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CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

CHAPTER 1 CONTROL SYSTEM FUNCTION----------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.1 GENERAL FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.2 SPECIAL FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
1.3 SAFETY PROTECTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
1.4 SELECT FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12


2.1 CONTROL SYSTEM COMBINATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------13

2.2 SYSTEM INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

CHAPTER 3 LCD DISPLAY AND PARAMETER OPERATION -------------------------------------33

3.1 SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33

3.2 KEY OPERATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33
3.3 LCD DISPLAY AND PARAMETER OPERATION FLOWCHART ---------------------------------------------34
3.4 WINDOWS OPERATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43

CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM DEBUGGING AND RUNNING -------------------------------------------------74

4.1 CHECK BEFORE POWER ON --------------------------------------------------------------------------------74

4.2 POWER ON AND CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------74
4.3 PARAMETER SETTING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------75
4.4 LOW SPEED RUNNING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------75
4.5 HOISTWAY LEARNING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------76
4.6 HIGH SPEED RUNNING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------76
4.7 ADJUST ELEVATOR MORE COMFORTABLE ----------------------------------------------------------------77
4.8 LEVELING PRECISION ADJUSTMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------78
4.9 TERMINAL SWITCH POSITION CONFIRMATION -----------------------------------------------------------81
4.10 FAULT PROCESS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------81


676GL5-JJ INVERTER PARAMETER SET TABLE-----------------------------------------------------82


INVERTER PARAMETER SET TABLE -----------------------------------------------------------------85


PARAMETER SET TABLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------88


PARAMETER SET TABLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------90


PARAMETER SET TABLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------96

1 Elevator Control System User Guide

INVERTER PARAMETER SET TABLE------------------------------------------------------------------ 100


PARAMETER SET TABLE VERSION 3.0 --------------------------------------------------------------- 104


PARAMETER SET TABLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106


INVERTER PARAMETER SET TABLE ----------------------------------------------------------- 116


PARAMETER SET TABLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119


INVERTER PARAMETER SET TABLE ----------------------------------------------------------- 121

APPENDIX 15 FAULT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126

APPENDIX 16 HOISTWAY LEARN FAULT CODE TABLE----------------------------------------- 128

INDEX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 130


2 Elevator Control System User Guide


SJT-WVF5-A elevator control system is hi-tech smart production, which
function is more powerful and debug and maintenance is more convenient. Besides
elevator general function, it has the function of parameter set, function selection,
debug and maintenance and field adaptation.
System’s general control mode is serial communication and frequency
conversion timing. It adapts that total floors are smaller than 64 and elevator speed is
smaller than 4m/s. It may be equipped with all kind of elevator motors include
permanent magnet synchronous motor.
SJT-WVF5-A elevator controller (main board, COP and landing call board)
MCU is 32 bits FUSITSU microprocessor, which integrate degree and reliability are
first-class in the world. FUJITSU is a famous industrial MCU manufacturer. It is
Software technology characteristic that function is perfect, setting parameter
interface is clearly arranged, debugging and diagnostic information is sufficient,
resistance interference is powerful and intensity of interference evaluates. We design
diagnostic interface for electric components except elevator control system. Elevator
diagnose has a definite object in view. It realizes high performance and reliability
united, high level and practicability united and hi-tech and simple usage united.


When user makes use of SJT-WVF5-A system, you should strictly accord to
national elevator standard and read used inverter manual in detail. All of parts
related to safety are warning to user.

This control system was examined by China National Elevator Inspection and
Testing Center, matching various inspections request.NO:L0454

Symbol and diagram refers to drawing attached machine, which may be
changed in this manual.

3 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function

Chapter 1 Control System Function

1.1 General Function

1.1.1 Inspection Running

There are 3 inspection switches, which are car top inspection switch, car
inspection switch and control cabinet inspection switch. Their priority deceases one
by one. If the high priority switch is valid, the low priority switch will be invalid.
When push down up-run/down-run button on inspection running mode, elevator runs
up/down at inspection speed, it will stop, if you release button. System close/open
door is push-start and release-stop mode on inspection running mode.

1.1.2 Automation Running (no Attendant)

When control cabinet switch is set to ‘normal position’, COP switch is set to
‘automation’ position and the other inspection switch is invalid, elevator runs on
automation mode. Landing call register rule is that elevator services the same
direction call and elevator services the opposite direction call at the highest (lowest)
floor. After leveling it automatically open door, then it will close door in delay time,
which can be set in menu. If close door button is push down, door will be closed
ahead of delay time. If there is landing call on current floor, door is opened
automatically. When all of register calls are serviced, elevator returns to homing

1.1.3 Attendant Running

When control cabinet switch is set to ‘normal’ position, COP switch is set to
‘attendant’ position and the other inspection switch is invalid, elevator runs on
attendant mode. On attendant mode, car call is register. If there is landing call,
corresponding car call light in car will blink. Elevator services the same direction
call. After leveling it automatically open door, but it don’t close door until close door
button be push down.

1.1.4 Automatically Open Door After Power on

If car at leveling zone when elevator is powered on, door is opened

1.1.5 Automatically Close Door Time Setting

On automation running mode, elevator automatically opens door and close door
in delay time when it stops. Delay time is set by open door holding time. When
elevator stops for car call, delay time is T (set time); When elevator stops for landing
call, delay time is T-2s; when elevator stops for both car call and landing call, delay
time is 2T.

4 Elevator Control System User Guide


1.1.6 Open Door for Current Floor Landing Call

If landing call button is pressed at current floor when door is closing or closed
but elevator doesn’t start, door will be opened automatically. Delay time is set by
open door holding time.

1.1.7 Safety Edges for Door or Photoelectric Board Protection

If the safety edges for door or the photoelectric board is activated when door is
closing, closing action stops at once, door is opened and closed again. if safety edges
or photoelectric board action isn’t cleared up, door isn’t closed.

1.1.8 Full Load By -pass and Over Load don’t Close Door
If load device is installed, elevator responds to car call and not to landing call
when it is full load. If elevator is over load, the car will remain at the floor with door
open, overload indicator light is light, buzzer sounds, ‘CZ’ is displayed on COP and
close door button is valid. It will restores normally after overload is clear up.

1.1.9 By-Pass on Attendant Control Running Mode

On attendant control running mode, elevator responds to car call and not to
landing call if by-pass button is pushed down.

1.1.10 Running State Display

Elevator state, direction, floor, door state, load and fault information may be
displayed on LCD

1.1.11 Automation Control Light

Car light is turned off automatically, if elevator isn’t used within 15 minutes. It
will be turned on after receiving any call.

1.1.12 Fire Mode

When fire switch is closed, system enters into fire mode. It clears up all calls
and return to fire floor and keep door opening. If elevator direction is opposite, it
stops at nearest floor without open door and returns to fire floor and keep door
opening. When it arrives at fire floor, it output fire signal.
There are two kinds of fire mode for user to choose:
a. Mode 1: elevator returns to fire floor and stops service.
b. Mode 2:
(a) Landing call is invalid.
(b) Door keep opening at fire floor.
(c) When elevator is needed to start service, fireman pushes down car call
button and presses close door button until door closed. If close door
button is released before door closed, door is opened at once.
(d) When elevator arrives at target floor, door is closed. Fireman presses
open door button until door opened. If open door button is released

5 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function
before door open, door is closed at once.
(e) Only one target floor can be set in every times fire running process.

1.1.13 Automatically Stop for Fault

When elevator stop out of leveling zone for fault, it should be automatically
leveling to leveling zone and open door if safety circuit and inverter are both normal

1.1.14 Parking
When electronic lock is closed on automatic running mode, elevator enters into
parking mode. Elevator doesn’t respond to landing call. If there is car call, it finishes
all car call service and returns to parking floor (set). Otherwise, it returns to parking
floor directly. After it arrives at parking floor, it doesn’t respond to landing call and
landing call box and COP display ‘ZT’. Door is automatically closed, light is turned
off and display is cleared after 10 seconds. If anybody is in car, car call button or
close/open door button is pressed, light will be turned on. He can leave car by
pushing down close/open door button. Door is automatically closed and light is
turned off again after 10 seconds.
When electronic lock is closed on inspection mode, elevator can’t return to
parking floor, the other is the same as above.
CPU always keep working on parking mode, once electronic lock is opened
elevator will exits parking mode and begin normal running process.

1.1.15 Twins Control

When the parallel connection interface of two elevators are connected by
attached cables and corresponding parameters is set, elevator’s running on twins
control mode can be performed. It’s character: When there is landing call, two
elevators can respond to it at same time. One of them finishes the service by the rule
of speediness and economy from their position and direction. Elevator efficiency is
improved. When two elevators both haven’t service, one returns to homing floor,
another stays at there.

1.1.16 Group Control

BL2000 can controls 8 elevators on the group control mode.

1.2 Special Function

1.2.1 Hoistway Learning

System can learn and save the position of leveling zone and hoistway switch by
hoistway learning.
On inspection mode, elevator will move up the hoistway form bottom limit
switch position to top limit switch position, to learn every floor’s position and
hoistway switch position and save these data for ever.

6 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function
Note: in hoistway learning process, if abnormal phenomena is detected, system will
abort hoistway learning process and provide corresponding error code, detail
information of error code refer to appendix 5. .
Notice : after hoistway learning is complete, only “success” is displayed by LCD,
hoistway learning is really successful.
1.2.2 Cancel Mistake Operating
When passenger press car call button by mistake and this call is registered (light
on), it can be canceled by pressing the button again if elevator has not started.
1.2.3 Prevent Making Trouble
(1) When elevator arrives at farthest floor and changes direction, it clears all
car call registers.
(2) If load device is installed, only three call may be registered when
elevator is in light load state, If a fourth call is entered, it is invalid.
1.2.4 Landing Call Button Inset Self Diagnose
When landing call button is press over 20s, this call is invalid. The
corresponding light blinks to alarm. When the button is released, system restore

1.2.5 Repeat Close Door

After perform close door command, if door inter-lock circuit hasn’t been is
connected, elevator opens door and closes it again. If the action repeats 5 times, door
inter-lock circuit still hasn’t been is connected, system stops service to wait for
inspection and display fault code.

1.2.6 Close/Open Door and Call At Machine Room

You can input close/open door and car call command by LCD operation.

1.2.7 Bypass Floor Setting

By setting bypass floor, elevator will not stop this floor.

1.2.8 Homing Floor Setting

On automation mode, if there are no car call and landing call in some time,
elevator will returns to homing floor (only one).

1.2.9 Displaying Character Setting

Displaying character may set by LCD operation, which is letter or figure.

1.2.10 Attendant Select Direction

On attendant mode, attendant has priority to determine running direction by
pressing up-run/down-run button.

7 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function
1.2.11 Timing Start/Stop Service Automatically
User may set start/stop service time by practical requirement.
(1) The 24 hours time format is adopted
(2) If the automatic start/stop service time is set to 0, this function is canceled.
(3) The principle that electronic lock with high priority: This function is valid in
electronic lock is switched on, if it is switched off, elevator works on
parking mode.
(4) To run the car in automatic stop service mode, following operation should be
A: move electronic lock switch from open to close, wait for 1 second, move
electronic lock switch to open again, elevator will be forced to run normally.
B: after using elevator, move electronic lock switch from open to close, wait
for 1 second and move electronic lock to open, exit forced running process and
go into timing stop service mode.

1.2.12 VIP Running

If elevator has VIP input button, it can run on VIP mode. Landing call is invalid.
Elevator is controlled by attendant. Door control mode is the same as attendant

1.2.13 ARD Function (Automatic Rescue Device)

When ARD signal is input (default terminal is X15), elevator stop at the nearest floor at half
creep speed under conditions that elevator is permitted to run. The door is opened and elevator is
out of service. ARD is normally used when stand-by power is on after main power is off.

1.2.14 Automatically Close Door Delay Time (open door delay time) Setting
Elevator has a close door delay button. On automation mode, when this button is
pushed down, open door holding time is open door delay time. This function is used
in hospital elevator.

1.2.15 Two Doors Control

By setting two doors mode, the front and the back door’s action can be
controlled in corresponding floor. To obtain the definiens and setting of two doors
mode, please refer to chapter 3.

1.2.16 Fault Diagnose

When fault occurred, WVF-V system diagnose fault and display fault
information on LCD. The fault time, fault type and fault floor of the latest 10 faults
is stored, maintenance man can refer to them. Refer to appendix 7.

1.2.17 Interference Evaluation

EMI is potential threaten to MCU control elevator. Contactor action and PWM

8 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function
generate interference to MCU unit and communication wire, even it makes system
abort or result in malfunction. WVF-V system not only takes steps to improve is
anti-jamming ability, but also evaluates system connection with ground. It conducts
maintenance to eliminate hidden trouble and provides more safe and reliable
circumstance. This function only can be used after system’s installation and
debugging is finished.

1.2.18 Encoder Evaluation

Encoder is a component detecting elevator speed and position, encoder’s
performance and installation is key factor to elevator running. Many faults is arisen
from encoder. WVF-V system analyse and evaluates encoder pulse signal and avoid
elevator’s fault which brought by encoder , it can conducts maintenance man to
eliminate trouble of tingling and leveling.

1.2.19 Input Port Evaluation

Because traveling cable, hoistway cable and MCU unit is parallel connected, the
interference can’t be neglected, which may lead to display error and leveling fault.
WVF-V evaluates input signal and display the result on LCD. It conducts
maintenance lay out cables and solves above problem completely.
1.2.20 Emergency Automatic Leveling run
After power off, emergency automatic leveling device can supply power to elevator until
elevator run to leveling floor and passenger leave safely.
It must to meet following condition for elevator to run to level floor automatically
1. After power off ,emergency automatic leveling control device supply power to elevator
(main board emergency automatic leveling input X18 is valid).
2. Elevator is not on inspection mode.
3. Elevator is out of door zone.
4. There are no fault which make elevator stop.
5. Door inter-lock circuit signal is normal.
The process of elevator emergency automatic leveling running as follow:
1. According to the load, the elevator determine the running direction automatically;
2. Running to the nearest floor, the elevator stop and open door, at same time, the elevator
keep door opening; after delaying some time, the emergency automatic leveling device
cut power off.
3 After elevator ‘s power supply is restored, if emergency automatic leveling running
process has been recorded, the elevator will return to bottom floor and revise scale.
In door zone, when emergency automatic leveling device supply power(main board
emergency automatic leveling input terminal X18 is valid),elevator open door
Because WVF-V system adopt the emergency automatic leveling running device,
the blueprint of WVF-V system control cabinet is different from the standard

9 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function
blueprint, please ask technology department for reference blueprint if this
function is used. To use SYT-YY elevator emergency automatic leveling device,
please refer to appendix 3: SYT-YY elevator emergency automatic leveling
device user guide.
1.2.21 Special Function for Handicapped
Because of special COP and landing call button, it is convenient for handicapped to ride
1. Set parameter to start the special function for handicapped .
2. The special COP: with car call button and open close door button for handicapped.
3. The special landing call button: by address, WVF-V system can distinguish
handicapped landing call from normal landing call.
4. The principle of handicapped use elevator: in leveling zone, if the handicapped
press car call button or landing call button, WVF-V system will prolong the open door
holding time (open door delay time can be set), if the handicapped press open door
button, open door holding time will be prolonged.
(1) Landing call panel address setting:
◆ When mainboard’ s handicapped function is set, (function selection
F14=ON), landing call panel’s address should be set as follow principle:
◇ 1~32 is the absolute address of normal landing call, 1 is the address of
lowest floor’s; 2 is the address of the second lowest floor, 32 is max
floor address, the total floor address is 32.
◇ 33~64 is the absolute address of handicapped landing call, 33 is the
address of the lowest floor, 34 is the address of the second lowest floor,
64 is the max address, the total floor address is 32.
◇ If there is only a kind of landing call in some floor, the other landing call
address must be null.
◆ car call button’s connection :
◇ 1~n floor car call button wire should be connected to car’s 1~n floor car
call interface as normal car call.n+1~n+n’s car call button be used as
handicapped special car call button.
◇ COP open door 2 input、close door 2 input be used as handicapped
special open/close door input。
1.2.22 Pre-opening Door
In order to improve running efficiency, WVF-V system will open door ahead of
schedule when elevator slow down. If elevator run to door zone of target floor and
meet following condition, the system will open door ahead of schedule.
1. The elevator slow down normally when elevator near to target door zone.
2. Two sensor of pre-opening door is valid.
3. Elevator’ s speed is lower than the setting speed of pre-opening door.
4. The inverter’s low speed output is valid.
5. The output fo Safety circuit board is valid

10 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function
When special parameter ‘s function selection parameter FU20=ON, pre-opening door
function is valid; to know pre-opening/re-leveling function collection principle graph and
explain, please refer to appendix 5.
1.2.23 Re-leveling
When elevator stop at current floor and passenger enter or leave car, because the rope is
stretched or shortened ,car deviate from leveling zone(one of door zone sensor come away);
Elevator will run into leveling point in low speed with opening door. Re-leveling running
1. Elevator has deviated from leveling zone, when elevator stop
2. Two sensor of pre-opening is valid.
3. Elevator’s speed is lower than the re-leveling protection setting speed.
4. The inverter’s low speed output is valid
5. The output fo Safety circuit board is valid
When special parameter ‘s function selection parameter FU19=ON, re-leveling function is
valid; Want to know pre-opening/re-leveling function collection principle graph and explain,
please refer to appendix 5.

1.3 Safety Protection

1.3.1 Safety Circuit Protection

If safety circuit is cut off, elevator stops running at once.

1.3.2 Door Inter-lock Protection

Only all door inter-lock is closed, elevator can start running. If door inter-lock is
opened or oscillating, elevator will stop running.

1.3.3 Running contactor Protection

System may check main circuit contactor action, if there is abnormal (e.g.
conglutination), elevator will stop running.

1.3.4 Braking Detect Protection

By breaking detect switch, system can real time monitor brake’s open and close.
When brake can’t open, system will forbid elevator to start.

1.3.5 Terminal Reversal and Leveling Revise

When system detects terminal switch in running process, elevator is forced to
slow down and revise floor indication automatically.

1.3.6 Normal Limit Protection

When system detects normal limit switch, elevator stops at once.

11 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function
1.3.7 Final Limit Protection
When system detects final limit switch, system is powered off.

1.4 Select Function

1.4.1 Remote Monitor

You may real time monitor elevator running in remote monitor center by wire or
wireless module.

1.4.2 Traction Motor Selection

System may be equipped with asynchronous/synchronous motor or gear/gearless
traction machine.
1.4.3 Arrival Bell (Arrival Chime)
Arrival bell (Arrival chime) prompt that your target floor has arrived
1.4.4 Voice Report
Voice report device can report Elevator running direction and current floor in voice.
1.4.5 ID Identification
ID/IC card can be identified.

12 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

2.1 Control System Combination

2.1.1 System Structure and Schematic Diagram

Figure 2-1 is system structure. Main board BL2000-STB is main control unit. It exchanges
data with COP and landing call box by CAN BUS. It collects data from hoistway and safe circuit
by parallel sample signal method. MCU analyzes these data, then it outputs control and response
signal to control inverter, door machine and braking device. The system provide logic function,
fault diagnose and direct stop function etc.

Figure 2-1

13 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 1 Control System Function
2.1.2 Control System Combination
Figure 2-2 is components and parts of an apparatus lay out. The position may be
modified, it is only for refer to.

Figure 2 – 2 Control Cabinet’s Layout

15 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

(1) MCU BL2000-STB

Main board is the control system kernel, all of control instruction is sent by it.
Refer to 2-3.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 - Ф3.5 21

J1 J2 J3 J4
4 - 5×10

LED X00~X21

LCD Ф5 1
J10 3



6 7
5 8
4 9 J9 2
3 A
2 1 J11 3
Scaleboard 4

LED X22~X23

Keyboard J5 J6 J7 J8

LED Y00~Y15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Figure2-.3 BL2000-STB Profile and Dimension

Table 2-1 Main Board Input Signal X0~X19 Ports:

Port Position Define Port Position Define
X0 J1-1 Inspection input X10 J2-1 Down leveling input
X1 J1-2 Up running input X11 J2-2 Inverter fault input
X2 J1-3 Down running input X12 J2-3 Fire input
X3 J1-4 Top terminal 2 input X13 J2-4 Emergency stop input
X4 J1-5 Bottom terminal 2 input X14 J2-5 Door Inter-lock input
X5 J1-6 Top limit input X15 J2-6 ARD input
X6 J1-7 Bottom limit input X16 J2-7 Running contactor input
X7 J1-8 Top terminal 1 input X17 J2-8 Braking feedback input
X8 J1-9 Bottom terminal 1 input X18 J2-9 Emergency automatic
leveling input
X9 J1-10 Up leveling input X19 J2-10 Inverter running input

Table 2-2 Main Board Input Signal X20~X21Ports:

Port Position Define Port Position Define
X20 J3-1 Electronic lock input X29 J3-6 Multi-function input
X21(*) J3-2 Heat sensitive switch GND2 J3-7 24Vground

16 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

X26 J3-3 Re-leveling condition GND2 J3-8 24Vground

X27 J3-4 Re-leveling sensitive GND2 J3-9 24Vground
signal input
X28 J3-5 Multi-function input 24V2 J3-10 24V X0~X21 common

Table 2-3 Power and Communication Port:

Port Position Define Port Position Define
GND3 J4-1 0V 1H J4-6 Twins control/Group control
communication TXA+
24VIN J4-2 24V input 1L J4-7 Twins control/Group control
communication TXA-
GND3 J4-3 0V GND1 J4-8 0V
5VIN J4-4 5V input 2H J4-9 Landing call /car call
communication TXA+
24VOT J4-5 24V output 2L J4-10 Landing call /car call
communication TXA-

Table 2-4 Including 2 COM Inputs and 2 or More Outputs (COM1):

Port Position Define Port Position Define
X22 J5-1 110V emergency stop J5-6 Void
input +
X23 J5-2 110V emergency stop COM0 J5-7 Y16、Y17 common
input -
X24 J5-3 110V door inter-lock Y0 J5-8 Re-leveling output
input +
X25 J5-4 110V door inter-lock Y1 J5-9 Fire output
input -
J5-5 Void COM1 J5-10 Y0-Y1 common
Table 2-5 Main Board Digital and Analog Output:
Port Position Define Port Position Define
Y2 J6-1 Open door 2 contactor Y10 J7-1 Inverter up control output
control output
Y3 J6-2 Close door 2 contactor Y11 J7-2 Inverter down control output
control output
Y4 J6-3 Open door 1 contactor Y12 J7-3 Inverter enable output
control output
Y5 J6-4 Close door 1 contactor Y13 J7-4 Multi-speed given X1 output
control output
COM2 J6-5 Y2~Y5 common Y14 J7-5 Multi-speed given X2 output
Y6 J6-6 Braking control output Y15 J7-6 Multi-speed given X3 output
Y7 J6-7 Braking Economical COM4 J7-7 Y10~Y15 common
resistance control output

17 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

Y8 J6-8 Main contactor control VB J7-8 Load compensation analog

output voltage output
Y9 J6-9 Running contactor VS J7-9 Analog speed given output
control output
COM3 J6-10 Y3~Y9 common GND3 J7-10 Analog 0V

Table 2-6 Main Unit Encoder Signal Input:

Port Position Define Port Position Define
15VB J8-1 15V input B J8-6 B phase (pull-push output)
0VB J8-2 0V A+ J8-7 A +phase (long line drive)
5VB J8-3 5V input A- J8-8 A –phase (long line drive)
J8-4 Void B+ J8-9 B+ phase (long line drive)
A J8-5 A phase (pull-push B- J8-10 B –phase (long line drive)

Table 2-7 Telecommuting Port ( Wire or Wireless):

Port Position Define
(v2:control )
J9-3 (v2:control) (v9:TX)
J9-4 (v2:control )
J9-5 Communication 0V

Table 2-8 RS485 Ports

Port Position Define
DA+ J10-1 Communication DA+
DA- J10-2 Communication DA+
0V J10-3 Communication 0V

X0~X21 LED: X0~X21input signal indicator

X22~X23 LED: X22~X23 input signal indicator
Y0~Y15 LED: Y0~Y15 output signal indicator.
(2) Inverter: It is driving device and controlled by main board.
(3) TC1: control power transformer. Power supply for control cabinet is provided by
it. Input: 380VAC; output: 220VAC and 110VAC.
(4) TC2: safe light power transformer. It provides power for control cabinet jacklight.
Input: 220VAC; output: 36VAC.
(5) Switch power: main board power. Input: 220VAC; output: 24V DC and 5VDC. It
is connected to ground. Otherwise, it may work abnormally.
(6) KXX: phase sequence relay.
(7) F1-F4: air switch. F1: main power switch; F2: 110V control power switch; F3:

18 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

22V control power switch; F4: light power switch.

(8) KMC: main contactor. It controls inverter power, when it is picked, inverter
begin works.
(9) KDY: running contactor. It controls circuit between inverter output and motor,
when it is picked, the circuit works.
(10) KJT: emergency stop contactor. When emergency stop circuit is connected,
KMB is picked.
(11) KMB: door inter-lock contactor. When door inter-lock circuit is connected,
KMB is picked.
(12) KLZ: braking contactor. When it is closed, brake is released.
(13) KJR: economical resistance contactor. When it is released, economical
resistance is connected.
(14) KKM: open door contactor. When it is closed, door machine opens door.
(15) KGM: close door contactor. When it is closed, door machine closes door.
(16) RZD: braking resistance.
(17) TZD: thermal switch of monitoring braking resistance. When temperature is
higher than 100℃, it is opened.
(18) KER: inverter fault relay. When inverter faults, it is released (only for KEB
serial inverter).
(19) RF1: rectifying bridge. Output: 110VAC.
(20) D1: discharge current diode.
(21) RLZ: discharge current resistance.
(22) RJ: braking economical resistance.
(23) TM-M: main circuit terminal.
(24) GC-1: COP communication cable jack.
(25) GC-2: traveling cable jack.
(26) GC-3: traveling cable jack.
(27) GC-4: landing call box communication cable jack.
(28) GC-7: hoistway cable jack.
(29) JXH-B: loco mote inspection cable jack.
(30) TM-1,TM-2: 10A small circuit terminal.
The definiens of above terminal and jack refers to schematic diagram.

2.2 System Installation

2.2.1 Hoistway and Traveling Cable Installation

When you install cables at field, all of you can do is that you put and install
cables in hoistway.
(1) hoistway cable include: landing call communication cable CB2, door inter-lock
and hoistway signal cable CB3.
CB2 is 4 cores STP. One pair (24V, 0V) is used to control unit power supply;
another is used to communication cable. Both branches are connected with landing

19 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

call unit by plug and jack. Cables top terminal is connected with GC-4 in control
CB3 has 3 wires, two of which are connected with inter-lock switch, the others is
ground wire, which should be reliably connected with conductor of door. Ground
wire of CB3 is connected with control cabinet ground body. Hoistway trunk cable is
connected with GC-7, branch cables are connected with top/bottom limit, top/bottom
terminal and pit switch. All of branches are fixed interval 1.5m at same level.
(2) Car traveling cable CB5 is 36 cores and 4core STP flat cable. When rise is
higher than 70m, rope should be added to it. One terminal is connected with
GC-1,GC-2and GC-3, another is connected with DC-1, DC-2 , and DC-3.
(3) When you are welding, remember that neuter wire of welding machine should be
connected with welded object, it is forbid that neuter wire of welding machine is
connected with ground wire in elevator cable, otherwise, cable may be
2.2.2 Control Cabinet Installation and Connection
There are 7 terminals in main circuit connector. U1, V1 and W1 are 3-phase
power input. Power from distribute room input into U1, V1 and W1 through air
switch, N is neuter wire. The section area of wire is determined by load. If load is
15KW motor, the section area is no less than 10mm2. U3, V3 and W3 are connected
with motor coil. It should be avoid that two groups terminal being connected
mistakenly when control cabinet electrical connections are made, else inverter will
be destroyed after power on. Power cable should be isolated from signal cable, if
they are putted into the same slot, system may work unreliably. Cable between motor
and control cabinet is as short as possible (<5m), the section area should be
increased if output power is wasted too much.
GC-1, GC-2,GC-3, GC-4,GC-7,JXH-B terminals are plug or jack.
GC-1 and GC-4 are serial communication port. Which are connected with COP
communication cable and landing call communication cable respectively.
GC-2 and GC-3 are car power and signal cables, which are connected with traveling
cable GC-2, GC-3
GC-7 is magnetic switch, safe circuit and light circuit cable, which is connected with
GC-7 in CB3.
JXH-B mobile inspection box cable, it is connected with JXH-B in mobile
inspection box.
C2 terminal. It includes coder, talk about and stand by port. There is safe circuit port
in it.
Refer to schematic diagram.
2.2.3 Encoder Installation and Connection
Encoder is important detection component, which their quality has directly effect
on system performance. Generally it is installed at factory, if it need to be installed at
field, the following is noticed:
(1) Countershaft encoder is installed at motor tail by soft cardo. Confirm concentric
degree in encoder’s installation. If it is poor, encoder can’t steadily outputs pulse,
elevator can’t running smoothly, cardo may be destroyed. To avoid slide, the nail

20 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

is install at flat besides shaft. If cardo looses, system feedback is error and
elevator tingles and don’t leveling.
(2) If there isn’t axostyle, nesting encoder is installed at motor shaft. The diameter is
confirmed before ordering. To avoid damaging glass bar, it is forbid to heavy
strike. If it is installed properly, Encoder will not be vibrating when motor is
(3) Encoder cable is correctly connected with inverter and MCU system. It will be
destroyed by poor installation and wiring. encoder cable is putted into metal tube
far from power cable. Notice: encoder shield can’t be connected with motor
ground wire.
2.2.4 COP Installation and Connection
Generally, COP and control board are installed before leaving factory, user only
need to connect CB9 to car top wiring interconnect box. If distribute and
maintenance are needed, refer to following: and power COP circuit board connection and extend
Figure 2-4 is circuit board connection

Figure 2-4 Circuit Board Connection

21 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation Main Unit BL2000-CZB Introduction
COP main unit may connect to 8 floors car call signal. When total floors is beyond 8
floors, extend board NEB-01 is connected with J12, there are 8 floors car call every
extend board, extend board may connected with other extend board too, the max
number is 7.
4 - Ф3.2

1 2 A
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 14 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 14 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
E 3 9
D 4 JN8 JN7 JN6 JN5 JN4 JN3 JN2 JN1 8
C 5 J12

B 6
A 7 6
9 8 J10

1 J8 1




3 9
4 8
5 J11 7
6 6
8 4
9 3
A J6 J5 J4 J3 J2 2
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 1

152 15


Figure 2-5 BL2000-CZB Profile and Dimension Interface Circuit

(J1-1) +24V (J11-1)

(J1-2) (J11-2)


(J1-4) (J11-4)

(J2-1) (J11-5)

+24V (J11-6)

(J2-3) (J11-7)

(J2-4) (J11-8)
J2-J6相 同
(J7-1) +24V (J11-9)

(J7-2) (J11-10)





(J9-2) (J10-7)

(J9-3) (J10-8)

+24V (J10-9)

(J10-6) (J10-10)

Figure 2-6 BL2000-CZB Interface Circuit

22 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation Interface Define

Table 2-9 The Interface Define and Special:
Name Port Position Define Use
J1-1 24V input Power and
J1-2 0V input communication
J1 J1-3 CAN BUS H interface
J2-1 Open door button 1 acknowledge Open door
J2-2 24V output com button 1 and
J2 J2-3 0V input com acknowledge
J2-4 Open door button 1 input
J3-1 Close door button1 acknowledge Close door
J3-2 24V output com button 1 and
J3 J3-3 0V input com acknowledge
J3-4 Close door button 1 input
J4-1 Open door button 2 acknowledge Open door
J4-2 24V output com button 2 and
J4 J4-3 0V input ground acknowledge
J4-4 Open door button 2 input
J5-1 Close door button 2 acknowledge Close door
J5-2 24V output com button 2 and
J5 J5-3 0V input com acknowledge
J5-4 Close door button 2 input
J6 J6-1 Open door delay button Open door
acknowledge delay button
J6-2 24V output com acknowledge
J6-3 0V input com
J6-4 Open door delay button input
J7 J7-1 RS232 receive RS232
J7-2 RS232 sent communication
J7-3 0V Signal com
J7-4 RS232 output control
J7-5 RS232 input control
J8 Programming Interface
CMM J9-1 Input Common Input
KMV1 J9-2 Open door limit input
GMV1 J9-3 Close door limit input
J9 KAB1 J9-4 Safety edge for door 1 input
CZ J9-5 Overload input
MZ J9-6 Full load input
KAB2 J9-7 Safety edge for door 2 input
QZ J9-8 Light load input
KZ J9-9 50% load input

23 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

SZH J9-10 Attendant input

J10 SZY J10-1 VIP input Input
SZS J10-2 By-pass input
ZHS J10-3 Attendant directional upward
ZHX J10-4 Attendant directional down
KMV2 J10-5 Open door limit 2 input
GMV2 J10-6 Close door limit 2 input
RT- J10-7 Load detecting serial SJT-150 serial
communication RT+ input
RT+ J10-8 Load detecting serial
communication RT-
24V J10-9 +24V
CMM J10-10 0V
J11 BLV- J11-1 Arrival Bell (chime) 1A Output
BLV+ J11-2 Arrival Bell (chime) 1B
N1 J11-3 Lighting control A
ZM J11-4 Lighting control B
BK1 J11-5 Stand by 1A
BK2 J11-6 Stand by 1B
CZD J11-7 Overload indicator light A
CMM J11-8 Overload indicator light B
24V J11-9 Auxiliary power +24V input
0V J11-10 Auxiliary power 0V input
J12 24V J12-1、2 Power +24V input Car call extend
5V J12-3、4 Power +5V input link
0V J12-5、6 Power 0V input
J12-7~12 Communication terminal
J12-13、14 Null
JN1~JN8 JNn-1 Acknowledge output 1~8 floor car
24V JNn-2 +24V call input and
0V JNn-3 0V Input com acknowledge
JNn-4 Car call input output Car Call Extend Board BL2000-CEB Introduction
BL2000-CEB is car call extend board.

24 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

D B 9 7 5 3 1
E C A 8 6 4 2

D B 9 7 5 3 1
E C A 8 6 4 2

4 - Ф3.5 衬板


Figure 2-7 BL2000-CEB Profile and Dimension Interface Circuit

(J1-1) (J1-2)

(J1-3) (J1-4)

(J1-5) (J1-6)

(JEn-1) (J1-7)

(JEn-2) (J1-8)

(JEn-3) (J1-9)

(JEn-4) (J1-10)



Figure 2-8 BL2000-CEB Interface Circuit Interface define
Table 2-10 BL2000-CEB Interface Define
Name Port Position Define Usage
J1 24V J1-1、J1-2 Power +24V input Previous board port
5V J1-3、J1-4 Power +5V input
0V J1-5、J1-6 Power 0V input
J1-7~J1-12 Communication

25 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

J2 Same as J1 Next board port

JEN JEn-1 Acknowledge output 8i+1~8i+8 floor car call button
24V JEn-2 +24v output com input and acknowledge
24V JEn-3 +24v Input com
JEn-4 car call input
I: Extend board series No. Landing Call and Display Unit BL2000-Hxx-xn Introduction

4 -F 4
22 B L 2 0 0 0 -H A x -B 2
4 -Φ 4








1 .5

B L 2 0 0 0 -H A x -A 3





Figure 2-9 BL2000-HAX-A3 Profile and Dimension Figure 2-10 BL2000-HAX-B2 Profile and Dimension

B L2000-H A x-C 2
4-Φ 4
4-F4 24









2 4
15 22

55 47
65 58

Figure2-11BL2000-HAX-C2 Profile and Dimension Figure 2-12 BL2000-HAX-D2 Profile and Dimension

26 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

38 4- Φ 4.3 20 8 20
4-Φ 5









40( 34) 40( 34) 14

14 10

90 55
98 65

Figure 2-13 BL2000-HAX-E2 Profile and Dimension Figure 2-14BL2000-HCH-G1 Profile and Dimension

29 17 29 4-Φ4.3 30 16 43 33





28 22 28
5 140

Figure 2-16 BL2000-HBX-F2 Profile and Dimension


2 2
4-Φ 5 20 38 38 38

43 2






34(40) 34(40)


90 34( 40) 31 34( 40)

5 150
98 162

Figure 2-15 BL2000-HCH-F1Profile and Dimension Figure 2-17 BL2000-HDH-F1 Profile and Dimension Interface Circuit

27 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

(J 1 -1 ) +24V

(J 1 -2 )

(J 1 -3 )

(J 1 -4 )

(J 2 -1 )

(J 2 -2 )

(J 2 -3 ) +24V

(J 2 -4 )

(J 3 -1 )

(J 3 -2 )

(J 3 -3 ) +24V

(J 3 -4 )

2-18 BL2000-Hxx-xn Interface Circuit Interface Define
Table 2-11 BL2000-Hxx-xn Ports:
Name Position Define Usage
J1 J1-1 24v power input Power and
J1-2 0v power input communication port
J1-3 CAN bus H
J1-4 CAN bus L
J2 J2-1 Up landing call acknowledge Up landing call input
J2-2 24v output and acknowledge
J2-3 0v output com voltage output
J2-4 Up landing call input
J3 J3-1 Down landing call acknowledge Down landing call input
J3-2 24v output and acknowledge
J3-3 0v output com voltage output
J3-4 Down landing call input
J4 Programming port
S1 Serial communication terminate resistance jumper (in board)
AN Address setting key (in board) Model and Specification

28 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

Table 2-12 Landing Call and Display Unit BL2000-Hxx Model and Specification
Display module specification
Model Structur Colo length × wide ×
Model Arrange Shape Lighteness
e r high mm
BL2000-HAH-A3 1357AH High
Square Dot
BL2000–HAS–A3 1357AS Vertical 30×22×10 Super
dot Matrix
BL2000–HAR–A3 1357ASR UltraHigh
BL2000–HAH–B2 1057AH high
BL2000–HAS–B2 1057AS dot 39×23×8 Super
BL2000–HAR–B2 1057ASR UltraHigh
BL2000–HAH–C2 1257AH Super
Square Dot
BL2000–HAS–C2 1257AS 42×25×7 Super
dot Matrix
BL2000–HAR–C2 1257ASR Vertical UltraHigh
Square Dot
BL2000–HAH–D2 1067BH 34×24×6 High
dot Matrix
BL2000–HAH–E2 2058AH High
BL2000–HAS–E2 2058AS Big dot 61×38×8 Super
BL2000–HAR–E2 2058ASR UltraHigh
BL2000–HBH–C1 1257AH High
Square Dot
BL2000–HBS–C1 1257AS Horizontal 42×25×7 Super
dot Matrix
BL2000–HBR–C1 1257ASR UltraHigh
BL2000–HBH–E2 2058AH High
BL2000–HBS–E2 2058AS Horizontal Big dot 61×38×8 Super
BL2000–HBR–E2 2058ASR UltraHigh
BL2000–HCH–F1 BS252 35×42×h dimension 22×
Vertical Segmen Dot
ted Matrix
BL2000–HCH–G1 BS402 46×44×10
BL2000–HDH–F1 BS252 Horizontal 35×42×h
When it is used in car, J1 connects to BL2000-Hxx-xn J1, J2 and J3 is void,
address is 0. To set address, refers to 2.2.5
2.2.5 Landing Call and Display Unit Installation and Setting
BL2000-Hxx-xn is landing call and display unit that is set out of landing door.
Refers to figure 2-19

2-19 BL2000-Hxx-xn Sketch Map

29 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

(1) Display unite:

Display unite is composed of running direction and floor display .The display
mode is selectable.
a. If the direction arrow will scroll.
b.The changing mode of the floor number: dragging screen, scroll vertical,
scroll horizontal & not scroll
c. If the station light will blink.
d.Default mode:the arrow will scroll under running and not scroll normally;
Dragging screen will change under “floor running” and it will not blink at
landing station.
(2) Indicator light:
The indicator light is composed of 2 display position and 6 setting function
included full load、parking、fire、special function、overload、inspection.
(3) The wiring diagram of landing call button and responding light
Landing call button and responding light are connected with landing call
board through J2 and J3. J2 is up landing call button, J3 is down landing call
button. The wiring diagram of J2 and J3 refers to figure 2-9. The voltage of
responding light is DC24V and the current should be less than 50mA.

4 3 2 1

2-9 t he wiring diagram of landing call button

(4) The connection of power and communication port:
The branches of every landing call communication cable CB2 should be
inserted in J1.
(5) The address settings of landing call and display unite:
Because the system use serial communication,every communication unite
has only one address. Under “address setting”,it can be set by observing lattice
block display and pressing AN key. Landing call/display board can be set
according to the address of absolute landing number(1~64),the lowermost
address is 1,next is 2,by analogy, all others can be set.
① Press button AN, display unit will display the unit address which has been
set, press AN button and wait for 5 second ,elevator enter address setting
mode .
② On “address setting” mode, press the AN button to increase the address
number, it will began to another circle when the address number rise up to 64.
③ After address setting, release the button, for 2 second the address number will
blink, at same time it will be saved.
④S1 will be shorted. It is indicated that the terminal communication resistance is

30 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

Note :Only the landing call/display unite of the bottom floor(the address number is
1) can be connected with terminal resistance.
2.2.6 Car top wiring interconnect box Installation and Connection
Car top wiring interconnect box is installed at position on car top for convenient
connection and check. Generally, the cable has been distributed before leaving
factory. There are GC-2、GC-3、C9、C10、 car top operation box、 car top switch
and door machine switch terminal. You can connect cable and terminal referring to
Notice: door machine control circuit is install at car call distribute box, because door
machine be produced by different manufacture, it may has a change, the control
circuit should be connected according to door machine manual. If door machine
doesn’t work normally, this part circuit should be checked and adjusted.
2.2.7 Leveling Zone Switch and Leveling Inductor Plate Install and Adjustment
Elevator needs 2 door zone switches and some leveling inductor plates to
control leveling.
It is suggested that door zone leveling inductor plate’s length is 250mm when
elevator’s speed greater than 2m/s. 2 leveling zone switches are installed at car top;
leveling inductor plates are installed in hoistway, which position refers to the
following figure2-10:
Leveling zone switch adopt photo electronic switch or magnetic switch.

Figure 2-10 Door Zone Switch and Leveling Inductor Plate

2.2.8 Top/Bottom Terminal Switch Install
Elevator needs one top terminal switch, bottom terminal switch (<1.75) and
terminal leveling inductor plate. Top/bottom terminal switch are installed in hoistway.
Terminal leveling inductor plate is installed on car top. Top/bottom terminal switch
is install at the position which distance is 2.5m (<1.75m/s) from car sill to
top/bottom hall sill. The number of terminal switch should be increased for elevator
speed is greater than 2.0m/s. refer to table: terminal switch adopts contactless

31 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 2 Control System Combination And Installation

inductive switch. e.g. magnetic switch.

Table 2-13 Terminal Switch Installation Position
Speed 0.5m/s 1.0m/s 1. 6m/s 2.0m/s 2.5m/s 4.0m/s
Positio 1.75m/s

Up/bottom 1m 1.3m 2.5m 2.5m 2m 2.5m
terminal 1
Up/bottom 4m 6.25m(4m) *8m
terminal 2
terminal 3

Figure 2-11 Top/bottom Terminal Installation(1.6m/s or 1.75m/s)

32 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

3.1 Summary

LCD is a good interface for debug and maintenance. They may set and monitor
elevator running by LCD.
1. Monitor elevator state: automation, inspection, attendant, fire and lock etc.
2. Monitor: hoistway position, elevator speed, I/O port, fault information, load,
landing call, car call and communication etc.
3. Set parameters: general parameter, running parameter and special parameter
4. Hoistway learning
5. Save parameter
6. Set new password

3.2 Key Operation

There are 6 keys on it. Their function is defined as follows:

1 0.00m/s

Esc Menu Enter

Menu: exclude hoistway learning and save parameter, system returns to main menu
by pressing this key.
Enter: enter into next menu, confirm changing parameter and instruction register
Esc: cancel key, cancel、return to previous menu
>:Cursor key, system enters into communication state by pressing it in main menu.
∧: Page up, increase 1 or select YES (on) key
∨: Page down, decrease 1 or select NO (off) key

33 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

3.3 LCD Display and Parameter Operation Flowchart

Figure 3-1 Main Menu Flow Chart

34 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

3.3.1 Main Menu

It displays current floor, running direction, running state, fault code, door lock state
and running speed.

Fault state
Elevator state Door lock state

Running direction INSP ER=10 CLOSE

1 0.00m/s Running speed.
Current floor

Elevator state: INSP, MENU, AUTO, FIRE, STOP and USER(VIP).

Fault state: if there is fault, it displays ER=#, otherwise, it displays nothing.
Door lock state: close and open
Current floor: actual floor
3.3.2 Communication State
System enters into communication state by pressing “>” key in main menu.

COP communication

Car com: OK
Parallel connection
Sys com: OK OK communication indicator
System communication

COP communication indicator: OK –communication normal, ER—main board

receives error (check wire and COP), if there is error, it will display number of
System communication indicator: OK—communication normal, ET—main board
transfer error (check landing call wire), if there is error, it will display number of
Parallel communication indicator: OK—communication normal,
ET/ER—communication error (select)
3.3.3 Verify Password
Before you set and save parameters, you must input correct password on inspection
mode (user password may be modify in setting password menu). If you want to set
parameters in 3.3.4(b), you must input factory password, which is set before leaving
factory and can’t be modify.
3.3.4 Monitor Menu and Setting Parameter Menu
Monitor menu, general parameter, running parameter and special parameter are basic
of elevator debugging. Menu is divided into user menu and factory menu according
to user’s requirement. The flowchart is as following:

35 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

a. User Menu:

Figure 3-2 User Menu Flow chart

b. Factory Menu:

36 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Figure 3-3 Factory Menu Flow chart

c. Parameter Explain:
(1) Monitor menu: all the interfaces are read only except floor select menu and
close/open door menu.

37 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Table 3-1Monitor Menus

User Menu
No. Menu Note
1 Call input It displays car call, landing call and inter select
2 Hoistway data It displays top/bottom limit and terminal’s position
3 Floor data Leveling position and stop or not
4 Speed feedback Motor speed (rpm) and elevator speed (m/s)
5 I/O value I/O state corresponding to decimal.
6 Loading data Current load percentage (load device is valid)
7 Run report Accumulated running time
8 Fault report The latest 20 fault records
9 Call test Test communication between main board and landing
call box
10 Interfer apprais Valuate EMI
11 Encoder apprais Valuate encoder interference and quality of pulse
12 Input apprais Display input interference
13 Software No. Software version
Factory Menu
14 I/O input Input port state
15 I/O output Output port state
16 I/O car data COP input/output state
17 Open close door Close/open door command
(2) General Parameter
Table 3-2 General Parameter
User Menu
No. Menu Default Range Note
1 Total floors 1~64 Elevator total floors (equate
to number of leveling
inductor plate)
2 Homing floor 1 1~total Elevator return to homing
floor floor without call
3 Set time Display and set system time
4 Open door hold 3s 0~999s Close door waiting time after
time opening door on automation
5 Open delay time 30s 0~999s Open door delay time (open
door delay enable) on
automatic mode
6 Homing time 60s 0~999s Waiting time before returning
to homing floor when without
7 Start time 00:00 Start run time (electronic lock

38 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

8 Stop time 00:00 Stop run time (electronic lock

9 Loading setting no Load detection enable/disable
(only for system with
SJT-150 detection device)
Factory Menu
10 Fire floor 1 1-total The floor to which elevator
floors return on fire mode
11 Parking floor 1 1-total The floor to which elevator
floors return when electronic lock is
12 Input type On Input signal is valid when
level is high or low
13 Output type Off Output relay, off- open
normally, on-closed normally
14 Set indication 0~64 Display character
15 Set stop floor On Stop or not
16 Open delay able No Open door delay enable
17 Load give 0-10V -10V—10V Load output voltage range
18 Break feedback Yes Yes—brake feedback will be
detected; no—brake feedback
will not be detected
19 Door select Front/back door selection
20 Input select 0-27 X26~X29 terminal input
function selection
21 Output select 0-19 Y16 、 Y17 terminal output
function selection
(3) Running Parameter
Table3-3 Running Parameter
User menu
No. Menu Default Range Note
1 Car speed 1.6m/s 1~2.5m/s Elevator rated speed
2 Motor speed 1~9999 Motor rated speed
3 Pulses 500~9999 The number of the pulse
which be inputted into main
4 Insp speed 0.3m/s 0.01~0.6m/s Inspection running speed
5 Start speed 0.00m/s 0~0.20m/s Smooth speed is added
before start curve
6 Leveling speed 0.3m/s 0.01~0.6m/s Leveling speed
7 Least speed 1m/s 0.01~1.0m/s Min speed curve steady

39 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

8 Break on time 50ms 10~9990ms Time between brake release

and start running
9 Break off time 50ms 10~9990ms Time between open door
and brake on
Factory Menu
10 Acceleration B1 0.6 0.1~9.99 Acceleration
11 Deceleration B2 0.6 0.1~9.99 Deceleration
12 S curve P1 0.7 0.1~9.99 S time1
13 S curve P2 0.7 0.1~9.99 S time 2
14 S curve P3 0.7 0.1~9.99 S time 3
15 S curve P4 0.7 0.1~9.99 S time 4
16 Zero speed 5rpm 0~9999 Zero speed threshold
17 Zero Time 210ms 0~999ms Break off delay time after
system detect zero speed
18 Start speed time 0 0~9000ms Start smooth speed hold
19 Leveling adj 50mm Adjust Leveling offset
20 Load adj 0 0~12 Load compensating voltage
should be adjusted base on
21 Open door speed 0.15 0~0.3m/s The speed of elevator
pre-open door
22 Re-leveling stop 0.30 0~0.3m/s In the process of re-leveling
speed running or pre-opening, if
elevator’s speed greater
than this speed, it will stop
23 Re-leveling run 0.06 0~0.3m/s Re-leveling running speed
speed which is set on analog given
24 Lamp off time 15 0~599m Lamp off delay time
25 Beep delay time 100 0~9990ms Arrival signal delay time
Elevator rated speed, motor rated speed and number of encoder pulse are the
important parameters. They should be set by nameplate. If one of them is
changed, hoistway learn must be perform before system start running normally.
When main board input pulse is dividing frequency, number of encoder pulse is
calculated pulse.
Notice: it is required that number of encoder pulse should more than 500,
gearless motor number of encoder pulse >4096. The frequency of pulse ranges
from 6kHz to 25kHz.
For example: encoder: 1024, 2 dividing frequency, number is 1025/2=512.
The relationship between motor rated speed and elevator speed is:
Elevator rated speed = (motor rated speed* traction sheave
diameter*3.14*driving ratio)/(60*1000*traction ratio)
For example: motor rated speed = 1370rpm, traction sheave

40 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

diameter=590mm,driving ratio = 2/53, traction ratio = 1/1;

Elevator rated speed = (1370*590*3.14*2)/(60*1000*1*53)=1.6m/s.
(4) Special parameter
Table3-4 Special Parameter
User Menu
No. Menu Default Range Note
1 Door run time 5s 0~999s Close/open door relay
holding time
Factory Menu
2 Factory parameter No Restore default
3 Twins control 0 0-1 Select
4 Group control 0 0-1 Select
5 Far monitor 0 0-1 Remote monitor enable and
telephone number
6 Two door mode 0 0-1 Select
7 Fire mode 0 0-1 Select
8 Parallel no 0 A/B Twins control enable is
valid, one is A, the other is
9 Multi speed mode No Yes/no Yes: multi speed given; no:
analog given
10 Multi speed give 0 0~4m/s Set speed
11 Decel distance 0 0~10m Decelerate distance
12 Over time 45 0~999s Time limit of Single times
13 Function selection OFF OFF/ON
Notice: * parameter is default parameter.
3.3.5 Hoistway Learning
Elevator must perform hoistway learning before it normally runs.
Hoistway Learn To Down Limit

Enter to start
Esc Enter

Hoistway Learn Esc

01 learning.........

Success Failure

41 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Hoistway learn is perform on inspection mode and car must press bottom limit
switch. If car doesn’t locate bottom limit, ‘to down limit’ is displayed, otherwise,
‘enter to start’ is displayed, press ‘enter’ key, it performs hoistway learning until top
limit. If it success, ‘success’ is displayed, else ‘failure LER=#’ is displayed. It is
processed by fault coder and repeats learning. It will exit if you press ‘esc’ key,
‘LER=15’ is displayed, it exit by pressing ‘esc’ again.
Hoisway learning must meet following condition:
1. Top/bottom limit and terminal and leveling inductor plate are installed and
electrical connection is correct.
2. Up/down leveling zone switch and leveling inductor plate are installed and
electrical connection is correct.
3. Safety circuit and door inner-lock circuit are normal.
4. General parameter and running parameter are set
5. Elevator may perform inspection running normally.
3.3.6 Save Parameter
Enter Save para
Save para
Enter Esc Yes

Save para

Success Failure

Esc Esc

System automatically saves modify parameter if you select yes in save parameter
menu and press ‘enter’ key. If it success, ‘success’ is displayed, else ‘failure’ is
displayed. Please contact with factory.
Notice: Modify parameter is valid at once, but if they will be lost if you don’t save

3.3.7 Password Setting

User may modify password.
New password Enter
New password
Enter Esc 0000

42 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

3.4 Windows Operation

User menu are open to all users. Only after factory password is inputted, factory
menu can be viewed and the parameter in factory menu can be modified.
1. When ‘enter’ is displayed on bottom right corner on LCD, you may press ‘enter’
key enter into sub-interface.
2. If there isn’t cursor, you can’t set parameter.
3. When press ‘enter’ key and cursor is displayed, by pressing ‘∧’ and ‘∨’ key to
modify parameter, by pressing ‘>’ key to shift cursor.
Noun explanation:
1. Actual floor: display floor
2. Absolute floor: bottom floor is 1.
3.4.1 Monitor Menu
(1) Call floor information
It display car call and landing call, car call may be selected in menu.
It will enter into the first page of monitor menu by pressing ‘∨’ key from main
Call Input

Press Enter key to enter select floor:

Runing direction Actual floor

Observed actual floor I S X F5 Down landing call

Car Call Up landing call

You may select observation floor by ‘∧’ and ‘∨’. ‘↑’ and ‘↓’ are current running
direction. A blinking character ‘*’ indicate there is car call, by press ‘enter’ to select
car call in debugging mode, the high speed debugging can be preformed. ‘□’
represents no landing call, ‘■’ represents landing call. ‘F-XX’ is current floor. It will
return to main menu by pressing ‘esc’.
(2) Hoistway Switch Position
It displays the position of top/bottom limit switch and top/bottom terminal. It
start from bottom limit. Unit is meter.

Hoistway Data

It will enter into the 2nd monitor item by pressing ‘∨’key from instruction

43 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Select item by pressing ‘∧’ and ‘∨’ key.

Down terminal station 1
XDZ1: 002.50m
Down terminal station 2 XDZ2: 007.50m

Up terminal station 1 SDZ1: 030.00m

Up terminal station 2 SDZ2: 025.00m

Up limit station
SXW1: 032.00m
Down limit station XXW1: 000.00m

(3) Floor Information

The 1st line is stop information (□: not stop; ■: stop).
The 2nd line is actual position of floor.
Observed actual floor Stop information

Floor Data 2: Stop
Enter Data: 010.00m

The position of observed floor

(4) Speed Feedback

It displays elevator and motor speed.
Elevator speed Motor speed

Speed Feedback Enter

0.30m/s 0200rpm
Enter Esc

(5) I/O Combination

The data is decimal, which represents the I/O port state by corresponding binary.


Enter I N : 00000322
I/O State
Esc OUT: 00000322

44 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

e.g.: Decimal: OUT=00000322
Binary: OUT=101000010
X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 X19 X20 X21 X22 X23
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16
0 0 0 0 0

(6) Load Weight

it is required that load enable is set to ‘Yes’ before enter into this menu.
Empty load: 0%; light load: 50%; full load: 100%.

Loading Data Enter

Loading Data
Enter Esc

(7) Running Record

It is accumulated time and times

Run hour
Run Report Enter 00000000H
Enter Esc 0000000

Run times
(8) Fault Record

Fault times Fault code Fault floor

Fault Report Enter 01: ER=02 F03

Enter Esc 02-10-10 12:12
Fault time

It records type and time of the latest 10 faults. Which is selected by pressing
‘∧’ and ‘∨’

45 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

(9) Landing Call Communication Test

Actual floor

Enter Call Test

Call Test
Esc 01: OK
Communication OK,Wait,Fail

It checks communication between main board and landing call box. The number of
landing call is selected by pressing ‘∧’ and ‘∨’. OK: normally communicate, Fail:
fail to communicate (check landing call board), wait: testing (If the time is too long,
check communication system).
(10) EMI Evaluation
When elevator is finished debugging, EMI may be evaluated in this interface.

Interfere Apprais Enter InterferApprais

Enter Esc 050

The data represents the intensity of EMI, ‘000’ represents system is well
connected to ground.
(10) Encoder Evaluation

Encoder Apprais Enter Encoder Apprais

Enter Esc 050

When elevator speed is steady, the data is bigger and the quality of encoder
signal is worse.
(12) Input Signal Evaluation – Input Port Interference

Inner state before 10 times Input state

Input Apprais 01:00000000234

Enter X01:- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _
Input port
The bar represents input port logic level. High: 1, low: 0. If the numbers of 1 is
more close to the number of 0, the interference is more intense.
(13) Software Version
It is software version.

Software No Enter
Software No
Enter 700-52

46 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

(14)Input Signal

Enter X00 X01 X02 x03

I/O Input
Enter X04 X05 X06 x07

X08 X09 X10 x11

X12 X13 X14 x15

X16 X17 X18 x19

X20 X21 X22 x23

□: input 0; ■: input 1; □: light off ; ■: light on

(15) Output Signal

Enter Y00 Y01 Y02 Y03

I/O Output
Enter Esc Y04 Y05 Y06 Y07

Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11

Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15

Y16 Y17 Y18 U19

Y20 Y21 Y22 Y23

□: output 0; ■: output 1(relay is activate);

(16) car signal

Enter U00 U01 U02 U03

Enter U04 U05 U06 U07

U08 U09 U10 U11

U12 U13 U14 U15

U16 U17 U18 U19

U20 U21 U22 U23

47 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Table 3-5 Car Signal ( □: Input 0; ■: Input 1)

No. Define No. Define
U00 Close door button 1 U10 Attendant switch
U01 Open door button 1 U11 Stand by
U02 Open door button 2 U12 Bypass switch
U03 Close door button 2 U13 Full load switch
U04 Close door limit 2 U14 Light load switch
U05 Open door limit 2 U15 Over load switch
U06 Close door limit 1 U16 50% load switch (stand by)
U07 Open door limit 1 U17 Safety edge switch 2 (two door
U08 Special switch U18 Safety edge switch 1
U09 Open door delay button U19~U23 Stand by

(17) Open/Close Door Input

Open Close Door Open Close Door
Enter Open□ Close■
Open door Colse door

Can perform open/close door operation by pressing ‘∧’ or ‘∨’ key. “■” stand
for open door input is valid,”□” stand for open door input is invalid, input close
door instruction is same as above.
3.4.2 General Parameter Operation
Before you set parameter, you must input right password (user password /factory
Input Password
0000 Enter

When you enter into input password menu, ‘>’ select bit, ‘∧’ and ‘∨’ modify
data, if password is correct, it will display general parameter menu, otherwise,
following information will be displayed, so please input password again.

Password error
(Please dial the number 024 23782971 to obtain the password)

48 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

General para

(1) Total Floors

When you press ‘enter’ key, bottom right corner number will be blinking, you
can modify parameter, then you press ‘enter’ to confirm or press ‘esc’ to cancel.
Total floors are equal to leveling inductor plate number in hoistway.

Total Floor
(2) Homing Floor
Elevator returns to homing floor, if there aren’t car call and landing call.

Homing Floor

(3) System Time

Time format (24 hours): year-month-day hour: minute

Set Time
00-00-00 00:00

(4) Open Door Holding Time

It is elevator open door holding time on automation mode. Open door time is
adjusted base on the reason of stop. If there is either car call or landing call, it is
this time; if there are both car call and landing call,2 seconds is added on this

Open Door Time


(5) Open Door Delay Time

The open door time may be prolonged by pressing open door delay button
(switch) when open delay enable is set to ‘yes’, this function is valid . Unit:

Open Delay Time


49 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

(6) Return to Homing Floor Time

The time that elevator return to homing floor automatically, when the parameter
is set to 0,the function that return to homing floor time is invalid

Homing Time

(7) Automatically Start Service Time

Elevator will start service at this time. (Electronic lock is on)

Start Time Enter Start Time

Enter Esc 07:00

(8) Automatically Stop Service Time

Elevator will stop service at this time. (Electronic lock is on).

Stop Time Enter Stop Time

Enter Esc 18:00

If start time is equal to stop time, this function is invalid.

(9) Load Setting (only for SJT-150)
Sometimes inverter needs load compensation. If you want to get Load
compensation, load learning must be performed. You enter into load select menu
and select yes/no. It is confirmed by pressing ‘enter’ and canceled by pressing
‘esc’. Load learning is performed if you select ‘yes’.

Load Seting Load Select
Enter Yes?

Light Loaded

Full Loaded

50 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Light load learn: car is light loaded, press ‘enter’ to confirm.

Light Loaded Light Loaded
Enter Learning...........

Esc Light Loaded

Success or Failure

Full load learn: car is full loaded, press ‘enter’ to confirm.

Full Loaded Full Loaded
Enter Learning............

Esc Full Loaded

success /Failure

Success: finish learning.

Failure: fail to learn
Display “Wait” in load learning process: It is learning please wait; while
“success” is displayed, it is indicated that load learning is successful; “Failure”
is displayed, it is indicated that load learning is failure;
♦Load detection device is one of the system’s optional accessories;
♦Light load signal, full load signal and over load alarm signal is provided;
♦It can output analog signal to be used as inverter load compensation input.
♦After load learning, it is necessary to set offset voltage range and grade
according to inverter requirement.
♦Current load may be monitor in menu.
♦If load learning is failed, check load device
♦for load detection device detailed information, please refer to <SJT-150 user
If load detection device that produced by other manufacturer is used, to input
no-load signal, full load signal, overload signal by COP, please set Load select
to No and system will confirm load digital signal input directly.

51 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

(10) Fire Floor

When elevator receives fire signal, it clears all car call and landing call and
return to fire floor.

Fire Floor

(11) Parking Floor

When elevator’s electronic lock is locked in normally running, it returns to
parking floor and stops running.

Parking Floor
(12) Input Logic Level
If it is needed that input port is valid in low level, the parameter should be set to
‘on’; if it is needed that input port is valid in high level, the parameter should be
set to ‘off’; (No connection is high)
Enter Input Type
Input Type Close is valid
Esc X00: ON
Esc Enter

Input Type
Open is valid
X01: OFF

Table 3-6 Input Port Level Setting

Positio Default
Name Port Define Parameter Switch state Light
n leveling
Main X1 J1-2 Up running input X1 ON Open normally OFF
X2 J1-3 Down running input X2 ON Open normally OFF
board X3 J1-4 Top terminal 2 input X3 OFF Closed normally ON
X4 J1-5 Bottom terminal 2 input X4 OFF Closed normally ON
X5 J1-6 ▲top limit input X5 ON Closed normally ON
X6 J1-7 ▲bottom limit input X6 ON Closed normally ON
X7 J1-8 Top terminal 1input X7 OFF Closed normally ON
X8 J1-9 Bottom terminal 1input X8 OFF Closed normally ON
X9 J1-10 Up leveling input X9 ON Open normally OFF
X10 J2-1 Down leveling input X10 ON Open normally OFF
X11 J2-2 Inverter fault input X11 ON Open normally OFF

52 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

X12 J2-3 Fire input X12 ON Open normally OFF

X13 J2-4 Emergency stop input X13 ON Open normally OFF
X14 J2-5 Door inner-lock input X14 ON Open normally OFF
X15 J2-6 ARD input X15 ON Open normally OFF
X16 J2-7 Running contactor input X16 ON Open normally OFF
X17 J2-8 Braking feedback input X17 ON Open normally OFF
Emergency automatic
X18 J2-9 X18 ON Open normally OFF
leveling running input
X19 J2-10 Inverter running input X19 ON Open normally OFF
X20 J3-1 Electronic lock input X20 ON Open normally OFF
X21 J3-2 Heat sensitive switch X21 ON Open normally OFF
X22 J5-1 Emergency stop input +
X22 ON Open normally OFF
X23 J5-2 Emergency stop input -
X24 J5-3 Door inner-lock input +
X23 ON Open normally OFF
X25 J5-4 Door inner-lock input -
KMV1 J9-2 Open door limit input U04 ON Open normally OFF
GMV1 J9-3 Close door limit input U05 ON Open normally OFF
KAB1 J9-4 Safety edge for door 1inputU17 ON Open normally OFF
CZ J9-5 Overload input U15 ON Open normally OFF
MZ J9-6 Full load input U13 ON Open normally OFF
KAB2 J9-7 Safety edge for door2 inputU18 ON Open normally OFF
QZ J9-8 Light load input U14 ON Open normally OFF
COP KZ J9-9 No-load input No Open normally
Main- SZH J9-10 Attendance input No Open normally
board KMV2 J10-5 Open door limit 2 input U06 ON Open normally OFF
GMV2 J10-6 Close door limit 2 input U07 ON Open normally OFF
SZY J10-1 Special input No Open normally
SZS J10-2 Bypass input No Open normally
Up attendance directional No
ZHS J10-3 Open normally
Down attendance No
ZHX J10-4 Open normally
directional input

▲Notice :when top/bottom limit circuit is normal, if top/bottom limit circuit is

connected ,input type should be displayed as ON; if top/bottom limit circuit is cut
off,input type should be displayed as OFF。
(13) Setting output relay contactor type
OFF: open normally
ON: closed normally.
Default: OFF

53 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Output Type Output Type
Enter Y00: OFF

Output Type
Y01: ON

Notice: Y12 is ON for Fuji inverter .

(14) Indication Character
Indication character may be set to letter or figure.

Set Indication Set Indication
Enter 01: -1*

Absolute floor
Actual floor Set Indication
(show floor)
02: 1*

On general parameter’s indication character setting mode, the third bit can be
set, previous two bits can set to numeric, character or minus, the third bit only can be
set to capital letter: ABCDEFGHIJKLMN. If only two bits indication character
setting is needed, please set previous two bits and the third bit should be set to null.
(15) Stop Floor
Set every floor is stop or not. ( ON: stop, OFF: don’t stop)
Set Stop Floor Set Stop Floor
Enter 1: ON

Absolute floor
Set Stop Floor
2: OFF

(16) Open Door Delay Enable

It is used to set open door delay enable/disable.

54 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Open Delay Able OPEN Delay Able
Enter Esc

(17) Load Output Voltage

It is set output voltage range(base on inverter’s requirement).

Load Give Load Give
Enter +00 ~ +10 V

(18) Brake Feedback Detection Enable

Break Feedback Break Feedback
Enter Yes

If the parameter is set to ‘YES’, system will detect brake feedback.

If the parameter is set to ‘No’, system will not detect brake feedback.
It is suggested that detect switch be installed on traction motor and feedback
signal input into the system. Feedback detection is enabled.
(19) Two Door Mode

Door Select Door Select
Enter n:d1=x d2=x

n: floor it can be changed by pressing ‘∧’ or ‘∨’ key.

d1: front door. it is selected by pressing ‘>’ key.
d2: back door. it is selected by pressing ‘>’ key.
x=Y: this door is activated
x=N: this door is not activated.
For example: two door elevator, 6th floor, only front door is activated; 7th floor,
both front door and back door is activated.
Door Select
6:d1=Y d2=N

Door Select
7:d1=Y d2=Y

(20)Multi-function Input Setting

55 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Multi-function input can be set through X26, X27 , X28 and X29.
Input select

Esc Input select
X26: 28

Esc Input select

X27: 28

On “multi-function setting” mode,if input port function code has be occupied

by other port, error message will be reported, and this function selection is invalid;
For example: port X28 has be set to 1(up running input),when set X29 to 1,after
pressing “enter” key,message”X28 already set 1” will be displayed, and port
X29’s set is unchanged; so if want to set X29 to 1, Port X28 must be set to other
function selection or be set to 28(stand by).
It is not suggested to change input port setting.
Note: terminal input, door zone input is required to has high real time
character, multi-function input port can’t replace these input port function

Table 3-7 Multi-function Input Table:

Function Define Function Define
No No
0 Inspection input 16 Running contactor input
1 Up-running input 17 Brake feedback input
Down-running ARD input
2 18
Top-terminal Inverter running input
3 19
station 2 input
Bottom-terminal Electric interlock input
4 20
station 2 input
5 Top -limit input 21 Heat sensitive switch
6 Bottom-limit input 22 Invalid
7 Invalid 23 Invalid
8 Invalid 24 Invalid
9 Invalid 25 Invalid
10 Invalid 26 Re-leveling condition input
11 Inverter faulty 27 Re-leveling door zone input

56 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

12 Fire input 28 Stand by
Emergency stop
input 1
Door interlock 1
Main contactor

(21)Multi-function Output Setting

It can be set through Y16, Y17.

Output select


Esc Output select
Y16: 28

Esc Output select

Y17: 28

Table 3-8 Multi-function Output Table

Function Function
Define Define
No No
0 Re-leveling control 8 Main contactor output
1 Fire output 9 Running contactor
2 Open 2 contactor 10 Inverter up-running
control output output
3 Close 2 contactor 11 Inverter down-running
output output
4 Open 1 contactor 12 Inverter enable output
control output
5 Close 1 contactor 13 Multi-speed1 output
control output
6 Brake control 14 Multi-speed2 output

57 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

7 Economical 15 Multi-speed3 output
resistance control
The range of port with multi-function output setting function is from Y0 to Y15;
Multi-function output setting is same as multi-function input setting.
Note: whether the port COM is suitable to the multi-function output setting,
otherwise corresponding device will be destroyed.

3.4.3 Running Parameter Operation

It is used to set running parameters.

Runing para
(1) Elevator Rated Speed
It is elevator rated speed, which can be set according to calculation result of
motor rated speed, driving ratio and traction wheel diameter.
Elevator rated speed can be used to calculate ratio between motor rated speed
and elevator rated speed, to change this parameter cannot change elevator actual

Car Speed

(2) Motor Rated Speed

It is set by nameplate.

Motor Speed

(3) Number of Encoder Pulse

The number of encoder pulse is pulse number that is inputted into main board.
It’s range from 6kHz to 25kHz, if it is more than 25kHz, it should be divided,
but pulse frequency divided is not less than 6kHz.

1024 PPR

Notice: elevator rated speed, motor rated speed and number of encoder pulse are
the important parameters. They should be set by nameplate. If one of them is

58 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

changed, hoistway learning must be performed again before system normally

(4) Inspection Running Speed
It shouldn’t be greater than 0.6m/s.

Insp Speed

(5) Start Speed (Smooth Start Speed)

Smooth start speed can be used to optimize feeling at starting in some types of

Figure 3-4 smooth start speed and smooth start delay sketch map
When traction machine’s starting friction too much , start speed can be
added measurably , if smooth start speed is set to 0,the function is invalid.
Start Speed
(6) Leveling Speed
When elevator doesn’t stop at leveling zone for fault, it should be automatically
crawling to leveling zone if safe circuit and inverter both restore normally.
Leveling speed is range from 0.01 m/s to 0.6m/s.

Leveling speed

(7) Least Speed (One-Floor Running Speed)

When elevator speed is higher than 1.5m/s, one-floor running speed is different
from multi floor running speed. It determines the smallest inter floor distance. If
inter floor distance is too small, least speed (one-floor running speed) should be
reduced. It is range from 0.8m/s to 1.0m/s

59 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Least Speed

(8) Break on Time (advance brake release time)

To improve passenger ride quality at elevator’s start point and make system to
adapt different kind of traction machine, it is necessary to adjust advance brake
release time.

Break On Time

(9) Braking Time

By adjusting this parameter, to make system wait for brake to hold traction
sheave tightly then open door after brake drop, it can avoid car’s rollback caused
by inverter remove locked-rotor torque too early when door is opening.

Break Off Time


(10) b1 Acceleration Slope

Acceleration b1

(11) b2 Deceleration Slope

Deceleration b2

(12) P1: S Time 1

S Curve P1

(13) P2: S Time 2

60 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

S Curve P2

(14) P3: S Time 3

S Curve P3
0.60m/s 3

(15) P4: S Time 4

S Curve P4

B1,b2,p1,p2,p3 and p4 are used to adjust running curve. Passenger will feel
more comfortable by adjusting these six parameters (besides inverter
parameters). Parameter is increased, curve transition becomes more quickly;
parameter is deceased, curve transition becomes more slowly. Elevator can meet
standards by adjusting them

P1,b1,P2 P2 P3 decrease
increase b2
P1,b1,P2 P3,b2,P4 P4
P1 decrease increase

Figure 3-5 Speed Curve Parameter Adjustment

(16) Zero Speed
When elevator speed is less than this speed, system regard elevator’s speed as
zero and make brake drop.

61 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Zero Speed


On analog given mode, the min value of zero speed can be set to 0,on
multi-speed mode, the value of zero speed should be set greater than or equal to
(17) Zero Time
Adjusting this parameter measurably until the motor is clearly at zero speed
when the brake drops.

Zero Time

(18) Start Speed Time(Smooth Start Delay)

It is the start speed hold time, refer to figure 3-4.

Start Speed Time

(19) Leveling adjustment
When elevator stops at different position for up/down running, this parameter
should be adjusted (The car’s stop position is higher than levleing position in
elevator’s up-running and The car’s stop position is lower than levleing position
in elevator’s down-running, this parameter should be deceased; otherwise, it
should be increased.). The adjusting amplitude is half of the leveling difference
(default is 50mm).

Leveling Adj Leveling Adj
Enter 50mm

(20) Load Adjustment

In Synchronous Control System, because the lower rise floor elevator
without compensation chain, so the load device which be installed on
elevator can only detect car’s load, it can’t detect the change of every floor
rope’s weight .so load adjust parameter is added into running parameter to
Adjust method: 1.Perform no-load hoistway learning and full load hoistway
2. Run no-load elevator up to top floor;
3.setting load compensate voltage: the setting range is

62 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

4.Adjust inverter’s analog load compensate given, it is the
proper value which will never result in car rollback in
down running process form top floor.
5. No-load elevator arrive at bottom floor, increase load
adjust parameter, it is the proper value that will never
result in car rollback in up running process form bottom
floor. system parameter.
Notice: The function is suitable for the hard version that above 700-33,the range
of the parameter is from 0 to 12.
(21) Pre-opening speed
The elevator’s pre-opening door speed after elevator run and slow down into
re-leveling door zone normally.
Note: in multi-speed running mode, (double door zone speed given is 0
FU02=ON), after slowing down, leveling speed must less than pre-opening

Open Door Speed

(22) Re-leveling Stop Speed
In pre-opening door or re-leveling process, if running speed is excess of
re-leveling stop speed, elevator will stop running.

Relevel St Speed
(23) Re-leveling Running Speed
The re-leveling running speed that is set on analog given mode.

Relevel Run Speed


(24) Lamp off Time

The setting unit is minute, the setting range is 0~999 minute. On automatic
running mode, if there is not any car call or landing call, after lamp off time,
system will cut off lamp’s power by COP.

Lamp off Time

15 m
(25) Beep Delay Time (Arrival Signal Output Delay Time)
The setting unit is millisecond, the setting range is 0~5000 millisecond ,while
elevator run and slow down into target floor ,it will delay this time to output
arrival signal and make report device or arrival bell(arrival chime) delay some

63 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

time to report.

Beep Delay Time

100 ms
3.4.4 Special Parameter
It is used to set special parameter.

Special para

(1) Door Run Time (open/close door relay holding time)

It is holding time of open/close door command. When there aren’t open door
limit switch and close door limit switch, open/close door relay’s holding time is
determined by setting this parameter. When there are open door limit switch and
close door limit switch, the value is longer than actual open/close door time by1

Door Run Time 5 second


(2) Factory Parameter

By setting factory parameter to Yes, all parameter will be restored to the default
value. When system parameters are disorder, by setting this parameter to start
debug afresh.

Factory para Enter Enter Factory para

Set factory parameter Esc Yes/No?

(3) Twins Control Enable

1: on twins control mode; 0: on single control mode.

Twins Control Twins Control
Enter Yes / No

(4) Group Control Enable

1: on group control mode; 0: single control mode. (provided according to
client’s requirement)

64 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Group Control Group Control
Enter Yes / No

(5) Far Monitor(Remote Monitor Enable)

1: remote monitor; 0: local monitor (provided according to client ‘s

Far Monitor Enter Far Monitor
Remote monitor Yes

Call No1
024 -23787759
Phone Number 1

Call No2
024 -23787750
Phone Number 2

Phone number can be set, if parameter far monitor enable is set to “Yes”. When
elevator fault is presented, system will call the set phone number automatically.
There are two phone number can be set at most on remote monitor mode
(6) Two Door Mode
This is open door mode when elevator with two doors at same floor, mode 0 to
mode n can be set according to client’s requirement.

Two Door mode Esc Two Door mode
Enter Mode: 0


Mode n=0: one-floor mode.

Mode n=1:two door mode 1, only one door can be opened at every floor.
Mode n=2: two doors mode 2, two doors can be opened at some floors, but not
all door can be opened at same time. To open the other door, this door must be
closed. (Both the front door and the back door have their own car call button
Mode n=3: two door mode 3,two door can be opened at some floor, when

65 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

elevator arrive at two door floor normally, both of them can be opened at same
time. (There is only one suit of car call bottom input; landing call address setting
method is same as mode 2)
Mode n=4: two door mode 4,two door can be opened at some floor, when
elevator arrive at two door floor normally, both of them can be opened at same
time. (Both the front door and the back door are have their own car call button
Mode n=5: two door mode 5, two door can be opened at some floor, when
elevator arrive at the two door floor normally, the door can be opened according
to requirement, for example: before elevator’s stop, the front door’s car call or
landing call is valid, the front door is opened; the back door’s car call or landing
call is valid, the back door is opened; both front and back door’s car call or
landing call are valid, both of two door are opened at same time. (Both the front
door and the back door have their own car call button input)
Because work mode is different, the connection of car and landing call unit
address is different.
(a) Landing call box address set:
1. n=0,1: landing call box address is normally set. Refer to 2.25 (3)
2. n=2,3,4,5: the rule of set landing call box is as following:
a. 1~32 front door absolute address, 1—bottom floor, max is 32, 32nd floors
b. 33~64 back door absolute address, 33—bottom floor, max is 64, 32nd floors
If there is only one door at some floor, the other door address is vacant.
For example1: one elevator has one floor under ground, front door and back
door both can be opened. Thus front door address is 1 and back door address is
For example2: one elevator has one floor under ground with front door, front
door and back door of ground floor both can be opened. Thus front door address
of basement is 1,back door address of basement is vacant; front door address of
ground floor is 2, back door address of ground floor is 34.
(b) COP button connection
1. n=0,1:1~N car call buttons are normally connected to COP 1~N ports
2. n=2,3,4,5: N=total floors, COP 1~ N ports are connected to front door car
call buttons, 1—bottom floor, N—top floors; COP N+1~2N ports are
connected to back door car call 1~N buttons, N+1—bottom floor, 2N—top
For example: elevator total floors=6, no basement, two doors at 3rd floor, only
front door at the other floors. Thus 1~6 floors front door car call buttons are
connected to COP 1~6 ports, back door at 3rd floor car call button is connected
to COP N+3=6+3= 9 port.

Notice: when two-door mode is set to 1,2,3,4,5,two suit of open/close door

button should be installed in order to the front and the back door can be opened
(7) Fire Mode

66 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Mode 1: only return to homing floor

Mode 2: Be sure that the outer device meets national standards.

Fire mode Fire mode
Enter Mode: 1

(8) Parallel Elevator Number

Elevator number is A or B, if twins control enable is set to yes.

Parallel No Parallel No
Enter A/B

(9) Multi-speed Mode

When some inverter (e.g. Fuji G11UD) needs multi-speed given, this
parameter is ‘Yes’; analog given is ‘NO’.

Enter MultiSpeed Mode

MultiSpeed Mode
Enter Yes/No
Multi-speed mode
Multi-speed given mode Analog given mode

(10) Multi-speed Setting

When multi-speed given is enabled, you must set multi-speed and deceleration
distance. Refer to following table:
Table 3-10 Multi-speed Setting
1.0m/s 1.5~1.75m/s 2.0m/s 2.5m/s
Value Elevator


V1 1m/s 1.5~1.75m/s 2.0m/s 2.5m/s

V2 0 1.0m/s 1.6m/s 2.0m/s
V3 0 0 1.0m/s 1.6m/s
V4 0 0 0 1.0m/s
S1 1.3m 2.4m 4.2m 6.5m
S2 0 1.3m 2.4m 4.2m
S3 0 0 1.3m 2.4m
S4 0 0 0 1.3m

67 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

When perform multi-speed setting, parameter V1 should be set to the speed value
which is corresponding to the highest speed value, parameter V4 should be set to the
speed value which is corresponding to the lowest speed value, the unit is m/s. once
value is set, LCD will display the converted corresponding motor speed, the unit is

Multi Speed Give Multi Speed Give Elevator Speed

Enter Esc v1:1.6m/s<1350r>

Multi-speed Setting Converted Motor Speed

Multi Speed Give

V2: 0.96m/s <810r>

Multi Speed Give

V3: 0.0m/s <000r>

Multi Speed Give

V4: 0.0m/s <000r>

Table 3-11 Multi-speed Given Output Logic is Combination of Y15,Y14 and

Y15 (J7-8) Y14 (J7-5) Y13 (J7-4)

Inspection speed 0 1 0
Re-leveling speed 0 0 1
Leveling speed 0 1 1
Low speed V1 1 0 0
Moderate speed V2 1 0 1
Moderate speed V3 1 1 0
High speed 1 1 1

68 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Example of multi-speed output

① Inspection(no jog)

t1:brake opened time ahead of schedule t2:holding time after the elevator
stopping(not be set)。

② Inspection(jog,for example YASKAWA inverter)

The mode “Drive” being 1 is the mode that has jog output and decreased time
switching output. Inspection speed is only controlled by Y1.

69 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

③ Hoistway learning or leveling

④ Protecting auto returning (the position of door entrance range is the bottom door
entrance zone the same to leveling)
⑤ High speed

70 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

⑥ Middle speed

Note:①when the system leaves the factory,after changing the speed, the set point of zero speed
(the output of Y15、Y4、Y13 is 0)is the position of single door entrance range. If it
needs enter the double door range as the zero speed setting ,please contact with our
② if the setting mode Drive is 1 in the multi-speed function,when running state turns
into zero speed state,Y0 is output port whose output is as the decelerated time
switching .(for example, for YASKAVA inverter ,when running state turns into
zero speed state,it will switch decelerated time to adjust the leveling 。

(11) Deceleration Distance

On multi-speed given mode, in order to avoid braking at non-zero speed or too
long leveling distance, deceleration distance should be adjusted. Deceleration
distance is different for different speed, it should be determined by testing.

71 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

Decel Distance Decel Distance
Enter S1: 2.4m
Deceleration distance
Decel Distance
S2: 1.3m

Decel Distance
S3: 0m

Decel Distance
S4: 0m

(12) Over Time (running over time)

The elevator’s running time for from start to stop should be limited, in order to
avoid damaging by rope slides or car blocked. If running time from bottom to
top in excess of this time, system will be stop to protect. It exits protection mode,
only if system is powered on again. it can be set according to elevator speed and
inter floor distance. The default value is 45 seconds.

Over Time Esc Over Time
Enter 045

(13) Special Function Selection

In order to meet user special need, some special function is added; user can
select some of these functions according to their requirement.
Function select Function select
Enter FU00 OFF

Function select

Function select
Table 3-12 Special Function Selection
Function Function Description
FU00 After stopping and leveling,if there is not any car call or landing
call from the floor that above current floor, all car call register is

72 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 3 LCD Display And Parameter Operation

FU01 Inner testing
FU02 Elevator slow down into leveling region and meet double door
zone, inverter’s speed given will be set to 0,else, the default setting
is that elevator meet single door zone and inverter’s speed given is
FU03 Inner testing
FU09 If FU09 is set to ON; car call can be canceled in running process;
set to OFF, car call can’t be canceled in running process.
FU10 If FU10 is set to ON, while inverter ‘s running feedback (X19) is
valid, break is released at once; if be set to OFF; break will delay
0.5 second to released, after inverter’s running feedback is valid.
FU11 The value is set to ON, KEB F4 inverter multi-speed logic is output
FU12 The value is ON: enable output、direction output、speed output can
be given at same time(while CV、KEB inverter be used in
multi-speed mode);else,the value should be set as OFF.
FU13 The value is ON: while elevator stop, direction output is cut off
before break off output in zero speed state; the value is OFF:
enable output and direction output will be cut off at same time.
FU14 ON: handicapped function is valid; OFF: this function is invalid.
FU16 ON: when system ensure that door lock is closed, close door limit
must be valid; OFF: door lock state is irrespective of close door
FU17 ON: on inspection mode, when elevator stop, enable output、
direction output、break off output are cut off at same time,OFF:
while elevator stop and break off,it is will delay 0.5 second that
enable output is cut off.
FU18 ON: you call install one suit of close and open door button in two
door mode, OFF: you must install two suit of open and close button
in two door mode.
FU19 ON: re-leveling function enable. OFF: re-leveling function disable
FU20 ON: pre-opening enable; OFF: pre-opening disable.
FU21 ON: on inspection mode, door can’t be opened, when elevator out
of door zone; OFF: on inspection mode, door can be opened in any
FU22 ON: the main board’s hardware version is higher than
BL200-STB-V9(can by terminal X26、X27、X28、X29 input and
Y16、Y17 output), OFF: The hardware version is BL200-STB-V2
FU23 FU23=ON: serial load device is SJT-300 which adopt CAN bus
method in communication process. FU23=OFF: serial load device
is SJT-150 that adopts RS485 method in communication process.

73 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

4.1 Check Before Power On

Electric part must be checked after electrical connection is completed. The fellow
should be noticed:
1. Check whether electrical connection is correct, refer to manual and electric
schematic diagram.
2. Check whether high voltage and low voltage are connected. Measure resistance
between different voltage circuit. The resistance between ground and system is
3. To prevent inverter from being destroyed, check the connection between control
cabinet power supply and motor
4. Check control cabinet shell, motor shell car ground wire and hall door ground
wire are reliably connected to ground.
5. Check connection and lay out between encoder and inverter. Check degree of
concentric between encoder and traction motor.
6. Elevator stop at inter mediate floor’s leveling position
7. Electronic lock switch is set to ‘on’ position.

4.2 Power on and Check

4.2.1 Confirm the Follow Item before Power on:

1. All air switches in control cabinet are open.
2. Emergency stop button is pushed down and control cabinet switch is in
inspection position
3. Car top and car switch is in normal position
4. Verify that bottom landing call box terminal resistance is connected.
5. Check power voltage: three phase wire phase voltage Vp: 380±7%VAC, Vp error:
Vpe<15VAC; line voltage Vl: 220±7%VAC
4.2.2 Check after Power on
1. Close power switch, if phase sequence relay KXX green light on, the phase
sequence is correct, otherwise, two of wires are exchanged, and then repeat this
2. Check voltage between terminals of TC1 in control cabinet, which error is no
more than ±7%.
3. If above check is normal, you can continue doing the following step:
a. Close F2: voltage between terminal 100 and 100 is 110±7%VAC
voltage between terminal 102 and 103 is 110±7%VAC
b. Close F3: voltage between terminal 200 and 201 is 220±7%VAC

74 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

Table 4-1 Switch Power Voltage Table:

Terminal L-N 5V-G 24V-G
Voltage 220±7%VAC 5±0.1VDC 24±0.3VDC
4. Reset emergency stop button, KJT and KMC will pick-up, and inverter will
5. If above check is normal, you can continue doing the following step:
a. Check inter-lock circuit
b. Check leveling zone signal and top/bottom limit signal
c. Check electronic lock: when the parameter of automatic start/stop elevator
time is 0, if lock switch is ‘on’, ‘insp’ is displayed on LCD; if lock switch is
‘off’, ‘stop’ is displayed on LCD.
d. Check close/open door system.

4.3 Parameter Setting

4.3.1 Main Control Unit Parameter Setting

These parameters are set by local factual requirement. The method refers to chapter
4.3.2 Inverter Parameter Setting
The parameter of inverter must be configured before elevator start low speed running.
The detail refers to appendix 1. It is suggested that motor parameters are set by
inverter’s self-learning. To obtain the method of inverter’s self-learning, please refer
to inverter manual.

4.4 Low Speed Running

4.4.1 Perform Inspection Running in Machine Room

(1) The following must be confirmed before start inspection running:
a. Control cabinet inspection switch is set to inspection position; car top and
car inspection switch is set to normal position.
b. Safety circuit and door inner-lock circuit are normal. Encoder is installed
and connected correctly. Notice: door inter-lock mustn’t be short.
c. KJT relay, KMB relay and KMC contactor in control cabinet are picked up
after powering on. Inverter displays normally and inspection parameter are
set correctly. Elevator’s working status that displayed on LCD is ‘INSP’.
d. The connection between traction motor and control cabinet is correct.
(2) Running
If the condition of inspection running is met, press low speed running button
(up/down), elevator should runs at set inspection speed, observe the speed and
direction of feedback displayed on inverter LCD. When elevator runs up, the running
direction is positive; when elevator runs down, the running direction is negative.
a. When low speed running (up/down) button is push down, if the feedback
speed isn’t steady or error is too much, when system is powered off,

75 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

exchange then phase A and phase B of encoder. Restore system’s power and
check again.
b. If elevator speed is steady, but the direction of running is contrary to the
direction given by button, exchange two connection wires of inverter and
motor and exchange phase A and phase B of encoder too, after power off.
Restore system’s power and check again.
c. If feedback direction is consistent to the actual running direction, but the
fault ‘Er04’ is detected, exchange A phase wire and B phase wire of encoder
on main board after power off. Restore system’s power and check again
4.4.2 Car Top and Car Inspection
When running on machine room inspection is normal, elevator’s car top and car
inspection running can be performed. If the direction given by up/down button in car
top and car is contrary to elevator actual running direction, you should check
corresponding circuit of inspection direction button and shouldn’t change circuit in
control cabinet.

4.5 Hoistway Learning

Hoistway learning is the process that elevator detects the position of every floor
and every switch in hoistway at learning speed. Because elevator’s starting and
braking and indicator must base on the position of floor, elevator’s hoistway learning
running must be performed before normally running. The hoistway learning step as
a. It must be ensured that Elevator meets safety running conditions.
b. Check whether the switches in hoistway ‘s installation and connection are correct.
And check whether traveling cables and landing call cable’s connection are
correct. Set landing call and display unit’s addresses.
c. Runs car down to bottom limit at low speed when elevator on inspection mode.
d. You operate elevator by menu after entering into hoistway learning menu.
Elevator runs from bottom to top at inspection speed. ‘Learning’ is displayed on
LCD. ‘Success’ is displayed on LCD after elevator runs to top limit and stops.
After hoistway learning is finished. The result of learning may be checked in
monitor menu. Unit is m. if some fault occurs in the learning course, it will abort and
display fault code (refer to appendix 5)
Notice: hoistway learning is really successful only if ‘success’ is displayed on LCD
after it finishes learning.

4.6 High Speed Running

Elevator can run at high speed after it is verified that hoistway learning is successful.
a. Elevator runs on attendant mode.
b. You may select target floors by monitor menu, it may run in one-floor mode,
double floor mode, multi-floor mode and all floor mode.

76 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

c. It is confirmed that starting, acceleration, deceleration and leveling are all

d. If elevator’s running is abnormal, please check main board’s parameter setting
and inverter’s parameter setting.

4.7 Adjust Elevator more Comfortable

If leveling precision and running comfortable feeling is not ideal enough, first
you should check mechanical system (e.g. clearance and lubricate of track, degree of
tightness of rope and position of rope gripper etc.). Then you may adjust control part
if mechanical system is good.
Because inverter runs according to starting and braking given curves, the curves
profile, tracking error and time sequence of logic all have effect on comfortable
4.7.1 Adjustment of Starting and Braking Curves
Figure 4-1 is running curves.

Speed 速 度
p2 p3

Speed b1

p4 time

定向 ON

Brake release
开闸 ON

速 度set

t1 tk tq ts td


t 1- 运 行 方 向 建 立 时 间 ; t q- 起 动 加 速 时 间 ;
t 2 - 运 行direction
方 向 保 持setup
时间; time; tq-startup accelerating time;
t d- 制 动 减 速 时 间 ;
t k- 提 前 开 闸 时 间 ;
t2-running direction holding time; td-brake
t F- 单 次 运行周期 decelerating
; time;
t s- 稳 速 运 行 时 间 ;
tk-advance brake release time; tf-single running circle;
ts-constant speed running time;

P1: beginning start-up step acceleration: define curves acceleration variation ratio.
As the value decrease, the profile transition more slowly from starting to maximum
acceleration and elevator runs more smoothly.
B1: start-up step acceleration: maximum acceleration of curves. Lower value will
provide more slowly acceleration transition and make elevator runs more smoothly.
P2: end start-up step acceleration: it determines how quickly the acceleration transfer
from maximum value to zero. As the parameter’s value decreases, the profile

77 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

transition more slowly and elevator runs more smoothly.

P3: begin braking step deceleration: it determines how quickly the deceleration
transfer from zero to maximum value, as the value decreases, the profile transition
more slowly and elevator run more smoothly.
B2: braking step deceleration: define the maximum value of deceleration .the value
has great effect on the profile transition of braking step deceleration. As the value
decreases, the profile transition more slowly and elevator runs more smoothly
P4: end braking step acceleration: define the deceleration rate for transition from the
maximum value of deceleration to leveling speed .As the value decreases, the profile
transition more slowly and elevator runs more smoothly.
4.7.2 Adjustment of Curves Track
Inverter must control motor and make motor’s speed feedback to track the given
curve’s variety strictly, elevator’s running quality will improved and obtain
anticipant comfortable feeling. Inverter establishes math model of motor by
inputting motor parameter. According to the math model, controls motor’s starting or
braking, so user must input right motor parameters (we suggest motor parameter
Speed loop proportion gain C5-01 and integral gain C5-02 both have effect on
tracking error. Increasing proportion gain may improve dynamic characteristic, but if
proportion gain is too much, it may cause high frequency vibration and increase
motor noise; increasing integral gain may improve anti-jamming ability, tracking
ability and precision of leveling, but too much integral gain may cause vibration.
Generally, to improve quick response characteristic and to prevent too much
overshoot, at first, adjust proportion gain and increase it as more as possible, but it
must be ensure that vibration will never appear in system, then adjust integral gain.
4.7.3 adjustment of elevator running control time sequence
Figure 4-1 is time sequence. Micro control unit program run by figure 4-1.User may
adjust the advance brake release time and zero speed.
Advance brake release time tk: tk is the delay time of output release brake command
and start-up cures. This parameter adapts to traction motor acting time, which affects
elevator smoothly start. If it is too small, elevator will brake at start time; if it is too
much, car will begin rollback at start time.
Zero speed set: zero speed threshold, Micro control unit judge braking time
according to it. If it is too much, elevator will brake at moving time, if it is too small,
open door will delay. Default value is 5rpm.

4.8 leveling precision adjustment

Precision of leveling is adjusted after 4.7.1 has been finished.

The condition to ensure elevator’s leveling as follow:
(1) If you want to exact level, leveling zone sensor and leveling
inductor plate are installed correctly.
(2) The length of leveling inductor plate in every floor door zone must
be consistent exactly

78 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

(3) The support must be firm

(4) When car locate at leveling position, the center of leveling
inductor plate is middle of two leveling zone sensor, otherwise,
leveling point of this floor will deviate.
(5) If magnetic switch is adopted, it is ensured that leveling inductor
plate is inserted into hoistway deeply, otherwise, the magnetic
switch action time will be affected and follow phenomenon will
in up running process, elevator’s stop position will higher
than this landing floor ‘s leveling position; in down running
process, elevator’s stop position will lower than this landing floor
‘s leveling position
(6) Elevator must has leveling running process momently before stop
to ensure elevator’s leveling
(7) In actual adjustment, adjust inter mediate floor’s leveling precision
firstly until elevator’s stop position is consistent with leveling
point, and then adjust other floor’s leveling precision base on this
(8) By curve selection and proportion gain and integral gain
adjustment in above section, it is ensured that elevator’s stop
position is same whenever up run or down run to inter mediate
floor to stop (this is to say that the error range of every time stop
position is from positive 2~3 mm to minus 2~3mm.
Leveling precision adjustment on multi-speed mode:
(1) Without leveling running or leveling time too long.
After slowing down, elevator should enter leveling running. it is
basic condition for elevator’s leveling. If without leveling running, it is
indicated that deceleration curve profile transition too slowly; if leveling
time too long, it is indicated that deceleration curve profile transition too
quickly. Adjust deceleration curve to make elevator can enter leveling
running but leveling time isn’t too long.
(2) Stop position higher than leveling point in down running process and
stop position lower than leveling point in up running process or stop
position higher than leveling point in up running process and stop
position lower than leveling point in down running process.
When stop position higher than leveling point in down running
process and stop position lower than leveling point in up running
process, it is indicated that leveling running speed too low; when stop
position higher than leveling point in up running process and stop
position lower than leveling point in down running process, it is
indicated that leveling running speed too high; so the leveling running
speed should be adjusted.
(3) Stop position higher than leveling point in up running process and stop
position higher than leveling point in down running process or stop

79 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

position lower than leveling point in up running process and stop

position lower than leveling point in down running process.
When stop position higher than leveling point in up running
process and stop position higher than leveling point in down running
process or when stop position lower than leveling point in up running
process and stop position lower than leveling point in down running
process, it is indicated that door zone leveling inductor plate position
has deviated, so leveling inductor plate position should be adjusted.
(4) Top terminal /bottom terminal have not been installed in correct position
If top terminal /bottom terminal have not been installed in correct
position, it will has effect on elevator ‘s leveling precision when elevator
stop at top terminal landing or bottom terminal landing. Top terminal
position adjustment step as follow:
◆ Top terminal switch should be installed at such place that
position is longer than deceleration distance
◆ Run car up to top terminal, after slow down and stop, elevator
position will not stop at leveling point.
◆ Make system on inspection mode;
◆ Measure distance between elevator’s stop position and leveling
position, this is adjustment distance of top terminal.
Bottom terminal position adjustment step is same as above step.
Leveling precision adjustment on analog given mode:
(1) Elevator’s stop position confirmation
By curve selection and proportion gain, integral gain in above section,
it should be ensured that whenever elevator run up to inter mediate floor or
run down to inter mediate floor, car consistently stop at the same position
( the error of every time stop position range is from positive 2~3mm to
minus 2~3mm.

(2) Adjustment of leveling inductor plate

◆ When elevator stops at every floor, you should measure and record the
departure value (△s) of the height of landing door sill and the height of car
sill. (△s >0, car sill is higher than landing door sill; △s <0, car sill is lower
than landing door sill )
◆ Adjust leveling inductor plate every floor △s>0: leveling inductor plate is
moved up; △s<0: leveling inductor plate is moved down.
◆ Hoistway learning must be perform again after leveling inductor plate
position is adjusted.
◆ Leveling is checked again, if precision of leveling can’t reach your
requirement, repeat above step again.
6. If elevator consistently stop at the same position in every time running, but up
running stop position and down running stop position isn’t same, it may be
adjusted by leveling adjusting menu, the default value is 50mm. If up running
stop position is higher than leveling point and down running stop position is

80 Elevator Control System User Guide

Chapter 4 System Debugging And Running

lower than leveling point, it is reduce; If up running stop position is lower than
leveling point and down running stop position is higher than leveling point, it is
increased, the value is △s/2. If △s is 20mm, adjust value is 10mm.

4.9 Terminal Switch Position Confirmation

Terminal signal is signal that force elevator to slow down, at same time, it is
signal that be used for revising floor position also. It should be installed at the
position that the distance is 2.5m (1.6m/s) from car top(car platform) to leveling
Inspection speed is 0.3m/s and elevator runs on inspection mode. It runs up (down),
when it arrives at terminal it stops. The distance is 2.5m±0.1m from car sill to
landing door sill.

4.10 Fault Process

4.10.1 Machine Room Inspection Running Fault

1. Safety circuit break. TMA-09 and TMA-10 is short connected. (Car top emergency stop 100
and 105 are forbid to be connected discretionarily)
2.Door lock circuit break. TMA-06 and TMA-07 is short connected.
3. Up/down limit switch break. TMA-03, TMA-04 and TMA-05 is short connected.
4.Inspection signal disconnected. TMA-11 and TMA-12 is short connected.
5. Limit speed switch disconnected, TMA-14 and TMA-15 is short connected.

4.10.2 Learning Fault

The problem is resolved by appendix 8. If it display 2F and learning is passed when elevator
depart from bottom floor, up/down leveling switch may be reverse.

4.10.3 LCD doesn’t Display and Others are Normal

You may connect 1st and 2nd pin of J12, meanwhile 3rd and 4th pin of J12 are short connected.

4.10.4 If there is other fault, you may contact us. Tel: +86-24-23787759

81 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 1

Appendix 1 Asynchronous Motor Control Cabinet YASKAWA

616G5, 676GL5-JJ Inverter Parameter Set Table

1. Key
‘Menu’ key: display menu
‘Esc’ key: exit menu
‘>’ key: Select bit
‘∧’, ‘∨’ key: select menu and modify value
Data/enter key: confirm
2. Setting:
The following table is only for refer to.
No. Parameter Name Value Note
1 A1-02 Control mode selection 3 PG vector control
2 A1-00 Language selection 0
3 A1-01 Parameter access level 4
4 B1-01 Speed instruction selection 1
5 B1-02 Running instruction selection 1
6 B1-03 Stop method selection 1
7 B1-04 Reverse forbid selection 0
8 B2-01 Zero speed logic level 0.1
9 B2-03 Start DC control time 0
10 B2-04 Stop DC control time 1

82 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 1

11 C1-01 Acceleration time 1 0.1

12 C1-02 Deceleration time 1 0.1
13 C1-03 Acceleration time 2 2
14 C1-04 Deceleration time 2 2
15 C2-01 Begin Acceleration characteristic time 0
16 C2-02 End Acceleration characteristic time 0
17 C2-03 Begin deceleration characteristic time 0
18 C2-04 End deceleration characteristic time 0
19 C5-01 ASR proportion gain 1 10
20 C5-02 ASR integral gain 1 0.35
21 D1-09 Inching instruction 200
22 E1-01 Inverter input voltage 380
23 E1-02 Motor selection 0
24 E1-04 Max output frequency 50
25 E1-05 Max voltage 380
26 E1-06 Base frequency 50
27 E1-09 Min output frequency 0
28 E2-01 Motor rated current * Nameplate
29 E2-02 Motor rated voltage * Nameplate
30 E2-03 Motor empty load current * Rated current
31 E2-04 Motor polar * Nameplate
32 F1-01 PG constant * By encoder
33 F1-02 PG open action 1
34 F1-03 Speed over action 0
35 F1-04 Speed error too large action 0
36 F1-06 Divide frequency ratio 1
37 F1-08 Speed over standard 105
38 F1-09 Speed over delay time 1
39 F1-10 Speed error too large standard 30
40 F1-11 Speed error too large delay time 1
41 H1-03 Terminal 5 function selection F Not used
42 H1-05 Terminal 7 function selection 6 Inching
43 H1-06 Terminal 8 function selection 9
44 H2-01 Terminal 9 function selection 37
45 H2-02 Terminal 25 function selection 37
46 H3-01 Terminal 13 logic level selection 0
47 H3-02 Terminal 13 input gain * Setting the parameter
according to analog
voltage and elevator
48 H3-03 Terminal 13 input error 0
49 H3-04 Terminal 16 logic level selection 1

83 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 1

50 H3-05 Terminal function selection 14

51 H3-06 Terminal 16 input gain 0
52 H3-07 Terminal 16 input error 0
53 L3-04 Drop speed function of deceleration 0
54 L5-01 Reset times 5
55 L8-05 Input low voltage protect 1
56 L8-07 Output low voltage protect 1
57 O1-01 Monitor selection 5
58 O1-02 Monitor power on selection 1
59 O1-03 Speed instruction unit * Motor polar
60 O1-04 Frequency instruction unit 0

84 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 1

Appendix 2 Asynchronous Motor Control Cabinet YASKAWA G7A

Inverter Parameter Set Table

(1) At first, set“control mode”parameter A1-02=3

(2) Set“initialization”parameter A1-03=2220 to initialize the inverter parameter。
According to follow table to set inverter parameter, (analog + multi-speed)

The following table is only for refer to.

No. Parameter Name Value Note
1 A1-02 Control mode selection 3 PG vector control
2 A1-00 Language selection 0
3 B1-01 Speed instruction selection 1
4 B1-02 Running instruction selection 1
5 B1-03 Stop method selection 1
6 B1-06 Control input span selection 0
7 B2-01 Zero speed logic level 0.1
8 C1-01 Acceleration time 1 1.0
9 C1-02 Deceleration time 1 1.0
10 C1-03 Acceleration time 2 2
11 C1-04 Deceleration time 2 2
12 C2-01 Begin Acceleration characteristic time 0
13 C2-02 End Acceleration characteristic time 0

85 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 1

14 C2-03 Begin deceleration characteristic time 0

15 C2-04 End deceleration characteristic time 0
16 C5-01 ASR proportion gain 1 10
17 C5-02 ASR integral gain 1 0.35
18 D1-02 Frequency instruction 2 0 Hoistway learning
speed in
multi-speed mode
19 D1-03 Frequency instruction 3 0 Inspection running
speed in
multi-speed mode
20 D1-04 Frequency instruction 4 0 Leveling speed in
multi-speed mode
21 D1-05 Frequency instruction 5 0 Low speed (v1) in
multi-speed mode
22 D1-06 Frequency instruction 6 0 Middle speed1 (v2)
in multi-speed
23 D1-07 Frequency instruction 7 0 Middle speed2 (v3)
in multi-speed
24 D1-08 Frequency instruction 8 0 High speed (v4) in
multi-speed mode
25 D1-17 Inching instruction 200
26 E1-01 Inverter input voltage 380
27 E1-04 Max output frequency 50
28 E1-05 Max voltage 380
29 E1-06 Base frequency 50
30 E1-09 Min output frequency 0
31 E2-01 Motor rated current * Nameplate
32 E2-02 Motor rated voltage * Nameplate
33 E2-03 Motor empty load current * Rated current
34 E2-04 Motor polar * Nameplate
35 E2-11 Motor rated power
36 F1-01 PG constant * By encoder
37 F1-03 Speed over action 0
38 F1-04 Speed error too large action 0
39 F1-10 Speed error too large standard 30
40 F1-11 Speed error too large delay time 1
41 H1-01 Terminal 3 function selection 24
42 H1-02 Terminal 4 function selection F
43 H1-03 Terminal 5 function selection F Not used
44 H1-04 Terminal 6 function selection F

86 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 1

45 H1-05 Terminal 7 function selection F Inching

46 H1-06 Terminal 8 function selection F
47 H1-07 Terminal 9 function selection F
48 H1-08 Terminal 10 function selection F
49 H1-09 Terminal 11 function selection F
50 H1-10 Terminal 12 function selection 9
51 H2-01 Terminal M11-M12 function selection 37
52 H3-01 Terminal A1 signal level 0
53 H3-02 Terminal A1 input gain 100% By analog voltage
and elevator speed
54 H3-03 Terminal A1 input bias 0.0%
55 H3-04 Terminal A3 signal level 1
56 H3-05 Terminal A3 input gain 14
57 H3-06 Terminal A3 input bias 100.0%
58 L3-04 Drop speed function of deceleration 0
59 L5-01 Reset times 5
60 L8-05 Input low voltage protect 1
61 L8-07 Output low voltage protect 1
62 O1-01 Monitor selection 5
63 O1-02 Monitor power on selection 1
64 O1-03 Speed instruction unit * Motor polar
65 O1-04 Frequency instruction unit 0
66 O2-01 Local/remote key function selection 0
67 O2-02 Stop key function selection 0

87 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 2

Appendix 3 Asynchronous Motor Control Cabinet F4(KEB)

Inverter Parameter Set Table

According to the following table to set the inverter parameter, This table is only for
refer to .

Parameter Name Value Note

LF.00 Password -4
LF.01 Password for user 440
LF.02 Operation mode 3
LF.03 Frequency coefficient 1
LF.04 Motor selection 0
LF.05 Running direction adjustment 0
LF.10 Asynchronous motor rated By actual
LF.11 Asynchronous motor rated rotate By actual
LF.12 Asynchronous motor rated By actual
LF.13 Asynchronous motor rated By actual
LF.14 Asynchronous motor rated By actual
LF.15 Asynchronous motor power By actual
LF.16 Rotate speed in weak magnetic By actual

88 Elevator Control System User Guide


LF.17 Asynchronous motor encoder By actual

distinguish ability
LF.18 Asynchronous motor encoder 0
LF.19 Volts D.C. compensation 400
LF.20 Rating systematic speed By actual
LF.21 Traction sheave diameter By actual
LF.22 Traction machine decelerated By actual
LF.23 Traction rope rounding mode By actual
LF.24 Loading capacity
LF.30 Control mode 2or3 2:closed loop 3:closed
loop+ pre-control torque
LF.31 Asynchronous motor speed 3000
LF.32 Asynchronous motor speed 1000
LF.33 Asynchronous motor speed 1000
integral offset
LF.34 Asynchronous motor current 1500
LF.35 Asynchronous motor current 500
LF.36 Asynchronous motor max 2*LF9
torque 1
LF.38 Modulate frequency change 0
LF.50 Rapid acceleration 9.99
LF.51 Acceleration 2.0
LF.52 Rapid deceleration 9.99
LF.53 Deceleration 2.0
LF.54 Slope when stopping the 9.99
LF.60 Brake speed 0.005
LF.61 Over-speed monitor 1.1*L
LF.62 Deceleration monitor 0.95L
LF.63 Leveling monitor 0.25
LF.64 Volts d.c. monitor
LF.65 Heat excess delay time 300
LF.66 Radiator temperature monitor 40
LF.67 Pre-torque plus 1
LF.68 Pre-torque offset 0
LF.69 Pre-torque direction 0
LF.70 Brake opening time 0.3

89 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 3

Appendix 4 Asynchronous Motor Control Cabinet FUJI G11UD

Inverter Parameter Set Table

The following table is only for refer to.

No. Parameter Name Value Note
1 F01 Frequency set1 1
2 F02 Running instruction select 1
3 F03 Output max frequency 1 50Hz
4 F04 Base frequency 1 50Hz
5 F05 Rated voltage 380V
6 F06 Max voltage 380V
7 F07 Acceleration time 1 0.01s
8 F08 Deceleration time 1 0.01s
9 F15 Frequency up limit 50Hz
10 F16 Frequency down limit 0Hz
11 F17 Analog input proportion frequency * Set by analog max voltage
and elevator speed
12 F18 Analog set frequency offset 0
13 F23 Start frequency 0.4Hz
14 F24 Start frequency holding time 0.3s
15 F25 Stop frequency 0.1Hz

90 Elevator Control System User Guide


16 F26 Switch frequency 15Hz

17 F27 Motor tone 0
18 F36 30Ry action mode 0
19 F40 Torque limit 1 (electro motion) 200
20 F41 Torque limit 1 (brake) 200
21 E01 X1 terminal function selection 0
22 E02 X2terminal function selection 1
23 E03 X3 terminal function selection 2
24 E04 X4 terminal function selection 3
25 E05 X5 terminal function selection 4
26 E09 X9 terminal function selection 7
27 E10 Acceleration time 2 0.01s
28 E11 Deceleration time 2 0.01s
29 E12 Acceleration time 3 0.01s
30 E13 Deceleration time 3 0.01s
31 E14 Acceleration time 4 0.01s
32 E20 Y1 terminal function selection 7
33 E21 Y2 terminal function selection 34
34 E22 Y3 terminal function selection 37
35 E23 Y4 terminal function selection 1
36 E25 Y5 action mode 0
37 E33 Over load action selection 1
38 E34 Over load action value P06*0.5
39 E35 Over load action time 0.2s
40 E46 Language setting 1
41 C05 Multi-speed 1 0 Terminal leveling speed
42 C06 Multi-speed 2 0 Inspection speed
43 C07 Multi-speed 3 0 Leveling speed
44 C10 Multi-speed 6 0 Moderate speed
45 C11 Multi-speed 7 0 High speed
46 P01 Motor polar * By nameplate
47 P02 Motor power * By nameplate
48 P03 Motor rated current * By nameplate
49 P06 Motor no-load current * By default
50 P09 Motor rated slide frequency note
51 H11 Deceleration mode 1
52 H18 Torque control 3
53 O01 Speed instruction mode 1
54 O02 Speed instruction filter constant 0.020
55 O03 No. of encoder pulse * By actual
56 O04 ASR P constant 20
57 O05 ASR L constant 0.1
58 O06 Speed feedback filter constant 0.003

91 Elevator Control System User Guide


59 O07 ASR P constant switch frequency 1 5

60 O08 ASR P constant switch frequency 2 10
61 O09 ASR P constant 20
62 O10 Multi-speed instruction time 0.005s
63 O13 S curves setting 1 0 Begin acceleration
64 O16 S curves setting 4 0 Moderate acceleration end
65 O17 S curves setting 5 0 Moderate deceleration end
66 O18 S curves setting 6 0 High acceleration end
67 O19 S curves setting 7 0 High deceleration end
68 O20 S curves setting 8 0 End deceleration
69 O21 S curves setting 9 0
70 O22 S curves setting 10 0
71 O37 Torque instruction filter constant 0.0
72 O38 Start time 0.3
73 C31 Analog input offset adjust 0
74 C32 Offset adjust 0
75 C33 Analog input filter 0.5
Note: motor rated slip frequency=basic frequency*(Synchronous speed-rate speed)/
Synchronous speed [Hz]

92 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 5 Asynchronous Motor Control Cabinet FUJI

FRENIC-LIFT Inverter Parameter Set Table

Parameter Name Value Note

F01 Speed setting 0 With S curve acceleration/deceleration
multi-speed instruct (SS1,SS2,SS4)
F03 Max speed * By Nameplate
F04 Rated speed * By Nameplate
F05 Rated voltage 380V
F07 Accel/Decel time1 3.5S Low speed acceleration/deceleration
F08 Accel/Decel time2 2.1S Low speed deceleration/deceleration
F23 Start time 0.4Hz
F24 Hold time 0.3s
F25 Stop speed 0.1Hz
F42 Control select 0 With PG vector control (Asynchronous
E01 Terminal x1 function 0

93 Elevator Control System User Guide


E02 Terminal x2 function 1

E03 Terminal x3 function 2
E10 Accel/Decel time3 3.5s Middle speed acceleration/deceleration
E11 Accel/Decel time4 2.5s Middle speed acceleration/deceleration
E12 Accel/Decel time5 3.5s High speed acceleration/deceleration
E13 Accel/Decel time6 2.0s High speed acceleration/deceleration
E14 Accel/Decel time7 11s Leveling deceleration time
E20 Terminal Y1 function 35 Inverter output
E27 Terminal 30A/B/C 99 Whole alarm
(relay output)
E48 LED monitor detailed 2 Setting speed
E61 Terminal 12(function 4 Torque bias instruct
C05 Multi-speed 1 8 Terminal leveling speed·unit: HZ
C06 Multi-speed 2 8 Inspection speed
C07 Multi-speed 3 3 Leveling speed
C10 Multi-speed 6 30 Middle speed
C11 Multi-speed 7 45 High speed
C31 Analog input bias 0
C32 Analog input gain 100﹪
C33 Analog input filter 0.05s
P01 Motor poles * By Nameplate
P02 Motor power * By Nameplate
P03 Motor rate current * By Nameplate
P06 Motor no-load current * Nameplate
P12 Motor rate slip
L01 Pulse encoder(select) 0 A , B phase : 12 , 15V complement
number,collector open,5Vwiredrive
L02 Pulse * By actual
L19 S curve setting 1 20 S curve in acceleration start

94 Elevator Control System User Guide


L22 S curve setting 4 20 S curve in middle speed acceleration

L23 S curve setting 5 20 S curve in middle deceleration start
L24 S curve setting 6 20 S curve in high speed acceleration end
L25 S curve setting 7 16 S curve in high speed deceleration start
L26 S curve setting 8 18 S curve in deceleration end
L27 S curve setting 9 30
L28 S curve setting 10 30
L36 P constant in high 8
L37 I constant in high 0.5s
L38 P constant in low 10
L39 I constant in low 0.5s
L40 Switch speed 1 5HZ
L41 Switch speed 2 10HZ
L60 Torque bias driving 50﹪ By actual
L61 Torque bias breaking 50﹪ By actual
Note: motor rated slip=base frequency*(synchronous speed-rated speed)/synchronous speed [Hz]
2. Set function code P04=1 or P04=2,press DATA key (1 or 2 display blink become
3. Input running instruction which running direction has been determined.
4. 1 or 2 ‘s display is lighted, auto-turning begin.(auto-turning time: P04=1,the max
auto-turning time is approx 15 second)
5. After testing is end, show “end”.
6. Set running instruction to OFF, when auto-turning is finished, operation panel will
show next function code (P06)
The motor’s constant which are auto-turned will be saved, They are one time resistance
%R1 is P07, leaking reactance %X is P08, no-load current is P06, rated slip is P12.

95 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 6 Asynchronous Motor Control Cabinet CV Inverter

Parameter Set Table

According to follow table to set inverter parameter(only for refer to): Multi-speed
Caution: inverter’s model is AVy…AC/AC4,the part which in suspension point is
inverter’s power
Encoder can be set by using jumper S11—S17, S11—S17 should be set as OFF
the following table can be used in speed setting
Item Value
38 37 36
Hoistway learn 0 0 1 200mm/s
Inspection speed 0 1 0 200mm/s
Leveling speed 0 1 1 50 mm/s
Speed 4 1 0 0 0 mm/s
Speed 3 1 0 1 0mm/s
Speed 2 1 1 0 800mm/s
Speed V1 1 1 1 1000mm/s

Debug step:
1:After electrical connection, please check whether there are some connection errors in
inverter’s main circuit and control circuit to avoid destroying inverter; check whether

96 Elevator Control System User Guide


encoder’s electrical connection is correct. Check whether inverter output three-phase wire
U V W is consistent with motor three-phase wire U V W.
2:After checking, if you make sure that there is not any error,set parameter and perform
low speed running。
3:if elevator can run in low speed normally,make elevator in automatic running mode,
perform elevator’s high speed running,observe whether there are car rollback phenomena
and over rush phenomena in elevator’s up running process and down running process,if
there is car rollback phenomena, please increase pre-torque function。
4:if elevator can run both in low speed and in high speed normally,adjust S curve
parameter and P、I parameter to enhance elevator’s comfortable level in high speed.
Elevator common parameter
1: Motor data

Parameter Value Note

Rated voltage 380V
Rated frequency 50HZ *
Rated current 23.5A *
Rated speed 1440pm
Rated power 11KW *
Coefficient 0.85 *
Efficiency 96% *

2:Hoistway learning
see motor latter learning step。
3: Mechanical data
Parameter Value Note
Travel units selection Millimeters
Gearbox ratio 2
Pulley diameter 410mm *
Full scale speed 150rpm *

4: Weights
Parameter Value Note
Cabin weight 2100kg *
Counter weight 2900kg *
Load weight 1600kg *
Rope weight 300kg *
Motor inertia 5.0 *
Gearbox inertia 0.0 *

5: Encoder’s configuration
Parameter Value Note

97 Elevator Control System User Guide


Speed feedback selection 0(Std encoder)

Standard encoder type Digital
Standard encoder pulses 1024pps
Standard digital encoder mode 0(FP)
Standard encoder supply 0(5.14V)

6: Breaking Unit protection

Parameter Value Note

BU control 1(internal)
BU resistance 15Ω *
BU resistance 8.0KW *

7: Regulation mode
Parameter Value Note
Regulation Field oriented

8: Speed profile
Parameter Value Note
Smooth start speed 0
Multi speed1 200mm/s
Multi speed2 200mm/s
Multi speed3 50 mm/s
Multi speed4 0mm/s
Multi speed5 0mm/s
Multi speed6 800mm/s
Multi speed7 1000mm/s

9: Ramp profile
Parameter Value Note
MR0 acceleration initial jerk 300 mm/s
MR0 acceleration 600 mm/s2
MR0 acceleration end jerk 500 mm/s3
MR0 deceleration initial jerk 500 mm/s3
MR0 deceleration 600mm/s2
MR0 deceleration end jerk 500mm/s3
MR0 end deceleration 200mm/s2

10: Lift sequence

Parameter Value Note
Contactor close delay 304ms
Brake open delay 416ms
Smooth start delay 400ms

98 Elevator Control System User Guide


Brake close delay 680ms

Contactor open delay 200ms

11: Speed regulation gains

Parameter Value Note

Speed P1 gain% 20%
Speed l1 gain% 3.3%
Speed P2 gain% 20%
Speed l2 gain% 5%
Speed l3 gain% 12%
Speed 0 enable 2(Enable as start)
Speed 0 P gain% 19%
Speed 0 I gain% 20%
Prop filter

12: Speed threshold

Parameter Value Note

Speed 0 refer threshold 2rpm
Speed 0 refer delay 500rpm
Speed 0 speed threshold 2rpm
Speed 0 speed delay 500rpm
SGP tran21 h thr 94% threshold
SGP tran32 l thr 5% threshold
SGP tran21 band 4% threshold
SGP tran 32 band 4% threshold

13: Speed regulator

Parameter Value Note
Speed P base value 50A/rpm
Speed I base value 8000A/rpm

Parameter Value Note
TRAVEL\Ramp function default
TRAVEL\Ramp set point default
TRAVEL\ Speed set point default

Note :the parameter with ” * ” mark should be set by actual。

99 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 7 Synchronous Motor Control Cabinet YASKAWA

676GL5-IP Inverter Parameter Set Table

1. Key
drive/prgm key: enter or exit set parameter state
‘←’ key: select or reset
‘∧’, ‘∨’ key: modify value
dspl key: return to previous menu—select monitor item
2. Set
a. Inverter parameters are initialized if A1-03 = 2220.
b. A1-04 = 686, A1-01 = 686.
c. A1-05 = 5, inverter is controlled in synchronous mode
d. Inverter parameters may be set according to the following table.
The following table is only for refer to.
No. Parameter Name Value Note
1 A1-06 Input voltage 380
2 01-01 Monitor item selection 1
3 01-02 Monitor o1-01 item selection 4
4 01-03 Speed instruction display unit 20 Set by motor

100 Elevator Control System User Guide


5 B1-01 Speed instruction selection 1
6 B1-02 Running instruction selection 1
7 B1-03 Stop method selection 0
8 B1-04 Reverse forbid selection 0
9 B2-01 Zero speed logic level 1
10 C1-01 Acceleration time 1 2
11 C1-02 Deceleration time 1 2
12 C1-03 Acceleration time 2 2
13 C1-04 Deceleration time 2 2
14 C2-01 Begin Acceleration characteristic time 0
15 C2-02 End Acceleration characteristic time 2
16 C2-03 Begin deceleration characteristic time 2
17 C2-04 end deceleration characteristic time 0
18 C5-01 ASR proportion gain 1 5
19 C5-02 ASR integral gain 1 1
20 C5-03 ASR proportion gain 2 7
21 C5-04 ASR integral gain 2 0.8
22 C5-08 ASR filter 0
23 C5-09 ASR switch speed 30
24 C6-04 Modulate frequency 10
25 D1-02 Frequency instruction 2 0
26 D1-03 Frequency instruction 3 0
27 D1-04 Frequency instruction 4 0
28 D1-05 Frequency instruction 5 0
29 D1-06 Frequency instruction 6 0
30 D1-07 Frequency instruction 7 0
31 D1-08 Frequency instruction 8 0
32 D1-09 Inching run instruction 200 Set by nameplate or
motor learning
33 E3-10 Motor d (D) shaft inductance * Set by nameplate or
motor learning
34 E3-11 Motor q (Q) shaft inductance * Set by nameplate or
motor learning
35 E3-12 Motor induce voltage parameter * Set by nameplate or
motor learning
36 E3-13 Motor mechanical wastage * Set by nameplate or
motor learning
37 E3-14 Motor connect resistance * Set by nameplate or
motor learning
38 E3-18 PG original pulse offset * PG learning
39 E3-23 Magnet moment coefficient K1 0.39
40 E3-24 Rated moment coefficient K2 1.04

101 Elevator Control System User Guide


41 E2-26
42 E2-29 Electrical and machine time constant 0.056
43 E2-30 Compensated loop parameter P 0.2
44 E2-31 Compensated loop parameter I 0.05
45 E2-32 Filter time constant 1 0.004
46 E2-33 Filter time constant 2 0.396
41 F1-01 PG constant * By encoder
42 L5-01 Reset times 5
43 L8-05 Input low voltage protect 1
44 L8-07 Output low voltage protect 1
45 H1-03 Terminal 5 function selection F
46 H1-04 Terminal 6 function selection F
47 H1-05 Terminal 7 function selection 6
48 H1-06 Terminal 8 function selection 9
49 H2-02 Terminal 25 function selection 37 Moment offset 40
50 H3-01 Terminal 13 logic level select 0
51 H3-02 Terminal 13 input gain 100 By analog voltage
and elevator speed
52 H3-03 Terminal 13 input error 0
53 H3-04 Terminal 16 logic level select 1
54 H3-05 Terminal function selection 14
55 H3-06 Terminal 16 input gain 100
56 H3-07 Terminal 16 input error 0
57 H3-12 Analog input filter time 0.02
58 S1-10 Start torque compensated ascend offset 0
59 S1-11 Start torque compensated descend 0
60 S1-12 Increase/decrease torque compensation 0
filter times
61 S1-13 Accelerated torque compensation gain 0

Notice: If ‘OPE11’ is displayed on inverter after parameters are set, C6-04 should be
deceased 2 every time until system is normal.
Motor parameters are input into inverter by nameplate or learning.
First, general parameters (max speed, general speed, polar, rated voltage and rated
current etc.) are set, motor is turned anti-clockwise, direction feedback is positive in
U1-05, and otherwise, F1-02 is changed. When it learns, motor must be no-load state.
The follow is the method.
1. T1-01 = 2
2. Return to T1-01 by pressing ‘dspl’ key
3. It displays CAL12 by pressing ‘drive/prgm’ key.
4. It displays Cal13 (blink), motor is learning.

102 Elevator Control System User Guide


5. ‘END’ is displayed for 2s and it returns to monitor state, motor learning is

6. In order to confirm PG original pulse offset is correct, it must learn under
conditions that motor is no-load state
a. T1-01 = 3
b. Return to T1-01 by pressing ‘dspl’ key
c. It displays CAL12 by pressing /drive/prgm’
d. It displays Cal13 (blink), motor is learning.
e. ‘END’ is displayed for 2s and it returns to monitor state, motor learning is
f. Record E3-18
7. Problem
a. Motor speed isn’t steady. Check connection between encoder and motor, if it
is correct, encoder electrical character maybe is poor.
b. Speed is low. If the direction of elevator is consistence with direction which
be displayed on inverter’s LCD and feedback speed and given speed isn’t
same, check inverter parameter.

Rated voltage E1-01 Rated current E2-01
Max output frequency E1-04 Motor margin E2-02
Max output frequency voltage E1-05 Motor polar E2-04
General frequency E1-06 Encoder pulse F1-01
Inspection speed D1-09

c. If no feedback speed, the fault maybe is caused by the destruction encoder’s

output or the problem of connection cable
It is forbid that inverter runs for a long time under condition that elevator’s
running is abnormal.

103 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 5

Appendix 8 Synchronous Motor Control Cabinet KEB Inverter

Parameter Set Table Version 3.0

The following table is only for refer to.

No. Parameter Name Value Note
1 LF.00 Password -4
2 LF.01 User password 440
3 LF.02 Operation mode 3
4 LF.04 Motor selection 1
5 LF.05 Running direction Off
6 LF.06 High distinguish ratio 1
7 LF.20 Elevator rated speed
8 LF.21 Traction sheave diameter
9 LF.22 Traction motor driving ratio Off
10 LF.23 Traction rope mode 2
11 LF.24 Load
12 LF.30 Control mode 2 2: Close loop
13 LF.36 Max torque 1.5* rate DR09*1.5
14 LF.41 Release speed1 0.5 7.5kw: 0.5, 15kw:
15 LF.44 Release speed2 0.5 15kw: 0.5, 7.5kw:
16 LF.38 Modulate frequency change 0

104 Elevator Control System User Guide


17 LF.50 Quickly accelerate 0.5

18 LF.51 Acceleration 1.5
19 LF.52 Quickly Deceleration 2.5
20 LF.53 Deceleration 2.0
21 LF.54 Stop slope Off
22 LF.60 Brake speed 0.010
23 LF.61 Over speed monitor 1.1*LF.20
24 LF.62 Deceleration monitor 0.010
25 LF.63 Leveling monitor 0.25
26 LF.65 Hot delay time 300
27 LF.66 Scatter temperature monitor 40
28 LF.67 Pre-torque gain 1
29 LF.68 Pre-torque offset 0
30 LF.69 Pre-torque direction off
31 LF.70 Brake release time 0.3
32 Dr.00 Motor rated power * By nameplate
33 Dr.01 Rated speed * By nameplate
34 Dr.02 Rated current * By nameplate
35 Dr.03 Rated frequency * By nameplate
36 Dr.07 Stator current 1.1*dr.02 By nameplate
37 Dr.09 Motor rated torque * By nameplate
38 Dr.17 Anti-electromotive force * By nameplate
39 Dr.41 Coil resistance * By nameplate
40 Dr.42 Coil inductance * By nameplate
41 EC01 Number of encoder pulse * By nameplate
42 EC03 Number of encoder polar 0
43 EC04 System position adjust 7
44 EC06 Encoder model type 1
45 EC07 System position 1
46 EC17 Divide frequency coefficient
47 LF31 Speed proportion 1500
48 LF32 Speed integral 125
49 LF33 Speed integral offset 1875
50 LF34 Current proportion 980
51 LF35 Current integral 160

105 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 9 Synchronous Motor Control Cabinet KEB F5 Inverter

Parameter Set Table

Setting inverter parameter, you can refer to following table

No Name Parameter Address Value
1 CP.0 Password 1000 Read only
2000 Read/write
2 CP.1 PM rated current 0617 By Nameplate
3 CP.2 PM rated speed 0618 By Nameplate
4 CP.3 PM rated frequency 0619 By Nameplate
5 CP.4 PM EMK voltage constant 061A By Nameplate
6 CP.5 PM rated torque 061B By Nameplate
7 CP.6 PM Winding resistance 061E By Nameplate
8 CP.7 PM winding Inductance 061F By Nameplate
9 CP.8 PM Torque Limit 0621
10 CP.9 Motor adaptation 090A
11 CP.10 abs. torque reference 0F13
12 CP.11 Speed V1 0P03
13 CP.12 Speed V2 analog rated value 0P03
14 CP.13 Speed V3 0P03
15 CP.14 Speed V4 0P03

106 Elevator Control System User Guide


16 CP.15 Speed V5 0P03

17 CP.16 Speed V6 0P03
18 CP.17 Speed V7 0P03
19 CP.18 S-Curve Time acceleration 0P32 2.10S
20 CP.19 Acceleration Time 0P28 2.70S
21 CP.20 S-Curve Time deceleration 0P34 2.10
22 CP.21 Deceleration Time 0P30 2.70S
23 CP.22 Premagnetizing Time 0423 1S
24 CP.23 Brake Release Time 0424 0.15S
25 CP.24 Brake Engage Time 0428 0.30S
26 CP.25 Switching Frequency 050B 4KHZ
27 CP.26 Encoder Pulse Number 1001 2048Inc
28 CP.27 Encoder Track Change 1006 0:OFF
29 CP.28 System Position 1002 2206
30 CP.29 KP Speed 0F06 2000
31 CP.30 KI Speed 0F09 1500
32 CP.31 KI Speed-Offset 0F0A 3500
33 CP.32 KP Current proportion gain 1100 Motor auto adaptive
34 CP.33 KI Current integral gain 1101 Motor auto adaptive
35 CP.34 Indication Parameters only:
36 CP.35 Actual Speed (min-1 ) 0209
37 CP.36 Apparent Current (A) 020F
Note:in analog give mode , such parameter as following table is added:
Name Parameter Value Note
AN0 Analog voltage input selection 0 0~10V
AN1 Analog sample times 1 2times
AN2 Analog save mode 0 Direct way
AN4 Zero point lag 0%
AN5 Analog 1 input increment 1
AN6 X axis bias 0
AN7 Y axis bias 0
0P.00 Running instruction selection 0 Analog curve
2 Multi-speed
KEB F5 self-learning:
Step 1: CP.00: input 200, press “enter” key to confirm;
Step 2: Input motor parameter
CP.01: motor rated current, press “enter” key to confirm;
CP.02: motor rated speed, press “enter” key to confirm;
CP.03: motor rated frequency, press “enter” key to confirm;
CP.04: motor counter electromotive force per 1000 turns, press “enter” key
to confirm;
CP.05: motor rated torque, press “enter” key to confirm; CP.06: motor coil

107 Elevator Control System User Guide


resistance, press “enter” key to confirm;

CP.07: motor coil Inductance, press “enter” key to confirm;
Step 3: Motor ‘s auto adaptive
CP.09: input 1, press “enter” key to confirm
Step 4: CP26: encoder wire number, press “enter” key to confirm
Step 5: System position
CP28: input “2206”, press “enter” key to confirm
Step 6: Add “enable” signal
Step 7: Observe CP.35 until the value of CP.35’s from 0 rise up to rated current step
by step, it should be hold for 30 minutes and never change, it mean that self-learning
is successful;
Step 8: Cut off “enable” signal. Notice: if there are “E .Enc” alarm in self-learning
process, the main reason that result in alarm come from following 3 aspect:
(1) Motor electrical connection is wrong, check whether motor’s three phase
wire U, V, W are consistent with inverter’s three phase wire U, V, W.
(2) Encoder wire number is wrong, check CP.26.
(3) Encoder electrical connection is wrong
After adjustment, repeat step 5-step8;
Step 9: after inverter’s self-learning is successful ,set correspond speed in parameter
CP11-CP17,and give “enable” signal、direction and speed ,elevator running can
Step 10: CP.00: input 100,press “enter” to confirm;CP parameter can be read
only, it will avoid parameter’s optional modification.

108 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 10 Synchronous Motor Control Cabinet FUJI

G11UD-4C4 Inverter Parameter Set Table

Setting parameter, you can refer to following table:multi-speed +analog

Paramete Name Value Note
F01 Frequency give selection 0 Analog given, F01=1
F02 Running instruction 1
F03 Max output frequency 1 * By Nameplate
F04 Base frequency1 * By Nameplate
F05 Rated voltage 1 380 By Nameplate
F06 Max voltage 1 380 By Nameplate
F07 Acceleration time 1 3.5S Inspection acceleration time
F08 Deceleration time 1 1.00S Inspection deceleration time
F15 Frequency top limit * According to base frequency
F16 Frequency bottom limit 0 Hz
F23 Start frequency 0Hz
F24 Start frequency hold time 0.5s
F25 Stop frequency 0.1Hz
F26 Switch frequency 15KHz

109 Elevator Control System User Guide


△F27 Motor tone 0

F36 30Ry action mode 0
△F40 Torque limit 1(drive) 200
△F41 Torque limit 1(trig) 200
E01 Terminal X1 function 0
E02 Terminal X2 function 1
E03 Terminal X3 function 2
E05 Terminal X5 function 7
E09 Terminal X9 function 9(4) Less than 7.5KW, set to 4 more
selection than 11KW, set to 9
E10 Acceleration time 2 3.5s Middle speed acceleration time
E11 Deceleration time 2 2.5s Middle speed deceleration time
E12 Acceleration time 3 3.5s High speed acceleration time
E13 Deceleration time 3 2.0s High speed deceleration time
E14 Acceleration time 4 11s Stop acceleration time
E20 Terminal Y1 function 0
E46 Language setting 1
C05 Multi-speed 1 2.5 Hz Leveling speed
C06 Multi-speed 2 2.5 Hz Inspection speed
C07 Multi-speed 3 1.5 Hz Leveling speed
Low speed
C08 Multi-speed 4 *
(V4) under instruction of
Middle “ SJT-WVF5-A
C09 Multi-speed 5 * speed 1 elevator control system
(V3) debugging and
Middle maintenance guide ”,
C10 Multi-speed 6 * speed 2 set multi-speed
(V2) parameter base on
High speed different elevator speed
C11 Multi-speed 7 *
C12 Multi-speed 0 *
Analog input bias
C31 *
C33 Analog input filter time 0.05 Analog terminal 12 input filter
P01 Motor poles 20 By Nameplate
P02 Motor power * By Nameplate
P03 Motor rated current * By Nameplate
P04 Self-learning 0 Set as 3 while in self-learning mode

110 Elevator Control System User Guide


P06 Motor no-load current 0

P07 %R1 5
P08 %X 10
P09 Motor rated slip 0
H11 Deceleration mode 1
H18 Torque control selection 3
O01 Speed instruction selection 02
O02 Speed instruction filter 0.020
time constant
O03 Encoder pulse 8192 By Nameplate
O04 ASR P constant (high 5
O05 ASR I constant 0.3
O06 Speed feedback filter time 0.003
O07 ASR P constant switch 0
frequency 1
O08 ASR P constant switch 5
frequency 2
O09 ASR P constant (low speed) 10
O10 Multi-speed instruction 0.005S
consistent time
O11 Emergency mode 1.0
O13 S curve setting 1 20 Acceleration begin S curve
Middle speed1(V3)and low speed
O14 S curve setting 2 20
(V4)acceleration end S curve
Middle speed1(V3)and low speed
O15 S curve setting 3 20
(V4)acceleration begin S curve
O16 S curve setting 4 20 Middle speed acceleration end S curve
O17 S curve setting 5 20 Middle speed deceleration begin S
O18 S curve setting 6 20 High speed acceleration end S curve
O19 S curve setting 7 16 High speed acceleration begin S curve
O20 S curve setting 8 18 Deceleration end S curve
O21 S curve setting 9 30
O22 S curve setting 10 30
O24 Torque bias start time 0.2S By actual
Torque bias increment
O35 50% By actual
Torque bias increment
O36 50% By actual

111 Elevator Control System User Guide


O37 Torque instruction filter 0.0

time constant
O38 Start time 0.3
O53 Self-learning angle 0~360

1.Self-learning explain:set parameter P04 =3 by pressing DATA key.

2.It is requested that motor’s three phase wire U,V,W are corresponding to
inverter ‘s three phase wire U,V,W.
3.After performing self-learning 5 times,observe O53’s value ,it is requested
that error can not higher than 20 degree .
4.Try to perform running, current is approx 0.5A(no rope).
5.Repeat electrify ,after running normally several times ,it is confirmed that
there is no error .
6.If there is “OS” over speed etc, it is confirmed that connection between
motor and inverter、connection between PG and inverter is correct.

112 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 11 Synchronous Motor Control Cabinet FUJI

FRENIC-LIFT Inverter Parameter Set Table

Set parameter refer to following table :multi-speed

Parameter Name Value Note
F01 Speed setting 0 With S curve acceleration/deceleration
multi-speed instruct (SS1,SS2,SS4)
F03 Max speed * By Nameplate
F04 Rated speed * By Nameplate
F05 Rated voltage 380V
F07 Accel/Decel time1 3.5S Low speed acceleration/deceleration
F08 Accel/Decel time2 2.1S Low speed deceleration/deceleration
F23 Start time 0.4Hz
F24 Hold time 0.3s
F25 Stop speed 0.1Hz
F42 Control selection 0 With PG vector control (Asynchronous
E01 Terminal x1 function 0

113 Elevator Control System User Guide


E02 Terminal x2 function 1
E03 Terminal x3 function 2
E10 Accel/Decel time3 3.5s Middle speed deceleration/deceleration
E11 Accel/Decel time4 2. Middle speed deceleration/deceleration
5s time
E12 Accel/Decel time5 3.5s High speed deceleration/deceleration
E13 Accel/Decel time6 2.0s High speed deceleration/deceleration
E14 Accel/Decel time7 11s Leveling deceleration time
E20 Terminal Y1 function 35 Inverter output
E27 Terminal 30A/B/C (relay 99 Whole alarm
E48 LED monitor detailed 2 Setting speed
E61 Terminal 12 ( function 4 Torque bias instruct
C05 Multi-speed 1 8 Terminal leveling speed·Unit: HZ
C06 Multi-speed 2 8 Inspection speed
C07 Multi-speed 3 3 Leveling speed
C10 Multi-speed 6 30 Middle speed
C11 Multi-speed 7 4 High speed
C31 Analog input bias adjust 0
C32 Analog input gain adjust 100﹪
C33 Analog input filter adjust 0.05s
P01 Motor poles * By Nameplate
P02 Motor power * By Nameplate
P03 Motor rate current * By Nameplate
P06 Motor no-load current * By Nameplate
P12 Motor rated slip
L01 Pulse encoder(selection) 0 A , B phase : 12 , 15V complement
number,collector open,5Vwiredrive

114 Elevator Control System User Guide


L02 Pulse * By actual

L19 S curve set1 20 S curve in acceleration start
L22 S curve set4 20 S curve in middle speed acceleration
L23 S curve set 5 20 S curve in middle deceleration start
L24 S curve set 6 20 S curve in high speed acceleration end
L25 S curve set 7 16 S curve in high speed deceleration start
L26 S curve set 8 18 S curve in deceleration end
L27 S curve set 9 30
L28 S curve set 10 30
L36 P constant in high speed 8
L37 I constant in high speed 0.5s
L38 P constant in low speed 10
L39 I constant in low speed 0.5s
L40 Switch speed 1 5HZ
L41 Switch speed 2 10HZ
L60 Torque bias drive gain 50﹪ By actual
L61 Torque bias trig gain 50﹪ By actual

115 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 12 Synchronous Motor Control Cabinet VG7S Inverter

Parameter Set Table

The following table is only for refer to :multi-speed

Func.No Name Default Value
C05 Multi-speed1 0r/min 24
C06 Multi-speed 2 0
C07 Multi-speed 3 0r/min 10
C08 Multi-speed 4 0r/min 0
C09 Multi-speed 5 0r/min 96
C10 Multi-speed 6 0r/min 153
C11 Multi-speed 7 0r/min 192
Multi-speed instruction
C20 0.00 0.02
consistent timer
C35 Acceleration time JOG 5.00S 3
C36 Deceleration time JOG 5.00S 3
C46 Acceleration time 2 5.00S 3
C47 Deceleration time 2 5.00S 3
C56 Acceleration time 3 5.00S 3.8
C57 Deceleration time 3 5.00S 3
C67 Deceleration time 4 5.00S 1

116 Elevator Control System User Guide


E01 X1function selection 0 0

E02 X2 function selection 1 1
E03 X3 function selection 2 2
E04 X4 function selection 3 8
E05 X5 function selection 4 7
E15 Y1 function selection 1.00 0
E16 Y2 function selection 2.00 1
E17 Y3 function selection 3.00 4
E18 Y4 function selection 4.00 5
E29 PG pulse output select 0.00 0
E38 Speed inspection mode 0.00 0
E39 Speed inspection value 1 1500r/min 24
E49 Ai1 function selection 0.00 5(+-10v)
E55 Ai1 Electro motion Gain 1.00 2.8
E56 Ai1 trig Gain 1.00 2
E61 Ai1filter setting 0.010s 0.1
E69 AO1 function selection 1 26 u-v
E70 AO2 function selection 6 31(O10)
E84 AO1-5 filter setting 0.010s 0.00
F01 Analog mode 2
F02 Running operation 0 1
F03 M1 max speed 1500 r/min 192
F04 M1 rated speed 1500 r/min 192
F05 M1 rated voltage V 380
F07 Acceleration time 1 5.00S 3.5
F08 Deceleration time 1 5.00S 3
F37 Stop speed 10.0r/min 0.1
F38 Stop speed (inspection mode) 0 0
F39 Stop (zero speed control hold
0.50s 0.5
F61 ASR1-P (gain) 10 10
F62 ASR1-1 (integer constant) 0.200s 0.3
F65 ASR1 inspection filter 0.005s 0.002
F80 Motor select (M1.M2.M3) 0 2 HT
H71 Self- learning ^+stop key 0 _5
L03 Elevator rated speed 100.0m/min 120
L04 Fixed S curve mode 0 0
L05 S curve setting 1 0.00% 20
L06 S curve setting 2 0.00% 20
L07 S curve setting 3 0.00% 20
L08 S curve setting 4 0.00% 20

117 Elevator Control System User Guide


L09 S curve setting 5 0.00% 20

L10 S curve setting 6 0.00% 20
L11 S curve setting 7 0.00% 20
L12 S curve setting 8 0.00% 20
L13 S curve setting 9 0.00% 20
L14 S curve setting 10 0.00% 20
ABS signal input define
O09 0 1
(synchronous )
Magnetic pole position
O10 0 *
O11 Salient pole ratio(%Xq/%Xd) 1
P01 M1 control mode 0 3
P02 M1 motor selection 37
P03 M1 rated power 13.4
P04 M1 rated current 30
P05 M1 pole 4 20
P06 M1-%R1 3.6
P07 M1-%X 22
P08 M1 exciting current 0.01
P09 M1 torque current 30
P10 M1 slip on driving 0.001
P11 M1 slip on breaking 0.001
P21 M1induce voltage coefficient 283
P28 M1-PG poles 1024 8192
M1 heat thermistor
P30 1 0
resistant selection

118 Elevator Control System User Guide

Appendix 6

Appendix 13 Synchronous Elevator Control Cabinet CT Inverter

Parameter Set Table

1. #0.00=1255, inverter parameters are initialized.

2. #0.00=1253, #0.48=SerUO, close loop servo control mode
The following table is only for refer to.
No. Parameter Name Value Note
1 #0.01 Min frequency 0
2 #0.02 Max frequency (unit: rpm) * Polar rated speed
3 #0.03 Acceleration 0
4 #0.04 Deceleration 0
5 #0.05 Speed given mode 1 Analog given 1
6 #0.06 Current limit 175%
7 #0.07 Proportion gain 6500 By actual
8 #0.08 Integral gain 600 By actual
9 #0.10 Polar feedback speed * Monitor
10 #0.11 Given before slope process * Monitor
11 #0.13 Given after slope process * Monitor
12 #0.13 Polar current * Monitor
13 #0.15 Slope mode 1(fast)
14 #0.16 Stop mode Coast
15 #0.18 S curves enable 0
16 #0.42 Motor polar * By nameplate
17 #0.43 Motor COSφ 1.0
18 #0.44 Motor rated voltage * By nameplate

119 Elevator Control System User Guide


19 #0.45 Motor rated speed * By nameplate

20 #0.46 Motor rated current * By nameplate
21 #0.47 Motor rated frequency * By nameplate
22 #1.10 Reverse enable 1
23 #2.02 Slope enable 0
24 #3.05 Zero speed definite 0
25 #3.08 Over speed threshold * Polar rated speed
26 #3.21 Encoder line * By encoder line
27 #3.23 Encoder voltage * 5V: 0,15V: 1
28 #4.08 Torque given * Load device given
29 #4.09 Torque offset * Adjust by fact
30 #4.10 Torque offset enable 1
31 #4.11 Torque mode 4 Motor learn is 0
32 #4.15 Motor over hot time constant 89
33 #6.15 Soft enable 1
34 #7.06 Analog voltage input mode Volt
35 #7.07 Analog input offset 0
36 #7.08 Analog input1 1 Adjust by fact
37 #7.10 Analog input map1 1.36
38 #7.11 Analog voltage input mode1 Volt
39 #7.12 Analog input2 1
40 #7.14 Analog input map2 4.08
41 #7.15 Analog voltage input mode2 Volt
42 #8.10 F1 output source parameter 10.02
43 #8.11 F1 output anti-phase 0
44 #8.12 F1 output enable 1
45 #8.27 Logic input polarity select 0
46 #8.28 Open collection output select 0
47 #10.34 No. of reset 5
48 #10.35 Reset interval 0

PG learn method
Control cabinet power on
Motor is on no- load mode
J6-2 and J6-1 on main board are short connect
KDY is close.
LZ open
Terminal 31 and 30 on inverter are short connected.
#0.40=1, motor turns. When #0.40 turn 0 from 1, learning is finished.
Parameter is save in #3.28.
If it halts, two phases of motor are exchanged. Learn is repeated.

120 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 14 Synchronous Elevator Control Cabinet CV Inverter

Parameter Set Table

(1) The following table is only refer to , please setting parameter

according to actual instance:
Item Value
38 37 36
0 0 1 300mm/s
Inspection speed 0 1 0 300mm/s
Leveling speed 0 1 1 50 mm/s
Speed 4 1 0 0 0 mm/s
Speed 3 1 0 1 0mm/s
Speed 2 1 1 0 1000mm/s
Rated speed V1 1 1 1 1600mm/s
(2) Debug Step:
◆ after electrical connection, please check whether there are some connect error
in inverter’s main circuit and control circuit to prevent from destroying
inverter;check whether encoder’s electrical connection is correct。Check
whether inverter ‘s three-phase wire U V W is consistent with motor ’s
three-phase wire U V W.
◆ Set control mode as synchronous elevator control mode,short inverter’s
terminal 19and 12 ,make output contactor and break contactor closed,make
traction motor to perform current self-learning .
◆ after self-learning ,do encoder zero point position job.

121 Elevator Control System User Guide


◆ after above step,set parameter and perform low speed running.

if elevator can run in low speed normally,make elevator in automatic running
mode, perform elevator’s high speed running,observe whether there are car
rollback phenomena and over rush phenomena in elevator’s up running process and
down running process,if there is car rollback phenomena, please increase pre-torque
4:if elevator can run both in low speed and in high speed normally,adjust S curve
parameter and P、I parameter to improve elevator’s comfortable degree in high
(3) Elevator general parameter
Motor data
Parameter Value Note
Rated voltage 380V
Rated current 61.5A *
Rated current 234rpm *
Pole pairs 10
Stator resistance 0.8Ω *
Stator inductance 0.020H *
Torque constant 18.210NM/A *
EMF constant 10.514 *
◆ Self-learning
Please refer to latter gearless motor current self-learning step 。
◆ Encoder zero point position
Please refer to latter gearless motor magnetic field position step。
◆ Mechanical data
Parameter Value Note
Travel units select Millimeters
Gearbox ratio 2
Pulley diameter (traction sheave diameter) 410mm *
Full scale speed 150rpm *
◆ Car Weights
Parameter Value Note
Cabin weight 2100kg *
Counter weight 2900kg *
Load weight 1600kg *
Rope weight 300kg *
Motor inertia 5.0 *
Gearbox inertia 0.0 *
◆ Encoders configuration
Parameter Value Note
Speed feedback select 0(Std encoder)
Standard encoder type 4(Sinusoidalsincos)

122 Elevator Control System User Guide


Standard encoder pulses 2048pps

Standard encoder mode 0(FP)
Standard encoder supply 0(5.14V)
◆ Breaking Unit protection
Parameter Value Note
BU control 1(internal)
BU resistance 15Ω *
BU resistance 8.0KW *
◆ Regulation mode
Parameter Value Note
Regulation 4(Brushless)
◆ Speed profile
Parameter Value Note
Smooth start speed 5mm/s
Multi speed1 300mm/s Self-learning speed
Multi speed2 300mm/s Inspection speed
Multi speed3 50 mm/s Leveling speed
Multi speed4 0mm/s
Multi speed5 0mm/s
Multi speed6 1000mm/s
Multi speed7 1600mm/s Rated speed
◆ Ramp profile
Parameter Value Note
MR0 acc ini jerk 300 mm/s3 Acceleration initial jerk
MR0 acceleration 600 mm/s2 Acceleration ramp
MR0 acc end jerk 500 mm/s3 Acceleration end jerk
MR0 dec ini jerk 500 mm/s3 Deceleration initial jerk
MR0 deceleration 600mm/s2 Deceleration ramp
MR0 dec end jerk 500mm/s3 Deceleration end jerk
MR0 end decel 200mm/s2 Final deceleration slope
◆ Lift sequence
Parameter Value Note
Cont close delay 304ms
Brake open delay 416ms
Smooth start delay 400ms
Brake close delay 680ms
Contactor open delay 200ms
◆ Speed P1 regulation gains
Parameter Value Note
Speed P1 gain% 20%

123 Elevator Control System User Guide


Speed l1 gain% 3.3%

Speed P2 gain% 20%
Speed l2 gain% 5%
Speed P3 gain% 25%
Speed l3 gain% 12%
2(Enable as
Speed 0 enable
Speed 0 P gain% 19%
Speed 0 I gain% 20%
Proportion filter
◆ Speed threshold
Parameter Value Note
Speed 0 reference threshold 2rpm
Speed 0 reference delay 500rpm
Speed 0 speed threshold 2rpm
Speed 0 speed delay 500rpm
SGP tran21 h threshold 94%
SGP tran32 l thr 5% threshold
SGP tran21 band 4% Band wide
SGP tran32 band 4% Band wide
◆ Inertia compensate
Parameter Value Note
Inertia compensate enable 1(Enable)
◆ Speed regulator
Parameter Value Note
Speed P base value 50A/rpm
Speed I base value 8000A/rpm

Parameter Value Note

TRAVEL\Ramp function Default
TRAVEL\Ramp set point Default
TRAVEL\ Speed set point Default
Note :the parameter with mark “*” should be set according to actural 。

(4) gearless motor current self-learning step

◆ Enter STARTUP/SETUP MODE/Autotune/Complete still;
◆ When display “Press I key “ release brake,KDY;after giving out “enable”
and direction ,press inverter’s STAR key;
◆ When display “END”, cancel enable and direction signal output;
◆ Perform Load setup.
(5) Gearless motor magnet position step
◆ Enter REGULATION PAPAM\Flux config\Magnetiz config\Autophasing

124 Elevator Control System User Guide


◆ On no rope condition ,close KDY, ”enable”, close break,press “Enter” key ;
◆ When inverter display “Waiting start……” ,give out ”enable” and direction
◆ When inverter display“Auto phasing End” ,remove “enable” and direction,
close KDY,break;
◆ Perform Save configuration.
(6) Gearless motor magnetic field position operation method
◆ By BL2000-STB breaking on,KDY;perform motor’s enable and direction
self-learning :
◇ Disable Door lock 、emergency stop,on inspection mode, negate X19 input
type ;
◇ Inverter into self-learning mode, wait for KDY、break、enable and direction
◇ Negate X1input type,BL2000-STB main board will output KDY、break、
enable and direction signal;
◆ After finish self-learning ,recover X1 input type,and recover X19 input type。

125 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 15 Fault Code

The following table is only for refer to.
No. Code Note Process
1 Er1
2 Er2 Door Inter-lock fault circuit open Check door inter-lock circuit
and door knife
3 Er3 Inverter fault Check inverter fault code
4 Er4 Elevator direction is contrary to a. Exchange A and B
direction that is given by instruct: a. b. Exchange motor phase
micro control unit A, B phase pulse is sequence
reverse, b. elevator direction is
5 Er5 It doesn’t monitor feedback signal Check switch and connect
after output release signal wire. If there isn’t switch,
brake feedback disable
6 Er6 Leveling zone signal doesn’t cut off Check leveling zone signal and
induction switch
7 Er7 The number of Encoder pulse which Check pulse input circuit and
is put into micro control unit is too connection
8 Er8
9 Er9 Output KDY acting instruction is not Check KDY output, feedback
consistence with feedback circuit and KDY contactor
10 Er10 Emergency stop circuit open Check emergency stop circuit
11 Er11 Elevator doesn’t detect leveling zone Check leveling zone signal and
signal induce switch
12 Er12 Over top limit Check encoder and connect
13 Er13 Over bottom limit Check encoder and connect
14 Er14 Floor counter error. Elevator returns to bottom
floor and revise position.
Check encoder, leveling zone
circuit and connect. Type fault:
leveling zone switch tingle or
rope slide
15 Er15
16 Er16
17 Er17 Micro control unit output instruction, Check inverter direction,
but it has not received inverter enable, and running circuit.
running signal Check parameters setting.

126 Elevator Control System User Guide


18 Er18 Floor counter error. Elevator returns to bottom

floor and revise position.
Check encoder, leveling zone
circuit and connect. Type fault:
leveling zone switch tingle or
rope slide
19 Er19
20 Er20
21 Er21 Running time is in excess of setting
Check rope slide or car block.
time Check over time setting.
22 Er22 Inspection signal is input at High Check inspection switch and
running process circuit
23 Er23 One of two leveling zone is invalidCheck leveling zone signal and
induce switch
24 Er24 On Multi-speed mode, slow down Set proper distance by running
distance is too short. speed
25 Er26 Door inter-lock contactor state is Check coil and contactor state
different to coil Check main board input port
26 Er27 Emergence stop contactor state is Check coil and contactor state
different to coil Check main board input port
27 Er28 Top and bottom terminal station or Correspond terminal station is
Top and bottom secondary terminal valid, please check terminal
station are sticked each other station signal
28 Er29 Communication interference is too 1 deal with system ground to
great and result in system’s eliminate interference
protection 2 check whether COP or
landing call and display unit‘s
has been destroyed and it result
in CAN bus’s malfunction.

127 Elevator Control System User Guide


Appendix 16 Hoistway Learn Fault Code Table

The following table is only for refer to.
No. Code Note Process
1 LER=0 System running protection Press ‘esc’, check fault record
2 LER=1 Pulse input phase reverse Exchange A phase and B phase
3 LER=2 Bottom terminal 1 input repeat Bottom terminal 1 installed in
error or tingle
4 LER=3 Bottom terminal 1 lost (>2m/s) Arrive at bottom Terminal 2
before bottom terminal 1 or
bottom terminal 1 lost
5 LER=4 Bottom terminal 2 input repeat Bottom terminal 2 installed in
(>2m/s) error or tingle
6 LER=5 Bottom terminal 2 lost (>2m/s) Arrive at top Terminal 2 before
bottom terminal 2 or bottom
terminal 2 lost
7 LER=6 Top terminal 2 input repeat (>2m/s) Top terminal 2 installed in
error or tingle
8 LER=7
9 LER=8 Top terminal 2 lost (>2m/s) Arrive at top Terminal 1 before
top terminal 2 or top terminal 2
10 LER=9 Bottom terminal 1 lost Arrive at bottom Terminal 2
before bottom terminal 1 or
bottom terminal 1 lost
11 LER=10 Top terminal 1 input repeat Top terminal 1 installed in
error or tingle
12 LER=11 Top terminal 1 lost Arrive at top limit before top
terminal 1 or top terminal 1
13 LER=12 Total floors which obtained by Check total floor set and
hoisyway learning is error leveling inductor plate install
14 LER=14 Two leveling zone switch without Leveling inductor plate can’t
overlap position shield two switch, or lost one
15 LER=15 Press ‘esc’ to cancel hoistway press ‘esc’ key
16 LER=17 Leveling zone 1 and 2 input at the The wire of two door zone
same time switch is parallel connected
together by mistake, or bottom
limit switch is installed close
to 1st floor leveling position.
17 LER=18 Save data in error Contact with us

128 Elevator Control System User Guide


18 LER=19 Arrival at top limit, two leveling zone Top limit switch is installed
signal input too low
It is move down
19 LER=20 Bottom limit switch installation It is moved up
position is too high
20 LER=21 In hoistway learning process, when Check whether bottom
elevator run to up limit, bottom terminate station or bottom
terminate station or bottom terminate terminate station 2’s
station 2 is still valid. installation or switch type is
21 LER=22 In hoistway learning process, when Check whether up terminate
elevator start running from bottom station or up terminate station
limit, up terminate station or up 2’s installation or switch type
terminate station 2 is still valid is correct

129 Elevator Control System User Guide


Acceleration 加速度 Fire floor 消防层
Acknowledge 应答 Fire mode 消防模式
Analog given mode 模拟给定模式 Full load 满载
Attendant mode 司机模式 G
ARD(automatic rescue device) 自救装置 Geared motor 有齿轮电机
Arrival bell(chime) 到站钟 Gearless motor 无齿轮电机
Auto turn 自整定 Group control mode 群控模式
Bottom limit switch 下极限开关 Heat sensitive switch 热敏开关
Bottom terminate station 下端站开关 Hoistway 井道
Brake release time 抱闸释放时间 Hoistway learning 井道自学习
BU (Braking Unit) 制动单元 Homing floor 待梯层
Braking resistance 制动电阻 I
Brake feedback 制动反馈 Indicator light 指示灯
By-pass 直驶 Inspection mode 检修模式
C Inspection speed 检修速度
Car call 内呼 Inverter 变频器
Car call extend board 内呼扩展板 Integral gain 积分增益
Car sill 轿厢门坎 Inter floor distance 楼层间距
Car rollback 溜车 J
Car top 轿顶 Jumper 跳线
Car top wiring interconnect box 轿顶分 K
线盒 KDY (running contactor) 辅助接触器
Compensation chain 补偿链 KJT (emergency stop contactor.) 急停接
Control cabinet 控制柜 触器
COP (control operation panel) 操纵盘 KMC (main contactor) 主接触器
D KMB (door inter-lock contactor) 门连锁
Deceleration 减速度 接触器
Door Inter-lock 门连锁 KXX (phase sequence relay.) 相序继电器
Door zone 门区 L
Dot matrix 点阵 Landing call 外呼
E Landing call and display unit 外呼与显
Electronic lock 电锁 示单元
Elevator rated speed 电梯额定速度 Landing sill 厅门坎
Emergency automatic leveling 应急自动 Leveling adjustment 平层调整
平层 Leveling inductor plate 平层感应板(桥
Emergence stop 急停 板)
EMI (electro magnetic interference) Leveling speed 平层速度(爬行速度)
电磁干扰 Leveling zone 平层区
Encoder 编码器 Light load 轻载

130 Elevator Control System User Guide


Load compensation 负载补偿 S

Low rise elevator 低层电梯 The safety edges for door 安全触板
M Safety circuit 安全回路
Main board 主板 Serial communication 串行通讯
Machine room inspection 机房检修 Slowdown 换速
Micro control unit 微控制单元 Slowdown distance 换速距离
Multi-speed mode 多段速模式 Smooth start speed 平滑启动速度
Motor rated speed 电机额定速度 Smooth start delay 平滑启动保持时间
Motor rated slip 电机额定滑差 Speed feedback 速度反馈
N Synchronous speed 同步转速
No-load 空载 T
O Terminal resistance 终端电阻
One-floor run 单层运行 Three phase wire 三相线
Open delay time 开门延时 Total floor 总楼层
Overload 超载 Traction machine 曳引机
Over speed 超速 Traction sheave diameter 曳引轮直径
Over shoot 超调 Traveling cable 随行电缆
P Twins control mode 并联控制模式
Phase 相位 U
Passenger 乘客 Up limit switch 上极限开关
Parking 驻停 Up terminal station 上端站
Parking floor 驻停层 V
Power supply 供电 Voice report 语音报站
Pre-opening door 提前开门 W
Proportion gain 比例增益 X
Re-leveling 再平层

131 Elevator Control System User Guide

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