Absar Kazmi Rathin Evaluation
Absar Kazmi Rathin Evaluation
Absar Kazmi Rathin Evaluation
(Referee's Overall Recommendation)
(b) The thesis be accepted after clarification of the minor points listed in
my report, at the time of viva-voce.
(d) The thesis requires major revisions. The nature of the revisions are
indicated in my report. It is recommended that the revised thesis be
examined again by an external referee.
(Referee's Detailed Comments)
2. IIT Bombay expects the thesis to be comparable to the standards expected of reputed
universities in the world . The thesis must contain original work and critical
interpretation which is worthy of publication.
3. A "Referee's Evaluation Report on Ph.D. Thesis" format is given to the examiner with
the thesis. The form consists of two sections, as follows:
Section A (Referee's Overall Recommendation)
Ticking the first or second box ('a' or 'b') implies that the scheduling of PhD viva voce
exam is recommended. Ticking the third box ('c'), on the other hand, implies that the
candidate will give a detailed response to the Internal examiner to comments provided
in Section B along with an action taken report. The fourth box ('d') implies that the
thesis needs to be revised, and the revised thesis should be reevaluated by an
external referee. The fifth box ('e') is self explanatory.
Section B (Referee's Detailed Comments)
Section B is expected to be detailed. The comments should draw attention to the
merits as well as the shortcomings of the thesis. In particular, if 'd' or 'e' are
recommended in Section A, detailed comments to support the recommendation are
4. In addition, if you strongly feel that this thesis is worthy of an award, you may
recommend the thesis for an IITBombay "Best Thesis Award" along with your
comments. You may base your recommendation on a comparison with other thesis
in a similar area, with which you are familiar.
5. The "Referee's Evaluation Report on Ph.D. Thesis" (both Sections A and B) should be
sent by email (in pdf format) to ([email protected]). If the hard copy of the thesis has
been sent to Examiner(s), they may retain the hard copy of the thesis, unless they
have marked corrections and would like to share these with the candidate/
supervisor(s). In this case, the thesis may be posted to the following address:
Assistant Registrar (Academic),
Academic Section,
IIT Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai, 400076, India.
भभारततीय पपररौदद्योगगिकती ससंस्थभान ममबसं ई
Academic Office
Sub.: Payment of Honorarium to the PhD Thesis Referee
Kindly arrange to make payment of honorarium due to me to my bank account.
1. Personal details of the Referee
Name ___________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________
Phone / Mob. No. __________________________________________________________
Email id __________________________________________________________
2. Bank details :
Account Number __________________________________________________________
PAN No. __________________________________________________________
IBAN /IFSC code __________________________________________________________
Swift code / BIC __________________________________________________________
Bank Name __________________________________________________________
Bank Address with Pin code __________________________________________________________
I, __________________________________ hereby confirm that the above mentioned personal and bank details
should be used to remit any payments due to me. I agree that IIT Bombay shall not be held responsible for non-
payment if details provided are not found to be correct.