Five Easy-To-Make Facial Masks That'll Revitalize Your Skin Overnight

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Five easy-to-make facial masks

that’ll revitalize your skin

Stressful situations, overworking, lack of sleep, health problems — all of this can
make our facial skin look and feel tired. All too often, the everyday pressures
of modern life seem to drain our bodies of vitality, which in turn leads to our skin
becoming drab and lifeless. As a result, our mood and self-esteem take a nosedive
each time we look in the mirror.
We at Bright Side decided to find a solution to this problem. We’ve searched far and
wide and are now happy to present a selection of five effective facial mask recipes
that will restore life to your skin and make you feel good about your appearance.
What’s more, all of these masks are easy to prepare and don’t require costly

Cucumber mask
 1 cucumber
 1 chicken egg white
 Whisk the egg white to a foam consistency.
 Grate the cucumber using a fine grater (you’ll need to produce 2 spoonfuls
of cucumber pulp).
 Add the cucumber pulp to the egg white foam, and stir the ingredients well.
 Once the mix is ready, apply it to your face.
 Leave it on for 15 minutes.
 Wash the mask off.
Lemon mask
 1 egg white
 1 teaspoon of honey
 1 teaspoon of milk
 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
 Whisk the egg white.
 Add the rest of the ingredients to the egg white foam, and stir everything well.
 To make the mix more viscous, try adding ground oat flakes.
 Apply the facial mask carefully. Leave it on for 15 minutes.
 Remove the mask using a warm compress.
 Rinse your face with water, having added a few drops of chamomile infusion.

Oatmeal mask
 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
 1 tablespoon of olive oil
 1 sour green apple
 1 tablespoon of honey
 2 tablespoons of kefir
 Juice from 1 lemon
 Whisk the oatmeal in a blender.
 Grate the apple.
 Take 3 small bowls. Use the first bowl to mix the ground oatmeal and olive oil.
 Use the second bowl to mix the ground apple pulp and honey.
 The third bowl is used to mix the kefir and lemon juice.
 Apply the mask in layers using a makeup brush.
 Having rinsed your face, apply the first layer (a mixture of oatmeal and olive oil).
Let the mix dry a bit.
 Then apply the second layer (a mixture of ground apple and honey). Leave
it to dry for 5 minutes.
 Finally, apply the third layer (a mixture of kefir and lemon juice).
 Wait another 5 minutes. In total, the mask should stay on your face for
15 minutes.
 Wash your face thoroughly.

Turmeric mask
 ¼ teaspoon of powdered turmeric
 1 tablespoon of avocado
 1 teaspoon of yogurt or kefir
 Mash the avocado (either using a blender or manually with a fork) until you get
a smooth pulp.
 Put the avocado purée, the turmeric, and the yogurt in a small bowl and stir
everything thoroughly.
 Rinse your face first. Apply the mask in gentle circular movements.
 Leave the mask on for 5 minutes.
 Wash it off.
Useful advice:
1. The avocado and yogurt mask can stick to your hair along the hairline. To avoid
this, put your hair in a bun.
2. Make sure that you choose the right type of yogurt. We advise you to use
a simple, nonsweet, probiotic product that won’t cause skin irritation. Greek
yogurt is particularly good as a facial mask component.
3. Since turmeric and yogurt stains are difficult to get off, change into something
old and casual before starting to prepare the mask.

Chocolate and oatmeal mask

 1/3 cup of cacao powder
 1/4 cup of honey
 2 tablespoons of heavy cream or sour cream
 3 tablespoons of oatmeal powder
 Put the oats through a blender. Then put all of the mask’s ingredients into
a small bowl, and stir them together using a spoon or a spatula.
 Once the mask is ready, use either a clean brush or your fingers to apply
it to your face as quickly as possible.
 Massage your face lightly.
 Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes (we advise you to have a brief lie down
while you wait).
 Get up, and wash the mask off.

Some general advice on using facial masks:

1. Check your skin for possible adverse reactions before using the mask. Put some
of the mask’s material on the bend of your elbow. If no irritation appears after
15 minutes, it is safe to apply the mask to your face.
2. Always rinse your face before applying the mask.
3. Before starting to prepare the mask, make sure that all of the ingredients are
fresh. When the mask is ready, use it immediately.
4. While applying the mask, follow the facial massaging lines, starting from the
bottom part of the face and moving upwards. The first stage of mask application
should begin at the chin (or the neck) and finish in the forehead region.
The second stage involves using both hands simultaneously, moving from the
chin to the ears and from the edges of the lips to the ears. Finally, concentrate
on applying the mask to the upper part of your face by starting at the middle
of the forehead and moving towards the temples.
5. Always leave some clear skin around your eyes and mouth. Once the mask
is applied, it’s best to lie down, close your eyes, and relax. Ideally, you should
apply facial masks in the evening before going to bed.
6. Don’t leave the mask on for too long. If your skin feels any discomfort during the
procedure, wash the mask off immediately.
7. Remove your masks with water only. Avoid using cleaning agents. Make sure
that the water temperature is right for your skin type. For example, oily skin
dislikes hot water, while dry skin only feels comfortable after a warm wash. Once
the mask is removed, treat your skin to some moisturizing cream.

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