Keywords Introduction
Breast cancer · Radiotherapy · Molecular biology ·
Intraoperative radiotherapy For almost a century, radical mastectomy was the treatment of
choice for breast cancer patients. At the end of the last century,
Summary mastectomy was replaced by breast-conserving surgery followed by
Conservative breast cancer surgery followed by radia- external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) delivered in fractioned
tion therapy is the standard treatment for this type of doses, which significantly reduced the risk of local recurrence [1].
cancer. Numerous studies demonstrate that 90% of local Even though EBRT achieves good results without inducing a high
recurrences after traditional surgery occur in the same risk of side effects, the duration of this treatment is a major down-
quadrant as the primary cancer. The published data sug- side. Many patients who cannot attend a radiation center for sev-
gest that the wound healing process after surgery alters eral weeks of radiotherapy, receive mastectomy instead. Intraoper-
the area surrounding the original tumor and the modi- ative radiotherapy (IORT) administered in 1 dose during surgery
fied microenvironment is more favorable for the tumor could be a solution to the problem of radiotherapy duration. The
to recur. The majority of metastases within scar initiated idea of using partial breast irradiation instead of whole breast irra-
much research, and the consequences of these studies diation derives from the fact that a great majority of intra-breast
led to clinical trials aimed at assessing whether localized tumor reoccurrences arise in the same quadrant of the breast in
radiotherapy, such as intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT), which the primary tumor appeared [1]. Results of several ongoing
would be more effective in inhibiting formation of local IORT clinical trials show that IORT might be a viable alternative to
recurrence than the standard postoperative whole breast EBRT for a specific group of patients. The effects of radiation and
radiotherapy. IORT involves irradiation of diseased tis- surgical procedures on tumor bed are still largely unknown. Re-
sue directly during surgery. The rationale for this ap- searchers point out that the wound healing process and inflamma-
proach is the fact that the increase in the radiation dose tion induced by the surgical procedure might stimulate the growth
increases local tumor control, which is the primary goal of residual cancer cells after tumor excision [2]. Recent discoveries
of radiation therapy. The biological basis of this process indicate that this stimulatory effect might be reduced by radiation
are still not thoroughly understood. Gaining new knowl- [3]. Better understanding of interactions occurring between breast
edge about the recurrence formation at the molecular cancer cells and tumor environment after radiation therapy might
level could serve as a starting point for further analysis open the way for finding new targets for breast cancer therapy.
and to create an opportunity to identify new targets of
therapy, and possibly new therapeutic agents.
© 2017 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg Intraoperative Radiation Therapy Trials
Summary This work was supported by the National Science Centre (grant
number: 2015/19/D/NZ5/02190).
Recent discoveries in the field of tumor microenvironment
might help provide a better understanding of its importance in
tumor growth and progression. High-dose radiation has been Disclosure Statement
shown not only to directly induce damage on DNA but also to pro-
mote anti-tumor T cell immunity and expansion of activated The authors indicate that there is no conflict of interest.
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