Chapter 1: Deposit Kinds of Deposit
Chapter 1: Deposit Kinds of Deposit
Chapter 1: Deposit Kinds of Deposit
o (e.g.) If a person received a tractor not to safely keeping it but as a VOLUNTARY – result of voluntary
form of security for the payment of obligation. agreement. (1967)
o Deposit in Sale – deposit is made for the purchase of a thing.
Either: an advance payment or an earnest money. NECESSARY – made in compliance
o Deposit in Lease – deposit is served as a security for whatever with a legal obligation. (1967)
(1965) Deposit is gratuitous. Except:
CHARACTERISTICS: a) There is an agreement to the contrary
a) Real Contract – perfected upon delivery b) Depositary is engaged in the business of storing goods
b) Principal Contract
c) Unilateral (if Gratuitous); Bilateral (if Onerous)
d) Purpose is safekeeping
e) Temporary custody – there is an obligation to return.
f) Temporary custody of Corporeal personal property
For the defense of fortuitous event to be accepted as a justification for non- When the seal or lock is broken, with or without the depositary's fault, he
performance of an obligation, the following must be present: shall keep the secret of the deposit. (1769a)
a) The cause of the unforeseen and unexpected occurrence or of the
failure of the debtor to comply with his obligation, must be
independent of the human will
(1982) When it becomes necessary to open a locked box or receptacle, the Article 1985. When there are two or more depositors, if they are not solidary,
depositary is presumed authorized to do so, if the key has been delivered to and the thing admits of division, each one cannot demand more than his
him; or when the instructions of the depositor as regards the deposit cannot share.
be executed without opening the box or receptacle. (n)
When there is solidarity or the thing does not admit of division, the provisions
CASES WHEN DEPOSITARY CAN OPEN of articles 1212 and 1214 shall govern. However, if there is a stipulation that
1) If there is an express agreement that the depositary can open the thing should be returned to one of the depositors, the depositary shall
2) When it becomes necessary to open a locked box or receptacle, the return it only to the person designated. (1772a)
depositary is expressly or impliedly authorized to open the thing.
Article 1986. If the depositor should lose his capacity to contract after having
THE AUTHORITY OF THE DEPOSTARY TO PEN THE RECEPTACLE OR BOX IS made the deposit, the thing cannot be returned except to the persons who
PRESUMED IF: may have the administration of his property and rights. (1773)
1) The key has been delivered to the depositary
2) When the instructions of the depositor as regards the deposit cannot Article 1987. If at the time the deposit was made a place was designated for
be executed without opening the box the return of the thing, the depositary must take the thing deposited to such
place; but the expenses for transportation shall be borne by the depositor.
(1983) The thing deposited – Shall be returned with all its products,
accessories and accessions. If no place has been designated for the return, it shall be made where the
thing deposited may be, even if it should not be the same place where the
Deposit consists of money – Provisions relative to agents in 1896 is deposit was made, provided that there was no malice on the part of the
applied to depositary. depositary. (1774)
Article 1988. The thing deposited must be returned to the depositor upon
Article 1984. The depositary cannot demand that the depositor prove his demand, even though a specified period or time for such return may have
ownership of the thing deposited. been fixed.
Nevertheless, should he discover that the thing has been stolen and who its This provision shall not apply when the thing is judicially attached while in the
true owner is, he must advise the latter of the deposit. depositary's possession, or should he have been notified of the opposition of
a third person to the return or the removal of the thing deposited. In these
If the owner, in spite of such information, does not claim it within the period cases, the depositary must immediately inform the depositor of the
of one month, the depositary shall be relieved of all responsibility by attachment or opposition. (1775)
returning the thing deposited to the depositor.
Article 1989. Unless the deposit is for a valuable consideration, the
If the depositary has reasonable grounds to believe that the thing has not depositary who may have justifiable reasons for not keeping the thing
been lawfully acquired by the depositor, the former may return the same. deposited may, even before the time designated, return it to the depositor;
(1771a) and if the latter should refuse to receive it, the depositary may secure its
consignation from the court. (1776a)
Article 1990. If the depositary by force majeure or government order loses
the thing and receives money or another thing in its place, he shall deliver the
sum or other thing to the depositor. (1777a)
Article 1991. The depositor's heir who in good faith may have sold the thing
which he did not know was deposited, shall only be bound to return the price
he may have received or to assign his right of action against the buyer in case
the price has not been paid him. (1778)
Obligations of the Depositor
Article 1993. The depositor shall reimburse the depositary for any loss
arising from the character of the thing deposited, unless at the time of the
constitution of the deposit the former was not aware of, or was not
expected to know the dangerous character of the thing, or unless he
notified the depositary of the same, or the latter was aware of it without
advice from the depositor. (n)
Article 1994. The depositary may retain the thing in pledge until the full
payment of what may be due him by reason of the deposit. (1780)
Article 1998. The deposit of effects made by travellers in hotels or inns Sequestration or Judicial Deposit
shall also be regarded as necessary. The keepers of hotels or inns shall
be responsible for them as depositaries, provided that notice was given to Article 2005. A judicial deposit or sequestration takes place when an
them, or to their employees, of the effects brought by the guests and that, attachment or seizure of property in litigation is ordered. (1785)
on the part of the latter, they take the precautions which said hotel-keepers
or their substitutes advised relative to the care and vigilance of their effects. Article 2006. Movable as well as immovable property may be the object of
(1783) sequestration. (1786)
Article 1999. The hotel-keeper is liable for the vehicles, animals and Article 2007. The depositary of property or objects sequestrated cannot
articles which have been introduced or placed in the annexes of the hotel. be relieved of his responsibility until the controversy which gave rise
(n) thereto has come to an end, unless the court so orders. (1787a)
Article 2000. The responsibility referred to in the two preceding articles Aricle 2008. The depositary of property sequestrated is bound to comply,
shall include the loss of, or injury to the personal property of the guests with respect to the same, with all the obligations of a good father of a family.
caused by the servants or employees of the keepers of hotels or inns as (1788)
well as strangers; but not that which may proceed from any force majeure.
The fact that travellers are constrained to rely on the vigilance of the keeper
Aritcle 2009. As to matters not provided for in this Code, judicial
of the hotels or inns shall be considered in determining the degree of care
sequestration shall be governed by the Rules of Court. (1789a)
required of him. (1784a)
Article 2001. The act of a thief or robber, who has entered the hotel is not
deemed force majeure, unless it is done with the use of arms or through
an irresistible force. (n)