Evolution To New Generation Network: Calcutta Telephones, BSNL, Kolkata, India
Evolution To New Generation Network: Calcutta Telephones, BSNL, Kolkata, India
Evolution To New Generation Network: Calcutta Telephones, BSNL, Kolkata, India
New Generation Network (NGN) Technology is going to replace the existing TDM based Public Switch
Telephone Network (PSTN), being deployed predominantly for voice application. IP Multimedia
Subsystem (IMS) based NGN class 5 equipment will be used for this purpose. This Network will consist
of NGN Core and Access (LMG) Network. This end to end IP based Network will provide voice, data
and video services on copper based Access Network. This Network is having highly modular architecture
and will be compatible with existing TDM Network.
Line Media Gateway (LMG) will terminate subscriber lines while Trunk Media Gateway (TMG) will
terminate junction to TDM Network. IMS Core will control both LMG and TMG. IMS Cores are
generally deployed in Mated pair configuration. One Router will be provided at each LMG site. LMG will
be connected to the MPLS Network over single or multiple GE interface and the bandwidth will depend
on the size of the LMG. This connectivity between LMG and MPLS Network will be provided either on
Dark fibre or on DWDM system.