Labor Law
Labor Law
Labor Law
The Labor Code leaves it to the Secretary of the Nature of Assumption Order or Certification
Labor own’s sound discretion to determine the Order - The power to issue assumption or
presence of national interest. certification orders is an extraordinary authority
granted to the President and to his alter ego, the
As to the ground of illegal strike, the strike DOLE Secretary, the exercise of which is
should be declared by final judgment to be strictly limited to national interest cases.
illegal before the company can dismiss the
union officers. Dismissal of members must also
The constitutionality of the power of the The following are the justifications:
Secretary of Labor under the Labor Code to 1. A strike that is undertaken after the issuance
assume jurisdiction over a labor dispute in an by the DOLE Secretary of an assumption or
industry indispensable to the national interest certification order becomes a prohibited
has been upheld as an exercise of police power activity, thus illegal. The striking union
of the State. officers and members, as a result, are deemed
to have lost their employment status for
This is done for the promotion of the common having knowingly participated in an illegal
good considering that a prolonged strike or strike;
lockout can be inimical to the national economy. 2. From the moment a worker defies a return to
The Secretary of Labor acts to maintain work order, he is deemed to have abandoned
industrial peace. Thus, his certification for his job;
compulsory arbitration is not intended to impede 3. By so defying, the worker has forfeited his
the workers right to strike but to obtain a speedy right to be readmitted to work.
settlement of the dispute.
Right to Collective Bargaining
Requirements of a Valid Assumption Order Duty to Bargain Collectively - It is the
or Certification Order performance of a mutual obligation to meet and
1. There exists a labor dispute causing or likely convene promptly and expeditiously in good
to cause a strike or lockout; and faith for the purpose of negotiating an
2. That the labor dispute is in an industry agreement with respect to wages, hours of work
indispensable to the national interest. and all other terms and conditions of
Who may Declare a Strike - The proper party employment, including proposals for adjusting
to a strike is any certified or duly recognized any grievances or questions arising from such
bargaining representative. agreement and executing a contract
incorporating such agreements if requested by
Injunctions - The Labor Code empowers the either party, but such duty does not compel any
NLRC to issue injunctions or temporary party to agree to a proposed or to make any
restraining orders in labor disputes. concession.
Who can issue Injunctions/TRO in labor Until a new Collective Bargaining Agreement
disputes? has been executed by and between the parties,
1. President; they are duly bound to keep the status quo and
2. Secretary of Labor; to continue, in full force and effect, the terms
3. NLRC; and conditions of the existing agreement. The
4. Labor Arbiters as delegated by the law does not provide for any exception or
Commission; qualification as to which of the economic
5. Regional Directors; and provisions of the existing agreement shall
6. Med-Arbiters. remain in force and effect, therefore, it must be
understood as encompassing all the terms and
Requisites for Lawful Picketing conditions of the said agreement.
1. The picket should be peaceful;
2. There should be no attendant act of violence, Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) - The
coercion or intimidation; negotiated contract between a duly recognized
3. The ingress to (entrance) or egress from or certified exclusive bargaining agent of
(exit) the company promises should not be workers and their employer, concerning wages,
obstructed; and hours of work and all other terms and conditions
4. Public thoroughfares should not be impeded. of employment in the appropriate bargaining
unit, including mandatory provisions for
Effect of Defiance of Assumption or grievances and arbitration machineries.
Certification Orders - The defiance by the
union, its officers and members of the Labor
Secretary’s assumption of jurisdiction or
certification order constitutes a valid ground for
Contract-Bar Rule Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) of Employers
1. The Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR) may and Labor Organization
not entertain any petition for certification ULP of Labor Organizations
election which may disturb the 1. To grossly violate a CBA;
administration of a duly registered CBA. 2. To restrain or coerce employees in the
2. May apply provided that the CBA is exercise of their right to self-organization;
registered with the DOLE, assuming it has 3. To ask for or accept negotiation or Attorney’s
been validly ratified and contains the fees from employers as part of the settlement
mandatory provisions. of any issue in collective bargaining or any
• The benefits of a CBA are applicable to all other dispute;
employees regardless of their membership in 4. To cause or attempt to cause an employer to
the union, because to withhold the same from discriminate against an employee, including
non-union members would be to discriminate discrimination against an employee with
against them. respect to whom membership in such
• CBA provision, which is contractual in nature, organization has been denied, or to terminate
cannot prevail over the duty to respect the an employee on any ground other than the
workers’ constitutional right to religious usual terms and conditions under which
freedom. The latter has a preferred value in membership or continuation of membership
the hierarchy of values. is made available to other members;
5. To cause or attempt to cause an employer to
Freedom Period - It is the last sixty (60) days pay or deliver or agree to pay or deliver any
of the 5-year-lifetime of a CBA’s representation money or other things of value in the nature
aspect. It is the only time when, under the law, of an exaction for services not performed not
the majority status of the bargaining agent may to be performed, including the demand for a
be challenged by another union by filing the fee for union negotiations; or
appropriate petition for certification election. 6. To violate the duty or refuse to bargain
collectively with the employer, provided it is
The Labor Code provides in Article 268 that “at the representative of the employees.
the expiration of the freedom period, the
employer shall continue to recognize the ULP of Employers - No criminal prosecution
majority status of the incumbent bargaining for unfair labor practice may be made without a
agent where no petition for certification election prior final judgment in an unfair labor practice
has been filed or pending. administrative case (filed before the Labor
Arbiter of the NLRC pursuant to Article 224(a)
Automatic renewal clause of Collective (1), LC). And even so, the final judgment would
Bargaining Agreements - Although a CBA has not be binding in the criminal case. Neither
expired, it continues to have legal effect as would such final judgment be considered as
between the parties until a new CBA has been evidence in the criminal case. At best, it could
entered into. only serve as proof of compliance with the
requirement of prior exhaustion of
Substitutionary Doctrine - A new collective administrative complaint.
bargaining agent cannot repudiate an existing It shall be unlawful for an employer to commit
collective bargaining agreement, because the any of the following unfair labor practices:
existing collective bargaining agreement must 1. To interfere with, restrain or coerce
be honored by a new exclusive bargaining employees in the exercise of their right to
representative because of the policy of stability self-organization;
in labor relations between an employer and the 2. To require as a condition of employment that
workers. a person or an employee shall not join a labor
organization or shall withdraw from one to
• Workers are allowed to negotiate wage which he belongs;
increases separate and distinct from the 3. To contract out services or functions being
legislated wage increases. performed by union members when such will
interfere with, restrain or coerce employees
in the exercise of their right to self-
4. To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise What needs to be proven in the termination of
interfere with the formation or administration the employment of an employee based on a
of any labor organization including the union security clause:
giving of financial or other support to it or its 1. The union security clause is applicable;
organizers or officers; 2. The union is requesting for the enforcement
5. To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of of the union security provision in the CBA;
work, and other terms and conditions of and
employment in order to encourage or 3. There is sufficient evidence to support the
discourage membership in any labor unions decision to expel the employee from
organization; the union.
6. To dismiss, discharge or otherwise prejudice
or discriminate against an employee for These requisites constitute just cause for
having given or being about to give terminating an employee based on the CBAs
testimony; union security provision.
7. To violate the duty to bargain collectively;
8. To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the In order to violate a CBA that will constitute
union or its officers or agents as part of the ULP, the violation must be of its economic
settlement of any issue in collective provisions.
bargaining or any other dispute; and
9. To violate a collective bargaining agreement. A closed shop clause requires all employees to
be members of the bargaining union at the time
Runaway Shop - A “runaway shop” is defined of the hiring and must remain to be members of
as an industrial plant moved by its owners from good standing. While, the maintenance of
one location to another to escape union labor membership clause requires all employees who
regulations or state laws, but the term is also are union members at the time of the execution
used to describe a plant removed to a new of the CBA to maintain their membership as a
location in order to discriminate against condition of continue employment.
employees at the old plant because of their
union activities. Union dues are union funds paid by union
members, normally through check-off by the
• A runaway shop is not automatically an unfair employer on the basis of an individual written
labor practice. authorization duly signed by the employees.
While, an agency fee is a reasonable fee
Nature of ULP - Unfair labor practices violate equivalent to the dues and other fees paid by
the constitutional right of workers and members of the recognized bargaining agent.
employees to self-organization, are inimical to
the legitimate interests of both labor and Unfair Labor Practice in Collective
management, including their right to bargain Bargaining
collectively and otherwise deal with each other CBA-Related ULPs:
in an atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect, 1. To violate the duty to bargain collectively as
disrupt industrial peace and hinder the prescribed in the Labor Code;
promotion of healthy and stable labor- 2. To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the
management relations. union or its officers or agents as part of the
settlement of any issue in collective
Union Security - “Union security” is a generic bargaining or any other dispute; and
term, which is applied to and comprehends 3. To violate a CBA.
“closed shop,” “union shop,” “maintenance of
membership,” or any other form of agreement Bargaining in bad faith
which imposes upon employees the obligation • The law expressly mandates that both
to acquire or retain union membership as a employers and labor organizations should
condition affecting employment. There is union bargain collectively in good faith.
shop when all new regular employees are • There is no per se test of good faith in
required to join the union within a certain period bargaining. Good faith or bad faith is an
as a condition for their continued employment. inference to be drawn from the facts. The
effect of an employer’s or a union’s actions
individually is not the test of good-faith Casual/Temporary Employment - It is where
bargaining, but the impact of all such the employment has been fixed for a specific
occasions or actions, considered as a whole. project, the completion of which has been
• An adamant insistence on a bargaining determined at the time of the agreement of the
position to the point where the negotiations employee.
reach an impasse does not establish bad faith. Casual Employees: A casual employee is an
• It is not obligatory upon either side of a labor employee who is engaged to perform an activity
controversy to precipitately accept or agree to not usually necessary or desirable to the course
the proposals of the other. of business of the employer or merely incidental
to the business and is hired under the terms of
Refusal to bargain - Where an employer casual employment and for a definite period
suspends collective bargaining negotiations with only.
the union and placed the union funds in escrow Seasonal Employment - It is one where work
considering the intra-union dispute between two during a particular season on an activity that is
factions within the union, the employer had usually necessary or desirable in the usual
committed the unfair labor practice of refusal to business or trade.
bargain. Project Employment - It is one where work is
fixed for a specific project or undertaking the
Surface Bargaining - It is the “going through completion of which has been determined at the
the motions of negotiating” without any legal time of engagement of the employee. The period
intent to reach an agreement. Whether or not a is not the determining factor, so that even if the
party has engaged in unlawful surface period is more than one (1) year, the employee
bargaining is a question involving the latter’s does not necessarily become regular.
intent, which can only be inferred from the
totality of the challenged party’s conduct both at Probationary Employment
and away from the bargaining table. More GR: Probationary employment shall not exceed
specifically whether or not an employer’s a period of six (6) months.
conduct demonstrates an unwillingness to EXC: When it is covered by an apprenticeship
bargain in good faith or is merely hard agreement covering a longer period.
• If probationary employee is allowed to work
Blue-Sky Bargaining - It is the “unrealistic and beyond six (6) months, he/she becomes a
unreasonable demand in negotiations by either regular employee by operation of law.
or both labor and management, where neither • An employer may determine if the employee
concedes anything and demands the is qualified for possible inclusion in the
impossible.” regular force.
Availment - Additional benefit which shall be An aggregate service of at least six (6) months
for seven (7) working days every year, with full within a 12-month period prior to surgery is
pay, consisting of basic salary and mandatory sufficient to entitle her to avail of the special
allowances. leave benefit.
Separation Pay - It is an amount that an • In no case shall an employee gets less than
employee receives at the time of his severance one (1) month separation pay if the separation
from service and is designed to provide for him is due to the above stated causes and he/she
during the period that he is looking for another has served for at least six (6) months.
One-month pay per year of service - An
GR: If dismissed for cause as defined therein, employee is entitled to separation pay equivalent
not entitled to separation pay. to his/her one-month pay for every year of
service, a fraction of at least six (6) months
There is no obligation to pay separation pay if being considered as one whole year, if due to
the closure is not a unilateral and voluntary act any of the following:
of the employer. 1. Installation of labor-saving devices;
2. Redundancy;
If the closure or cessation of operation of an 3. Impossible reinstatement of the employee to
establishment is due to serious business losses his former position not attributable to the
or financial reverses, the employees are not fault of the employer, as when the
entitled to separation pay. reinstatement ordered by a competent
authority cannot be implemented due to
EXC: An employee who voluntarily resigns is closure or cessation of operations of the
not entitled to separation pay, unless stipulated establishment/employer, or the position to
in the employment contract or the collective which he/she is to be reinstated no longer
bargaining agreement or is sanctioned by exists and there is no substantially equivalent
established practice or policy of the employer. position in the establishment to which he/she
can be assigned.
Award - Instances when an illegally dismissed
employee may be awarded separation pay in lieu Notice of termination - Notice must be a
of reinstatement: written notice to the employee and the DOLE,
1. In case the establishment where the through its regional office having jurisdiction
employee is to be reinstated has closed or over the place of business, at least one (1) month
ceased operations; before the intended date thereof.
2. Where the company has been declared
insolvent; Computation of separation pay - Basis shall
3. If the former position no longer exists at the be on the employee’s latest salary rate. It should
time of reinstatement for reasons not not just the basic salary but also the regular
attributable to the fault of the employer; and allowances that an employee has been receiving.
4. Where the employee decides not to be
reinstated as when he does not pray for Employment of Minors (Labor Code, RA
reinstatement in his complaint or position 7678, RA 923)
paper. Constitutional Bases
1. The State recognizes the vital role of the
Amount - An employee is entitled to receive youth in nation-building and shall promote
separation pay equivalent to one-half (1/2) and protect their physical, moral, spiritual,
month pay for every year of service, a fraction intellectual, and social well-being;
of at least six (6) months beings considered as
2. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and Hazardous workplaces:
nationalism, and encourage their 1. Exposure to dangerous environmental
involvement in public and civic affairs. elements, contaminants;
2. Construction work, deep sea fishing, and
GR: Children below fifteen (15) years shall not mechanized farming;
be employed. 3. Handling of explosives and other pyrotechnic
EXC: products;
1. Child workers directly under the sole 4. Exposure to use of heavy power-driven
responsibility of his parents or legal guardian machinery; and
and where only members of the employer’s 5. Exposure to or use of power-driven tools.
family are employed, provided that:
a. His employment does not endanger his Maximum working hours
life, safety, health and morals; Age Bracket Daily Max Weekly Max
b. I t d o e s n o t i m p a i r h i s n o r m a l
development; and Below 15 years
4 hours 20 hours
c. It shall provide the said minor child with old
the prescribed primary and/or secondary 15 to below 18
8 hours 40 hours
education; years old
2. Child’s employment of participation in
public entertainment or information through Night work prohibition
cinema, provided that:
Age Bracket Prohibited Hours
a. Employment does not involve as or
commercials, promoting alcohol, tobacco Below 15 years old 8 pm to 6 am
and its by-products or violence; 15 years old to below 18 10 pm to 6 am
b. The employment contract is concluded by years old
the child’s parent or guardian, with the
express agreement of the child, if
possible, and approved by the DOLE; Retirement Pay
c. The employer shall ensure the protection, Retirement Pay Law (RA 7641, amending Art
health, safety and morals of the child; 302 of the Labor Code)
d. The employer shall institute measures to Rationale - Enacted as a labor protection
prevent the child’s exploitation or measure and as a curative statute that - absent a
discrimination; and retirement plan devised by, an agreement with,
e. The employer shall formulate and or a voluntary grant from an employer - can
implement, subject to the approval and respond, in part at least, to the financial well-
supervision of competent authorities, a being of workers during their twilight years
continuing program for training and skill soon following their life of labor.
acquisition of the child.
Requisites for retroactivity:
1. The claimant for retirement benefits was still
• In the exceptional cases, the employer shall in the employ of the employer at the time the
first secure a work permit from DOLE.
statute took effect; and
Employment of children from 15 to 18 years 2. The claimant had complied with the
of age - Allowed but restricted to non-hazardous requirements for eligibility for such
undertakings. retirement benefits under the statute.
RA 10361 known as the Kasambahay law Eligibility - All employees in the private sector,
defines “Domestic Worker” as one that does not regardless of their position, designation, or
include children who are under foster family status, and irrespective of the method by which
arrangement, and are provided access to their wages are paid. The only exceptions are:
education and given allowance incidental to 1. Employees covered by the Civil Service
education. Law;
2. Domestic helpers and persons in the personal
service of another; and
3. Employees in retail, service and agricultural (1/2) month salary for every year of service, a
establishments or operations regularly fraction of at least six (6) months being
employing not more than ten employees. considered as one whole year.
Coverage - All employees in the private sector, For the purpose of computing retirement pay,
regardless of their position, designation, or one-half month salary shall include all of the
status, and irrespective of the method by which following:
their wages are paid. 1. Fifteen (15) days salary based on the latest
salary rate;
Exclusions: 2. Cash equivalent of five (5) days of service
1. Employees covered by the Civil Service Law incentive leave; and
and its regulations; 3. One-twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month pay.
2. Domestic helpers and persons in the personal (1/12 x 365/12 = .083 x 30.41 = 2.52).
service of another;
3. Employees in retail, service and agricultural Thus, one-half month salary is equivalent to
establishments or operations regularly 22.5 days.
employing not more than ten (10)
employees; and EXC:
4. Employees in an establishment that grants 1. Retail, service and agricultural establishment
more than what the Labor Code grants. or operations employing not more than ten
(10) employees or workers who are
Retirement Pay Law vis-a-vis Retirement exempted from the coverage of the provision
Plan - A retirement plan partakes the nature of a on retirement benefits in the Labor Code; and
contract Retirement Pay Law only applies when: 2. Where there is a retirement plan of the
1. There is no collective bargaining agreement employer that grants more than what the
or other applicable employment contract Labor Code grants.
providing for retirement benefits for an
employee; or Retirement Benefits under a CBA or
2. There is a collective bargaining agreement or Applicable Contract - Any employee may
other applicable employment contract retire or be retired by his/her employer upon
providing for retirement benefits for an reaching the age established in the CBA;
employee, but it is below the requirements Provided, that such retirement benefits shall not
set by law. be less than the retirement pay provided under
RA 7641.
Age of Retirement
1. Where there is a CBA or other applicable Retirement benefits of workers who are paid
employment contract (or a retirement plan): by results - The basis for the determination of
Any employee may be retired upon reaching the salary for fifteen (15) days shall be their
the retirement age established therein; or average daily salary (ADS). The ADS is derived
2. Where there is no CBA/retirement plan: by dividing the total salary or earnings for the
a. Optional Retirement: An employee, upon last twelve (12) months reckoned from the date
reaching the age of 60 years or more (but of retirement by the number of actual working
not beyond 65 years), who has served at days in that particular period, provided that the
least five (5) years in the said determination of rates of payment by results are
establishment, may retire. in accordance with established regulations.
b. Compulsory retirement: Upon reaching
the age of 65 (compulsory retirement Retirement benefit of part-time workers -
age). Part-time workers are also entitled to retirement
pay of one-month salary for every year of
Mining Employee - Required to have rendered service after satisfying the following conditions
at least 5 years of service in order to be entitled precedent for optional retirement:
to retirement benefits. 1. There is no retirement plan between the
employer and the employee; and
Amount of retirement pay - The minimum
retirement pay shall be equivalent to one-half
2. The employee has reached the age of sixty transportation, school projects and school
(60) years, and has rendered at least five (5) activities.
years of service. • A househelper or a laundry woman, as well as
a gardener, driver, or a houseboy who work in
Taxability the staff house of a company are not
GR: Any provision of law to the contrary househelpers. The criterion is not the nature to
notwithstanding the retirement benefits received the work but the personal comfort and
by officials and employees of private firms, enjoyment of the family of the employer in
whether individual or corporate, in accordance the home of said employer.
with a reasonable private benefit plan
maintained by the employer: Benefits of househelpers
1. Shall be exempt from all taxes; and 1. Compensation - Minimum wage:
2. S h a l l n o t b e l i a b l e t o a t t a c h m e n t , a. NCR - P2,500.00 a month;
garnishment, levy or seizure by or under any b. C h a r t e r e d c i t i e s a n d f i r s t c l a s s
legal or equitable process whatsoever. municipalities - P2,000.00 a month; and
EXC: c. Others - P1,500.00 a month.
1. to pay a debt of the official or employee 2. Leave Benefits - A domestic worker who has
concerned to the private benefit plan; and rendered at least one (1) year of service shall
2. to pay a debt arising from liability imposed be entitled to an annual service incentive
in a criminal action. leave of five (5) days with pay: Provided,
That any unused portion of said annual leave
Reasonable private benefit plan - A pension, shall not be cumulative or carried over to the
gratuity, stock bonus or profit sharing plan succeeding years. Unused leaves shall not be
maintained by an employer for the benefit of convertible to cash.
some or all of his officials and employees, 3. SSS, PhilHealth, PAG-IBIG - A domestic
wherein contributions are made by such worker who has rendered at least one (1)
employer or officials and employees, or both, month of service shall be covered by the
for the purpose of distributing to such officials Social Security System (SSS), the Philippine
and employees the earnings and principal of the Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth),
fund thus accumulated, and wherein it is and the Home Development Mutual Fund or
provided in said plan that at no time shall any PAG-IBIG, and shall be entitled to all the
part of the corpus or income of the fund be used benefits in accordance with the pertinent
for, or be diverted to, any purpose other than for provisions provided by law.
the exclusive benefit of the said officials and
employees. Premium payments or contributions shall be
shouldered by the employer. However, if the
Househelpers domestic worker is receiving a wage of Five
Employment of Househelpers has been repealed thousand pesos (P5,000.00) and above per
by RA 10631, otherwise known as Domestic month, the domestic worker shall pay the
Workers Act or Batas Kasambahay. proportionate share in the premium payments or
contributions, as provided by law.
Domestic worker or “kasambahay” - Any
person engaged in domestic work within an Rights and Privileges
employment relationship such as, but not limited 1. Standard of treatment: The employer or any
to: general househelp, nursemaid or “yaya”, member of the household shall not subject a
cook, gardener, or laundry person, but shall domestic worker to any kind of abuse nor
exclude any person who performs domestic inflict any form of physical violence or
work only occasionally or sporadically and not harassment or any act tending to degrade the
on an occupational basis. dignity of a domestic worker;
2. Board, lodging and medical attendance:
• The term shall not include children who are Basic necessities to include at least 3
under foster family arrangement, and are adequate meals a day and humane sleeping
provided access to education and given an arrangements; appropriate rest and assistance
allowance incidental to education, i.e. “baon”, in case of illnesses and injuries sustained
during service (without loss of benefits);
3. Privacy of communication and personal connection with the domestic worker’s
effects; work;
4. Access to outside communication: Costs to b. Gross or habitual neglect or inefficiency
be borne by the domestic worker (unless in the performance of duties;
waived by the employer); c. Fraud or willful breach of the trust
5. Right to education and training: An reposed by the employer on the domestic
opportunity to finish basic education and worker;
may allow access to alternative learning d. Commission of a crime or offense by the
systems and, as far as practicable, higher domestic worker against the person of the
education or technical and vocational employer or any immediate member of
training; the employer’s family;
6. Rest period: Aggregate daily rest period of 8 e. Violation of the terms and conditions of
hours per day, and at least 24 consecutive the employment contract and other
hours of rest in a week. standards set forth under the law;
f. Any disease prejudicial to the health of
Employment Certification - Upon the the domestic worker, the employer, or
severance of the employment relationship, the member/s of the household; and
employer shall issue the domestic worker within g. Analogous causes.
five (5) days from request a certificate of
employment indicating the nature, duration of • If the duration of the domestic service is not
the service and work performance. determined in stipulation or by the nature of
the service, the employer or the domestic
Termination of service worker may give notice to end the working
GR: Neither the domestic worker nor the relationship five (5) days before the intended
employer may terminate the contract before the termination of the service.
expiration of the term. • The domestic worker and the employer may
EXC: mutually agree upon written notice to pre-
1. The domestic worker may terminate the terminate the contract of employment to end
employment relationship at any time before the employment relationship.
the expiration of the contract for any of the
following causes: Reliefs for unjust termination:
a. Verbal or emotional abuse by the 1. If the domestic worker is unjustly dismissed:
employer or any member of the The domestic worker shall be paid the
household; compensation already earned plus the
b. Inhuman treatment including physical equivalent of fifteen (15) days work by way
abuse by the employer or any member of of indemnity.
the household; 2. If the domestic worker leaves without
c. Commission of a crime or offense against justifiable reason. Any unpaid salary due not
him/her by the employer or any member exceeding the equivalent fifteen 915) days’
of the household; work shall be forfeited.
d. Violation by the employer of the terms
and conditions of the employment In addition, the employer may recover from the
contract and other standards set forth domestic worker costs incurred related to the
under the law; deployment expenses, if any, provided that the
e. Any disease prejudicial to the health of service has been terminated within 6 months
the domestic worker, the employer, or from the domestic worker’s employment.
member/s of the household; and
f. Analogous causes. Holiday Pay/Premium Pay
2. An employer may terminate the services of Holiday Pay - A one-day given by law to an
the domestic worker at any time before the employee even if he does not work on a regular
expiration of the contract, for any of the holiday.
following causes:
a. Misconduct or willful disobedience of the This gift of a day’s pay is limited to each of the
lawful order of the employer in 12 regular holidays.
Coverage Special (Non-Working Days):
GR: All employees are entitled to holiday pay. 1. Black Saturday - March 30th;
EXC: 2. Ninoy Aquino Day - August 21st;
1. Those in the government and GOCC; 3. All Saints Day - November 1st;
2. Those in retail and service establishment 4. Additional special (Non-working) days -
regularly employing less than 10 workers; November 2nd;
3. Domestic helpers and persons in the personal 5. December 24th; and
service of another; 6. Last Day of the Year - December 31st.
4. Managerial employees; and
5. Field personnel, including those who are Special Holidays (For all Schools);
engaged on task or contract basis, purely 1. EDSA Revolution Anniversary - February
commission basis, or those who are paid a 25th; and
fixed amount for performing work. 2. PD 1083. (Code of Muslim Personal Laws)
The employer may require an employee to work • There should be no distinction between
on any holiday but such employee shall be paid Muslims and non-Muslims as regards
a compensation equivalent to twice his regular payment of benefits for Muslim holidays.
Computation of Holiday pay
Day Compensation GR: An employer may require an employee to
work on any holiday but such employee shall be
Work on any regular 200% of regular daily paid a compensation equivalent to twice his
holiday, not exceeding 8 wage regular rate.
Work on any regular 200% of regular daily According to the LC, IRR and
holiday, if it exceeds 8 wage (for the 1st 8 hours) Memorandums:
hours/overtime + 30% of hourly rate on Work on special holiday Regular daily wage + 30%
said day thereof
Work on any regular 200% of regular daily
holiday which falls on the wage + 30% of such
scheduled rest day, not amount
• According to DOLE Memorandum Circular
1-04, a “special holiday”/“special day”
exceeding 8 hours
includes the National Special Days, and
Work on any regular 200% of regular daily declared special days such as Special Non-
holiday which falls on wage + 30% of such working Holiday, Special Public Holiday and
scheduled rest day, if it amount + 30% of hourly Special National Holiday. Such days are
exceeds 8 hours/overtime rate on said day entitled to the rates prescribed above. These
Work on special holiday Regular daily wage + 50% days are not the same as a special working
and rest day thereof holiday.
• A special working holiday is considered an
ordinary working day, so there is no premium
Regular Holidays:
1. New Year’s Day - January 1st;
2. Maundy Thursday - March 28th;
Double holiday pay - According to “DOLE
3. Good Friday - March 29th;
Explanatory Bulletin on Worker’s Entitlement to
4. Araw ng Kagitingan - April 9th;
Holiday Pay on 9 April 1993,” if two holidays
5. Labor Day - May 1st;
fall on the same day:
6. Independence Day - June 12th;
1. If unworked, 200% of basic wage; and
7. National Heroes Day - August 26th (Last
2. IF work, 300% of basic wage.
Monday of August);
8. Bonifacio Day - November 30th;
9. Christmas Day - December 25th;
10.Rizal Day - December 30th;
11.Eid’l Fitr - date to be determined later;
12.Eid’l Adha - date to be determined later.
Successive holiday pay the periods shall be compensated with this
Employee entitled to holiday pay for both Rule; and
days, if: 2. An employee is entitled to holiday pay for
1. Present on day immediately preceding first the regular holidays falling within the period
holiday; or in cases of temporary shutdowns or cessation
2. Works on first holiday, which entitles him to of work, when:
pay on second holiday. a. An annual inventory; or
b. Repair or cleaning of machineries and
Divisors - Assumes important role in equipment is undertaken.
determining whether or not holiday pay is
already computed. The employer may not pay his employees for
1. Monthly paid employees are not entitled to the regular holidays during the suspension of
the holiday pay if their total annual income is work if:
divided by 365 days resulting in a wage 1. The cessation of operation is due to business
which is beyond the minimum wage per day reverses; and
because they are considered paid every day 2. Authorized by the Secretary of Labor.
of the year including holidays, rest days, and
other non-working days. The 365 days are as Teachers , Piece workers, Seafarers, Seasonal
follows: workers, etc.
365 days = 296 days - ordinary days 1. Private school teachers, including faculty
52 days - rest days members of colleges and universities, may
12 days - regular holidays not be paid for the regular holidays during
5 days - special holidays semestral vacations. They shall, however, be
2. As a general rule, for a company with a 6- paid for the regular holidays during
day working schedule the divisor 313 already Christmas vacation;
means that the legal holidays are included in 2. Where a covered employee is paid by results
the monthly pay of the employee. The divisor or output, such as payment on piece work,
is arrived at by subtracting all Sundays from his holiday pay shall not be less than his
the total number of calendar days in a year. average daily earnings for the last seven (7)
3. As a general rule for a company with a 5-day actual working days preceding the regular
working schedule, the divisor 278 means that holiday; Provided, However, that in no case
the holiday pay is already included in the shall the holiday pay be less than the
monthly salary of the employee. applicable statutory minimum wage rate;
3. Seasonal workers may not be paid the
Sundays - When a holiday falls on a Sunday, required holiday pay during off-season when
the following Monday will not be considered a they are not at work; and
holiday unless a proclamation says so. 4. Workers who have no regular working days
shall be entitled to the benefits provided in
Right to holiday pay this Rule.
In case of absences:
1. If an employee is on leave of absence with Holiday pay of hourly-paid faculty members
pay on the day immediately preceding a 1. They are not entitled to payment of holiday
regular holiday, he is entitled to holiday pay; pay because they are paid only for work
and actually done. Since regular holidays are
2. If an employee is on leave of absence known to both the school and faculty
without pay on the day immediately members as “no class day”; certainly the
preceding a regular holiday, he is not entitled latter do not expect payment for said
to holiday pay unless he works on such unworked holidays;
regular holiday. 2. They are entitled to their hourly rate on days
declared as special holidays. Be it noted that
In case of temporary cessation of work: when a special public holiday is declared, the
1. In cases of temporary or periodic shutdown faculty member paid by the hour is deprived
and temporary cessation of work of an of expected income, and it does not matter
establishment, regular holidays falling within that the school calendar is extended in view
of the days or hours lost, for their income
that could be earned from other sources is pakyaw, or task basis, and, if their output
lost during the extended days; and rates are in accordance with the standards
3. Similarly, when classes are called off or prescribed int he regulations, or where such
shortened on account of typhoons, floods, rates have been fixed by the Secretary of
rallies, and the like, these faculty members Labor and Employment; and
must likewise be paid, whether or not 5. Field personnel.
extensions are ordered.
Premium Pay Rates
Piece workers, rationale for exclusion from 8- When Work Performed Premium Pay
hour law - Workers are paid depending upon
the work they do irrespective of the amount of On scheduled rest day 30% of regular wage
time employed in doing said work. On Sunday only if 30% of regular wage
established rest day
Seafarers - Any hour of work or duty including
No regular work and rest 30% of regular wage for
hours of watch-keeping performed by the days work performed on
seafarer on designated rest days and holidays Sundays and Holidays
shall be paid rest day or holiday pay.
On any special holiday/ 30% of regular wage
Seasonal workers who do not work during off- special day
season are not entitled to pay for the regular On any special holiday/ 50% or regular wage
holidays occurring during their off-season. special day falling on
Workers assigned to “skeleton crews” that work scheduled rest day
during the off-season have the right to be paid
On any regular holiday, 230% of regular wage
on regular holidays falling in that duration. falling on scheduled rest
Tuberculosis is listed under Section 32-A of the
POEA-SEC work-related disease. The company
should have repatriated him for medical Women Workers
examination and treatment in the Philippines Provisions against discrimination - It shall be
when manifestations of his bad health existed on unlawful for any employer to discriminate
board. against any woman employee with respect to
terms and conditions of employment solely on
Despite the knowledge of his medical condition, account of her sex.
he failed to report to his manning agent within
three days from his arrival as required by The following are acts of discrimination:
Section 20-B (3) of the POEA-SEC. The effect 1. Payment of a lesser compensation; and
of omission is forfeiture by him of disability 2. Favoring a male employee over a female
benefits. employee with respect to promotion, training
opportunities, study and scholarship grants
A policeman is governed by the 24-Hour Duty solely on account of their sexes.
Rule unless he is on official leave.
Stipulation against marriage - It shall be
Premium pay - The additional compensation unlawful for an employer to require as a
for work performed within 8 hours on non-work condition of employment or continuation of
days, such as rest days and special days. employment that a woman employee shall not
get married, or upon getting married a woman
Coverage employee shall be deemed resigned or separated
GR: All employees. or to actually dismiss, discharge, discriminate
EXC: merely by reason of her marriage.
1. Those in government and GOCC;
2. Managerial employees; Bona fide occupational qualification
3. Househelpers and persons in the personal exception - Employer can prove that the
service of another; reasonable demands of the business require a
4. Workers who are paid by results, including distinction based on marital status and there is
those who are paid on piece rate, takay, no better available or acceptable policy which
could better accomplish the business purpose, an 2. Any person who directs or induces another to
employer may discriminate against an employer commit any; or
based on the identity of the employee’s spouse. 3. Any person who cooperates in the
commission by another.
The Court sustained the validity of employer
policy prohibiting an employee from having a Independent action for damages - The victim,
personal or marital relationship with an can institute a separate and independent action
employee of a competitor. That situation might for damages and other affirmative relief.
compromise the interests of the company.
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (RA 7877) 1. Criminal: Imprisonment of one (1) month
Employment or Work Related nor more than six (6) months or fine of P10k
1. The sexual favor is made as a condition: to P20k or both; prescription of such action
a. In the hiring or in the employment, re- is three (3) years;
employment or continued employment of 2. Termination.
said individual; or
b. In granting said individual favorable • As a managerial employee, one is bound by
compensation, term, conditions, more exacting work ethics. It is the right, duty
promotions or privileges; or of every employer to protect employees from
c. If the refusal to grant the sexual favor oversexed superiors.
results in limiting, segregating or
classifying, the employee who in any way Apprenticeship Learnership
would discriminate, deprive or diminish
employment opportunities or otherwise Highly technical Semi-skilled industrial
adversely affect said employee; industries occupations
2. The above acts would either: Practical training Practical training whether
a. Impair the employee’s rights or privileges supplemented by related or not such practical
under existing labor laws; or theoretical instruction training is supplemented
b. Result in an intimidating, hostile, or by theoretical instructions
offensive environment for the employee. Apprenticeable Non-apprenticeable
occupations approved by occupations
Education or Training environment the SOLE
1. Against one who is under the care, custody
Written apprenticeship Learnership agreement
or supervision;
agreement ratified by the
2. A g ain s t w h o s e ed u c a tio n , tr a in in g ,
appropriate committees
apprenticeship or tutorship is entrusted;
3. Sexual favor is made a condition to passing More than three months, Shall not exceed three (3)
grade, or the granting of honors and shall not exceed six (6) months
scholarships; or months
4. Sexual advances result in intimidating,
hostile or offensive environment.
Persons liable:
1. Any employer, employee, manager,
supervisor, agent of the employer, teacher,
instructor, professor, coach, trainer or any
other person, regardless of whether the
demand, request for requirement for
submission is accepted by the object of said
act having authority, influence or moral
ascendancy over another in a work or
training or education environment, who
demands, requests or otherwise requires any
sexual favor from another;
(1) The person is at least (1) When no experienced allowances regularly enjoyed by the
fifteen (15) years of workers are available; employee as well as non-monetary benefits.
age, provided those (2) The employment of
who are at least learners is necessary Time of Payment
fifteen (15) years of to prevent curtailment GR: paid not later than December 24 or each
age but less than of employment year.
eighteen (18) may be opportunities; and EXC: Employer may give to his employees half
eligible for (3) The employment does (1/2) of the required 13th Month Pay before the
apprenticeship only in not create unfair opening of the regular school year and the other
non-hazardous competition in terms half on or before the 24th of December every
occupation; of labor costs or year.
(2) The person is impair or lower
physically fit for the working standards.
occupation in which • The frequency of payment of this monetary
he desires to be benefit may be the subject of agreement
trained; between the employer and the recognized
(3) The person possesses CBA of the employees.
vocational aptitude.
13th month pay in special cases:
1. Paid by Results: Employee who are paid on
Learner - A person is hired as a trainee in an
piece work basis is, by law, entitled to 13th
industrial occupation.
Month Pay.
2. Employee who is paid a fixed or guaranteed
Thirteenth-Month Pay
wage plus commission is entitled to 13th
month pay (not purely commission); the
GR: All Employers are required to pay all their
basis for computation shall be both his/her
rank and file employees a 13th month pay not
fixed or guaranteed wage and commission (if
later than December 24 of every year, provided
the commission is an integral part of the
that they have worked for at least one (1) month
compensation structure and not in the form
during a calendar year.
of a performance bonus).
3. T h o s e w i t h M u l t i p l e E m p l o y e r s :
1. Government employees, including GOCCs
Government Employees working part time in
except those operating essentially as private
a private enterprise, including private
subsidiaries of the Government;
enterprise, including private educational
2. Employers already paying their employees
institutions, as well as employees working in
13th month pay or more;
two or more private firms, whether on full or
3. Employers of household helpers and persons
part time bases, are entitled to 13th Month
in the personal service; and
Pay from all their private employers
4. Employees of those who are paid on purely
regardless of their total earnings from each or
commission, boundary or task basis and
all their employers.
those who are paid a fixed amount for
4. Private School Teachers: including faculty
performing specific work, irrespective of the
members of universities and colleges, are
time consumed in the performance thereof.
entitled, regardless of the number of months
EXC to the EXC
they teach or are paid within a year, if they
- Those workers who are paid on piece-rate
have rendered service for at least one (1)
basis, in which case their employer shall grant
month within a year.
them 13th month pay.
5. Overload pay is not included in the
computation of 13th month pay; overload is
“Equivalent” includes
not overtime as it is additional work done
1. Christmas bonus, mid-year bonus, cash
within the normal shift.
6. Resigned or Separated Employee: before the
2. and other payment amounting to no less than
time for payment of the 13th moth pay is
one-twelfth (1/12) of the basic salary; but
entitled to this monetary benefit in
3. Shall not include cash and stock dividends,
proportion to the length of time he worked
cost of living allowances and all other
during the year.
7. Wage Difference: The difference between the endeavor to provide it by means of sheltered
minimum wage and the actual salary employment.
received by the Employee cannot be deemed
as his 13th month pay as such difference is Apprenticeship opportunity - Disabled
not equivalent. persons shall be eligible as apprentices or
8. Employees: payment of 13th month pay may learners, provided:
be demanded by the employee upon the 1. That their handicap is not as much as to
cessation of Employer-Employee effectivity impede the performance of job
relationship. operations in the particular occupation for
which they are hired; and
Persons with Disability (RA 7277, As 2. That after the lapse of the period of
Amended by RA 9442) apprenticeship if found satisfactory in the job
Disabled persons - Those suffering from performance, they shall be eligible for
restriction of different abilities, as a result of a employment.
mental, physical or sensory impairment, to
perform an activity in the manner or within the Full minimum wage - All qualified
range considered normal for a human being. handicapped workers shall receive the full
amount of the minimum wage rate prescribed
Impairment - Any loss, diminution or pursuant to RA 7277.
aberration of psychological, physiological, or
anatomical structure or function. Since the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
mandates that qualified disabled employees
Disability should be given the same terms and conditions
1. A physical or mental impairment that of employment as qualified able-bodied persons,
substantially limits one or more they are thus covered by Art. 295 of the Labor
psychological, physiological or anatomical Code.
function of an individual or his/her activities;
2. A record of such an impairment; or Prohibition on Discrimination - No entity,
3. Being regarded as having such impairment. whether public or private, shall discriminate
against a qualified disabled person by reason of
Handicap - A disadvantage for a given disability in regard to job application
individual, resulting from an impairment or a procedures, the hiring, promotion, or discharge
disability that limits or prevents the function or of employees, employee compensation, job
activity considered normal given his/her age and training, and other terms, conditions, and
sex. privileges of employment.
Rights and Privileges of Disabled Workers
Equal opportunity for employment - No Incentives for Employers
disabled person shall be denied access to Tax incentives for employment of disabled
opportunities for suitable employment. A persons - Private entities that employ disabled
qualified disabled employee shall be subject to persons who meet the required skills or
the same terms and conditions of employment qualifications, either as regular employee,
and the same compensation, privileges, benefits, apprentice or learner, shall be entitled to an
fringe benefits, incentives or allowances as a additional deduction, from their gross income,
qualified able-bodied person. equivalent to twenty-five per cent (25%) of the
total amount paid as salaries and wages to
Reserved positions - Five per cent (5%) of all disabled persons: Provided, That such entities
casual, emergency and contractual positions in present proof, certified by the DOLE that
the DSWD, DOH, DEPED and other disabled persons are under their employ, and
government agencies, offices or corporations that the latter are accredited with the DOH, as to
engaged in social development shall be reserved their disability, skills and qualifications.
for disabled persons.
Tax incentives for construction of disabled-
S h e l t e re d e m p l o y m e n t - I f s u i t a b l e friendly facilities - Private entities that improve
employment for disabled persons cannot be or modify their physical facilities in order to
found through open employment, the State shall provide reasonable accommodation for disabled
persons shall also be entitled to an additional Synthesis of the rules
deduction from their net taxable income, 1. Service charges must be pooled.
equivalent to fifty per cent (50%) of the direct 2. Where a restaurant or similar establishment
costs of the improvements or modifications. does not collect service charges but has a
However, this does not apply to improvements practice or policy of monitoring and pooling
or modifications of facilities required under BP tips given voluntarily by customers to its
344. employees, the pooled tips should be
monitored, accounted for and distributed in
Service Charge - Applies only to the same manner as the service charges.
establishments which collect service charges 3. The amount collected is divided between the
such as: company for fifteen percent (15%) and
1. Hotels, restaurants, lodging houses, night employees for eighty-five percent (85%).
clubs, cocktail lounge, massage clinics, bars, 4. It shall be given twice a month with intervals
casinos and gambling houses and similar of not more than fifteen (15) days.
enterprises; and 5. If discontinued, removed or stopped, the
2. Similar enterprises including entities average share of the employees of their
operating primarily as private subsidiaries of service charge or tips shall be integrated into
the Government. their basic wage.
Intra-union Dispute - Any conflict between The way to review NLRC decisions is through
and among union members, including the special civil action of certiorari under Rule
grievances arising from any violation of the 65. Although the jurisdiction over the review of
rights and conditions of membership, violation NLRC decisions belongs to both the CA and the
of or disagreement over any provision of the SC, following the doctrine of hierarchy of
union’s constitution and by-laws or disputes courts, the petition should be initially presented
arising from chartering or disaffiliation of the to the CA.
Inter-union conflicts - Any conflict between V. Recruitment and Placement
and among legitimate labor unions involving
representation questions for the purpose of Recruitment of Local and Migrant Workers
collective bargaining or to any other conflict or Illegal Recruitment - Illegal recruitment means
dispute between legitimate labor unions. any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting,
transporting, utilizing, hiring, or procuring
Other related Labor Relations Disputes - Any workers and includes referring, contract
conflict between a labor organization and the services, promising or advertising for
employer or any individual, entity or group that employment abroad, whether for profit or not,
is not a labor organization or worker’s when undertaken by non-licensee or non-holder
association. This includes: of authority, provided, that any such non-
1. Cancellation of registration of unions and licensee or non-holder who, in any manner,
worker’s associations; and offers or promises for a fee employment abroad
2. A petition for interpleader. to two or more persons shall be deemed so
Section 2, EO 251, s. 1987 removed from the
jurisdiction of the BLR “all labor management Types of illegal recruitment
disputes”. The effect of EO 251 is to transfer to 1. Simple illegal recruitment; and
the NCMB the mediation, conciliation, and 2. Illegal recruitment which is considered as an
arbitration functions of the BLR. offense involving economic sabotage.
DOLE Secretary has no power to issue arrest Prohibited Activities - Travel agencies and
order or search warrant - In initiating actions sales agencies of airline companies are
against illegal recruitments, only judges may prohibited from engaging in the business of
issue warrants of arrest or search warrant. recruitment and placement of workers for
overseas employment, whether or not for profit.
Liability of local agency with its foreign
principal - The recruitment (local)agency is Regulatory and Visitorial Powers of the
equally liable with the foreign principal despite DOLE Secretary - The State shall allow the
the termination of their contract between them. deployment of overseas Filipino workers only in
countries where the rights of Filipino migrant
The local agency is solidarily liable with the workers are protected. It does not, however,
foreign principal, hence, severance of relations guarantee to promote and facilitate re-
between the local agent and foreign principal integration of migrants into the national
does not affect the liability of the foreign mainstream.
principal. Remittance of Foreign Exchange Earnings - It
shall be mandatory for all Filipino workers
Effect of failure of the agency to deploy a abroad to remit a portion of their foreign
recruit without valid reason - When a exchange earnings to their families, dependents
recruitment agency fails to deploy a recruit and/or beneficiaries in the country in accordance
without valid reason and without the recruit’s with rules and regulations prescribed by the
fault, the agency is obligated to reimburse the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
recruit’s documentary and processing expenses.
VI. Social Welfare Legislation
Private employment agency - Any person or
entity engaged in the recruitment and placement SSS Law
of workers for a fee, which is collected directly Coverage
or indirectly to workers, employers or both. Compulsory Coverage
1. All employees not over sixty (60) years of
Direct Hiring age and their employers;
GR: No employer may hire a Filipino worker 2. Domestic helpers whose income is not less
for overseas employment, except through the than P1,000.00;
Boards and entities authorized by the DOLE. 3. Self-employed.
1. Members of the diplomatic corps; Voluntary Coverage
2. International organizations; and 1. Spouses who devote full time managing the
3. Such other employers as may be allowed by household and family affairs;
the DOLE. 2. Filipinos recruited by foreign-based
employers for employment abroad.
Article 27 of the Labor code mandates that 75%
of its authorized and voting capital stock must Exclusions to the Compulsory Coverage
be owned by Filipinos. 1. Employment of purely casual and not for the
purpose of the occupation or business of the
Illegal recruitment is considered economic employer;
sabotage if it is committed by a syndicate or in a 2. Service performed on or in connection with
large scale. It is considered committed by a an alien vessel if he is employed when such
syndicate if it is carried out by three (3) or more vessel is outside the Philippines;
conspirators, and in a large scale when it is 3. Services performed in the employ of the
committed against three (3) or more persons. Philippine Government or an instrumentality
of agency thereof;
4. Service performed in the employ of a foreign GSIS Law
government of international organization, or Benefits under the GSIS
their wholly-owned instrumentality; and 1. Employees compensation which shall
5. Such other services performed by temporary include both income and medical and related
employees. benefits, including rehabilitation;
2. Temporary total disability benefit;
Commencement of action - The right to 3. Permanent total disability benefit;
institute the necessary action against an 4. Separation benefit; and
employer may be commenced within twenty 5. Retirement benefit.
(20) years from the time the delinquency is
known or the assessment is made by the SSS, or Basic requirements to claim survivorship
from the time the benefit accrues, as the case benefits:
may be. 1. That the GSIS member was in the service at
the time of his death; or
Social Security Union Security 2. If separated from service, that he has been in
service for three (3) years within the five-
Protection that will A clause whereby the year period and has had at least thirty-six
provide income benefits employer agrees to (36) monthly contributions.
and/or medical care in employ or continue in
contingencies like employment only workers
Compulsory coverage - All employees
sickness, (also maternity who are members of the
receiving compensation who have not reached
in the case of SSS) exclusive collective
disability, death or bargaining representative the compulsory retirement age, irrespective of
retirement, including in of the employees of said employment status; and members of the
the case of the GSIS, employer in a bargaining judiciary and constitutional commissions for life
separation and unit. insurance policy.
unemployment benefits.
Limited Portability Law
Advantage - Under the provisions of RA 7699
• An injury sustained by the employee while on
his way to or from his place of work, and on “portability,” a covered worker who transfers
which is otherwise compensable, is deemed to employment from one sector to another or is
have arisen out of and in the course of his employed in both sectors shall have his credible
employment. services or contributions in both System credited
to his service or contribution record in each of
• The government and any of its political
subdivisions, branches or instrumentalities, the Systems and shall be totalized for purposes
including corporations owned or controlled by of old-age, disability, survivorship and other
the government is not considered an employer benefits in case the covered member.
under the terms of the Social Security Act.
For this purpose, overlapping period of
Benefits under the SSS membership shall be credited only once.
Entitlement to maternity leave benefit is not
dependent on the claimant’s being legally Employee’s Compensation (Coverage and
married. When Compensable)
Compulsory Coverage
The SSS Law does not discriminate based on the 1. All employers;
civil status of a female member-employee. As 2. Employees not over sixty (60) years old;
long as said female employee has paid at least 3. Employees over sixty (60) years old and
three (3) monthly contributions on the twelve- paying contributions; and
month period immediately preceding the 4. Filipino employees employed abroad subject
semester of her childbirth, she can avail of the to prescribed ECC regulations.
maternity benefits under the law.