Self - Efficacy and Self - Concept Belief Among Students in MNHS Background of The Study

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Self – efficacy and self – concept belief among students in MNHS


Background of the Study


A self - efficacy is the belief in one's ability to influence events that effect one's life and

control over the way these events are experienced (Bandura, 1994).

According to Bandura (2008), self - efficacy is not a trait that some have and others do not. It is

the ability to exercise and strengthen one's self - efficacy, regardless of their past or current

environments (Bandura, 2008). Albert Bandura Self - efficacy for Agentic Psychology study

shows that there are four ways to build self - efficacy.

First is the Mastery Experiences, this refers to experiencing the results of self - efficacy first

hand. The key to mastery is approaching life with dedicated efforts and experimenting with

realistic but challenging goals. People need to acknowledge the satisfaction of goals that are

achieved, in order to reap the pleasure of mastery. Easy success with little effort can lead to us to

expect rapid results which can, in turn, make us easily discouraged by failure (Bandura, 2008).

The main idea is to use failures as a motivation to do better because success is achieved by

learning from failed efforts. To build resilience is to experience failure.

Second is the Social Modeling that means, people choose role - models who demonstrate their

self - efficacy. Despite of adversity, motivation can be found by observing those who employ this

in their lives and have reached their goals. Seeing individuals like oneself prevail with
predictable exertion, brings the onlooker's convictions up in their very own capacities to succeed

(Bandura, 2008).

Third is the Social Persuasion, it is when people believe in their own ability, they tend to

encounter more success. In addition, self - efficacy becomes a self - fulfilling prophecy. Lastly is

the states of Physiology, it states our emotions, moods and physical states influence our

interpretation of self - efficacy. Positive and negative feelings are magnets that impact one's

feeling of self - efficacy, particularly on account of a discouraged mind-set when control can feel

distant. People with low self - efficacy may give - up sooner than people with high self - efficacy

(Bandura, 2008). To put it plainly, changing negative misinterpretations of physical and affective

states is the key in order to build self - efficacy (Bandura, 2008).

According to Flammer (2001) self-efficacy refers to the person's ability to produce significant

effects. Individuals who know about having the option to make a difference feel better and

consequently take activities; individuals who see themselves as defenseless are despondent and

are not persuaded for activities. This article treats the fundamental ideas identified with self-

efficacy, their hypothetical and recorded settings, their capacities and viable uses, just as

formative and educational therapeutic viewpoints (Flammer, 2001).

In the 21st century, the measure of self-efficacy among students are rapidly decreasing. This

pertains to student losing their concerned about the beliefs of others. Over the past few years,

student self- efficacy is perceived to be high as years past it tends to go down.

In connection, belief and values helps a person in attaining its self- concept. If a person fails to

attends its belief and values, there's a tendency that self - concept will be hard to achieve.
Students physical self-concept beliefs are a significant mental result of value physical

instruction. These convictions additionally encourage other significant results, for example,

students' commitment and physical action conduct (Garn 2016). Adolescent's self-concept beliefs

are dynamic, and causality is complex. That is, issues and challenges can bring down self-

concept; yet low self-concept can likewise cause issues. For example, adolescents with positive

self-concept is likely to be associated with positive energy and it goes the same with a person

with low self-concept (Garn 2016).

In today's world, everyone is alarmed by the fact that students nowadays become more

unconscious of their peers and environment. As a matter of fact, there is already a massive

decrease in self- efficacy and self- concept belief.

Earlier researchers show effects of self-efficacy and self-concept beliefs on MNHS students if it

boosts they’re learning and achievement status. Self-efficacy has operationally defined as one's

belief people that can successfully perform a given task. The main purpose of this paper is to

discuss how self-efficacy or self- concept belief can develop and how it affects the MNHS

students. Academic performance in addition to social interaction with other students or peers.

II. Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the self – efficacy and self – concept belief among students

in MNHS. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

a.) What is the self – efficacy level of students in MNHS

b.) What is the self – concept level of students in MNHS

c.) To determine a model that represents self – efficacy and self – concept belief of

students in MNHS

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