CADCAM Lab-SW Updated

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Doc #
Date of Issue 5 Sep 2017

Course Code ME-404L

Lesson Plan
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DEPARTMENT: Mechanical Engineering

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course will cover the fundamentals of engineering modeling, analysis and
manufacturing. It will be helpful to make a model on SolidWorks Software and then manufacture the complex
parts using CNC Machines. This course provides practical application of CAD/CAM Course. At the end of
this course, students will be able to design and manufacture various machine components.
1. Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS
2. SOLIDWORKS User e-Help
3. GSK 218M CNC System, Programming and Operation Manual
4. GSK980TD, Turning Machine CNC System, User Manual
5. Class Tutorials
Following PLOs are addressed in the course:
1. PLO-3: Design/ Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design systems, components or processes that need specific needs.
2. PLO-5: Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, elect and apply appropriate techniques, resources
and modern engineering and IT tools.
3. PLO-8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of engineering practice.
4. PLO-12: Life Long Learning: An ability to recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and lifelong learning.


CLO-1: To use 2D and 3D tools to construct 3D models of the machine parts, generate their 2D sketches
and to assemble the parts and apply mechanisms to ensure the required working. (Psychomotor, P4-
CLO-2: To construct a program for CNC Machine or fix syntax errors in it. Setup work piece and
manipulate the machine for usage. (Psychomotor, P4-Mechanism)
CLO-3: To develop an understanding of logical reasoning with machine codes and find programming
bugs. (Cognitive, C5-Evaluate)
CLO-4: To present CNC machine tool path simulations and G&M code in the manufacturing module of
SOLIDWORKS. Deploy and run the generated program on CNC machines. (Affective, A2-Respond)
CLO-5: Build an open-ended project using the principles of CAD / CAM while displaying commitment
to professional ethics. (A4-Organise)
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Date of Issue 5 Sep 2017

Course Code ME-404L

Lesson Plan
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In engineering practice, an understanding of the Computer Aided Modeling and Computer Aided
Manufacturing is becoming increasingly important since CAD and CAM plays a crucial role in the design of
vehicles, Aircrafts, machines, bridges and among other things.

Instruction 15%
Discussion 15%
Exercises/Tutorial 70%

Module Topic Reference Week/

I 1. Introduction SOLIDWORKS. Ref. 1,

2. Basic 2D Sketch Tools i.e. line, circle, trim etc. Chapter 3,4 1-4
3. 3D Tools i.e. Extrude, Round, Shell, Hole etc…
4. Advanced 3D tools i.e Sweep, Helical Sweep, Mirror, Pattern Class Tutorials
II Ref. 1,
1. Review of Engineering Drawing Concepts
2. Drawing Layout Chapter 2,8 5-6
3. Drawing Detailing Class Tutorials
III 1. Assembly – Constraints Ref. 1,
a. Static: Mate, Align & Tangent Chapter 6,7,11 7-10
b. Dynamic: Pin, Slider & Cylinder
2. Assembly Mechanisms Animation Class Tutorials

IV 1. Introduction to Mechanics
3. Structural Analysis i.e. Static, Fatigue, Modal & Buckling Ref. 2
Analysis Class Tutorials
4. Thermal Analysis i.e. Steady state thermal
V 1. Introduction to Manufacturing
2. Milling Operations i.e. Facing, Volume milling, Profile
Milling, Engraving, Finishing operations Ref. 2
3. Drilling operations Class Tutorials
4. Generating the G&M Codes operations
5. Projects Collection and VIVA
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Course Code ME-404L

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VI 1. Introduction to CNC Milling Machine (LN2-V06N2-0008) Ref. 3, 1-7
2. Rapid Traversing and Linear Interpolations Chapter 4, 5, 6
3. Circular Interpolation with CNC Milling
4. Offsetting the Working Coordinate System for Milling and Job
5. Cutter Radius Compensation for CNC Milling
6. Sub Programming
7. Fixed Cycles in CNC Milling
VII 1. Introduction to CNC Lathe Machine (C4NS) 8-11
2. Linear Interpolation on CNC Lathe, Turning and Taper turning Ref. 4,
3. Circular Interpolation on CNC Lathe, applying fillets using small
Chapter 2, 3
depth of cut
4. Work Coordinate Offset and job Making on CNC Lathe
VIII 1. Using Master CAM for Automatic Code Generation with 12-16
AutoCAD Parts+ Assignment of Projects
2. Tool Nose Radius Compensation for Circular Interpolations
Class Tutorials
3. Introduction to Lathe Fixed Cycles
4. Using CNC Simulator for Process Planning
5. Projects Collection and VIVA

Learning PLOs to
Module No. CLO No. Teaching Methodology Assessment Methodology Domain target
with Level
Midterm Exam + Final + P4 PLO-5
I + II+III+IV 1 Lectures + Practice
Lectures + Practice P4 PLO-3
VI+VII 2 Final + Project
Lectures + Practice C5 PLO-12
VI+VII+VIII 3 Quiz + Midterm
Lectures + Practice Final + Practical Project + A2 PLO-12
V 4
Lectures + Practice A4 PLO-8
I-VIII 5 Project
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Course Code ME-404L

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Lectures, Light Discussions, Queries and Modeling Practices

The course will include one 1.5-hour test during the semester. In addition, 2 x quizzes may be set for performance
evaluation purpose. A comprehensive final examination over the all module, of 3 hours’ duration, will be set at
the end of the course. Evaluation will be competency based and student grades will be based on the following

Quizzes 10%
Project 30%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%
Total 100%


1. Psychomotor Domain
(Total marks: 20 marks)

Handling of CNC Machines (Marks: 20)

Below average (0-5) Average (6-14) Good (15-20)

Hardly able to operate the Moderately able to manually Able to feed a computer
machine but knows the input program to CNC generated program and can
safety precautions. Machines and well aware of operate the machine with
safety precautions. full command and safety.

SolidWorks Modeling & Assembly Question (Marks: 20)

Poor Fair Good Excellent

5 pts 10pts 15pts 20pts

Overall Individual part Individual part Individual part Individual part

Accuracy is duplicated to is duplicated to is duplicated to is duplicated
70-79% 80-89% 90-99% with 100%
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
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Course Code ME-404L

Lesson Plan
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Details 3+ 2 details/features 1 details/features All

details/features are not are not details/features
are not completed to completed to are present.
completed to full detail. full detail.
full detail.

Dimensions Dimensions are Dimensions are Dimensions are Dimensions are

not clear and not clear and clear and clear and
concise and concise (difficult concise but there concise with no
there is repeat to read) and is repeat repeat
information there is repeat information information.
given. information given. Most Dimensions
given. Few dimensions follow sample
dimensions follow sample. completely.
follow sample.

Assembly Object is Object is Object is Object is

assembled with assembled with assembled with assembled with
8+ 4-7 1-3 no errors or
errors/assembly errors/assembly errors/assembly assembly
conflicts. 3+ conflicts. 1-2 conflicts. All conflicts. All
individual parts individual parts individual parts individual parts
are not fully are not fully are fully mated are fully mated
mated and in a mated and in a and in a fixed and in a fixed
fixed position fixed position position position
(checked (checked (checked (checked
electronically). electronically). electronically). electronically).

1. Affective Domain
(Total marks: 20 marks)

Manufacturing of complex part (Marks: 20)

Criteria Below average (0-5) Average (6-14) Good (15-20)

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Date of Issue 5 Sep 2017

Course Code ME-404L

Lesson Plan
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Evaluating the CNC code No feature selection A substantial feature A thorough feature
generation process and process and a final code selection process and selection process and a
successful machining that demonstrates little to a final code that final code that
operation no understanding of the demonstrates a demonstrates a clear in-
model brief satisfactory depth and comprehensive
understanding of the understanding of the
model brief model brief

CAD LAB Final Project

Poor Fair Good Excellent

5 pts 10pts 15pts 20pts
4 individual parts in 5 individual parts in 6 individual parts in 7+ individual parts in
No. of Parts
completed assembly. completed assembly. completed assembly. completed assembly.

Individual part is Individual part is

Individual part is Individual part is
duplicated to 80-89% duplicated to 90-99%
Individual duplicated to 70-79% duplicated with 100%
accuracy. accuracy.
Parts accuracy. accuracy. All
Details/features are Details/features are
Drawings Details/features are not details/features are
not completed to full not completed to full
completed to full detail. present.
detail. detail.

Object is assembled Object is assembled

with 4-7 with 1-3 Object is assembled
Object is assembled with
errors/assembly errors/assembly with no errors or
8+ errors/assembly
conflicts. 1-2 conflicts. All assembly conflicts. All
Object conflicts. 3+ individual
individual parts are individual parts are individual parts are
Assembly parts are not fully mated
not fully mated and in fully mated and in a fully mated and in a
and in a fixed position
a fixed position fixed position fixed position (checked
(checked electronically).
(checked (checked electronically).
electronically). electronically).

All individual part All individual part All individual part

All individual part
drawings are drawings are drawings are
drawings are properly
dimensioned. dimensioned. dimensioned.
Dimensions/ Dimensions are not clear Dimensions are not Dimensions are clear
Dimensions are clear
Measurement and concise and there is clear and concise and concise but there
and concise with no
repeat information (difficult to read) and is repeat information
repeat information.
given. Individual part there is repeat given. Individual part
Individual part could be
could not be information given. still could be
manufactured from the
manufactured with the Individual part would manufactured from
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Course Code ME-404L

Lesson Plan
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information given. be difficult to the information information given.

manufacturer. given.

Individual drawings Individual part

Individual part drawings
are not properly drawings are properly All individual part
are not properly
formatted and printed formatted and printed drawings are properly
formatted and not
on an ANSI template. on an ANSI template. formatted and printed
printed on an ANSI
Print Outs template. Drawings do
Drawings include Drawings include on an ANSI template.
dimensions, but two dimensions, but there Drawings include
not include the
or more views are is one view missing dimensions, appropriate
appropriate views (front,
missing (front, top, (front, top, side, views (front, top, side,
top, side, orthographic).
side, orthographic). orthographic). orthographic).

Final project completed

Final project Final project with all print-outs
completed with two completed with one (individual parts,
Following Final project not or more components component (print- orthographic assembly,
Directions completed. (print-outs, file saved outs or file saved to exploded assembly)
to appropriate appropriate location) turned in and files
location missing). missing. saved to the appropriate

Selection of Optimum
Tool path simulation
Tool path simulation and Unable to set the manufacturing Tool
CNC Codes is included but G&M
G&M codes are not manufacturing path simulation and
Generation codes are not
included in project environment G&M codes are
included in project

FEA is performed FEA is performed with

FEA is performed with improper improper boundary
No FEA analysis is
FEA performed
with improper boundary conditions conditions and
boundary conditions and no discussion on discussion on results is
results done
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Date of Issue 5 Sep 2017

Course Code ME-404L

Lesson Plan
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(Total marks: 10 marks)

Ethics Rubrics
Outcome Unacceptable (0-1) Marginal (2-4) Acceptable (5-7) Exceptional (8-
element 10)
Potential Students show Students appear to Students appear to Students show no
ethical serious potential have major ethical have some ethical potential ethical
problems in the ethical problems in problems in the problems in the problems in their
project their project. project. project. project.
Awareness of No evidence that the Students do not Students are The students
their students consider fully understand aware that demonstrate
responsibility ethics or what it means to engineers have a ethical and
to work in an professionalism in work in an ethical responsibility to professional
ethical and the project and professional work in an ethical engineering work
professional manner. and professional in the project.
manner. manner.

Document Code HITEC-MED-LP- ME404L-03 Written By

Course Code ME-404L Reviewed By

Dr. M. Farhan Ausaf

Course Title CAD/CAM Lab Approved By

Dr. S. Kamran Afaq

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