Rešenja Zadataka Za Treći Kolokvijum Iz Operativnih Sistema 1 Jun 2017

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Rešenja zadataka za

treći kolokvijum iz Operativnih sistema 1

Jun 2017.
1. (10 poena)
Byte* BlockIOCache::getBlock (BlkNo blk) {
// Find the requested block in the cache and return it if present:
int i, free = -1;
for (i=0; i<CACHESIZE; i++) {
if (this->flags[i]&F_VALID && this->cacheMap[i]==blk) {
return &this->cache[i];
if ((this->flags[i]&F_VALID==0 || this->refCounter[i]==0)
&& free==-1) free=i;
// The block is not in the cache, load it to the 'free' slot:
if (free==-1) return 0; // A problem: there is no free space in the cache
// Load the requested block:
this->cacheMap[free] = blk;
this->flags[free] = F_VALID;
this->refCounter[free] = 1;
return this->cache[free];

void BlockIOCache::releaseBlock (Byte* buffer) {

int i = (buffer-this->cache[0])/BLKSIZE;
if (i<0 || i>=CACHESIZE) return; // Exception
// If the block is dirty, write it to the device:
if (this->flags[i]&F_VALID && this->flags[i]&F_DIRTY)
this->flags[i] &= ~F_DIRTY;
2. (10 poena)
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b)(5) txt
3. (10 poena)
void truncate (FCB* fcb) {
if (fcb==0) return;
unsigned long cur=fcb->head, next;
while (cur) {
next = fat[cur];
fat[cur] = -1;
cur = next;
fcb->head = 0;
fcb->size = 0;


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