Application Form For Pilots Examination (Gen & Tech)
Application Form For Pilots Examination (Gen & Tech)
Application Form For Pilots Examination (Gen & Tech)
(a) CATEGORY of License ------------(PPL2/CPL3 / CHPL3 / ATPL4/PPLCG5 / CPLCG6/ ATPLCG7) Fill only one Category
General Papers: (Fill the appropriate boxes given below with YES/NO):
Navigation Meteorology Regulation Radio aids & Inst Composite
Technical Papers : (Fill the appropriate boxes given below with YES/NO):
Tech. Gen(P-1) Specific ( P-2)8 Performance( P-3)8 Name of Aircraft with model
7. Details of valid Indian Pilot License held9
Category of Licence……………License Number……………… Licence Validity :………………
12. Name and address of DGCA approved Flying Training institute: ………………………………
13. For CONVERSION12 to Indian license, Furnish details of Foreign Pilots license held:
Session Roll No. Subjects Cat.PPL /CPL / CHPL / Nav / Met Reg, Radio Tech. Tech. Tech.
appeared ATPL / PPLCG / CPLCG Comp Aids & (P1) (P2) (P3)
I hereby declare that the above particulars are true in every respect and that nothing has been concealed or withheld
by me. If any of my statements are found false at any time, my candidature shall be rejected. I have read and
understood the requirements for issue of Pilots License, and the instructions for appearing in examinations as
detailed in the CAR.
8. Details of Flying:
Certified that Mr./ Ms ……………………………………………attended classes for the ground subjects at the
above mentioned Institutes and further certified that he / she has flying experience, as mentioned above.
Date: ………… SEAL Signature of CFI / GM (Ops.)/ Commanding Officer
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Instructions for Filling up CA‐ 9 (Pilot) Application Form
1 Demand Draft should be Payable to: PAO, DGCA, MCA, New Delhi, with validity of six months. Bank draft
should not have been drawn more than 30 days prior to the closing date for the receipt of application.
2 PPL candidates are required to appear in Composite paper in General, Technical (Gen) and Technical
Specific papers only.
3 CPL /CHPL candidates are required to appear in Navigation, Meteorology, Air Regulation paper in
General and Technical (Gen)& Technical Specific papers only.
4 ATPL candidates are required to appear in Navigation, Meteorology, Radio Aids & Instruments paper in
General and Technical (Gen),Technical Specific & Technical performance papers only. If appearing in ATPL
directly without having CPL Licence shall appear in Air Regulation paper as well.
5 PPLCG candidates are required to appear in Composite paper in General, Technical (Gen) and Technical
Specific papers only.
6 CPLCG candidates are required to appear in Navigation Composite and Air Regulation paper only.
7 ATPLCG candidates are required to appear in Navigation composite and Air Regulation (if not holding
Indian CPL) paper only.
8 Submit course completion certificate (from DGCA approved organization) photocopy duly attested, if
appearing in Paper‐2 (Specific) /Paper‐3 (Performance) on any type of aircraft.
9 Enclose duly attested copy of the licence.
10 Enclose attested copy of license and certified copy of Log Book’s first page and latest certified entries
page/summary, if appearing for the first time in any category.
11 Enclose attested copy of 10 + 2 with Physics & Maths, if not submitted earlier at the time of computer
number allotment for CPL category and 10th passed certificate for PPL category.
12 Enclose duly attested copy of the Foreign Licence.
13 Candidates re‐appearing in any category must fill up the information regarding last two paper appeared.
14 Enclose duly filled in Annexure‐1 if appearing for first time or if change of category.
15 If applying for the first time in any category, enclose attested copy of the first & last page of the Pilot Log
book indicating the name of the candidate and containing the summary of flying hours duly certified by the
CFI /GM (Ops.) / Commanding Officer.
For more guidance, please see the check list given below. This check list is not required to be submitted along
with the application. For any enquiry please contact CEO (DGCA) on Tel: 091‐011‐2619008/26100727/26106091 Fax:
091‐011‐26196307 or e‐mail: [email protected]
Cut here _________cut here ________cut here __________cut here _________cut here _______
Receipt of the application CA9 if Deposited by Hand
Name of the candidate Computer number Session
Signature of the receiving official
Date: Stamp
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2. Check for the Examination Session ( e.g Oct 2010 or 102010 )has been filled correctly.
3. Check for Fee of Rs.500/- per paper in the form of demand Draft drawn in favour of PAO,
DGCA, MCA, New Delhi, payable at New Delhi only and has validity of 6 months and
also DD is not drawn 30 days prior to closing date of receipt of application.
6. Check for Category of License Examination properly filled (e.g. PPL/CPL/ATPL etc).
7. Check that if appearing for paper 2 (Specific) and / or Paper 3 (Performance), certificate
of course completion from DGCA approved organization is enclosed.
9. Check that the declaration has been signed by the applicant along with date mentioned
10. Check for Annexure-1 in the main application duly attested by competent authority as
given in the application. (Applicable for the first timer/ Change in category)
4. Attended the ground training classes with DGCA approved Flying/ Ground Training
Institutes or Defence Establishments on the subjects of a category of license in which the
applicant desires to appear.
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