Certification: Entry Number Date Time
Certification: Entry Number Date Time
Certification: Entry Number Date Time
This is to certify that as per record on file of this office, the following information
On the stated date and time, XXX XXX XXX, 62 years old, married, resident of
Barangay 15, XXX XXX came to this office to put in record the following: She avers
that she is the registered owner of a parcel of land described in Original Certificate of
Title No. CARP2017000936 located in XXX XXX XXX. The entire area of the land is
21, 291 square meters. This entire area was previously owned by Melba Herskovits’
paternal family, the late XXX and XXX, her grandfather and grandmother. During the
lifetime of XXX and XXX, they had a trusted tenant named XXXX XXXX who cultivated
some parts of the land in 1911 until his death. Out of gratitude to the service of XXX
XX, XXX and XXX donated inter vivos one thousand (1,000.00) square meters/one
hectare of land to XXX without sufficient formalities provided by law. The said donated
land forms part of the entire 21, 291 square meters. Since then, XXX XXX and his
family took possession of the said donated land. When XXX XXX passed away, his
heirs equally divided the one hectare land. Some of the heirs even sold their share to
different buyers. XXX XXX, being the present and registered owner of the entire land,
discovered that XXX XXX heir, had encroached her property and took possession
some considerable square meters of her land. Now, one of XXX grandsons named
XXX XXX XXX told her that he still owns some quarters of the donated land. XXX
threatened her that he will take possession of the land by force by building fence
thereat. Knowing that the heirs of XXX XXX had already encroached her land and to
prevent them from encroaching another square foot of her land, she begged XXX
XXXto settle the matter peacefully. Pedro Capon took advantage of the situation and
by means of intimidation, he demanded from her P50,000.00 as a condition for him
not to build fence on the donated land. Sometime on December 2018, by means of
intimidation, XXX XXX extorted money from her, thus, she was compelled to give
money in the amount of P20,000.00. Again, sometimes last week, XXX XXX
demanded another P30,000.00. from her. Sensing something was not right; she
reported the matter to the police authorities.
Recorded by:
Given this 19th day of May 2019 in SSS VSSS SSSS XXXX