Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: Troubleshooting Reference
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: Troubleshooting Reference
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: Troubleshooting Reference
Toolkit 2010
Troubleshooting Reference
Published: September 2009
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Introduction to Troubleshooting Reference...................................................................................1
Feedback..................................................................................................................................... 1
Known Issues and Workarounds....................................................................................................2
Deployment Workbench..............................................................................................................2
Adding Custom Windows Vista WIM Files...........................................................................2
Error Message “Access to the path \\...\scripts\Autorun.inf is denied” Is Displayed.............3
Understanding Logs.........................................................................................................................4
MDT 2010 Logs...........................................................................................................................4
Operating System Logs...............................................................................................................5
Windows Vista......................................................................................................................5
Windows XP......................................................................................................................... 5
System Center Configuration Manager Operating System Deployment Logs............................6
Identifying Error Codes....................................................................................................................7
Converting Error Codes.............................................................................................................13
Review of Sample Logs.............................................................................................................14
Failure to Access the Database..........................................................................................14
Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................. 15
Application Installation...............................................................................................................15
Blocked Executables..........................................................................................................15
Lost Network Connections.................................................................................................16
The 2007 Microsoft Office System.....................................................................................16
AutoLogon................................................................................................................................. 17
Logon Security Banners.....................................................................................................17
Prompted for User Credentials...........................................................................................17
BIOS.......................................................................................................................................... 18
Configuration Files.....................................................................................................................18
Database Problems...................................................................................................................19
Blocked SQL Browser Requests........................................................................................19
Named Pipe Connections...................................................................................................19
Deployment Scripts...................................................................................................................21
Deployment Shares...................................................................................................................22
Failure to Update WIM Files...............................................................................................22
Deployment Wizard...................................................................................................................23
Wizard Pages Are Not Skipped..........................................................................................23
Disks and Partitioning................................................................................................................23
BitLocker Drive Encryption.................................................................................................23
Disk Partitioning Errors.......................................................................................................25
Support for Logical and Dynamic Disks.............................................................................25
Domain Join...............................................................................................................................25
Driver Installation.......................................................................................................................26
Combining $OEM$ Mass Storage Drivers with MDT 2010 Mass Storage Logic...............26
Troubleshooting Device Installation with SetupAPI.log......................................................26
New Computer Deployments.....................................................................................................27
Failure to Copy Log Files to Shared Folders......................................................................27
PXE Boot............................................................................................................................ 27
Printers...................................................................................................................................... 29
Product Keys.............................................................................................................................29
Restarting the Deployment Process..........................................................................................29
Sysprep..................................................................................................................................... 30
Joining a Domain................................................................................................................30
The Computer Account Is in the Wrong OU.......................................................................30
Execution Limit...................................................................................................................30
System Center Configuration Manager.....................................................................................31
Task Sequences........................................................................................................................31
Bad Task Sequence Item (Invalid OS GUID) Message in Windows Deployment
Wizard................................................................................................................................ 32
Apply Network Settings......................................................................................................32
Upgrading from BDD 2007—Missing Task Sequence Steps..............................................32
Using Continue on Error.....................................................................................................33
User State Migration Tool..........................................................................................................33
Missing Desktop Shortcuts.................................................................................................33
USMT-related Errors During Deployment—Error 1618......................................................34
Windows Deployment Services.................................................................................................35
WDS Service Fails When PXE Filter Is Installed................................................................35
Windows Imaging Format Files.................................................................................................36
Corrupt WIM File................................................................................................................36
Windows PE.............................................................................................................................. 36
Deployment Process Not Initiated—Limited RAM or Wireless Network Adapter...............36
Deployment Process Not Initiated—Missing Components.................................................37
Deployment Process Not Initiated—Missing or Incorrect Drivers.......................................37
Deployment Process Flow Charts.................................................................................................38
LTI Deployment Process Flowcharts.........................................................................................38
ZTI Deployment Process Flowcharts.........................................................................................50
Finding Additional Help.................................................................................................................. 60
Microsoft Services Premier Support..........................................................................................60
Internet Support.........................................................................................................................60
Introduction to Troubleshooting
The deployment of operating systems and applications as well as the migration
of user state can be a challenging endeavor, even when you are equipped with
appropriate tools and guidance. This reference, which is part of Microsoft®
Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2010, provides information on current known issues,
possible workarounds for those issues, and troubleshooting guidance.
Note In this document, Windows applies to the Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, Windows XP
Professional, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Windows Server® 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008,
and Windows Server 2003 operating systems unless otherwise noted.
Note The Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset (DaRT) contains powerful tools for
recovering and troubleshooting client computers that do not start or have become unstable. You
can use DaRT to determine the cause of a crash, restore lost files, and so on. You can also use
DaRT as a troubleshooting tool when developing and deploying a Windows operating system. For
example, if a built image fails to start correctly, you can start the client computer containing the
image by using ERD Commander—a diagnostic environment. Then, you can explore the client
computer’s hard disk, view the event log, remove updates, change operating system settings, and
so on. DaRT is part of the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) for Software Assurance.
To learn more about DaRT, see Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset at
Please direct questions and comments about this guide to
[email protected].
Please provide feedback on the usefulness of this guide by filling out the survey
Deployment Workbench
The following are possible solutions for issues that may arise with the
Deployment Workbench.
Understanding Logs
Before effective troubleshooting of MDT 2010 can begin, you must have a clear
understanding of the many .log files used during an operating system
deployment. When you know which log files to research for what failure condition
and at what time, issues that were once mysterious and difficult to understand
may become clear and understandable.
The MDT 2010 log file format is designed to be read by Trace32, which is part of
the Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 Toolkit 2, available for
download from
FamilyID=61e4e21f-2652-42dd-a04d-b67f0573751d. Use this tool whenever
possible to read the log files, because it makes finding errors much easier.
The rest of this section details the log files created during deployment as well as
during Windows Setup. This section also provides examples of when to use the
files for troubleshooting.
MDT 2010 Logs
Each MDT 2010 script automatically creates log files during its execution. The
names of these log files match the name of the script—for example,
ZTIGather.wsf creates a log file named ZTIGather.log. Each script also updates a
common master log file (BDD.log) that aggregates the contents of the log files
that MDT 2010 scripts create. MDT 2010 log files reside in
C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLOGS during the deployment process. Depending on
the type of deployment being conducted, the log files are moved at the
completion of the deployment to either %WINDIR%\SMSOSD or %WINDIR
%\TEMP\SMSOSD. MDT 2010 creates the following log files:
Windows Vista
The following list is a subset of the Windows Setup log files that are most useful
for troubleshooting deployment issues. For more detailed information about
Windows Vista Setup log files, see the Microsoft Help and Support article,
“Windows Vista setup log file locations,” at
Windows XP
The following log files, located in %WINDIR%, are the most useful when
troubleshooting Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2):
Listing 1 provides an excerpt from a log file that illustrates how to find the error
code. In this excerpt, the error code reported is 5001.
The operating system installation failed. Please contact
your system administrator for assistance.
1. Click Start, and then point to All Programs. Point to Accessories, and then
click Calculator.
2. From the View menu, click Scientific.
3. Select Hex, and then enter the last four digits of the code—in this case, 0040,
as shown in Figure 1.
Notice that leading zeros are not displayed while the calculator is in
Hexadecimal mode.
4. Select Dec.
The hexadecimal value 40 is converted to a decimal value of 64.
5. Open a Command Prompt window, type NET HELPMSG 64, and then press
The NET HELPMSG command translates the numerical error code into
meaningful text. In the case of the error code provided here, it translates to
“The specified network name is no longer available.”
This information indicates that a networking problem may exist on the target
computer or between the target computer and the server on which the
deployment share resides. These problems might include network drivers not
being installed properly or a mismatch in speed and duplex settings.
Possible Solution 2: Use the Microsoft Exchange Server Error Code Look-up
utility. This command-line utility is valuable in assisting with error code
translation. It is available for download from Microsoft Download Center at
Note For clarity, the log file contents above have been represented as they appear while being
viewed using the Trace32 program.
Possible Solution: The issue, as pointed out on the first line of the log file
sample, is that permission to access the database was denied. Therefore, the
script cannot establish a secure connection to the database, possibly because a
user ID and password were not available. As a result, database access was
attempted using the computer account. The easiest way to work around this
issue is to grant everyone Read access to the database.
Prior to embarking on in-depth troubleshooting processes, review the following
items and ensure that any associated requirements have been met:
Installation issues can result if all software and hardware prerequisites have
not been met.
MDT 2010 uses the tools from the Windows XP file as part of the
LTI process. This process uses the System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) to
properly prepare the Windows XP master image before capturing the
operating system in a WIM file. Copy the file into the
deployment_share\Tools\platform folder, where deployment_share is the
name of the share and platform is the name of the platform folder. MDT 2010
will find the file and extract the necessary files.
Application Installation
Review the problems and solutions for application installation issues:
Installation source files that are blocked for security reasons as described in
Blocked Executables.
Loss of network connectivity as described in Lost Network Connections.
Installation error 30029 while installing the 2007 Microsoft Office system or
related files as described in The 2007 Microsoft Office System.
Blocked Executables
Problem: If installation source files are downloaded from the Internet, it is likely
that they will be marked with one or more NTFS file system data streams. For
more information about NTFS data streams, see File Streams at The existence
of NTFS file system data streams might cause an Open File – Security
Warning prompt to be displayed. The installation will not proceed until you click
Run at the prompt.
As Figure 2 shows, you can view NTFS file system data streams using the More
command and the Streams utility, which is available for download from
Possible Solution 1: Right-click the installation source file, and then click
Properties. Click Unblock, and then click OK to remove the NTFS file system
data streams from the file. Repeat this process for each installation source file
that is blocked by the existence of one or more NTFS file system data streams.
Possible Solution 2: Use the Streams utility, as Figure 2 shows, to remove the
NTFS file system data streams from the installation source file. The Streams
utility can remove NTFS file system data streams from one or more files or
folders at once.
Possible Solution 1: Relocate the MSP file to the Updates directory, and then
run setup.exe without specifying the /adminfile option. For more information
about deploying updates during the installation, see “Deploying the 2007 Office
system” at
Possible Solution 2: Verify that the MSP file does not have the Suppress
modal box selected. For more information about configuring this setting, see
Overview of 2007 Office System Deployment at
Review the problems and solutions for automatic logon issues:
Note If you are reusing existing Active Directory® Domain Services (AD DS) accounts, ensure
that, prior to deploying to the target computer, you have relocated the target computer’s account to
an OU that is not affected by the GPO that enforces the security logon banner.
Possible Solution: When capturing images, the source computer should not be
joined to a domain. If the computer was joined to a domain, join the computer to
a workgroup, re-capture the image, and attempt the deployment to a target
computer to determine whether the issue is resolved.
Problem: While deploying to a target computer that is equipped with Intel vPro
technology, the deployment may end with a stop error. Even though all updated
drivers have been included as out-of-box drivers in the Deployment Workbench,
the target computer does not start.
Configuration Files
Problem: While deploying Windows XP using a customized Sysprep.inf file
within MDT 2010 as shown below, MDT 2010 appends a section with just the
information provided by MDT 2010 instead of adding the information to the INF
file. This can cause issues when deploying the image, because Sysprep sees
only the first occurrence of the commented section, not the new section that
MDT 2010 added.
Possible Solution: Do not use inline comments in INF files for MDT 2010 to
Database Problems
Review database-related problems and solutions:
The network share that the SQLShare property specifies provides a means to
connect to the server to gain a proper security context. You must have Read
access to the share. When the connection is made, you can then establish the
named pipe connection to the database. The SQLShare property is not needed
and should not be used when making a TCP/IP connection to the database.
Enable named pipe connections by performing the following tasks based on the
version of SQL Server you are using:
7. Click Start.
The MSSQLSERVER service starts.
8. Click OK.
9. Close SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration.
For additional information, see the Microsoft Help and Support article, “How to
configure SQL Server 2005 to allow remote connections,” at
3. Click Start, and then point to All Programs. Point to Microsoft SQL Server,
and then click SQL Server Service Manager.
4. In the SQL Server Service Manager dialog box, in Services, select
SQL Server, and then click Stop.
5. In the SQL Server Service Manager dialog box, click Start.
6. Close SQL Server Service Manager.
Deployment Scripts
Review MDT 2010–related problems and solutions:
Problem: During the last start-up of a newly deployed computer, the user is
prompted to provide user credentials and may receive error 0x80070035, which
indicates that the network path was not found.
Possible Solution: Be sure that the WIM file does not include a MININT or
_SMSTaskSequence folder. To delete these folders, first use the ImageX utility
to mount the WIM file, and then delete the folders.
Note If an Access Denied error occurs when you attempt to delete the folders from the WIM file,
open a Command Prompt window, switch to the root of the image contained in the WIM file, and
then run RD MININT and RD _SMSTaskSequence.
Problem: If you use the ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf script to apply software updates
during deployment, note that this script may communicate directly with the
Microsoft Update Web site to download and install the required Windows Update
Agent binaries, scan for applicable software updates, download the binaries for
the applicable software updates, and then install the downloaded binaries. This
process requires that your networking infrastructure be configured to allow the
target computer to gain access to the Microsoft Update Web site.
If the deployment share does not contain the Windows Update Agent installation
files and the target computer does not have appropriate Internet access, error
“ not found” is reported in the ZTIWindowsUpdate.log and BDD.log
Deployment Shares
Review deployment share–related problems and solutions:
Deployment Wizard
Review Windows Deployment Wizard–related problems and solutions:
Possible Solution: To properly skip a wizard page, include all properties that
would be specified on that wizard page where appropriate in the MDT DB or
CustomSettings.ini file along with appropriate values. If a property is configured
improperly for a skipped wizard page, that page will be shown. For more
information about which properties are required to ensure that a wizard page is
skipped, see the section, “Providing Properties for Skipped Windows Deployment
Wizard Pages,” in the MDT 2010 document, Toolkit Reference.
Possible Solution: Override the default setting on the Specify the BitLocker
recovery details page in the Windows Deployment Wizard. The Windows
Deployment Wizard summary page displays a warning to inform the user which
drive letter was selected to store BitLocker Drive Encryption recovery
information. In addition, the BDD.log and ZTIBDE.log files record the removable
media devices detected and which device was selected to store the BitLocker
Drive Encryption recovery information.
Possible Solution 1: See the Microsoft Help and Support article, “You cannot
install Windows XP successfully after you use Windows Vista or Windows PE 2.0
to create partitions on a hard disk,” at
us, which describes the problem and provides an update for Windows XP that
can serve as a workaround for the issue. This problem can also occur because of
a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) mismatch between the source computer and
the destination computer or may be the result of a missing mass storage driver.
Domain Join
Problem: During deployment, you use the Windows Deployment Wizard to
provide all the necessary information for the target computer, including
credentials, domain join information, and static IP configuration. When Setup
finishes, you can see that the system has not joined the domain and is still in a
Configure Unattend.xml to join a workgroup. Then, use the built-in Recover from
Domain task sequence step to add a step in the task sequence to join the
domain after the static IP has been applied.
Driver Installation
To ensure the best possible user experience, installation of hardware devices
and software drivers should run as seamlessly as possible, with little or no user
intervention. Microsoft provides tools and guidelines to help create installation
packages that meet this goal. For general information about driver installation,
see Driver Lifecycle at
Problems that occur when using $OEM$ mass storage drivers with
MDT 2010 as described in Combining $OEM$ Mass Storage Drivers with
MDT 2010 Mass Storage Logic.
Troubleshooting device driver installation issues using the SetupAPI.log as
described in Troubleshooting Device Installation with SetupAPI.log.
Possible Solution: Do not combine $OEM$ mass storage drivers with the mass-
storage logic that MDT 2010 uses. Ensure that there are no mass storage drivers
in the $OEM$ directory of any Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 source
Windows XP and later Windows versions log system operations more extensively
than previous versions of Windows. One of the most useful log files for
debugging purposes is the SetupAPI.log file. This plain-text file maintains the
information that SetupAPI records about device installation, service pack
installation, and update installation. Specifically, the file maintains a record of
device and driver changes as well as major system changes beginning from the
most recent Windows installation. This paper focuses on using the SetupAPI log
file to troubleshoot device installation; it does not describe the log file sections
that are associated with service pack and update installations.
Error messages that indicate a shared folder does not exist as described in
Failure to Copy Log Files to Shared Folders.
Problems starting the deployment process using Pre-Boot Execution
Environment (PXE) boot as described in PXE Boot.
PXE Boot
In brief, the PXE protocol operates as follows: The client computer initiates the
protocol by broadcasting a DHCP Discover packet containing an extension that
identifies the request as coming from a client computer that implements the PXE
protocol. Assuming that a boot server implementing this extended protocol is
available, the boot server sends an offer containing the IP address of the server
that will service the client. The client uses Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) to
download the executable file from the boot server. Finally, the client computer
initiates execution of the downloaded image.
The initial phase of this protocol piggybacks on a subset of the DHCP messages
to enable the client to discover a boot server (that is, a server that delivers
executable files for new computer setup). The client computer may use the
opportunity to obtain an IP address (which is the expected behavior) but is not
required to do so.
The second phase of this protocol takes place between the client computer and a
boot server and uses the DHCP message format as a convenient format for
communication. This second phase is otherwise unrelated to the standard DHCP
services. The next few pages outline the step-by-step process during PXE client
computer initialization.
Is there a router between the client computer and the remote installation server
that is not allowing the DHCP-based requests or responses through? When the
Windows Deployment Services client computer and the Windows Deployment
Services server are on separate subnets, configure the router between the two
systems to forward DHCP packets to the Windows Deployment Services server.
This arrangement is necessary, because Windows Deployment Services client
computers discover a Windows Deployment Services server by using a DHCP
broadcast message. Without DHCP forwarding set up on a router, the client
computers’ DHCP broadcasts do not reach the Windows Deployment Services
server. This DHCP forwarding process is sometimes referred to as DHCP Proxy
or IP Helper Address in router configuration manuals. Refer to the router
instructions for more information about setting up DHCP forwarding on a specific
Are the network adapter on the target computer and the switch or router set
to the same speed (automatic, duplex, full, and so on)?
Problem: Even though USMT is able to capture data stored in the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers registry key, it does not migrate TCP/IP–
based printers.
Possible Solution: Include task sequence steps that use the Windows
Server 2003 Print Migrator 3.1 utility to capture and restore printer configurations.
The utility is available for download from
Product Keys
Problem: The target computer is running Windows Vista and has an existing
product key. If you run a task sequence on the target computer to perform an
upgrade to Windows 7, the deployment process fails with an error message
stating that an invalid product key was provided.
Review Sysprep–related problems and solutions:
Joining a Domain
Problem: The target computer is not joined to the domain.
Possible Solution 2: Verify that the specified credentials have sufficient rights to
join computers to the domain.
Possible Solution 2: Verify that the specified OU is in the correct format and
that it exists. The correct OU format should be
Execution Limit
Problem: The following Windows product activation error message is displayed
after a master computer has had Sysprep run three times.
Possible Solution 1: Never run Sysprep on the master image; instead, capture
an image of the computer prior to running Sysprep. When the image requires
updating, restore the master image, make any required changes, and then
recapture the image prior to running Sysprep.
Possible Solution 2: When running Sysprep, use the –activated option to avoid
resetting activations. For more information, see the Microsoft Help and Support
article, “‘Error 0x80040605 Re-arming’ Error Message When You Try to Run
Riprep.exe or Sysprep.exe on Windows XP,” at
Possible Solution: If a PXE service point previously existed on the server you
are configuring, the PXE service point may not have deleted the self-created
certificates when you uninstalled it. Delete the PXE certificate folder from
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA,
where user_name is the name of the user performing the current configuration or
who performed the previous configuration. The New Site Role wizard in the
Configuration Manager Console should successfully finish when you have
deleted the folder.
Task Sequences
Review task sequence–related problems and solutions:
The Windows Deployment Wizard displays the error message “Bad Task
Sequence Item (Invalid OS GUID)” as described in Bad Task Sequence Item
(Invalid OS GUID) Message in Windows Deployment Wizard.
While configuring a network connection name, the message “Please enter a
valid name for the network adapter” is displayed as described in Apply
Network Settings.
Task sequence steps are missing after upgrading from BDD 2007 as
described in Upgrading from BDD 2007—Missing Task Sequence Steps.
Possible Solution: The original operating system source has two or more WIM
files associated. An SKU that is associated with a task sequence is deleted;
however, other SKUs for the operating system source still exist. When the task
sequence that references the deleted SKU is selected on the Select a task
sequence to execute on this computer wizard page in the Windows
Deployment Wizard, the error message “Bad Task Sequence Item (Invalid OS
GUID)" is displayed after you click Next on the wizard page.
Remove all SKUs from the operating system source. The Windows
Deployment Wizard behaves normally, and the error message is not
Change the task sequence to use a different operating system image.
Possible Solution: Remove any spaces and invalid characters from the
specified connection name.
Note Any custom task sequence steps that are relocated to the Custom Tasks or Unknown Tasks
groups in the task sequence are disabled. To continue to use these task sequence steps in
MDT 2010, relocate the task sequence steps to their proper location in the task sequence and
enable them.
Two task sequence groups have been created, and either group contains more
than one task sequence step:
Group A
Step A
Step B
Group B
Step A
Step B
If Group A\Step A is configured not to continue on error, then Group A\Step B will
not be processed. However, all task sequence steps in Group B will be
Shortcuts that point to documents stored in network shared folders may not
be restored properly as described in Missing Desktop Shortcuts.
USMT error 1618 is displayed while deploying Windows XP images as
described in USMT-related Errors During Deployment—Error 1618.
Solution Accelerators
Troubleshooting Reference: Troubleshooting 37
Possible Solution: Edit the MigUser.xml file and comment out the following line:
<include> filter='MigXmlHelper.IgnoreIrrelevantLinks()'>
<include> <!--
filter='MigXmlHelper.IgnoreIrrelevantLinks()'> -->
The last three lines of the log file are an attempt at recovering from the initial
behavior—the MDT 2010 scripts have logic that attempts to install USMT by
extracting the bits from a CAB file but only after the initial Windows Installer–
based installation fails.
Possible Solution 1: Check the event log to see what other installations were
initiated at or near the time of the USMT installation, and verify that the
commands for those installations are appropriate.
Possible Solution 2: You can avoid this problem by creating a USMT CAB file,
but you will likely encounter other issues if you do not correct the cause of the
original error.
Repeat the following steps for the x86 and x64 versions of USMT to repackage
the USMT files into CAB files from which MDT 2010 can extract USMT to the
target computer during deployment:
The WDS service does not work as expected after upgrading to MDT 2010 as
described in WDS Service Fails When PXE Filter Is Installed.
Possible Solution: If the previous installation of MDT used WDS PXE Filter
support, you must remove this support to allow the WDS service to work as
expected. Use the Remove WDS PXE Filter Wizard to remove support.
Note To access the Remove WDS PXE Filter Wizard, click Start, and then point to All Programs.
Point to Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, and then click Remove WDS PXE Filter Wizard.
LTI and ZTI deployments fail with WIM file errors in the BDD.log file as
described in Corrupt WIM File.
Investigate the issue by mounting the WIM file using ImageX results in the error,
“The data is invalid.” Further investigation shows that the date stamp of the WIM
file is many years before the current date. It is possible that another process,
such as a virus scanner, was holding the WIM file open after it was previously
closed at the conclusion of a Read or Write process.
Windows PE
Review Windows PE–related problems and solutions:
Windows PE 2.0 is unable to run on a target computer that has less than 512 MB
of RAM. Also, because of the nature of LTI in MDT 2010, LTI will not run with
Windows PE 2005.
Validation (Figure 4)
State Capture (Figure 5 and Figure 6)
Preinstall (Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9)
Install (Figure 10)
Postinstall (Figure 11 and Figure 12)
State Restore (Figure 13, Figure 14, Figure 15, and Figure 16)
Initialization (Figure 17)
Validation (Figure 18)
State Capture (Figure 19)
Preinstall (Figure 20)
Install (Figure 21)
Postinstall (Figure 22)
State Restore (Figure 23 and Figure 24)
Capture (Figure 25)
Note Please note that support for MDT 2010 is done via callback, with response times generally
ranging between 1 and 4 hours depending on the severity of the issue and other issues in the
Internet Support
Many online sources provide additional troubleshooting assistance for MDT 2010
beyond what is covered in this reference. These online sources include:
Microsoft-hosted blogs:
MDT 2010 Team blog at
Deployment Guys blog at
Ben Hunter’s blog at
(Ben Hunter is a consultant with Microsoft Services–New Zealand.)
Michael Niehaus’ blog at
(Michael Niehaus writes on Windows and Microsoft Office deployment.)
microsoft.public.deployment.desktop at
System Center Configuration Manager at
ForumGroupID=488&SiteID=17 at
microsoft.public.usmt at
microsoft.public.deployment.app_compatibility at
TechNet forum: Windows Vista Deployment and Imaging at
Deployment-related information sources from outside Microsoft: at at at