Malteri Za Zidanje
Malteri Za Zidanje
Malteri Za Zidanje
Mortar testing
CI/SfB Yq4
Issue 1 May 2017
In the UK factory produced mortar must comply with the requirements of the European
Standard BS EN 998-2 Specification for mortar for masonry, Part 2: Masonry mortar. The standard,
details the properties to be measured and the procedures that are required before a product
can commence manufacture and be offered for sale. The tests specified in the standard are
used during the Initial Type Testing (ITT) phase after product development; this establishes the
individual property values to enable a formal declaration of performance (DoP) to be made and
the issue of CE marks. Values obtained during ITT are used for factory production control and for
comparison against other future test results.
Testing, whether on site or in a laboratory, should always be carried out by suitably trained,
experienced and supervised staff with appropriate, well maintained testing equipment and
resources. Care should always be taken in the storage and transport circumstances of all
samples to avoid unintentionally affecting the test results.
ii) Performance Testing: assesses the end performance of a construction material against
established criteria. For example, strength testing hardened mortar is becoming increasingly
important as new product standards enable mortar to be designed to a minimum strength
rather than being supplied to a recipe (prescription).
Dropping ball apparatus iii) Compliance Testing: This involves testing materials or components against the
requirements of a contract specific specification or a published standard.
Some of the equipment used to measure
the consistence of fresh mortar. iv) Analytical Testing: This involves investigating problems in order to resolve causes of issues
for example, chemical analysis of hardened mortar to determine the cement content of a
prescribed mortar.
Mortar described as fresh includes material that has been retarded for a required period of time and remains in a usable / plastic state.
Table 1: Mortar test method standards The test for water soluble chloride content
of fresh mortar ensures that masonry
BS EN 1015 - 1 Determination of particle size distribution (by sieve analysis)
containing embedded metal, such as wall
BS EN 1015 - 2 Bulk sampling of mortars and preparation of test mortars
ties, remains durable and is not prone to
BS EN 1015 - 3 Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by flow table) corrosion. Maximum total chloride contents
BS EN 1015 - 4 Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by plunger penetration) by mass of cement are specified in the
BS EN 1015 - 6 Determination of bulk density of fresh mortar relevant code of practice. Chloride content is
BS EN 1015 - 7 Determination of air content of fresh mortar(i) the only chemical test method within the BS
BS EN 1015 - 9 Determination of workable life and correction time of fresh mortar EN 1015 series of Standards.
BS EN 1015 - 10 Determination of dry bulk density of hardened mortar
The consistence of fresh mortar is measured
PBS EN 1015 - 11 Determination of flexural and compressive strength of hardened mortar
using the Flow Table, the Plunger Penetration
BS EN 1015 - 17 Determination of water-soluble chloride content of fresh mortar
or the Dropping Ball test methods, these
BS EN 1015 - 18 Determination of water absorption due to capillary action of hardened methods are performed in a laboratory with
results compared against established values
BS EN 1015 - 19 Determination of water vapour permeability of hardened rendering or routine production control results. Variation
and plastering mortar from established values may indicate a
BS EN 451 Mortar - methods of test for mortar - Chemical analysis and physical change in the physical properties of one of
testing the constituents.
The test methods for all parts stated above can be found within the Standard itself. Outline guidance on the test methods is also avail-
able in MIA learning text 08 via the MIA website at’
BS EN 998 - 2 - 2010 Specification for mortar for masonry part 2: Masonry mortar
BS 4551:2005 + A1:2010 Mortar – Methods of test for mortar – Chemical analysis and physical testing
PD 6682-3:2003 Aggregates – Part 3 Aggregates for mortar – Guidance on the use of BS EN 13139
BS EN 1015 - 1 Determination of particle size distribution (by sieve analysis)
BS EN 1015 - 2 Bulk sampling of mortars and preparation of test mortars
BS EN 1015 - 3 Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by flow table)
BS EN 1015 - 4 Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by plunger penetration)
BS EN 1015 - 6 Determination of bulk density of fresh mortar
PBS EN 1015 - 7 Determination of air content of fresh mortar
BS EN 1015 - 9 Determination of workable life and correction time of fresh mortar
BS EN 1015 - 10 Determination of dry bulk density of hardened mortar
BS EN 1015 - 11 Determination of flexural and compressive strength of hardened mortar
BS EN 1015 - 17 Determination of water-soluble chloride content of fresh mortars
BS EN 1015 - 18 Determination of water absorption coefficient due to capillary action of hardened mortar
BS EN 1015 - 19 Determination of water vapour permeability of hardened rendering and plastering mortars