic a. L-3
Iliocolic a. mesenteric a.
Omentum Aortic
Left common
iliac a.
rectal a.
Fig. 10-1 The origins of the major mesenteric vessels are shown in relation to the adjacent
vertebral bodies.
Surgical Anatomy of the Mesenteric Vessels superior mesenteric arteries, arise within centime -
ters of each other at the level of the first lumbar ver-
Three large, unpaired midline vessels supply the tebra (Fig. 10-1). The third, the inferior mesenteric
majority of organs enclosed by the outer envelope artery, arises from the anteri or wall of the aorta at
of parietal peritoneum. Two of these, the celiac and the level of the third lumbar vertebra.
Celiac Trunk the celiac trunk. Inside the omental bursa lies a final
covering membrane, the posterior parietal perito-
The celiac trunk is closely flanked by the median neum. Beneath the peritoneum, the celiac trunk is
arcuate ligament of the aortic hiatus above and the surrounded by lymphatic and nerve plexuses.
superior border of the pancreas below (Fig. 10-2). The celiac trunk is almost perpendicular to the
Viewed from an anterior perspective, the celiac aorta. The three branches of the celiac trunk most of-
trunk lies beneath the overlapping edges of the liver ten form a trifurcation (see variations, Chapter 19).
and stomach. On separating these two or gans, the One significant vein, the left gastric (or coronary)
connecting gastrohepatic ligament, which forms the vein, crosses over the celiac trunk in its course from
anterior wall of the omental bursa, is seen overlying the lesser curve of the stomach to the portal vein.
Anterior vagus n.
Left gastric
(coronary) v.
Posterior vagus n.
Hepatic a.
Celiac branch of
posterior vagus n.
Left gastric a.
Celiac trunk
Splenic a.
Inferior mesnteric a.
vena cava Left renal v.
Splenic v.
Portal v.
bile duct
Gastroduodenal a.
Right gastric a.
Fig. 10-2 The gastrohepatic omentum and posterior peritoneum of the omental bursa have
been removed to expose the celiac trunk.
L. gastric a. Splenic a.
Common hepatic a.
Short gastric a’s
Gastroduodenal a.
R. gastroepiploic a. L. gastroepiploic a.
Gastroduodenal a.
R gastroepiploic a.
duodenal a.
Anterior mesenteric a.
duodenal a.
mesenteric v.
Middle colic a.
R. colic v.
Fig. 10-4 The superior mesenteric artery and vein lie together over the third portion of the
duodenum and uncinate process of the pancreas.
Hepatic v’s
Root of
Root of
mesenteric a.
Fig. 10-5 The superior mesenteric artery can be located where the roots of the transverse
mesocolon and small bowel mesentery meet.
Marginal a.
(of Drummond)
mesenteric a.
(arc of Riolan)
Celiac branch of
Median arcuate posterior vagus n.
Left gastric a.
Thoracic duct
Cysterna chyli
Splenic a.
Left gastric
(coronary) v.
Hepatic a.
Splenic v.
Fig. 10-9 The posterior parietal peritoneum and median arcuate ligament are opened to
gain access to the celiac trunk.
Celiac ganglion
Cysterna chyli
Lymph node
Fig. 10-10 The celiac ganglion must be cleared to fully expose the celiac trunk.
Left renal v.
Splenic v.
Fig. 10-11 The superior mesenteric artery origin can be exposed by retracting the superior
border of the pancreas caudally.
Superior mesenteric a.
Right colic a.
Superior mesenteric a.
colic a. and v.
Left renal v.
Fig. 10-14 For bypassing a chronic superior mesenteric artery stenosis, the fourth portion
of the duodenum is mobilized to expose both the subpancreatic portion of the mesenteric
artery and subjacent aorta.
Left renal v.
Fig. 10-15 A short, wide synthetic graft from the aorta to the superior mesenteric artery
creates a retrograde bypass.
Left renal v.
Celiac trunk
Right gastric a.
Hepatic a.
Gastroduodenal a.
Splenic a.
mesenteric a.
Left renal v.
Left renal a.
Surgical Anatomy of the Renal Arteries first two lumbar vertebrae (Fig. 11-1). The left is
usually slightly more cephalad than the right, and
The renal arteries arise from the abdominal aorta supernumerary vessels are not uncommon. Because
at approximately the level of the disc between the the aorta is elevated on the promontory of the spinal
column and the kidneys rest in the adjacent gutters, Fasciae
the angle formed by the renal vessels with the aorta
is almost 90° (Fig. 11-2). The position of the aorta The kidneys are embedded in a layer of fat and en-
to the left of midline makes the right renal artery closed by fascial layers in front and back. These an-
longer than the left. terior and posterior renal fasciae fuse laterally with
pancreaticoduodenal a. and v.
Portal v.
Superior mesenteric v. colic a. and v. Inferior mesenteric v.
Duodenum Gastroduodenal a. Superior Splenic v.
mesenteric a. Splenic a.
Right renal v. Hepatic a. gastric a.
Celiac a.
Left renal v.
Renal a’s
Transversalis fascia
Fig. 11-2 The renal arteries drape posteriorly over the spinal column. The right renal
artery often divides behind the inferior vena cava.
Fig. 11-3 The kidneys and perinephric fat are enclosed by an envelope of renal fascia that
tapers around the adrenals above and the ureters below.
the fascia over the right kidney is covered by the of the anterior renal fascia not in contact with the
second portion of the duodenum and the hepatic peritoneum is covered by the tail of the pancreas, the
flexure of the colon (Fig. 11-4). On the left, the part spleen, and the splenic flexure of the colon.
Fig. 11-4 The relationships of the renal arteries and kidneys to overlying organs are shown.
Right adrenal v.
Left adrenal v.
Exposure of the Renal Arteries After routine exploration of the peritoneal cav-
ity, the transverse colon and omentum are packed
Surgical exposure of the renal arteries may be nec- in moist laparotomy pads and lifted onto the ante-
essary to treat traumatic injuries, aneurysms, or rior abdominal wall at the superior end of the inci-
chronic stenoses. A common indication for isolation sion. The small intestine is eviscerated and packed
of the renal artery in the traumatized patient is to in moist laparotomy pads or placed in a bowel bag
obtain vascular control before exploring a parenchy- and mobilized to the right side of the incision. The
mal injury. Vascular repair of a renal artery injury infrarenal aorta is exposed by incising the ligament
is indicated only for pseudoaneurysms or dissection of Treitz and other duodenal attachments, allowing
with preserved flow. Because most injuries result mobilization of the distal duodenum and proximal
in thrombosis and irreversible ischemia, reported jejunum to the right side. The posterior parietal
outcomes for vascular repair are similar to nephrec- peritoneum overlying the aorta is opened, and inter-
tomy.1,2 The indications for repair of renal artery vening lymphatics are ligated to prevent the devel-
aneurysms are detailed elsewhere.3,4 These lesions opment of lymphoceles or chylous ascites.10,11 When
are often located in the distal arterial branches or the the anterior periadventitial plane is reached, expo-
renal hilum; therefore, advanced techniques such as sure proceeds superior to the level of the left renal
extracorporeal repair should be available when sur- vein (Fig. 11-6). The left renal vein crosses anterior
gery is indicated.5 Chronic renal artery stenoses may to the aorta in approximately 97% of cases,12 and
be due to fibromuscular dysplasia (10%) or athero- its superior border is nearly always superimposed
sclerosis (90%). Percutaneous balloon angioplasty on the origin of the left renal artery.13 It is impor-
without a stent is considered the treatment of choice tant to recognize several venous anomalies that oc-
for renovascular hypertension due to fibromuscular cur in this area, including circumaortic left renal
dysplasia.6 Regardless of the type of intervention, veins (up to 8.7%), retroaortic left renal veins (up to
long-term cure rates are lower for atherosclerotic le- 3.4%), left-sided venae cavae (0.2% to 0.5%), and
sions. The clinical evidence summarizing the effec- double inferior venae cavae (1% to 3%) ( see also
tiveness of angioplasty versus medical therapy for Chapter 19).12 To expose the left renal vein as far as
treating atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis is pub- the left renal hilum, the posterior peritoneal incision
lished elsewhere.7 Many surgeons favor open renal can be extended to the left along the inferior border
artery revascularization over angioplasty and stent- of the pancreas (Fig. 11-7). The inferior mesenteric
ing, especially after failed percutaneous therapy.8,9 vein should be ligated during this maneuver.
The following discussions concern exposure of the Mobilization of the left renal vein is neces-
renal arteries using midline and lateral approaches. sary to expose the origins of both renal arteries. The
As sources of inflow, exposure of the aorta and iliac inferior border of the pancreas is retracted crani-
arteries is considered in Chapter 12. Exposure of the ally, allowing exposure and dissection of the supe-
splenic and hepatic arteries for extraanatomic by- rior border of the left renal vein. The vein should
pass is discussed in Chapter 10. be carefully encircled with a vascular tape for re-
traction. The left gonadal and left adrenal branches
Midline Exposure of the Renal Arteries at Their Origins should be ligated and divided to prevent avulsion
during the retraction. A large lumbar vein branch of-
The patient is placed in the supine position with the ten enters the posterior wall of the left renal vein and
entire abdomen, lower chest, and both groins prepped requires ligation to prevent injury during renal vein
and draped. The abdomen is entered through a long, retraction. The left renal vein can now be retracted
vertical midline incision made from the xiphoid pro- either superiorly or inferiorly to expose the origins
cess to a point 5 to 7 cm below the umbilicus. As an of the left renal artery. In some cases, it may be nec-
alternative approach, some surgeons prefer to use a essary to divide the left renal vein. Many surgeons
transverse supraumbilical incision that extends into have stressed the importance of restoration of vein
both flanks. continuity14 at the completion of the procedure to
adrenal v.
Lumbar v.
Left gonadal v.
reduce the risk of renal compromise and hematuria, Lateral retraction of the vena cava above or below
but at least one recent series suggests that this may the left renal artery, combined with respective in-
be unnecessary.15 ferior or superior retraction of the left renal vein,
To isolate the right renal artery at its origin, the exposes the proximal right renal artery at the aortic
medial wall of the vena cava should be mobilized. junction (Fig. 11-8).
Fig. 11-8 The origins of both renal arteries can be approached between the left renal vein
and inferior vena cava.
Fig. 11-9 A transverse supraumbilical incision affords good exposure of the renal artery
on each side.
medial reflection of the colon with its mesentery. colon, and mesocolon are reflected to the midline
The spleen is mobilized in the superior wound by over the aorta (Fig. 11-10).
dividing the splenophrenic and splenorenal liga- The left renal vein can be located easily as it
ments. A plane between the posterior surface of the crosses anterior to the aorta. The vein is encircled
pancreas and the anterior surface of Gerota’s fascia with a vascular tape and mobilized by ligating go-
is developed bluntly, and the spleen, pancreas, left nadal, adrenal, and lumbar branches to permit wide
Left renal v.
Fig. 11-10 Mobilization of the spleen, tail of the pancreas, and splenic flexure of the colon
provides retroperitoneal exposure of the left renal vessels.
Exposure of the Right Renal Artery After routine peritoneal exploration is com-
pleted, the small intestines are wrapped in moist
The patient is placed supine, with the right flank laparotomy pads and retracted to the left. Lateral
elevated on a rolled sheet. The lower chest, abdo- peritoneal attachments of the right colon are in-
men, both groins, and anterior thighs are prepped cised from the cecum to the hepatic flexure, and
and draped. As noted above, the incision may be the right colon and mesentery are reflected medi-
midline or transverse. The transverse supraumbili- ally. The duodenum is similarly mobilized by incis-
cal incision is begun at the left midclavicular line ing retroperitoneal attachments to the level of the
and extended to the right posterior axillary line be- hepatoduodenal ligament superiorly (Kocher ma-
tween the costal margin and the superior iliac crest, neuver), permitting extensive medial reflection of
crossing the midline 3 to 5 cm above the umbilicus. the duodenum and pancreas to the left (Fig. 11-12).
Head of
Lumbar v.
Fig. 11-13 The right renal vein is mobilized, and the vena cava is retracted to the left to
expose the right renal artery to its origin. Lumbar branches of the vena cava are ligated as
renal veins should be carefully ligated. Bypasses to In cases involving correction of ostial le-
the right renal artery most often lie best when routed sions, the right renal artery can be isolated in the
behind the vena cava from the aorta or right iliac ar- small space between the inferior vena cava and the
tery. In some situations, the graft lies better in front aorta. This can be accomplished through either a
of the vena cava, routed posteriorly to the right renal midline transperitoneal approach (see above) or
artery beneath the caudal border of the overlying re- the right retroperitoneal approach described in this
nal vein (Fig. 11-14). section.
Fig. 11-14 Several bypass options are available for renal artery revascularization. Bypass
grafts may originate from the aortoiliac system (A–E) or from branches of the celiac artery
(F–H) if significant aortic disease is present.
Fig. 11-14 (continued)
Fig. 11-14 (continued)
Common hepatic a.
Fig. 11-14 (continued)
Splenic a.
Renal a.
Inferior mesenteric a.
iliac a.
iliac a.
iliac a.
Fig. 12-1 The lower aortic segment rides the crest of the lumbar vertebrae.
Surgical Anatomy of the Infrarenal Aorta and Iliac fourth vertebral bodies. The fifth lumbar arteries
Arteries lie below the bifurcation and may arise from the
common iliac arteries or the middle sacral artery.
The lower aortic segment between the renal ar- The inferior mesenteric artery is the only vis-
tery origins at the cephalad end of the second ceral branch arising in this segment of aorta (see
lumbar vertebra and the bifurcation at the fourth Chapter 10).
lumbar vertebra lies slightly to the left of midline The common iliac arteries diverge from the
(Fig. 12-1). Paired lumbar arteries arise from the aorta and descend a short distance to the lip of
back wall of the aorta and girdle the first through the true pelvis where they bifurcate into internal
and external branches (Fig. 12-2). The internal Figs. 19-20 and 19-21). The external iliac arteries
iliac arteries dive into the bowl of the true pelvis hug the pelvic brim medial to the psoas muscles
where they immediately divide in a highly vari- and give off only the small inferior epigastric and
able pattern, sending branches to the pelvic viscera deep circumflex iliac branches near the inguinal
and the external pelvic muscles (see Chapter 19, ligament.
Internal iliac a.
gluteal a.
External iliac a.
sacral a. Obturator a.
Uterine a.
gluteal a.
Deep circumflex iliac a.
Middle Inferior
rectal a. epigastric a.
Inferior Aberrant
vesicle a. obturator a.
pudendal a.
Fig. 12-2 The iliac vessels lie around the lip and in the bowl of the true pelvis.
Left common
iliac v.
Fig. 12-3 The more proximal aortic bifurcation overrides the bifurcation of the vena cava
and may be adherent.
Aorta Inferior
mesenteric a.
vena Ureter
L. common rectal a.
iliac v.
promontory L. gonadal
R. external
iliac v. L. external
iliac a.
Inferior Aorta
Psoas m.
lumborum m.
Ascending lumbar v.
Fig. 12-5 The lumbar vessels lie between the vertebral bodies and the psoas muscles.
Aortic plexus
Ascending cava
lumbar v.
Lumbar spinal n.
Psoas m.
lumborum m.
Fig. 12-6 The spinal nerves pass behind the ascending lumbar veins and pass through the
psoas muscle.
Iliohypogastric n.
Ilioinguinal n.
Genitofemoral n. femoral
cutaneous n.
Femoral n.
Obturator n.
lumbar v.
nerves to
Fig. 12-8 The lumbar sympathetic chains lie on the anteromedial portions of the vertebral
mesenteric a.
renal v.
mesenteric a.
Fig. 12-10 The fourth portion of the duodenum is mobilized, and the aorta is exposed from
the left renal vein to the bifurcation.
Fig. 12-11 Torsion of the trunk facilitates the retroperitoneal approach to the infrarenal aorta.
mesenteric a.
Left renal v.
Left ureter
Left gonadal v.
Fig. 12-13 The inferior mesenteric artery and left gonadal vessels are divided to complete
retroperitoneal exposure of the aorta.
mesenteric a.
R. common iliac a.
Right external
iliac a.
Ureter Right internal
iliac a.
Fig. 12-14 The peritoneal incision is extended to expose and control the right iliac vessels.
Left common
iliac a.
iliac a.
iliac a.
Iliac v’s
Fig. 12-15 Peritoneal retraction on the left side permits isolation of the left iliac vessels.
Fig. 12-16 The left iliac vessels may also be approached by opening the lateral side of the
root of the sigmoid mesocolon.
Fig. 12-17 A low, oblique anterior flank incision is used for extraperitoneal exposure of
the iliac arteries.
Fig. 12-19 The external iliac artery can be exposed through a more limited suprainguinal
Psoas m.
External iliac a.
epigastric a. and v.
Fig. 12-20 Care is taken to avoid the small distal abdominal wall branches of the external
iliac artery during peritoneal retraction.
Fig. 12-21 A transverse midflank incision provides access to the lumbar sympathetic chain.
Fig. 12-22 The sympathetic chain is identified on the vertebral bodies between the anterior
edge of the psoas muscle and the aorta (or vena cava).
Genitofemoral n.
Inferior deferens
Rectus muscle
Transversalis fascia
Anterior rectus sheath
Inferior epigastric
Fig. 12-25 Lateral mobilization of the left rectus muscle exposes the arcuate line at the
termination of the posterior rectus sheath. Caudal to the arcuate line, only transversalis
fascia covers the preperitoneal fat plane. The inferior epigastric pedicle lies deep to the
caudal end of the rectus muscle.
Transversalis fascia
Parietal peritoneum
Rectus sheath
Left colon
Left ureter
Left gonadal
Middle sacral
iliosacral v.
iliosacral v.
Fig. 12-29 Pin marker placement for fluoroscopic confirmation of the L5/S1 disc space
is shown.
Surgical Anatomy of the Inferior by the root of the small bowel mesentery, the first
Vena Cava and third portions of the duodenum, and the head
of the pancreas (see Figs. 10-5 and 12-4). The vena
The distal inferior vena cava begins at the con- cava is separated from the portal vein anteriorly by
fluence of the common iliac veins anterior to the the cleft of the epiploic foramen. The position of
fifth lumbar vertebra to the right of the midline the vena caval trunk deviates slightly more to the
(Fig. 13-1). It penetrates the membranous portion of right above the renal veins as the vessel traverses the
the diaphragm at the level of T8 and immediately liver, partially embedded between the caudate and
drains into the right atrium. The vena cava is crossed right lobes.
Inferior phrenic v’s
Hepatic v’s
adrenal v.
Subcostal v.
renal v. Left
adrenal v.
Left renal v.
gonadal v. Left gonadal v.
Psoas m. (cut)
Lumbar v.
lumbar v.
Lumbar n.
Iliolumbar v.
sacral v. Lateral
sacral v.
iliac v.
epigastric v.
Fig. 13-1 The inferior vena cava lies to the right of midline between the levels of the
eighth thoracic and fifth lumbar vertebrae.
Iliohypogastric n.
Ilioinguinal n.
Gonadal a. and v.
Genitofemoral n.
iliac a.
L. external
iliac a.
Femoral n.
saphenous v.
intervertebral Posterior
plexus intervertebral
Lumbar v.
Spinal n.
Ascending lumbar v.
The renal veins enter the vena cava at the level of The portion of inferior vena cava traversing the
L2 and are usually single. The right renal vein fol- liver is enfolded on three sides by liver substance
lows a short path anteromedially (see Fig. 11-2) (Fig. 13-4). There are several small branches
from the renal hilum. The left renal vein arches draining from the caudate lobe directly into the
across the aorta in the acute angle formed by the vena cava. At the dome of the liver, the vena cava
takeoff of the superior mesenteric artery and joins receives the large hepatic veins, usually three
the vena cava at a 90° angle. The anterior relation- in number. The hepatic vein–vena cava junc-
ships of this segment of vena cava are described in tion is located at the anterior angle of the dia-
Chapter 11. mond-shaped bare area bounded by the coronary
Hepatoduodenal lig.
Portal v.
Impression of
hepatic flexure Common
of colon hepatic
Hepatic a.
Ligamentum teres
Gastrohepatic lig.
triangular lig.
Inferior Caudate
Right vena lobe
posterior cava
coronary lig.
Psoas m.
Fig. 13-6 The peritoneum with the ureter attached is elevated to expose the vena cava.
Hepatic flexure
Gonadal a. and v.
Fig. 13-7 The perirenal vena cava is unroofed by mobilizing the right colon, duodenum,
and head of the pancreas.
Fig. 13-8 Ligating adjacent lumbar veins allows a segment of the back wall of the vena
cava to be visualized.
Fig. 13-9 Posterior wounds of the inferior vena cava can be repaired from inside the
Fig. 13-10 Firm retraction of the lower rib cage is necessary for exposure of the perihe-
patic vena cava.
Fig. 13-11 The right triangular and coronary ligaments of the liver are divided, and the
right lobe of the liver is gently rotated to the left to visualize the retrohepatic vena cava.
Fig. 13-12 The falciform and anterior coronary ligaments are opened, and the dome of the
liver is gently retracted downward to expose the hepatic veins and suprahepatic vena cava.
Fig. 13-13 The intrapericardial portion of the inferior vena cava can be isolated at its junc-
tion with the right atrium through a median sternotomy.
Splenic v.
Portal v.
L. gastroepiploic v.
mesenteric v.
Right Inferior
gastroepiploic v. mesenteric v.
colic v.
Superior rectal v.
Middle rectal v.
Inferior rectal v.
Fig. 14-1 The main venous trunks feeding into the portal vein are the superior and inferior mes-
enteric veins and the splenic vein.
Surgical Anatomy of the Portal Vein veins at the level of the second lumbar vertebra.
Most commonly, the inferior mesenteric vein joins
The portal venous system drains the viscera the proximal splenic vein, but it may alternatively
supplied by the celiac, superior, and inferior mes- join the superior mesenteric vein or form a common
enteric arteries and normally carries the blood to junction with the other two veins. These three veins
the liver (Fig. 14-1). The portal vein is formed by drain the areas supplied by their corresponding
the confluence of splenic and superior mesenteric named arteries.
Anatomically, the superior mesenteric and border of the gland. The splenic vein is cradled in a
splenic veins lie close to their corresponding arter- groove running the length of the upper border of the
ies (Fig. 14-2). The superior mesenteric vein lies to posterior surface of the pancreas (inset). Numerous
the right of the artery in the root of the small bowel small branches drain from the tail and body of the
mesentery and ascends over the third portion of the pancreas into the apposed surface of the vein.
duodenum and uncinate process of the pancreas. The inferior mesenteric vein lies deep to the
The vein passes behind the neck of the pancreas left posterior parietal peritoneum and ascends in
and is joined by the splenic vein near the cephalad close proximity to the underlying infrarenal aorta.
Portal v.
Right gastric v.
mesenteric v.
Inferior mesenteric v.
Middle colic v.
Left renal v.
Fig. 14-2 The relationships of the main trunks of the portal system to the surrounding
structures are shown.
Portal v.
Splenic v.
Superior mesenteric
a. and v.
Splenic a. and v.
Fig. 14-3 The gastric vein circuit consists of the right gastric vein along the lesser curve
of the stomach and the left gastric or coronary vein beneath the posterior peritoneum of
the lesser sac.
Short gastric
Fig. 14-4 Peripheral links between limbs of the portal system are shown.
Esophageal varices
Gastric varices
Superior mesenteric v.
Portal v.
Splenic v.
Inferior vena
Left renal v.
Fig. 14-6 Surgical decompression of the portal system into the systemic venous system
is accomplished by connecting the portal or superior mesenteric veins to the inferior vena
cava or the splenic vein to the left renal vein.
Fig. 14-7 Nonselective portacaval shunts are shown in the top row of three drawings, and
nonselective mesocaval and central splenorenal shunts are shown in the two drawings on
the lower left. Selective shunts include small-caliber variations of nonselective shunts and
the distal splenorenal shunt shown on the lower right.
Nonselective Selective
Fig. 14-8 The selective distal splenorenal shunt isolates the drainage of the esophageal
venous plexus from the portal system, preserving portal flow to the liver undisturbed.
Fig. 14-9 An extended right subcostal incision provides good exposure of the portal vein.
Fig. 14-10 Elevation of the right lobe of the liver and caudal retraction of the hepatic flex-
ure of the colon expose the hepatoduodenal ligament. The line of the peritoneal incision for
mobilizing the duodenum is shown.
Portal v.
vena cava
Free edge of
Fig. 14-12 The portal vein is isolated, and venous tributaries draining into the origin of the
portal vein are ligated and divided.
Middle colic v.
mesenteric v.
Fig. 14-14 The superior mesenteric vein is controlled, and branches are ligated to provide
space for the anastomosis. The right colic vein may be divided, if necessary.
mesenteric v.
Fig. 14-15 Mobilization of the duodenum to the right of the superior mesenteric vein pro-
vides direct access to the underlying inferior vena cava.
mesenteric v.
vena cava
Fig. 14-16 The alternative approach of mobilizing the right colon provides wider exposure
of the inferior vena cava. The graft is then brought through a tunnel in the mobilized right
colon mesentery to reach the superior mesenteric vein over the uncinate process.
There are two popular approaches to the splenic The patient is placed in the supine position with
vein: a direct approach through the lesser sac12 and the lower chest and abdomen prepped and draped.
an inferior approach beneath the root of the mesoco- Warren and Millikan12 advocate a “hockey stick”
lon.13 The former approach offers the advantages of incision 1 to 2 cm below the left costal margin, ex-
simultaneous gastric venous devascularization and tending across the midline to the lateral border of
complete exposure of the pancreatic body and tail, the right rectus muscle (Fig. 14-17). An alternative
but dissection is often carried out through a deep, is the upper midline approach; thoracoabdominal
narrow hole into the retroperitoneum. The latter ap- incisions are too extensive and associated with
proach is associated with reduced retraction require- needless morbidity. On entering the abdominal
ments and a more central approach to the splenic cavity, the falciform ligament and the umbilical
vein, but isolation of the entire splenic vein to effect vein are ligated and divided. The lesser sac is en-
a complete splenopancreatic disconnection12 is more tered by dividing the gastrocolic ligament between
difficult. the gastroepiploic arcade and the greater curvature
Fig. 14-17 An extended left subcostal incision provides good exposure of the splenic vein.
Right gastroepiploic
a. and v. (divided)
a. and v.
Fig. 14-18 The gastroepiploic arcade is disconnected from the stomach, and the right gas-
tric artery and vein are divided to approach the splenic vein through the lesser sac.
Fig. 14-19 The lower border of the pancreas is mobilized to expose the splenic vein.
Fig. 14-20 Multiple small pancreatic branches are divided to free the splenic vein.
Fig. 14-21 The left renal vein is exposed, and the splenic vein is ligated and divided as
proximally as possible.
Splenic v.
Left renal v.
Fig. 14-22 The splenic and renal veins may also be reached through the root of the transverse mesocolon.
Psoas major m.
Iliacus m.
Tensor fasciae
latae m.
Lacunar lig.
Sartorius m.
Pectineus m.
Vastus lateralis m.
Rectus femoris m.
Adductor brevis m.
Adductor longus m.
Gracilis m.
Fig. 15-1 The femoral vessels pass beneath the inguinal ligament medial to the bulk of
the iliopsoas muscle. After crossing the pectineal line of the pubis, the vessels cross the
pectineus muscle en route to the subsartorial femoral canal.
Surgical Anatomy of the Femoral Region the inguinal ligament, within a triangular passage
between the pelvis and thigh. This femoral vascu-
The femoral artery is the principal channel sup- lar aperture is bounded laterally by the iliopsoas
plying blood to the lower extremity. The boundary muscles, medially by the reflected fibers of the
marking the transition between the external iliac inguinal ligament (forming the lacunar ligament),
and common femoral arteries is the inguinal liga- and posteriorly by the superior ramus of the pubis
ment. The artery lies just medial to the midpoint of (Fig. 15-1).
Psoas major m.
Iliac fascia
Pectineal lig.
Pectineus m.
Pectineal fascia
Psoas major m.
Pectineal lig.
Iliac fascia
Pectineus m.
Deep circumflex
iliac a. and v.
Femoral canal
(proximal end)
Femoral canal
(distal end)
Fig. 15-3 The proximal end of the femoral canal is covered with loose fascia, which is
violated when a femoral hernia forms. The hernia dissects and breaches the medial femoral
sheath below the inguinal ligament to protrude. Peritoneum overlies both the vessels and
the endoabdominal fascia.
Testicular a. and v.
Genitofemoral n.
Internal iliac a.
Deep circumflex
iliac a. and v.
Ductus deferens
Inferior epigastric
Superficial a. and v.
circumflex iliac a.
Superficial epigastric a.
Superficial external
pudendal a.
Deep external
pudendal a.
Superficial femoral
Great saphenous v.
a. and v.
Adductor longus m.
Sartorius m.
Fig. 15-4 Removing the pelvic fascia and femoral sheath reveals the relationships of other
retroperitoneal structures to the vessels and exposes the small external iliac and common
femoral branches above and below the inguinal ligament, respectively.
Fig. 15-5 Flexion and external rotation of the thigh make the muscular margins of the
femoral triangle stand out. The sartorius muscle forms the lateral boundary, and the adduc-
tor longus muscle forms the medial border.
Deep circumflex
iliac a. and v. Inferior epigastric
a. and v.
Superficial circumflex
iliac a. and v.
Superficial epigastric
a. and v.
Cribriform fascia
Superficial external
pudendal a. and v.
Great saphenous v.
Deep external
pudendal a. and v.
Fig. 15-7 The superficial inguinal lymph nodes are clustered beneath the inguinal liga-
ment and around the fossa ovalis.
Transversus abdominis m.
Inferior epigastric
a. and v. Deep circumflex
iliac a. and v. Testicular a. and v.
Rectus abdominis m.
Falx inguinalis
Femoral a.
Transversalis fascia
Femoral v.
Inguinal lig.
Femoral ring
Pectineal lig.
Obturator nerve
and vessels
Obturator internus m.
Levator ani m.
Fig. 15-8 A medial view of the right superior pubic ramus stripped of peritoneum shows
the relationships of the femoral and obturator vessels.
Fig. 15-9 A surgically treacherous origin of the obturator artery from the inferior epigastric
artery is found in nearly one-fifth of individuals.
Pectineus m.
externus m.
brevis m.
longus m.
magnus m.
Gracilis m.
Superior gluteal a.
gluteal a.
Obturator a.
Medial femoral
circumflex a.
Superficial femoral
femoral a. circumflex a.
femoral a.
Fig. 15-12 Branches of the gluteal arteries and the obturator artery supplement the deep
femoral in providing blood supply to the thigh.
Iliacus m.
Psoas m.
Sartorius m.
Tensor fasciae
latae m.
lateralis m. Superficial circumflex
iliac a.
Superficial epigastric a.
Superficial external
pudendal a.
Deep external
pudendal a.
Lateral Pectineus m.
circumflex a.
Deep Medial
femoral a. femoral
circumflex a.
brevis m.
intermedius m.
longus m.
Gracilis m.
Fig. 15-13 In this medial view, the posterolateral origin of the deep femoral artery gives
rise to the medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries to the surrounding muscles. Either
or both may at times arise from the common femoral artery.
femoral a.
Deep femoral a.
femoral a.
circumflex a.
femoral Medial femoral
circumflex v. circumflex a. and v.
Fig. 15-14 The origin of the deep femoral artery is crossed by the lateral femoral circum-
flex vein that may be divided for exposure.
iliac a.
Obturator a.
Lateral femoral
circumflex a.
Ascending br.
femoral a.
Perforating br.
Fig. 15-15 A: Anterior view of the rich collateral circulation around the hip joint and
proximal femur.
Internal iliac a.
Superior gluteal a.
Inferior gluteal a.
Obturator a.
Lateral femoral
circumflex a.,
ascending br.
Sciatic vasa
Lateral femoral
circumflex a.,
transverse br.
Perforating br.
Deep femoral a.
Lateral femoral
Linea aspera circumflex a.,
descending br.
Fig. 15-15 B: Posterior view of the rich collateral circulation around the hip joint and
proximal femur.
Fig. 15-20 The femoral sheath is opened directly over the artery; the artery is mobilized
by blunt dissection and encircled for control.
femoral a.
Lateral femoral
circumflex v.
Deep femoral a.
femoral a.
Fig. 15-21 The deep femoral artery normally arises laterally off the common femoral trunk
about 3.5 cm distal to the inguinal ligament. Its origin is crossed by the lateral femoral
circumflex vein.
Lateral femoral
cirumflex a.
Fig. 15-22 The lateral or medial femoral circumflex arteries may arise from the common
femoral trunk and cause troublesome backbleeding if unrecognized.
Fig. 15-26 The axillofemoral bypass runs deep to the pectoralis major muscle proximally
and then in the subcutaneous plane to reach the groin. An intermediate incision between
costal margin and iliac crest facilitates formation of the tunnel. Many surgeons use a
transverse jump incision. The graft may be brought laterally over the iliac crest when the
midgroin must be avoided (dashed line).
Fig. 15-28 The bypass may also be placed deep to the rectus abdominis muscle for added
Gonadal a. and v.
Obturator a. and v.
internus m.
Levator ani m.
Fig. 15-33 A tunnel is made through the obturator internus muscle to reach the center of
the obturator membrane for the obturator bypass.
Fig. 15-34 The obturator bypass graft may be brought through the adductor longus muscle
to reach the superficial femoral artery in midthigh or through the adductor magnus muscle
to reach the popliteal artery.
Pectineus m.
externus m.
brevis m.
longus m.
magnus m.
femoral a.
Adductor longus m. femoral a.
Fig. 15-35 The obturator pathway may also be used to bring a graft laterally to avoid a contaminated medial groin
field. The deep femoral artery is exposed and kept under direct vision to avoid injury as the tunneler is passed
through the adductor brevis muscle.
Pectineus m.
brevis m. Adductor
longus m.
magnus m.
Fig. 16-1 The adductor muscles of the thigh fan out to attach along the linea aspera of the femur.
Surgical Anatomy of the Thigh of the femur. The deepest of these muscles, the
adductor magnus, attaches to the full length of the
Muscles linea aspera beginning below the lesser trochanter
and ending at the adductor tubercle. It is interrupted
Between the bifurcation of the common femoral by four small apertures through which perforating
artery in the femoral triangle and the beginning of branches of the deep femoral artery reach the poste-
the popliteal artery at the adductor hiatus, the deep rior compartment, and by the large adductor hiatus
and superficial divisions of the femoral artery tra- at the lower third of the femur through which the su-
verse the thigh anteromedial to the femoral shaft, perficial femoral artery passes. The lower part of the
in intimate contact with the adductor muscles. The adductor brevis muscle is located between the mag-
adductor muscles (Fig. 16-1) originate from the in- nus and the adductor longus muscles. The pectineus
ferior ramus of the pubis and ischium and fan out muscle, from the superior pubic ramus, covers the
to attach to the linea aspera along the posterior side superior part of the adductor brevis muscle.
The posterior view of the adductor magnus The anterior compartment of the thigh consists
muscle (Fig. 16-2) shows the more horizontal direc- of the quadratus femoris muscle, which is made up
tion of the pubic fibers and the predominantly lon- of four heads: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus
gitudinal ischial fibers. The tendinous openings can lateralis, and vastus intermedius (Fig. 16-3). These
be seen along the linea aspera. muscles enlarge from tapered origins proximally to
minimus m.
Pectineus m.
internus m. Iliopsoas m.
femoris m.
longus m.
magnus m.
magnus m.
Sartorius m.
Vastus Vastus
lateralis m. intermedius m.
Vastus femoris m.
lateralis m.
medialis m.
Gluteus medius m.
maximus m.
Sciatic n.
femoris m.
magnus m.
magnus m.
Biceps femoris m.
Long head
Gracilis m.
Short head
Semitendinosus m.
Semimembranosus m.
Sartorius m.
Adductor longus m.
Adductor magnus m.
Fig. 16-6 The adductor magnus muscle tapers medially to form a narrow linear attachment
along the linea aspera of the femur.
Femoral n.
Iliopsoas m.
femoral a.
femoral a.
longus m.
Pectineus m.
Gracilis m.
brevis m. Deep
femoral a.
magnus m.
Fig. 16-7 The relationship between the branches of the femoral artery and thigh musculature is shown.
Pectineus m.
femoral a.
femoral a. Adductor
longus m.
brevis m.
Adductor Adductor
longus m. magnus m.
femoral a.
magnus m.
Sartorius m.
medialis m.
Fig. 16-8 The deep and superficial femoral branches are Fig. 16-9 Hunter’s canal twists 90° as it descends
separated by the adductor longus muscle. toward the knee.
Superficial Adductor
femoral a. longus m. Pectineus m.
Fig. 16-10 The relationship of the deep femoral vessels to the adductor muscles is shown.
VI v.
VL AL Key:
a = artery
G AB = adductor brevis m.
AL = adductor longus m.
AM = adductor magnus m.
SM B = biceps femoris m.
B(L) (L) = long head
ST (S) = short head
Tn G = gracilis m.
GM = gluteus maximus m.
V PN = peroneal nerve
RF = rectus femoris m.
S = sartorius m.
SM = semimembranosus m.
VM SN = sciatic nerve
ST = semitendinosus m.
TN = tibial nerve
AM v = vein
VI = vastus intermedius m.
B VL = vastus lateralis m.
VM = vastus medialis m.
Femoral a.
Femoral v.
Fig. 16-12 The posterior view shows the relationship between the femoral veins and their
accompanying arteries.
Fig. 16-14 The incision is made parallel to the lateral border of the sartorius muscle.
Saphenous n.
Fig. 16-15 Medial retraction of the sartorius exposes the fascial roof overlying the adductor canal.
Fig. 16-16 The saphenous nerve traverses the adductor canal alongside the superficial
femoral vessels.
Sartorius m.
Femoral n.
Sartorius m.
femoris m.
Deep femoral a.
Lateral femoral
circumflex a. and v.
Fig. 16-19 The deep femoral artery may be approached laterally between the sartorius and
rectus femoris muscles when a surgically compromised groin must be avoided.
Fig. 16-20 Retraction of femoral nerve branches and division of the lateral femoral cir-
cumflex vein expose the deep femoral artery.
brevis m.
femoris m.
Sartorius m.
longus m.
magnus m.
medialis m.
Sciatic n.
magnus m.
femoral a.
Biceps VI
femoris m.
Adductor hiatus
geniculate Adductor
magnus tendon
Medial Popliteal a.
supracondylar line
Mid- Muscular
popliteal branches
Popliteus m.
Soleus m.
Because the relationships of the adjoining of varying thickness known as the fascia lata
segments of artery and the muscle groups attach- (Fig. 17-2). It is particularly thick along the ilio-
ing around the knee are vital to understanding tibial band of the lateral thigh and around the knee
the approaches to the popliteal artery, they are in- joint, where it serves as a retinaculum holding the
cluded as an integral part of the following anatomic hamstring tendons and the origins of the gastroc-
description. nemius muscle snugly around the popliteal neuro-
vascular bundle.
Fasciae Two prominent septa connecting the fascia lata
to the supracondylar lines of the femur divide the
Beneath skin and superficial fascia, the lower quadriceps muscle of the thigh from the adductor
extremity is wrapped in an aponeurotic girdle muscles medially and from the hamstring muscles
Sartorius m.
femoral a.
Adductor canal
Deep femoral a.
longus m.
femoral a. Adductor
magnus m.
Adductor tubercle
Fig. 17-3 The anterior quadriceps muscle group and the medial adductor muscles of the
thigh cradle the superficial femoral artery at their common border.
Several centimeters above the adductor tubercle, the The deep head of the biceps muscle originates from
tendon of the adductor magnus splits to form the ad- the lower third of the lateral lip of the linea aspera
ductor hiatus through which the superficial femoral and joins the superficial head to insert on the head
artery and vein pass to become the popliteal vessels. of the fibula. The semimembranosus muscle inserts
The hamstring muscles of the posterior thigh into the posterior lip of the medial tibial condyle.
originate at the ischial tuberosity and separate into The semitendinosus muscle, along with the gracilis
the medial semimembranosus and semitendinosus and sartorius muscles, insert on the anterior aspect
and the lateral biceps femoris muscles (Fig. 17-4). of the medial tibial condyle.
Tibial n.
magnus m.
Semitendinosus m.
femoris m.
Semimembranosus m. (short head)
femoris m.
(long head)
Peroneal n.
Fig. 17-4 The hamstring muscles of the posterior thigh frame the upper borders of the
popliteal fossa.
Tibial n.
Common peroneal n.
Sural a. and n.
Small saphenous v.
Medial sural n.
Fig. 17-5 The heads of the gastrocnemius muscle interdigitate with the insertions of the
hamstring muscles and form the lower borders of the popliteal fossa. The gastrocnemius
muscle is supplied by sural branches from the midpopliteal artery.
Popliteal Artery artery, which pierces the subsartorial fascial sling
along with the saphenous nerve (Fig. 17-6). The su-
At the distal end of the adductor canal, the superfi- perficial femoral vessels pass through the adductor
cial femoral artery gives off the highest genicular hiatus to reach the popliteal space.
Fascial roof
of adductor
Adductor magnus m.
genicular a. Semimembranosus m.
Saphenous n.
Gracilis m.
Semitendinosus m.
Sartorius m.
Biceps femoris m.
Fig. 17-7 The popliteal vessels are enclosed in a firm fibrous sheath and are separated by
a fat pad from the posterior face of the femur.
Muscular branches of the proximal popliteal sural vessels, arise from the midpopliteal artery and
artery to the lower hamstring muscles anastomose pass to the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle with
with terminal branches of the profunda femoris ar- the sural branches of the tibial nerve.
tery (Fig. 17-8). Additional muscular branches, the
Hamstring branches
communicating with
deep femoral a.
Biceps femoris m.
branch of highest
(short head)
genicular a.
Descending branch
of lateral femoral
Medial circumflex
septum Lateral
Adductor magnus
tendon Superior
genicular arteries
Sartorius m.
Semimembranosus m. Plantaris m.
Semitendinosus m.
Gastrocnemius m.
Gracilis m.
Medial genicular a.
Biceps femoris m.
Popliteal a.
Popliteus m.
Peroneal a.
Posterior tibial a.
Lateral femoral
Femoral a.
Branches to
Popliteal a. Musculo-
Lateral articular br.
superior Medial
genicular a. superior
genicular a.
Lateral Saphenous br.
genicular a.
Anterior tibial inferior
recurrent a. genicular a.
Fig. 17-9 The network of popliteal branches around the knee makes important collateral
connections proximally and distally.
The short distal segment of the popliteal through a hiatus in the origin of the soleus
artery lies between the heads of the gastrocne- muscle.
mius and popliteus muscles (Fig. 17-8). There The path of the popliteal vessels behind the
are no major branches from this segment, and it knee can be visualized by dividing and reflecting
is approachable from both the medial and lateral the posteromedial thigh muscles and the medial
sides of the leg. The popliteal artery disappears head of the gastrocnemius muscle (Fig. 17-10).
Adductor magnus m.
Biceps femoris m.
Semitendinosus m. Gracilis m.
Gastrocnemius m.
(medial head)
Fig. 17-10 Division of muscular attachments on the medial side of the knee exposes the
full length of the popliteal artery.
Exposure of the Suprageniculate Popliteal Artery suprageniculate popliteal artery for patients who are
undergoing secondary vascular operations, when
This section of the popliteal artery is the preferred infection or surgical scarring render the medial ap-
position for the distal anastomosis of a femoropop- proach inconvenient.
liteal bypass, providing that the arterial tree below
this level is devoid of flow-limiting stenoses. Sur- Technique of Medial Suprageniculate Exposure
geons generally favor autogenous tissue, such as The patient is placed in the supine position with
the saphenous vein, for the bypass graft. The use of the leg externally rotated and the knee flexed 30°
synthetic graft material for bypasses to the popliteal (Fig. 17-12). The entire leg should be shaved and
artery above the knee is also acceptable,1–3 but the prepped to facilitate movement during the dissection
ischemic consequences of a failed bypass are worse and to ensure that other areas are available for dis-
with prosthetic graft than with autogenous vein.4 section should the popliteal artery prove inadequate.
The suprageniculate popliteal artery is most An incision is made in the distal third of the me-
easily approached through a medial incision. dial thigh along the anterior border of the sartorius
Veith et al.5 popularized a lateral approach to the muscle.
Fig. 17-12 The incision for medial suprageniculate exposure lies along the anterior border
of the sartorius muscle.
Adductor magnus
Sartorius m.
Semimembranosus m. Saphenous n. and
superior genicular a.
Fig. 17-13 With the sartorius and gracilis muscles retracted posteriorly, the adductor mag-
nus tendon is separated from the semimembranosus muscle to expose the popliteal vessels
as they emerge through the adductor hiatus. The saphenous nerve and superior genicular
artery emerge through the roof of the adductor canal and cross the edge of the adductor
magnus muscle to reach the cleft between the sartorius and gracilis muscles.
hiatus (Fig. 17-14). Fascial connections between opening the sheath. The vein is often paired,
the adductor magnus tendon and the medial inter- and connecting channels that bridge the artery
muscular septum anterior to it may require division must be carefully divided to obtain exposure
to expose the anterior surface of the adductor hia- (Fig. 17-15).
tus. Care should be taken to preserve the highest Grafts to the suprageniculate popliteal artery
genicular artery and the saphenous branch of the are best brought through the adductor canal with a
femoral nerve. A tough fibrous sheath envelops the blunt tunneling instrument (Fig. 17-16). The graft
popliteal artery and vein. is thus situated in a natural anatomic plane where it
The artery is situated medial to the vein at is protected by the sartorius muscle and overlying
this level and therefore is encountered first on fascia lata.
Deep fascia
Medial intermuscular
Gracilis m.
Cut end of adductor
Semimembranosus m. magnus tendon
Sartorius m.
Fig. 17-14 The adductor magnus tendon can be divided to expose the proximal popliteal
vessels more completely. There is a fascial connection between the distal adductor tendon
and the medial intramuscular septum that must be divided to obtain the exposure shown.
Fig. 17-15 Within the vascular sheath, the artery must be carefully separated from sur-
rounding veins. Mobilization must be adequate for safe exposure and may be aided by the
use of soft vessel tapes.
Technique of Lateral Suprageniculate Approach origin of the short head of the biceps femoris muscle
The leg is internally rotated and flexed at the knee ends several centimeters above the lateral femoral
(Fig. 17-17). A longitudinal incision is made in the condyle, leaving a loophole6 between muscle and
distal third of the thigh between the biceps femoris bone through which the vessels may be reached
muscle and the iliotibial tract. The fascia lata is in- (Fig. 17-19).
cised posterior to the junction of iliotibial tract and When this space is opened, the tibial and pero-
lateral intermuscular septum. An incision that is too neal nerves remain in a posterior plane bound to the
anterior leads into the vastus lateralis muscle in front hamstring muscles by loose fascia, and the vessels
of the lateral intermuscular septum (Fig. 17-18). The are found directly beneath the femur (Fig. 17-20).
Lateral intermuscular
Iliotibial band
Biceps femoris m.
Fig. 17-18 The path to the popliteal
vessels from the lateral side of the
thigh lies through the deep fascia
posterior to the junction of the ilio-
tibial band and lateral intermuscular
septum (dashed line). An incision
anterior to this line leads into the
quadriceps muscles (upper arrow).
Biceps femoris m.
Short head
Long head
Biceps femoris m.
Semimembranosus m.
Tibial n.
Fig. 17-20 Above the knee, the tibial and
peroneal nerves are separated from the proxi-
Peroneal n.
mal popliteal vessels by loose fascia bridg-
ing the hamstring muscles. They are retracted
Semitendinosus m.
posteriorly with the muscles in the lateral
approach to the vessels.
The popliteal vein (which may be paired) is encoun- with atherosclerotic plaque. The preferred conduit is
tered first in the vascular sheath. It is mobilized and ipsilateral saphenous vein, which has superior long-
retracted posteriorly with the biceps femoris muscle term patency compared with prosthetic graft.7 When
(Fig. 17-21). ipsilateral saphenous vein is unavailable, suitable
alternatives include contralateral great saphenous
Exposure of the Infrageniculate Popliteal Artery vein, arm vein, or spliced small saphenous vein seg-
ments. In the rare patient without suitable autoge-
The infrageniculate popliteal artery is used more nous vein, use of prosthetic graft or endovascular
commonly in bypass surgery than the proximal pop- options may be preferable to amputation, even for
liteal segments because it is less likely to be involved TASC IID lesions.8–10
Lateral intermuscular
Popliteal a.
Biceps femoris m.
Fig. 17-21 The popliteal vein is encountered first in the vascular sheath and is best
retracted posteriorly with the biceps muscle.
the tibia and is most conveniently retracted with the aspect of the incision (Fig. 17-24). More proximal
posterior wound edge. Anterior perforating branches exposure can be obtained by dividing the tendons of
from the saphenous vein may require ligation to en- the semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius muscles,
sure safe retraction. but the divided ends should routinely be marked
The crural fascia is incised 1 cm posterior with suture tags and reapproximated at the end
to the tibia, and the fascial incision is extended of the procedure to preserve knee stability. More
proximally to the level of the semitendinosus distal exposure can be obtained by dividing the
tendon (Fig. 17-23). The underlying medial head of tibial attachments of the soleus muscle, which lies
the gastrocnemius muscle is retracted posteriorly, deep to the gastrocnemius muscle in the incision
exposing the neurovascular bundle in the proximal (Fig. 17-25).
Sartorius m.
Gracilis m.
Semitendinosus m.
Gastrocnemius m.
(medial head)
Soleus m.
Fig. 17-23 After the crural fascia is incised, the underlying medial head of the gastrocne-
mius muscle is retracted posteriorly.
Popliteal a. and v.
Anterior tibial a.
Soleus m.
Fig. 17-27 Grafts to the infrageniculate popliteal artery should be routed through the
adductor canal and tunneled posterior to the knee between the femoral condyles and
heads of the gastrocnemius muscle.
Fig. 17-28 The incision for the lateral infrageniculate
approach lies over the head and proximal third of the fibula.
Soleus m.
Deep peroneal n.
Superficial peroneal n.
Fig. 17-30 The peroneal nerve with its deep and superficial branches is carefully retracted
away from the fibula. The biceps tendon and fibular collateral ligament are divided to be-
gin mobilization of the head of the fibula.
The upper third of the fibula is then removed deep to the fibula is enhanced by retracting the freed
from its bed. This is most easily accomplished by fibular head into the wound (Fig. 17-31). The fibular
dividing the ligamentous attachments of the fibular shaft can then be transected with rib shears and the
head and shaft, staying close to the bone. Blunt dis- bone removed from its bed. The popliteal artery is
section of the muscular and ligamentous attachments encountered just deep to the fibular bed (Fig. 17-32),
Fig. 17-31 The proximal third of the fibula is stripped of attachments to the soleus and pero-
neus longus muscles. A periosteal elevator may aid in the disarticulation of the tibiofibular joint.
Transsection of the fibular shaft with rib shears is aided by elevation of the proximal fibula.
Tibioperoneal trunk
saphenous v. Peroneus longus m.
peroneal n.
Tibial n. Fibula (cut)
Soleus m.
Gastrocnemius m.
Fig. 17-32 The lateral infrageniculate approach exposes the distal popliteal artery and its
and its superficial location facilitates separation from from the femoral artery are brought across the an-
the adjacent vein (Fig. 17-33). terior thigh (Fig. 17-34). To prevent kinking, grafts
Grafts brought to the popliteal artery using this should be routed such that they cross the knee at the
approach are best routed subcutaneously.5Bypasses midpoint of the lateral femoral condyle.11
Anterior tibial a.
Interosseous membrane
Peroneal a
Posterior tibial a.
Fig. 17-33 The vessels are found deep to the fibular bed and posterior to the interosseous
Exposure of the Midpopliteal Artery the muscle boundaries of the popliteal fossa. The
need to reposition patients intraoperatively adds to
There is a group of disorders peculiar to the sec- the inconvenience of this approach for procedures
tion of the popliteal artery that traverses the knee involving arterial bypasses.
joint (midpopliteal artery). These disorders include
popliteal entrapment syndrome, cystic adventitial Technique of Posterior Approach
disease, and traumatic intimal flaps from posterior The patient is placed in the prone position with
knee dislocations. Aneurysms may sometimes be the knee slightly flexed. An S-shaped incision is
confined to the midpopliteal artery, allowing a rela- preferred to avoid the deforming scar contractures
tively limited dissection for correction of the pathol- associated with simple vertical incisions across
ogy. The posterior approach may also be useful in the posterior knee (Fig. 17-35). The superior lon-
cases of reoperative arterial surgery.12 gitudinal portion of the incision is made on the
The use of the posterior approach is contra-
indicated in procedures designed to correct more
diffuse vessel pathology. Exposure of the suprage-
niculate and infrageniculate arteries is hampered by
Small saphenous v.
Fig. 17-36 The small saphenous vein is identified in the subcutaneous tissue just superficial
to the deep fascia.
medial sural nerve is retracted for clear access to biceps femoris tendon obliquely toward the head of
the major neurovascular structures (Fig. 17-37). the fibula. Distal exposure may be enhanced at this
The tibial nerve is the most superficial major mid- point by retracting the two heads of the gastrocne-
line structure, and the peroneal nerve follows the mius muscle apart; this may require vertical division
Medial sural n.
Popliteal a.
Popliteal v.
Tibial n.
Small saphenous v.
Fig. 17-37 A vertical incision of the deep fascia exposes the contents of the popliteal
space. The medial sural cutaneous nerve should be divided for clear access to the major
neurovascular structures.
Popliteal v.
Popliteal a.
Small Peroneal n.
saphenous v.
(lateral head)
Tibial n.
Fig. 17-38 The tibial nerve is the most superficial major midline structure and should be
retracted laterally to expose the ensheathed popliteal vessels.
References 7. The TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC)
Working Group. Management of peripheral arterial
1. Takaqi H, Goto SW, Matsui M, et al. A contemporary disease (PAD). J Vasc Surg. 2000;31:S217–S225.
meta-analysis of dacron versus polytetrafluoroethyl- 8. Parsons RE, Suggs WD, Veith FJ, et al. Polytetraflu-
ene graft for femoropopliteal bypass grafting. J Vasc oroethylene bypasses to infrapopliteal arteries with-
Surg. 2010;52:232–236. out cuffs or patches: a better option than amputation
2. Twine CP, McLain AD. Graft type for femoropop- in patients without autologous vein. J Vasc Surg.
liteal bypass surgery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 1996;23:347–356.
2010;12:CD001487. 9. Baril DT, Marone LK, Kim J, et al. Outcomes
3. Van Det RJ, Vriens BH, van der Palen J, et al. Dacron of endovascular interventions for TASC IIB
or PTFE for femoro-popliteal above-knee bypass and C femoropopliteal lesions. J Vasc Surg.
grafting: short-and long-term results of a multicen- 2008;48:627–633.
tre randomized trial. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 10. Baril DT, Chaer RA, Rhee RY, et al. Endovascular
2009;37:457–463. interventions for TASC IID femoropopliteal lesions.
4. Jackson MR, Belott TP, Dickason T, et al. The con- J Vasc Surg. 2010;51:1406–1412.
sequences of a failed femoropopliteal bypass graft- 11. Ouriel K, Rutherford RB. Femoral infrapopliteal
ing: comparison of saphenous vein and PTFE grafts. bypass with contralateral saphenous vein. In:
J Vasc Surg. 2000;32:498–505. Ouriel K, Rutherford RB, eds. Atlas of Vascular
5. Veith FJ, Aster E, Gupta SK, et al. Lateral approach Surgery: Operative Procedures. Philadelphia, PA:
to the popliteal artery. J Vasc Surg 1987;6:119–123. WB Saunders; 1998:34–39.
6. Henry AK. The back of the thigh and the leg. In: Henry 12. Gelabert HA, Colburn MD, Machleder HI. Posterior
AK, ed. Extensile Exposure, 2nd ed. Edinburgh, exposure of the popliteal artery in reoperative vascu-
England: Churchill Livingstone; 1973:241–259. lar surgery. Ann Vasc Surg. 1996;10:53–58.
Peroneal a.
Fascia of the Leg around the knee joint and ankle joint. Thickened
bands of this fascia form retinacula at the ankle
A dense fascial layer, continuous with the fas- that restrain the extensor (dorsiflexor), flexor
cia lata of the thigh, encircles the leg. This cru- (plantar flexor), and peroneal (evertor) tendons
ral fascia is adherent to underlying structures (Fig. 18-2).
Fig. 18-2 A, B: Thickened bands of the dense crural fascia form restraining retinacula at
the ankle over the extensor, flexor, and peroneal tendons. The two principal neurovascular
bundles lie beneath the extensor and flexor retinacula.
Inferior extensor
compartment Deep posterior
Lateral compartment
compartment Anterior
Fig. 18-3 Strong septa between the crural fascia and the bones of the leg separate the leg
into discrete compartments.
Popliteal a.
tibial a.
Peroneal a.
tibial a.
Fig. 18-4 The major arteries of the leg lie in the anterior and deep posterior compartments
and supply adjacent compartments through perforating branches.
peroneal n.
peroneal n.
peroneal n.
tibial n.
Lateral Deep
compartment posterior
Fig. 18-6 Four-compartment fasciotomy
can be performed through separate medial
and lateral leg incisions.
Fig. 18-7 A septum of each compartment attaches to the fibula, allowing universal com-
partment decompression by fibulectomy.
Tibial n.
Popliteal a.+v.
Peroneal n.
Gastrocnemius m.
Soleus m.
longus m.
Fig. 18-8 The powerful gastrocnemius and soleus muscles occupy the superficial poste-
rior compartment of the leg.
Tibial n.
Popliteal a.
Peroneal n.
Gastrocnemius m.
Popliteus m.
tibial a.
Soleus m.
tibial a. Peroneal a.
posterior m.
longus m.
longus m.
Tibialis posterior m.
tibial a.
Tibialis anterior m.
Tibial n.
Extensor hallucis longus m.
longus m.
plantar a.
Medial plantar a.
Flexor hallucis
brevis m. Flexor digitorum
hallucis m. brevis m.
Fig. 18-10 Tendons of the plantar flexor muscles pass behind the medial malleolus under
the flexor retinaculum.
anterior m.
Peroneal n.
tibial a. & v.
& deep
peroneal n.
longus m.
longus m.
pedis a.
Superior extensor retinaculum
longus m.
Anterior tibial a.
brevis m.
Inferior Peroneus
peroneal tertius m.
Fig. 18-12 Tendons of the dorsiflexors are held at the ankle and foot by the superior and
inferior extensor retinacula.
longus m.
brevis m.
tibial a.
Deep Tibialis
peroneal n. anterior m.
longus m.
Peroneus longus m.
tertius m.
Gastrocnemius m.
Popliteus m.
tibial a.
Flexor hallucis
Posterior longus m.
tibial a.
of deep
Flexor digitorum
longus m.
longus m.
Peroneus brevis m.
Fig. 18-17 The path of the peroneal nerve and its branches is dissected free of overlying
muscles to protect the nerve during mobilization of the fibula.
Fig. 18-18 A long flap of peroneal muscles is created by shaving the muscles off the fibula
distally to proximally. The interosseous membrane strips best in the opposite direction.
Anterior tibial a.
Deep posterior
peroneal n.
tibial a.
peroneal n.
Tibial n.
Peroneal a.
Fig. 18-19 In the midcalf, the neurovascular structures are grouped in the central portion
of the leg.
Deep peroneal n.
Anterior tibial a. anterior
Extensor hallucis
longus m.
peroneal n. br. Great
Extensor digitorum saphenous v.
longus m.
Peroneal a.
Sural n. tibial a.
Small saphenous v.
Tibial n.
Fascia of deep
posterior compartment Plantaris tendon
Achilles tendon
Fig. 18-20 In the distal leg, the anterior and posterior tibial neurovascular structures
become more superficial.
longus Deep peroneal n.
Dorsalis pedis a.
anterior Peroneus tertius
Extensor digitorum
saphenous v.
Superficial peroneal n.
Perforating br. peroneal a.
Fig. 18-21 Cross section demonstrates the anatomic relationships at the level of the ankle.
Tibial n.
Popliteal v.
Popliteal a.
Sural n’s
Sural n.
Popliteus m.
saphenous v.
tibial a.
Soleus m.
(tibial head
Tibialis Soleus m.
posterior m. (fibular head)
Tibial n.
longus m.
Peroneal a.
tibial a.
longus m. Tibialis
anterior m.
longus m. Extensor
longus m.
brevis m.
tibial a.
Deep peroneal n.
Inferior Dorsalis
extensor pedis a.
Fig. 18-23 The dorsalis pedis artery and deep peroneal nerve emerge at the ankle between
the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus muscles.
Flexor digitorum
longus m.
Flexor hallucis
longus m.
longus m.
posterior m.
Tibial n.
brevis m.
Posterior tibial a.
Fig. 18-24 The posterior tibial artery and tibial nerve lie posterior to the medial malleolus
in a groove between the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus tendons.
Posterior tibial a.
Tibial n.
Peroneal a.
Flexor digitorum
longus m.
Tibialis posterior m.
Communication br.
Perforating br.
Flexor hallucis
longus m.
Fig. 18-25 The peroneal artery lies on the interosseous membrane on the medial side of the fibula.
Peroneal a. Posterior
tibial a.
malleolar a.
malleolar a.
plexus Medial
tarsal a’s.
tarsal a. Dorsalis
pedis a.
Lateral Medial
plantar a. plantar a.
Arcuate a. br.
Plantar arch.
plantar a. Arcuate a.
pedis a.
plantar a.
Medial tarsal a.
tarsal a’s.
tibial a.
Peroneal a.
Extensor longus
hallucis tendons
brevis m.
Arcuate a.
tarsal a. Lateral
tarsal a.
Dorsalis tertius
pedis a.
Deep peroneal n. digitorum
brevis m.
posterior Peroneus
digitorum longus Peroneus
Posterior tibial a.
Tibial n.
Fig. 18-28 The dorsal foot arteries lie deep to
Flexor hallucis longus
the extensor tendons of the toes.
Tibialis posterior m.
Posterior tibial a.
Medial plantar a.
Lateral plantar a.
hallucis m.
Quadratus brevis m.
plantae m.
Fig. 18-29 The lateral plantar artery courses deep to the flexor digitorum brevis muscle
and pierces the first metatarsal interspace to anastomose with the deep plantar branch of
the dorsalis pedis.
Flexor retinaculum
Fascia of
(lacinate lig.)
deep posteriot
Tibialis posterior
tibial a.
Tibial n.
Medial plantar a.
Lateral plantar a.
Flexor digitorum brevis m.
Abductor hallucis m. (cut)
Fig. 18-30 The posterior tibial artery and tibial nerve are located just beneath the deep
posterior compartment fascia as they curve posterior to the medial malleolus.
hallucis m.
Plantar Flexor
arch hallucis
brevis m.
hallucis m.
plantar a.
Quadratus Tibialis
plantae m. posterior
Abductor Medial
digiti plantar a.
minimus m.
Plantar brevis m.
(cut) Fig. 18-31 A plantar view demonstrates the
relationship of the plantar arch to the three
layers of plantar muscles.
Extensor anterior m.
digitorum Tibialis
longus m. posterior m.
Anterior tibial a.
Deep peroneal n.
Peroneal a. Gastrocnemius m.
Medial sural
cutaneous n.
saphenous v.
Fig. 18-32 Medial approaches to the posterior tibial artery also provide access to the great
saphenous vein when performing an in situ bypass.
Gastrocnemius m.
(medial head)
Soleus m.
Fig. 18-33 The approach to the proximal posterior tibial artery first requires separation of
the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to expose the distal popliteal artery penetrating the
origin of the soleus.
tibial a. and v.
Soleus m.
Fig. 18-34 Division of the tibial origin of the soleus exposes the underlying proximal leg vessels.
tibial a.
Flexor Flexor
hallucis digitorum
longus m. longus m.
tibial a.
Fig. 18-36 The incision for approaching the posterior tibial artery in the midleg is illustrated.
Fig. 18-37 The posterior tibial artery is found on the surface of the flexor digitorum longus
muscle beneath the thin fascia enclosing the deep posterior compartment. The extensive
mobilization shown in the cross section for purposes of illustration would not be done
clinically to preserve important collateral branches.
Fig. 18-38 The incision for posterior exposure of the posterior tibial artery should be
made directly over the small saphenous vein.
Popliteal a.
tibial a.
Tibial n.
Soleus m.
peroneal Peroneal a.
tibial a.
tibial a.
Fascia of
deep posterior
compartment Tibial n.
Posterior tibial a.
Tibial n.
Flexor digitorum
Flexor hallucis
anterior m.
longus m.
longus m.
Tibialis anterior m.
Extensor digitorum
longus m.
Superior extensor
Extensor hallucis
longus m.
Peroneal a. malleolar a.
Anterior Inferior
lateral extensor
malleolar a. retinaculum
Fig. 18-43 At the ankle, the anterior tibial artery crosses the anterior tibial surface beneath
the extensor retinacula.
Peroneal a.
Fig. 18-45 The medial approach to the peroneal artery uses the same incision as the medial
approach to the posterior tibial artery.
Tibia longus m.
Peroneal a. tibial a.
Soleus m. Flexor
longus m.
Fig. 18-46 By retracting the posterior tibial vessels and nerve posteriorly with the soleus
muscle, the deeper lying peroneal artery anterior to the flexor hallucis longus muscle is
Fig. 18-47 The peroneal nerve is isolated in preparation for the lateral approach to the
peroneal artery.
Fig. 18-48 The peroneal muscles are elevated to expose the fibula for excision.
Peroneal a.
Peroneal a.
Flexor Flexor
hallucis digitorum
longus longus
tibial a.
Achilles tendon
Peroneal a.
Extensor Anterior
Extensor saphenous v.
Lateral Tibialis
Peroneus longus
longus Posterior
Calcaneal tibial a.
Flexor tibial n.
Fig. 18-51 The posterior tibial artery is found just deep to the crural fascia at the ankle and
is easily accessible for distal bypass (cross section of right leg, caudal view).
Tibialis posterior
Posterior tibial a.
Flexor retinaculum
Lateral plantar a.
Medial plantar a.
Abductor hallucis
Fig. 18-52 The incision for exposure of the posterior tibial artery branches is shown.
Flexor digitorum
longus m.
Flexor hallucis
longus m.
planter a.
hallucis m.
plantar a.
Fig. 18-53 The bifurcation of the posterior tibial artery is located on the superior border of
the abductor hallucis muscle.
peroneal n.,
medial dorsal
Lateral Medial
tarsal a. tarsal a.
peroneal n. Extensor hallucis
Extensor longus tendon
brevis m.
Arcuate a.
Fig. 18-54 The dorsalis pedis artery is exposed between the extensor hallucis longus
tendon and the extensor hallucis brevis muscle.
Anatomic Variation
of the Blood
Vessels 19
Thoracic Aorta subclavian artery arising as the fourth branch of the
aortic arch. This vessel most commonly passes pos-
Aortic Arch terior to the esophagus and may cause esophageal
Anomalies of the aortic arches are rare and are usu- compression and dysphagia (dysphagia lusoria).3
ally the result of atypical segmental regression of Regression of the distal left arch results in a
the paired arches present at approximately the sev- right-sided aortic arch that is the mirror image of
enth embryonic week1 (Fig. 19-1). Many of these the common pattern (Fig. 19-2C), and regression
anomalies are asymptomatic and are discovered in- of the left carotid-subclavian segment results in a
cidentally. Aortic rings, for example, are often to- right arch with an aberrant left subclavian artery4
tally asymptomatic but may cause dysphagia and (Fig. 19-2D). Partial persistence of any of the in-
dyspnea in the neonatal period. voluted segments as a hypoplastic channel or fi-
Aortic arch anomalies have been classified brous band results in a vascular ring surrounding
into four groups and 24 subgroups by Stewart et the trachea and esophagus. In addition, connec-
al.2 The variety of forms seems confusing at first tion of the sixth arch to the dorsal continuation of
glance but yields to logical analysis when one con- the fourth arch may persist on one or both sides,
siders the segments of the paired fourth arches that adding a variety of ductus arteriosus anomalies to
involute (Fig. 19-2). Regression of the distal seg- the basic aberrant arch patterns. The mirror image
ment of the right fourth arch results in the normal variants of each of these patterns accounts for the
pattern of the brachiocephalic, left common carotid, number of described anomalies. Although some
and left subclavian arteries arising from a left-sided variations of aberrant aortic arch branch patterns
arch (Fig. 19-2A). Regression of the right arch seg- are consequences of basic arch anomalies, many
ment between the common carotid and right subcla- others are seen with the common form of a simple
vian arteries (Fig. 19-2B) results in an aberrant right left-sided arch.
carotid a.
Subclavian a.
Transverse Thyrocervical
cervical a. trunk Internal
thoracic a.
Suprascapular a.
Intercostal a.
Fig. 19-3 Collateral channels through scapular and chest wall vessels enlarge in response
to the pressure gradient created by an aortic coarctation.
Primary Branches of the Aortic Arch a common root with the brachiocephalic trunk7
The major branches of the aortic arch vary in their (Fig. 19-4). These two patterns, along with an-
position on the arch, their distance from each other, other (the left vertebral artery arising from the
the number of their primary stems, and their course arch between the left common carotid and sub-
and tortuosity. In addition, a number of branches clavian arteries [2.5% to 5% of cases]), account
that are usually secondary may originate instead di- for 95% to 97% of aortic arch branch patterns.
rectly from the aorta.6 A large variety of other patterns comprise the re-
Although the common pattern of branching maining few percent of aberrations, with the ab-
is seen approximately 70% to 80% of the time, errant right subclavian artery mentioned above
as many as one-fourth of the population has a appearing frequently in combination with other
left common carotid originating from or sharing anomalies.
Fig. 19-4 In addition to the common aortic arch branch pattern, origin of the left common
carotid from the brachiocephalic and left vertebral artery origin from the arch comprise
almost 95% of all arch patterns.
scalene m.
Subclavian a.
Fig. 19-5 When the right subclavian artery arises distally, it passes behind or between
the trachea and esophagus to reach the right side (posterior view). The passage of the
subclavian artery through the scalene muscles may vary.
7% C5
88% C6
7% C7
Arteries of the Upper Extremity Brachial Artery
Major variations of the brachial artery have been
Axillary Artery found in 20% to 25% of individuals.7 These varia-
The main trunk of the axillary artery is fairly con- tions most often take the form of high branching in
stant. Significant variations include rare early the proximal third of the arm. Two-thirds of these
branching into radial and ulnar arteries and the pres- are unilateral, and most of the remaining bilateral
ence of a latissimus muscle slip over the third part anomalies were different from side to side. Five pat-
of the vessel. The branches of the axillary artery, terns of early brachial artery branching have been
conversely, are so variable that the most common suggested (Fig. 19-7): radial and ulnar common in-
pattern occurred in only 20 of 47 bodies studied by terosseous trunks; ulnar and radial common inter-
Hitzrot.9 Those contemplating mobilizing a pectoralis osseous trunks; common interosseous or persistent
musculocutaneous flap based on the pectoral branch median artery and radioulnar trunk; radial, ulnar,
of the thoracoacromial artery or a latissimus dorsi and common interosseous trunks; and a normal bra-
flap based on the thoracodorsal branch of the chial artery with a long, thin aberrant branch that
subscapular artery should review this reference. runs superficial to the median nerve and ends in the
Superficial arch
Deep arch
completed or contributed to the arch in 5% of indi- aorta are among the most variable in the body, in
viduals. The deep arch is less variable than the su- both their origin and course.
perficial arch. Either arch may supplement small or
missing branches of the other. The princeps pollicis Branches of the Abdominal Aorta
and radial indicis arteries, in particular, may arise Numerous minor variations are found in the paired
from either or both arches. somatic branches of the abdominal aorta. The infe-
rior phrenic arteries may arise independently or from
a common stem, may have supernumerary branches,
Abdominal Aorta and may arise from the aorta or from the celiac ar-
tery or its branches. The lumbar arteries also vary in
Variations and anomalies of the abdominal aorta are their origins and number.
rare and mostly minor. These include variations in The visceral branches of the abdominal aorta
the level of bifurcation, tortuosity, and direct origin are so highly variable that Nelson et al.13 found that
of normally secondary visceral branches. The most the celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesen-
clinically significant abdominal aortic anomaly is teric arteries followed the classic description in less
the rare occurrence of coarctation (0.5% to 2% of all than one-fourth of cases.
coarctations).11,12 The narrowing is more diffuse than
in the thoracic aorta and often involves stenosis of Celiac Trunk and Its Branches
one or both renal arteries, making correction more The typical three-branched celiac trunk has been
complex. The secondary branches of the abdominal found in 60% to 89% of bodies (Fig. 19-9).
The common variations in origins of the right the time. Most often the aberrant vessel replaces the
and left hepatic arteries are shown in Figure 19-11. An standard branch off the proper hepatic artery, and the
aberrant vessel is found for each artery one-fourth of remaining aberrant vessels are accessory branches.
2% 27%
4% 3%
Fig. 19-12 The right hepatic artery varies in position relative to the common hepatic duct
(top), and the origin and course of the cystic artery vary (bottom).
The gastroduodenal artery arises from the with three other variations accounting for 94% of
common hepatic artery in three-fourths of cases, instances14 (Fig. 19-13).
Fig. 19-14 Variations in the origin of the right gastric artery are shown on a single hepatic
artery stem for simplicity.
Superior Mesenteric Artery may replace or supplement the usual right hepatic.
The superior mesenteric artery, like the other un- The superior mesenteric artery may also provide
paired visceral branches of the abdominal aorta, has accessory branches to the stomach, pancreas, or
many variations. It may originate from the celiac spleen. It may also provide left colic and superior
trunk or as two separate trunks from the aorta. It rectal branches that replace the inferior mesenteric
may give rise to the splenic, right, left, or common artery. The greatest variability in the superior mesen-
hepatic artery or a combination of these vessels. teric artery is found in its colic branches. Sonneland
A right hepatic artery from the superior mesenteric et al.15 divided these variations into seven types
artery has been found in 12% to 20% of cases and (Fig. 19-15).
Middle colic a.
colic a. M
Iliocolic a. 68% I
9% R
4% 0.4%
0.5% I
Fig. 19-15 Colic branches of the superior mesenteric artery vary by their absence or duplication.
13% 11%
Suprarenal Arteries renal polar vessel. The inferior suprarenal artery
A large variety of patterns characterizes the superior, may arise from the renal (46%) or aorta (30%) or
middle, and inferior suprarenal arteries (Fig. 19-17). both (23%), may be absent (12%), and is multiple
The superior suprarenal arteries invariably (96%) 11% of the time (average of three).
come from the inferior phrenic arteries (recall the
variable origins of the inferior phrenics), and there Gonadal Vessels
may be three to 30 branches. The middle suprare- The gonadal vessels may be multiple and may
nal is single 85% of the time and may arise from originate anywhere along the abdominal aorta and
the aorta, inferior phrenic, renal, celiac, or superior its branches.
Fig. 19-17 Alternate sites of origin of the middle and inferior suprarenal arteries are shown.
unusually low placement of the arcuate ligament rather angle (Fig. 19-19) has been attributed to an extrinsic
than a high celiac trunk is the primary pathology.18 source of compression, such as a body cast or pro-
Compression of the third portion of the duo- longed bed rest in a supine position.19 Other postu-
denum by the superior mesenteric artery may cause lated causes include spinal curvature, rapid weight
duodenal obstructive symptoms and weight loss. loss (with loss of the angular fat pad), or a combina-
In some cases, narrowing of the mesenteric-aortic tion of anatomic idiosyncrasies.
iliac a.
iliac a.
iliac a.
gluteal a. (SG)
gluteal a. (IG) SG
Internal IG
pudendal a. (P) 23%
branches (vesicle, uterine, and middle rectal) and alternate sites of origin and frequencies are shown
the obturator artery frequently appear in varying in Figure 19-21. The most clinically significant
combinations.6 The most variable branch of the in- variation is the inferior epigastric origin in one
ternal iliac is the obturator, which is most often a of five individuals, which poses a danger during
direct branch of the anterior division.20 The multiple herniorrhaphy (see Fig. 15-9).
iliac a.
epigastric a.
iliac a.
Internal iliac a.
Anterior Superior gluteal a.
division of
iliac a.
umbilical a.
Obturator a.
Inferior gluteal a.
pudendal a.
Fig. 19-21 Origins of the highly variable obturator artery include virtually every pelvic vessel.
gluteal a.
gluteal a.
Sciatic a.
Femoral a.
Fig. 19-22 Persistence of the sciatic artery may be associated with absence of the superficial
femoral artery.
External Iliac Artery artery in the adductor canal and leaves the canal to
The external iliac artery exhibits little variability. It accompany the great saphenous vein at the knee.7
may be tortuous or reduced in the presence of the
persistent sciatic artery mentioned previously. One Profunda Femoris Artery
of its two usual branches, the inferior epigastric ar- In one-third of individuals, the profunda femoris
tery, may arise as many as several centimeters proxi- arises closer than 2.5 or farther than 5.1 cm from
mal to the inguinal ligament. The other branch, the the inguinal ligament. In 89% of cases, the profunda
deep circumflex iliac, may be absent, multiple, or arises lateral to the posterior midline of the common
arise in common with the inferior epigastric artery femoral and courses laterally. The vessel is directly
and may give rise to the external pudendal, medial, posterior in 37%, directly lateral in 12%, and pos-
or lateral femoral circumflex artery. terolateral in 40%.22 The other 11% of the time, the
profunda arises toward the medial side of the com-
Arteries of the Lower Extremity mon femoral artery.
In 50% to 60% of cases, the medial and lateral
Common and Superficial Femoral Arteries femoral circumflex arteries arise from the proximal
The common femoral artery may give rise to branches profunda. The medial and lateral circumflex arteries
more commonly originating from contiguous ves- arise from the common femoral artery 20% and 13%
sels (e.g., inferior epigastric, deep circumflex iliac, of the time, respectively23 (Fig. 19-23). The pro-
circumflex femoral vessels). Occasionally a greater funda has between two and six perforating branches
saphenous artery arises from the superficial femoral excluding the termination of the artery.
Common femoral a.
Deep femoral a.
femoral a.
Lateral femoral
femoral circumflex a.
circumflex a.
Geniculate br.
Popliteal a.
tibial a.
tibial a. Peroneal a.
tibial a.
Popliteus m.
Fig. 19-24 Branch patterns of the leg vessels include a high origin of the anterior tibial
artery that then passes deep to the popliteus muscle.
An extrinsic anatomic variant involving the through the muscle (Fig. 19-25D), and in addition
popliteal artery occurs when the vessel follows may pass deep to the popliteus (Fig. 19-25E). In-
an aberrant course relative to the calf muscles25 termittent compression may cause calf claudication
(Fig. 19-25). The artery may pass medial to a nor- and degenerative changes in the vessel. This condi-
mal or abnormal origin of the medial head of the tion should be suspected in young patients with calf
gastrocnemius (Fig. 19-25B and C), may pass claudication.
Fig. 19-25 The normal popliteal course is shown (A). The most common cause of
popliteal entrapment is medial displacement of the artery around a normal medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle (B).
Fig. 19-25 The vessel may be diverted by an abnormal muscle origin (C), pass through the
muscle (D), or pass beneath the popliteus muscle (E).
Popliteus m.
Fig. 19-25 (continued)
tibial T-P
Fig. 19-26 Branch patterns of the leg arteries. In the most common form, the anterior tibial
and posterior tibial arteries are continuous to the foot (A). Variations include the absence
of the posterior tibial artery with plantar vessels continuing from the peroneal artery (B),
absence of the anterior tibial artery with the dorsalis pedis artery continuing from the per-
forating branch of the peroneal artery (C), and the posterior tibial artery passing through
the interosseous membrane to join the anterior tibial artery, with plantar arteries continuing
from the peroneal artery (D).
(Fig. 19-26C). The dorsalis pedis artery in such the anterior tibial artery (Fig. 19-26D). The plantar
cases is a continuation of the perforating branch of vessels then arise from the peroneal artery. When
the peroneal artery. Occasionally, the posterior tib- one vessel is reduced, its territory is supplied by
ial penetrates the interosseous membrane and joins one or more of the companion vessels.
Small or
PT through
mbr. to join
DP from
br. of
peroneal Plantars
(4%) from peroneal
Fig. 19-26 (continued)
Left superior
vena cava
which the right-sided cardinal vein elements have smaller than the right and communicates with the
regressed, only the left superior vena cava remains. right through a preaortic anastomosis at or below
In such cases, the right side drains to the left in a mir- the level of the renal veins (Fig. 19-28). The two
ror image of the normal anatomy, and the azygous venae cavae may also be joined by an iliac commu-
veins are also reversed. This condition is not neces- nication at their caudal end. This latter communica-
sarily associated with other visceral transpositions. tion is sometimes preaortic. In addition, there may
be a retroaortic left renal vein (2%) with or without
Inferior Vena Cava and Renal Veins a normal anterior left renal vein. In the presence of
Persistence of the left subcardinal vein results in a both, a circumaortic renal collar is formed.
double inferior vena cava in as many as 2% to 3% A left-sided inferior vena cava is a compo-
of individuals and a single left-sided inferior vena nent of situs inversus but may be present as an iso-
cava in 0.2% to 0.5%.1 The left vein is commonly lated anomaly. In the case of bilateral subcardinal
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Subject index
Page numbers followed by f refer to figures Antebrachial cutaneous nerve Axillary vein, 79f, 120f, 137f, 138f, 142f, 164f,
lateral, 190f, 191f, 218f, 219f 168f, 172f
A medial, 158f, 190f, 201f development of, 13
posterior, 191f, 219f Axis, transverse process of, 71
Abdominal aorta, 236, 237–270, 350f Antegrade puncture, of femoral artery, 407 Azygous vein, 79f, 83f, 87f, 244f
anatomic relationships of, 237–241 Anterior compartment, 475f, 502f development of, 16f, 17f
branches of, variation, 551 Anterolateral thoracotomy, 101–104
coarctation, 551 in trap door thoracotomy, 105–108 B
exposure of, 245–270 Aorta(s), 11f, 150f, 236f, 238f, 244f, 317f,
infrarenal 318f, 319f, 320f, 367f. See also Baroreceptors, 46
exposure of, 323–335 Abdominal aorta; Thoracic aorta Basilar artery, 56f
intraperitoneal approach, 323 development of, 2, 4f, 8f, 17f Basilic vein, 185f, 186f, 187f, 201f
retroperitoneal approach, 323, dorsal, 7–9, 11f development of, 13
326–329 embryonic development of, 3f, 4f Biceps brachii muscle, 170f, 180f, 186f, 192f,
transperitoneal approach, 323–326 intersegmental (dorsal and lateral) branches, 197f, 199f, 203f
surgical anatomy of, 315–323 7 long head, 167f, 176f
retroperitoneal relationships of, 318–319 ventral visceral branch, 7 short head, 156f, 167f, 176f
supraceliac, 242–245 Aortic arch(es), 79f, 103f Biceps brachii tendon, 193f
surgical anatomy of, 237–245 branches of, exposure of, 90–108 Biceps femoris muscle, 60f, 447f, 454f, 456f,
variations, 551–561 development of, 5–6, 5f, 6f 464f, 465f, 466f
Abdominal aortic aneurysms, 323 primary branches of, variations, 545 long head, 431f, 452f, 465f
Abductor digiti minimi muscle, 224f, 514f Aortic bifurcation, 272f short head, 431f, 452f, 456f, 465f
Abductor hallucis muscle, 493f, 512f, 513f, Aortic plexus, 320f, 322f Biceps femoris tendon, 472f
514f, 535f, 536f Aortofemoral bypass, 415 Biceps muscle, 120f, 184f, 186f
Abductor pollicis longus muscle, 195f, anatomy of tunnel for, 416–417 insertion, 176f
209f, 225f Apical growth ridge, 11f long, 156f
Abductor pollicis longus tendon, 227f Arc of Riolan. See Meandering mesenteric short head, 172f
Accessory nerve, 32f, 36f, 37f, 39f, 48f, 70f artery Biceps tendon, 180f, 202f, 473
Achilles tendon, 503f, 533f Arcuate artery, 509f, 510f, 511f, 537f Bicipital aponeurosis, 180f, 199f, 201f
Acute compartment syndrome, 209–210 Arcuate ligament, median, 272f, 274f, 281f Birth, circulation at, 18, 18f
Adductor brevis muscle, 390f, 400f, Arcuate line, 339f Blood vessels
403f, 426f, 428f, 433f, 434f, Ascending pharyngeal artery, 30f anatomic variations of, 541–574
435f, 445f Atlantooccipital membrane, 74, 74f development of, 1–14
Adductor canal (of Hunter), 434f, 440f, 450f posterior, 58f aortic arches, 5–6, 5f, 6f
fascial roof of, 454f Atlas, transverse process of, 71 dorsal aorta, 7–9, 7f, 8f, 9f
Adductor hallucis muscle, oblique head, 514f Auricular artery, posterior, 30f extremities, 10–14, 10f, 11f, 12f, 13f
Adductor hiatus, 432f, 434f, 449f, 451f, 454f Auricular nerve, great, 32f overview of, 1–2, 1f
Adductor longus muscle, 390f, 394f, 400f, Axial artery, 11f primordial, 2–4, 2f, 3f, 4f
403f, 426f, 428f, 432f, 433f, 434f, Axilla Body stalk, 2f, 3f
435f, 445f, 451f fasciae of, 159 Bookwalter retractor. See Omni retractor
Adductor magnus muscle, 400f, 426f, 428f, muscular boundaries of, 156 Botulinum toxin A, 126
430f, 431f, 432f, 433f, 434f, 435f, nerves of, 158–159 Brachial artery, 162f, 176f, 177–187,
445f, 447f, 449f, 451f, 452f, 454f, Axillary artery, 79f, 120f, 137f, 138f, 179f, 180f, 187f, 197f, 198f,
458f, 483f 155–174, 162f, 164f, 168f, 202f, 203f
Adductor magnus tendon, 449f, 451f, 456f, 170f, 172f deep, 157f, 181f, 182f
461f, 462f, 465f anatomy of, 155–159 development of, 12f
Adductor muscle, 430f, 431f branches of, 157 distal, exposure of, 200–203
Adductor pollicis muscle, 224f exposure of, 160–161 exposure of, 185–187
Adductor tubercle, 451f axillary approach to second and third variations, 549–550
Adrenal, 9f parts, 167–169 Brachial cutaneous nerve, medial, 158f
Adrenal vein(s) covered stents, 160 Brachial fascia, 159f, 177
development of, 16–17 deltopectoral approach, 170–174 Brachial muscles, anterior, 179–180
left, 299f, 301f, 350f infraclavicular approach to first part, Brachial nerve, deep, 158f, 178f
right, 299f, 350f 161–166 Brachial plexus, 24, 32f, 55f, 121f, 130f, 137f,
Allantois, 2f, 3f injury, 160 138f, 139f
Alveolar nerve, inferior, 36f mobilization of, 164–166, 164f cords
Amnion, 2f sections of, 160 lateral, 116f, 158f, 172f, 176f
Amnionic cavity, 2f, 3f variations, 549 medial, 158f, 172f, 176f
Anastomotic artery, 12f Axillary fascia, 118f, 159f posterior, 116f, 172f, 176f
Anatomic variations, vascular, 541–574 Axillary nerve, 158f, 178f, 181f divisions, 116f
Anconeus muscle, 195f Axillary sheath, 24f, 159f, 167f, 168f roots of, 116f
Ansa cervicalis, 27f, 29f, 32, 32f, 36f, 39f Axillary sheath fascia, 118f trunks, 116f
Ansa hypoglossi. See Ansa cervicalis Axillary space, 118 Brachial sheath, 118f, 186f
Ansa subclavia, 82f, 122f surgical view of, 120f Brachial vein, 178
Brachialis muscle, 179f, 184f, 192f, 193f, 197f, sixth, 54f Coracoacromial ligament, 156f
199f, 203f transverse, 32f Coracobrachialis muscle, 156f, 167f, 168f,
insertion, 176f Cervical plexus, 32 172f, 179f, 180f, 183f
Brachiocephalic artery, 79f, 85f, 87f, 96f, 97f Cervical rib, 113, 124, 124f, 131, 140 Coracoid ligament, 156f
exposure of, 91–92 Cervical spine, 23 Coracoid process, 120f, 154f, 162f, 172f
mobilization of, 96–97 Cervical sympathetic chain, 27, 54, 122 Coronary ligament, posterior, right, 353f
variations of, 546 Cervical sympathetic ganglion Coronary sinus, 572f
Brachiocephalic vein(s) inferior, 32f, 62f Coronary vein, 249f. See also Gastric
development of, 16f middle, 32f, 122f vein(s), left
left, 83f, 87f, 94f, 96f, 97f superior, 27f, 37, 37f, 121f Costocervical artery, 544f
development of, 16f Cervical sympathetic trunk, 29f Costocervical trunks, 8f, 54, 54f
right, 87f, 97f Cervical transverse process, 114f Costoclavicular angle, 123f
Brachioradialis muscle, 179f, 181f, 182f, 184f, Cervical vertebrae Costoclavicular compression, 125f
192f, 194f, 195f, 197f, 198f, 199f, C1. See Atlas Costoclavicular ligament, 114f, 119f, 142f,
203f, 204f, 209f C2. See Axis 144f, 145f, 156f
Brachioradialis tendon, 206f C6, 52f Costoclavicular passage, 123f
Brachium transverse process, 52, 122f Costocoracoid ligament, 123
posterior, 181–182 C7, 114f Cranial nerve(s)
surgical anatomy of, 177–184 Cervicothoracic sympathectomy, 148. See also emergence at base of skull, 37, 37f
Bronchus, left mainstem, 80f Cervical sympathetic chain injury, in carotid surgery, 36
anterior transthoracic approach, 148 in neck, 32, 36–39, 36f, 37f, 38f, 39f
C dorsal Cribriform fascia, 396, 396f
anterior supraclavicular approach, 148–149 Cruciate anastomosis, 406f
C1 transverse process, 70f transaxillary approach, 150 Crural fascia, 472f
palpation of, 72 posterior paravertebral approach, 148 Crus, right, 242f
Calcaneal plexus, 509f Cervicothoracic sympathetic chain of diaphragm, 247f
Calcaneal tendon, 504f, 513f, 534f exposure of, 148–150 Cubital vein, medial, 190f
Capitate bone, 220f Chorion, 2f Cutaneous nerve, 121f
Caput medusa, 369f Chorionic villi, 2f Cysterna chyli, 245f, 281f, 282f, 350f
Cardiac nerves, 122f Circulation. See also Fetal circulation
Carotid artery(ies), 23–49, 27f, 30f, 55f, inception of, 2–4
61f. See also Common carotid Clavicle, 113, 123 D
artery(ies); External carotid artery; Clavicular malunion, 125f
Deltoid muscle, 120f, 156f, 159f, 170f, 172f,
Internal carotid artery Clavipectoral fascia, 118f, 119f, 159f, 162f,
176f, 183f, 184f
exposure of, 90–91 163f, 170f, 172f, 174f
Deltopectoral groove, 183f
extracranial, exposure of, 41–49 Colic artery(ies)
Descending branch, 565f
left, 53f middle, 276f, 284f, 286f, 296f, 559f
Diaphragm, 240f, 242, 246f, 265f,
proximal, exposure of, 91 right, 272f, 276f, 284f, 557f
267f, 268f
right, 53f Colic vein, middle. See Middle colic vein
circumferential division of, 266f
Carotid bifurcation, 39 Colon
motor innervation to, 244
exposure of, 42–46 hepatic flexure of, 356f, 374
neurovascular supply to, 242f
Carotid body, 39 impression of, 353f
origins, 242f
Carotid plexus, 121f left, 304f, 340f
topography, 243
Carotid sheath, 23, 23f, 27, 27f, 29f, 61f right, 238f, 306f
Diaphragmatic crus, 247f
Carotid sinus, 30, 39f, 48f mobilization, for exposure of inferior
right, 242f
innervation, 39 vena cava, 380f
exposure of, 247f
Carotid sinus nerve, 39 transverse, 272f
Digastric muscle, 37f, 70f
Carotid triangle, 29 Colon reflection
divided, 33
Carotid tubercle, 51f, 52f, 66f, 122f left, 240f
posterior belly of, 29, 34f, 39f
Carpal ligament right, 240f
division of, 48f
transverse, 220f, 221f, 222f, 223f, 227f Common bile duct, 274f
Digital artery, 234f
volar, 222f Common cardinal veins, development of, 4f,
Digital nerves, 218f
Caudate lobe, 353f, 356f 14f, 15f, 16f
Digital palmar crease, 218f
Celiac artery Common carotid artery(ies), 30f, 34f, 542f
Digitorum longus muscles. See Extensor
development of, 9f development of, 5f, 8f
digitorum longus muscle; Flexor
orifice, 296f left, 87f, 95f, 96f
digitorum longus muscle
transperitoneal exposure of, at origin, 280–283 origin of, 85f
Dorsal branch, medial, 537f
Celiac ganglion, 281f, 282f proximal, exposure of, 90–91
Dorsal compartment, 210f, 214, 214f
Celiac trunk, 241f, 251f, 272f, 274f, 291f variations of, 545
Dorsalis pedis artery, 494f, 495f, 504f, 506f,
surgical anatomy of, 274–275 right, 87f, 97f
509f, 510f, 511f
variation, 551–556 variations, 546
exposure of, 537
Cephalic vein, 142f, 145f, 159f, 162f, 163f, variations, 546
Ductus arteriosus, 6f, 8f, 18f
170f, 172f, 183f, 190f, 206f, 230f Common flexor origin, 192f, 197f
Ductus deferens, 351f, 394f, 398f
Cervical artery(ies) Common hepatic artery, 275f, 311f
Ductus venosus, 15f, 18f
ascending, 149f Common hepatic duct, 353f
Duodenum, 272f, 277f, 296f, 306f, 325f, 329f,
superficial, 107f, 149f Communicating branch, 508f
356f, 367f, 375f, 379f
transverse, 544f Compartment
Dura mater, 58f
Cervical cardiac nerve, middle, 54f anterior, 486f
Cervical ganglia, middle, 82f deep posterior, 486f
Cervical ganglion lateral, 486f E
inferior, 32f, 54f, 55f, 82f superficial posterior, 486f
middle, 32f, 54f, 55f, 122, 122f Condyloid emissary vein, 72, 73f Ectoderm, 3f
superior, 121f Constrictor muscle Embolus, 279f
Cervical nerve(s), 29f inferior, 33f Embryonic period, vascular development in,
fifth-eighth, 116f middle, 33f 1–13
second, 57f, 70f superior, 33f Endoderm, 3f
Epicondyle Facial nerve, 32f, 36f, 37f, 48f Flexor digitorum longus muscle, 491f, 492f,
lateral, 184f exposure of, 49 493f, 498f, 503f, 504f, 505f, 507f,
medial, 176f, 183f ramus mandibularis branch of, 38f 508f, 511f, 512f, 513f, 514f, 519f,
Epigastric artery(ies) Facial vein, 35, 35f, 39f, 44f 523f, 529f, 533f, 534f, 535f, 536f
inferior, 316f, 335f, 394f, 396f, 398f, 563f Falciform ligament, 240f Flexor digitorum profundus muscle, 192f,
superficial, 394f, 396f, 403f Falx inguinalis, 398f 193f, 197f, 207f, 209f, 210,
Epigastric vein(s) Fascia lata, 440f, 450f 226f, 227f
inferior, 335f, 350f, 394f, 396f, 398f Fasciocutaneous flap, elevation of, 212f Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, 192f,
superficial, 396f Fasciotomy, forearm, 209–214 193f, 194f, 197f, 198f, 199f, 207f,
Erector spinae muscles, 24 Femoral artery(ies), 398f, 407, 437f, 457f 209f, 227f
Esophageal hiatus, 350f branches of, exposure of, 407–426 radial origin, 192f
Esophageal plexus, 82f common, 404f, 413f, 433f, 434f, Flexor hallucis brevis muscle, 493f, 513f, 514f
Esophageal varices, 369f 565, 565f Flexor hallucis longus muscle, 492f, 493f,
Esophagophrenic ligament, 240f, 246f, 247f exposure of, 407–415 498f, 503f, 504f, 507f, 508f, 511f,
Esophagus, 246f, 277f deep, 402f, 403f, 404f, 405f, 406f, 413f, 512f, 513f, 514f, 519f, 523f, 529f,
Extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle, 426f, 433f, 434f, 435f, 443f, 447f, 533f, 534f, 535f, 536f
195f, 209f 451f, 456f, 564f, 565f Flexor pollicis brevis muscle, 224f
Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle, 194f, posterior approach, 446, 446f Flexor pollicis longus muscle, 192f, 193f,
195f, 209f development of, 13f 194f, 209f, 210, 227f
Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle, 195f, 209f exposure of, 407–426 Flexor pollicis longus tendon, 223f
Extensor compartment, 176f in groin, 407–426 Flexor retinaculum, 485f, 493f, 512f, 535f
Extensor digiti minimi muscle, 195f inflow to, anatomy of, 415–416 lacinate ligament, 513f
Extensor digitorum brevis muscle, 511f origin of, 404f Foot
Extensor digitorum communis muscle, 195f perforating branch, 404 arteries of, variation, 572
Extensor digitorum longus muscle, 494f, 495f, superficial, 394f, 402f, 404f, 413f, vessels of, 311–313
497f, 503f, 504f, 506f, 515f, 524f, 426f, 433f, 434f, 435f, 450f, Foramen ovale, 18
526f, 534f 451f, 565, 565f Forearm. See also Upper extremity
Extensor digitorum longus tendons, 511f development of, 13f arteries of, 196–197
Extensor digitorum muscle, 209f Femoral canal, 392f exposure of, 199–214
Extensor hallucis brevis muscle, 511f, 537f distal end, 393f variations, 550
Extensor hallucis longus muscle, 493f, 495f, proximal end, 393f bony anatomy of, 189–193
497f, 503f, 504f, 506f, 511f, 524f, Femoral circumflex artery(ies) compartments, 210, 210f
526f, 534f ascending branch, 406f dorsal, 214, 214f
Extensor hallucis longus tendon, 537f lateral, 403f, 405f, 406f, 414f, 443f, lateral, 213, 213f
Extensor indicis muscle, 195f 457f, 565f volar, 210–211, 210f
Extensor pollicis brevis muscle, 195f, 225f, ascending branch, 406f cubital fossa, 197–198
230f, 231f descending branch of, 456f deep fascia of, 209, 209f
Extensor pollicis longus muscle, 195f, 209f, perforating branch, 406f distal, surgical anatomy of, 198–199
225f, 231f transverse branch, 406f extensor muscles, 195
Extensor retinaculum, 225f medial, 402f, 403f, 404f, 405f, extensor/supinator muscle group, 189, 192
inferior, 485f, 495f, 506f, 526f 406f, 565f fasciotomy, 209–214
superior, 485f, 495f, 506f, 526f variation, 404 compartment syndrome, 209–210
External carotid artery(ies), 34, 34f, 39f, 43f Femoral circumflex vein(s) flexor muscles, 193–194
branches of, 30f lateral, 404f, 413f, 443f deep, 193f
development of, 5f, 6f, 8f medial, 404f intermediate, 193f
variations of, 546 Femoral cutaneous nerve, lateral, 321f origins, 189–193
External iliac artery(ies), 314f, 316f, 330f, Femoral nerve, 321f, 351f, 433f, 443f radial origin, 194
335f, 394f, 423f, 562f, 563f Femoral region, surgical anatomy of, ulnar origin, 194
development of, 12f, 13f 391–406 flexor/pronator muscle group, 189, 192
extraperitoneal exposure of, 334–335 Femoral ring, 398f intermediate muscles, 195
left, 318f, 351f Femoral triangle, 442f muscle groups of, 192–193
right, 329f Femoral veins, 398f, 437f nerves of, 196–197
External iliac vein(s), 394f, 423f superficial, 394f, 441f superficial veins and nerves of, 190
right, 318f Femoral vessels surgical anatomy of, 189–199
External jugular vein, 28f, 29f, 31, 31f, deep, 435 vessels of, 189–214
35f, 42f, 60f, 64f, 106f, superficial, 439–441 Foregut, 3f
128f, 149f Femorofemoral bypass, 415
development of, 16 anatomy of tunnel for, 419–421 G
External oblique muscle, 254f, 264f Fetal circulation, 18, 18f
External pudendal artery(ies) Fibrous arc, 198f Gallbladder, 375f
deep, 394f, 396f, 403f Fibrous digital flexor sheath, 222f Gastric arcade, short, 368f
superficial, 394f, 396f, 403f Fibrous digital sheath, 223f Gastric artery(ies)
External pudendal vein(s) Fibula, 475f left, 248f, 249f, 272f, 274f, 275f, 281f, 296f
deep, 396f head of, 472f right, 274f, 291f
superficial, 396f Fibular collateral ligament, 473f short, 275f
Extraembryonic coelom, 2f, 3f Flexor carpi radialis muscle, 194f, 199f, Gastric impression, 353f
Extremities. See also Lower extremity; Upper 209f, 227f Gastric varices, 369f
extremity Flexor carpi radialis tendon, 205f, 206f, 208f, Gastric vein(s)
axial arteries of, development of, 10–14 222f, 224f left (coronary), 274f, 366f, 367f
development of, 10–14 Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, 194f, 195f, 198f, divided, 281f
vascular development in, 10–14 199f, 205f, 207f, 208f, 209f, 222f, right, 366f, 367f
224f, 227f short, 382f
F Flexor compartment, 176f Gastrocnemius muscle, 453, 456f, 469f, 475f,
Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle, 224f 491f, 492f, 498f, 515f
Face, superficial veins of, 35f Flexor digitorum brevis muscle, 493f, 512f, medial head, 458f, 468f, 516f, 567f
Facial artery, 30f, 34f 513f, 514f sural branches to, 456f
Gastroduodenal artery, 274f, 275f, 276f, Heart, development of, 2f, 3f, 4f Iliosacral vein
291f, 296f Hemiazygous vein, 83f lateral, 341f
Gastroepiploic arcade, 368f Hemorrhoids, 369f, 370 medial, 341f
Gastroepiploic artery(ies) Hepatic artery(ies), 272f, 274f, 281f, 291f, left, 344
left, 275f, 382f 296f, 353f. See also Common Iliotibial band, 450f, 464f
right, 275f, 276f hepatic artery Incision(s). See also Anterolateral
divided, 382f exposure of, 290–291 thoracotomy; Posterolateral
Gastroepiploic veins hepatorenal bypass, 290 thoracotomy; Trap door thoracotomy
left, 382f left, replaced, 248f antecubital
right Hepatic flexure, 356f, 374 S-shaped, 200f
divided, 382f impression of, 353f transverse, 200f
Gastrohepatic ligament, 353f Hepatic sinusoids, development of, 14–15 anterior cervical, 41f
Gastrohepatic omentum, 247f Hepatic vein(s), 277f, 350f anterior flank, for retroperitoneal exposure
lesser, 248f caudal extension of, 17f of iliac arteries, 332f
Genicular artery(ies) development of, 14–15 carpal tunnel, in forearm, 211–212, 211f
highest, 454f exposure of, 361 deltopectoral, 170f
descending musculoarticular branch shrock shunt, 361 for exposure of common femoral artery, 408f
of, 456f Hepatoduodenal ligament, 277f, 353f, 356f hockey stick, 381
inferior free edge of, 375f initial palmar portion of, 211f
lateral, 457f Hepatorenal bypass, 290 left subcostal, extended, 381f
medial, 457f Hindgut, 3f longitudinal neck, 42f
medial, 456f Horner’s syndrome, 122 for exposure of vertebral artery at
superior, 456f, 461f Humeral circumflex artery C1/C2, 69f
lateral, 457f anterior, 178f postauricular extension of cephalad end
medial, 457f lateral, 157f of, 42f
Genicular branches medial, 157f for medial infrageniculate exposure, 467f
inferior, 449f posterior, 178f, 181f for medial suprageniculate exposure, 460f
superior, 449f Hypogastric plexus, 338f midline abdominal, 377
Geniculate branch, 566f superior, 322f paramedian, for exposure of L5/S1, 339f
Genitofemoral nerve, 321f, 338f, 351f, 394f Hypoglossal muscle, 33f for posterior exposure
Glossopharyngeal nerve, 36, 36f, 37f, 39f, 48f Hypoglossal nerve, 36, 36f, 37f, 39f, 45, 45f, of deep femoral artery, 446f
Gluteal artery 48f, 75f of popliteal vessels, 478f
inferior, 316f, 402f, 405f, 406f, 562f, Hypothenar crease, 218f posterior parietal, 386
563f, 564f Hypothenar fascia, 223f for radial exposure at wrist, 205f
development of, 13f for retroperitoneal approach to iliac
superior, 316f, 402f, 405f, 406f, 562f, I vessels, 422f
563f, 564f for retroperitoneal exposure of infrarenal
Gluteus maximus, 431f, 447f Iliac artery(ies) aorta, 326–329f
Gluteus medius, 431f anterior division of, 563f right flank, 354f
Gluteus minimus, 430f circumflex right subcostal, extended, 373f
Gonad, embryonic, 9f deep, 316f, 393f, 394f, 396f, sternotomy, 91f
Gonadal artery, 299f, 319f, 351f, 356f 398f, 405f supraclavicular, 91
Gonadal vein(s), 299f, 351f, 356f superficial, 394f, 396f, 403f in trap door thoracotomy, 105–108
left, 301f, 328f, 350f common, 314f, 405f, 562f, 563f for supraclavicular approach to first rib, 127f
right, 350f development of, 12f suprainguinal, for extraperitoneal exposure
Gonadal vessel(s), 338f left, 272f, 330f of external iliac artery, 334–335f
left, 318f, 340f right, 329f, 351f thoracic, 90–91. See also Median
variation, 559 variation, 562 sternotomy
Gracilis muscle, 390f, 400f, 403f, 431f, 433f, exposure of thoracoabdominal, 246f
454f, 456f, 458f, 462f, 468f retroperitoneal approach, 332–333 for exposure of suprarenal aorta, 252–254f
Great vessels. See also Aorta(s) transperitoneal approach, 329–331 for transperitoneal exposure of infrarenal
of chest external aorta, 324f
origin of, 79 development of, 13f transverse cervical, 41f
surgical anatomy of, 78f, 79–90 variation, 565 transverse midabdominal, 377
Greater occipital nerve, 72, 73f, 74f internal, variation, 562–564 transverse midflank, for exposure of lumbar
Greater saphenous vein, 351f, 394f, 396f surgical anatomy of, 315–323 sympathetic chain, 336f
Grey column, lateral, 121f Iliac fascia, 392f, 393f transverse supraclavicular, 60f
Gut, embryonic, 5f, 15f Iliac vein(s), 330f Inferior epigastric pedicle, 339f, 340
circumflex Inferior epigastric vessels, 338f
H deep, 350f, 393f, 394f, 396f, 398f Inferior mesenteric artery, 241f, 272f,
superficial, 396f 277f, 314f, 318f, 325f, 328f,
Hamate bone, 220f common 329f, 338f, 341f
hook of, 221f, 227f left, 317, 317f, 318f, 341 development of, 4f, 9f
Hamstrings, branches to, 457f development of, 16 exposure of, 289
Hand development of, 17f surgical anatomy of, 277–278
arteries of surgical anatomy of, 317 variation, 558
aneurysms of, 230 Iliac vessels, 340f Inferior mesenteric artery ligated, 268f
exposure of, 230–234 Iliacus muscle, 240f, 390f, 403f Inferior mesenteric vein, 296f, 301f, 366f
variations, 550–551 Iliocolic artery, 272f, 557f Inferior vena cava, 236f, 238f, 244f, 274f,
bones of, 220–221 Iliohypogastric nerve, 321f, 351f 317f, 318f, 319f, 320f, 329f, 353f,
cutaneous nerves of, 217–219 Ilioinguinal nerve, 321f, 338f, 351f 367f, 370f, 375f, 379f, 380f
fascia of, 222–224 Iliolumbar vein, 350f development of, 18f
intrinsic muscles of, 224–225 Iliopsoas indentation, 240f infrahepatic, exposure of, 354–358
vascular anatomy of, 217–229 Iliopsoas muscle, 428f, 430f, 432f, 433f extraperitoneal approach, 354–355
vessels of, 217–234 insertion, 426f intraperitoneal approach, 356–358
intercommunication among, 229f Iliopsoas tendon, 400f retroperitoneal approach, 354
infrarenal, 352 anterior, 29f, 31, 31f Longus colli muscle, 24, 24f, 52f, 53f, 62f, 122f
perirenal, 353 distal, 35, 35f Lower extremity. See also Femoral region;
retrohepatic, 353–354 Leg; Thigh
exposure of, 359–360 fascia, 450
suprahepatic, within pericardial sac, K intermuscular septa
exposure of, 362 lateral, 450f, 456f, 464f, 466f
surgical anatomy of, 349–354 medial, 450f, 456f, 462f
embryonic, 9
variation, 573–574 marginal vein, development of, 12
left, 318f
Infrageniculate, 449f vascular development in, 12–13
relationships to overlying organs, 298f
Infrarenal aorta Lumbar arteries, development of, 8
right, 318f, 375f
exposure of Lumbar nerve, 350f
retroperitoneal, 326–329 Lumbar spinal nerves, 320–323, 320f
interosseous membrane, 476
transperitoneal, 323–326 Lumbar spine
muscular groupings attaching at, 451–453
surgical anatomy of, 315–323 L1, 321f
posterior, dislocation, traumatic intimal
Inguinal ligament, 390f, 398f L2, 321f
flaps from, 478
Inguinal ring, deep, 398f L3, 321f
Kocher maneuver, 306
Intercostal artery, 544f L4, 321f
development of, 8f L5, 314f, 321f
Intercostal veins, development of, 17 L vascular exposure of, 337–346
Intercostobrachial nerve, 116f, 120f, 136f, L4/L5, 344–346, 344–345f
137f, 158f L4/L5 disc, exposure of, 344–346, 344–345f L5/S1, 338–343, 343f
Interdigital space, 223f L5/S1 disc, exposure of, 338–343, 343f retroperitoneal approach, 338
Internal carotid artery, 30, 34, 34f, 37f, 39f, 75f Lacunar ligament, 390f Lumbar sympathectomy, 336
anatomical relationships of, 29 Langer’s axillary arch, 123, 123f Lumbar sympathetic chain, 338f
development of, 5f, 6f, 8f Laryngeal nerve(s) exposure of, 336–337
distal, 39, 74, 75f recurrent, 82f Lumbar vein(s), 255f, 301f, 350f, 352f
exposure of, 45 left, 81f, 97 ascending, 319f, 320f, 322f, 350f, 352f
in upper neck (zone III), exposure of, 47–49 right, 97f development of, 17
variations, 546 superior, 29f, 36f, 39f Lumbar venous plexus, 238f
Internal iliac artery, 314f, 316f, 330f, 394f, Lateral compartment, 210f, 213, 213f, 475f, 502f Lumbar vessels, 341f
405f, 406f, 562f, 563f Latissimus dorsi muscle, 110f, 118f, 120f, Lumbocostal arch
development of, 13 136f, 156f, 176f, 181f, 183f lateral, 242f
right, 329f Leg. See also Lower extremity medial, 242f
Internal jugular vein, 27f, 31, 31f, 35, 37f, 39f, arteries of, 487 Lumbosacral trunk, 321f
43, 43f, 53f, 54f, 55f, 60f, 61f, 95f, exposure, 515–537 Lumbrical muscles, 226f
106f, 107f, 128f, 129f variation, 570–572 Lunate bone, 220f
development of, 16f compartment fasciotomy, 489f Lung buds, 5f, 6
left, 87f compartment syndromes, 489f Lungs, 149f, 150f
Internal maxillary artery, 30f, 34f compartments of Lymph node, 282f
Internal oblique muscle, 254f, 264f anterior, 486f, 497
Internal pudendal artery, 316f, 562f, 563f lateral, 486f, 499–501 M
Internal thoracic artery, 51f posterior, 498–499
development of, 8f deep, 486f Malleolar artery, anterior
Internal thoracic vein superficial, 486f lateral, 509f, 526f
left, 97f fascia of, 484–490 medial, 509f, 526f
right, 97f interosseous membrane, 483f, 486f Malleolus, lateral, 496f
Interosseous artery muscle groups of, 491–496 Mandibular ramus, 40
common, 196f nerve distribution in, 488 Manubrium, 114f
dorsal, 196f surgical anatomy of, 483–561 Marginal artery of Drummond, 278f
volar, 196f vessels of, 483–537 Marginal mandibular nerve, 38, 38f
Interosseous membrane, 476f, 483f, 486f Lesser occipital nerve, 32, 32f Marginal vein, 11f
Interosseous muscle, first dorsal, 225f, 232f Lesser sac Mastoid process, 70f
Interosseous nerve, anterior, 196f lateral recess of, 236f Meandering mesenteric artery, 278f
Interosseous recurrent artery, 196f posterior peritoneum of, 247f Medial supracondylar line, 449f
Interscalene triangle, 123f Levator ani muscle, 398f, 423f Median arcuate ligament, 251f, 560f
Intersegmental arteries, dorsal, 7–9, 12–13 Levator scapulae muscle, 24f, 58f Median artery, development of, 12f
sixth, 11f in exposure of vertebral artery C1/C2 Median nerve, 116f, 158f, 168f, 172f,
Interspace segment, 71f 176f, 179f, 180f, 187f, 196f,
eighth, 259f Lidocaine, 126 197f, 198f, 202f, 203f, 222f,
for exposure of aorta, 110 Ligamentum arteriosus, 18 224f, 227f, 228f
fourth, entry into, 110 Ligamentum nuchae, 24, 26 motor branch, 222f
sixth, 259f Ligamentum teres, 353f palmar cutaneous branch of, 218f, 222f
Intersubcardinal anastomosis, 17f Ligamentum venosus, 18 Median sternotomy, 91–97
Intervertebral foramen, 114f Limb buds, 4, 10 indications for, 90–91
Intervertebral plexus Limbs, axial arteries of, development of, 11 Mediastinum
anterior, 352f Linea aspera, 406f, 447f, 449f contents and anatomical relations of, 78f,
posterior, 352f Lingual artery, 30f 79–83
Investing fasia, 95f. See also Neck, investing Lingual nerve, 36f superior, contents and anatomical relations
fascia Liver, 272f of, 78f, 79f
Ischial tuberosity, 431f left lobe, 246f Mesenteric arteries. See Inferior mesenteric
transplant, 370 artery; Meandering mesenteric
J Liver buds, 4f artery; Superior mesenteric artery
Long thoracic nerve. See Thoracic nerve, long Mesenteric ganglion, inferior, 322f
Jugular foramen, 37 Longissimus capitis muscle, 24f, 58f, 72, 73f Mesenteric plexus, inferior, 351f
Jugular vein(s), 31, 31f. See also External Longitudinal ligament, anterior, 66f, 67f Mesenteric veins. See Inferior mesenteric vein;
jugular vein; Internal jugular vein Longus capitis muscle, 24f, 52f, 53f, 71, 122f Superior mesenteric vein
Mesenteric vessels, surgical anatomy of, Ovarian artery, 423f Phrenic nerve(s), 24f, 52f, 55f, 62f, 65f, 66f, 79f,
273–278 Ovarian vein, 423f 80f, 81f, 84f, 88f, 107f, 116f, 128f,
Mesocolon, transverse, 240f, 382f 129f, 138f, 139f, 142f, 147f, 149f
root of, 277f P left, 106, 242f, 243f
Mesoderm, 3f right, 242f, 243f, 244f
Mesonephric folds, 17f Paget–Schroetter syndrome, 142 Phrenic vein, inferior, 242f, 350f
Mesonephros, 9f Palmar aponeurosis, 223f Pisiform bone, 220f, 221f, 227f
Metacarpal ligament, transverse Palmar arch(es), 227–229 Plantar aponeurosis, 514f
deep, 223f deep, 226f, 227f Plantar arch, 509f, 510f, 514f
superficial, 222f, 223f superficial, 227f, 234f lateral, 510f
Metanephros, 9f, 17f exposure of, 233–234 medial, 509f
Middle colic vein, 284f, 286f, 296f, 366f Palmaris brevis muscle, 222f, 233f Plantar artery
Middle colic vein/inferior mesenteric vein Palmaris longus muscle, 194f, 199f, 209f lateral, 493f, 509f, 512f, 513f, 514f,
arcade, 368f Palmaris longus tendon, reflected, 222f 535f, 536f
Middle colic vein/superior mesenteric vein Pancreas, 272f, 281f, 382f exposure of, 535–536
arcade, 368f head of, 306f medial, 493f, 510f, 512f, 513f, 514f,
Middle sacral artery, 14 Pancreaticoduodenal arcade, 278f 535f, 536f
Midgut, 3f Pancreaticoduodenal artery, anterior exposure of, 535–536
Midpalmar space, 223f inferior, 276f, 296f Plantar branch
Muscular branches, 449f superior, 276f deep, 509f
Musculoarticular branch, 457f Pancreaticoduodenal vein, inferior, 296f exposure of, 536
Musculocutaneous nerve, 158f, 172f, 176f, Parietal peritoneum, 340, 340f Plantar fascia, 512f
179f, 197f Parietal pleura, 149f Plantaris muscle, 456f
Musculophrenic artery, 242f Pectineal fascia, 392f Plantaris tendon, 503f
Pectineal ligament, 390f, 392f, 393f, 398f Platysma muscle, 28f, 29f, 60f, 64f, 95f,
Pectineus muscle, 390f, 392f, 393f, 400f, 128f, 149f
N 403f, 426f, 428f, 430f, 432f, 433f, Popliteal artery, 449–481, 449f, 456f, 457f,
434f, 435f 466f, 469f, 476f, 480f, 481f, 483f,
Nasociliary branch, 121f Pectoral fascia, 159f 487f, 491f, 505f, 522f, 566f, 570f
Neck Pectoral nerve articular branches, 456
buccopharyngeal fascia, 25 lateral, 158f, 163f, 164f, 174f development of, 13f
carotid artery. See Carotid artery(ies) medial, 158f, 164f, 174f hamstring branches, 457
carotid sheath. See Carotid sheath Pectoralis major muscle, 118f, 136f, 137f, communicating with deep femoral
cranial nerves in, 36f, 37f, 38f 159f, 162f, 167f, 168f, 172f, 183f artery, 456f
cross-section of, at level of thyroid clavicular origin, 156f infrageniculate
cartilage, 28 insertion, 156f, 170f, 176f, 180f exposure of, 459, 466–477
deep cervical fascia, 26 Pectoralis minor muscle, 118f, 156f, 159f, lateral approach, 467, 473–477
investing fascia, 26, 26f, 29f, 32 163f, 170f, 172f medial approach, 467–472
jugular veins, 31, 31f insertion, 173f grafts to, optimal course for, 472, 476, 477f
middle cervical fascia, 25, 29f Pelvic plexus, hypogastric nerves to, 322f midpopliteal, exposure of, 459, 478–481
nerves of, 32, 32f Perforating branch, 402f, 508f, 509f direct posterior approach, 459, 478
prevertebral fascia of, 24, 24f Pericardiophrenic vessels, 243f, 244f muscular branches, 456
superficial fascia, 28–29, 28f, 29f Pericardium, 243f saphenous branch, 457
surgical anatomy of, 23, 23f Peritoneum, 264f, 265f, 267f, 296f suprageniculate
visceral compartment, 23, 23f parietal, 236f exposure of, 460–466
visceral fascia, 25 visceral, 236f lateral approach, 460, 464–466
Nerve of Herring. See Carotid sinus nerve Peroneal artery, 456f, 476f, 483f, 487f, 492f, medial approach, 460–463
Neural fold, 2f, 3f 498f, 502f, 503f, 505f, 508f, 509f, sural branches to gastrocnemius muscle, 456
Neurovascular bundle, 183f, 210f, 212 510f, 515f, 522f, 528f, 529f, 532f, surgical anatomy of, 454–458
Nutrient artery, to humeral shaft, 178f 533f, 566f, 570f surgical approaches to, 459–481
development of, 13f variation, 566–569
O distal Popliteal ligament, oblique, 456f
posterior approach to, 532 Popliteal veins, 469f, 480f, 481f, 491f, 505f
Obliquus capitis inferior muscle, 57f exposure of, 528–533 Popliteal vessels
Obliquus capitis superior muscle, 57f, lateral approach to, 530–532 fibrous sheath, 455
72, 73f medial approach to, 528–529 genicular branches
Obturator artery, 316f, 402f, 405f, 406f, perforating branch, 504f, 526f inferior, 449
423f, 563f Peroneal nerve(s), 452f, 465f, 491f, 492f, 494f superior, 449
aberrant, 316f common, 453f, 472f, 473, 488f muscular branches, 449
Obturator canal, 401f deep, 473f, 475f, 488f, 494f, 497f, 503f, surgical anatomy of, 449–458
Obturator externus muscle, 400f, 426f 504f, 506f, 509f, 511f, 515f, 537f Popliteus muscle, 449f, 456f, 492f, 498f, 505f,
Obturator foramen bypass, anatomy of, superficial, 473f, 475f, 488f, 504f, 566f, 569f
422–426 515f, 537f Portal circulation, exposure of, 370–386
Obturator internus muscle, 398f, 423f, 430f branch of, 503f, 511 Portal vein, 274f, 296f, 353f, 366f, 367f,
Obturator membrane, 401f Peroneal retinaculum 370f, 375f
Obturator nerve, 321f, 398f inferior, 484f, 495f development of, 15f
Obturator vein, 423f superior, 484f, 495f exposure of, 372–376
Obturator vessels, 398f Peroneus brevis muscle, 495f, 496f, 499f, 503f, surgical anatomy of, 365–370
Occipital artery, 39f, 45f, 48f 504f, 506f, 507f, 511f, 534f variation, 574
Olecranon, 182f Peroneus longus muscle, 472f, 475f, 495f, Portal venous system, 365–386
Omentum, 264f, 272f 496f, 499f, 504f, 506f, 507f, 511f, exposure of, 372
Omni retractor, 341 515f, 534f secondary connections of, 368
Omohyoid muscle, 43f, 55f, 60f, 61f, 64f, 95f, Peroneus tertius muscle, 495f, 497f, 504f, 511f Portosystemic venous connections, 369–370
107f, 149f Pharyngobasilar fascia, 37f Postcardinal veins, 4f, 11f, 16f, 17f
Opponens digiti minimi muscle, 224f Pharynx, anatomical relationship of, 33, 33f Posterior compartment
Opponens pollicis muscle, 224f Phrenic artery, inferior, 242f deep, 502f, 503f, 513f
fascia of, 498f Radial neurovascular bundle, 210f Saphenous vein
superficial, 502f Radial recurrent artery, 178f, 196f, 197f lesser, 453f, 479f, 480f
Posterolateral thoracotomy, 109–111 Radialis indicis artery, 227f long, 475f, 503f, 504f, 515f, 534f
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers, Ramus mandibularis, 38, 38f short, 475f, 503f, 504f, 505f, 515f
unmyelinated, 121f Rectal artery(ies) divided, 481f
Precardinal veins, development of, 4f, 14f, 16f middle, 316f Sartorius muscle, 390f, 394f, 403f, 430f, 431f,
Preganglionic fibers, myelinated, 121f superior, 272f, 318f 434f, 440f, 442f, 443f, 445f, 450f,
Preperitoneal fat plane, relationships of, Rectal peritoneal reflection, 240f 454f, 456f, 458f, 461f, 462f, 468f
340, 340f Rectus abdominis muscle, 264f, 339, 339f, 398f Scalene band(s), 124f
Pretracheal fascia, 25, 29f Rectus capitis posterior major muscle, 57f, middle, 124–125f
Prevertebral fascia, 24, 24f, 29f, 118f 72, 73f Scalene fat pad, 61f, 128f, 149f
Primordial vessels, inception of circulation Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle, 57f Scalene muscle(s), 24f, 29f, 123
and, 2–4, 2f, 3f, 4f Rectus femoris muscle, 390f, 428f, 430f, 432f, anomalies, 129–130
Princeps pollicis artery, 227f 443f, 445f, 450f anterior, 52f, 62f, 88f, 89f, 107f, 115f, 122f,
Profunda brachii artery Rectus sheath, 340f 123f, 124f, 128f, 129f, 137f, 138f,
posterior branch, 196f anterior, 339, 339f 139f, 142f, 147f, 149f
radial collateral branch, 196f posterior, 339f, 340 division of, 107f
Profunda femoris artery(ies). See also Femoral Renal artery(ies), 298f, 314f hypertrophy, 124
artery(ies), deep branches of, 311–312f insertions, anomalous, 124–125f
variation, 565 exposure of, 300–312 middle, 52f, 89f, 115f, 122f, 123f, 130f,
Pronator quadratus muscle, 192f, 193f injury, vascular repair of, 300 137f, 138f, 142f, 149f, 547f
Pronator teres muscle, 179f, 193f, 194f, 197f, left, 367f anterior insertion of, 125f
198f, 199f, 202f, 203f exposure of, 303–305 posterior, 52f, 89f, 115f
deep head, 198f retroperitoneal, 303 resection from first rib, 128–129
humeral head, 193f, 197f midline exposure of, at origins, 302–304 Scalene tubercle, 114f
insertion, 192f origins, approach to, 308–311f Scalenectomy, 126
ulnar head, 192f, 193f, 197f relationships to overlying organs, 311f Scaphoid bone, 220f, 221f
Psoas major muscle, 390f, 392f, 393f right, 272f Scapula, 123
Psoas muscle, 238f, 240f, 319f, 320f, 335f, bypass grafts from aorta to, 308–312 Scapular artery, circumflex, 157f, 178f
350f, 355f, 403f exposure of, 306–312 Sciatic artery(ies), 564f
Pterygoid muscle, medial, 37f retroperitoneal, 306 development of, 12f, 13, 13f
Pubis, 398f surgical anatomy of, 295–299 Sciatic nerve, 431f, 447f
Pulmonary artery(ies), 83f variation, 558 Sciatic vasa nervorum, 406f
development of, 5f, 6f, 8f Renal fascia, 267f Semimembranosus muscle, 431f, 432f,
left, 80f anterior, 236f, 296f 452f, 454f, 456f, 458f, 461f,
development of, 8f posterior, 236f, 296f 462f, 465f
inferior, 80f Renal vein(s) Semispinalis capitis muscle, 24f, 57f, 58f,
Pulmonary hilum, 80 development of, 17f 72, 73f
Pulmonary ligament, inferior, 80f, 270f left, 255f, 272f, 274f, 283f, 286f, 287f, 296f, Semitendinosus muscle, 431f, 432f, 452f, 454f,
Pulmonary vein 304f, 325f, 328f, 350f, 366f, 367f, 456f, 458f, 465f, 468f
inferior, 270f 370f, 386f Septum
left, 80f development of, 16–17 lateral intermuscular, 178f, 184f
left, superior, 80f right, 296f, 350f medial intermuscular, 159f, 176f, 178f,
Pupillary dilator, 121f variation, 573–574 180f, 183f
Pylorus, 291f Retrograde puncture, of femoral artery, 407 oblique, 223f
Retromandibular space, 40, 40f Septum transversarum, 14f
Retromandibular veins, 35, 35f Serratus anterior muscle, 110f, 118f, 136f,
Q Retroperitoneal connections, 369f 156f, 264f
Retroperitoneoscopy, 336 Shrock shunt, 361
Quadratus femoris, 430f, 431f
Retrosternal plane, development of, 92f Sibson’s fascia, 88, 149f
Quadratus lumborum muscle, 238f, 240f,
Rib Sigmoid mesentery, 277f, 330f
319f, 320f
eleventh, 254f Sinus venosus, 14f, 15f
Quadratus plantae muscle, 512f, 514f
first, 114f, 129f, 130f, 149f Small bowel mesentery, root of, 240f, 276,
angle, 114f 277f
R body, 114f Soleus muscle, 449f, 456f, 458f, 468f, 469f,
head, 114f 472f, 475f, 491f, 492f, 505f, 515f,
Radial artery, 196f, 197f, 198f, 199f, 204f, incomplete, 125f 516f, 517f, 529f
205f, 206f, 208f, 222f, 224f, 225f, neck, 114f fibular head, 505f
231f, 232f removal of, 126–147 origin
in anatomic snuffbox, exposure of, 230–231 anterior supraclavicular approach, fibular, 498f
to deep arch, 224f 127–133 tibial, 498f
development of, 12f infraclavicular approach, 141–147 Spinal accessory nerve, 39, 73f
in distal hand, exposure of, 232 transaxillary approach, 126–127, Spinal nerves, 352f
dorsal carpal branch, 225f 134–141 Spleen, 304f
exposure of, 204 Splenic artery, 272f, 274f, 275f, 281f, 296f,
in midforearm, exposure of, 204 S 312f, 366f, 367f
path of, 225–226 exposure of, 292–293
superficial branch, 222f, 224f Sacral artery, lateral, 316f splenorenal bypass, 292
at wrist, exposure of, 204–206 Sacral promontory, 318f Splenic vein, 272f, 274f, 281f, 283f, 296f,
Radial bursa, 227f Sacral veins 366f, 367f, 370f, 386f
Radial collateral artery, 178, 178f lateral, 350f exposure of, 381–385
Radial nerve, 116f, 158f, 176f, 179f, 181f, median, 350f approach beneath mesocolon, 386
196f, 197f, 198f, 225f, 230f, 231f Sacral vessels approach through lesser sac, 381–385
deep, 178f, 182f, 196f, 198f middle, 338f, 341f lateral dissection of, 384
superficial, 196f, 197f, 198f, 219f Saphenous branch, 457f Splenius capitis muscle, 24f, 58f, 71,
lateral branch of, 218f Saphenous nerve, 441f, 454f, 461f 72, 73f
Splenius cervicis muscle, 58f Supraclavicular nerve, 32f Thoracoepigastric vein, 120f, 136f, 137f
in exposure of vertebral artery C1/C2 Supracondylar fractures, 185 Thoracotomy. See Anterolateral thoracotomy;
segment, 71f Suprarenal arteries, variation, 559 Posterolateral thoracotomy; Trap
Splenorenal anastomosis, proximal, 371f Suprascapular artery, 107f, 149f, 544f door thoracotomy
Splenorenal bypass, 292 Supraspinatus muscle, 156f Thymus, 84f, 94f
Splenorenal ligament, 240f Sural artery, 453f Thyrocervical trunk, 51f, 53f, 55f, 62f, 65f,
Splenorenal shunt, 385 Sural cutaneous nerve, medial, 515f 88f, 132f, 544f
nonselective distal, 372f Sural nerve, 453f, 503f, 504f, 505f development of, 8f
selective distal, 372f medial, 453f, 475f, 480f Thyroid artery(ies)
Steinmann pins, 343 Sympathetic chain, 39f, 337f, 355f inferior, 55f, 62f, 107f, 149f
Stellate ganglion, 82f, 121f, 122f, 149f, 150f Sympathetic ganglion, 83f, 320f, 322f. See superior, 27f, 29f
Sternocleidomastoid muscle, 23, 23f, 31, 55f, also Cervical sympathetic ganglion Thyroid gland, 29f
58f, 64f, 70f, 72, 73f, 95f, 106f communicating rami, 121f Thyroid veins
clavicular head, 60f, 89f, 128f, 149f thoracic component, 121f middle, 27f
sternal head, 89f Sympathetic trunk, 54f, 61f, 352f Tibia, 529f
Sternohyoid muscle, 89f, 94 left, 319f Tibial artery(ies)
Sternothyroid muscle, 89f, 94 right, 319f anterior, 456f, 469f, 475f, 476f, 483f, 487f,
Sternum, division of, 92–94, 93f 492f, 494f, 495f, 497f, 498f, 502f,
Stomach, 264f, 272f T 503f, 505f, 506f, 509f, 510f, 515f,
Strap muscles, 95f 517f, 522f, 566f, 570f
Styloglossus muscle, 33, 33f, 34, 34f Tarsal artery development of, 13f
Stylohyoid ligament, 33, 33f lateral, 509f, 511f, 537f exposure of, 524–527
Stylohyoid muscle, 33, 33f, 34, 34f, 35 medial, 509f, 510f, 511f, 537f in distal leg, 526–527
Styloid process, 33, 34, 37f, 48f Tensor fasciae latae muscle, 403f in midleg, 524–525
Stylopharyngeus muscle, 33, 33f, 34 Teres major muscle, 120f, 156f, 176f, 181f posterior, 456f, 476f, 483f, 487f, 492f, 493f,
Subcardinal veins, 16, 17f Teres minor muscle, 181f, 183f 498f, 502f, 503f, 504f, 505f, 507f,
Subclavian artery(ies), 39f, 51f, 53f, 54f, 62f, Testicular artery, 394f, 398f 508f, 509f, 511f, 512f, 513f, 515f,
129f, 149f, 542f, 547f Testicular vein, 394f, 398f 518f, 519f, 522f, 523f, 529f, 533f,
branches of, variations, 548 Thenar crease, 218f 534f, 535f, 566f, 570f
compression, 126 Thenar fascia, 223f development of, 13f
development of, 6, 6f, 11f, 13 Thenar septum, 223f exposure of, 515–523
left, 85f, 87f, 103f, 106f, 150f Thenar space, 223f at ankle, 534
development of, 8f Thigh, surgical anatomy of, 429–447 in midleg, 519–520
proximal, exposure of, 91, 101–108 Thoracic aorta, 78f, 79–111 in proximal leg, 516–518
right, 87f, 97f coarctation, 544 Tibial nerve, 452f, 453f, 465f, 475f, 480f, 491f,
development of, 6, 6f, 8f, 11f descending 492f, 493f, 502f, 503f, 504f, 505f,
proximal, exposure of, 91, 101 control of, 111 507f, 508f, 511f, 513f, 522f, 523f
variations, 546–547 endovascular approach, 108–109 Tibial recurrent artery, anterior, 456f, 457f
variations, 546 exposure of, 108–111 Tibial vein, anterior, 517f
Subclavian vein(s), 53f, 54f, 61f, 128f, 129f, injury to, 108 Tibialis anterior muscle, 493f, 494f, 495f, 497f,
139f, 142f, 145f, 149f variation of, 542–546 504f, 506f, 511f, 515f, 524f, 526f, 534f
compression, 126 Thoracic aperture, superior, 78f, 79, 88–90, Tibialis anterior tendon, 503f
development of, 11f, 16f 123f. See also Thoracic outlet Tibialis posterior muscle, 475f, 476f, 492f,
exposure of, 106, 106f, 107f Thoracic artery(ies) 493f, 498f, 503f, 504f, 505f, 507f,
right, 87f internal, 79f, 81f, 84f, 88f, 242f, 544f 508f, 511f, 512f, 513f, 514f, 515f,
Subclavius muscle, 88f, 89f, 118f, 119f, 137f, lateral, 116f, 120f, 136f, 157f, 178f, 544f 533f, 534f, 535f
138f, 142f, 156f, 159f, 174f supreme, 116f, 120f, 157f, 178f Tibioperoneal trunk, 456f, 475f, 476f, 483f,
divided, 145f Thoracic duct, 54, 54f, 55f, 83f, 106f, 128f, 492f, 498f, 517f, 522f, 566f
Subcoracoid space, 123f 244f, 245f, 281f Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts
Subcostal vein, 350f division of, 61f (TIPs), 370
Subscapular artery, 116f, 129f, 157f, 178f Thoracic nerve(s) Transversalis fascia, 236f, 254, 296f, 339f,
Subscapular vein, 120f first, 115–116 340, 340f, 392f, 398f
Subscapularis muscle, 156f, 176f long, 116f, 120f, 130f, 137f, 138f, 139f, 158f Transverse process, 114f
Subsupracardinal anastomosis, 17f Thoracic outlet. See also Thoracic aperture, Transversus abdominus muscle, 254f, 398f
Superficial fascia, 28–29, 28f, 29f superior Trap door thoracotomy, 101, 105–108
Superficial radial nerve, 204f anatomy of, 113–122 Trapezium, 220f, 221f
Superior laryngeal nerve, 48f axillary passages of, 117–120 Trapezius muscle, 23, 23f, 55f, 58f, 72, 73f,
Superior mesenteric artery, 241f, 272f, 274f, bony landmarks of, 114f 89f, 110f
276f, 284f, 286f, 296f, 325f, 367f, cephalad passages of, 113–115 Trapezoid bone, 220f
551, 557 exposure of, 123–147 Trapezoid ligament, 156f
development of, 9f Thoracic outlet decompression, 123–147, 126 Triangular ligament, of liver
exposure of anterior supraclavicular approach, 127–136 left, 246f, 353f
in intestinal mesentery, 284–288 infraclavicular approach, 141–147 right, 240f, 353f
surgical anatomy of, 276–277 passive arm elevation, 135 Triceps muscle, 120f
transperitoneal exposure of, at origin, transaxillary approach, 126–127, 134–141 lateral head, 181f, 182f, 184f
280–283 wrist lock position for holding arm in, 135f long head, 180f, 181f, 182f, 183f, 184f
Superior mesenteric vein, 276f, 296f, 366f, Thoracic outlet syndrome, 113, 126 medial (deep) head, 180f, 181f, 182f, 183f
367f, 370f, 378f, 379f, 380f Thoracic vein(s) Trigeminal nerve, 121f
exposure of, 377–380 internal, 79f, 81f, 84f, 88f Triquetrum, 220f
Superior vena cava, 97f, 572–573 lateral, 120f, 136f Truncus arteriosus, 6f
development of, 16f Thoracic vertebrae, T1, 114f Tunnel of Guyon, 222f
left, 572f Thoracoacromial artery, 157f, 163f, 169f
Supinator muscle, 192f, 193f, 195f, 197f Thoracoacromial vein, 163f U
Supracardinal vein(s), 16–17 Thoracodorsal artery, 120f, 137f, 157f, 178f
right, persistent caudal portion of, 17 Thoracodorsal nerve, 116f, 120f, 137f, 138f, 158f Ulna, 191, 209f, 210f
Supraclavicular fat pad, 106 Thoracodorsal vein, 120f, 137f muscle attachments to, 192f
Ulnar artery, 196f, 197f, 198f, 199, 199f, V intracranial (V4 segment),
205f, 207f, 208f, 222f, 227f, 59, 59f
233f, 234f Vagus nerve(s), 6f, 27f, 29f, 36f, 37f, 39f, in neck, exposure of, 59–60
deep branch, 224f 48f, 54f, 55f, 61f, 75f, 84f, proximal and mid-, anterior relations
development of, 12f 88f, 122f of, 55
exposure of, 207–208, 233–234 anterior, 274f suboccipital (V4 segment), 59, 59f
Ulnar bursa, 223f, 227f left, 79f, 81f, 96f, 103f, 104, 247f posterior exposure of, 72–75, 72f, 73f,
Ulnar collateral artery posterior, 244f, 274f 74f, 75f
inferior, 178f, 196f celiac branch of, 274f, 281f surgical anatomy of, 51–58
superior, 178f, 181f, 196f right, 97f surgical segments of, 59, 59f
Ulnar nerve, 116f, 158f, 168f, 172f, 176f, Vas deferens, 338f terminal extracranial, 56–58
178f, 179f, 180f, 181f, 187f, 196f, Vastus intermedius muscle, 403f, Vertebral vein, 54f, 62f, 87f,
197f, 198f, 199f, 207f, 222f, 227f, 430f, 450f 142f, 149f
228f, 233f Vastus lateralis muscle, 403f, 430f, 450f Vesicle artery
deep branch, 224f Vastus medialis muscle, 430f, 432f, 434f, inferior, 316f
dorsal branch, 219f 445f, 450f superior, 563f
palmar cutaneous branch of, 218f Vein(s) Visceral compartment, 23f
Ulnar neurovascular bundle, 210f, 212 embryonic development of, Visceral fascia, 25, 25f
Ulnar recurrent artery, 178f, 197f 14–17 Visceral peritoneum, 236f
posterior, 196f variation, 572–574 Vitelline artery(ies)
Umbilical arteries Vena cava. See Inferior vena cava; Superior development of, 4
development of, 3f, 4f, 12f vena cava embryonic development of, 3f, 4f
obliterated, 563f Vertebral artery(ies), 29f, 51–75, 51f, 52f, 53f, Vitelline vein(s), 15f
Umbilical vein(s) 55f, 57f, 58f, 62f, 65f, 87f, 88f, 107f, development of, 2, 4, 14
development of, 2, 3f, 4f, 14f, 15f 122f, 149f embryonic development of, 3f, 4f
left, communication with hepatic development of, 8f Volar compartment, 210
sinusoids, 15f distal, 56–58 deep, 210f
Upper extremity. See also Forearm distal extracranial (V3 segment), superficial, 210f
deep fascia of, 176f 59, 59f Volar interosseous artery, 224f
intermuscular septum, 176f exposure of, 69–71, 69f Volar plate, 223f
lateral, 176f, 178f, 184f extraosseous (V1 segment), exposure of,
medial, 176f, 180f, 183f 60, 60f
nerves of, 177 anterior cervical approach, 60, W
topography, 182–184 64–65
supraclavicular approach, Warren distal splenorenal shunt, 371
vascular development in, 13
60–63 White ramus, 121f
vasomotor sympathetics, 121–122
Ureter, 238f, 318f, 329f, 330f, 338f, 351f, 355f, injury to, 60
356f, 394f, 417f, 423f interosseous (V2 segment), Y
left, 328f, 340f 59, 59f
Uterine artery, 316f exposure of, 66–68 Yolk sac, 2f, 3f, 9f, 14