Competency Based HR

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HR Management
Natalia Okhmat
Definition of Competency
• A combination of skills, job attitude, and
knowledge which is reflected in job behavior that
can be observed, measured and evaluated.

Competency • Competency is a determining factor for

successful performance.
• The focus of competency is behavior which is an
application of skills, job attitude and knowledge.

A practical definition of competencies that is easy to understand, has been defined by Boyatzis (of Hay Group,
1982). It states that competencies are those underlying characteristics of an employee – motive, trait, skill,
aspects of one’s social image, social role or a body of knowledge, which can result in effective and/or
superior performance in a job or role’.
Competency and Job Description
Job description looks at what, whereas
competency model focuses on how.

Traditional job description analysis looks at

elements of the jobs and defines the job into
sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job.

Competency studies the people who do the job

well, and defines the job in terms of the
characteristics and behaviors of these people.
Benefits of Using Competency Model
For managers, the benefits are: For employees, the benefits are:
• Identify performance criteria to improve • Identify the success criteria (i.e.,
the accuracy and ease of the hiring and behavioral standards of performance
selection process. excellence) required to be successful in
• Clarify standards of excellence for easier their role.
communication of performance
• Support a more specific and objective
expectations to direct reports.
assessment of their strengths and
• Provide a clear foundation for dialogue to specify targeted areas for professional
occur between the manager and development.
employee about performance,
development, and career-related issues. • Provide development tools and methods
for enhancing their skills
Competency Identification Process

Clarify organisational Generate competency
• Analyze work role and process
strategy and context • Gather data through behavior models
event interview and focus groups
• Conduct benchmark study

Validate, refine and

Competency Definition, Levels and Indicators
Name of the
Emotional Maturity Level 1: Restrains Emotional Impulses
is the ability to Behavioral
• Resists temptation to act immediately when it is inappropriate.
maintain a sense of indicators of
professionalism and • Feels strong emotions (such as anger, extreme frustration, or high stress) but the
emotional restraint does not react.
when provoked, Level 2:Manages Stress Effectively Level
when faced with
hostility from • When feeling strong emotions (such as anger or frustration), holds back and/or
others, or when removes self from situation to reduce negative impact on others.
working under • Responds constructively and professionally to challenges, provocation and/or
conditions of disappointments.
increased stress. It • Uses deliberate strategies or self-control to ensure ability to function and provide
also includes the effective leadership in situations of stress or adversity.
ability to work Proficiency
effectively under Level 3: Maintains Effectiveness Despite Prolonged Stressors Level within
stressful situations, the
• Able to maintain focus and keep up the stamina for self and others in face of
remain resilient and Competency
extremely contentious situations, or during repeated exposure to difficult
Definition maintain stamina demands.
of the over the long term. • Applies specific techniques such as planning ahead to manage and minimize
Competency stress in self and others; coaches and mentors others to do the same.
Action Plan for Implementing Competencies
Shared interest
• Begin by discussing the intent of competencies and developing
a shared understanding of the principles motivating adoption of
the competencies.
During the design of
the Competency model
Mutual support
in the Organisation, a • The process of change is challenging. Establish clear objectives
collaborative, team- and break the process into manageable steps. Celebrate your
based approach is success along the way.
to successful Collaboration
implementation. The • Team members will need to support each other and collaborate
following points to achieve the objectives. It is critical to use each other’s
summarise the key
ingredients for an
strengths and help each other in the implementation while
effective team. working on the day job as well.
• Information sharing and communication within the team and
across the Organisation is key to success.
Establishing a Team to Develop Competencies

Change Changes Change

Agents Team Advocate

Establishing a Team to Develop Competencies


• The role of the Project Champion is to

support the development of
Competencies in the Organisation.
Change Changes Change • It is the responsibility of the Project
Champion to identify resources and
Agents Team Advocate funds that are available to support the
development of the competency model.

Establishing a Team to Develop Competencies
The Change Advocate is responsible for
Project implementing competencies.
The key responsibilities are:
Champion • Establish a team of Change Agents
• Drive and lead the project management
• Act as an expert who provides
Organisational information/data
Change Changes Change required to contextualise and develop
the Competency Model for the
Agents Team Advocate Organisation
• Ensure that the milestones are
completed in a timely manner
• Establishing a fully functional team of
Change Agents is essential as it will ensure
Subject that representatives are prepared and
Matter confident to support the development of
Expert Competencies
Establishing a Team to Develop Competencies
The Change Agents are a group of
Project employees who will help to champion
Competencies throughout the
Champion Organisation.
• Determine the critical needs of the
Organisation and what are the
competencies that will help employees
achieve objectives.
Change Changes Change • Encourage individuals to challenge
existing belief’s and arrive at innovative
Agents Team Advocate solutions that will result in better
outcomes for the Organisation.
• Determine the process for
implementation – i.e. focus groups,
interviews, surveys, etc.
Subject • To ensure tasks are completed on time.
Matter • Communicate status updates and final
Expert outcomes to the stakeholders.
Establishing a Team to Develop Competencies

The role of the Subject Matter Expert is to:

– Drive the competency model
development process along with the
Change Changes Change Change Advocate.
Agents Team Advocate – Provide technical expertise, guidance,
support, training and mentoring as the
Competencies are implemented in the

Application of Competencies to HR Management

Competencies have a
range of applications
human resource
management practices.
Using Competencies in Performance Management
Competencies can be used in
performance management to
provide a clear link to bottom-line

Integration of competencies within

the existing performance
management system also helps
create a motivating organisational
climate that enhances performance
Provides additional role clarity in
terms of expected standards,
responsibilities, accountabilities,
rewards and recognition.
Competencies Model - Recommendations
With a goal to: It’s quite necessary to setup competencies-
based strong HR Management practices:
• employees’ performance with the • and roll-out competencies model for
the overall business strategy employees
• and hire the best people
• performance expectations and measure
Enable contribution and increasing their
• better employee performance Setup satisfaction

• overall companies' results
• a roadmap for employee development
Have ability and career planning
• to recruit and select employees that
surly fit organization

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