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Data sheet 11

Mortar testing
CI/SfB Yq4
Issue 1 May 2017

In the UK factory produced mortar must comply with the requirements of the European
Standard BS EN 998-2 Specification for mortar for masonry, Part 2: Masonry mortar. The standard,
details the properties to be measured and the procedures that are required before a product
can commence manufacture and be offered for sale. The tests specified in the standard are
used during the Initial Type Testing (ITT) phase after product development; this establishes the
individual property values to enable a formal declaration of performance (DoP) to be made and
the issue of CE marks. Values obtained during ITT are used for factory production control and for
comparison against other future test results.

Mortar testing is undertaken on material in its fresh(1) state or on hardened mortar.

Comressive strength test equipment General information

Testing mortar is undertaken for a variety of reasons these include, the evaluation of conformity
to a specification or standard, to control and monitor the consistency of a product or process, to
examine performance against project specific requirements and as part of an investigation in to
a specific issue or to understand a defect.

Testing, whether on site or in a laboratory, should always be carried out by suitably trained,
experienced and supervised staff with appropriate, well maintained testing equipment and
resources. Care should always be taken in the storage and transport circumstances of all
samples to avoid unintentionally affecting the test results.

The four principle forms of testing which can be undertaken:

i) Production Control Testing: The manufacturer of finished construction materials and

components will routinely undertake testing to monitor and control production processes. For
example, a producer of aggregates for mortar will measure particle size distribution on a regular
basis and use variations in results to adjust the production process.

ii) Performance Testing: assesses the end performance of a construction material against
established criteria. For example, strength testing hardened mortar is becoming increasingly
important as new product standards enable mortar to be designed to a minimum strength
rather than being supplied to a recipe (prescription).

Dropping ball apparatus iii) Compliance Testing: This involves testing materials or components against the
requirements of a contract specific specification or a published standard.
Some of the equipment used to measure
the consistence of fresh mortar. iv) Analytical Testing: This involves investigating problems in order to resolve causes of issues
for example, chemical analysis of hardened mortar to determine the cement content of a
prescribed mortar.

Mortar described as fresh includes material that has been retarded for a required period of time and remains in a usable / plastic state.

mia mortar industry association Mineral Products Association 1

Standards Workable life of mortar is a measurement
of the time taken for a sample of mortar,
The two standards that are applicable for testing mortar are, BS EN 1015 - Methods of test for prepared to a defined level of workability, to
mortar for masonry (a multi-part standard) and BS 4551 - Methods of test for mortar – Chemical stiffen to a point where it is no longer usable
analysis and physical testing. Table 1, below, lists all the applicable test method standards:- for its intended application.

Table 1: Mortar test method standards The test for water soluble chloride content
of fresh mortar ensures that masonry
BS EN 1015 - 1 Determination of particle size distribution (by sieve analysis)
containing embedded metal, such as wall
BS EN 1015 - 2 Bulk sampling of mortars and preparation of test mortars
ties, remains durable and is not prone to
BS EN 1015 - 3 Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by flow table) corrosion. Maximum total chloride contents
BS EN 1015 - 4 Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by plunger penetration) by mass of cement are specified in the
BS EN 1015 - 6 Determination of bulk density of fresh mortar relevant code of practice. Chloride content is
BS EN 1015 - 7 Determination of air content of fresh mortar(i) the only chemical test method within the BS
BS EN 1015 - 9 Determination of workable life and correction time of fresh mortar EN 1015 series of Standards.
BS EN 1015 - 10 Determination of dry bulk density of hardened mortar
The consistence of fresh mortar is measured
PBS EN 1015 - 11 Determination of flexural and compressive strength of hardened mortar
using the Flow Table, the Plunger Penetration
BS EN 1015 - 17 Determination of water-soluble chloride content of fresh mortar
or the Dropping Ball test methods, these
BS EN 1015 - 18 Determination of water absorption due to capillary action of hardened methods are performed in a laboratory with
results compared against established values
BS EN 1015 - 19 Determination of water vapour permeability of hardened rendering or routine production control results. Variation
and plastering mortar from established values may indicate a
BS EN 451 Mortar - methods of test for mortar - Chemical analysis and physical change in the physical properties of one of
testing the constituents.
The test methods for all parts stated above can be found within the Standard itself. Outline guidance on the test methods is also avail-
able in MIA learning text 08 via the MIA website at’

Bulk density and air content measurements

are made to assess fresh mortar performance
Testing mortar sand becomes ‘coarse’ the percentage of the
larger size fractions increases, the finished against previously determined values. Bulk

constituents mortar may become excessively wet with

the same water addition, again affecting the
density measurements are generally only
performed in a laboratory since it requires the
Testing the performance of the cement use of accurate weighing equipment.
mortar characteristics adversely.
component of mortar is made by measuring Air content can be determined at the point of
the strength of the finished mortar under use on the construction site.
specified laboratory conditions. Testing fresh mortar
The various constituents used to produce
mortar are routinely tested to established
Testing mortar in its fresh state is covered in
both BS 4551 and BS EN 1015. Fresh mortar
Testing hardened
standards by the constituent manufacturer in
order to demonstrate grade or type. However,
properties are those that affect the ability to mortar
use mortar for its intended application. Fresh
mortar manufacturers will also test the The properties of hardened mortar that are
mortar test methods are used; to design
main constituents on a routine basis. This is measured or declared under BS EN 998-2
new mortar mixes, to assess alternative
because minor variations in their properties include Compressive strength, Bond strength,
constituents and as a performance indication
can have a significant impact on the finished Water absorption, Water vapour permeability,
when undertaking factory production
mortar. The main components of mortar are Density, Thermal conductivity (applicable
control testing. They can also be used to
fine aggregate (usually referred to as sand) for mortars intended to be used in elements
assess compliance with a standard and as an
and cement. The test to assess sand is the subject to thermal requirements) and
investigation tool.
determination of particle size distribution Durability.
also known as the ‘sieve test or grading’ this Most factory produced mortars contain
test assesses the amount of individual size For prescribed mortars the original mix
precisely dosed admixtures that provide,
fractions the sand contains, as a percentage proportions can be estimated when a
when mixed as intended by the manufacturer,
of each size that passed a certain test sieve. hardened mortar sample is chemically
an optimum mortar for the end user.
If sand becomes ‘fine’, the percentage of the analysed using the methods provided in
Incorrect mixing either to excess or less than
smaller size fractions increase, the finished BS 4551.
required during test specimen preparation
mortar may appear stiffer than normal may alter the fresh mortar properties.
and require more water to give the same The majority of hardened mortar testing
workability, which would adversely affect the is undertaken by a Mortar Manufacturer
Testing fresh mortar must be performed
water:cement ratio of the mortar and hence during the development of a new product.
within a defined period of time and before
its’ strength and other characteristics. If the Following this development stage the
the mortar has begun to set.

mia mortar industry association Mineral Products Association 2

performance of the product is confirmed • The type and quantity of mould release traditional mortar designation iii comprising
through Initial Type Testing, all of this testing agent used can influence compressive constituents in the ratio of 1:1:5 to 6 (cement
is undertaken before a new product is offered strength. Excessive mould oil can retard the : lime : fine aggregate). For designed mortar
for sale. Once available, some of the tests set of the surface of the test specimens. specified according to end performance,
used as part of the development and ITT of Insufficient oil can result in test specimens for example M4 designed general purpose
the product, are then routinely performed for adhering to the mould components factory made masonry mortar, chemical
production control. resulting in excess forces being used to analysis is not appropriate.
remove them. Both issues could give rise to
Compressive strength is a test routinely unrepresentative results. Chemical analysis can be an extremely
used to measure the end performance involved and difficult process. Assumptions
of hardened mortar. It is applicable for • The method used to compact the are required in order to estimate the final
production control, performance and mortar into the mould. If the specimen is mix proportions. Chemical analysis is a
compliance testing. With regards to analytical excessively tamped, air can be entrained method that is mainly used in the analytical
investigation and the assessment of in situ into the mortar which could result in examination and investigation of mortar.
mortar, compressive strength cannot be an under measurement of compressive
determined due to insufficient specimen strength. Also if the specimen is under Given the complex nature of the procedure
size of the placed mortar. However, test data compacted air pockets may be present outlined in BS 4551 there are many issues that
recorded at or around the time the mortar resulting in a weak or unsuitable test can result in inaccuracies in the final results,
under consideration, was produced, as part specimen. some of the main issues are outlined below.
of the manufacturers routine testing, can be
taken into account as part of an investigation. • Sample storage and curing is critical. If • Poor sampling and insufficient sample
samples are prepared on the construction size can result in an inaccurate estimate
The determination of compressive strength site, whilst awaiting collection by the of mix proportions. Five subsamples
relies upon fresh mortar being sampled and testing laboratory, the storage environment of minimum 50g should be taken and
then placed into test specimen moulds. BS EN is likely to be outside that which is required combined to form a composite sample
1015-11 requires that specific mortar prism in the test method. Storage for prolonged that represents a single section (maximum
moulds are used. These have the following periods (greater than 3 days) under site section size represented by one composite
internal dimension 40mm x 40mm x 160mm conditions will result in an unreliable sample is 50m2) each subsample is
and are usually configured in a gang of 3 strength measurement. Low temperatures taken by removing a brick or block in a
individual specimens per mould. will slow down strength development and diagonal pattern across the full extent of
equally if the specimens are allowed to dry the elevation. Each subsample should be
Making representative compressive strength out in their early life, the 28 day strengths approximately the same size / mass.
specimens of masonry mortar relies heavily are likely to be compromised.
upon the skills of the Technician; there are • If only a single sample is taken for analysis
several issues that can influence the final • Mortar prism specimens should be stored for it should only be considered to represent
strength of the mortar, these include:- the first 7 days at a temperature of 20oC ± 2oC the area immediately around the sample
and a relative humidity of 95% ± 5%. After 7 location and not be representative of the
• The treatment of the mortar sample. days the relative humidity should be reduced entire elevation.
Fresh mortar that is transported in a to 65% ± 5%.
vehicle to a laboratory has the potential • It is important that subsamples are not only
to segregate under the vibration of the • When testing the compressive strength taken from locations where the mortar is
vehicle. The sample should be remixed the rate of loading of the test specimen is easily removed as this would most likely
until it is representative of the bulk material critical. The testing machine must apply the result in a composite sample that is not
it was sampled from. Equally, care should load at a uniform rate within the range 10 typical of the average composition.
be taken when remixing site made dry N/s to 50 N/s. Failure should occur within
silo mortar, not to over work the material 30 to 90 seconds. Shock loading must be • Another potential inaccuracy in this
causing excessive air to be entrained avoided. method is in the way the cement
above the air content levels measured content is calculated. The method uses
on the construction site. A higher than Independent test laboratories without proportionality whereby the quantities of
normal air content will result in an under experience of testing a particular mortar certain chemicals, usually CaO and SiO2,
measurement of the compressive strength. manufacturer’s product to BS EN 1015-11, contained in 100% of the reference cement
should ensure they contact the mortar is used to calculate the quantity of cement
• The condition of the specimen moulds manufacturer to obtain detailed product in the test sample via the proportion of
is important. Corroded and poorly information before carrying out any testing. CaO and SiO2 found through analysis. The
maintained moulds should not be used. issue is that the reference cement may be
The dimensions of moulds should be The Chemical analysis of mortar in order different from that contained in the test
routinely checked and recorded. to determine mix proportions is used for the sample, which could lead to an inaccurate
assessment of prescribed mortar, for example result.

mia mortar industry association Mineral Products Association 3

• It is recommended that samples of the
individual constituents (cement and fine
aggregate) are provided to the laboratory
along with the composite sample.

BS EN 998 - 2 - 2010 Specification for mortar for masonry part 2: Masonry mortar
BS 4551:2005 + A1:2010 Mortar – Methods of test for mortar – Chemical analysis and physical testing
PD 6682-3:2003 Aggregates – Part 3 Aggregates for mortar – Guidance on the use of BS EN 13139
BS EN 1015 - 1 Determination of particle size distribution (by sieve analysis)
BS EN 1015 - 2 Bulk sampling of mortars and preparation of test mortars
BS EN 1015 - 3 Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by flow table)
BS EN 1015 - 4 Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by plunger penetration)
BS EN 1015 - 6 Determination of bulk density of fresh mortar
PBS EN 1015 - 7 Determination of air content of fresh mortar
BS EN 1015 - 9 Determination of workable life and correction time of fresh mortar
BS EN 1015 - 10 Determination of dry bulk density of hardened mortar
BS EN 1015 - 11 Determination of flexural and compressive strength of hardened mortar
BS EN 1015 - 17 Determination of water-soluble chloride content of fresh mortars
BS EN 1015 - 18 Determination of water absorption coefficient due to capillary action of hardened mortar
BS EN 1015 - 19 Determination of water vapour permeability of hardened rendering and plastering mortars

There is a real danger of contact dermatitis or

serious burns if skin comes into contact with
wet mortar. Wear suitable protective clothing
and eye protection. Where skin contact occurs
either directly or through saturated clothing
The Mortar Industry association is part of Mineral Products Association Ltd wash immediately with soap and water. For eye
the Mineral Products Association, the trade Gillingham House contact immediately wash out eyes thoroughly
association for the aggregates, asphalt, 38 - 44 Gillingham Street with clean water. If swallowed wash out mouth
cement, concrete, dimension stone, lime, London SW1V 1HU and drink plenty of water.
mortar and silica sand industries. Tel +44 (0)20 7963 8000
The relevant codes of practice, standards and
Fax +44 (0)20 7963 8001
statutory regulations must always be observed.
[email protected] The information in this data sheet may be freely
copied with acknowledgement to the Mortar
Industry Association. Current issue numbers of
all MIA publications are available from the MIA
© Mineral Products Association 2017 website.

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