Logframe WFP

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Annexure A


Code Strategy Critical assumptions Information/action required
Goal: To provide essential food relief to the crisis-
affected people of (country or region)
1 Purpose: To maintain the minimum acceptable  Only encamped population require  Seek further information from
nutritional and dietary standards of encamped IDPs assistance INGOs active in districts

1.1 Immediate relief  Encamped IDPs can meet 50% of own their  Aim for follow-up assessment by
food requirements [date]
A 50% reference ration provided to 150,000 IDPs for
an initial 3 months (13,500 tons) through  Ration will be adequate for the most food  Meet with IPs and test feasibility of
implementing partners (IPs) insecure and vulnerable IDPs commencement by [date]
 INGO implementing partners can mobilise  Aim to conclude Letters of
to take over distributions by [date] Agreement with IPs by [date]
Activities (or steps)
1.1.1 Transportation  Commercial contractors willing to take  Contact potential contractors by
trucks to insecure districts [date]
Transport commodities to FDPs for distribution by IP
in accordance with monthly distribution targets based  RubHalls can be erected at EDPs by end of  Send logistics coordinator to
on agreed beneficiary numbers, ration levels, food week oversee erection of RubHalls
basket composition and distribution cycles
1.1.2 Final Distribution  IP has adequately skilled staff to effect  Hold half-day workshop with IPs
sound distribution and district counterparts on
Assist IPs to develop efficient, safe and equitable food
distribution techniques by [date]
distribution mechanisms  That insecurity does not prevent delivery to
IDP camps  Ensure entitlements communicated
and complaints procedure in place
 Emergency Coordinator to agree
Annexure A

procedures with local commanders

1.1.3 Post-distribution monitoring  SO staff will be able to maintain the  Recommend to SO heads that
prioritisation of post-distribution monitoring monitoring staff allocate a
WFP sub-office staff visit IDP camps within one or in the face of desk-bound demands minimum 3 days/week to post-
two days of distribution to conduct random HH visits distribution monitoring
to determine rations received and utilisation  Insecurity does not prevent monitoring
visits  Include monitoring in discussions
with local commanders
1.1.4 Verify IDP numbers  District counterparts support verification  Seek support of national
and utilisation of results counterpart and District Disaster
WFP and its IPs, in collaboration with district Management Committee
counterparts, conduct verifications of IDP numbers
and establish a mechanism to update IDP numbers
from month to month
1.1.5 Follow-up food needs assessment  That WFP staff, IPs and district  Request VAM unit to propose
counterparts can be trained in EFNA training schedule and content
WFP and IPs, in collaboration with district
methodology by [data]
counterparts, conduct follow-up emergency food  Meet with IPs and counterparts to
needs assessment (EFNA) to clarify food gaps of  That it would be feasible to target the most form working group
encamped IDPs (including the food gaps of the most food insecure (if recommended)
 Ensure EFNA addresses issue of
food insecure and EVIs)
1.1.6 Nutrition survey  That INGOs are indeed able to conduct a  Need to convince INGOs and
nutrition survey of camps by [date] as donors of importance of nutrition
INGOs, in collaboration with district counterparts indicated in last emergency coordination surveys and ongoing surveillance.
and WFP, conduct nutrition survey to establish meeting Might have to contribute funds.
baseline anthropometric data Warn HQ.
1.1.7 Verify adequacy/appropriateness of rations  That pipeline will be adequate at least for  Ensure have a buffer stock
marginal increases in standard commodities
Revise ration levels and food basket composition if  Regional nutritionist to determine
required based on re-assessed food gaps,  That non-standard commodities can be what additional commodities might
micronutrient requirements, cultural preferences, and sourced (if recommended) be recommended
Annexure A

additional needs of more food insecure and vulnerable

The outputs and activities included in this sample Logframe are intended to reflect the fact that in an emergency WFP usually has to get food out
immediately based on an estimate of numbers and needs (i.e. start somewhere) and subsequently take steps to clarify numbers and needs. Thus
the output in the worked example would be revised after more information is gathered. Activities would change quite frequently as tasks are
completed and new ones are added. This represents a ‘rolling design’ approach with a quick turnaround. Each sub-office could run a workplan
off it by adding a week-to-week implementation schedule to the first column (i.e. a GANTT chart).
Annexure B


Code Strategy (results hierarchy) Performance indicators Progress (expressed as a % of Action taken/required
target where quantitative)
Goal: To provide essential food
relief to the crisis-affected people
of (country or region)
1 Purpose: To maintain the
minimum acceptable nutritional
and dietary standards of encamped
1.1 Immediate relief
A 50% reference ration provided
to 150,000 IDPs for an initial 3
months (13,500 tons) through
implementing partners (IPs)
Activities (or steps)
1.1.1 Transportation
Transport commodities to FDPs
for distribution by IP etc.
1.1.2 Final Distribution
Annexure B

Notes: Indicators should not necessarily be fixed at the outset – there needs to be room to improve indicators. This can be achieved by leaving
room SOs and COs to report against agreed indicators and to add new indicators from time to time – it is up to the recipients of the reports (CO
or HQ) to judge if the new indicators are valid.
Code Strategy (results hierarchy) Progress against quantitative Progress against qualitative Action taken/required
targets (expressed as a %) targets/compliance with
Goal: To provide essential food
relief to the crisis-affected people
of (country or region)
1 Purpose: To maintain the
minimum acceptable nutritional
and dietary standards of encamped
1.1 Immediate relief
A 50% reference ration provided
to 150,000 IDPs for an initial 3
months (13,500 tons) through
implementing partners (IPs)
Activities (or steps)
1.1.1 Transportation
Transport commodities to FDPs
for distribution by IP etc.
1.1.2 Final Distribution
Annexure B

Annexure C


Code Strategy 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 3rd 4th 5th 6th
week week week week week week week week month month month month
1.1 Output: Immediate relief 844 844 844 844 844 844 844 844 3376
tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons
A 50% reference ration provided to
150,000 IDPs for an initial 3 months
(13,500 tons) through IPs
1.1.1 Transportation XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX
Transport commodities to FDPs for
distribution by IP etc
1.1.2 Final Distribution XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX
1.1.3 Post-distribution monitoring XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX
1.1.4 Verify IDP numbers XXX XXX
1.1.5 Follow-up food needs assessment XXX XXX
Resources (or inputs)
Category A
Category B
Category C
Annexure D


Code Strategy Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
1 Component
1.1 Output
1.1.1 Activity
1.1.2 Activity
1.1.3 Activity
2 Component
2.1 Output
2.1.1 Activity
2.1.2 Activity
2.1.3 Activity

Notes: The fields would specify responsibilities and issues to be addressed.

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