The Securities Contracts
The Securities Contracts
The Securities Contracts
In the instant case of Securities and Exchange Board of India v. M/s. Opee
decision has been brought to the attention of the Securities and Exchange
fraudulently acquired at a price well below the market price before the date
accounts with which these purchases were made were not authentic and
were used for the benefit of a person who financed these false
holders were consistent. These facts hit the truth of the transaction. The
interests of the small investors were damaged, these actions were reserved
specific order that the findings of the full-time member and the SEBI board
member were incorrect. However, both the titular and the SEBI arbitrator's
The Court also concluded that the Securities Contracts (Regulatory Law)
Act, 1956, which governs IPO offers, is a special law that governs the
operation of recognized exchanges and prevents transactions in unwanted
securities. General Provisions of the Contracts Act of 1872 and the Sale of
Goods Act, 1930, in areas specifically dealt with by SCRA.