Shangrila V Developers Trademark Case
Shangrila V Developers Trademark Case
Shangrila V Developers Trademark Case
Republic of the Philippines 31, 1983, the BPTTT issued in favor of DGCI the
SUPREME COURT corresponding certificate of registration
Manila therefor, i.e., Registration No. 31904. Since then, DGCI
started using the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo in its
SECOND DIVISION restaurant business.
G.R. No. 159938 March 31, 2006 On the other hand, the Kuok family owns and operates a
chain of hotels with interest in hotels and hotel-
related transactions since 1969. As far back as 1962, it
SHANGRI-LA INTERNATIONAL HOTEL MANAGEMENT, LTD., adopted the name "Shangri-La" as part of the corporate
SHANGRI-LA PROPERTIES, INC., MAKATI SHANGRI-LA HOTEL & names of all companies organized under the aegis of the
RESORT, INC., AND KUOK PHILIPPINES PROPERTIES, Kuok Group of Companies (the Kuok Group). The Kuok Group
INC., Petitioners, has used the name "Shangri-La" in all Shangri-La hotels
vs. and hotel-related establishments around the world which
DEVELOPERS GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC., Respondent. the Kuok Family owned.
The logo which is shaped like a "S" represents the herein petitioners SLIHM, Shangri-La Properties, Inc.,
uniquely Asean architectural structures as well as keep Makati Shangri-La Hotel & Resort, Inc., and Kuok
to the legendary Shangri-la theme with the mountains on Philippine Properties, Inc., docketed as Civil Case No.
top being reflected on waters below and the connecting Q-91-8476 and eventually raffled to Branch 99 of said
centre [sic] line serving as the horizon. This logo, court. The complaint with prayer for injunctive relief
which is a bold, striking definitive design, embodies and damages alleged that DGCI has, for the last eight
both modernity and sophistication in balance and (8) years, been the prior exclusive user in the
thought. Philippines of the mark and logo in question and the
registered owner thereof for its restaurant and allied
Since 1975 and up to the present, the "Shangri-La" mark services. As DGCI alleged in its complaint, SLIHM, et
and "S" logo have been used consistently and al., in promoting and advertising their hotel and other
continuously by all Shangri-La hotels and companies in allied projects then under construction in the country,
their paraphernalia, such as stationeries, envelopes, had been using a mark and logo confusingly similar, if
business forms, menus, displays and receipts. not identical, with its mark and "S" logo. Accordingly,
DGCI sought to prohibit the petitioners, as defendants a
quo, from using the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo in
The Kuok Group and/or petitioner SLIHM caused the their hotels in the Philippines.
registration of, and in fact registered, the "Shangri-
La" mark and "S" logo in the patent offices in different
countries around the world. In their Answer with Counterclaim, the petitioners
accused DGCI of appropriating and illegally using the
"Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo, adding that the legal
On June 21, 1988, the petitioners filed with the BPTTT a and beneficial ownership thereof pertained to SLIHM and
petition, docketed as Inter Partes Case No. 3145, that the Kuok Group and its related companies had been
praying for the cancellation of the registration of the using this mark and logo since March 1962 for all their
"Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo issued to respondent DGCI corporate names and affairs. In this regard, they point
on the ground that the same were illegally and to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial
fraudulently obtained and appropriated for the latter's Property as affording security and protection to SLIHM's
restaurant business. They also filed in the same office exclusive right to said mark and logo. They further
Inter Partes Case No. 3529, praying for the registration claimed having used, since late 1975, the
of the same mark and logo in their own names. internationally-known and specially-designed "Shangri-
La" mark and "S" logo for all the hotels in their hotel
Until 1987 or 1988, the petitioners did not operate any chain.
establishment in the Philippines, albeit they advertised
their hotels abroad since 1972 in numerous business, Pending trial on the merits of Civil Case No. Q-91-8476,
news, and/or travel magazines widely circulated around the trial court issued a Writ of Preliminary Injunction
the world, all readily available in Philippine magazines enjoining the petitioners from using the subject mark
and newsstands. They, too, maintained reservations and and logo. The preliminary injunction issue ultimately
booking agents in airline companies, hotel reached the Court in G.R. No. 104583 entitled Developers
organizations, tour operators, tour promotion Group of Companies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al. In
organizations, and in other allied fields in the a decision4 dated March 8, 1993, the Court nullified the
Philippines. writ of preliminary injunction issued by the trial court
and directed it to proceed with the main case and decide
It is principally upon the foregoing factual backdrop it with deliberate dispatch.
that respondent DGCI filed a complaint for Infringement
and Damages with the RTC of Quezon City against the
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 3
While trial was in progress, the petitioners filed with 2. He had traveled widely around Asia prior to
the court a motion to suspend proceedings on account of 1982, and admitted knowing the Shangri-La Hotel
the pendency before the BPTTT of Inter Partes Case No. in Hong Kong as early as August 1982.
3145 for the cancellation of DGCI's certificate of
registration. For its part, respondent DGCI filed a 3. The "S-logo" was one of two (2) designs given
similar motion in that case, invoking in this respect to him in December 1982, scribbled on a piece of
the pendency of its infringement case before the trial paper by a jeepney signboard artist with an
court. The parties' respective motions to suspend office somewhere in Balintawak. The unnamed
proceedings also reached the Court via their respective artist supposedly produced the two designs after
petitions in G.R. No. 114802, entitled Developers Group about two or three days from the time he
of Companies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al. and G.R. (Syhunliong) gave the idea of the design he had
No. 111580, entitled Shangri-La International Hotel in mind.
Management LTD., et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al.,
which were accordingly consolidated.
4. On October 15, 1982, or before the unknown
signboard artist supposedly created the "Shangri-
In a consolidated decision5 dated June 21, 2001, the La" and "S" designs, DGCI was incorporated with
Court, limiting itself to the core issue of whether, the primary purpose of "owning or operating, or
despite the petitioners' institution of Inter Partes both, of hotels and restaurants".
Case No. 3145 before the BPTTT, herein respondent DGCI
"can file a subsequent action for infringement with the
regular courts of justice in connection with the same 5. On October 18, 1982, again prior to the
registered mark," ruled in the affirmative, but alleged creation date of the mark and logo, DGCI
nonetheless ordered the BPTTT to suspend further filed an application for trademark registration
proceedings in said inter partes case and to await the of the mark "SHANGRI-LA FINEST CHINESE CUISINE &
final outcome of the main case. S. Logo" with the BPTTT. On said date, respondent
DGCI amended its Articles of Incorporation to
reflect the name of its restaurant, known and
Meanwhile, trial on the merits of the infringement case operating under the style and name of "SHANGRI-LA
proceeded. Presented as DGCI's lone witness was Ramon FINEST CHINESE CUISINE." Respondent DGCI obtained
Syhunliong, President and Chairman of DGCI's Board of Certificate of Registration No. 31904 for the
Directors. Among other things, this witness testified "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo.
Eventually, the trial court, on the postulate that
1. He is a businessman, with interest in lumber, petitioners', more particularly petitioner SLIHM's, use
hotel, hospital, trading and restaurant of the mark and logo in dispute constitutes an
businesses but only the restaurant business bears infringement of DGCI's right thereto, came out with its
the name "Shangri-La" and uses the same and the decision6 on March 8, 1996 rendering judgment for DGCI,
"S-logo" as service marks. The restaurant now as follows:
known as "Shangri-La Finest Chinese Cuisine" was
formerly known as the "Carvajal Restaurant" until
December 1982, when respondent took over said WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of
restaurant business. [respondent DGCI] and against [SLIHM, et al.] -
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 4
a) Upholding the validity of the registration of Therefrom, the petitioners went on appeal to the CA
the service mark "Shangri-la" and "S-Logo" in the whereat their recourse was docketed as CA G.R. SP No.
name of [respondent]; 53351.
b) Declaring [petitioners'] use of said mark and As stated at the threshold hereof, the CA, in its
logo as infringement of [respondent's] right assailed Decision of May 15, 2003,7 affirmed that of the
thereto; lower court with the modification of deleting the award
of attorney's fees. The appellate court predicated its
c) Ordering [petitioners], their representatives, affirmatory action on the strength or interplay of the
agents, licensees, assignees and other persons following premises:
acting under their authority and with their
permission, to permanently cease and desist from 1. Albeit the Kuok Group used the mark and logo
using and/or continuing to use said mark and since 1962, the evidence presented shows that the
logo, or any copy, reproduction or colorable bulk use of the tradename was abroad and not in
imitation the Philippines (until 1987). Since the Kuok
Group does not have proof of actual use in
thereof, in the promotion, advertisement, commerce in the Philippines (in accordance with
rendition of their hotel and allied projects and Section 2 of R.A. No. 166), it cannot claim
services or in any other manner whatsoever; ownership of the mark and logo in accordance with
the holding in Kabushi Kaisha Isetan v. IAC8, as
reiterated in Philip Morris, Inc. v. Court of
d) Ordering [petitioners] to remove said mark and Appeals.9
logo from any premises, objects, materials and
paraphernalia used by them and/or destroy any and
all prints, signs, advertisements or other 2. On the other hand, respondent has a right to
materials bearing said mark and logo in their the mark and logo by virtue of its prior use in
possession and/or under their control; and the Philippines and the issuance of Certificate
of Registration No. 31904.
e) Ordering [petitioners], jointly and severally,
to indemnify [respondent] in the amounts of 3. The use of the mark or logo in commerce
P2,000,000.00 as actual and compensatory damages, through the bookings made by travel agencies is
P500,000.00 as attorney's fee and expenses of unavailing since the Kuok Group did not establish
litigation. any branch or regional office in the Philippines.
As it were, the Kuok Group was not engaged in
commerce in the Philippines inasmuch as the
Let a copy of this Decision be certified to the bookings were made through travel agents not
Director, Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology owned, controlled or managed by the Kuok Group.
Transfer for his information and appropriate action in
accordance with the provisions of Section 25, Republic
Act No. 166 4. While the Paris Convention protects
internationally known marks, R.A. No. 166 still
requires use in commerce in the Philippines.
Costs against [petitioners]. Accordingly, and on the premise that
international agreements, such as Paris
SO ORDERED. [Words in brackets added.] Convention, must yield to a municipal law, the
question on the exclusive right over the mark and
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 5
logo would still depend on actual use in commerce 7. Whether the CA erred in awarding damages in
in the Philippines. favor of respondent despite the absence of any
evidence to support the same, and in failing to
Petitioners then moved for a reconsideration, which award relief in favor of the petitioners; and
motion was denied by the CA in its equally assailed
Resolution of September 15, 2003.10 8. Whether petitioners should be prohibited from
continuing their use of the mark and logo in
As formulated by the petitioners, the issues upon which question.
this case hinges are:
There are two preliminary issues, however, that
1. Whether the CA erred in finding that respondent DGCI calls our attention to, namely:
respondent had the right to file an application
for registration of the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" 1. Whether the certification against forum-
logo although respondent never had any prior shopping submitted on behalf of the petitioners
actual commercial use thereof; is sufficient;
2. Whether the CA erred in finding that 2. Whether the issues posed by petitioners are
respondent's supposed use of the identical purely factual in nature hence improper for
"Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo of the petitioners resolution in the instant petition for review on
was not evident bad faith and can actually ripen certiorari.
into ownership, much less registration;
DGCI claims that the present petition for review should
3. Whether the CA erred in overlooking be dismissed outright for certain procedural defects, to
petitioners' widespread prior use of the wit: an insufficient certification against forum
"Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo in their shopping and raising pure questions of fact. On both
operations; counts, we find the instant petition formally and
substantially sound.
4. Whether the CA erred in refusing to consider
that petitioners are entitled to protection under In its Comment, respondent alleged that the
both R.A. No. 166, the old trademark law, and the certification against forum shopping signed by Atty. Lee
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Benjamin Z. Lerma on behalf and as counsel of the
Property; petitioners was insufficient, and that he was not duly
authorized to execute such document. Respondent further
5. Whether the CA erred in holding that SLIHM did alleged that since petitioner SLIHM is a foreign entity
not have the right to legally own the "Shangri- based in Hong Kong, the Director's Certificate executed
La" mark and "S" logo by virtue of and despite by Mr. Madhu Rama Chandra Rao, embodying the board
their ownership by the Kuok Group; resolution which authorizes Atty. Lerma to act for SLIHM
and execute the certification against forum shopping,
should contain the authentication by a consular officer
6. Whether the CA erred in ruling that of the Philippines in Hong Kong.
petitioners' use of the mark and logo constitutes
actionable infringement;
In National Steel Corporation v. CA,11 the Court has
ruled that the certification on non-forum shopping may
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 6
be signed, for and in behalf of a corporation, by a interpreted to mean that respondent used the subject
specifically authorized lawyer who has personal mark and logo in the country before the petitioners did.
knowledge of the facts required to be disclosed in such It cannot be construed as being a factual finding that
document. The reason for this is that a corporation can there was prior use of the mark and logo before
only exercise its powers through its board of directors registration.
and/or its duly authorized officers and agents. Physical
acts, like the signing of documents, can be performed Secondly, the question raised is not purely factual in
only by natural persons duly authorized for the nature. In the context of this case, it involves
purpose.12 resolving whether a certificate of registration of a
mark, and the presumption of regularity in the
Moreover, Rule 7, Section 5 of the Rules of Court performance of official functions in the issuance
concerning the certification against forum shopping does thereof, are sufficient to establish prior actual use by
not require any consular certification if the petitioner the registrant. It further entails answering the
is a foreign entity. Nonetheless, to banish any question of whether prior actual use is required before
lingering doubt, petitioner SLIHM furnished this Court there may be a valid registration of a mark.
with a consular certification dated October 29, 2003
authenticating the Director's Certificate authorizing Under the provisions of the former trademark law, R.A.
Atty. Lerma to execute the certification against forum No. 166, as amended, which was in effect up to December
shopping, together with petitioners' manifestation of 31, 1997, hence, the law in force at the time of
February 9, 2004. respondent's application for registration of trademark,
the root of ownership of a trademark is actual use in
Respondent also attacks the present petition as one that commerce. Section 2 of said law requires that before a
raises pure questions of fact. It points out that in a trademark can be registered, it must have been actually
petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, used in commerce and service for not less than two
the questions that may properly be inquired into are months in the Philippines prior to the filing of an
strictly circumscribed by the express limitation that application for its registration.
"the petition shall raise only questions of law which
must be distinctly set forth."13 We do not, however, find Registration, without more, does not confer upon the
that the issues involved in this petition consist purely registrant an absolute right to the registered mark. The
of questions of fact. These issues will be dealt with as certificate of registration is merely a prima
we go through the questions raised by the petitioners facie proof that the registrant is the owner of the
one by one. registered mark or trade name. Evidence of prior and
continuous use of the mark or trade name by another can
Petitioners' first argument is that the respondent had overcome the presumptive ownership of the registrant and
no right to file an application for registration of the may very well entitle the former to be declared owner in
"Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo because it did not have an appropriate case.14
prior actual commercial use thereof. To respondent, such
an argument raises a question of fact that was already Among the effects of registration of a mark, as
resolved by the RTC and concurred in by the CA. catalogued by the Court in Lorenzana v. Macagba,15 are:
First off, all that the RTC found was that respondent 1. Registration in the Principal Register gives
was the prior user and registrant of the subject mark rise to a presumption of the validity of the
and logo in the Philippines. Taken in proper context, registration, the registrant's ownership of the
the trial court's finding on "prior use" can only be
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 7
mark, and his right to the exclusive use thereof. regularity in the performance of official functions, is
x x x rebuttable and must give way to evidence to the
2. Registration in the Principal Register
is limited to the actual owner of the trademark Here, respondent's own witness, Ramon Syhunliong,
and proceedings therein pass on the issue of testified that a jeepney signboard artist allegedly
ownership, which may be contested through commissioned to create the mark and logo submitted his
opposition or interference proceedings, or, after designs only in December 1982.21 This was two-and-a-half
registration, in a petition for cancellation. xxx months after the filing of the respondent's trademark
application on October 18, 1982 with the BPTTT. It was
[Emphasis supplied]1avvphil.ñet also only in December 1982 when the respondent's
restaurant was opened for business.22 Respondent cannot
now claim before the Court that the certificate of
Ownership of a mark or trade name may be acquired not registration itself is proof that the two-month prior
necessarily by registration but by adoption and use in use requirement was complied with, what with the fact
trade or commerce. As between actual use of a mark that its very own witness testified otherwise in the
without registration, and registration of the mark trial court. And because at the time (October 18, 1982)
without actual use thereof, the former prevails over the the respondent filed its application for trademark
latter. For a rule widely accepted and firmly registration of the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo,
entrenched, because it has come down through the years, respondent was not using these in the Philippines
is that actual use in commerce or business is a pre- commercially, the registration is void.
requisite to the acquisition of the right of ownership.16
Petitioners also argue that the respondent's use of the
While the present law on trademarks17 has dispensed with "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo was in evident bad faith
the requirement of prior actual use at the time of and cannot therefore ripen into ownership, much less
registration, the law in force at the time of registration. While the respondent is correct in saying
registration must be applied, and thereunder it was held that a finding of bad faith is factual, not
that as a condition precedent to registration of legal,23 hence beyond the scope of a petition for review,
trademark, trade name or service mark, the same must there are, however, noted exceptions thereto. Among
have been in actual use in the Philippines before the these exceptions are:
filing of the application for registration.18 Trademark
is a creation of use and therefore actual use is a pre-
requisite to exclusive ownership and its registration 1. When the inference made is manifestly
with the Philippine Patent Office is a mere mistaken, absurd or impossible;24
administrative confirmation of the existence of such
right.19 2. When there is grave abuse of discretion;25
5. When the facts set forth in the petition as contradictory, but also manifestly mistaken or absurd.
well as in the petitioner's main and reply briefs Furthermore, the "S" logo appears nothing like the "Old
are not disputed by the respondent.28 English" print that the CA makes it out to be, but is
obviously a symbol with oriental or Asian overtones. At
And these are naming but a few of the recognized any rate, it is ludicrous to believe that the parties
exceptions to the rule. would come up with the exact same lettering for the word
"Shangri-La" and the exact same logo to boot. As
correctly observed by the petitioners, to which we are
The CA itself, in its Decision of May 15, 2003, found in full accord:
that the respondent's president and chairman of the
board, Ramon Syhunliong, had been a guest at the
petitioners' hotel before he caused the registration of x x x When a trademark copycat adopts the word portion
the mark and logo, and surmised that he must have copied of another's trademark as his own, there may still be
the idea there: some doubt that the adoption is intentional. But if he
copies not only the word but also the word's exact font
and lettering style and in addition, he copies also the
Did Mr. Ramon Syhunliong, [respondent's] President copy logo portion of the trademark, the slightest doubt
the mark and devise from one of [petitioners'] hotel vanishes. It is then replaced by the certainty that the
(Kowloon Shangri-la) abroad? The mere fact that he was a adoption was deliberate, malicious and in bad faith.31
visitor of [petitioners'] hotel abroad at one time
(September 27, 1982) establishes [petitioners']
allegation that he got the idea there.29 It is truly difficult to understand why, of the millions
of terms and combination of letters and designs
available, the respondent had to choose exactly the same
Yet, in the very next paragraph, despite the preceding mark and logo as that of the petitioners, if there was
admission that the mark and logo must have been copied, no intent to take advantage of the goodwill of
the CA tries to make it appear that the adoption of the petitioners' mark and logo.32
same mark and logo could have been coincidental:
One who has imitated the trademark of another cannot
The word or name "Shangri-la" and the S-logo, are not bring an action for infringement, particularly against
uncommon. The word "Shangri-la" refers to a (a) remote the true owner of the mark, because he would be coming
beautiful imaginary place where life approaches to court with unclean hands.33 Priority is of no avail to
perfection or (b) imaginary mountain land depicted as a the bad faith plaintiff. Good faith is required in order
utopia in the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton. The to ensure that a second user may not merely take
Lost Horizon was a well-read and popular novel written advantage of the goodwill established by the true owner.
in 1976. It is not impossible that the parties, inspired
by the novel, both adopted the mark for their business
to conjure [a] place of beauty and pleasure. This point is further bolstered by the fact that under
either Section 17 of R.A. No. 166, or Section 151 of
R.A. No. 8293, or Article 6bis(3) of the Paris
The S-logo is, likewise, not unusual. The devise looks Convention, no time limit is fixed for the cancellation
like a modified Old English print.30 of marks registered or used in bad faith.34 This is
precisely why petitioners had filed an inter partes case
To jump from a recognition of the fact that the mark and before the BPTTT for the cancellation of respondent's
logo must have been copied to a rationalization for the registration, the proceedings on which were suspended
possibility that both the petitioners and the respondent pending resolution of the instant case.
coincidentally chose the same name and logo is not only
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 9
Respondent DGCI also rebukes the next issue raised by country of which the applicant for registration is a
the petitioners as being purely factual in nature, citizen grants by law substantially similar privileges
namely, whether the CA erred in overlooking petitioners' to citizens of the Philippines, and such fact is
widespread prior use of the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" officially certified, with a certified true copy of the
logo in their operations. The question, however, is not foreign law translated into the English language, by the
whether there had been widespread prior use, which would government of the foreign country to the Government of
have been factual, but whether that prior use entitles the Republic of the Philippines.
the petitioners to use the mark and logo in the
Philippines. This is clearly a question which is legal Section 2-A. Ownership of trademarks, trade names and
in nature. service marks; how acquired. - Anyone who lawfully
produces or deals in merchandise of any kind or who
It has already been established in the two courts below, engages in any lawful business, or who renders any
and admitted by the respondent's president himself, that lawful service in commerce, by actual use thereof in
petitioners had prior widespread use of the mark and manufacture or trade, in business, and in the service
logo abroad: rendered, may appropriate to his exclusive use a
trademark, a trade name, or a servicemark not so
There is, to be sure, an impressive mass of proof that appropriated by another, to distinguish his merchandise,
petitioner SLIHM and its related companies abroad used business or service from the merchandise, business or
the name and logo for one purpose or another x x services of others. The ownership or possession of a
x.35 [Emphasis supplied] trademark, trade name, service mark, heretofore or
hereafter appropriated, as in this section provided,
shall be recognized and protected in the same manner and
In respondent's own words, "[T]he Court of Appeals did to the same extent as are other property rights known to
note petitioners' use of the mark and logo but held that this law. [Emphasis supplied]
such use did not confer to them ownership or exclusive
right to use them in the Philippines."36 To petitioners'
mind, it was error for the CA to rule that their Admittedly, the CA was not amiss in saying that the law
worldwide use of the mark and logo in dispute could not requires the actual use in commerce of the said trade
have conferred upon them any right thereto. Again, this name and "S" logo in the Philippines. Hence, consistent
is a legal question which is well worth delving into. with its finding that the bulk of the petitioners'
evidence shows that the alleged use of the Shangri-La
trade name was done abroad and not in the Philippines,
R.A. No. 166, as amended, under which this case was it is understandable for that court to rule in
heard and decided provides: respondent's favor. Unfortunately, however, what the CA
failed to perceive is that there is a crucial difference
Section 2. What are registrable. - Trademarks, trade between the aforequoted Section 2 and Section 2-A of
names and service marks owned by persons, corporations, R.A. No. 166. For, while Section 2 provides for what
partnerships or associations domiciled in the is registrable, Section 2-A, on the other hand, sets out
Philippines and by persons, corporations, partnerships how ownership is acquired. These are two distinct
or associations domiciled in any foreign country may be concepts.
registered in accordance with the provisions of this
Act: Provided, That said trademarks trade names, or Under Section 2, in order to register a trademark, one
service marks are actually in use in commerce and must be the owner thereof and must have actually used
services not less than two months in the the mark in commerce in the Philippines for 2 months
Philippines before the time the applications for prior to the application for registration. Since
registration are filed: And provided, further, That the
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 10
"ownership" of the trademark is required for the names or titles lawfully adopted and used by natural
registration, Section 2-A of the same law sets out to or juridical persons, unions, and any manufacturing,
define how one goes about acquiring ownership thereof. industrial, commercial, agricultural or other
Under Section 2-A, it is clear that actual use in organizations engaged in trade or commerce.
commerce is also the test of ownership but the provision
went further by saying that the mark must not have been The term "trade mark" includes any word, name, symbol,
so appropriated by another. Additionally, it is emblem, sign or device or any combination thereof
significant to note that Section 2-A does not require adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant to
that the actual use of a trademark must be within the identify his goods and distinguish them from those
Philippines. Hence, under R.A. No. 166, as amended, one manufactured, sold or dealt in by others.
may be an owner of a mark due to actual use thereof but
not yet have the right to register such ownership here
due to failure to use it within the Philippines for two The term "service mark" means a mark used in the sale or
months. advertising of services to identify the services of one
person and distinguish them from the services of others
and includes without limitation the marks, names,
While the petitioners may not have qualified under symbols, titles, designations, slogans, character names,
Section 2 of R.A. No. 166 as a registrant, neither did and distinctive features of radio or other advertising.
respondent DGCI, since the latter also failed to fulfill [Emphasis supplied]
the 2-month actual use requirement. What is worse, DGCI
was not even the owner of the mark. For it to have been
the owner, the mark must not have been already Clearly, from the broad definitions quoted above, the
appropriated (i.e., used) by someone else. At the time petitioners can be considered as having used the
of respondent DGCI's registration of the mark, the same "Shangri-La" name and "S" logo as a tradename and
was already being used by the petitioners, albeit service mark.
abroad, of which DGCI's president was fully aware.
The new Intellectual Property Code (IPC), Republic Act
It is respondent's contention that since the petitioners No. 8293, undoubtedly shows the firm resolve of the
adopted the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo as a mere Philippines to observe and follow the Paris Convention
corporate name or as the name of their hotels, instead by incorporating the relevant portions of the Convention
of using them as a trademark or service mark, then such such that persons who may question a mark (that is,
name and logo are not trademarks. The two concepts of oppose registration, petition for the cancellation
corporate name or business name and trademark or service thereof, sue for unfair competition) include persons
mark, are not mutually exclusive. It is common, indeed whose internationally well-known mark, whether or not
likely, that the name of a corporation or business is registered, is
also a trade name, trademark or service mark. Section 38
of R.A. No. 166 defines the terms as follows: identical with or confusingly similar to or constitutes
a translation of a mark that is sought to be registered
Sec. 38. Words and terms defined and construed - In the or is actually registered.37
construction of this Act, unless the contrary is plainly
apparent from the context - The term "trade name" However, while the Philippines was already a signatory
includes individual names and surnames, firm names, to the Paris Convention, the IPC only took effect on
trade names, devices or words used by manufacturers, January 1, 1988, and in the absence of a retroactivity
industrialists, merchants, agriculturists, and others to clause, R.A. No. 166 still applies.38 Under the
identify their business, vocations or occupations;
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 11
prevailing law and jurisprudence at the time, the CA had operator of the subject mark and logo. Besides, R.A. No.
not erred in ruling that: 166 did not require the party seeking relief to be the
owner of the mark but "any person who believes that he
The Paris Convention mandates that protection should be is or will be damaged by the registration of a mark or
afforded to internationally known marks as signatory to trade name."40
the Paris Convention, without regard as to whether the
foreign corporation is registered, licensed or doing WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The assailed
business in the Philippines. It goes without saying that Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals dated
the same runs afoul to Republic Act No. 166, which May 15, 2003 and September 15, 2003, respectively, and
requires the actual use in commerce in the Philippines the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City
of the subject mark or devise. The apparent conflict dated March 8, 1996 are hereby SET ASIDE. Accordingly,
between the two (2) was settled by the Supreme Court in the complaint for infringement in Civil Case No. Q-91-
this wise - 8476 is ordered DISMISSED.
in most countries, rules of international law are given Penned by Associate Justice Remedios A. Salazar-Fernando, with Associate Justices Delilah Vidallon-Magtolis
enactments (Salonga and Yap, Public International Law, 4 Developers Group of Companies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al, G.R. No. 104583, March 8, 1993, 219 SCRA 715-
Fourth ed., 1974, p. 16)."39 [Emphasis supplied] 5 Developers Group of Companies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 114802 and Shangri-La International
Hotel Management LTD., et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., .G.R. No. 111580, June 21, 2001, 359 SCRA 273-282.
6 Rollo, pp. 114-121.
7 Supra note 1.
8 G.R. No. 75420, November 15, 1991, 203 SCRA 583.
9 G.R. No. 91332, July 16, 1993, 224 SCRA 576.
under the Paris Convention. Nevertheless, with the 12 BA Savings Bank v. Sia, G.R. No. 131214, July 27, 2000, 336 SCRA 484, 485.
13 Section 1, Rule 45, Rules of Court.
double infirmity of lack of two-month prior use, as well 14 Sterling Products International, Inc. v. Farbenfabriken Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, G.R. No. L-19906, April 30,
1969, 27 SCRA 1214; Chung Te v. Ng Kian Giab, G.R. No. L-23791, November 23, 1966, 18 SCRA 747.
as bad faith in the respondent's registration of the 15 G.R. No. 33773, October 22, 1987, 154 SCRA 728-729.
16 Emerald Garments Mfg. Corp. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 100098, December 29, 1995, 251 SCRA 600; Sterling
Products International, Inc. v. Farbenfabriken Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, G.R. No. L-19906, April 30, 1969, 27
mark, it is evident that the petitioners cannot be SCRA 1214.
17 Section 124 of Republic No. Act 8293, The Intellectual Property Code.
guilty of infringement. It would be a great injustice to 18 Heirs of Crisanta Y. Gabrielle-Almoradie v. CA, G.R. No. L-91385, January 4, 1994, 229 SCRA 15.
19 Marvex Commercial v. Petra Hawpia & Co., G.R. No. L-19297, December 22, 1966, 18 SCRA 1178.
adjudge the petitioners guilty of infringing a mark when 20 Unno Commercial Enterprises, Inc. v.General Milling Corporation, G.R. No. L-28554, February 28, 1983, 120 SCRA
Nor can the petitioners' separate personalities from 27 Casica v. Villaseca, 101 Phil. 1205 (1957).
28 Garcia v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-26490, June 30, 1970, 33 SCRA 622; Alsua-Betts v. Court of
their mother corporation be an obstacle in the Appeals, G.R. Nos. L-46430-31, July 30, 1979, 92 SCRA 332.
29 Court of Appeals Decision; Rollo, p. 87; Annex "A" of Petition.
34 American Cyanamid Company v. Director of Patents, G.R. No. L-23954, April 29, 1977, 76 SCRA 568; La Estrella
Distillery v. Director of Patents, 105 Phil. 1213 (1959).
35 Respondent's Comment at p. 21 thereof; Rollo, pp. 150-201, at p. 170.
36 Ibid, p. 21; Rollo, p. 170.
37 Secs. 123(3) and 131.3, Intellectual Property Code, RA No. 9283.
38 Article 4, The Civil Code: "Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided."
39 Philip Morris, et al. v. CA, et al., G.R. No. 91332, 593, July 16, 1993, 224 SCRA 576.
40 Section 17, RA No. 166.