MSEC2018-6613: An Approach To Complete Product Definition Using Step in Cloud Manufacturing

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Proceedings of the ASME 2018 13th International

Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference

June 18-22, 2018, College Station, TX, USA




Rivai Wardhani Chao Liu

Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Auckland The University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand Auckland, New Zealand

Khamdi Mubarok Xun Xu

Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Auckland The University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand Auckland, New Zealand

ABSTRACT And one of the potential elements that can be enhanced to boost
The advancement of various product development product development is in design.
technologies is contributing to a total integrated manufacturing As known, in design process an engineering drawing is
process. And model-based design (MBD) is a key enabler for delivered to carry and maintain product definition related to a
such a total integration. The current MBD approach still does part or product design. Currently, the advancement of computer
not support retaining of information needed at different stages technology gives significant impact on design process. With the
of a product lifecycle. Collaboration among different Computer rapid development of Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Aided Design (CAD) systems still becomes an issue due to the technology, no longer engineering drawings will be used as the
different proprietary data format. This research provides a primary product definition. Currently, the Model-based
consolidated approach to complete product definition based on Definition (MBD) approach which is gaining popularity in
STEP AP242 neutral data format using general notes data various industry, promises reduced time-to-market and
structure. To validate and demonstrate the solution, the improved product quality [1]. MBD is defined as an approach
approach is instantiated in P21 design file and implemented in to integrate 3D annotation and product manufacturing
cloud manufacturing as a case study. information (PMI) directly with 3D models to define design
specification of individual part or product assembly. Moreover,
KEYWORDS: Model-Based Definition, Complete Product MBD is associated with Model-based Engineering (MBE)
Definition, STEP AP242, General Notes, Cloud manufacturing. which is defined as an approach to product development,
manufacturing and lifecycle support that uses digital model to
INTRODUCTION drive all engineering activities [2].
Some standards have been released to guide the
Manufacturing is a complex process which covers some
implementation of the MBD approach, for example ISO
certain stages: design, process planning, machining, production,
16792:2015 [3] Technical product documentation - Digital
inspection, and product delivery. To meet customers’ demand
product definition data practices, and ASME Y14.41:2012 [4]
and survive in business competition, every variables in the
Digital product definition data practices. These standards
process must be improved. Every enhancement in each stages
stipulate that presentation and visualization of products should
will contribute a positive impact on the manufacturing process.
be managed with the annotations. In addition, in practical

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mechanical design, some commercial CAD software already Although the major CAD software developers offer MBD
implemented MBD approach in their latest version, such as in their packages, there is still a big challenge to complete
CATIA 3D Functional Tolerancing and Annotation (FTA) in product definition in MBD environment. Design features have
Catia V5-6R2016, NX Product and Manufacturing Information been established by giving specific dimensions, certain
(PMI) in Siemens NX 10, Annotate in PTC Creo 4 and tolerances and annotations on each feature. However, it is still
Solidwork MBD in Solidworks 2018. Consequently, CAD users not enough to control all the elements in a product. The
can create model based definition solutions which comply with allowable limitations to enclose the deviation of size and
the predominant industry standards only in their own geometrical features are required. The way to ensure that
proprietary file format. permissible part constraints can be realized by stating a
In order to empower collaboration between users and general/engineering note. In cloud manufacturing environment,
different CAD systems, a neutral data format is required. One of service request from service consumers is started by uploading
the widely used format neutral CAD format is STEP (Standard product design data model in the cloud. And it will be used in
for the exchange Product Model data). Regarding MBD all activities in cloud manufacturing system. So there is a need
implementation, International Standard Organization (ISO) has to complete product definition data model containing general
published ISO 10303-Application Protocol 242 [5] (then called notes which is applicable in cloud manufacturing. Therefore, in
AP 242) was published to merge two previous application this paper, an AP242 data structure with general or engineering
protocols, AP 203 [6] (Configuration Controlled 3D Designs of note approach is proposed to complete product definition in
Mechanical Parts and Assemblies) and AP 214 [7] (Core Data MBD approach using STEP neutral data format. And in the case
for Automotive Mechanical Design Process). This AP242 study, OWL ontology will be developed in general tolerance in
enables the development of MBD in intelligent manufacturing a cloud manufacturing system.
system because the design model is associated with PMI This paper is presented in six sections as follows. In section
(geometric dimensioning and tolerances, annotation, symbols) literature review, the current research in model based definition,
as a semantic representation and this product model is possible STEP AP242 and cloud manufacturing are reviewed. The
to be adapted into any smart manufacturing technologies. proposed system is illustrated in Section 3. Three items of
Paradigm shifting from production-oriented to service- common general notes in mechanical drawing described and
oriented and cloud computing technology have transformed mapped to AP242 data structure as an approach to complete
traditional manufacturing business model into one of smart product definition are presented in Section Four. Section Five
manufacturing technology, cloud manufacturing. Cloud focuses on case study in cloud manufacturing system. Section
manufacturing is a service-oriented business model where Six contains the conclusion of the paper.
distributed resources are enclosed into cloud service and
managed in a centralized way [8]. In this business model, cloud LITERATURE REVIEW
connects two business roles, service consumers which request
manufacturing services from the cloud and service providers MODEL-BASED DEFINITION
which receive orders or sub-orders from the cloud [9]. To
Realizing its benefits, MBD approach gained popularity in
represent model products or manufacturing resources over the
the 2010s, driven by the aerospace and automotive industries.
internet, it needs service-oriented description ontology
Related to that, some studies have been conducted in the
languages such as Web Ontology Language (OWL), Web
academia. One of the main concern is MBD requirement as
Service Modelling Ontology (WSMO) and Web Service
primary product definition. In the early research on MBD,
Definition Language (WSDL). On the other hand, there is
Quintana et al. [1] viewed content aspect from product lifecycle
limitation of EXPRESS language for STEP in explicitly
management (PLM) which stated that the drawing elements
interpreting and semantics exchanging in CAD model and some
should go through filtering process in which they moved from a
researchers have applied semantic web technologies in
2D to a 3D element. Most elements are still required, and some
developing ontologies in cloud manufacturing environment.
elements are no longer necessary and should be adapted. Still
Patil [10], Gupta and Gurumoorthy [11] developed ontologies
from the PLM point of view, Hartman et al. [17] presented the
on feature ontology and Zhu [12] worked on assembly
result of a conducted survey about identifying and qualifying
constraints respectively. In addition, the use of OWL [13]
the information needed in 3D model. In their work, some
ontology and related technologies have been gained significant
certain elements as minimum information model which
improvement in broader issues such as Ahmed and Han [14] in
established from common information elements and specific
linear and geometry tolerance and He et al. [15] in part. And
elements were identified. In the related conjoint work with
Barbau et al. [16] developed the extensive ontology
Hartman, Ruemler et al. conducted a survey to industry
development in CAD model system by building OntoSTEP. In
professionals from various sectors to find common information
addition, for specifying request for manufacturing resources, Lu
model amongst different aspects of the lifecycle [18].
[9] proposed ontology dealing with hierarchical structure of a
From the product data management (PDM) point of view,
Srinivasan [19] classified the types of data associated into

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product data and product metadata. Product data or engineering dimensions and particular GD&T annotations which are applied
object is visually conveyed in detailed geometric design of a on the shape representation are still not enough as represented
part, such as nominal geometry, geometric dimension and in primary definition in MBD.
tolerances information (GD&T). Metadata is data about data
and called business objects. In engineering drawings, MAPPING GENERAL NOTES IN STEP DATA MODELS
information related to the part/product represented in a drawing In design stage, a part detailed design is defined by stating
and drawing document can be categorized as metadata such as a shape geometry, dimensions placed between entities, linear
title block, the style of projection, default tolerance, etc. From tolerances indicated on dimension value, geometric tolerances
the PLM and PDM view, their research investigated more about and any necessary manufacturing information placed on specific
content requirement to establish MBD product definition in features. General principles of the practical mechanical drawing
high-level framework. can be referred to ISO 129 which covers 2D technical drawing
and technical product documentation. General principles for
STEP AP242 standardized presentation and visualization of annotation on 3D
International standards have been released regarding the models are provided in ISO 16792. But to control all elements
use of 3D model as the product technical data in manufacturing of size and geometry, it needs permissible limitation to cover
process. But those standards mainly focus on presentation or the deviation of size and geometrical features. In addition, to
visualization standard. Due to the urgent need for representation enclose the part specification which cannot be applied for the
data model in neutral data format, ISO TC184/SC4 published referenced feature, it is necessary to supplement an engineering
the newest AP, ISO 10303 – Application Protocol (AP) 242 in note. Therefore, the way to ensure that permissible part
title “Managed Model Based 3D Engineering”. With this constraints or a specification that applied to the whole part is by
neutral data format standard, a model is not only human- stating general notes. General notes are defined as any
readable, but also becomes machine-readable, and can be used information conveyed as text in mechanical drawing and the
for further users in machining and inspection stages. So, STEP general notes are constructed to complete mechanical drawing
AP242 which contains PMI representation is an enabler of 3D intention.
model-based engineering [20]. To be able in collaboration with In order to understand what appropriate general notes
other computer-aided design and manufacturing, Lipman and content in MBD environment, it needs to look some standards.
Lubell [21] proposed a conformance checking for STEP files Based on ASME Y14.41-2012 [26], ASME Y14.5 [27] and
AP242. This testing is necessary to ensure PMI representation National CAD Standard (NCS) [28], in term of content aspect,
in AP242 exported from any CAD systems conforms to the we proposed to divide general notes into three different
STEP schema. Then the checking tool was implemented and categories: (a) basic information elements, (b) general tolerance
named as STEP File Analyzer [22]. and dimensioning elements, and (c) instructions elements. The
In terms of integration for different usages with other first category, general information elements can be defined as
applications, STEP AP242 has also been researched. Li et al. basic information related to entire model and its interpretation,
proposed a data model based on AP242 for in-process 3D e.g. dimension unit, reference standard, symbol. The general
monitoring in ceramic micro manufacturing industry [23]. In tolerance and dimensioning elements cover specification of
their work, the product was represented in two aspects: as the allowed variation for the product which not covered in
designed data, and as the measured data. Related to machining individual features (unless otherwise stated condition). The
process, Tanaka et al. utilized 3D annotated model in AP242, to product model is the perfect shape desired by the designer and
represent surface roughness associated with a surface or general tolerance and dimensioning elements provides
advanced_face and combined with measurement result model permissible variations in shape and function. These
[24]. In the application of machining process, Trainer et al. [25] specifications include general dimensional tolerances
investigated the model-based interoperability from design to (dimensional and angular tolerance), general geometrical
machining and from design to inspection. The project showed tolerance (straightness and flatness, perpendicularity), default
the interoperability testing using STEP AP242 with embedded fillet or radius dimension, surface finish, and surface texture.
PMI was successful. But there were some significant gaps, such The instructions elements cover any information related to
as incomplete PMI coverage of general note and surface-finish. operation and finishing process, e.g. finish all over (FAO) and
Overall, in mechanical design, the most current CAD remove all burr or undefined edge. In term of visualization
software providers have their own packages to support MBD aspect, all categories shall be visualized in viewer application
method. However, with their own proprietary data format, and downstream users can access and exploit the general notes.
working with different CAD or CAM system could be a In data structure of product data definition, not all general notes
problem in collaboration. In addition, MBD design data should need to be represented. The two categories, the basic
be consumed by all downstream users as well. In this case, information and instructions elements can be presented or
MBD interoperability which is supported by STEP neutral data visualized as human readable content. The general tolerance
format could be a possible solution. Furthermore, specified elements must be not only presented in visualization, but also

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included in the data structure of the product to complete of the part defined using AP242 in mechanical engineering
product data definition. In other word, the general tolerance and discipline should have mechanical properties [29]. And the
dimensioning category can be defined as the minimum general product entity, which is representation of a product, depends on
notes information regarding the machining process product a set of product_context within which the product is relevant.
definition. In Table 1, some example notes are classified in the Further, the product_definition_formation_with_specified_
related specifications and standards. source is described as a product or part version which need to
In this paper, necessary general notes AP242 data models either manufactured or supplied. Third, the
consist of topology, geometry and GD&T. The other important product_definition_context entity represents information about
requirements to complete product data definition are covered by the life cycle stage of the data model. The life cycle phase
general notes. In order to integrate all information, the data described in this entity will be used as the source for
structure using STEP AP242 is proposed. The basic idea of the product_definition entity.
integration is shown in Figure 1 which shows the high-level The product_definition entity becomes the centre element
AP242 information model described in EXPRESS-G. Based on which performs as a representation of an aspect of a product in
ISO 10303-41 [26], the highest level is the application_context the identified life cycle phase. In addition, this entity can
entity which represents information relating to product data and aggregate some information about the product properties.
establishes the application. The application_context entity then Configuration of the shape of the part and characteristics of the
is referenced by some elements, which are part can be placed in the product_definition_shape entity. The
application_protocol_definition, product_context and entity of shape_definition_representation is used to associate a
product_definition_context. First, the shape_representation with a product_definition_shape. And
application_protocol_definition identifies the used AP. Second, property_definition_representation entity will associate between
the product_context entity is a subtype of application_context a representation of the property and a property_definition
element which represents the engineering discipline in which through the product_definition_shape entity.
data about the product are created. In this field, mechanical is
used as discipline type. Furthermore, it relates that the product


Related to configuration of product properties, the should be inherited as general properties. The other approach is
approach used in the proposed data structure is “specification as “material as product” which relates the material as the product
part/product property”. It means any specified specifications in property being represented in different ways [30]. This
general notes are considered as part/product property and approach was more difficult to implement because extensive

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inherited properties must be addressed, such as quantity and the surface roughness annotation can be applied to a face. In this
relation between machined part and its property of the product context, the entity of surface roughness should be associated
with a shape_aspect which represents identified an element of
CONSTRUCTION OF GENERAL NOTES DATA MODELS the shape of a part. To include surface finish specification to
To translate a specification in general notes to STEP-based any faces which unspecified, the entity can be referenced to
data models; it needs to construct the corresponding property_definition. Figure 3 shows the data structure to
specifications based on STEP AP242 data models. The common establish surface finish specification in general notes. A
general notes specified in the title block of technical drawings, property_definition_representation will associate between a
such as material specification, surface texture (finishing representation of property and a property_definition entity. The
specification) and general tolerance (design specification), will entity used to represent surface roughness or waviness is
be taken as the case study. surface_texture_representation. The representation_item is used
The first property needs to be specified in the design stage as an element of entity representation to shows
is material. Based on its definition in ISO 10303-45 [31], measure_representation_item with a value_component and
Figure 2 shows the data structure to include material as general unit_component as attributes. A measure_with_unit is used to
properties. As the basis, a part material can be defined by text represent a physical quantity. Because the unit used for
data type, described in Table 2. In this case, the roughness is not covered under supertype the
descriptive_representation_item entity is used to specify the measure_with_unit entity, the measure_qualification entity is
part material. used to associate one or a set of qualifiers with a blank label in
the name attribute of a type_qualifier entity. Table 3 and 4
shows the attributes for the surface_texture_representation
TABLE 1 GENERAL NOTES CLASSIFICATION entity and measure_representation_item entity.
Specification Item Standard
Design Linear Tolerance ISO 2768 -1
Geometric tolerance ISO 2768 -2
External Radius ISO 2768-1
Angular ISO 2768-1
Chamfer ISO 2768-1
Process Surface finish ISO 1302
Surface texture ISO 4288
Finish All Over (FAO)
Finishing Burr or undefined edge ISO 13715
Material Part material

Attribute Type Defined by
name label “Al6061”
description text “Aluminium

Instantiation of the material specification in our STEP

design file can be seen below.
#10962=PROPERTY_DEFINITION(‘material property’, DATA STRUCTURE
‘material name’,#10949);
'Aluminium alloy');
The second specification which commonly described in
general notes is surface finish. In the 3D annotated model,

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Attribute Type Defined By The geometry of part design is defined by dimensioned and
name label “default surface constrained some specified tolerance. Some basic dimensions
roughness” which are applied to any geometry entities also need constraints
items SET OF Representation to enclose allowable deviation on them. The simple way to
representation_item item define common variations is using general tolerance. To cover
context_of_ representation_context ‘default setting’ allowable deviation on unspecified tolerance, the application of
items general tolerance follows some different ways. In ASME
standard, unless-otherwise-specified tolerance is applied using
TABLE 4 MEASURE_REPRESENTATION_ITEM decimal places precision, such as 1 decimal place ±0.1, 2
Attribute Type Defined By decimal places ±0.03 and 3 decimal places ±0.010. General
value_component measure_value ‘3.2’ tolerance in ISO standard is implemented based on size of the
unit_component unit ‘R’ dimension, such as range 0-30 mm tolerance applied ±0.2,
range 30-120 tolerance applied ±0.3, etc. Furthermore,
As can be seen in the instantiation example of P21 file, the permissible deviations in standard ISO 2768 are classified into
default surface roughness value is stated in the tolerance classes. Another way is using overall tolerance which
measure_with_unit, and the unit is declared with unknown applies tolerance value to all unspecified tolerance on basic
label. part’s dimension. As an example, the general tolerance taken for
#10963=PROPERTY_DEFINITION_REPRESENTATION(#10965, case study is stated ±0.1 mm.
#10964); In this paper, the general notes using an overall tolerance is
surface roughness',(#10966),#10944); applied. Figure. 4 shows the data structure to include the overall
#10965=PROPERTY_DEFINITION('surface roughness general tolerance. The property_definition_representation entity
property','',#10949); will consolidate between representation entity and
MEASURE_REPRESENTATION_ITEM() property_definition entity. The descriptive_representation_item
MEASURE_WITH_UNIT((3.2),#10967) is used to specify the description for tolerance designation. The
REPRESENTATION_ITEM('')); default_tolerance_table entity as the subtype of representation
#10949=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('','',#10950); will contain information about general tolerance, and the set of
default values for the dimension are provided in the
default_tolerance_table_cell entity. There may exist one or
more tolerance table cell for the general_tolerance_table. In this
case, only one tolerance value exists. The value of the overall
general tolerance and the unit are specified in the
measure_representation_item entity.

The instantiation of the overall general tolerance in our

P21 STEP design file can be seen below.

#10969=DEFAULT_TOLERANCE_TABLE('default tolerance',
#10971=PROPERTY_DEFINITION('general tolerance

In the implementation, general notes defined in AP242 data
structure are instantiated in P21 design file. In cloud
manufacturing environment, a manufacturing business requires

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a request from customers, resources from resources providers resource with proper accuracy (machine tool/resource
and the cloud manufacturing platform provider. Any request selection). Figure 5 shows the explicit represented general
from customer can be based on design file or extended design tolerance information in RDF/XML data format. The document
file (includes machining features information, macro process is generated by OntoSTEP which converted our P21 design file
planning, etc). to RDF/XML format.
In this example, it is assumed that a request only based on
design file. The general tolerance stated in design file can be
applied as a requirement to match into any available service


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