Biology Journal
Biology Journal
Biology Journal
The following stages of karyokinesis are observed in the given permanent slides.
1. Prophase:
The chromosomes begin to coil and become shorter and thicker.
Each chromosome is in duplicated form and consists of two chromatids. The two
sister chromatids remain attached to the centromere.
The nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear.
The centrosomes splits into two followed by duplication of centriole present in it.
The daughter centriole moves to opposite poles.
Each centriole is surrounded by radiating rays called asters rays. The spindle
fibres appear between daughter centrioles.
2. Metaphase:
The chromosomes further coil and become thicker and shorter.
The chromosomes are arranged at equatorial plane. Each chromosome is attached
to spindle fibre at centromere.
3. Anaphase:
The spindle fibres attached to the chromosome start contracting. This result in
splitting of centromeres and finally two chromatids of each chromosome
The daughter chromosomes moves towards opposite poles bt the shortening of the
spindle fibres.
4. Telophase:
Each daughter chromosome lengthens and becomes thinner. The daughter
chromosomes are transformed into thin thread like chromatin.
Nuclear membrane reappears.
Nucleolus reappears in each daughter nucleus.
In animal cells, a furrow develops in the cell membrane.
A cell plate is laid at the equatorial plane in a plant cell.
The furrow appeared during telophase stage in animal cell, deepens from periphery to the
centre and divides the cell into two daughter cells. (Centripetal cytokinesis)
In plant cell, cell plate grows from the centre towards the periphery and finally divides
the cell into two daughter cells.(Centrifugal cytokinesis)
Diagrams (to be drawn on white sheet)
Experiment 2
Crystals of potassium permanganate is added to the beaker containing water on one side.
The crystal slowly dissolves and spread in water.
The Crystals of potassium permanganate dissolves in water turning the water in the beaker
The Crystals of potassium permanganate diffused uniformly in water. The movement of
molecules of potassium permanganate takes place from one corner to the region where they are
not present. The movement of molecules continues till these are uniformly distributed in the
solution. Thus solution turns purple.
Diagram (to be drawn on white sheet)
The mouth of the thistle funnel is covered with cellophane paper and is tied securely.
The thistle funnel is inverted in a beaker containing water and is fixed using iron stand as
shown in the diagram.
20% sucrose solution is added to the thistle funnel.
Initial level of the sucrose solution is marked on the stem of the thistle funnel.
The entire experimental set up is kept aside for 4-5 hours.
The level of sucrose solution rises in the thistle funnel. The level of water in the beaker drops.
The concentration of water molecules in beaker is more than that in the thistle funnel. Water
molecules from beaker pass through the cellophane to enter in the thistle funnel. Sucrose
molecules from the thistle funnel cannot pass through the cellophane paper. Thus cellophane
paper acts like a semi permeable membrane, which allows only water molecules to pass through
The sucrose solution should be poured carefully in order to avoid air bubble in the thistle funnel.
The initial level of the sucrose solution should be marked only after immersing the mouth of the
thistle funnel in beaker containing water.
Diagram (to be drawn on white sheet)
Experiment 4
The level of the sucrose solution rises in the osmoscope.
The sucrose solution in the osmoscope is separated from pure water by means of potato tuber
cells. Each cell of potato has a cell wall which is permeable, and a plasma membrane, which is
semipermeable membrane. Water enters into the cell due to osmosis. Cell to cell osmosis of
water across the potato tuber cells result in the entry of water into the osmoscope. The level of
sucrose solution in the osmoscope rises.
Drops of water are found on the inner side of the bell jar. The droplets turn blue cobalt chloride
paper pink.
Leaves of the potted plant lose water in the form of water vapour. The vapour condenses on the
inner surface of the bell jar.
Grease the edges of the bell jar to avoid entry of moisture from outside.
Cover the pot with polythene and tie tightly to avoid evaporation from the soil.
Aim: To demonstrate unequal transpiration from the two surfaces of the leaves.
Material required:
A well-watered potted dicot plant, strips of dry cobalt chloride paper, glass slides, clips.
Within few minutes we observe the cobalt chloride paper kept on the lower or ventral surface of
the leaf turns into deep pink color but the strip of cobalt chloride paper kept at the upper surface
remains unchanged or it takes longer time to change into pale pink color. The reason for this is
more stomata are present on the ventral or lower surface of a dicot leaf than the upper or dorsal
surface. Due to this more water vapor from the ventral surface is released than dorsal surface and
hence cobalt chloride paper kept at the lower surface changes into pink color immediately.
More transpiration occurs through the lower surface of the leaves of this plant.
The Ganong’s photometer is filled with water to make it free from air spaces.
Vaseline is applied to the upper opening of the vertical tube meant for holding leafy
A fresh leafy shoot of a herbaceous plant is cut and taken.
It is fixed in the vertical tube through a split cork.
The bent capillary tube is dipped in a beaker containing colored water.
Air bubble is introduced in the capillary tube. This can be done by lifting the bent tube
above the coloured water so that air is sucked in and dipping it again into the water.
The initial position of the air bubble in the capillary tube is noted down.
The entire experimental set-up is placed in the sunlight.
The air bubble in the capillary tube moves towards the shoot.
The leafy shoot lose water through transpiration, which sets up the suction force. This suction
force pulls up water and causes leafy shoot to absorb water from the vertical tube. As a result
water is pulled up from the beaker through the capillary tube. The air bubble also moves along
with the water in the capillary tube. The distance moved by the air bubble can be read on the
capillary tube. The reading denotes the volume of water lost in a given time. The air bubble can
be brought back to initial position by releasing some water from the reservoir.
The entire apparatus should be airtight.
The leafy shoot should be cut obliquely to increase surface for water absorption.
The leafy shoot should be cut under water to prevent air bubble entering the shoot, which will
block the passage of water.
Diagram (to be drawn on white sheet)
Experiment to measure the rate of water uptake/transpiration by a leafy shoot using Ganong’s
Experiment 9
A potted plant with broad leaves is taken and kept in the sunlight for five to six hours.
A leaf is plucked from the experimental plant and is boiled in water for 10 minutes. This
kills the leaf cells.
The leaf is then boiled in methylated spirit over the water bath till it becomes pale.
Methylated spirit dissolves chlorophyll and turns green. The leaf turns pale and brittle.
The leaf is then put in hot water to make it soft and permeable.
The leaf is spread in a petridish and two-three drops of iodine solution is added over it.
Observe it after 5 minutes.
The leaf turns blue-black on adding iodine solution.
The leaves of potted plant synthesize glucose during photosynthesis which is stored in the form
of starch. When starch reacts with iodine solution it turns blue-black. If there is no starch present,
the leaf turns brown with the iodine solution.
A potted plant is taken and destarched by keeping it in darkness for two days.
Destarching is done to ensure that starch present in leaves is formed only during the
The light screen is fixed on one of the leaf. A light screen has a lid with the design cut in
the centre. A black paper with design cut in the centre can also be used.
The set-up is kept in the sunlight for 5-6 hours.
The experimental leaf is plucked and tested for the presence of starch.
The part of the leaf which receives sunlight through the design of the light screen/ black paper
turns blue black while rest of the part covered with the screen turns brown.
The part of the leaf covered by the design of the light screen receives sunlight and undergoes
photosynthesis. The starch present in this part react with iodine and turns blue-black. The part
covered with the screen does not receive sunlight and no photosynthesis occurs in this region. As
no starch is formed, it turns brown on adding iodine.
Test one of the leaves from the destarched plant to check for the absence of starch.
Expose plant to at least 5-6 hours of sunlight.
Boil leaf in methylated spirit till it completely turns pale.
Wash bleached leaf in hot water thoroughly.
A potted plant with variegated leaves is destarched by keeping it in darkness for two
The plant is placed in sunlight for few hours.
A leaf is plucked and its outline is traced. The green and the non-green area are marked
with an outline.
The experimental leaf is then tested for starch using iodine.
The green part of the leaf turns blue-black while the non-green part turns brown.
The green part contains chlorophyll and undergoes photosynthesis. It turns blue-black when
iodine is added as it contains starch. The non-green part is without chlorophyll and does not
undergo photosynthesis. It turns brown on adding iodine as no starch is present.
Test one of the leaves from destarched plant to check for the absence of photosynthesis.
Mark green and non green area clearly in outline.
Expose plant to at least 5-6 hours of sunlight.
Boil leaf in methylated spirit till it completely turns pale.
Wash bleached leaf in hot water thoroughly.
A potted plant with broad leaves is taken and destarched by keeping in darkness for two
Small amount of potassium hydroxide is taken in wide moth bottle.
Apical half of the leaf is inserted in the wide moth bottle through the split cork.
The set-up is placed in the sunlight for few hours.
The experimental leaf is plucked and tested for starch using iodine.
The apical part of the leaf placed inside the wide mouth bottle turns brown while the other half
outside the bottle turns blue-black.
Potassium hydroxide solution in wide mouth bottle absorbs carbon di oxide. Thus apical part of
the leaf cannot undergo photosynthesis. It turns brown with iodine. Other half outside the bottle
receives carbon dioxide and undergoes photosynthesis. It turns blue black with iodine.
Test one of the leaves from destarched plant to check for the absence of photosynthesis.
Make entire set-up airtight by applying Vaseline.
Expose plant to at least 4-5 hours of sunlight.
Boil leaf in methylated spirit till it completely turns pale.
Wash bleached leaf in hot water thoroughly.
Bubbles of gas rises in the test tube and collects upwards. Water is displaced downwards. The
test tube is allowed to be filled with the gas. The test tube is then removed and the gas is tested
with the glowing splinter. The glowing splinter burst into flames confirming the presence of
oxygen gas.
Hydrilla is an aquatic plant, which carries out photosynthesis. During photosynthesis oxygen is
1. The Pericardium: This is a unique membrane and lubricates the heart in the pericardial space
to avoid friction.
2. The Heart Wall: The heart wall consists of three layers:Epicardium, Myocardium and
3. Chambers of the Heart: There are four chambers of the heart viz. Left atrium, Right atrium,
Left ventricle and Right ventricle
4. Blood Vessels: The blood vessels are the tubes that deliver blood to all parts of a body. There
are three types of blood vessels: Veins, Arteries and capillaries.
5. Valves: These are the fibrous flaps of tissues that are present in cardiac chambers between the
veins. They ensure unidirectional flow and prevent backflow of blood.
Atrioventricular valves are present in every ventricle and atrium. The valve between the
ventricle and right atrium is the tricuspid valve, and the one which is found between the
left ventricle and atrium is known as the mitral valve.
Semilunar valves are present in the large arteries and ventricles. An aortic valve is
present between the aorta and left ventricle, and a pulmonary valve exists between the
pulmonary artery and right ventricle.
A human brain is composed of three main visible parts- Cerebrum, Cerebellum and Medulla
Cerebrum controls the conscious and unconscious mind, intelligence, memory, reason,
Cerebellum maintains the balance of the body.
Medulla oblongata controls involuntary actions like heartbeat, breathing , peristalsis, etc.
The human eye is the most complicated sense organ in the human body, with a several parts
fixed together form a spherical structure. The structure of a human eye can be broadly classified
into External structure and internal structure.
The internal structure of the eye includes the following parts: Lens, Retina, Optic nerve,
Aqueous Humor, Vitreous Humor
1. The Outer Ear consists of the projecting part pinna (also called ‘auricle’) and the passage
auditory canal leading to the ear drum (or tympanum).
2. The Middle Ear contains three tiny bones collectively called ear ossicles- malleus, incus
and stapes or hammer, anvil and stirrup in common terms and an Eustachian tube which
connects the cavity of the middle ear with the throat.
3. The Inner Ear or the membranous labyrinth has two man parts- the cochlea and the
semicircular canals.
Aim: To identify and locate the adrenal, pancreas, thyroid and pituitary glands in human body.
Material required:
Model and chart of human endocrine glands.
3. THYROID Thyroxin
i. Anterior pituitary i. Growth Hormone (Somatotropin; GH)
ii. Prolactin
iii. Adreno-corticotropic hormone (ACTH)
iv. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
v. Follicle stimulating Hormone (FSH)
vi. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Kidneys. A pair of purplish-brown organs is located below the ribs toward the middle of
the back.
The ureters. These narrow tubes carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
Sphincter muscles. These circular muscles help keep urine from leaking by closing
tightly like a rubber band around the opening of the bladder.
Nerves in the bladder. The nerves alert a person when it is time to urinate, or empty the
Blood Vessels:
Renal Artery: It carries oxygenated blood with urea from aorta to kidney.
Renal Vein: It carries deoxygenated blood without urea from kidney to inferior vena