Sample Document Using The L TEX Style For SBCM 2019: 4 Figures and Captions

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Sample Document Using the LATEX Style for SBCM 2019

First Author1∗, Second Author12

First Laboratory – First School/Institute/University
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 158, tv. 3 – 05508-900 Sao Paulo, SP
Second Laboratory – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Caixa Postal 15064 –90501-970 Porto Alegre, RS
first [email protected], second [email protected]

Abstract. This meta-paper describes the style to be used in 4 Figures and Captions
papers for SBCM 2019. Full papers must be written in En-
glish. Extended abstracts can be written in English or Por- Figures and tables captions should be centered if less than
tuguese. Full papers, Art submission and posters must be one line (Figure 1), otherwise justified and indented by
anonymous for double-blind peer review; The abstract (in 0.8cm on both margins. The font must be Helvetica, 10
full papers) must be an objective text between 150 and 200 point, boldface, with 6 points of space before and after
words clearly stating the contributions of the work. Ex- each caption.
tended abstracts are not divided into sections, hence they In tables, do not use colored or shaded back-
do not need an abstract. This template is based on the de- grounds, and avoid thick, doubled, or unnecessary fram-
fault conference template for SBC 2003. ing lines. When reporting empirical data, do not use more
decimal digits than warranted by their precision and repro-
1 General Information: Full papers ducibility.

All full papers submitted to SBCM 2019 must be writ-

ten in English, and must be anonymous for double-blind
peer review. The paper must be formatted to A4 paper,
two columns, 2 cm top margin, 1.9 cm left and right mar-
gin, 2.5 cm bottom margin and 0.81 cm separation between
columns. Full papers must be between 4 and 8 pages long.
Extended abstracts must be shorter than two pages. The
main font should be Times New Roman, 10 pt.

2 First Page
The first page must display the paper title, the name and
address of the authors (only in the camera-ready version),
and the abstract in English. The title must be centered over
the whole page, 16 points boldface font. Author names in
the camera-ready version must be centered, 10 points font,
boldface, all of them disposed in the same line, separated Figure 1: A typical figure
by commas. Addresses must be centered, 10 points font.
The abstract must be 10 points font, indented 0.8cm on
both sides. 5 Images
All images and illustrations can be in color, but they must
3 Sections and Paragraphs be visible in black-and-white, or gray tones. The image
Section titles must be in boldface, 13pt, flush left. There resolution on paper should be about 600 dpi for black-and-
should be 10pt of extra space before each title. Section white images, and 150–200 dpi for grayscale images. Do
numbering is mandatory. All paragraphs must be indented not include images with excessive resolution, as they may
by 1 cm. take hours to print, without any visible difference in the
3.1 Subsections

The subsection titles must be in boldface, 10pt, flush left.

6 References
Bibliographic references must be unambiguous and uni-
3.1.1 Subsubsection form. They must be numbered in order of appearance, e.g.
Subsubsections titles must be in boldface, 10pt, flush left. [1], [2]. Self-citations can be anonymized using the model
[3] or use constructions as: “previous work by Author et
∗ Supported by CAPES. al.” instead of: “our previous work”.
[1] Donald E. Knuth. The TEX Book. Addison-Wesley, 15th
edition, 1989.
[2] A. Smith and B. Jones. On the complexity of computing. In
A. B. Smith-Jones, editor, Advances in Computer Science,
pages 555–566. Publishing Press, 1999.
[3] Leslie Lamport. LaTeX User’s Guide and Document Refer-
ence Manual. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Read-
ing, Massachusetts, 1986.

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