Elements of Probability Theory: 5.1 Probability Space and Random Variables

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Chapter 5

Elements of Probability Theory

The purpose of this chapter is to summarize some important concepts and results in
probability theory. Of particular interest to us are the limit theorems which are powerful
tools to analyze the convergence behaviors of econometric estimators and test statistics.
These properties are the core of the asymptotic analysis in subsequent chapters. For a
more complete and thorough treatment of probability theory see Davidson (1994) and
other probability textbooks, such as Ash (1972) and Billingsley (1979). Bierens (1994),
Gallant (1997) and White (2001) also provide concise coverages of the topics in this
chapter. Many results here are taken freely from the references cited above; we will not
refer to them again in the text unless it is necessary.

5.1 Probability Space and Random Variables

5.1.1 Probability Space

The probability space associated with a random experiment is determined by three

components: the outcome space Ω whose element ω is an outcome of the experiment,
a collection of events F whose elements are subsets of Ω, and a probability measure IP
assigned to the elements in F.
Given the subset A of Ω, its complement is defined as Ac = {ω ∈ Ω : ω ∈ A}. In the
probability space (Ω, F, IP), F is a σ-algebra (σ-field) in the sense that it satisfies the
following requirements.

1. Ω ∈ F.

2. If A ∈ F, then Ac ∈ F.

3. If A1 , A2 , . . . are in F, then ∪∞
n=1 An ∈ F.


The first and second properties together imply that Ωc = ∅ is also in F. Combining the
second and third properties we have from de Morgan’s law that
∞ c ∞
An = Acn ∈ F.
n=1 n=1

A σ-algebra is thus closed under complementation, countable union and countable in-

The probability measure IP : F → [0, 1] is a real-valued set function satisfying the

following axioms.

1. IP(Ω) = 1.

2. IP(A) ≥ 0 for all A ∈ F.

3. if A1 , A2 , . . . ∈ F are disjoint, then IP(∪∞
n=1 An ) = n=1 IP(An ).

From these axioms we easily deduce that IP(∅) = 0, IP(Ac ) = 1 − IP(A), IP(A) ≤ IP(B)
if A ⊆ B, and

IP(A ∪ B) = IP(A) + IP(B) − IP(A ∩ B).

Moreover, if {An } is an increasing (decreasing) sequence in F with the limiting set A,

then limn IP(An ) = IP(A).

Let C be a collection of subsets of Ω. The intersection of all the σ-algebras that

contain C is the smallest σ-algebra containing C; see Exercise 5.1. This σ-algebra is
referred to as the σ-algebra generated by C, denoted as σ(C). When Ω = R, the Borel
field is the σ-algebra generated by all open intervals (a, b) in R, usually denoted as
B d . Note that open intervals, closed intervals [a, b], half-open intervals (a, b] or half
lines (−∞, b] can be obtained from each other by taking complement, union and/or
intersection. For example,
(a, b] = a, b + , (a, b) = a, b − .
n n
n=1 n=1

Thus, the collection of all closed intervals (half-open intervals, half lines) generates the
same Borel field. This is why open intervals, closed intervals, half-open intervals and
half lines are also known as Borel sets. The Borel field on Rd , denoted as B d , is generated
by all open hypercubes:

(a1 , b1 ) × (a2 , b2 ) × · · · × (ad , bd ).

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Equivalently, B d can be generated by all closed hypercubes:

[a1 , b1 ] × [a2 , b2 ] × · · · × [ad , bd ],

or by

(−∞, b1 ] × (−∞, b2 ] × · · · × (−∞, bd ].

The sets that generate the Borel field B d are all Borel sets.

5.1.2 Random Variables

A random variable z defined on (Ω, F, IP) is a function z : Ω → R such that for every B
in the Borel field B, its inverse image of B is in F, i.e.,

z −1 (B) = {ω : z(ω) ∈ B} ∈ F.

We also say that z is a F/B-measurable (or simply F-measurable) function. Non-

measurable functions are very exceptional in practice and hence are not of general
interest. Given the random outcome ω, the resulting value z(ω) is known as a realization
of z. The realization of z varies with ω and hence is governed by the random mechanism
of the underlying experiment.

A Rd -valued random variable (random vector) z defined on (Ω, F, IP) is a function

z : Ω → Rd such that for every B ∈ B d ,

z −1 (B) = {ω : z(ω) ∈ B} ∈ F;

that is, z is a F/B d -measurable function. Given the random vector z, its inverse images
z −1 (B) form a σ-algebra, denoted as σ(z). This σ-algebra must be in F, and it is the
smallest σ-algebra contained in F such that z is measurable. This is known as the
σ-algebra generated by z or, more intuitively, the information set associated with z.

A function g : R → R is said to be B-measurable or Borel measurable if

{ζ ∈ R : g(ζ) ≤ b} ∈ B.

If z is a random variable defined on (Ω, F, IP), then g(z) is also a random variable
defined on the same probability space provided that g is Borel measurable. Note that
the functions we usually encounter (e.g., continuous functions and integrable functions)
are Borel measurable. Similarly, for the d-dimensional random vector z, g(z) is a
random variable provided that g is B d-measurable.

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Recall from Section 2.1 that the joint distribution function of z is the non-decreasing,
right-continuous function Fz such that for ζ = (ζ1 . . . ζd ) ∈ Rd ,

Fz (ζ) = IP{ω ∈ Ω : z1 (ω) ≤ ζ1 , . . . , zd (ω) ≤ ζd },


lim Fz (ζ) = 0, lim Fz (ζ) = 1.

ζ1 →−∞, ..., ζd →−∞ ζ1 →∞, ..., ζd →∞

The marginal distribution function of the i th component of z is such that

Fzi (ζi ) = IP{ω ∈ Ω : zi (ω) ≤ ζi } = Fz (∞, . . . , ∞, ζi , ∞, . . . , ∞).

Note that while IP is a set function defined on F, the distribution function of z is a

point function defined on Rd .

Two random variables y and z are said to be (pairwise) independent if, and only if,
for any Borel sets B1 and B2 ,

IP(y ∈ B1 and z ∈ B2 ) = IP(y ∈ B1 ) IP(z ∈ B2 ).

This immediately leads to the standard definition of independence: y and z are indepen-
dent if, and only if, their joint distribution is the product of their marginal distributions,
as in Section 2.1. A sequence of random variables {zi } is said to be totally independent

IP {zi ∈ Bi } = IP(zi ∈ Bi ),
all i all i

for any Borel sets Bi . In what follows, a totally independent sequence will be referred
to an independent sequence or a sequence of independent variables for convenience. For
an independent sequence, we have the following generalization of Lemma 2.1.

Lemma 5.1 Let {zi } be a sequence of independent random variables and hi , i =

1, 2, . . ., be Borel-measurable functions. Then {hi (zi )} is also a sequence of indepen-
dent random variables.

5.1.3 Moments and Norms

The expectation of the i th element of z is

IE(zi ) = zi (ω) d IP(ω),

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where the right-hand side is a Lebesgue integral. In view of the distribution function
defined above, a change of ω causes the realization of z to change so that

IE(zi ) = ζi dFz (ζ) = ζi dFzi (ζi ),
Rd R

where Fzi is the marginal distribution function of the i th component of z, as defined in

Section 2.2. For the Borel measurable function g of z,

IE[g(z)] = g(z(ω)) d IP(ω) = g(ζ) dFz (ζ).
Ω Rd

Other moments, such as variance and covariance, can also be defined as Lebesgue inte-
grals with respect to the probability measure; see Section 2.2.

A function g is said to be convex on a set S if for any a ∈ [0, 1] and any x, y in S,

g ax + (1 − a)y ≤ ag(x) + (1 − a)g(y);

g is concave on S if the inequality above is reversed. For example, g(x) = x2 is convex,

and g(x) = log x for x > 0 is concave. The result below is concerned with convex
(concave) transformations of random variables.

Lemma 5.2 (Jensen) For the Borel measurable function g that is convex on the sup-
port of the integrable random variable z, suppose that g(z) is also integrable. Then,

g(IE(z)) ≤ IE[g(z)];

the inequality reverses if g is concave.

For the random variable z with finite p th moment, let zp = [IE(z p )]1/p denote its
Lp -norm. Also define the inner product of two square integrable random variables zi
and zj as their cross moment:

zi , zj  = IE(zi zj ).

Then, L2 -norm can be obtained from the inner product as zi 2 = zi , zi 1/2 . It is easily
seen that for any c > 0 and p > 0,

c IP(|z| ≥ c) = c
p p
1{ζ:|ζ|≥c} dFz (ζ) ≤ |ζ|p dFz (ζ) ≤ IE |z|p ,

where 1{ζ:|ζ|≥c} is the indicator function which equals one if |ζ| ≥ c and equals zero
otherwise. This establishes the following result.

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Lemma 5.3 (Markov) Let z be a random variable with finite p th moment. Then,

IE |z|p
IP(|z| ≥ c) ≤ ,
where c is a positive real number.

For p = 2, Lemma 5.3 is also known as the Chebyshev inequality. If c is small such that
IE |z|p /cp > 1, Markov’s inequality is trivial. When c becomes large, the probability
that z assumes very extreme values will be vanishing at the rate c−p .

Another useful result in probability theory is stated below without proof.

Lemma 5.4 (Hölder) Let y be a random variable with finite p th moment (p > 1) and
z a random variable with finite q th moment (q = p/(p − 1)). Then,

IE |yz| ≤ yp zq .

For p = 2, we have IE |yz| ≤ y2 z2 . By noting that | IE(yz)| < IE |yz|, we immedi-
ately have the next result; cf. Lemma 2.3.

Lemma 5.5 (Cauchy-Schwartz) Let y and z be two square integrable random vari-
ables. Then,

| IE(yz)| ≤ y2 z2 .

Let y = 1 and x = z p . Then for q > p and r = q/p, Hölder’s inequality also ensures

IE |z p | ≤ xr yr/(r−1) = [IE(z pr )]1/r = [IE(z q )]p/q .

This shows that when a random variable has finite q th moment, it must also have finite
p th moment for any p < q, as stated below.

Lemma 5.6 (Liapunov) Let z be a random variable with finite q th moment. Then
for p < q, zp ≤ zq .

The inequality below states that the Lp -norm of a finite sum is less than the sum of
individual Lp -norms.

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Lemma 5.7 (Minkowski) Let zi , i = 1, . . . , n, be random variables with finite p th

moment (p ≥ 1). Then,
n  n
 zi  ≤ zi p .
i=1 p i=1

When there are only two random variables in the sum, this is just the triangle inequality
for Lp -norms; see also Exercise 5.3.

5.2 Conditional Distributions and Moments

Given two events A and B in F, if it is known that B has occurred, the outcome space
is restricted to B, so that the outcomes of A must be in A ∩ B. The likelihood of A is
thus characterized by the conditional probability

IP(A | B) = IP(A ∩ B)/ IP(B),

for IP(B) = 0. It can be shown that IP(·|B) satisfies the axioms for probability mea-
sures; see Exerise 5.4. This concept is readily extended to construct conditional density
function and conditional distribution function.

5.2.1 Conditional Distributions

Let y and z denote two integrable random vectors such that z has the density function
fz . For fy (η) = 0, define the conditional density function of z given y = η as

fz,y (ζ, η)
fz|y (ζ | y = η) = ,
fy (η)

which is clearly non-negative whenever it is defined. This function also integrates to

one on Rd because

1 1
fz|y (ζ | y = η) dζ = fz,y (ζ, η) dζ = f (η) = 1.
Rd fy (η) Rd fy (η) y

Thus, fz|y is a legitimate density function. For example, the bivariate density function
of two random variables z and y forms a surface on the zy-plane. By fixing y = η,
we obtain a cross section (slice) under this surface. Dividing the joint density by the
marginal density fy (η) amounts to adjusting the height of this slice so that the resulting
area integrates to one.

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Given the conditional density function fz|y , we have for A ∈ B d ,

IP(z ∈ A | y = η) = fz|y (ζ | y = η) dζ.

Note that this conditional probability is defined even when IP(y = η) may be zero. In
particular, when

A = (−∞, ζ1 ] × · · · × (−∞, ζd ],

we obtain the conditional distribution function:

Fz|y (ζ | y = η) = IP(z1 ≤ ζ1 , . . . , zd ≤ ζd | y = η).

When z and y are independent, the conditional density (distribution) simply reduces
to the unconditional density (distribution).

5.2.2 Conditional Moments

Analogous to unconditional expectation, the conditional expectation of the integrable

random variable zi given the information y = η is

IE(zi | y = η) = ζi dFz|y (ζi | y = η);

the conditional expectation of the random vector z is IE(z | y = η) which is defined

elementwise. By allowing y to vary across all possible values η, we obtain the conditional
expectation function IE(z | y) whose value depends on η, the realization of y. Thus,
IE(z | y) is a function of y and hence also a random vector.

More generally, the conditional expectation can be defined by taking a suitable

σ-algebra as the conditioning set. Let G be a sub-σ-algebra of F. The conditional
expectation IE(z | G) is the integrable and G-measurable random variable satisfying

IE(z | G) d IP = z d IP, ∀G ∈ G.

This definition basically says that the conditional expectation with respect to G is such
that its weighted sum is the same as that of z over any G in G. Suppose that G is the
trivial σ-algebra {Ω, ∅}, i.e., the smallest σ-algebra that contains no extra information
from any random vectors. For the conditional expectation with respect to the trivial
σ-algebra, it is readily seen that it must be a constant c with probability one so as to
be measurable with respect to {Ω, ∅}. Then,

IE(z) = z d IP = c d IP = c.

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That is, the conditional expectation with respect to the trivial σ-algebra is the uncon-
ditional expectation IE(z). Consider now G = σ(y), the σ-algebra generated by y. We
also write

IE(z | y) = IE[z | σ(y)],

which is interpreted as the prediction of z given all the information associated with y.

Similar to unconditional expectations, conditional expectations are monotonic: if

z ≥ x with probability one, then IE(z | G) ≥ IE(x | G) with probability one; in particular,
if z is non-negative with probability one, then IE(z | G) ≥ 0 with probability one.
Moreover, If z is independent of y, then IE(z | y) = IE(z). For example, when z is
a constant vector c which is independent of any random variable, IE(z | y) = c. The
linearity result below is analogous to Lemma 2.2 for unconditional expectations.

Lemma 5.8 Let z (d × 1) and y (c × 1) be integrable random vectors and A (n × d)

and B (n × c) be non-stochastic matrices. Then with probability one,

IE(Az + By | G) = A IE(z | G) + B IE(y | G).

If b (n × 1) is a non-stochastic vector, IE(Az + b | G) = A IE(z | G) + b with probability


From the definition of conditional expectation, we immediately have

IE[IE(z | G)] = IE(z | G) d IP = z d IP = IE(z);

this is known as the law of iterated expectations. This result also suggests that if
conditional expectations are taken sequentially with respect to a collection of nested
σ-algebras, only the smallest σ-algebra matters. For example, for k random vectors
y1 , . . . , yk ,

IE[IE(z | y 1 , . . . , y k ) | y 1 , . . . , y k−1 ] = IE(z | y 1 , . . . , y k−1 ).

A formal result is stated below; see Exercise 5.5.

Lemma 5.9 (Law of Iterated Expectations) Let G and H be two sub-σ-algebras of

F such that G ⊆ H. Then for the integrable random vector z,

IE[IE(z | H) | G] = IE[IE(z | G) | H] = IE(z | G);

in particular, IE[IE(z | G)] = IE(z).

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If z is G-measurable, all the information resulted from z is already contained in G

so that z can be treated as “known” in IE(z | G) and taken out from the conditional
expectation. That is, IE(z | G) = z with probability one. Hence,

IE(zx | G) = z IE(x | G).

In particular, z can be taken out from the conditional expectation when z itself is a
conditioning variable. This result is generalized as follows.

Lemma 5.10 Let z be a G-measurable random vector. Then for any Borel-measurable
function g,

IE[g(z)x | G] = g(z) IE(x | G),

with probability one.

Two square integrable random variables z and y are said to be orthogonal if their
inner product IE(zy) = 0. This definition allows us to discuss orthogonal projection in
the space of square integrable random vectors. Let z be a square integrable random
variable and z̃ be a G-measurable random variable. Then, by Lemma 5.9 (law of iterated
expectations) and Lemma 5.10,
IE z − IE(z | G) z̃ = IE IE z − IE(z | G) z̃ | G
= IE IE(z | G)z̃ − IE(z | G)z̃

= 0.

That is, the difference between z and its conditional expectation IE(z | G) must be
orthogonal to any G-measurable random variable. It can then be seen that for any
square integrable, G-measurable random variable z̃,

IE(z − z̃)2 = IE[z − IE(z | G) + IE(z | G) − z̃]2

= IE[z − IE(z | G)]2 + IE[IE(z | G) − z̃]2

≥ IE[z − IE(z | G)]2 ,

where in the second equality the cross-product term vanishes because both IE(z | G)
and z̃ are G-measurable and hence orthogonal to z − IE(z | G). That is, among all
G-measurable random variables that are also square integrable, IE(z | G) is the closest
to z in terms of the L2 -norm. This shows that IE(z | G) is the orthogonal projection of
z onto the space of all G-measurable, square integrable random variables.

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Lemma 5.11 Let z be a square integrable random variable. Then

IE[z − IE(z | G)]2 ≤ IE(z − z̃)2 ,

for any G-measurable random variable z̃.

In particular, let G = σ(y), where y is a square integrable random vector. Lemma 5.11
implies that
 2 2
IE z − IE z | σ(y) ≤ IE z − h(y) ,

for any Borel-measurable function h such that h(y) is also square integrable. Thus,
IE[z | σ(y)] minimizes the L2 -norm z − h(y)2 , and its difference from z is orthogonal
to any function of y that is also square integrable. We may then say that, given all the
information generated from y, IE[z | σ(y)] is the “best approximation” of z in terms of
the L2 -norm (or simply the best L2 predictor).

The conditional variance-covariance matrix of z given y is

var(z | y) = IE [z − IE(z | y)][z − IE(z | y)] | y

= IE(zz  | y) − IE(z | y) IE(z | y) .

Similar to unconditional variance-covariance matrix, we have for non-stochastic matrices

A and b,

var(Az + b | y) = A var(z | y) A ,

which is nonsingular provided that A has full row rank and var(z | y) is positive definite.
It can also be shown that

var(z) = IE[var(z | y)] + var IE(z | y) ;

see Exercise 5.6. That is, the variance of z can be expressed as the sum of two com-
ponents: the mean of its conditional variance and the variance of its conditional mean.
This is also known as the decomposition of analysis of variance.

Example 5.12 Suppose that (y  x ) is distributed as a multivariate normal random

y μy Σy Σxy
∼N , .
x μx Σxy Σx

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It is easy to see that the conditional density function of y given x, obtained from
dividing the multivariate normal density function of y and x by the normal density of
x, is also normal with the conditional mean

IE(y | x) = μy − Σxy Σ−1

x (x − μx),

and the conditional variance-covariance matrix

var(y | x) = var(y) − var IE(y | x) = Σy − Σxy Σ−1
x Σxy .

Note that IE(y | x) is a linear function of x and that var(y | x) does not vary with x.

5.3 Modes of Convergence

Consider now a sequence of random variables {zn (ω)}n=1,2,... defined on the probability
space (Ω, F, IP). For a given ω, {zn } is a realization (a sequence of sample values) of
the random element ω with the index n, and that for a given n, zn is a random variable
which assumes different values depending on ω. In this section we will discuss various
modes of convergence for sequences of random variables.

5.3.1 Almost Sure Convergence

We first introduce the concept of almost sure convergence (convergence with probability
one). Suppose that {zn } is a sequence of random variables and z is a random variable,
all defined on the probability space (Ω, F, IP). The sequence {zn } is said to converge to
z almost surely if, and only if,

IP(ω : zn (ω) → z(ω) as n → ∞) = 1,

denoted as zn −→ z or zn → z a.s. Note that for a given ω, the realization zn (ω) may
or may not converge to z(ω). Almost sure convergence requires that zn (ω) → z(ω) for
almost all ω ∈ Ω, except for those ω in a set with probability zero. That is, almost
all the realizations zn (ω) will be eventually close to z(ω) for all n sufficiently large; the
event that zn will not approach z is improbable. When z n and z are both Rd -valued,
almost sure convergence is defined elementwise. That is, z n → z a.s. if every element
of z n converges almost surely to the corresponding element of z.

The following result shows that continuous transformation preserves almost sure

Lemma 5.13 Let g : R → R be a function continuous on Sg ⊆ R.

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a.s. a.s.
[a] If zn −→ z, where z is a random variable such that IP(z ∈ Sg ) = 1, then g(zn ) −→
a.s. a.s.
[b] If zn −→ c, where c is a real number at which g is continuous, then g(zn ) −→ g(c).

Proof: Let Ω0 = {ω : zn (ω) → z(ω)} and Ω1 = {ω : z(ω) ∈ Sg }. Thus, for ω ∈ (Ω0 ∩Ω1 ),
continuity of g ensures that g(zn (ω)) → g(z(ω)). Note that

(Ω0 ∩ Ω1 )c = Ωc0 ∪ Ωc1 ,

which has probability zero because IP(Ωc0 ) = IP(Ωc1 ) = 0. It follows that Ω0 ∩ Ω1 has
probability one. This proves that g(zn ) → g(z) with probability one. The second
assertion is just a special case of the first result. 2

Lemma 5.13 is easily generalized to Rd -valued random variables. For example,

z n −→ z implies
z1,n + z2,n −→ z1 + z2 ,
z1,n z2,n −→ z1 z2 ,
2 2 a.s.
z1,n + z2,n −→ z12 + z22 ,

where z1,n , z2,n are two elements of z n and z1 , z2 are the corresponding elements of z.
Also, provided that z2 = 0 with probability one, z1,n /z2,n → z1 /z2 a.s.

5.3.2 Convergence in Probability

A convergence concept that is weaker than almost sure convergence is convergence in

probability. A sequence of random variables {zn } is said to converge to z in probability
if for every  > 0,

lim IP(ω : |zn (ω) − z(ω)| > ) = 0,


or equivalently,

lim IP(ω : |zn (ω) − z(ω)| ≤ ) = 1,


denoted as zn −→ z or zn → z in probability. We also say that z is the probability
limit of zn , denoted as plim zn = z. In particular, if the probability limit of zn is a
constant c, all the probability mass of zn will concentrate around c when n becomes

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large. For Rd -valued random variables z n and z, convergence in probability is also

defined elementwise.

In the definition of convergence in probability, the events Ωn () = {ω : |zn (ω) −

z(ω)| ≤ } vary with n, and convergence is referred to the probabilities of such events:
pn = IP(Ωn ()), rather than the random variables zn . By contrast, almost sure con-
vergence is related directly to the behaviors of random variables. For convergence in
probability, the event Ωn that zn will be close to z becomes highly likely when n tends
to infinity, or its complement (zn will deviate from z by a certain distance) becomes
highly unlikely when n tends to infinity. Whether zn will converge to z is not of any
concern in convergence in probability.

More specifically, let Ω0 denote the set of ω such that zn (ω) converges to z(ω). For
ω ∈ Ω0 , there is some m such that ω is in Ωn () for all n > m. That is,
Ω0 ⊆ Ωn () ∈ F.
m=1 n=m

As ∩∞
n=m Ωn () is also in F and non-decreasing in m, it follows that
 ∞ ∞   ∞ 
IP(Ω0 ) ≤ IP Ωn () = lim IP Ωn () ≤ lim IP Ωm () .
m→∞ m→∞
m=1 n=m n=m

This inequality proves that almost sure convergence implies convergence in probability,
but the converse is not true in general. We state this result below.

a.s. IP
Lemma 5.14 If zn −→ z, then zn −→ z.

The following well-known example shows that when there is convergence in proba-
bility, the random variables themselves may not even converge for any ω.

Example 5.15 Let Ω = [0, 1] and IP be the Lebesgue measure (i.e., IP{(a, b]} = b − a
for (a, b] ⊆ [0, 1]). Consider the sequence {In } of intervals [0, 1], [0, 1/2), [1/2, 1], [0, 1/3),
[1/3, 2/3), [2/3, 1], . . . , and let zn = 1In be the indicator function of In : zn (ω) = 1 if
ω ∈ In and zn = 0 otherwise. When n tends to infinity, In shrinks toward a singleton
which has the Lebesgue measure zero. For 0 <  < 1, we then have

IP(|zn | > ) = IP(In ) → 0,

which shows zn −→ 0. On the other hand, it is easy to see that each ω ∈ [0, 1] must
be covered by infinitely many intervals. Thus, given any ω ∈ [0, 1], zn (ω) = 1 for

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infinitely many n, and hence zn (ω) does not converge to zero. Note that convergence in
probability permits zn to deviate from the probability limit infinitely often, but almost
sure convergence does not, except for those ω in the set of probability zero. 2

Intuitively, when zn has finite variance such that var(zn ) vanishes asymptotically,
the distribution of zn would shrink toward its mean IE(zn ). If, in addition, IE(zn )
tends to a constant c (or IE(zn ) = c), then zn ought to be degenerate at c in the
limit. These observations suggest the following sufficient conditions for convergence in
probability; see Exercises 5.7 and 5.8. In many cases, it is easier to establish convergence
in probability by verifying these conditions.

Lemma 5.16 Let {zn } be a sequence of square integrable random variables. If IE(zn ) →
c and var(zn ) → 0, then zn −→ c.

Analogous to Lemma 5.13, continuous functions also preserve convergence in prob-


Lemma 5.17 Let g : R → R be a function continuous on Sg ⊆ R.

[a] If zn −→ z, where z is a random variable such that IP(z ∈ Sg ) = 1, then g(zn ) −→
[b] (Slutsky) If zn −→ c, where c is a real number at which g is continuous, then
g(zn ) −→ g(c).

Proof: By the continuity of g, for each  > 0, we can find a δ > 0 such that

{ω : |zn (ω) − z(ω)| ≤ δ} ∩ {ω : z(ω) ∈ Sg }

⊆ {ω : |g(zn (ω)) − g(z(ω))| ≤ }.

Taking complementation of both sides and noting that the complement of {ω : z(ω) ∈
Sg } has probability zero, we have

IP(|g(zn ) − g(z)| > ) ≤ IP(|zn − z| > δ).

As zn converges to z in probability, the right-hand side converges to zero and so does

the left-hand side. 2

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

Lemma 5.17 is readily generalized to Rd -valued random variables. For instance,

z n −→ z implies
z1,n + z2,n −→ z1 + z2 ,
z1,n z2,n −→ z1 z2 ,
2 2 IP
z1,n + z2,n −→ z12 + z22 ,

where z1,n , z2,n are two elements of z n and z1 , z2 are the corresponding elements of z.
Also, provided that z2 = 0 with probability one, z1,n /z2,n −→ z1 /z2 .

5.3.3 Convergence in Distribution

Another convergence mode, known as convergence in distribution or convergence in law,

concerns the behavior of the distribution functions of random variables. Let Fzn and Fz
be the distribution functions of zn and z, respectively. A sequence of random variables
{zn } is said to converge to z in distribution, denoted as zn −→ z, if

lim Fzn (ζ) = Fz (ζ),


for every continuity point ζ of Fz . That is, regardless the distributions of zn , convergence
in distribution ensures that Fzn will be arbitrarily close to Fz for all n sufficiently large.
The distribution Fz is thus known as the limiting distribution of zn . We also say that
zn is asymptotically distributed as Fz , denoted as zn ∼ Fz .
For random vectors {z n } and z, z n −→ z if the joint distributions Fzn converge
to Fz for every continuity point ζ of Fz . It is, however, more cumbersome to show
convergence in distribution for a sequence of random vectors. The so-called Cramér-
Wold device allows us to transform this multivariate convergence problem to a univariate
one. This result is stated below without proof.

Lemma 5.18 (Cramér-Wold Device) Let {z n } be a sequence of random vectors in

Rd . Then z n −→ z if and only if α z n −→ α z for every α ∈ Rd such that α α = 1.

There is also a uni-directional relationship between convergence in probability and

convergence in distribution. To see this, note that for some arbitrary  > 0 and a
continuity point ζ of Fz , we have

IP(zn ≤ ζ) = IP({zn ≤ ζ} ∩ {|zn − z| ≤ }) + IP({zn ≤ ζ} ∩ {|zn − z| > })

≤ IP(z ≤ ζ + ) + IP(|zn − z| > ).

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004


IP(z ≤ ζ − ) ≤ IP(zn ≤ ζ) + IP(|zn − z| > ).

If zn −→ z, then by passing to the limit and noting that  is arbitrary, the inequalities
above imply

lim IP(zn ≤ ζ) = IP(z ≤ ζ).


That is, Fzn (ζ) → Fz (ζ). The converse is not true in general, however.
When zn converges in distribution to a real number c, it is not difficult to show
that zn also converges to c in probability. In this case, these two convergence modes
are equivalent. To be sure, note that a real number c can be viewed as a degenerate
random variable with the distribution function:

0, ζ < c,
F (ζ) =
1, ζ ≥ c,
which is a step function with a jump point at c. When zn −→ c, all the probability mass
of zn will concentrate at c as n becomes large; this is precisely what zn −→ c means.
More formally, for any  > 0,

IP(|zn − c| > ) = 1 − [Fzn (c + ) − Fzn ((c − )− )],

where (c − )− denotes the point adjacent to and less than c − . Now, zn −→ c implies
that Fzn (c + ) − Fzn ((c − )− ) converges to one, so that IP(|zn − c| > ) converges to
zero. We summarizes these results below.
Lemma 5.19 If zn −→ z, thenzn −→ z. For a constant c, zn −→ c is equivalent to
zn −→ c.

The continuous mapping theorem below asserts that continuous functions preserve
convergence in distribution; cf. Lemmas 5.13 and 5.17.

Lemma 5.20 (Continuous Mapping Theorem) Let g : R → R be a function con-

tinuous almost everywhere on R, except for at most countably many points. If zn −→ z,
then g(zn ) −→ g(z).

For example, if zn converges in distribution to the standard normal random variable, the
limiting distribution of zn2 is χ2 (1). Generalizing this result to Rd -valued random vari-
ables, we can see that when z n converges in distribution to the d-dimensional standard
normal random variable, the limiting distribution of z n z n is χ2 (d).

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

Two sequences of random variables {yn } and {zn } are said to be asymptotically
equivalent if their differences yn − zn converge to zero in probability. Intuitively, the
limiting distributions of two asymptotically equivalent sequences, if exist, ought to be
the same. This is stated in the next result without proof.

Lemma 5.21 Let {yn } and {zn } be two sequences of random vectors such that yn −
zn −→ 0. If zn −→ z, then yn −→ z.

The next result is concerned with two sequences of random variables such that one
converges in distribution and the other converges in probability.

Lemma 5.22 If yn converges in probability to a constant c and zn converges in dis-

tribution to z, then yn + zn −→ c + z, yn zn −→ cz, and zn /yn −→ z/c if c = 0.

5.4 Stochastic Order Notations

It is typical to use order notations to describe the behavior of a sequence of numbers,
whether it converges or not. Let {cn } denote a sequence of positive real numbers.

1. Given a sequence {bn }, we say that bn is (at most) of order cn , denoted as bn =

O(cn ), if there exists a Δ < ∞ such that |bn |/cn ≤ Δ for all sufficiently large n.
When cn diverges, bn cannot diverge faster than cn ; when cn converges to zero, the
rate of convergence of bn is no slower than that of cn . For example, the polynomial

a + bn is O(n), and the partial sum of a bounded sequence ni=1 bi is O(n). Note
that an O(1) sequence is a bounded sequence.

2. Given a sequence {bn }, we say that bn is of smaller order than cn , denoted as

bn = o(cn ), if bn /cn → 0. When cn diverges, bn must diverge slower than cn ; when
cn converges to zero, the rate of convergence of bn should be faster than that of cn .
For example, the polynomial a + bn is o(n1+δ ) for any δ > 0, and the partial sum
i=1 α , |α| < 1, is o(n). Note that an o(1) sequence is a sequence that converges

to zero.

If bn is a vector (matrix), bn is said to be O(cn ) (o(cn )) if every element of bn is O(cn )

(o(cn )). It is also easy to verify the following results; see Exercise 5.10.

Lemma 5.23 Let {an } and {bn } be two non-stochastic sequences.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

(a) If an = O(nr ) and bn = O(ns ), then an bn = O(nr+s ) and an + bn = O(nmax(r,s) ).

(b) If an = o(nr ) and bn = o(ns ), then an bn = o(nr+s ) and an + bn = o(nmax(r,s) ).

(c) If an = O(nr ) and bn = o(ns ), then an bn = o(nr+s ) and an + bn = O(nmax(r,s) ).

The order notations can be easily extended to describe the behavior of sequences of
random variables. A sequence of random variables {zn } is said to be Oa.s. (cn ) (or O(cn )
almost surely) if zn /cn is O(1) a.s., and it is said to be OIP (cn ) (or O(cn ) in probability)
if for every  > 0, there is some Δ such that

IP(|zn |/cn ≥ Δ) ≤ ,
for all n sufficiently large. Similarly, {zn } is oa.s. (cn ) (or o(cn ) almost surely) if zn /cn −→
0, and it is oIP (cn ) (or o(cn ) in probability) if zn /cn −→ 0.

If {zn } is Oa.s. (1) (oa.s (1)), we say that zn is bounded (vanishing) almost surely; if
{zn } is OIP (1) (oIP (1)), zn is bounded (vanishing) in probability. Note that Lemma 5.23
also holds for stochastic order notations. In particular, if a sequence of random variables
is bounded almost surely (in probability) and another sequence of random variables is
vanishing almost surely (in probability), the products of their corresponding elements
are vanishing almost surely (in probability). That is, yn = Oa.s. (1) and zn = oa.s (1),
then yn zn is oa.s (1).
When zn −→ z, we know that zn does not converge in probability to z in general,
but more can be said about the behavior of zn . Let ζ be a continuity point of Fz . Then
for any  > 0, we can choose a sufficiently large ζ such that IP(|z| > ζ) < /2. As
zn −→ z, we can also choose n large enough such that

IP(|zn | > ζ) − IP(|z| > ζ) < /2,

which implies IP(|zn | > ζ) < . This leads to the following conclusion.

Lemma 5.24 Let {zn } be a sequence of random vectors such that zn −→ z. Then
zn = OIP (1).

5.5 Law of Large Numbers

We first discuss the law of large numbers which is concerned with the averaging be-
havior of random variables. Intuitively, a sequence of random variables obeys a law of

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

large numbers when its sample average essentially follows its mean behavior; random
irregularities (deviations from the mean) are “wiped out” in the limit by averaging.
When a law of large numbers holds almost surely, it is a strong law of large numbers
(SLLN); when a law of large numbers holds in probability, it is a weak law of large
numbers (WLLN). For a sequence of random vectors (matrices), a SLLN (WLLN) is
defined elementwise.
There are different versions of the SLLN (WLLN) for various types of random vari-
ables. Below is a well known SLLN for i.i.d. random variables.

Lemma 5.25 (Kolmogorov) Let {zt } be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with
mean μo . Then,

1  a.s.
z −→ μo .
T t=1 t

This result asserts that, when zt have a finite, common mean μo , the sample average of
zt is essentially close to μo , a non-stochastic number. Note, however, that i.i.d. random
variables need not obey Kolmogorov’s SLLN if they do not have a finite mean; for
instance, Lemma 5.25 does not apply to i.i.d. Cauchy random variables. As almost
sure convergence implies convergence in probability, the same condition in Lemma 5.25
ensures that {zt } also obeys a WLLN.
When {zt } is a sequence of independent random variables with possibly heteroge-
neous distributions, it may still obey a SLLN (WLLN) under a stronger condition.

Lemma 5.26 (Markov) Let {zt } be a sequence of independent random variables with
non-degenerate distributions such that for some δ > 0, IE |zt |1+δ is bounded for all t.

[zt − IE(zt )] −→ 0,

Comparing to Kolmogorov’s SLLN, Lemma 5.26 requires a stronger moment condition:

bounded (1 + δ) th moment, yet zt need not have a common mean. This SLLN indicates
that the sample average of zt eventually behaves like the average of IE(zt ). Note that
the average of IE(zt ) may or may not converge; if it does converge to, say, μ∗ ,

1  a.s. 1
zt −→ lim IE(zt ) =: μ∗ .
T t=1 T →∞ T

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

Finally, as non-stochastic numbers can be viewed as independent random variables with

degenerate distributions, it is understood that a non-stochastic sequence obeys a SLLN
if its sample average converges.

The following example shows that a sequence of correlated random variables may
also obey a WLLN.

Example 5.27 Suppose that yt is generated as a weakly stationary AR(1) process:

yt = αo yt−1 + ut , |αo | < 1,

where ut are i.i.d. random variables with mean zero and variance σu2 . In view of Sec-
tion 4.3, we have IE(yt ) = 0, var(yt ) = σu2 /(1 − α2o ), and

cov(yt , yt−j ) = αjo .
1 − α2o

These results imply that IE(T −1 Tt=1 yt ) = 0 and
 T  −1
var yt = var(yt ) + 2 (T − τ ) cov(yt , yt−τ )
t=1 t=1 τ =1

T −1
≤ var(yt ) + 2T | cov(yt , yt−τ )|
t=1 τ =1

= O(T ).
The latter result shows that var T −1 Tt=1 yt = O(T −1 ) which converges to zero as T
approaches infinity. It follows from Lemma 5.16 that

yt −→ 0;

that is, {yt } obeys a WLLN. It can be seen that a key condition in the proof above is

that the variance of Tt=1 yt does not grow too rapidly (it is O(T )). The facts that yt
has a constant variance and that cov(yt , yt−j ) goes to zero exponentially fast as j tends
to infinity are sufficient for this condition. This WLLN result is readily generalized to
weakly stationary AR(p) processes. 2

The example above shows that it may be quite cumbersome to establish a WLLN
for weakly stationary processes. The lemma below gives a strong law for correlated
random variables and is convenient in practice; see Davidson (1994, p. 326) for a more
general result.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

Lemma 5.28 Let yt = i=0 πi ut−i ,
where ut are i.i.d. random variables with mean
zero and variance σu2 . If πi are absolutely summable, i.e., i=−∞ |πi | < ∞, then
T −1 Tt=1 yt −→ 0.

∞ ∞
In Example 5.27, yt = i
i=0 αo ut−i with |αo | < 1, so that i=0 |αo |
i < ∞. Hence,
Lemma 5.28 ensures that the average of yt also converges to its mean (zero) almost
surely. If yt = zt − μo , then the average of zt converges to IE(zt ) = μo almost surely.
Comparing to Example 5.27, Lemma 5.28 is quite general and applicable to any process
that can be expressed as an MA process with absolutely summable weights.

From Lemmas 5.25, 5.26 and 5.28 we can see that a SLLN (WLLN) does not always
hold. The random variables in a sequence must be “well behaved” (i.e., satisfying certain
regularity conditions) to ensure a SLLN (WLLN). In particular, the sufficient conditions
for a SLLN (WLLN) usually regulate the moments and dependence structure of random
variables. Intuitively, random variables without certain bounded moment may exhibit
aberrant behavior so that their random irregularities cannot be completely averaged
out. For random variables with strong correlations over time, the variation of their
partial sums may grow too rapidly and cannot be eliminated by simple averaging. More
generally, it is also possible for a sequence of weakly dependent and heterogeneously dis-
tributed random variables to obey a SLLN (WLLN). This usually requires even stronger
conditions on their moments and dependence structure. To avoid technicality, we will
not give a SLLN (WLLN) for such general sequences but refer to White (2001) and
Davidson (1994) for details. The following examples illustrate why a SLLN (WLLN)
may fail to hold.

Example 5.29 Consider the sequences {t} and {t2 }, t = 1, 2, . . .. It is well known that

t = T (T + 1)/2,

t2 = T (T + 1)(2T + 1)/6.

Hence, T −1 t=1 t and T −1 t=1 t
2 both diverge. Thus, these sequences do not obey a

Example 5.30 Suppose that ut are i.i.d. random variables with mean zero and variance
σu2 . Thus, T −1 Tt=1 ut −→ 0 by Kolmogorv’s SLLN (Lemma 5.25). Consider now {tut }.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

This sequence does not have bounded (1 + δ) th moment because IE |tut |1+δ grows with
t and therefore does not obey Markov’s SLLN (Lemma 5.26). Moreover, note that
T (T + 1)(2T + 1)
var tut = t2 var(ut ) = σu2 .
t=1 t=1
By Exercise 5.11, t=1 tut = OIP (T 3/2 ). It follows that T −1 t=1 tut = OIP (T 1/2 )
which diverges in probability. This shows that the sequence {tut } does not obey a
WLLN either. 2

Example 5.31 Suppose that yt is generated as a random walk:

yt = yt−1 + ut , t = 1, 2, . . . ,

with y0 = 0, where ut are i.i.d. random variables with mean zero and variance σu2 .

yt = ui ,

which has mean zero and unbounded variance tσu2 . For s < t, write

yt = ys + ui = ys + vt−s ,
where vt−s = i=s+1 ui is independent of ys . We then have

cov(yt , ys ) = IE(ys2 ) = sσu2 ,

for t > s. Consequently,

 T  −1 
var yt = var(yt ) + 2 cov(yt , yt−τ ).
t=1 t=1 τ =1 t=τ +1

It can be verified that the first term on the right-hand side is

var(yt ) = tσu2 = O(T 2 ),
t=1 t=1

and that the second term is

T −1 
T −1 
2 cov(yt , yt−τ ) = 2 (t − τ )σu2 = O(T 3 ).
τ =1 t=τ +1 τ =1 t=τ +1

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

Thus, var( Tt=1 yt ) = O(T 3 ), so that Tt=1 yt = OIP (T 3/2 ) by Exercise 5.11. This shows

yt = OIP (T 1/2 ),

which diverges in probability. This shows that when {yt } is a random walk, it does
not obey a WLLN. In this case, yt have unbounded variances and strong correlations
over time. Due to these correlations, the variation of the partial sum of yt grows much
too fast. (Recall that the variance of t=1 yt is only O(T ) in Example 5.27.) The
conclusions above will not be altered when {ut } is a white noise or a weakly stationary
process. 2

Example 5.32 Suppose that yt is generated as a random walk:

yt = yt−1 + ut , t = 1, 2, . . . ,

with y0 = 0, as in Example 5.31. Then, the sequence {yt−1 ut } has mean zero and

var(yt−1 ut ) = IE(yt−1 ) IE(u2t ) = (t − 1)σu4 .

More interestingly, it can be seen that for s < t,

cov(yt−1 ut , ys−1 us ) = IE(yt−1 ys−1 us ) IE(ut ) = 0.

We then have
var yt−1 ut = var(yt−1 ut ) = (t − 1)σu4 = O(T 2 ),
t=1 t=1 t=1
and t=1 yt−1 ut= OIP (T ). Note, however, that var(T −1 Tt=1 yt−1 ut ) converges to

σu4 /2, rather than 0. Thus, T −1 Tt=1 yt−1 ut cannot behave like a non-stochastic number
in the limit. This shows that {yt−1 ut } does not obey a WLLN, even though its partial
sums are OIP (T ). 2

In the asymptotic analysis of ecnometric estimators and test statistics, we usually

encounter functions of several random variables, e.g., the product of two random vari-
ables. In some cases, it is easy to find sufficient conditions ensuring a SLLN (WLLN)
for these functions. For example, suppose that zt = xt yt , where {xt } and {yt } are two
mutually independent sequences of independent random variables, each with bounded
(2 + δ) th moment. Then, zt are also independent random variables and have bounded

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

(1 + δ) th moment by the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. Lemma 5.26 then provides the

SLLN for {zt }. When {xt } and {yt } are two sequences of correlated (or weakly depen-
dent) random variables, it is more cumbersome to find suitable conditions on xt and yt
that ensure a SLLN (WLLN).

In what follows, a sequence of integrable random variables zt is said to obey a SLLN


[z − IE(zt )] −→ 0; (5.1)
T t=1 t

it is said to obey a WLLN if the almost sure convergence above is replaced by conver-
gence in probability. When IE(zt ) is a constant μo , (5.1) simplifies to

1  a.s.
zt −→ μo .

In our analysis, we may only invoke this generic SLLN (WLLN).

5.6 Uniform Law of Large Numbers

It is also common to deal with functions of random variables and model parameters. For
example, q(zt (ω); θ) is a random variable for a given parameter θ, and it is a function
of θ for a given ω. When θ is fixed, we may impose conditions on q and zt such that
{q(zt (ω); θ)} obeys a SLLN (WLLN), as discussed in Section 5.5. When θ assumes
values in the parameter space Θ, a SLLN (WLLN) that does not depend on θ is then

More specifically, suppose that {q(zt ; θ)} obeys a SLLN for each θ ∈ Θ:

QT (ω; θ) = q(zt (ω); θ) −→ Q(θ),

where Q(θ) is a non-stochastic function of θ. As this convergent behavior may depend

on θ, Ωc0 (θ) = {ω : QT (ω; θ) → Q(θ)} varies with θ. When Θ is an interval of R,
∪θ∈Θ Ωc0 (θ) is an uncountable union of non-convergence sets and hence may not have
probability zero, even though each Ωc0 (θ) does. Thus, the event that QT (ω; θ) → Q(θ)
for all θ, i.e., ∩θ∈Θ Ω0 (θ), may occur with probability less than one. In fact, the union
of all Ωc0 (θ) may not even be in F (only countable unions of the elements in F are
guaranteed to be in F). If so, we cannot conclude anything regarding the convergence
of QT (ω; θ). Worse still is when θ also depends on T , as in the case where θ is replaced

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

by an estimator θ̃T . There may not exist a finite T ∗ such that QT (ω; θ̃T ) are arbitrarily
close to Q(ω; θ̃T ) for all T > T ∗ .

These observations suggest that we should study convergence that is uniform on the
parameter space Θ. In particular, QT (ω; θ) converges to Q(θ) uniformly in θ almost
surely (in probability) if the largest possible difference:

sup |QT (θ) − Q(θ)| → 0, a.s. (in probability).


In what follows we always assume that this supremum is a random variables for all
T . The example below, similar to Example 2.14 of Davidson (1994), illustrates the
difference between uniform and pointwise convergence.

Example 5.33 Let zt be i.i.d. random variables with zero mean and

⎪ 1
0 ≤ θ ≤ 2T
⎨ T θ, ,
qT (zt (ω); θ) = zt (ω) + 1 − T θ, 2T < θ ≤ T1 ,

⎩ 0, 1
T < θ < ∞.

Observe that for θ ≥ 1/T and θ = 0,

1 1
QT (ω; θ) = qT (zt ; θ) = zt ,
t=1 t=1

which converges to zero almost surely by Kolmogorov’s SLLN. Thus, for a given θ, we
can always choose T large enough such that QT (ω; θ) −→ 0, where 0 is the pointwise
limit. On the other hand, it can be seen that Θ = [0, ∞) and

sup |QT (ω; θ)| = |z̄T + 1/2| −→ 1/2,

so that the uniform limit is different from the pointwise limit. 2

Let zT t denote the t th random variable in a sample of T variables. These random

variables are indexed by both T and t and form a triangular array. In this array, there
is only one random variable z11 when T = 1, there are two random variables z21 and
z22 when T = 2, there are three random variables z31 , z32 and z33 when T = 3, and so
on. If this array does not depend on T , it is simply a sequence of random variables.
We now consider a triangular array of functions qT t (z t ; θ), t = 1, 2, . . . , T , where z t are
integrable random vectors and θ is the parameter vector taking values in the parameter

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

space Θ ∈ Rm . For notation simplicity, we will not explicitly write ω in the functions.
We say that {qT t (z t ; θ)} obeys a strong uniform law of large numbers (SULLN) if

sup [qT t (z t ; θ) − IE(qT t (z t ; θ))] −→ 0, (5.2)
θ∈Θ T t=1

cf. (5.1). Similarly, {qT t (z t ; θ)} is said to obey a weak uniform law of large numbers
(WULLN) if the convergence condition above holds in probability. If qT t is Rm -valued
functions, the SULLN (WULLN) is defined elementwise.

We have seen that pointwise convergence alone does not imply uniform convergence.
An interesting question one would ask is: What are the additional conditions required
to guarantee uniform convergence? Let

QT (θ) = [qT t (z t ; θ) − IE(qT t (z t ; θ))].

Suppose that QT satisfies the following Lipschitz-type continuity requirement: for θ

and θ † in Θ,

|QT (θ) − QT (θ † )| ≤ CT θ − θ †  a.s.,

where  ·  denotes the Euclidean norm, and CT is a random variable bounded almost
surely and does not depend on θ. Under this condition, QT (θ † ) can be made arbitrarily
close to QT (θ), provided that θ † is sufficiently close to θ. Using the triangle inequality
and taking supremum over θ we have

sup |QT (θ)| ≤ sup |QT (θ) − QT (θ † )| + |QT (θ † )|.

θ∈Θ θ∈Θ

Let Δ denote an almost sure bound of CT . Then given any  > 0, choosing θ † such that
θ − θ †  < /(2Δ) implies
sup |QT (θ) − QT (θ † )| ≤ CT ≤ ,
θ∈Θ 2Δ 2

uniformly in T . Moreover, because QT (θ) converges to 0 almost surely for each θ in Θ,

|QT (θ † )| is also less than /2 for sufficiently large T . Consequently,

sup |QT (θ)| ≤ ,


for all T sufficiently large. As these results hold almost surely, we have a SULLN for
QT (θ); the conditions ensuring a WULLN are analogous.

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Lemma 5.34 Suppose that for each θ ∈ Θ, {qT t (z t ; θ)} obeys a SLLN (WLLN) and
that for θ, θ † ∈ Θ,

|QT (θ) − QT (θ † )| ≤ CT θ − θ †  a.s.,

where CT is a random variable bounded almost surely (in probability) and does not
depend on θ. Then, {qT t (z t ; θ)} obeys a SULLN (WULLN).

Lemma 5.34 is quite convenient for establishing a SULLN (WULLN) because it

requires only two conditions. First, the random functions must obey a standard SLLN
(WLLN) for each θ in the parameter space. Second, the function qT t must satisfy a
Lipschitz-type continuity condition which amounts to requiring qT t to be sufficiently
“smooth” in the second argument. Note, however, that CT being bounded almost
surely may imply that the random variables in qT t are also bounded almost surely.
This requirement is much too restrictive in applications. Hence, a SULLN may not be
readily obtained from Lemma 5.34. On the other hand, a WULLN is practically more
plausible because the requirement that CT is OIP (1) is much weaker. For example, the
boundedness of IE |CT | is sufficient for CT being OIP (1) by Markov’s inequality. For more
specific conditions ensuring these requirements we refer to Gallant and White (1988)
and Bierens (1994).

5.7 Central Limit Theorem

The central limit theorem (CLT) is another important result in probability theory. When
a CLT holds, the distributions of suitably normalized averages of random variables
are close to the standard normal distribution in the limit, regardless of the original
distributions of these random variables. This is a very powerful result in applications
because, as far as the approximation of normalized sample averages is concerned, only
the standard normal distribution matters.

There are also different versions of CLT for various types of random variables. The
following CLT applies to i.i.d. random variables.

Lemma 5.35 (Lindeberg-Lévy) Let {zt } be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables

with mean μo and variance σo2 > 0. Then,

T (z̄T − μo ) D
−→ N (0, 1).

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

A sequence of i.i.d. random variables need not obey this CLT if they do not have a finite
variance, e.g., random variables with t(2) distribution. Comparing to Lemma 5.25, one
can immediately see that the Lindeberg-Lévy CLT requires a stronger condition (i.e.,
finite variance) than does Kolmogorov’s SLLN.

Remark: In this example, z̄T converges to μo in probability, and its variance σo2 /T
vanishes when T tends to infinity. To prevent a degenerate distribution in the limit,
it is natural to consider the normalized average T 1/2 (z̄T − μo ), which has a constant
variance σo2 for all T . This explains why the normalizing factor T 1/2 is needed. For
a normalizing factor T a with a < 1/2, the normalized average still converges to zero
because its variance vanishes in the limit. For a normalizing factor T a with a > 1/2, the
normalized average diverges. In both cases, the resulting normalized averages cannot
have a well-behaved, non-degenerate distribution in the limit. Thus, when {zt } obeys a
CLT, z̄T is said to converge to μo at the rate T −1/2 .

Independent random variables may also have the effect of a CLT. Below is a a version
of Liapunov’s CLT for independent (but not necessarily identically distributed) random

Lemma 5.36 Let {zT t } be a triangular array of independent random variables with
mean μT t and variance σT2 t > 0 such that

1 2
σ̄T2 = σ → σo2 > 0.
T t=1 T t

If for some δ > 0, IE |zT t |2+δ are bounded for all t, then

T (z̄T − μ̄T ) D
−→ N (0, 1).

Note that this result requires a stronger condition (bounded (2 + δ) th moment) than
does Markov’s SLLN, Lemma 5.26. Comparing to Lindeberg-Lévy’s CLT, Lemma 5.36
allows mean and variance to vary with t at the expense of a stronger moment condition.

The sufficient conditions for a CLT are similar to but usually stronger than those for
a WLLN. In particular, the random variables that obey a CLT have bounded moment
up to some higher order and are asymptotically independent with dependence vanishing
sufficiently fast. Moreover, every random variable must also be asymptotically negli-
gible, in the sense that no random variable is influential in affecting the partial sums.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

Although we will not specify the regularity conditions explicitly, we note that weakly
stationary AR and MA processes obey a CLT in general. A sequence of weakly depen-
dent and heterogeneously distributed random variables may also obey a CLT, depending
on its moment and dependence structure. The following examples show that a CLT may
not always hold.

Example 5.37 Suppose that {ut } is a sequence of independent random variables with
mean zero, variance σu2 , and bounded (2 + δ) th moment. From Example 5.29, we know
var( Tt=1 tut ) is O(T 3 ), which implies that variance of T −1/2 Tt=1 tut is diverging at
the rate O(T 2 ). On the other hand, observe that
1  t
T (T + 1)(2T + 1) 2 σu2
var u = σ → .
T 1/2 t=1 T t
6T 3 u

It follows from Lemma 5.36 that

3  t
ut −→ N (0, 1).
T σu T

These results show that {(t/T )ut } obeys a CLT, whereas {tut } does not. 2

Example 5.38 Suppose that yt is generated as a random walk:

yt = yt−1 + ut , t = 1, 2, . . . ,

with y0 = 0, where ut are i.i.d. random variables with mean zero and variance σu2 . From
Example 5.31 we have seen that yt have unbounded variances and strong correlations
over time. Hence, they do not obey a CLT. Example 5.32 also suggests that {yt−1 ut }
does not obey a CLT. 2

In many applications, we usually encounter an array of functions of random variables

and would like to know if it obeys a CLT. Let {zT t } denote a triangular array of
functions of random variables. Establishing a CLT may not be too difficult when {zT t }
is determined by sequences of independent random variables, but it is technically more
involved when {zT t } depends on sequences of correlated (or weakly dependent) random
variables. In what follows, the array of square integrable random variables zT t is said
to obey a CLT if

T (z̄T − μ̄T ) D
√ [zT t − IE(zT t )] = −→ N (0, 1), (5.3)
σo T t=1

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

where z̄T = T −1 Tt=1 zT t , μ̄T = IE(z̄T ), and
2 −1/2
σT = var T zT t → σo2 > 0.

Note that this definition requires neither IE(zT t ) nor var(zT t ) to be a constant. If IE(zT t )
is the constant μo , (5.3) would read:

T (z̄T − μo ) D
−→ N (0, 1),
as we usually seen in other textbooks.

Consider an array of square integrable random vectors z T t in Rd . Let z̄ T denote the

average of z T t , μ̄T = IE(z̄ T ), and
ΣT = var √ z T t → Σo ,
T t=1

a positive definite matrix. Using the Cramér-Wold device (Lemma 5.18), {z T t } is said
to obey a multivariate CLT, in the sense that

1  √
Σ−1/2 [z T t − IE(z T t )] = Σ−1/2
o √ o T (z̄ T − μ̄T ) −→ N (0, I d ),
T t=1

if {α z T t } obeys a CLT, for any α ∈ Rd such that α α = 1.

5.8 Functional Central Limit Theorem

In this section, we consider a generalization of the concept of random variables and
discuss the related limit theorem.

5.8.1 Stochastic Processes

Let T be a nonempty set of R and (Ω, F, IP) be the probability space on which the Rd -
valued random variables z t , t ∈ T , are defined. Also let (Rd )T denote the collection of
all Rd -valued functions on T , which is also a product space of copies of Rd . For example,
when d = 1 and T = {1, . . . , k}, a real function on T is just a k-tuple (z1 , . . . , zk ), i.e.,
(R){1,...,k} = Rk ; when d = 1 and T is an interval, (R)T contains all real functions on
that interval. A d-dimensional stochastic process with the index set T is a measurable
mapping z : Ω → (Rd )T such that

z(ω) = {z t (ω), t ∈ T }.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

For each t ∈ T , z t (·) is a Rd -valued random variable; for each ω, z(ω) is a sample path
(realization) of z, which is a Rd -valued function on T . Therefore, a stochastic process
is understood as a collection of random variables or a random function on the index set.
The random sequence encountered in the preceding sections is just a stochastic process
whose index set is the set of integers.

In what follows, for the stochastic process z, we will write z(t, ·) or simply z(t) in
place of z t (·). Thus, z with a subscript (say, z n ) denotes a process in a sequence of
stochastic processes. To signify the index set T , we may also write z as {z(t, ·), t ∈ T }.
The finite-dimensional distributions of {z(t, ·), t ∈ T } is

IP(z t1 ≤ a1 , . . . , z tn ≤ an ) = Ft1 ,...,tn (a1 , . . . , an ),

where {t1 , . . . , tn } is any subset of T and ai ∈ Rd . A stochastic process is said to be

stationary if its finite-dimensional distributions are invariant under index displacement:

Ft1 +s,...,tn +s (a1 , . . . , an ) = Ft1 ,...,tn (a1 , . . . , an ).

A stochastic process is said to be Gaussian if its finite-dimensional distributions are all

(multivariate) normal distributions.

The process {w(t), t ∈ [0, ∞)} is the standard Wiener process (also known as the
standard Brownian motion) if it has continuous sample paths almost surely and satisfies
the following properties.

(i) IP w(0) = 0 = 1.

(ii) For 0 ≤ t0 ≤ t1 ≤ · · · ≤ tk ,

IP w(ti ) − w(ti−1 ) ∈ Bi , i ≤ k = i≤k IP w(ti ) − w(ti−1 ) ∈ Bi ,

where Bi are Borel sets.

(iii) For 0 ≤ s < t, w(t) − w(s) is normally distributed with mean zero and variance
t − s.

By (i), this process must start from the origin with probability one. The second property
requires non-overlapping increments of w being independent. By the property (iii), every
increment of w is normally distributed with variance depending on the time difference;
in particular, w(t) is normally distributed with mean zero and variance t. This implies
that for r ≤ t,
cov w(r), w(t) = IE w(r) w(t) − w(r) + IE w(r)2 = r,

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

where IE[w(r)(w(t) − w(r))] = 0 because of independent increments.

The d-dimensional, standard Wiener process w is the process consisting of d mutu-

ally independent, standard Wiener processes. Thus, w still starts from the origin with
probbability one, has independent increments, and

w(t) − w(s) ∼ N (0, (t − s) I d ).

In view of the preceding paragraph, we have the following results for w.

Lemma 5.39 Let w be the d-dimensional, standard Wiener process.

(i) w(t) ∼ N (0, t I d ).

(ii) cov(w(r), w(t)) = min(r, t) I d .

We also note that, although the sample paths of the Wiener process are a.s. con-
tinuous, they are highly irregular. To see this, define wc (t) = w(c2 t)/c for c > 0. It
can be shown that wc is also a standard Wiener process (Exercise 5.13). Note that
wc (1/c) = w(c)/c, where w(c)/c is the slope of the chord between w(c) and w(0). If
we choose a c large enough such that w(c)/c > 1, then the slope of the chord between
wc (1/c) and wc (0) is
wc (1/c) w(c)/c
= = w(c) > c.
1/c 1/c
This shows that the sample path of wc has a large slope c and hence must experience
a large change on a very small interval (0, 1/c). In fact, it can be shown that almost
all the sample paths of w are nowhere differentiable; see e.g., Billingsley (1979, p. 450).
Intuitively, the difference quotient [w(t + h) − w(t)]/h is distributed as N (0, 1/|h|). As
its variance diverges to infinity when h tends to zero, the difference quotient can not
converge to a finite limit with a positive probability.

We may also construct different processes using the standard Wiener process. In
particular, the process w0 on [0, 1] with w0 (t) = w(t) − tw(1) is known as the Brownian
bridge or the tied down Brownian motion. It is easily seen that w0 (0) = w0 (1) = 0 with
probability one so that the Brownian bridge starts from zero and must return to zero
at t = 1. Moreover, IE[w0 (t)] = 0, and for r < t,

cov w0 (r), w 0 (t) = cov w(r) − rw(1), w(t) − tw(1)

= r(1 − t) I d ;

in particular, var(w 0 (t)) = t(1 − t) I d which reaches the maximum at t = 1/2.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

5.8.2 Weak Convergence

Let S be a metric space and S be the Borel σ-algebra generated by the open sets in S.
If for every bounded, continuous real function f on S we have

f (s) dIPn (s) → f (s) d IP(s),

where {IPn } and IP are probability measures on (S, S), we say that IPn converges weakly
to IP and write IPn ⇒ IP. For the random elements z n and z in S with the distributions
induced by IPn and IP, respectively, we say that {z n } converges in distribution to z, also
denoted as z n −→ z, if IPn ⇒ IP. Note that z n and z here may be random functions.
When z n and z are all Rd -valued random variables, IPn ⇒ IP reduces to the usual notion
of convergence in distribution, as in Section 5.3.3. When z n and z are d-dimensional
stochastic processes, z n −→ z implies that all the finite-dimensional distributions of z n
converge to the corresponding distributions of z. To distinguish between the convergence
in distribution of random variables and that of random functions, we shall, in what
follows, denote the latter as z n ⇒ z.

Let S and S  be two metric spaces with respective Borel σ-algebras S and S  . Also
let g : S → S  be a measurable mapping. Then each probability measure IP on (S, S)
induces a unique probability measure IP∗ on (S  , S  ) via

IP∗ (A ) = IP(g−1 (A )), A ∈ S  .

If g is continuous almost everywhere on S, then for every bounded, continuous f on S  ,

f ◦ g is also bounded and continuous on S. IPn ⇒ IP now implies that

f ◦ g(s) dIPn (s) → f ◦ g(s) d IP(s),

which is equivalent to

f (a) dIPn (a) → f (a) dIP∗ (a).

This proves that IP∗n ⇒ IP∗ . This result is also known as the continuous mapping
theorem; cf. Lemma 5.20.

Lemma 5.40 (Continuous Mapping Theorem) Let g : Rd → R be a function con-

tinuous almost everywhere on Rd , except for at most countably many points. If z n ⇒ z,
then g(z n ) ⇒ g(z).

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

For example, when zn ⇒ z and h(z) = sup0≤t≤1 z(t),

sup zn (t) ⇒ sup z(t),

0≤t≤1 0≤t≤1
and when h(x) = 0 z(t) dt,
1 1
zn (t) dt ⇒ z(t) dt.
0 0

5.8.3 Functional Central Limit Theorem

A sequence of random variables {ζi } is said to obey a functional central limit theorem
(FCLT) if its normalized partial sums zn converge in distribution to the standard Wiener
process w, i.e., zn ⇒ w. The FCLT, also known as the invariance principle, ensures that
the limiting behavior of the normalized partial sums of ζi is governed by the standard
Wiener process, regardless of the original distributions of ζi .

To see how the FCLT works, we consider the i.i.d. sequence {ζi } with mean zero
and variance σ 2 . The partial sum of ζi is sn = ζ1 + · · · + ζn , and it can be normalized

as zn (i/n) = (σ n)−1 si . For t ∈ [(i − 1)/n, i/n), define the constant interpolations of
zn (i/n) as
zn (t) = zn ((i − 1)/n) = √ s[nt] ,
σ n
where [nt] is the the largest integer less than or equal to nt, so that [nt] = i − 1. It
can be seen that the sample paths of zn are right continuous with left-hand limits,
i.e., zn (t+) = zn (t) and zn (t−) = limr↑t zn (r). Such sample paths are also known as
cadlag (an abreviation of the French “continue à droite, limite à gauche”) functions.
The interpolated process zn is thus a random element of D[0, 1], the space of all cadlag
functions. In view of the discussion of Section 5.8.2, we may study the weak convergence
property of {zn }.

We shall only discuss convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions of zn . First

note that, as n tends to infinity, we have from Lindeberg-Lévy’s CLT that
1 [nt] 1/2 1 D √
√ s[nt] =  s[nt] −→ t N (0, 1),
σ n n σ [nt]
which is just N (0, t), the distribution of w(t). That is, zn (t) −→ w(t). For r < t, we
(zn (r), zn (t) − zn (r)) −→ w(r), w(t) − w(r) ,

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

from which we deduce that (zn (r), zn (t)) −→ (w(r), w(t)). Proceeding along the same
line we can show that all the finite-dimensional distributions of zn converge to the
corresponding distributions of the standard Wiener process. Although merely proving
convergence of finite-dimensional distributions is not sufficient for zn ⇒ w, it should
help understanding the intuition of the FCLT. To arrive at zn ⇒ w, it is also required
the probability measures induced by zn being “well behaved;” we omit the details.

In view of the discussion above, we are now ready to state an FCLT for i.i.d. random

Lemma 5.41 (Donsker) Let ζt be i.i.d. random variables with mean μo and variance
σo2 > 0 and zT be the stochastic process with

[T r]
zT (r) = √ (ζt − μo ), r ∈ [0, 1].
σo T t=1

Then, zT ⇒ w as T → ∞.

We observe from Lemma 5.41 that, when r = 1,

T ζ̄T − μo D
zT (1) = −→ N (0, 1),
where ζ̄T = t=1 ζt /T . This is precisely the conclusion of Lemma 5.35 and shows that
Donsker’s FCLT can be viewed as a generalization of Lindeberg-Lévy’s CLT. The FCLT
below applies to independent random variables and is a generalization of Liapunov’s
CLT (Lemma 5.36); see White (2001).

Lemma 5.42 Let ζt be independent random variables with mean μt and variance σt2 > 0
such that

1 2
σ̄T2 = σ → σo2 > 0.
T t=1 t

Also let zT be the stochastic process with

[T r]
zT (r) = √ ζt − μt , r ∈ [0, 1].
σo T t=1

If for some δ > 0, IE |ζt |2+δ are bounded for all t, then zT ⇒ w as T → ∞.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

More generally, let ζt be (possibly dependent and heterogeneously distributed) ran-

dom variables with mean μt and variance σt2 > 0. Define the long-run variance of ζt
σ∗2 = lim var √ ζt ,
T →∞ T t=1
and assume σ∗2 exists and is positive. We say that {ζt } obeys an FCLT if zT ⇒ w as
T → ∞, where zT is the stochastic process with
[T r]
zT (r) = √ ζt − μt , r ∈ [0, 1].
σ∗ T t=1
When ζt are independent random variables, cov(ζt , ζs ) = 0 for all t = s, so that σ∗2 = σo2 .
Then the generic FCLT above leads to the conclusion of Lemma 5.42.
Let ζ t are d-dimensional random variables with mean μt and variance-covariance
matrices Σ2t . Define the long-run variance-covariance matrix of ζ t as
⎡  T  ⎤
1 ⎣ T 
Σ∗ = lim IE (ζ t − μt ) (ζ t − μt ) ⎦ ,
T →∞ T
t=1 t=1

and assume that Σ∗ exists and is positive definite. We say that {ζ t } obeys a (multi-
variate) FCLT if z T ⇒ w as T → ∞, where z T is the d-dimensional stochastic process
[T r]
1 −1/2 
z T (r) = √ Σ∗ ζ t − μt , r ∈ [0, 1],
T t=1

and w is the d-dimensional, standard Wiener process. Although no sufficient conditions

will be provided, we note that a FCLT may hold for weakly dependent and hetero-
geneously distributed data, provided that they satisfy some regularity conditions; see
Davidson (1994) and White (2001) for details.

Example 5.43 Suppose that yt is generated as a random walk:

yt = yt−1 + ut , t = 1, 2, . . . ,

with y0 = 0, where ut are i.i.d. random variables with mean zero and variance σu2 . As
[T r]
{ut } obeys Donsker’s FCLT and y[T r] = t=1 ut is a partial sum of ut , we have
T t/T
y t = σu √ y[T r] dr
T 3/2 t=1 t=1 (t−1)/T T σu
⇒ σu w(r) dr,

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

where the right-hand side is a random variable. This result also verifies that t=1 yt is
OIP (T 3/2 ), as stated in Example 5.31. Similarly,
1  2
y ⇒ σu w(r)2 dr,
T 2 t=1 t 0
T 2
so that t=1 yt is OIP (T 2 ). It is clear that these results remain valid, as long as ut obey
a FCLT (but need not be i.i.d. or independent). 2


5.1 Let C be a collection of subsets of Ω. Show that the intersection of all the σ-
algebras on Ω that contain C is the smallest σ-algebra containing C.

5.2 Let y and z be two independent, integrable random variables. Show that IE(yz) =
IE(y) IE(z).

5.3 Let x and y be two random variables with finite p th moment (p > 1). Prove the
following triangle inequality:

x + yp ≤ xp + yp .

Hint: Write IE |x + y|p = IE(|x + y||x + y|p−1 ) and apply Hölder’s inequality.

5.4 In the probability space (Ω, F, IP) suppose that we know the event B in F has
occurred. Show that the conditional probability IP(·|B) satisfies the axioms for
probability measures.

5.5 Prove the first assertion of Lemma 5.9.

5.6 Prove that for the square integrable random vectors z and y,

var(z) = IE[var(z | y)] + var(IE(z | y)).

5.7 A sequence of square integrable random variables {zn } is said to converge to a

random variable z in L2 (in quadratic mean) if

IE(zn − z)2 → 0.

Prove that L2 convergence implies convergence in probability.

Hint: Apply Chebychev’s inequality.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

5.8 Show that a sequence of square integrable random variables {zn } converges to a
constant c in L2 if and only if IE(zn ) → c and var(zn ) → 0.

5.9 Prove that z T ∼ N (0, I) if, and only if, λ z T ∼ N (0, 1) for all λ λ = 1.

5.10 Prove Lemma 5.23.

5.11 Suppose that IE(zn2 ) = O(cn ), where {cn } is a sequence of positive real numbers.
Show that zn = OIP (cn ).

5.12 Suppose that yt is generated as a Gaussian random walk:

yt = yt−1 + ut , t = 1, 2, . . . ,

with y0 = 0, where ut are i.i.d. normal random variables with mean zero and

variance σu2 . Show that Tt=1 yt2 is OIP (T 2 ).

5.13 Let w be a standard Wierner process and define wc as wc (t) = w(c2 t)/c, where
c > 0. Show that wc is also a standard Wierner process.

5.14 Let w be a standard Wiener process and w0 a Brownian bridge. Suppose that
x(t) = w(t + r) − w(r) for a given r > 0 and y(t) = (1 + t) w0 (t/(1 + t)), t ∈ [0, ∞).
Show that both x and y are standard Wiener processes.


Ash, Robert B. (1972). Real Analysis and Probability, New York, NY: Academic Press.

Bierens, Herman J. (1994). Topics in Advanced Econometrics, New York, NY: Cam-
bridge University Press.

Billingsley, Patrick (1979). Probability and Measure, New York, NY: John Wiley and

Davidson, James (1994). Stochastic Limit Theory, New York, NY: Oxford University

Gallant, A. Ronald (1997). An Introduction to Econometric Theory, Princeton, NJ:

Princeton University Press.

Gallant, A. Ronald and Halbert White (1988). A Unified Theory of Estimation and
Inference for Nonlinear Dynamic Models, Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

White, Halbert (2001). Asymptotic Theory for Econometricians, revised edition, Or-
lando, FL: Academic Press.

c Chung-Ming Kuan, 2004

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