MSEC2018-6613: An Approach To Complete Product Definition Using Step in Cloud Manufacturing
MSEC2018-6613: An Approach To Complete Product Definition Using Step in Cloud Manufacturing
MSEC2018-6613: An Approach To Complete Product Definition Using Step in Cloud Manufacturing
ABSTRACT And one of the potential elements that can be enhanced to boost
The advancement of various product development product development is in design.
technologies is contributing to a total integrated manufacturing As known, in design process an engineering drawing is
process. And model-based design (MBD) is a key enabler for delivered to carry and maintain product definition related to a
such a total integration. The current MBD approach still does part or product design. Currently, the advancement of computer
not support retaining of information needed at different stages technology gives significant impact on design process. With the
of a product lifecycle. Collaboration among different Computer rapid development of Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Aided Design (CAD) systems still becomes an issue due to the technology, no longer engineering drawings will be used as the
different proprietary data format. This research provides a primary product definition. Currently, the Model-based
consolidated approach to complete product definition based on Definition (MBD) approach which is gaining popularity in
STEP AP242 neutral data format using general notes data various industry, promises reduced time-to-market and
structure. To validate and demonstrate the solution, the improved product quality [1]. MBD is defined as an approach
approach is instantiated in P21 design file and implemented in to integrate 3D annotation and product manufacturing
cloud manufacturing as a case study. information (PMI) directly with 3D models to define design
specification of individual part or product assembly. Moreover,
KEYWORDS: Model-Based Definition, Complete Product MBD is associated with Model-based Engineering (MBE)
Definition, STEP AP242, General Notes, Cloud manufacturing. which is defined as an approach to product development,
manufacturing and lifecycle support that uses digital model to
INTRODUCTION drive all engineering activities [2].
Some standards have been released to guide the
Manufacturing is a complex process which covers some
implementation of the MBD approach, for example ISO
certain stages: design, process planning, machining, production,
16792:2015 [3] Technical product documentation - Digital
inspection, and product delivery. To meet customers’ demand
product definition data practices, and ASME Y14.41:2012 [4]
and survive in business competition, every variables in the
Digital product definition data practices. These standards
process must be improved. Every enhancement in each stages
stipulate that presentation and visualization of products should
will contribute a positive impact on the manufacturing process.
be managed with the annotations. In addition, in practical
Related to configuration of product properties, the should be inherited as general properties. The other approach is
approach used in the proposed data structure is “specification as “material as product” which relates the material as the product
part/product property”. It means any specified specifications in property being represented in different ways [30]. This
general notes are considered as part/product property and approach was more difficult to implement because extensive
Attribute Type Defined by
name label “Al6061”
description text “Aluminium
#10969=DEFAULT_TOLERANCE_TABLE('default tolerance',
#10971=PROPERTY_DEFINITION('general tolerance
In the implementation, general notes defined in AP242 data
structure are instantiated in P21 design file. In cloud
manufacturing environment, a manufacturing business requires