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Title Type SJR H index

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews journal 3.036 Q1 193

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid journal 2.854 Q1 102
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems journal 2.742 Q1 205
Energy Conversion and Management journal 2.54 Q1 147
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy journal 2.318 Q1 69
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics journal 2.215 Q1 205
Energy journal 1.990 Q1 146
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery journal 1.814 Q1 152
Reliability Engineering and System Safety journal 1.665 Q1 112
IEEE Transactions on Reliability journal 1.444 Q1 82
Proceedings of the IEEE journal 1.380 Q1 241
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems journal 1.276 Q1 88
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy journal 1.076 Q2 17
Electric Power Systems Research journal 1.048 Q1 95
Quality and Reliability Engineering International journal 0.955 Q1 46
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine journal 0.942 Q1 59
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution journal 0.907 Q1 87
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks journal 0.769 Q1 10
Power System Technology journal 0.696 Q1 49
Energies journal 0.670 Q1 56
International Review of Electrical Engineering journal 0.594 Q1 26
Smart Structures and Systems journal 0.591 Q1 33
IET Electric Power Applications journal 0.548 Q2 84
IEEE Access journal 0.548 Q1 36
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems journal 0.453 Q2 33
Electric Power Components and Systems journal 0.373 Q2 39
Reliability Engineering and System Safety journal 1.66 Q1 112
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems journal 4.02 Q1 163
Total Docs.Total
Refs.Total CitesCitable
(3years)Docs. (3years)
Cites / Doc.Ref.
/ Doc. 1st review Total time

1439 3330 152276 34869 3291 10.03 105.82 4.4 7.1

525 920 10106 8112 900 7.79 19.25
681 1240 14988 7944 1206 5.81 22.01 2.6 5.9

262 498 5335 3624 488 7.07 20.36

993 2036 25455 18213 2019 8.46 25.63 2.2 3.5
1951 4290 86123 23896 4231 5.26 44.14
371 911 7090 4019 903 4.01 19.11
301 741 11629 3385 726 4.57 38.63
96 342 2872 1174 338 2.94 29.92
158 466 11131 4155 433 8.66 70.45
234 1608 7939 7356 1596 4.57 33.93 6.9 7.4
91 179 2826 680 177 3.61 31
439 1041 13991 3390 1023 3.33 31.87 2.8 3.4
199 500 5601 830 470 1.66 28.15
73 227 267 433 183 2.36 3.66
483 956 14131 3092 949 3.04 29.26
40 81 1375 215 79 2.72 34.38
450 1648 9795 3174 1648 2 21.77
2176 2121 87390 6535 2097 2.89 40.16
48 297 1353 351 297 1.07 28.19
124 397 4607 852 384 2.24 37.15
176 208 4788 643 207 3.06 27.2
2846 1187 103146 5232 1168 4.19 36.24
208 501 6577 811 500 1.58 31.62
193 566 5686 903 554 1.49 29.46
635 726 4.571 3 4.5
259 454 5986 4348 452 8.59 23.11

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